Each man at least once felt at home appliances. The burn can be caused by hot dishes, boiling water, chemical compositions, ferry, iron, long-staying under the sun, open fire. In all these cases, the burn may be easy or complex. With serious burns, pain is present only in the first moments of damage to nerve endings. Oddly enough, but with the strongest burns, a person does not feel such a strong pain, because the nerve endings quickly die away. There can be no speech about home rehabilitation or independent removal of pain. In such a situation, urgent medical care is necessary.

Getting rid of pain at home can only be with light burns when the skin bluses or small slight blisters are formed on it.

First assistance in a burn

Knowledge of first aid for burns is very valuable, because they can come in handy to us at any time when there is no time to find information. If you burned, you need to immediately assess the situation. If the burn is strong, you need to cover the skin with a clean cloth and go to the hospital. In case the burn is not very serious, you need to do as follows.

  1. Place a plot with burned skin into cold water. It is best to keep your hand or leg under running water. Hold you need long - at least 20 minutes to stop the destruction of the skin fabrics.
  2. If an open wound was formed on the burn site, it is necessary to treat it with a disinfectant. It may be mangalling or hydrogen peroxide. Do not apply in Iodine or other alcohol-containing compositions - pain from their use will only increase.
  3. After that, apply a medical cooling agent into the place of burn, which is usually sold in the form of a gel or spray. For example, Bepanten, Ppi-Balsam, Panthenol. They will reassure the burned skin, they will remove pain and swelling. Such ointments are greatly restored to the regeneration of the skin, so that the wound is delayed much faster.
  4. If there are no cooling medical sprays at hand, you can use novocaine or ice ampals. Just pour the contents of the ampoule on the clean slice of the bandage and make a rider.
  5. If the pain does not completely leave you, accept an analgesic, existing on hand. It can be keetonal or analgin.

Knowing these ordinary rules will help you in an emergency to act quickly and confidently.

Is it possible to apply ice upon burn

Among the ways to first-see for burns appear applying to the wound of ice. In fact, this is common, but erroneous action. It is impossible to apply the ice to burn, because damaged skin can get frostbite. The fact is that after the burn, the nerve endings give such strong pain signals that when you apply ice, you will not feel frostbite. Thus, the skin gets a double blow - first burn, then supercooling. You can use ice or snow only if there is no running cold water at hand. In this case, snow or ice must be placed in the package, attach to the wound, but regularly clean the cold and follow the state of the epidermis.

In the piggy bank of folk wisdom there are a lot of useful tools that will help you quickly and efficiently remove pain after the burn.

  1. Potatoes. This is one of the most popular funds from burns, because raw potatoes are in every home. Cut the potato in half and wipe the scene of the burn slice. If the wound is so painful that friction is impossible, you can make a potato grafting. To do this, print the potato on the grater, place the flesh in the gauze bag and attach to the wound. Starch will calm the skin and remove pain.
  2. Toothpaste. This tool can be used if there is no open wound at the burn place. Just apply a paste to burn and the pain will instantly retreat. The fact is that the mint pasta, as it were, burns the nerve endings slightly, bringing long-awaited relief. After drying, the paste can be washed away and apply a new portion of the means.
  3. Goose fat. Predated goose fat was considered one of the best funds from burns. It can be bought in a pharmacy. Apply a little fat to the scene of the burn and after a few minutes the pain will retreat. And so that healing went rather, apply fat to the wound 2-3 times a day.
  4. Dairy products. If the first-aid kit has no means capable of saving you from pain, look into the refrigerator. Oxygen milk, kefir, ryazhenka or yogurt - all these means are able to calm the painful skin and remove pain.
  5. Aloe. Aloe will help to cope with the effects of burn. However, this should be an adult plant, which is at least three years old. Only such aloe has medicinal properties. Cut the plant of the plant and attach the pulp to the wound. You can squeeze the juice of the juice and treat them the skin.
  6. Black tea. If, after receiving the burn, you remembered that the black tea bag was brewed in the morning, immediately attach it to the burn place. But remember that only a cold tea bag can be used to remove pain.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil. There is a lot of disputes about whether it is possible to use oil with burns. Many argue that oil cannot be applied to the burn place, because it creates a thin film on the skin, which prevents healing and wounds. However, not all oils are harmful and useless. As part of sea buckthorn oil, there is a sterine that improves the elasticity of the skin, and also speeds up the process of its regeneration.
  8. Egg white. With serious burns with damage to tissues and blisters, you can use egg protein. It is whipped and applied to the wound. Protein stops pain and contributes to the speedy burn healing.

These simple ways will help you quickly get rid of the strongest burn pain, because there are ingredients for such recipes in every home.

Very often, the burn can be triggered not only by high temperatures, but also aggressive chemical compositions that are used in everyday life. Most often, these are household cleaning products containing truly hellish ingredients in their composition.

So, if a bleach or other aggressive agent hit the skin, the first thing is to wash the chemical composition from the skin. To do this, hold the hand under running water for at least 20 minutes. However, there is an exception. If you burned with an alkali (for example, with an oversight lime), it is impossible to wash the skin under water, otherwise the chemical will penetrate even deeper into the tissue. To protect the epidermis, it is necessary to immediately neutralize the wound with a weak solution of vinegar and lubricate the scene of the burn with some fat or oil. If you burned with acid, you need to handle the wound with alkali, for example, food soda. After that, rinse the wound and lubricate the ointment ointment. After such kinds of burns should be referred to a doctor.

Burn is very unpleasant and painful damage to the skin. You can get rid of pain in the burn, the main thing is to act quickly and correctly. After receiving the burn, follow the state of the epidermis, as well as use medicinal ointments. This will allow you to avoid the appearance of scars on the burn place.

Video: First assistance in burns

With thermal skin damage to everyday life and at workplaces, people face quite often. Carelessness, negligence, scattered leads to burns, the treatment of which depends largely on competent first aid. Therefore, it is important to know what to do after burn with boiling water, so that the injury will heal quickly and did not leave traces on the skin?

Big degree boiling water

A sharp pain occurs at the site of the skin on the skin of boiling water, it appears red, after a few minutes the bubbles are swapping.

Blisters filled with transparent liquid, sad, do not allow us to perform usual movements. After some time they burst, leaving on the skin unpleasant traces.

Depending on the depth of lesion of the skin, the consequences will disappear without a trace or remain on the skin, scars, stains, scars reminding about the unpleasant incident.

Especially dangerous burns with boiling water for children: the children's skin is thin, so the depth of the lesion is more considerable than in an adult.

Defeat first degree It is characterized by a small redness of the upper layer of the skin, non-silver swelling. A few days later, the burn loses intensity and passes at all;

On a row with redness and swelling, burns second degree accompanied by the formation of bubbles that need to protect against infection.

  • For the healing of the burn, a second degree will need about ten days;
  • Not only the epithelium and dermis are affected, but also soft fabrics located deeper.
  • Blisters are formed on the skin, which, bursting, leave the scales, the risk of suppuration.
  • After the burn is healing, scars and scars remain;

The strongest defeat with a debt of hot liquid leads to the development of pain and tissue necrosis.

How to help at home

It is very important in the first minutes not to be confused and organize the right assistance. Before moving directly to therapeutic measures, you need to remember:

  1. Independently treat burns of the first and second degree, with more serious damage to the skin necessarily requires medical care;
  2. Man's palm area is approximately 1% of the skin area of \u200b\u200bthe whole body. If more than 15% of the body is burned - doctors need;
  3. The most dangerous are the burns of heads and face, since the risk of injury to the eye, respiratory tract.

The burns of boiling water are not rare with careless handling of fluids in everyday life, the hands and legs are most often suffering.

Before processing the wound surface, you need to remove the clothes and remove hot water.

1. Cool burn scene

The very first means of help with burning boiling water - cold. If there is an opportunity, the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is placed under a stream of cool water for 15-10 minutes.

It is important to know that ice water will cause supercooling, so you need to control the condition of the victim.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected skin is large or there is no possibility to handle the skin with running water, you can make cold, ice, wrap the burned area with a damp cloth.

Wet compresses change every 4-5 minutes, longer than half an eye cooling the skin is thus not recommended. However, if the pain and burning appear again, you can after a short break, re-provide a hypothermic bandage.

It is necessary to cool burns immediately, no later than two hours after the exposure of boiling water.

2. Sterile bandage

Before the skin appears bubbles, after cooling, the sterile gauze bandage is imposed, dry or humid drying.

The pharmacies sell special overheadless bandages, but if there is no one at hand at the moment of burn, it is applied to the bandage, Olazol, you can treat the wound with antiseptic means like a furaticiline solution or chlorhexidine to prevent infection.

3. Anybhewl

If the pain is strong, it is worth treating the wound of the wound (lidocaine, novocaina) or take tablets inside.

The burned limbs are kept in a highlight to reduce swelling.

Shallow burns are heal independently enough quickly, more serious lesions require medical advice and, in some cases, hospitalization.

Bandages for the treatment of burns

After the primary processing of the burn, the skin is protected from infection with a sterile dressing.

Types of dressings:

  • Gel bandages and napkins have a wound-healing effect, soothing the burning and itching, cooled the burned surface and prevent pathogenic microflora. With shallow burns, the imposed gel bandage will not allow to appear on the skin blisters. It is very important that the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is moistened, and the bandage does not stick to the wound, allowing, at the same time, to paink burns through the material.
  • Outlet bandages are applied to stimulate the formation of granulated tissue. Options for such bandages: with levomecommium, two percent furacilin ointment, dioxicole, Miramistin, Maze Lavendul.
  • Apply for disinfection with weak shallow burns. Salt is a strong antiseptic, such a dressing can be prepared independently. In order not to harm the small blood vessels, the concentration of the salt solution should not be more than 10% (10 g of the cooking salt by 90 g of water). Cotton, linen napkin, bint or gauze are impregnated with a salt solution, slightly pressed and tied up with a wound. In no case cannot be wrapped with a bandage with a film and make a compress, as this will lead to an increase in the skin temperature at the burn place and will aggravate the situation.

A pharmaceutical company Paul Hartmann offers a wide selection of dressing material for the treatment of burns.

  1. The brandlind bandage with the Peruvian balm heals the shallow burns and possesses antiseptic properties. It is contraindicated to people with allergies for substances that are part of the Peruvian Balzam.
  2. The bandage impregnated with a ringer solution has a high adsorbing ability, purifies the wound and absorbed the exudate, ensures the necessary humidification of the skin.

At home, a weak light pink solution of manganese can be used at home for the processing of the wound.

At the stage of recryuration of the epithelium to accelerate the granulation process, drugs contributing to this are used: Bepanten, Solfirel, Decpaantenol. They can be applied to the treatment of shallow burns in children.

Separately, it is necessary to say about cases when a person is burned with boiling water: even with a surface effect on the skin of the boiling liquid, seek medical help to eliminate complications.

People's Treatment of burns with boiling water

How to treat burns if there are no drugs at hand? For healing fabrics, traditional medicine recommends:

  • After 10-12 hours, the burn place is processed, it contributes to rapid skin regeneration, eliminates pain and itching;
  • A strong wound-healing and reducing effect: juice or flesh of fresh leaves are applied to the skin under a sterile bandage;
  • Several times a day, a mixture of raw grained potatoes and honey is applied to the affected area (1 tsp for 1 medium potatoes);
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oak bark brew 0.25 liters of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Nasty wash the affected areas, moistened napkins to apply for several hours under a sterile bandage;
  • Cow pain and remove the inflammation of the cashier from the fresh crushed leopa leaves;
  • The juice and flesh of carrots have an antiseptic and wound healing effect. Potted carrots are applied to the burnt area of \u200b\u200bthe skin under the bandage;
  • Help the grooves from pumpkin juice or superimposed fresh flesh;
  • The dressings are impregnated with lingonberry juice or cannot be applied to open wounds;
  • Under the dressing applied softened cabbage leaves;
  • In order to calm pain and relieve inflammation, fresh bold cottage cheese are applied to the burned area;
  • The sections affected by boiling water are shy with apple slices or apply a grated apple flesh.

What you can not do with burns

First aid measures are not always correct, which leads to aggravation of the situation and the development of complications:

  • It is impossible to lubricate the skin immediately after the burn by oils, fatty milk food (sour cream, prostone). The fatty film prevents the natural cooling of the skin and takes the situation. Creams, oils, sour cream can only be used after the surface is cooled;
  • It is forbidden to tear off the retarded areas of the skin, calcify bubbles and water, because the risk of incurred into the wound infection, cause inflammation and suppuration;
  • The skin on the place of the burn is not labeled with green, iodine, alcohol, so as not to injure it even more;
  • If the bandage sticks to the burn is not to tear it violently. Cork should be crowned with a warm solution of furaticiline, or another antiseptic. In the event that it does not work independently, it is better to contact a medical institution;
  • If burning blood under the bandage, you need to urgently ask for medical help

It is necessary to carefully monitor the sterility of the skin at the scene of the burn, behind all the changes that happened to prevent infection and inflammation.

Deep burns can lead to the formation of scars. However, modern pharmacology offers a large number of drugs that contribute to uniform healing and preventing consequences.

By how serious burns are healing, the doctor should observe, if necessary - in the hospital. The specialist will tell you how many times to change the bandage and which drugs to use for healing. Chalability and amateurness are able to seriously harm health and appearance.

In life, many unforeseen situations may occur, due to which the integrity of the skin is disturbed. Beam's burn can be obtained completely in unexpected situations, for example, the shedding of hot tea, tilting the teapot or a saucepan.

It is especially closely necessary to be with children, because their excessive activity very often leads to irreversible consequences.

To independently determine the degree of depth of the defeat and understand when you need to consult a doctor, and when there is enough home treatment, you need to know the signs of burns of different degrees:

  • 1 degree - the easiest and safest, only the upper layer of the skin is affected, and the presence of lightweight edema is observed;
  • 2 degree - In addition to redness and edema, it is possible to observe the appearance of bubbles with a muddy liquid inside. Such a defeat causes the strongest pain, if the treatment has passed safely, the scars and burns of the burn will not remain;
  • 3 degree - not only the surface of the skin is damaged, but also the deeper part of the parts, the defeat can reach the muscles and significantly damage them. In this case, strong blisters are formed with muddy content inside. It is much more complicated to treat such a defeat because there is a serious risk of infection;
  • 4 degree - The most dangerous and rarely encountered, such an outcome is possible with a long-term effect of boiling water onto skin. For this stage, the complete lack of skin and muscles is characterized, high temperatures can get to the bone, which in turn turns around and charring.

Regarding the location of the localization, the most dangerous is the face, neck, the inner part of the hips and arms. In such cases, complex lesions, requiring hospitalization, are more common. Hand burns (to elbow), feet and backs are moved easier.

What help should be provided in burns of various origin tells the doctor, watch the video:

First aid

To avoid proliferation of the defeat, it is necessary to properly provide first medical care:

  1. To begin with, the burn is free from clothes, because it retains the hot temperature in itself and additionally injures the skin;
  2. Then the affected area is cooled using a cold water stream, a cool compress or a package with ice, tested into the fabric. It is important to remember, it is impossible to affect the burn very low temperatures, it is washes negatively affecting the condition of the skin;
  3. When burning 1 degree, it is necessary to take advantage of special drugs that contribute to healing, usually doctors recommend keeping such funds such as Panthenol, Bepanten, Decpaantenol, etc.;
  4. When he is burning 2 degrees, the affected area is washed and impose a bandage with an antiseptic, if the burn fell on the face, instead of imposing bandages, the skin simply lubricates the skin;
  5. With the appearance of a burn, 3 and 4 degrees cannot be lost and panic and to start calling "ambulance", then the patient give an analgesic agent, is covered with a blanket or plaid and actively sing warm water.

It is worth remembering that strong burns can cause pain shock, which in turn very often becomes the cause of death. Therefore, timely first aid saves not only the appearance of a person, but his life.

What you can not do with a burn boiling water

Very often in stressful situations, people take the wrong decisions based on various arguments that have no soil. To avoid mistakes, you need to study a list of actions that cannot be done in any way when it is burning:

If you avoid rapid acts, then only benefits will be brought to person when providing first aid.

Treatment of burns with medication

Logs 1 degree are treated exclusively at home. The most popular means used for such damage:

The 2 degree burn is considered to be more serious damage and its processing is first carried out in a traumatology point, and then continue at home.

The duty doctor processes the wound, while performing the following actions:

  • anesthetics place of lesion;
  • processes a healthy skin around the burn with an antiseptic;
  • removes dead skin, tissue residues and dirt;
  • the burn bubbles are slightly cut and remove the contents, while the bubble shell is not deleted, because it will protect the wound from microbes, bacteria and infections;
  • imposes a bandage with bactericidal ointment, such as levosulfametacaine or streptomycin.

After all these patient manipulations are sent home, where it will have to change the bandages 1 time every 2 days before the full recovery of the skin.

Folk remedies

For 1 degree, methods of traditional medicine may well be suitable, which can no less effectively mitigate the damaged surface, get rid of pain and promote the speedy regeneration of the skin.

Summies and compresses

All these means are very easy to prepare and are available for each person.

Homemade ointment

If there is no possibility to purchase a pharmacy ointment, it can be cooked independently, besides, many argue that homemade funds are much faster to treat burns:

  1. In one dish, 100 grams of spruce zhvitsa are mixed, 100 grams of bee wax and 100 grams of pork bale. The resulting mixture is adjusted to a boil and tomatin on slow fire for a few minutes, after which it is cooled and impose on the burn as a dressing that you need to change every day;
  2. In the same proportions, the crushed honeysuckle root, sulfur, rosin and pork fat are mixed. The tool is boiled, after which they become cold, as soon as the ointment becomes cold, egg protein and camphor oil add to it. Also used as a dressing or rim.

It is worth remembering how good the means of traditional medicine would not be good, it is possible to use them only at the first stage of the burn, in other situations it is necessary to seek help from specialists.

In which cases do you need a doctor help?

Upon receipt of the burning of 2 degrees, it is necessary to seek help to a traumatologist, which will treat the wound and release the patient home, while treating treatment.

If there are burns 3 and 4 degrees, a person goes to the hospital treatment. First, antisherapy is carried out, then treatment begins. The same applies to 2 degrees if more than 5 percent of the skin is affected.

In some cases, a surgical operation to remove dead tissues and skin transplantation is carried out.

No one is immune from getting a boiling water burn, so you need to be as careful next to hot objects to avoid damage. But if irreversible has already happened, first aid turns out to be the patient, and further treatment is determined due to the degree of burn.

In contact with

The severity of the burn injury depends on the depth of damage, its area, localization, the duration of the impact of the damaging factor. The most dangerous damaging properties has flames and pairs under pressure. In these cases, there may be burges of the upper respiratory tract, eye.

Burns differ in degrees:

Looms 1 degree Called superficial. It is observed redness of the skin, swelling and burning pain in the burn area. These manifestations are held within 3-6 days, then skin peeling begins and pigmentation remains.
2 degree burns Characterized by bubbles (blisters). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn injury, bubbles appear immediately or through time as a result of the fact that the surface layer of the skin is peeling. Bubbles are filled with liquid, with time burst. This whole process is accompanied by severe pain in the burn area, even after the bubble is bursting. If the burn is not infected, the cure takes place for 10-15 days.
Looms of 3 degrees Connected with death (necrosis) of deep layers of skin. After such burns remain a scar.
For lubes 4 degrees necrosis of the skin and deeper fabrics (charring) occurs. Damage can affect subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscles, tendons, bones.

Feature burns 3 and 4 degrees are slow healing.

First assistance in burns

First aid for any burns, first of all, is eliminate the cause - damaging factor. The following actions will be overlay aseptic dressing for infection prevention, warning Shock , transportation to the medical institution. All actions must be carried out with caution, preventing damage to the skin:
. extinguishing of tanned clothes;

The task of a person providing first medical care is overlay dry aseptic dressing With the goal to prevent infection of the burn injury. A sterile bandage or an individual package is used for the dressing. If these funds are not available, it is possible to use a simple cotton fabric, a stroke iron or a moistened with an antiseptic. Antiseptic solutions can serve ethyl alcohol, permanganate potassium, ethanidine lactate (rivocol), vodka.

What you can not do:
1. Toot the burn with hands;
2. Purify blister;
3. rinse the burn injury;
4. Remove sticking clothes;
5. Lubricate burn with oil, fat, vaseline (will lead to infection, it makes it difficult for the primary surgical processing of injury).
With burns 2, 3 and 4 degrees quickly comes shock. The victim must be put, to cover, because With violation of thermoregulation it will be znob. It is necessary to give a sick abundant drink to fill the loss of circulating blood. To remove pains use drugs analgesics (Promedol, Morphine, Obanopon). They advise you to give a sick coffee or tea with wine, a little vodka.
To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe burn, most often use the palm rule:

1 Palm of the victim \u003d 1% of the body ,

the respiratory tract burn is taken equal to the 1st degree burn.

With extensive burns The patient wrapped in a clean sheet, ensure the immobility of the damaged area (immobilization), transported to the medical institution.

Incendiary mixes

From civil defense materials, we know about the incendiary mixtures and substances of the Napalm type used in the armies of Russia and foreign countries (termites, electronics, phosphorus, pyrogel, incendiary fluids).
The burns caused by incendiary mixtures, in contrast to burns caused by other factors, heal slower, after the coarse scars are formed. Often, such burns lead to disability. Compared to other burns, these cause a burn disease with smaller injury sizes.

Termite - Mixtures containing iron oxides and wicked compositions. Almost without flame burns.
It is unacceptable to use a very small amount of water when measuring the termit. This mixture decomposes water to oxygen and hydrogen, forming a thundering gas (explosive mixture).

"Electron" - Alloys containing magnesium-based, as well as a small percentage of aluminum, zinc, manganese and iron.
"Electron" burns a dazzling bright, bluish-white flame at very high temperatures (2500 - 3000 ° C).
Termitic and electronic incendiary bombs are extinguished without any problems. They are falling asleep with sand, drop off the roofs of buildings on the ground with shovels, placed in a barrel with water.

Napalm - a mixture of various varieties of gasoline or kerosene with a thickener (aluminum soap), which is lit at a temperature of 800-1200 ° C, forming many toxic substances. Mostly, during the combustion of Nalalm, carbon monoxide is formed. Red flame burns. If the napalm got on clothes, it needs to quickly drop off. The flame is knocked down by sand, water, pressed against the ground. Under the jet of water, Napalm can sprinkle and increase the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, it is better to immerse the affected part of the body into the water. Napalm burn injuries mainly 3 and 4 degrees.
Dimensions from the burn napalm brown-gray fabrics, the skin around blushes, swells, form blunders with blood fluid. With the defeat of the face, the person does not see anything, eyelids are very echoes. Such burn injuries are accompanied by suppuration, pain from it is stronger, the temperature increases, the pulse is student, in the blood - anemia and leukocytosis. Healing occurs very slowly.

Piegel - a mixture of condensed gasoline with magnesium and asphalt compounds (or resins). Lit like napalmu, but at higher temperatures. As a consequence that Pirogel lipates to clothes, the skin and everything, what he got to stew it hard.

White phosphorus - forms smoke even at room temperature, the air is self-propagated, the yellow flame is lit.
Phosphoric burns have garlic smell, light in the dark, when breast cancer, burn burns. White phosphorus poisonous, it is absorbed into the blood, causing serious disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys. Phosphorus extinguish with water venge, overlapping the wet dressing. Chemically "neutralized" phosphorus with 2% copper sulfate solution, 5% potassium permanganate, 3% hydrogen peroxide in a saturated solution of food soda.

Due to the complexity of the production of incendiary mixtures of type Nalalm in "home" conditions, it is made more simple in the preparation of a mixture, for example, a hammer cocktail, as a kid.

Kakota Move from butyl alcohol, replacing oxygen on arsenic. Capacity with a kontail explodes when you hit a solid surface, a white thick smoke of the deadly poison is highlighted - arsenic. After inhalation, death comes within a few minutes.
Molotov cocktail Prepare from 2/3 gasoline, oil and other combustible liquids (alcohol, kerosene, acetone, etc.) The liquid is poured into the bottle, wick wick, which is ignited. The flame from the Molotov cocktail is impossible to put out water. In the absence of a fire extinguisher, you need to use sand, ride on the ground, use dense natural fabric to overlap the oxygen access to the flame.

Burns for radiation exposure

In the conditions of military operations, burns are often accompanied by mechanical injury, radiation lesions. The region of the burn injury can be infected with radioactive substances, it makes it very complicating and slows down healing.
With a nuclear explosion Light energy is distinguished, causing direct (primary) burns, as well as secondary injuries arising from the fire. Numerous fires occur in the focus of the nuclear explosion. A bright light flash of a nuclear explosion burns eyes (eyelids, cornea and retina), often leads to a temporary or irrevocable loss of vision, turbidity of the cornea.

If the burn area from the nuclear explosion is 10-15% of the body surfacemay occur a burn shock. Initially, a person who received a burn is very excited, then the excitement is replaced by the braking of the central nervous system. Observed nausea and vomiting, the patient torments the thirst, because The volume of circulating blood decreases sharply, which also leads to a decrease in urine allocated. In the injured chills, trembling, symptoms of poisoning due to the release of toxic substances into the blood.
First aid With burns from the nuclear explosion, it is distinguished by the fact that the victim must be put on a gas mask and rather deliver it to a medical institution after all ordinary acts in burns. Here, the situation is complicated by combined injuries - a combination of injuries, burn injuries, contusions with the action of penetrating radiation and radioactive substances.

The main cause of burns is household. A person most often gets such thermal injuries at home, in the country or rest. Boiling water, water vapor, sun, irons and boiling oil - these are the main causes of burns. If the injury is insignificant, skin and muscle tissue is not destroyed, it seems possible to treat burns at home with the help of sweater.

Determine the degree

In order to appoint adequate treatment to themselves, it is necessary to understand what the burn is obtained.

  1. First. The easiest degree in which the skin can only redden. A small bubble filled with liquid may appear.
  2. Second. Noticeable small swelling. Bubbles with liquid appear on mandatory. The appearance of the skin stamp is possible.
  3. Third. Burn deep, touching muscles. Sometimes the defeat comes even to the bone. Bubbles that will also necessarily appear will be burst.
  4. The fourth degree associated with the most serious tissue damage. The skin is harbing in a contact site with a source of heat, electricity or chemical composition.
    At home you can treat only the first, second and unstable third degree. An extensive burn of the third and, especially, the fourth, needs urgent medical events in medical institutions.

First thing to do

If you burned, regardless of how, the first assistance in a burn may consist of applying cashem from grated potatoes (along with the skin). There are practically potatoes in any house, it will help to overcome intensive pain and save from the emergence of wounds. Relief from pain and irritation of the skin will return thoughts in the normal course and will give the opportunity to soberly assess the situation and think about the next steps.

Bipes with boiling water or steam effectively treated with protein chicken eggs. To do this, you need to beat them. At first there will be a stove, but then the pain leaves. Famous "Babushkin" recipe that will calm pain and cool the skin. You just follow pumpkin flesh and attach to a damaged place.

Hands are most often burned. So, with a feed of a finger with boiling water, it is necessary to immediately reduce the effect of hot water. For some time, a scratched finger is placed under a stream of cold water. This will prevent the appearance of blisters.

IMPORTANT: Never apply to the place of burning ice.

Boiling oil

Thermal burn in the kitchen is almost always associated with the cooking process. Therefore, the burn with hot sunflower oil is a common phenomenon, which the doctors are considered heavier than from steam or water. The boiling point of the oil is several times higher than that of the water, as well as its heat transfer. That is why damage is extensive and deeper.

Because of its consistency, the oil does not flow from the skin instantly, like water, having a longer contact with it, which also aggravates the situation. The usual calendula ointment, which should be in every home first aid kit, helps well from injuries of this type.

Remember: if with an oil burn clothes stuck to the skin, you should not tear it immediately.

There is another ointment recipe, which should be aware of a burn being at home. It is quite popular, as it has good healing characteristics. To make it preparation, you need to take 100 grams of butter and mix it with 20 grams of flaxseed, adding 40 grams of ordinary bees wax. Cook on the burner five minutes. The cooled ointment is applied to the damaged area.

Effective with burns and aloe. The plant purified from the peel is crushed or rubbed on a grater, puffs are wasting the bandage and apply to the burned place for two hours.

What to do if I got burned iron?

Burn iron is a common phenomenon that also delivers a lot of trouble. Often, injuries through a hot iron are caused by children who are interested in this household appliance.

Pain when burning iron goes away if handle damaged leather glycerin. Another method is the usual toothpaste mate or propolis. It is applied to the scene of the burn with a thin smooth layer.

You can process burn burns and the following folk remedies:

  • The chicken egg protein is mixed with chopped cabbage sheets 1: 1. Applied to the spot of the burn;
  • 30 grams of nettle colors insist an hour on one liter of boiling water. Film, moisten the infant marry and use as compresses. It is worth noting that nettle has wound-healing properties. Taking two tablespoons of nettle nets, the bay of her glass boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes and drinking a third of a glass of trial three times a day, you can speed up the healing process.
  • Honey compress speeds up wound healing and acts as a local anesthetic.

Sunny burns

On vacation, man often gets sunburn. The top layers of the epidermis suffer the top layers of the epidermis. In case of damage to this type, inflammatory processes may occur. To begin with, it is advisable to take a shower with water with a summer temperature, after which it is smeared with a lotion that contains aloe.

A chamomile is also used, but in no case is it not her alcohol tincture. It is best to make lightweight compresses with a decoction of this plant. In order to avoid swelling, if the limbs are burnt, it is necessary to keep them in a bit raised state.

Classic method used if a person burned down in the sun - Application to the affected areas of kefir or low-fat sour cream. This will reduce inflammation, the pain will calm down, delay moisture in the skin, preventing local dehydration.

What to do with blisters

Treatment of blisters with a burn has its subtleties. If bubbles appeared, it means that there has happened deep skin lesions. Treatment of burns with bubbles at home should be a complex of activities aimed at combating multiple issues:

  • First, it is necessary to prevent infection. Or, if it still happened, eliminate the cause and symptoms of infection.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to contribute to an increase in skin regenerator abilities.
  • Thirdly, the prevention of the occurrence of blisters and scars is carried out.

"Golden" recipe for the fight against post-welcome blisters: An ordinary green is taken or, if there is no, then black tea, peers to completely fine welding, insisted on boiling water. Washing the burn as often as possible.

Mix finely cut jealous stem with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Put the bandage or gauze on the burned skin area, then lubricate the mixture.
For rapid cooling, which will slow down or even eliminate the appearance of blisters, apply a regular cabbage sheet. The prescription is simple and suitable if nothing else is at hand.
Well accelerates the regeneration of the leather blade from lily leaves.