Any holiday that you organize at home is a joyful event, if it were not for the fuss, spending and the whole day at the stove, right? No, it's not true!

What's the point of inviting guests and having a feast if the result is that you will only get tired and remember the saying about the wedding horse, whose head is in flowers and his butt is in soap? Dressed people come to you, drink and eat with pleasure, joke and tell jokes, and all that remains for you is to rush between the kitchen and living room, shout at the children, and it’s good if you managed to comb your hair before the party starts. How to avoid all this?
One of possible options- team up with a friend. You prepare the holiday together, divide between you the dishes that need to be prepared, and, accordingly, all the expenses. And if you do everything yourself, do not forget that this is your holiday. Prepare the dishes that you like, without trying to please all the guests without exception. Turn on your favorite music and plan a cultural program that will bring you pleasure. And you shouldn’t make superhuman efforts to amaze the guests with the number of dishes or table setting. Think about what holidays you most enjoy remembering? Of course, not those where you ate to your heart's content, but those where you had fun, where the hostess did not argue with her husband, did not spank the children and did not act as if she was doing a favor to everyone present. Keep it simple: offer guests a salad, a simple appetizer, main course and dessert, prepare drinks, provide background music and a couple of fun activities. That's all you need for a good holiday.

The mother-in-law will complain about her health right at the table, not skimping on physiological details. Mom will stuff you with pies and fried chicken and will be offended to death if you refuse the third helping of dessert. Cousins They will torment you with advice on how to raise children, and your grandmother will tell you for the hundredth time how she met your grandfather. Just think about all this, and you will want to hide at home and not go anywhere until the holidays are over. How to survive all this?
Take the family celebration for granted. Don't expect that mom will change, that the kids won't misbehave, and that the whole evening will turn out to be like a Hollywood idyll. This will not happen, give up vain expectations. And instead of coming to the holiday, wanting to receive positive emotions for yourself, try to do something nice for others. Don’t try to prove anything to them: grandmothers cannot explain why you allow your child to run around the apartment and eat French fries with his hands. Do not demand all-consuming love and approval of your actions, do not judge your relatives. They are who they are and will not be different. Smile to yourself at their oddities and rise above it. Observe the situation from a distance and do not take it to heart. And a smile and a few kind words(and you can say these words if you don’t beat yourself up in advance) work wonders. Even with your impossible relatives.

Make yourself a list of those to whom you really want (or need) to give a gift. We can safely cross out everyone else (is it worth congratulating your mother-in-law’s cousin on the New Year?). Cousin the mother-in-law, of course, should be congratulated - call him on the phone and wish him all the best. But what if you are invited to a party where there will be many not very close acquaintances? Instead of stocking up on stupid Christmas tree decorations and calendars, bake a New Year’s cake for the celebration - very large and very tasty, one for everyone.
Firstly, being dressed up and dressed to the nines are completely different things. You should strive for the first rather than the second. You can get by with what you already have in your wardrobe. If you have a small black dress- it's a win-win option. If you choose accessories for it – bracelets, beads, then you can always look like you’re wearing something new. If you prefer pants, pair them with a silk top.

Yes, this may be so if you set yourself the impossible task of creating the most amazing packaging. But everything could be completely different. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the available tools and materials. Very useful thing– tape on a massive office holder. Instead of cutting off the duct tape with scissors, this will allow you to tear off a piece of tape with one hand while you can hold the edges of the wrapping paper with the other. In addition, you will need sharp scissors that will help you cut paper and cardboard evenly, as well as a good stapler that is convenient for fastening wrapping paper and decorations. Don’t try to create overly complex compositions; choose only two colors for packaging. For example, green wrapping paper and wide red ribbons that tie up packages look great. And the easiest option is to buy identical monochromatic bags from thick paper, remove the handles from them (which are usually made from strings) and replace them with bright holiday ribbons. If you have time and desire, the bags themselves can be decorated with appliqués.

First, talk to your child about what he wants most. If children are over 10 years old, you can directly tell them that getting a computer, a TV set-top box, and a snowboard will not work, which means you need to choose the main thing, and the rest will appear as soon as possible. It's easier with kids. The most exciting moment for little ones is unwrapping gifts. You can buy one main gift (for example, a doll) and pack it in a large box. And wrap the doll’s shoes, spare dress and other nice additions separately in small packages - the more there are, the merrier.
If you don't usually allow your child to eat chocolates, buy two or three chocolates and wrap each one separately too. And there is another gift that will cost you nothing, but will amuse the children. Surely the child has his own responsibilities - he makes his own bed, washes his own plate or cleans his room. Hand your child a large, brightly colored piece of paper with something like this written on it: “ Gift certificate allows Katya not to make her bed or take out the trash for one day.”

As a rule, on holidays we ourselves, women, are more nervous. It seems to us that we need to embrace the immensity, and we rush around, grabbing first one thing and then another, exhausting both ourselves and everyone around us. Reconsider your plans and focus on the pleasant, we decisively cross out everything unpleasant or too tiring! There is no point in scrubbing your apartment all day until it shines on December 31st. The floor will still get dirty, but disappointment and resentment towards yourself and your loved ones will remain. If your worries seem to snowball, pour yourself a glass of wine and open the good book, turn on your favorite music. Sit like this for a couple of hours. Let the children fight at this time, and the husband cook holiday sausages with New Year's pasta in the kitchen. You are busy. It's your holiday.
You can, but it's best to do it in advance. If you cannot or do not want to go to visit someone, refuse immediately, citing the fact that you have already been invited on that day. On the day of the celebration, you can call the owners and congratulate them, and later give them a gift. In this case, they will definitely not be offended at you. If you have to refuse at the last minute, apologize and explain the reason. Problems of elderly parents and childhood illnesses are reasons that everyone understands.
Family comedies on TV, in magazines - tips on how to celebrate the New Year together. It seems that everyone around is in love and happy and only you are alone. What should I do? Put the bad parts of not having a partner out of your head and focus on the good things about being free. You can wander all night from holiday to holiday, meet an attractive stranger and behave frivolously - and all this without remorse or scenes of jealousy the next morning.

...In anticipation of something good and bright, bright and magical, something that we received in childhood, and now we give it to our children - the mysterious expectation of New Year's Eve.

You can already feel the approach of the holiday, they sparkle with gold and silver New Year's toys, the lights of Christmas garlands cheerfully wink at us with a mysterious sparkle, and the aromas of tangerines and Christmas tree needles, seasoned with light morning frost, are in the air...

IN New Year Each of us expects something unusual, wonderful, magical. And every person strives to celebrate the New Year in an original way, so that unforgettable moments of a fabulous night remain in their memory.

Start preparing to organize the main winter holiday right now, because the most wonderful thing about the holiday is its anticipation. Well, in families with children, preparation for the New Year takes place in a special way. Children expect a miracle from New Year's Eve, fairy tale, gifts from Santa Claus and a lot of joy.

What does New Year mean for a baby? First of all, the magic that surrounds this snow-white holiday and, of course, the exciting preparation for the New Year, starting from the creation New Year's crafts with your own hands, finishing with decorating the green beauty, which was ordered in advance through the website of a company that delivers live Christmas trees directly to your home.

Away with boring New Year's parties for kids! Let's make the holiday the way we like. We’ll use a holiday anticipation calendar, decorate a winter corner in an unusual way, write a letter to Santa Claus, etc.

Many families have been preparing for the New Year almost since November. After all, the anticipation of a holiday is sometimes much more pleasant than the celebration itself.

Together with your children, it is quite possible to make a Christmas anticipation calendar. You need to make a number of windows in it that equal the days remaining until the holiday. Children, opening such windows every day, see fairy tale characters, and they give them at least small gifts. This is done simply: put candies, mini-books, stickers, animal figurines in the window in advance, Christmas decorations, jewelry, beads. Agree, a very original decision related to the anticipation of the New Year.

The second stage of our fairy-tale action will be the design of a fairy-tale corner. Having allocated a place, we will install Christmas tree decorations there, seat animals, beautifully arrange decorated pine cones, all kinds of ribbons, beads, shells, and make a small one from cardboard. fairy house. It turned out great winter composition for the New Year and Christmas!

Let's sit our main Christmas heroine, Squirrel, on the window. Let the children make a basket for her themselves, and then rush to the red-tailed one every morning. After all, overnight the basket is magically filled with fabulous surprises!

You and your children can write, as is customary on New Year’s Eve, a letter to Santa Claus. Tell about all the good things that you have done for others this year, what the guys have learned and what you would like to receive as a gift for the holiday. The answer must come! You will be incredibly happy to receive it written beautiful handwriting on colorful paper and in a fabulous envelope. Santa Claus can praise children and say that all their good deeds will definitely be included in the Book of Good Deeds. In a tactful manner, the child is pointed out what needs to be corrected in himself and what he needs to learn. Even more people listen to such advice than parental advice!

But the most important thing during the pre-holiday period is to create the right atmosphere so that the air is filled with love and the feeling of an upcoming Miracle!

May love and joy reign in your family in the New Year, may your children be healthy and happy, and may your cherished desires will come true!

Happy holiday, friends, happy New Year!

New Year is a special holiday!! For someone he is the first, ...and for someone the last one... And we always look forward to it! Perhaps the only holiday with the feeling that a miracle is close. You seem to be no longer a child, but you are waiting, waiting for this miracle, as if there is nothing more to wait for.
New Year and New Life are ahead. Someone will get married, start a family, give birth to a child. Someone build a house, buy a car or go on a long-awaited vacation. A someone will do what he has dreamed of for many years. Every new year is a year of change.
Bad - good.. Doesn't matter!! This is everyone's story. Individual. Everything that happened before remains in the last century. In the new century, many surprises, events and surprises await us. In anticipation of the turmoil, holiday chaos and anticipation of the holiday, you need to believe only in the good. I would like to believe that dreams come true, that New Year's Eve will be magical, and the flickering lights on the tree will give you an enchanting mood. The mood of a real fairy tale. There are people who never make wishes for the New Year. Leave doubts and stupid prejudices behind. The most important thing in life is to be close to the person you love. And with this, friends, you should hurry up. After all, time is such a thing... Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Will we be able to do tomorrow what we can do now? Will it be too late... We cannot put off love... We must love each other, cherish and appreciate every day we live together.
Some people associate the New Year with champagne, tangerines and Olivier, while others someone with snow, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But absolutely everyone, without exception, loves and looks forward to this holiday!! They love gifts, decorated Christmas trees and many New Year's attributes.
The topic of gifts is especially exciting these days. Since childhood, we have been waiting for Santa Claus and, as adults, we look for shiny boxes with ribbons under the tree. There are many different opinions on this matter. And sometimes, on the eve of a holiday, a gift becomes your headache. It would be nice, like in childhood, to write a letter to Santa Claus with a list of everything you want, hang it on the refrigerator... and let all the Santa Clauses of the world read and choose for themselves. Then it would be easier for everyone. Well,...Santa Claus first of all!! And if not, then you have to use your imagination. And it doesn’t matter at all what it will be. The main thing is from the heart and with love.
Just recently, one person explained to me that a New Year's gift should not be material. It turns out that there are still people who would like to receive as a gift, something, something made with your own hands, for example, a drawing, knitted scarf or performing a dance or song. It all depends on the individual, and not on the financial situation. After all main idea this gift - so that it is made with love, with thoughts about who it is intended for, and not bought in a store. Don't know. I have never been given such gifts. This may be correct, but very rarely is it actually done. You need to give love, attention, care every day... just like that, for no reason. These are feelings. But you can't buy them. Maybe this is the miracle that everyone is waiting for. Maybe THIS is exactly what they wish for when the chimes strike, maybe it’s precisely the feelings that absolutely all people on earth at any age, any status, any part of the world lack...
Now I know exactly what I would give to all the people on earth... if I could! That would be a real miracle... It will definitely come, you just have to wait for it. Like snow on New Years!! We are always waiting for him...
Every winter day you walk home from work, looking around at the bright shop windows, people rushing past, cars passing by. It gets cold and you put your hands in your pockets. It's snowing!!! You love snow, you love catching snowflakes in your palm, holding them up to the light and admiring them, you love the shimmer of snow when it reflects the light of the sun with thousands of sparkles. Snow is also alive. He is joyful, and his coldness is not at all because his soul is cold, no, he just flew to you from there, from above, while still being water, he himself very, very he froze while he was flying, that’s why he feels so good in your palms, his soul is filled with your warmth, and he melts and melts...

New Year is perhaps the most wonderful holiday, which not only children, but also adults are looking forward to. This is a time of gifts, fulfillment of wishes and real magic. On holidays, children write letters to Santa Claus, and parents run around the shops in search of treasured gifts for their children. Traditionally, the holiday begins to be celebrated on the evening of December 31st; before celebrating it, you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many jokes about the fact that the holiday begins on December 31st and ends at least on January 7th. Of course, for New Year holidays There is so much to do: meet all your friends and visit all your relatives. This magical holiday everyone deserves warmth and attention.

Statuses for the New Year 2019

In 2019, I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens the child in me... Like waking up in the morning as a child, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

Let in New Year's Eve Happiness will knock on your door... And God grant that you find yourself at home at this moment!

The tangerines are in use, which means the New Year is coming!

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching... New Year's days... Days of fulfillment of desires, belief in miracles and fairy tales!

New Year is coming! Let all of you... have someone nearby who will peel your tangerines... And someone who will steal these tangerines from both of you...

My status went into the forest, probably behind the tree.

Funny and cool quotes

I want a man... small, plump, with gifts... Santa Claus, I’m waiting!

We'll soon be on the Internet, we won't be celebrating the New Year, but updating it.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator on New Year's Eve - they resemble the letter Z to drunk guests.

Only here on New Year’s Day the President’s congratulations are broadcast on all channels, but they watch it only on the first one.

The New Year holiday is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Grandfather Frost, I would like... Gazprom shares - so that I don’t bother you anymore.

If a fat guy comes up at night and puts you in a bag... don’t freak out! Someone just asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year;)

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under my Christmas tree... 180 cm tall, please.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the sofa and goes nuts!

Prepared thoroughly for the New Year! I even moved the scales back 5 kg...

December is approaching the middle, it's time to decide what to dress up for the night from December 31 to January 9.

— How did you spend the New Year?
- I don’t know, they haven’t told us yet...

Statuses with meaning

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

I’m getting ready for the New Year, it seems my liver is suspecting something.

Dear Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard, I don’t need gifts! Increase your salary!

New Year is a time when you are more glad to receive a call at 3 am than to receive a call at 10 am.

The New Year is a good reason to leave some people in the old ways.

Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.

Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, if this doesn’t suit anyone, there is also a vacancy for a deer.

Beautiful statuses about the New Year

The New Year gives us a great chance to change our lives for the better. This is a reason to abandon the usual, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and begin to build your destiny according to your own, exclusive project.

At the strike of the clock, at twelve sharp,
The world will change around.
It's like we're in a fairy tale,
Let's suddenly plunge back into childhood...

They say that on New Year’s Eve everything always comes true, even things that can’t come true the whole year!

Dear Grandfather Frost!!! I want to make an application! Put just five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends: fill the first with health, the second with luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And I also beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thank you, Grandfather Frost. I'll be looking forward to it...

As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want cannot be bought with money.

There are many aphorisms about the New Year. Some of them are humorous and amusing, while others inspire philosophical reflection and encourage change. Choose the expressions you like for your statuses, give Christmas mood for yourself and those around you!

Hooray!!! New Year is coming! Favorite holiday for children and adults. Although perhaps not everyone agrees, there is, of course, “exclusive”, but this is not about them, but about you and me.

We all begin to feel the approach of something new, magical and fabulous at the end of November, because it is at this time that New Year's goods appear in stores: toys, garlands, souvenirs, candles, gifts New Year theme. And so it begins - the anticipation of the New Year, the pre-holiday bustle! The kids are preparing wishes for Santa Claus, and we adults are not far behind them.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a child or an adult, we all have dreams, desires and hopes that we want to come true in the New Year! And even adults’ desires are sometimes so sweet and touching that they are in no way inferior to children’s!

And sometimes the desires of adults are even in many ways similar to children’s! Take, for example, a boy’s letter to Santa Claus, the kid writes: “Dear Grandfather Frost, yesterday I saw such a wonderful car in the store: a Volkswagen, black, I beg you to give me the same for the New Year!” And a grown man's dream of a good car. There are many similarities in desires.

And, by the way, not only adults, but also children set certain goals to get what they want. In a child, this is good behavior, for which he will receive what he asked from Santa Claus. An adult, of course, has his own goals, not so easy, but still all efforts are aimed at achieving his dreams. But while both we and the children are making every effort to receive the desired gift for the New Year, a lot of pleasant events are happening! When the countdown begins cherished holiday, which has not been as noticeable during the previous eleven months, we are all starting to prepare for the magic. After all, there’s no other way to call this New Year’s chaos.

Everything around begins to shine, shine, shimmer with multi-colored colors! The snow outside shines “golden” on a sunny day, moonlit blue on a starry night. Toys and garlands in stores sparkle. Their shine is so alluring that we can’t resist buying new jewelry. From year to year we replenish our collections with new beautiful items.

It is in anticipation of New Year's miracles that the creative personalities awaken in many people. As if by magic magic wand We begin to think that in addition to purchased beauty, we should also make something beautiful ourselves. And it’s not surprising that the closer the holiday gets, the more beautiful everything around becomes, including our homes.

The closer the New Year gets, the more we become like children. Everything is filled with inexplicable inner joy, we begin to believe in miracles and in the power of the magic of the New Year. And it’s not surprising, because it is on the New Year that each of us has an internal incentive and a chance to change something in life. New hopes appear and goals are set.

It is also very important that there is liberation from the past, from what a person wanted to get rid of, and it is by entering the new year that he is able to leave the past in the past year, and in the new year take on baggage entirely consisting of positive things. So let's prepare well for the coming New Year! Let's prepare not only our home for the holiday, but also our inner spiritual world! Good luck and all the best in the New Year!