Until what period can an abortion be performed without harm to health and at what period is it better to do it? An artificial termination of pregnancy does not go away completely without leaving a trace. Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy at 29-30 weeks, i.e. on recent months pregnancy? But for information about how long you can terminate a pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor. In some cases there may be individual nuances. The main advantage of medical abortion is the absence of traumatic surgical intervention.

Termination of pregnancy: until what period can you have a medical abortion? How dangerous is medical abortion during the first pregnancy? Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy beyond 12 weeks? Is it possible to take any medication to terminate a pregnancy on your own?
There is no absolutely safe abortion; any method of abortion can lead to complications in the form of bleeding, inflammation, and subsequently cause failure to carry the desired pregnancy. Therefore, the decision to have an abortion should be well thought out and weighed from all sides by a couple who has decided to take this serious step. If circumstances still force you to terminate your pregnancy, then the most gentle method is medical abortion. Especially if this is the first pregnancy.

Many women are interested in the question, Until what time does an abortion take place??

Whatever scientific terms are used to replace simple words, describing the process of abortion - abortion is the killing of an unborn child. In our country, abortion is legally justified only in cases of rape, death of the child's father during pregnancy, deprivation parental rights, threat to the life of the mother and pathology of the fetus.

An abortion can be performed up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Starting from the eighth week of gestation, the baby’s nervous system begins to form. At the sixteenth, the baby makes the first more or less conscious movement - he begins to respond to sounds.

Completed over later termination of pregnancy is called premature birth.

Termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks is called early abortion and this procedure is performed at the request of the woman.

6 weeks until pregnancy You can have a medical abortion (using pills).

Termination of pregnancy at a later stage, more than 6 weeks, can only be performed through surgical intervention (so-called curettage).

If the gestational age exceeds 12 weeks, abortion can be performed only in the presence of serious medical conditions (for example, the presence of intrauterine pathology of the fetus, decompensated diseases of the mother - epilepsy, diabetes mellitus) or social indications (rape, death of husband, imprisonment).

Remember, Until what time does an abortion take place?, all women should, because it is very dangerous to perform abortion at a long term.

Recently, termination of pregnancy (abortion) is increasingly performed by medication.

At the same time abortion medicated timing has limited.

This manipulation can be performed up to 49 days (up to 6 weeks of pregnancy), if you count from the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during this period that the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the uterine cavity, so taking certain medications promotes increased contractility of the uterus and rejection of the fertilized egg.

If done on time medical abortion, do not tighten deadlines, this has some advantages for women:

  • there is no mechanical damage to the uterus
  • no need for anesthesia
  • infection is prevented from entering the uterine cavity.

For young girls who plan to have children in the future, medical termination of pregnancy is the method of choice.

Yes, and psychologically it is much easier to endure termination of pregnancy with the help of a drug than agreeing to surgical termination of pregnancy.

If you have already decided to have a medical abortion, do not delay the deadline, because the slightest delay can reduce the effectiveness of this method to zero.

Consult a specialist doctor in time, take care of your women's health!

What problems can arise with a medical abortion?

Firstly, the pregnancy may not be terminated. In this case, it can no longer be saved for medical reasons. A mini-abortion is performed. Secondly, there may be very heavy bleeding. In this case, too, sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Thirdly, it can be very painful, you can feel nauseous, and your blood pressure increases.

The undoubted advantage of this method is the absence of surgical intervention, and therefore the possibility of uterine injury and infection.

Mini-abortion or Vacuum abortion (for up to 5-7 weeks, i.e. within 6-14 weeks after the last menstruation)

Mini abortion - vacuum aspiration, termination of pregnancy at an early stage. This surgical abortion is performed at an early stage of pregnancy (termination of pregnancy up to 5-7 weeks).

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In medical centers they use anesthesia, which does not leave consequences in the form of long-term headaches, nausea, etc. That is, for you it will look like this: you lay down on a chair, a catheter was inserted into a vein, you fell asleep, you woke up no longer pregnant. During abortion surgery, the doctor inserts a special tube connected to a device into the uterus. After turning on the device, negative pressure is created in the tube, due to which the fertilized egg is removed from the uterus.

Before surgery, the cervical muscles are stretched with metal dilators until the opening is wide enough to allow the abortifacient instruments to pass into the uterus. The doctor attaches a special syringe to the tube (it is inserted into the uterus) and the intrauterine child is sucked out.

In fact, during a vacuum abortion, the doctor opens the cervix with metal dilators or laminaria (thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself); inserts a tube into the uterus and attaches it to the pump. The pump grinds the baby's body into pieces and sucks them out of the uterus. If the fetus cannot be completely removed, subsequent curettage is performed. In this case, the doctor may use a curette (a rounded knife) to scrape the baby's body parts out of the uterus.

Immediately after an abortion, there may be minor pain in the lower abdomen associated with contractions of the uterus, then for several days you will have light discharge similar to menstruation. Sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotics after an abortion. Physical inconvenience is minimal, but in this case much depends on the skill of the doctor. Therefore, choose a doctor you trust. This method is more reliable regarding the chances that the pregnancy will definitely be terminated. Cases where, after a mini-abortion, pregnancy continued to develop are extremely rare. To increase reliability during an abortion, ultrasound is used. But since there is intervention, there is also the possibility of injury. If the smear before the abortion was bad and treatment was not carried out or was insufficient, infection is possible.

Despite the fact that mini-abortions are performed over more early stages than an ordinary abortion - a mini-abortion is a means of killing a conceived child - human life.

The physical, moral and emotional consequences of a mini-abortion are no less complex and dangerous than the complications of a surgical abortion. From the very moment of conception, there is a living, little person inside you, with his own individual set of DNA. With already determined eye color, hair color and gender of your child. Don't be fooled by the idea that there is a clump of cells inside you. This is not true.

Medical abortion (6 to 12 weeks or 13 to 24 weeks after your last period).

This surgical abortion is performed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, you can have a regular or surgical abortion. It will feel the same as a mini-abortion, but instead of a tube, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus, which is used to remove the fertilized egg. The same rule applies very clearly here - the longer the period, the more difficult the operation, the more complications there may be.

Since developing child doubles in size between the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy, its body is too large to be crushed by suction and pass through the tube. In this case, the cervix should be open wider than during a 1st trimester abortion. Therefore, kelp is administered a day or two before the abortion itself. After the cervix is ​​open, the doctor removes the baby's body parts with forceps. In order to easily remove the child’s skull, it is first crushed with forceps.

Only these three methods of terminating a pregnancy are permissible and are not considered a “criminal abortion” in our country, with the exception of termination of pregnancy according to a doctor’s testimony in the later stages.

Late term abortion

After 12 weeks, abortion on request is prohibited in our country. They do it only for medical and social reasons: a court decision to limit parental rights, pregnancy as a result of rape; death of a husband during a woman's pregnancy. Terminate a pregnancy in the later stages, either artificially inducing labor or doing little C-section. That is, there will be childbirth, but there will be no child. So, you know, it’s better not to let it come to this.

This medical abortion is performed:

From 20 weeks after the last menstrual cycle. The procedure to terminate a late pregnancy takes 3 days. During the first two days, the cervix is ​​dilated and the woman is given antispasmodic drugs. On the third day, the woman takes a medication that induces labor. After labor has begun, the doctor does an ultrasound to determine the location of the baby's legs. Grabbing the legs with forceps, the doctor pulls the child out, leaving only the head inside. In this case, parts of the child’s body can be torn off from the body itself and pulled out through the vaginal canal. The rest of the body is pinched and pulled outward. The baby's head is pinched and crushed in order to pass through the vaginal canal. The placenta and remaining parts are sucked out of the uterus.

Previously, saline abortion or saline filling was used, but this method was not effective enough, as did Homeopathy (effectiveness no more than 20%), Acupuncture (effect up to 40% with a short delay and depends on the qualifications of the specialist), Magnetic induction ("magnetic cap" with in the absence of contraindications, it is effective in 50% of cases with a delay of no more than 3-5 days)

According to statistics, an average of 50 million abortions are performed on the planet every year. Unfortunately, situations often occur when a woman does not want to continue her pregnancy for one reason or another. If a pregnant woman decides to have an abortion, she should know both the timing of termination of pregnancy and the very essence of this procedure, as well as all possible risks and dangers.

Until what period can a pregnancy be terminated?

Artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) can be done both in the presence of compelling medical indications and at the insistence of the woman herself who does not want to carry and give birth to a child. One of the conditions for this procedure is a period, and, if possible, it should not be more than twelve weeks. The gestational age is one of the first questions your doctor will ask you, because the method of performing an induced abortion may depend on it.

The deadline for termination of pregnancy is up to 22 weeks: such an abortion is considered late.

Currently, there are many known methods of performing an induced abortion, and here are the main ones:

  • medical termination of pregnancy - this option is one of the safest, but is used only up to 6 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Vacuum abortion – used in early pregnancy. The method involves creating negative pressure in the uterus to extract the contents;
  • Surgical termination of pregnancy is one of the most common classical methods of termination of pregnancy, performed under general anesthesia using surgical instruments.

A pregnant woman who is planning to terminate the pregnancy should be aware of possible consequences and complications of abortion: this is the development of bleeding or inflammatory reaction of the reproductive system, suppression of the function of the appendages and the adrenal system, the inability to have children in the future, the emergence of a risk ectopic pregnancy, mastopathy.

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraception for at least 12 months. Pregnancy following an abortion should be monitored by a doctor from the very beginning of its development, as there are risks of spontaneous abortion.

Medical termination of pregnancy beyond 6-8 weeks is not recommended. For medical abortion, the well-known contraceptive drug Postinor is often used. This tool it is most effective in the first few days after unprotected sexual intercourse, then its effectiveness decreases significantly. If implantation has already taken place, the use of this drug is not advisable. Keep in mind that Postinor may cause some side effects, including dyspeptic disorders, bleeding, and vomiting.

If the countdown of the pregnancy period has gone not by day, but by weeks, you will have to turn to stronger drugs:

  • Mifegin is an antiprogestagenic drug used to terminate early pregnancy (up to 42 days). The regimen for taking the drug is determined by the doctor and is under his supervision;
  • mesoprostol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins, causes contractions of the uterine walls, is used up to 6-8 weeks of gestation;
  • Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen that can be used alone or in combination with mesoprostol. It can also be used at a later stage to potentiate labor during intrauterine fetal death;
  • Methotrexate is a cytostatic drug, an antimetabolite. The drug is effective, however, it has many side effects: diarrhea, stomatitis, mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, hair loss, anemia, tendency to bleeding, inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys.

There are quite a few known contraindications to medical abortion. First of all, this period is only up to 6-8 weeks. Contraindications also include endocrine pathologies, diseases of the urinary system, liver, heart, and central nervous system.

Early termination of pregnancy

The least dangerous is an abortion performed directly upon detection of an existing unwanted pregnancy, that is, as early as possible. In the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus is still extremely small, which makes it possible to carry out the termination procedure, minimizing the possibility of complications.

Most often, vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) is performed up to 5-6 weeks. This method involves cleaning the uterine cavity by creating a vacuum. The advantages of this method are the absence of mechanical damaging effects on the uterine mucosa.

If a pregnant patient seeks help on time, she takes a smear and undergoes an ultrasound to confirm the uterine development of pregnancy. A smear is necessary to determine whether there is a hidden infection that could cause complications during an abortion. Sometimes, before an abortion, it is necessary to treat the inflammatory process in the genital organs, which takes quite a lot of time in order to lose the opportunity to carry out an induced abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.

The period for terminating pregnancy with pills is up to 6-8 weeks. During this period, medications prescribed by the doctor are taken that can provoke contractile activity of the uterus, thereby terminating the pregnancy. Some drugs do not affect the muscles of the uterus, but make its walls unsuitable for securing the fertilized egg, so the pregnancy fails. After taking the pills, termination of pregnancy can occur immediately or after a few days: as a rule, this is accompanied by general malaise and the release of a large amount of blood from the genital tract. This condition of the patient should be fully monitored by a doctor. The use of drugs for medical abortion on your own is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. After this type of abortion, the doctor examines the woman for another two weeks to make sure that the uterus is completely cleared. If this does not happen, surgery may be prescribed.

A period of more than six weeks is usually an indicator for surgical termination of pregnancy.

Late pregnancy termination

At the later stages, when it is still possible to terminate a pregnancy (from 13 to 22 weeks), this is done solely for the state of the woman’s health or the development of the fetus.

Medical indication The following is considered to be an artificial termination of pregnancy:

  • severe pathology of the heart and blood vessels, central nervous system, urinary system, serious metabolic disorders, blood disease in a woman;
  • complicated course of pregnancy, development of bleeding, preeclampsia;
  • chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, defects in embryo development, death of an unborn child.

Among the methods for interrupting the process of gestation in later stages are:

  • surgical method (carrying out a cesarean section, vaginally or abdominally);
  • a medicinal method of enhancing the contractility of the uterus (the so-called artificial birth).

Termination of pregnancy at long term can result in the development of various complications for a woman. Therefore, the patient must be informed about the likely consequences of an abortion:

  • cervical rupture. If this happens, it is sutured, but later, when the woman becomes pregnant and wants to carry the baby, some difficulties may arise. These include the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, or incomplete dilatation of the cervix during labor;
  • damage to the walls of the uterus. It occurs rarely, but is considered a rather dangerous complication of induced abortion. If this happens, emergency surgery is used;
  • development of bleeding. This complication most often occurs when medicinal interruption pregnancy;
  • residual elements of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Requires mandatory timely treatment.

Among the complications that arise not immediately after an abortion, but after some time, the following should be highlighted:

  • an inflammatory process of the endometrium that develops in response to the entry of an infectious agent during an abortion procedure. It can provoke the development of purulent pathology, disruption of the structure of endometrial tissue, which can subsequently become one of the factors of infertility;
  • inflammatory reaction in the appendages and tubes, which can lead to the development of tube obstruction and adhesions;
  • disruptions of the monthly cycle due to hormonal imbalance;
  • endometriotic tissue growths;
  • severe course of subsequent pregnancies, risk of miscarriage or the birth of a premature baby;
  • the risk of developing an ectopic location in a subsequent pregnancy due to tubal adhesions;
  • inability to conceive a child.

To somewhat reduce the risk of complications after an abortion, you should always follow the advice of your gynecologist. Sometimes you have to undergo antibacterial preventive treatment to protect yourself from possible infection during abortion.

If an abortion was performed for any medical indication, then before the next pregnancy it is necessary to be fully examined and, possibly, treated in order to avoid a recurrence of events.

Cost of medical abortion

Before making an appointment with a doctor about abortion, most women try to find out how much the procedure costs and what types of services should be included in its price.

The price of medical abortion is usually made up of the total cost of incoming services:

  • a pregnancy test, which is carried out in order to accurately verify the stage of pregnancy (most often a blood test for β-hCG is performed for this purpose);
  • general analysis blood, smear from the cervical canal to check for infection;
  • consultation with a specialist (usually there are two of them: before the abortion and after it);
  • the cost of medications for abortion;
  • Ultrasound examination before the procedure, as well as after it.

Treatment of possible complications and additional days of hospital stay are usually not included in the pre-declared cost.

In budgetary (state) clinics, the ward and some procedures may be free, while private institutions provide only paid services. For this reason, in order to make abortion as cheap as possible, many women turn to budget clinics and antenatal clinics.

It should be noted that independently purchasing and taking abortifacients is not only unwise, but also strictly prohibited. You may initially save some money cash. But in the future you can lose not only your health, but also your life.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to save money by making an appointment at an unknown, dubious clinic that does not have the necessary documentation allowing the relevant procedures to be performed. Remember that any clinic must be accredited. This accreditation is always accompanied by documents indicating a list of procedures permitted to be carried out in a given medical institution. This list should also include medical abortion. If the clinic provided you with a license, but did not show you the accreditation documents, it is highly not recommended to perform an abortion in this clinic.

The cost of medical termination of pregnancy in medical institutions in Kyiv varies from 1350 to 3000 UAH. At the clinic’s cash desk, always check in advance (!) whether the declared cost is final, or whether you will have to pay extra for any services later.

After medical termination of pregnancy, it is recommended to remain under the supervision of a specialist until menstrual function is restored. Sexual activity after the procedure is permitted 14 days later.

Before going to the clinic for an abortion, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the timing of termination of pregnancy, remember that the price of ending the pregnancy may be your health and the usefulness of your family.

Essentially, abortion is the termination of pregnancy, which results in the inevitable death of the fetus. In minors, artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages is carried out exclusively with the consent of the parents in medical centers that specialize in this area.

The period in which women can get rid of pregnancy by abortion varies everywhere. An abortion can be done up to 12 weeks (it is called an early abortion), however, as practice has shown, the fetus can be successfully removed from the uterus up to 22 weeks and this is the deadline for terminating a pregnancy (this is called a late abortion).

The difference between early and late abortion is that the woman, in the first case, can take this decision independently, and no one is able to contradict her; as for the second case, this is a difficult process. A commission meets to make a decision on artificial termination of pregnancy.

After reviewing all the documentation, the situation and tests, and familiarizing herself with the reasons for terminating the pregnancy, she makes a decision on whether to have an abortion. This is due to the fact that termination of pregnancy in late stages is primarily premature birth, after which the child dies. Abortion is most often performed in cases of abnormal development or non-viability of the fetus.

Also at a later stage, consent to an abortion can be given for various social reasons (single mother, lack of housing, death of a husband, having many children, rape, unemployment). More precisely, it can be done as an abortion for social and medical reasons.

Today there are many different means of contraception. Although they help reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy to a minimum, it still happens very often. There are a lot of situations that lead to unwanted pregnancy. It often happens that it is not possible to see a doctor.

In this case it is necessary to use traditional methods termination of pregnancy. But you need to act extremely carefully, since abortion folk remedies does not always bring positive results, and this is not surprising. For example, most women use decoctions to terminate pregnancy at home. bay leaf and oregano, tansy, parsley and even wild rosemary, reviews of which are extremely contradictory.

If a woman nevertheless decides to have an abortion in a specialized clinic, then she needs to know what types of abortion exist and their consequences.

Types of abortions: what you need to know in order not to make a mistake in your choice

On at the moment in science there are such types of abortion as: mini abortion (also called vacuum abortion), medical abortion (can be found in the literature as: abortion without surgery, pill abortion) and surgical abortion (medical).

Before moving on to a detailed description of all types of abortion, it should be noted that it is necessary to undergo a number of tests and procedures, including:

  • A vaginal smear that is taken for flora.
  • Examination by a gynecologist.
  • Check for hepatitis (B and C).
  • Analysis for RW, HIV.
  • Blood test (B-hCG).
  • Rhesus, blood group and factor in primiparous women.

Only after completely going through the above list and receiving the results, a professional doctor will prescribe suitable methods of terminating a pregnancy.

Surgical abortion

Today, surgical termination of pregnancy is the traditional method of abortion. A surgical abortion cannot be carried out at the personal request of a pregnant woman - all decisions are made by a commission. Surgical abortion, unfortunately, is very harmful to a woman’s health. The operation may be successful, or it may result in serious complications. This method is often resorted to when it is too late to have a medical or mini-abortion right on time.

How is premature termination of pregnancy carried out in clinics using the surgical method? Long-term abortions are carried out by scraping the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. Initially, the cervix is ​​spread apart with a special device, after which the embryo is removed using metal loops. Long-term abortion is accompanied by large blood loss.

After this procedure is performed, the doctor must completely clean out the uterine cavity. If everything is not cleaned perfectly, this can lead to serious complications. In this situation, unfortunately, the qualifications of doctors do not always contribute to good cleaning of the uterus, so complications after an abortion are quite often observed, for example, the temperature may last a long time.

Medical abortion, or how medical abortion occurs

Medical termination of pregnancy is one of the most popular methods of abortion in the early stages, it is based on medicines. The medical method of abortion is prescribed to women who need to terminate their pregnancy at 8 - 12 weeks. With this method, no so-called surgical intervention is used.

Everything here is done with the help of special preparations. There are many drugs available for medical abortion. Most girls use abortion pills, reviews of which leave much to be desired.

Before starting the procedure, the timing and price of which can be found in special clinics, the woman must do a test and agree to undergo this procedure. Tablets for medical abortion can be purchased in city pharmacies. I would also like to note that although this type of abortion is much easier and safer than surgical abortion, there are still many contraindications attached to it.

What is the medical method of abortion and how does it work? Is it true that you can have an abortion on the same day?

There are many tempting offers on the Internet from various abortion clinics that perform same-day abortions. In reality, things look a little different.

Indeed, everything begins immediately after the necessary examinations, a written agreement and tests. Medical termination of pregnancy begins on the day of treatment, but everything obviously will not end on this day.

Under supervision, the patient is given abortion pills, the names of which may vary. It is not for nothing that this type of abortion is called a tablet abortion. Tablets depend on the exact diagnosis and the patient’s well-being.

For example, these could be abortion pills mifegin, cytotec (cytotec), postinor, oxytocin, sinestrol, norcolut, progesterone, mifepristone and many others. Then the patient remains in the clinic for some time under observation; if everything goes well, she is sent home.

The patient returns to the clinic on the third day. There she is given a maintenance drug and left under observation for several hours. During this time, the so-called fertilized egg should die and be removed. Tablet abortion is very simple, but requires constant monitoring. After two weeks, the woman needs to see the doctor again. The doctor uses an ultrasound to check whether the fertilized egg has been completely expelled and if the result is positive, then the abortion is completed.

If the pregnancy cannot be terminated, or remains of the embryo are found, the doctor prescribes a vacuum abortion (mini-abortion) to complete the procedure begun.

Most women do not know how an abortion is performed and are therefore afraid to go for it. this procedure.

Vacuum abortion or mini abortion

Vacuum termination of pregnancy - best option among the above methods of abortion. It is done in early pregnancy, but no later than 4 - 7 weeks. During the procedure, an abortion machine is used that sucks out the fertilized egg from the uterus. Vacuum abortion significantly reduces the possibility of harm to the patient’s health.

During a mini-abortion, local anesthesia is used. It usually takes a couple of minutes. When performing the procedure, use a plastic tube specifically designed for this action. It does not have a negative effect on the walls of the uterus. I would also like to note that vacuum or as it is also called, the price of which can be checked in the clinic you are interested in, practically does not have any consequences.

So, let's summarize some of the types of abortions. I would like to immediately note that the most painless and, of course, effective is a mini-abortion. However, not every woman can have time for this procedure, because many seek termination of pregnancy at 8-22 weeks.

Women mostly undergo medical abortion. In this case, before going for this procedure, it is better to familiarize yourself with it in more detail and consult a doctor.

I would also like to note that most women do not go to the doctor for surgery at all. They perform abortions at home, which is not very hygienic or practical. However, there are many ways to perform an abortion at home. We strongly discourage such methods, as they can be very dangerous to your health.

Regarding surgical abortion, I would like to note that apart from the dangers of surgical intervention, there is nothing to add. Of course, it is better to take abortion pills or prevent abortions in advance than to ruin both yourself and the baby at a later stage. However, many do not voluntarily choose to terminate a pregnancy at a later stage. The reason for their action may be an emergency termination of pregnancy.

What can happen after an abortion?

Abortions performed late in pregnancy do not always go smoothly. Often, girls may have side effects from which they can suffer for many weeks. Basically these are:

  1. There are no periods after an abortion.
  2. After an abortion, my stomach hurts.
  3. After a medical termination of pregnancy, I feel sick.
  4. Bleeding after abortion.

What to do after an abortion?

Precautions to take after an abortion.

First of all, I would like to note that it does not matter at all how the abortion was carried out, but the following rules should clearly be followed in order to prevent all sorts of diseases and complications in a woman:

  • You can't do any physical activity for 3 weeks.
  • It is worth taking temperature measurements daily. If it increases or mild bleeding occurs, you should consult a doctor.
  • Sex after an abortion should also be avoided for 3 weeks to avoid infection.
  • Change your underwear more often. Don't forget about genital hygiene. It is advisable to wash 2-3 times a day in warm boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  • It is necessary to monitor menstruation over a long period of time. Menstruation after an abortion should not be any different from those that occurred before the induced abortion. If your period after an abortion begins later or earlier than expected and lasts much longer than usual, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Today, women practically do not care about their health and this is very bad, because many moments in life depend on it. If you do not undergo examinations in a timely manner, this may serve as a unpleasant consequences. Regardless of what type of abortion you used, you should constantly go for examination by a specialist, especially if you plan to become pregnant in the near future.


If you are interested in pregnancy after an abortion, then you should not neglect the rules described above, since taking care of your health in the future is the key to a successful pregnancy!

Naturally, the harm of an abortion is greater than we think, but if it is necessary to do it, then that says it all.

If you were forced to have an abortion, don’t be upset - positive test after an abortion, it can appear at any moment; sexual activity after an abortion is also not prohibited. You only need to wait a few weeks.

Abortion problem

As stated earlier, the problem with abortion is that many contraceptives do not work. Abortion statistics show that this procedure is increasing its ranks every year, and this is not surprising. Today, young couples are trying to achieve success in their careers and only then have children. But this is not a reason to do, so to speak, a medical abortion, reviews of which are not always positive.

There are very different ones. For example, many women cannot become pregnant in general, or undergo long-term treatment in order to become pregnant again. Therefore, to such a question as: “is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion?” The answer is simple - not always. Not every woman can cope with these consequences, especially if she had a late abortion. Before deciding on this procedure, a woman simply must think about the consequences.

Termination of an unwanted pregnancy can forever leave its mark on your history, especially if you do not contact a specialist to carry out this procedure, but take abortion pills on your own, for example, Chinese pills, injections or Postinor. All this can harm your health, since medications should be prescribed by a doctor based on tests. The rest may simply not fit.

Self-termination of pregnancy with pills can lead to bad consequences. However, I would like to note that if you decide to have an independent abortion, you need to carefully select abortion pills, despite their cost. The main thing is that they suit you.

Incorrectly selected medications for abortion, as mentioned earlier, can lead to unpredictable consequences. Traditional methods terminations of pregnancy have not yet led to good results, since during this procedure you need to be under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in this area.

The only one in a safe way abortion is mini. It does not bring any side effects. During a vacuum abortion, strong anesthesia is not used and various drugs are not taken. If you become pregnant and this pregnancy is unwanted, there is no need to risk your health and delay visiting a special institution that deals with these matters. Also, you do not need to conduct various kinds of experiments on yourself and take pills for emergency termination of pregnancy, just immediately consult a doctor and write your consent to have a mini-abortion.

Even though you had an abortion today, you may want to get pregnant in the future. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate and be afraid, you need to go to the clinic and have a mini-abortion, which does not carry with it any side effects.

Despite the fact that you have had an abortion in your life, and it doesn’t matter at will or forced, it is quite possible to become pregnant and give birth after it. Don't be upset and everything will work out.

Educational video about abortion

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Despite the widespread use of contraception, two thirds of women in the world know from personal experience what an unplanned pregnancy is. In some such cases, women decide to artificially interrupt it, or in other words, to have an abortion. Here it is important to know about the essence of such a procedure, the timing of its implementation and possible consequences.

According to medical statistics, about 50 million legal abortion procedures are performed every year in the world. Most often, women under the age of 24 resort to them. The main reasons for abortion may be a woman’s personal reluctance to give birth to a child or medical reasons. An extremely important condition for an abortion is the gestation period. This influences the choice of procedure technique.

The less time has passed since conception, the lower the risk negative consequences for a woman’s health after an artificial abortion. According to the law, it is possible to perform an abortion at a woman’s request before the 12th week of pregnancy, that is, during the first trimester. At this stage, the fetus is just forming, all its organs and systems are formed.

The main methods of artificial abortion are: medical termination (special tablets are used), vacuum interruption or mini-abortion (negative pressure conditions are created in the uterus to extract its contents, carried out for up to 6 weeks), surgical termination (classical method, carried out at term after six weeks under general anesthesia using surgical instruments).

Before the procedure, the woman is prescribed some examinations. In addition to an examination by a gynecologist and a special analysis (to confirm pregnancy), this is a general blood test, a smear for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, and an ultrasound to confirm the due date.

Additional research and more thorough preparation for the abortion procedure should be done if the pregnant woman has heart disease, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, epilepsy and other serious illnesses.

It is worth recalling that artificial termination of pregnancy, like any medical procedure, has some contraindications. It cannot be performed if a woman has acute liver or kidney disease, a serious disease of the cardiovascular system, severe anemia, blood or adrenal gland diseases, or an allergy to drugs used in preparing and performing an abortion.

In addition, when deciding to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should be clearly aware of the possible complications and consequences of this procedure. These are various infections and inflammations of the “female” organs, difficulties with conceiving and bearing a child in the future, the risk of ectopic pregnancy, mastopathy.

After an abortion, a woman is not recommended to become pregnant for at least a year. The course of a pregnancy that occurs after an artificial termination, even after the recommended time, should be monitored more carefully by a doctor, because there is a possibility of spontaneous abortion.

Until what period can a pregnancy be terminated with medication?

The least traumatic method of artificial abortion is medical abortion. This manipulation does not involve mechanical impact on the uterus and does not require the use of anesthesia.

The essence of the procedure is that the woman takes a drug prescribed by a doctor, and after a certain time the pregnancy is terminated. The mechanism of action of such tablets may be different. Some drugs provoke contractions of the uterus and thus reject the embryo. Others make the walls of the uterus unable to hold the fertilized egg. As a rule, such an abortion is accompanied by general malaise and copious discharge of blood from the vagina. Within two weeks after the procedure, the woman’s condition should be monitored by a doctor to prevent possible complications, and also to make sure that the uterus is completely cleaned, otherwise additional surgical cleaning of the uterus (curettage) may be necessary.

resort to medical abortion recommended only in the first six to eight weeks after conception. This is very important condition, compliance with which affects the effectiveness of the drugs. If you take them at a later date, the pills may not work or may work only partially. Therefore, it is so important to strictly adhere to the recommendations regarding the permissible period. The optimal period for a medical abortion is considered to be up to 4 weeks inclusive. The instructions for the medications for this manipulation indicate a period of 6-8 weeks.

For medical abortion there is large number contraindications: diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, endocrine and nervous systems, and so on.

This is why it is so important to take any medications to terminate a pregnancy only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a gynecologist. And after a preliminary examination. It is frivolous and even dangerous to prescribe a drug and dosage for an abortion on your own or on the advice of friends or acquaintances. This can result in serious health problems.

At what maximum period can a pregnancy be terminated?

At the request of the woman herself, pregnancy can be terminated before the 12th week. Later, an abortion can only be performed for medical reasons (on the part of the mother or the child).

The decision to terminate for medical reasons is made by a group of doctors. It is of a recommendatory nature; the woman’s consent to such a step is mandatory. Late-term abortion is carried out to preserve the health and life of women. For example, if she is diagnosed with a serious illness (cancer, blood diseases), effective treatment which is incompatible with pregnancy; if a woman suffers from pathologies of the central nervous system, heart, blood vessels and other systems. A medical indication for abortion may also be any chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus that threaten its existence or may lead to serious disability of the unborn child. Abortion also removes a frozen fetus. As a rule, therapeutic abortion is performed up to 22-24 weeks. In some cases, it can be carried out at a later date.

In such cases, caesarean section or artificial birth (stimulation of uterine contractions) is used. Termination of pregnancy at a later stage is often fraught with unpleasant consequences for women's health. These include bleeding, inflammation of the reproductive organs, speck formation, problems with conceiving and bearing a child, and menstrual irregularities. Therefore, it is recommended only in exceptional cases.

Especially for -Ksenia Boyko

Unfortunately, not every woman’s pregnancy becomes desirable. It often happens that expectant mother refuses her baby as soon as she finds out about conception. In this case, doctors perform the manipulation in several ways. In this article we will talk about how long a mini-abortion is performed. You will learn the peculiarities of this procedure. It is also worth saying what the mini-abortion terms, prices and conditions are.

How to terminate a pregnancy?

There are many methods to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. One of them is mini-abortion. The terms and prices of the procedure will be described below. Depending on the number of weeks of pregnancy, fetal development can be interrupted either by conventional curettage or by artificial birth. However, the latter procedures are more traumatic and can lead to complications of varying severity.

What is a mini-abortion?

Scraping or cleaning

This procedure can also be classified as a mini-abortion. All due to the fact that during manipulation it practically does not expand. Such a mini-abortion has the following terms.

The law establishes that up to 12 weeks of the child’s development, a woman can terminate her pregnancy at her own request. In this case, after several weeks of delay, the curettage procedure is chosen. So, the time frame for this manipulation is 3 months from the date of the last menstruation.

Medical termination of fetal life

Until what time is a mini-abortion of this type performed? Doctors set a limit of five to six weeks. In this case, the day of the cycle on which the manipulation is performed should not be more than 42.

During a medical termination of pregnancy, a representative of the fairer sex takes certain medications under the supervision of a doctor. If you need to undergo a procedure called a medical mini-abortion, the timing, pills and prices will be described by your doctor. First, the specialist will need to make sure that the duration of your pregnancy does not exceed acceptable standards. Only after this the day and drug for the manipulation are selected.

Alternative ways to terminate a pregnancy

At what period can you have a mini-abortion? If you decide to use drugs that increase the contractility of the myometrium (for example, Oxytocin), then such manipulation should be performed no later than one week of delay.

It is during this period that the fertilized egg is most vulnerable. It is not yet so securely attached to the wall of the uterus. If at this time you administer the dose of the drug indicated by the doctor, then, most likely, it will happen spontaneous miscarriage. However, doctors call this procedure a mini-abortion.

Termination of pregnancy immediately after conception

There is another type of manipulation that leads to termination of pregnancy. It can also be called a kind of mini-abortion. For this procedure, drugs that contain a large dose of hormones are used.

So, after the next sexual intercourse, which most likely will lead to conception, a woman must take a prescribed dose of medication. After this, she begins to bleed, which can be considered the beginning of a new cycle. It is worth noting that it is quite dangerous. If you fail to terminate the pregnancy and it progresses, the baby may be born sick.

Price of the procedure

So, you now know what the duration of a mini-abortion is. The prices of the procedures will depend on what type of procedure the doctor uses. If you went to a public medical institution, then most likely the manipulation will be free. However, to do this you need to meet precisely established deadlines and have a passport and insurance policy.

A mini-abortion can also be performed in a private clinic. In this case, the cost of manipulation will be as follows:

  • vacuum aspiration - from 3000 to 7000 rubles;
  • scraping or cleaning - from 2000 to 5000 rubles;
  • medicinal interruption with drugs containing mifepristone - from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles;
  • medical abortion using Oxytocin and fast-acting hormonal drugs - from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

After a mini-abortion

After the procedure, certain rules must be followed. Two weeks after the procedure, you should definitely contact a specialist. ultrasound diagnostics. The doctor will conduct an examination and assess the condition of the reproductive organ. Since the procedure is performed “blindly,” there is a possibility that particles of the fertilized egg will remain in the uterine cavity. The complication occurs extremely rarely, but such cases are known to medicine.

Also, after the procedure, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. The discharge should not continue long time. Most often they end within two weeks. During this period, the woman must take certain medications prescribed by the doctor. These may be drugs that increase uterine contractility, antibacterial medications, hormonal medications, and so on.

After an abortion, it is not recommended to plan to conceive in the next six months. The body needs time to rebuild and rehabilitate. That is why you should be careful about sexual intercourse and use contraception.

Summing up

You now know what types of mini-abortion there are. A separate deadline is set for each manipulation. Restrictions must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, problems and serious complications may arise. Never try to terminate a pregnancy yourself using folk recipes and grandmother's methods. All this can lead to unforeseen consequences. If necessary, contact specialists. Only a gynecologist will be able to choose the right method for you to terminate a pregnancy that is as safe as possible for your health. Use contraceptives and be healthy!