Eudialyte is a stone that has a rich scarlet hue with inclusions. The name of the mineral translates as “easily soluble.” It was no coincidence that he received it. The fact is that the stone easily dissolves in any acid. The only exception is hydrochloric acid. In addition, this mineral melts under the influence high temperatures. Therefore, if you hold it near a fire, it will quickly lose its shape.

Eudialyte has other names. These include “Sami blood”. This name did not appear by chance. There is a legend associated with him. It says that one day the Swedes attacked the Sami land. Despite the advantages of their enemies, the Sami leaders were able to give them a worthy rebuff. However, not all of them survived that terrible battle. Where their blood was shed, these stones appeared, which began to serve people as talismans.

The magical properties of the mineral have now been fully studied by esotericists. They found that the stone protects a person from injury and injury. This is not surprising if we remember the legend of its origin.

It is recommended to be worn by people whose professional activities involve risk to life. These include military personnel, firefighters, stuntmen and police officers.

In addition, this mineral helps to make the right decision. If some difficult situation arises, it is recommended to pick up the stone, calm down and think about how to proceed. Eudialyte will definitely tell you what decision to make. The stone develops intuition. It also helps to find a way out of the current situation with maximum benefit for yourself.

Eudialyte guides you on the right path and helps you realize your purpose.

The mineral increases a person’s performance and improves his mental activity. In addition, the mineral promotes the development of hidden creativity and pushes the owner towards spiritual development.

This stone increases the attractiveness of men in the eyes of girls. Thanks to this, they will be able to quickly find their soul mate or simply enjoy female attention. The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you may not notice the love of your life in the crowd of fans.

Eudialyte should not be worn simultaneously with other minerals. The fact is that it has the ability to enhance magical properties other stones, but not all of them are positive. If the negative properties of minerals increase, this can lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, eudialyte should not be combined with other stones.

The healing properties of the mineral

Eudialyte has medicinal properties. IN folk medicine it is called “the stone of the heartland.” It was not by chance that it received this name. The fact is that it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It improves heart function, helps cope with vascular pathologies, frees them from cholesterol plaques and normalizes blood pressure.

The use of eudialyte is relevant for people suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, it helps to cope with diseases such as pancreatitis, ulcers and gastritis. In these cases, it is recommended to wear the stone as a pendant at the level of the abdomen.

It is recommended to use eudialyte for eye pathologies. The fact is that the mineral has an unusual pattern, which is recommended to be looked at daily. This relieves eye fatigue, normalizes eye pressure and improves vision.

In addition, esotericists believe that this same procedure promotes the development of clairaudience, which is very similar to clairvoyance. It is thanks to this that a person always finds the right solution to the current situation.

The mineral has a positive effect on the blood. It lowers cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin concentration, frees blood from harmful impurities and improves its composition.

Eudialyte improves the condition nervous system. It helps get rid of depression and stress, and also normalizes unstable emotional background.

Who is eudialyte suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Astrologers claim that eudialyte has no contraindications from an astrological point of view. It’s just that he’s perfectly compatible with some people, while others don’t feel his influence.

Eudialyte compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Virgo is the zodiac sign for whom astrologers recommend using eudialyte as a talisman. The stone will protect them from evil forces, evil witchcraft and from any negative influence. In addition, it attracts good luck. The stone greatly increases the talents and abilities that this zodiac sign possesses.

Eudialyte is recommended to be worn by Virgo women who have experienced a serious life shock or are in a state of depression. The stone will help them more easily survive any shock, as well as get rid of a depressed state.

The zodiac sign Leo can also use eudialyte as a talisman. The stone is also suitable for Sagittarius.

As for the rest of the zodiac signs, they can only use this mineral as a simple decoration. They will not feel any influence of the stone.

Eudialyte is a mineral that requires special care. It should be kept in a cool place away from high temperatures. In addition, you only need to wash it in plain cool water without using cleaning agents or detergents. detergents. If you treat the stone with warmth and care, then it will definitely respond in kind.

This gem attracts attention immediately: it is too unusual. Eudialyte stone is sacred to the Sami, a people living in northern Russia. It has properties that more famous minerals cannot boast of.


The mineral is found in North America and Europe. Where the Sami live (a small people of the Finno-Ugric group; their second name is Lapps).

The following legend has been preserved about the origin. When the warlike Sven neighbors (that is, the Swedes), led by the hero Kuiva, tried to seize the lands of the Sami, local warriors defeated them. The battle was fierce, Kuiva turned into a rock, and many died. Eudialytes were formed where drops of blood from Sami warriors fell. This is a constant reminder of the sacrifice made on the altar of independence.

Eudialyte is the official scientific name of the mineral. For the indigenous people it is “Sami stone (blood)” or “Lapp blood”.

On the Kola Peninsula, the stone was found and described by Finnish geologist Wilhelm Ramsey.

The gem received its scientific name in 1818. The German scientist Friedrich Strohmeyer reflected in it the ability of the stone to quickly dissolve in acids: from ancient Greek the term “eudialyte” is translated as “quickly dissolving.”


Eudialyte is a mineral with a glassy luster, transparent in thin sheets. Red shades - from pink to crimson - are considered classics. There are yellow, brownish, purple specimens.

Crystals are rare, most often they are coarse-grained agglomerates interspersed with eudialytes (the so-called “chintz”) among nephelines and apatites.

The unique feature of eudialyte is its crystalline structure. It is a combination of three rings (calcium and zirconium octahedrons plus silicon tetrahedrons).

The mineral kakortokite is also valuable to the Sami. This is nepheline with red and black inclusions of eudialyte and. It is mined only in the Khibiny Mountains and Greenland. Kakortokite and eudialyte are the main talismans of this people.

Physico-chemical characteristics

According to the chemical classification, the mineral eudialyte is a silicate of igneous origin with a complex structure and a long formula.

ImpuritySr, Nb, Ti, K
ColorRed, yellow, tan, purple
Stroke colorWhite
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
Hardness5 - 5.5
CleavageImperfect by (0001)
Kinkuneven, conchoidal
Density2.8 - 3 g/cm³
Refractive index1,598 - 1,602

IN pure form almost never found, more often with impurities (including rare earth elements).

A variety of eudialyte is the mineral eucolyte. The main components of its composition are calcium and iron, which makes the gem darkish.


Eudialyte is found only in three places on the planet, in its Far North. These are Russia (Kola Peninsula), Greenland and Canada.

Russian deposits in the Murmansk region (Levozerye and Khibiny) are the richest, their potential exceeds 80 million tons of rock.

Single specimens are found in other countries.

How to wear and care

The physical properties of the mineral are specific:

  1. It is fragile and can break from any fall or impact.
  2. It dissolves in all acids (hydrochloric acid turns it into a gelatinous mass).
  3. It melts even under the flame of a candle.

Therefore, you need to take care of it carefully: store products with gems separately, remove them before applying makeup or doing housework. Clean with warm water or baby soap.

Eudialyte beads and other massive jewelry should not be worn near the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, or large moles.

Where is the mineral used?

The unique composition and beauty of the mineral determined the scope of its application.


Eudialyte ore is a source of rare earth metals. There are more than half of them in the ore (up to 60%). These are hafnium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, zirconium, and strontium, which are most valuable for industry, new technologies and science.

Eudialyte breed

However, strontium creates weak radioactivity. It is not dangerous in small nuggets, and after processing the mineral it is zero.


Physical properties limit the range of jewelry containing eudialyte. If crystals occur, they are small. It is prohibited to use large ones due to radioactivity.

Source nuggets are polished cabochon: the play of colored impurities is revealed to the maximum.

Earrings with eudialyte

Agglomerates that include two types of stones are in demand. For example, white apatite and red eudialyte. A product with such an insert looks more impressive.


Master stone cutters have mastered the production of a wide range of stone products. They create small plastics and powder compacts. A box made of eudialyte is not cheap (10-12 thousand rubles), but it looks premium. The gem is used to frame mirrors, decorate lighters and tableware.

Fans of esotericism are not forgotten. Magic balls, eudialyte eggs, and pendulums are made for them. The structure of the stone itself creates a mysterious glow. This property makes it possible to distinguish real stone from fake.

Therapeutic effect

Sami healers have studied the stone's significance as a healing artifact for centuries. For them, according to local legends, he was “responsible” for blood and everything connected with it.

Talismans were prescribed to a person whose blood became “bad” or whose wounds did not heal for a long time.

Modern lithotherapists have expanded the list of medicinal properties of the gem:

  • It activates the waves emitted by the brain. Therefore strong remedy Earrings, hairpins and other headwear are considered.
  • Daily close contemplation of the play of light in stone sharpens vision and trains the eye muscles.
  • The gem improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Yogis claim that the stone corresponds to the heart chakra. In this sense, wearing a pendant or pendant is effective.

Magic properties

Legends also determined the magical capabilities of the gem.

For the Sami people, this stone is a talisman of real men, protectors native land from enemies.

Shamans made personal amulets for them, which were supposed to protect them from injury, even death.

Residents of other regions also benefit from the magical properties of eudialyte:

  • The gem puts blocks from outside intrusion into thoughts, prevents clouding of the mind and the emergence of unkind thoughts.
  • His magic is the ally of everyone whose work involves risk: emergency workers, police officers, testers. Or extreme people in life.
  • The optimistic color of the stone lifts you out of depression and stimulates you to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Medical and magical power eudialyte is enhanced by a silver frame.

Esotericists warn: its meaning for humans is ambiguous. The stone multiplies the strength of other gems, but equally enhances the actions with a plus and minus sign.

Eudialyte and the Zodiac

Having studied its influence on the signs of the Zodiac, astrologers came to the conclusion that eudialyte is suitable for Virgos. Having a talisman, people of this sign will blossom, show themselves in unexpected ways, discovering dormant talents.

Ladies will become more optimistic about life, men will receive additional protection from external dangers, and will be more confident in themselves.

For other zodiac signs it is more of a decoration.


In the Russian segment of the Network you can buy a wide range of jewelry, magic items and collection material (price / rub.)

  • ball (7.4 cm) – 4,890;
  • sample (2-3 cm) – 920;
  • keychain – 670;
  • lighter decorated with eudialyte – 1,550;
  • pendant (3.5-4 cm) – 2,160;
  • polished pebbles (8.5x4.5x3.3 cm) – 4,250.

This is the price for raw materials from Khibiny (Murmansk region).


Eudialyte looks unusual, but requires caution. It is better to buy jewelry or collectible material from trusted sellers. Preferably with documents confirming radiation safety.

Your name eudialyte stone received from the Greek eudialytos - easily soluble. This name was given to eudialyte in 1819 by F. Strohmeyer.

eudialyte(almandine spar) - mineral, ring silicate of sodium, calcium, zirconium. First discovered and described by William Ramsay.


Eudialyte is a complex silicate of zirconium, sodium and calcium. It contains various rare earth elements.

Eudialyte soluble in acids. The mineral is slightly radioactive. Polishes well.


Formula - Na4(CaCeFeMn)2ZrSi6O17(OHCl)2,
- Impurity Sr, Nb, Ti, K,
- Trigonal syngony (planaxial),
- Color red, yellow, yellow-brown, purple,
- The color of the line is white,
- Glass shine,
- Transparency transparent, translucent,
- Hardness 5 - 5.5,
- Cleavage imperfect according to (0001),
- Density 2.8 - 3 g/cm3,
- Refractive index 1.

Eudialyte forms crystals, but is more often observed in the form of granular precipitates among nepheline and apatite. The largest segregations of eudialyte are observed in pegmatites of the Khibiny massif. The mineral is often called “Lapp blood”.

Eudialyte deposits. Eudialyte- a beautiful and rare stone. It is found only in 3 places in the world (Kola Peninsula, Greenland, Canada), and in significant quantities only on the Kola Peninsula.

Eudialyte is usually found together with nepheline, natrolite, aegirine, and apatite in the form of granular masses. In crystalline form it is quite rare.

Applications of eudialyte. Eudialyte is mainly used as a minor zirconium ore, sometimes as a rare earth ore. Quite rarely used in jewelry, because it is quite rarely found in crystalline form.

Medicinal properties

Eudialyte is a remedy against hallucinations and melancholy. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that another name for eudialyte - Sami blood - only confirms the property of this mineral to purify the blood. Some healers recommend wearing products made from eudialyte or an untreated stone on the abdomen to prevent pancryotitis and improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Modern lithotherapists have put forward the version that eudialyte even affects the brain, or rather the alpha rhythms of the brain. It is believed that if you look at the mineral for several minutes every day, your vision will significantly improve and eye pressure will decrease.

Eudialyte affects the heart chakra.

Magic properties

Since ancient times, warriors have carried eudialyte with them, since the main magical properties of the stone are aimed at protecting its owner from injury, that is, making him invulnerable. In addition, amulets made from eudialyte can turn a coward into a real hero. Magicians warn that one should not abuse the magical properties of eudialyte, because, firstly, they have not been sufficiently studied, and secondly, this stone can enhance the magical properties of other stones, and it is impossible to say in advance to what extent. Some experts on the magical properties of stones and minerals claim that the reaction of eudialyte is akin to the uncontrollable passion inherent in rubies, but significantly exceeds it.

Eudialyte relieves melancholy and softens grief. If you wear it at a moment of depression, it speeds up the recovery from this state, gives hope and transforms reality.

Eudialyte- a stone for people born under the sign of Virgo. It is to them that he can bring the greatest benefit. It is believed that eudialyte can increase the abilities and talents inherent in Virgos. For Virgo women who have experienced a tragedy, it will help them cope with melancholy, bring them out of a state of depression and restore the desire to live; It will give Virgo men strength, restore self-confidence and the desire to fight difficulties.

Talismans and amulets

Eudialyte- a talisman for warriors, firefighters, pioneers, climbers and other people whose activities involve risk to life. It is better for women to wear a bracelet made of this stone or a bracelet with eudialyte set in silver as a talisman. Men should make a talisman for themselves in the form of a keychain made of eudialyte. You can carry a ball of this mineral with you. However, you need to remember that you cannot carry eudialyte with you all the time (only in situations in which it can help), and also, if you have eudialyte with you, you should abandon other stones.

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. “On August 28, 1806, K.L. Gieseke visited the Kangerdluarssuk area and collected the first samples of edialite, which he first described as “red garnet” (O.V. Petersen & O.Johnsen, 2005, p.49). In Russia for the first time discovered and described by Wilhelm Ramsay. Obsolete syns: “Sami blood”, “almandine spar”.

Crystal structure

Eudialyte and related minerals of its group are distinguished by a unique variety of structures and chemical composition, and its complex crystal structure was first studied under the leadership of Academician. N.V. Belova. Eudialyte has a unique structure: a trigonal structure with R3m, R-3m or R3 symmetry contains three types of rings, two of which - a nine-membered silicon tetrahedra and a six-membered calcium octahedra - are so unusual that they are not found in any other mineral.

In the cavities of the framework, built from silicon, zirconium and calcium atoms, cations of various sizes with valences from 1 to 6, as well as large anions, anionic groups and water molecules are localized. Moreover, impurities in the voids of the zeolite-like structure of the mineral self-organize and occupy optimal positions in each sample. This is also facilitated by the amazing features of the structure, in which there are two “traps” for cations - triangular and quadrangular. The first is in the center of the nine-ring ring, which has unusual shape with a triangular rather than round middle, and additional Si tetrahedra, as well as octahedra, most often occupied by Nb, settle in it. Cations of medium radii (Fe, Mn, Na, etc.) fall into the second trap, finding themselves either in the center of a flat square or next to it. Larger cations, as well as anions and water molecules fill large cavities.


Trigonal syngony. Color red, yellow, yellow-brown, red-violet. Glass shine. Translucent at the edges or translucent to transparent in thin chips. Hardness 5 - 5.5. Density 2.8 - 3. Refractive index: 1.598 - 1.602. Cleavage is imperfect according to (0001). Well soluble in acids. Slightly radioactive.


  • Eucolite- dark-colored eudialyte, enriched with FeO
  • Barsanovit- a reddish-brown to yellowish-green variety of aegirine-augite-nepheline-feldspathic pegmatite of the Khibiny tundras, replaces eudialyte.


Usually found together with nepheline, natrolite, aegirine, apatite in the form of granular masses. Crystals are rare.


In Russia (Kola Peninsula), USA (Arkansas). Deposits of eudialyte have also been discovered in Canada, Greenland, and Norway.


A minor constituent of polymineral zirconium ores, sometimes as a rare earth ore. Also in jewelry, but quite rarely due to fragility; V recent years for the production of decorative and ornamental products and “magic” balls.

Eudialyte(English) EUDIALYTE) - Na 15 Ca 6 Fe 3 Zr 3 Si(Si 25 O 73)(O,OH,H 2 O) 3 (Cl,OH) 2


Strunz (8th edition) 8/E.23-10
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey"s CIM Ref. 17.3.6


Mineral color variable: carmine red, orange-red, orange, pink, cherry red, brownish red, yellowish brown, brown, yellow, violet, very. rarely - green.
Stroke color white fading to pale pink
Transparency translucent to almost transparent
Shine glassy, ​​dim
Cleavage by (0001) imperfect, (by (1010) and (1014) (1120) - questionable)
Hardness (Mohs scale) 5 - 6
Kink uneven
Strength fragile
Density (measured) 2.74 - 3.1 g/cm3
Radioactivity (GRapi) 7,287.91


Type single-axis (+/-)
Refractive indices nω = 1.606 - 1.610 nε = 1.610 - 1.613
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.004
Optical relief moderate
Pleochroism weak


Point group 3m (3 2/m) - Ditrigonal-scalenohedral type of symmetry
Space group R3m (R3 2/m)
singonia Trigonal
Cell Options a = 14.31Å, c = 30.15Å
Attitude a:c = 1: 2.107
Number of formula units (Z) 12
Unit cell volume V 5.346.84 ų (calculated from unit cell parameters)

Translation into other languages


  • Azarova Yu.V. Minerals of the eudialyte group and products of their alteration as a mineralogical and geochemical indicator of post-magmatic processes during the formation of rocks of the lujavrite-malignite complex of the Khibiny massif. Geochemistry. 2005. No. 7. pp. 768-792
  • Kozlova P.S. Eudialyte from alkaline syenites of the Talas Range. – Tr. Mineralogical Museum of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959, issue. 10, pp.144-147.
  • Mineralogy of the Khibiny massif / ed. F.V. Chukhrova. M.: Nauka, 1978. T.1. 228 s; T.2. 586 pp. (Kostyleva-Labuntsova E.E., Borutsky B.E., Sokolova M.N., Shlyukova Z.V., Dorfman M.D., Dudkin O.B., Kozyreva L.V. Mineralogy of the Khibiny massif / ed. . F.V. Chukhrova. M.: Nauka, 1978. Vol. 2.
  • Minerals of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras. M. - L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1937. - 563 p.
  • Nurlybaev A.N. On the mineralogy of eudialyte. - Tr.In-ta geol. Sci. Alma-Ata, 1971, v. 31, p. 108-110. (Esil alkaline massif, Ishim magma complex, Northern Kazakhstan)
  • Pekov I.V., Podlesny A.S. Mineralogy of the Kukisvumchorr deposit (alkaline pegmatites and hydrothermalites). - Moscow. Ecost Association, Mineralogical Almanac, issue 7, 2004. - 176 pp., 121 colors. photographs, 225 b/w diagrams, photos, drawings of crystals.
  • Pekova N.A. Eudialyte crystals of the Kola Peninsula. - World of Stones, 1995, No. 5\6, pp. 4-7 (8-11).
  • Rastsvetaeva R.K. King Eudialyte and his dynasty (mineralogical tale or mineral series) -
  • Rastsvetaeva R.K., Chukanov N.V. Principles of crystallochemical classification of minerals of the eudialyte group. - ZRMO, 2011. part 140, issue. 3, p. 25-39
  • Feklichev V.G. Types of eudialytes in the Khibiny alkaline massif. - In the book: "Experimental and methodological studies of ore minerals." M., "Science", 1965, 188-194. (co-authors I.S. Razin, Z.T. Kataeva).
  • Feklichev V.G. On the chemical composition of Khibiny and other eudialytes. - In the book: "Experimental and methodological studies of ore minerals." M., "Science", 1965, 195-213.
  • Khomyakov A. P., Nechelyustov G. N., Rastsvetaeva R. K. Voronkovit, Na 15 (Na,Ca,Ce) 3 (Mn,Ca) 3 Fe 3 Zr 3 Si 26 O 72 (OH,O) 4 Cl *H2O is a new mineral of the eudialyte group from the Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. - ZRMO, 2009, part 138, v.2, p.66-74
  • Khomyakov A.P., Nechelyustov G.N., Rastsvetaeva R.K. Labyrinthite (Na,K,Sr)35Ca12Fe3Zr6TiSi51*O144(O,OH,H2O)9Cl3 - a new mineral with a modular eudialyte-like structure from the Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula , Russia \\ ZRMO, 2006, part 135, issue. 2, pp. 38-48
  • Yakovenchuk V.N. , Ivanyuk G.Yu. , Pakhomovsky Ya.A. , Menshikov Yu.P. Minerals of the Khibiny massif. – M.: Publishing house. “Earth”, 1999. 326 p. , 417 ill.
  • Mineral Species First Discovered from Greenland. By O. Petersen, O. Johnsen. \Special Publications of The Canadian Mineralogist. Volume 8, 2005

The first people who lived in Lapland were called Sami. They have an ancient legend that says that when their land was attacked by the Swedes, the Sami warriors defended their land very selflessly. The blood of the Sami warriors, shed in the name of their people, turned into small dark red crystals scattered across the tundra.

The beautiful ancient legend, which gave the mineral eudialyte such a poetic name as “Sami blood”, is supplemented by its translation from ancient Greek - “easily soluble”. The stone received this name because one of its chemical properties is its ability to dissolve in any acid except hydrochloric acid. Eudialyte melts at a low temperature, for example, from the flame of an ordinary candle.

Field and production

The mineral, which has several names, was born millions of years ago during volcanic eruptions and formed as an igneous rock. It often occurs as irregularly shaped granular clusters surrounded by rare stones such as amazonite or kyanite. Eudialyte is very rarely found in crystalline form; it mainly serves as a valuable raw material base for the extraction of rare metals such as tantalum, hafnium, zirconium, titanium and strontium.

Small deposits of eudialyte have been found in the US state of Arkansas and the Canadian province of Quebec, as well as in Madagascar. The most significant deposits of the mineral are located in Greenland and on the Kola Peninsula of Russia. Here it is mined for the industrial production of zirconium, alloys based on which are used in nuclear energy.

Medicinal properties

If we continue the theme of various nicknames, then in the medicinal sphere the gem received another name: “stone of the heartland.” Eudialyte has an excellent effect on the body’s cardiac system and helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Heart stone is recommended to be used for the prevention of diseases such as pancreatitis and the general health of the pancreas. For this purpose, a slightly polished or untreated crystal is best worn in the abdomen.

Bioenergeticists call eudialyte a tuner, meaning its harmonious effect on the heart chakra, which it activates for normal life. This, in turn, contributes to a faster recovery of the person who uses eudialyte from a state of depression.

The stone, processed using a special polishing method, allows you to present a beautiful design. This feature allows it to be used in lithotherapy to treat eye diseases. By peering into the pattern of a polished stone and carrying out daily exercises, a person can lower his eye pressure and, accordingly, improve his vision. At the same time, psychics consider this very action of contemplating a unique pattern as a means of so-called “clairaudience,” which is akin to clairvoyance. Accordingly, the stone can be used for magical rituals.

Magic properties

Continuing the theme of the magical effect of the mineral on the human body, it should be noted that eudialyte allows a person to restore harmony not only in the heart chakra, but also in the sphere of emotional balance. Psychics insist that in difficult life situations you can trust the advice of a talisman made from this mineral. With its help, you can learn to listen to your own feelings, trust your intuition and not be afraid of being weak because of wrong decision taken.

At a higher level of influence, the stone is able to help a person decide on the choice of his destiny and life path predetermined for a person; eudialyte will teach him to better express his emotions. As noted above, the powers of clairaudience help awaken new levels of consciousness. And this is no coincidence, because it is no coincidence that Russian bioenergetics experts consider the Kola Peninsula to be a place of strong positive radiation, which helps to increase the efficiency and activation of the vital forces of the body, and the discovery of new spiritual possibilities.

Eudialyte is sometimes compared to ruby. If a ruby ​​is considered to be drops of the frozen blood of dragons, which brings love to its owner beautiful girls, then drops Sami blood also give men female affection. How could it be otherwise, since since ancient times the female sex has adored defenders and brave men. Male warriors are advised to carry amulets in the form of a keychain with eudialyte, which can make them invulnerable to opponents and give them courage. Women are encouraged to use bracelets set in silver.

Colors, varieties and applications

Eudialyte belongs to the category of ornamental stones. The richness of color backgrounds, supported by the beauty of natural stone patterns, makes it possible to widely use it to create jewelry. The uniqueness of the stone lies in the variability of its chemical composition. Therefore, its color range is presented in shades from blood red to rich burgundy and cherry.

There are also minerals with orange, yellow or brown accents, and gems with pearly gray inclusions are considered rare. In addition to jewelry, popular interior items are made from stone. These include boxes, souvenir figurines, pyramids or magic balls. Magic balls, possessing a shimmering ability, thanks to the polishing technique and their spherical shape, were able to create an atmosphere of mystery corresponding to the magic of spiritualistic seances, so popular at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Meaning of zodiac signs

It is believed that products made from eudialyte are most suitable for representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo, but eudialyte will also help Leo and Sagittarius to find harmony and happiness. For Virgo women, the stone will allow them to overcome their inherent state of melancholy, and will give men a sense of self-confidence. It is not recommended to wear it together with other stones.