What do you associate it with? Perhaps most people, when they hear the word “purple,” imagine something solemn and majestic, associated with a festive or sacred ceremony at the highest level. Indeed, purple was once the privilege of monarchs and high clergy. What does it mean nowadays? What color is purple? What is an example of this color? How to use purple in web page design? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

What color is purple?

Typically, the word “purple” conjures up some shade of violet or red. This color is absent in the spectrum and is obtained by mixing red paint and blue (or violet). According to the Russian linguistic tradition, this color was called “crimson” and was considered one of the varieties of red. It was also sometimes called “the color of gore.”

If compared with English, then the closest-sounding word “purple” most often means the color violet and its various shades, sometimes close to crimson and even pink. In other words, the English word "purple" means a mixture of red and blue colors, in which red predominates.

Varieties of purple

A lesser-known word for the color purple is magenta. It is also a transitional color between blue and red, where there is much more of the latter. There are light and dark variations of magenta color. The purple-red color is also called amaranth or fuchsia. All of the names listed are varieties of purple.

You can see what the color purple looks like in the illustrations.

In history and legends

In Russian it was customary to call this color crimson. This is also where the concept of “purple-born” came from, which in past centuries was used to refer to the children of the Byzantine emperor who were born for the throne. Traditionally, this color was associated with royalty, and the source of this tradition goes back to Ancient Rome. It was there that court dyers obtained the color purple, which they then dyed the fabric for the robes of the ancient Roman emperors.

However, the birthplace of purple is not Ancient Rome, but another civilization, even more distant in time. Phenicia is a highly developed and influential country, once located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The name of this ancient state, translated from Greek, precisely meant “land of purple.”

According to Phoenician legend, the god Melqart, the patron saint of navigation, once walked along the coast with the charming nymph Tire. And there was a dog with them, which played with the shell and chewed it, causing the animal’s face to turn a bright purple color. Nymph Tyr really liked this unusual red-violet paint. “I want a dress of the same color!” - she exclaimed. And then Melqart collected all the shells, fulfilling his beloved’s wish. This is how purple appeared, according to legend. And in honor of the nymph, one of the most important Phoenician cities was named, where especially high-quality and expensive purple fabrics were produced. Therefore, we can say that purple is not only a very ancient, but also a legendary color.

Ancient craftsmen extracted this paint from mollusk shells different types: purpura (which gives the color its name) and murex (purple). Mixing dyes gave the purple color. The substance extracted from the shells was so rare that to obtain just 100 grams it was necessary to process 20 thousand murex shells. Naturally, in such conditions the dye cost incredible amounts of money. In modern currency, the cost of 1 kilogram of purple-dyed wool was $9,000.

sacred purple

Only the richest and most noble people could afford to use the color purple! What an expensive delight this was, just imagine! Roman rulers (for example, Nero) even issued decrees according to which no one except the emperor himself could wear purple clothes.

The decline and fall of the Roman Empire led to a decline in the production of purple dyes from shellfish. The expensive method was replaced by a cheaper one: based on extracts of individual plants, and then dried insects (kermes). By that time, kings and high clergy began to wear purple robes. The imperial purple was replaced by royal and cardinal purple.

The glory of purple as the color of the elite was finally buried after 1856, when the English chemist William Perkin synthesized the artificial dye mauvais, which gives this color. Soon after the discovery, industrial production of an inexpensive and accessible purple dye began.

Purple in website creation

Do you love the color purple and want to use it in your web page design? This is not difficult to do, you just need a table of color codes. Each of them has its own digital value. You can find an example of the color you like, then copy the code and install it, after placing a “hash” in front.

For example, let's say you're looking for the color purple. What code is this? Look at the table, find the shade that best suits your site and insert the numbers along with the hash sign into the web page code. For example, #f00ff. If you need other colors, the table can be easily found on specialized portals.

Purple World

This color, combining opposite colors - blue and red, thereby symbolizes the unification of all opposite principles and elements, as well as spiritual rebirth and enlightenment.

Purple has long been no longer the privilege of emperors, but is still suitable for special occasions and holidays. Purple goes well with silver and gold, as well as pink, red, blue and plum. And with yellow and white it creates a beautiful contrast. Makeup in purple tones will become the basis for the attractive image of a confident and even powerful woman, a real queen.

Purple is very typical for an oriental interior. Carpets, bedspreads and pillows of this color will look good as bedroom decoration.

If you love the color purple, remember not to have too much of it - in large quantities it has a depressing effect on a person and causes depression. When choosing clothes and makeup, as well as in interior and website design, it is better to dilute purple

Today, in addition to the usual ones, you can hear such intricate names of colors as “powdery”, “marsala”, “graphite”, “mint” or “purple”. As for the last shade, it is currently particularly popular. What color is purple? Let's try to figure out how to “recognize” it and use it correctly in clothing and interior design.

What color is this?

A lesser known word for this shade is "magenta". When it is pronounced, pictures of the most unusual and at the same time noble tones immediately appear in the imagination. And it’s not at all accidental. Photos on the Internet show quite clearly what the color purple looks like - it is a transitional shade between deep blue and passionate red.

Since purple was “born” by mixing the usual red and dark blue colors, it has many shades - from pinkish to rich purple. Darker tones represent true purple. Compared to other shades of this spectrum, it has always stood out as noble, and at all times it has been endowed with special meaning.


Shades of magenta have always been associated with wealth, exclusivity and royalty - this is what determines their widespread use in heraldry. In order to emphasize belonging to a noble family, many emperors and generals used purple in their robes, which deeply conveyed the strength of their power and purity of spirit.

However, such popularity among crowned heads was due not only to the beauty of the color. In the ancient times of the Roman Empire, purple dye was very rare and could be obtained with great difficulty. It is known that to produce just 60 g of color, up to 10 thousand needle shellfish had to be processed. Fabric dyed this way natural dye, was valued incredibly highly, and only the most important people states. In addition, only the emperor himself could even write with purple ink.


Since ancient times, it has been believed that this rich color combines the spiritual and the earthly, personifying a combination of masculine and feminine principles. Surprisingly, being a dark color, purple is divided into many pink tones, as if embodying the transition from worldly passion to the acceptance of higher wisdom.

It would seem that if you take the color purple and violet, what is the difference? But noble purple is far from an ordinary shade. Combining two color extremes - blue and red, it seems to personify a certain balance. According to most psychologists, purple seems to represent the point at which duality and awareness, passion and wisdom are balanced. After all, from the history of color it is known that it once had a meaning completely opposite to the designation of monarchical status. During the existence of Babylon, purple was often used in the clothes of harlots, as well as soldiers who entered into unconventional intimate relationships.

Today, the color purple carries the following meaning:

  • passion and excitement due to the presence of a red tint;
  • the calm and nobility of blue;

How can one color combine such contrasting qualities? This is precisely the unusualness of purple: causing such mixed feelings, it seems to stabilize them, filling the spirit with vigor and a desire to conquer new heights.

No matter how the meaning of tone has transformed in our time, even today it remains the color of celebration. Clothes of this shade are most often worn by people who want to make an unforgettable impression and emphasize their independence and self-confidence.

It is believed that by wearing purple, a person acquires such qualities as:

  • bravery;
  • nobility;
  • determination;
  • courage;
  • performance.

That is why people who prefer such shades are not afraid of risks, know exactly their goals and are distinguished by audacity that is not typical for others.

Combination with other colors

Currently, various shades of magenta are used everywhere: in clothing, decorative cosmetics, in the interior. However, before choosing this unusual tone, it is important to know what color purple goes with.

According to colorists, it is best to combine it:

  • with gold or yellow. It is believed that such a combination in clothing and in the interior always turns the course of events in favor of its owner;

  • with bright green. The ideal solution for creating a fresh look;

  • with plum color. In a combination based on the contrast of light and saturation, both shades give the impression of particular depth;

  • with milk This tone always adds grace and elegance to purple, slightly muting its authority;

  • with yellow-pink. Yellow It is considered complementary to purple shades, creating very effective contrasting combinations when paired with them.

In the interior, magenta is associated with luxury, prosperity and abundance. In ancient times, this shade adorned the luxurious interiors of the most noble people; it is no less often found in expensive oriental decorations.

But, no matter how much one would like to use noble purple everywhere, designers do not recommend choosing it as the main shade. It is believed that it is better to highlight a specific part of the room with this color. The following combinations look most harmonious in the interior:

  • for the dining room or kitchen - with orange, olive, apple or pink shades. These colors perfectly increase appetite and give additional energy;

  • for showers and bathrooms - with blue, turquoise or different tones of aqua;
  • for bedrooms - magenta in pure form, without “companions”, is able to perfectly place accents: curtains, accessories, pillows or bedspreads of this color will add special intimacy and sensuality.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that this rich color combines the spiritual and the earthly, personifying a combination of masculine and feminine principles. Surprisingly, being a dark color, purple is divided into many pink tones, as if embodying the transition from worldly passion to the acceptance of higher wisdom. Combining two color extremes - blue and red, it seems to personify a certain balance. According to most psychologists, purple seems to represent the point at which duality and awareness, passion and wisdom are balanced.

Purple color
in psychology

The color purple, lush and formal, is sometimes called the “royal” shade of purple. This color is preferred by people striving for superiority. Preference purple with a strong shade of red often indicates a practical nature, but such people are often filled with importance and self-importance. Depending on its shades, the color purple can evoke different emotions. Dark plum has a mournful tint and a somewhat depressive character. Plum color is marked by a touch of mystery and magic, which gives it mystery and enhances its attractiveness. Royal purple, with its noble pedigree, is associated with ideas of power and authority and lacks the ascetic focus associated with darker shades.

The exclusivity of purple compositions is explained by the fact that they combine the exciting properties of red with the calmness of blue. This is the color of compromise. People who prefer purple colors are attributed to passion, extreme courtesy, and goodwill. The color of lavender is delicate and calm, and is often used in bathrooms. It, like the scent of this plant used against insomnia, is used in color therapy to induce sleep. It is believed that creative people love purple colors.

People who prefer the color purple are very powerful people who like to command others and be the center of attention. They are passionate, extremely excited, impulsive, who are able to solve all problems in a moment. People who are unsure of themselves and have many complexes try to avoid purple.

Positive characteristics

Love, affection, truthfulness, power, sincerity, royalty, nobility

Negative characteristics

Madness, sadness, repentance, violence, sinfulness, selfishness, arrogance

Purple color characterizes extravagance, unusualness on the verge of strangeness, artistry. This is the color of eccentrics and people who prefer variability for the sake of variability. “Purple” people are very rare these days - they have almost ceased to appear on this planet. Among all the aura colors, “Purple” is the most dissenting. They view life from many unusual angles and often appear to be eccentric loners. At the same time, they do not care at all about the opinions of others. Purples live on their own wavelength and do not follow the life standards and expectations of the majority.

The color purple is usually associated with the emperors of ancient Rome. With royal dignity. With the inspiration of the creator. Therefore, the emperor signed in purple ink while sitting on a purple throne. The emphasis on purple paint, which was extracted from special varieties of sea shells, is explained by the fact that purple combines two parts of the spectrum that are incompatible by nature - blue and red, and blue is associated in this case with the eternal, heavenly, and red with the earthly.

Shades of purple

  • Purple color expresses power, passion, sensitivity and luxury.
  • Dark plum color associated with ideas about the mysterious and spiritual, he is serious and noble.
  • Lavender and violet colors have romantic appeal.

No matter how the meaning of tone has transformed in our time, even today it remains the color of celebration. Clothes of this shade are most often worn by people who want to make an unforgettable impression and emphasize their independence and self-confidence.

The color purple in psychology

Purple color- usually associated with the emperors of Ancient Rome. With royal dignity. With the inspiration of the creator. Therefore, the emperor signed in purple ink while sitting on a purple throne. The emphasis on purple paint, which was extracted from special varieties of sea shells, is explained by the fact that purple combines two parts of the spectrum that are incompatible by nature - blue and red, and blue is associated in this case with the eternal, heavenly, and red with the earthly.

Tantrics compare the purple (or white) energy center with the superconscious. With faith in an all-unifying vision of the world. With the realization of the highest fullness of life. With going beyond space and time.

In Christianity, along with white, it symbolizes the color of God the Father.

The Masonic lodge of the highest degrees of initiation is also dressed in purple colors. Purple, gray or black colors of robes emphasize belonging to the bed of saints.

Effects of the color purple on health: purple-red color excites nerve cells spinal and midbrain. It supplies the physical body with energy, increases its temperature, stimulates blood circulation and promotes the production of adrenaline. Destroys the feeling of fatigue and inertia, lifts the spirit, increases the ability to overcome depression, stimulates willpower and courage.

Since the spinal cord is connected with Muladhara, and the midbrain with Anahata and Vishuddha, these chakras are also excited under the influence of purple-red irritation. As a result of this, a closer connection arises between the two parts of the brain of the material body and the three chakras energy body, and therefore more efficient functioning of the relevant areas. An excited heart chakra stimulates the circulatory system and facilitates the process of expanding consciousness. This leads to faster achievement of clairvoyance in space and time and psychokinesis.

This color is used to treat cancer, anemia, paralysis, poor circulation or other disorders in the blood, states of depression, fear, anxiety.

Purple combines the properties of the extreme colors of the spectrum and exhibits more of the properties of red, judging by its effect on the pulse and breathing. The body's reaction to it is usually favorable.

Back in the Middle Ages, inflammatory processes were successfully cured with blue light. Who knew about IR rays then? Red is still used for these purposes today to enhance blood supply to body tissues.

Therefore, in case of cardiovascular diseases, strictly specific cases blue-red purple colors may be recommended.

Stimulating excitation with red color in a certain combination with tonic rest blue leads to positive results in the treatment of the autonomic system. Because the parasympathetic effect of blue and the sympathetic influence of red color quite effectively affects both components nervous system. And through subcortical mechanisms, the balance of the whole organism is ensured.

Many extremes of ancient religions are sublimated in the archetypes of purple flowers.

And if male fanaticism is treated with blue, and female fanaticism with red, then purple is the clearest example of averaging (calming) ideological extremes.

As the color of inner arousal, purple can also combine the powerful influence of IR and UV rays. Directly affecting us, they bypass not only vision, but also consciousness.

However, like many other colors that we still know little about, although we are exposed to them.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or complementary, contrasting colors are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme No. 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

A combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. This composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. Similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on color wheel(ideally 2–3 colors). Impression: calm, inviting. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary color combination, but instead of the opposite color, neighboring colors are used. A combination of the main color and two additional ones. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so intense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme No. 5. Tetrad - combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main color, two are complementary, and another one highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme No. 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Grey: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (deep pink): with grey, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sand, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose color.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, mint green, purple pink, lime.
  • Tan: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, lilac, violet, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, lilac, light blue, violet, gray, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, gray.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, grey, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, light green, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electric blue is beautiful when paired with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, light blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white.
  • Dark Purple: Golden Brown, Pale Yellow, Grey, Turquoise, Mint Green, Light Orange.
  • Black is universal, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, light green, white, red, lilac or yellow.