TOGBU "Center for Family Support and Assistance to Children "Aistenok"

Lesson notes in senior and preparatory group on the topic: “Friendship”

Prepared by:

social teacher

Fomina N.A.

Michurinsk 2015


Clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the rules of etiquette: the ability to make friends, make acquaintances, resolve conflicts, share with a friend.

Develop a willingness to meet each other halfway, the ability to speak out and listen to the interlocutor’s statements.
Learn to perform logical operations through verbal communication: the ability to make generalizations, inferences.
Develop imagination, attention, memory.
Develop cultural behavior skills.
Educate children moral qualities and feelings.
Enrich your vocabulary.

Evoke positive emotions.

Equipment:a letter from Santa Claus, a ball, hats or masks for a hedgehog and a bunny, a ball of thread, recordings of the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky, the dance “Friendship”, a chest of candies


Educator.Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say "Hello" to them. I smiled at you, and you will smile at me, at the guests, at each other, and think: how good it is that we are here together today. Let's take a deep breath and with a sigh forget all yesterday's grievances, anger, and anxiety. Let's exhale the freshness and warmth of the sun's rays. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

Guys, look at our Stork, today we received a letter from Santa Claus, let's read it.

Dear guys, it's coming soon New Year, and I have prepared a lot of gifts. But I’m very interested in whether you know how to be friends. Because I only come with gifts to friendly kids. And today I also have a surprise for you, but you will get it when you tell everything about friendship, and I will watch you through my magic ball and if you are truly friendly guys, then be sure to wait for me to visit you New Year's party. Your Grandfather Frost.

Guys, do you know what real friends should be like?
Children's answers:

Okay, now we'll check it. I will ask you questions, and you answer: “yes-yes-yes or no-no-no.” Shall we try?

Will we be strong friends?
Yes, yes, yes .
Should we value our friendship?
Yes, yes, yes
Will we learn to play?
Yes, yes, yes
Shall we help a friend?
Yes, yes, yes
Need to piss off a friend?
No, no, no.
How about giving a smile?
Is it worth offending a friend?
No, no, no.
Well, what about resolving disputes?
Yes, yes, yes
Shall we drink tea with friends?
Yes, yes, yes.
Will we be strong friends?
Yes, yes, yes.
Educator: Listen now to an excerpt from one very good song.
An excerpt from V. Shainsky’s song “Smile” is heard.
Guys, if you know this song, then it will be easy for you to answer my next question:

Where does acquaintance and friendship begin?
Children. With a smile.

Educator.Why is it so important to smile?

Children's answers.

Guys, imagine that you really want to meet other children and play with them. We already know how you can get acquainted, let's do it again.

Warm-up game “Getting Acquainted”.

Children stand in a circle and take turns passing the ball to each other and say the phrase “Hello, my name is (name), let’s play.”

Educator.Yes, guys, having friends is very good, without friends we will be bored, bad. Now we will learn to say pleasant, good things to each other.

Game "I Like You"

Educator. Guys, let's all make one big colorful web that connects us to each other. When we weave it, each of us can express our kind thoughts and feelings that we feel for our comrades. So, wrap the free end of the thread around your palm twice and pass the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying your movement with the words: “(Dima, Seryozha)! I like you because...(you’re fun to play with, or you have a very interesting story).” Dima, having listened to the words addressed to him, wraps his palm, says kind words and passes the ball on. And so the game continues until we are all entangled in the “web”.

Educator. Guys, was it easy to say kind words to each other? Is it nice?
Children's answers.

Educator.Guys, does it ever happen that you quarrel?
Children's answers.

Educator.And so the most common reason quarrels - when you cannot share something or when you want to do the same thing.

Guys, now I suggest you portray two friends Hedgehog and Bunny, each of them wants to swing on a swing. How to help them not quarrel?

The teacher selects two children to participate in the game and gives them appropriate hats or animal masks. The role of a swing is performed by a chair. Dramatization of the poem.

In a quiet forest among bushes and paths
There lived two friends, Bunny and Hedgehog.

And in the clearing they found a swing.
The hedgehog stepped towards the swing,
The hare pulled the swing towards him.
Hare: I'm first!
A Hedgehog: No. I!
The hare was offended:
“So you, Hedgehog,
I’m not at all good as a comrade.”

Educator.Why did the Hare decide not to be friends with the Hedgehog?
Children.The hedgehog did not give up the swing to him.
Educator.Do you think this is a reason why friends should quarrel?
Children. No.

Educator.How to reconcile friends, how to make sure that there is no quarrel? Let's read the poem again, but with a cheerful ending, when the Bunny and the Hedgehog came to an agreement.

In a quiet forest among bushes and paths
There lived two friends, the Hare and the Hedgehog.
One day they went for a walk
And in the clearing they found a swing.
The hedgehog stepped towards the swing,
The hare pulled the swing towards him.
The hare said: “I’ll rock you.
You and I, Hedgehog, are friends!”
Summing up.

Educator.Guys, what should you do to avoid quarreling?
Children.Be able to negotiate.

Educator.Well done guys, I see that you know a lot about friendship. I wonder if you can dance together?

Children. Yes.

Educator.Then I suggest you dance the funny dance “Friendship”. Everyone come out in a circle.

Dance "Friendship"

Educator.I see that you can dance together! Well done! Guys, raise your hand if there is a greedy person among you. Do you think it’s interesting to be friends with a greedy person? Why?

Children's answers.

And here is a surprise from Santa Claus, a chest of candies. Now we will check you whether there is a greedy person among you or not.Take these candies (the teacher distributes two candies not to each child, but every other child) and give one candy to a friend sitting next to you.

Children:I give candy to the one I love. Children give candy to a neighbor.
Educator. Well, friends, our lesson has come to an end. You have proven that you are truly friendly guys. This means that you can expect Santa Claus to visit you on New Year’s Day.
Let's stand in a circle again, hold hands, look into each other's eyes and give our kindest smile. Let's all say together: “Goodbye!”

Children come out one after another to the music.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Friendship begins with a smile”

Educational activities in preparatory group

« Friendship begins with a smile»

Target: development of communicative activities.


Secure proverbs about friendship;

Development of communication skills, friendly relationships between children, the ability to negotiate and come to the rescue, positive social behavior;

Enrich with new skills and knowledge in the field of conflict-free communication;

Bring up moral principles child’s personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship; - consolidate the correct pronunciation of children, monitor complete answers, activate adjectives in speech.

Material: cut-out pictures with letters, whatman paper with a drawn tree, felt-tip pens for each child, a paper palm for each child, hearts for each child.

Preliminary work: conversation and reading. works about friendship, learning proverbs and sayings.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher and children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello dear guests!

Children: Hello!

Educator: I’m very glad to see you healthy and in a good mood. I really want it to good mood you always had it. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us.

There is light music and sounds of nature.

Children: Hello bright sunshine! Beautiful sky, hello!

All mine girlfriends, all my friends,

Hello guys, how I love you!

Educator: now guys, listen to a poem that will help determine the theme of our classes:

Who's in believes in friendship passionately,

Who feels the shoulder nearby,

He will never fall

He won’t get lost in any trouble,

And if he suddenly stumbles,

Then a friend will help him get up,

A friend will always help you in trouble

He will extend his hand.

Educator: Who is this poem about?

Children: about a friend.

Educator: That’s absolutely right, but we started talking about friends because the topic of our classes« Friendship» .

And now I invite you to hold hands to feel the warmth and strength of the hands of your comrades.

Children sit on chairs.

Camilla also learned the poem. Listen his:

A sincere friend is with you forever,

He is connected with you by the same fate.

In the palm of your hand it is unchangingly strong

A reliable, faithful friend's hand.

Guys, what is this poem about? (about faithful and reliable friendship) . Well done guys.

Now guys, let's talk a little about friendship.

The teacher asks questions children:

What's happened friendship? (Friendship- when they play together, help each other with something, share their secrets).

What kind of person would you like to be with? be friends? (good, kind, well-mannered, polite, honest, brave, reliable).

Can mom, dad, grandma, grandpa be friends? (Yes)

Do you think it is possible to live without friends? (No, without friends it’s boring, not interesting. There’s no one to talk to.)

What can friends do together? (play, work, relax, joke, talk, be silent, go to the cinema, watch cartoons and eat ice cream, etc.)

Well done guys, you know what it is friendship.

Educator: Now let's remember the proverbs and sayings about friendship which you you know: "One for all and all for one", "Alone warrior in the field", "Strong friendship You can’t cut it with an ax.”, “A tree is strong with its roots, and a man is with friends”, “Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”, "A friend in need is a friend".

Well done guys, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship. Do you think we are all the same? Of course not! Although we communicate with you, we live nearby, we differ from each other, firstly, in our names, faith, nationality, interests, hair color, skin color. But we also have a lot in common that unites us. We will see this now. Let's play a game with you now, let's stand in loose. I will tell you tasks, and you will respond to them with movements.

Clap your hands for those who love ice cream.

Jump up those who like to show off.

Raise your hands up those who like to do exercises.

Sit down, those who like to pinch,

Smile those who loves his mother.

You see how much we have in common. Well done!

Now let's complete the next task. Divide into 4 teams of 3 people. Each team will take an envelope with letters from their table and form a word from them. And we should get Leopold the cat's favorite expression. Children make up words, read them, and use the words to assemble offer: "Guys, let's live together

Well done guys. They did an excellent job with this task.

Now let's stand in a circle and rest a little

Physical education minute "If there is good friend» .

The mood has dropped, they throw their hands down

Things are getting out of hand... - shaking head, shaking hands

But all is not lost yet - they shrug their shoulders

If there is a good friend, they turn their faces towards each other

“We can handle this together,” they shake hands.

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - take a deep breath, exhale

Let's lift the mood - bend over and slowly straighten up

And shake off the dust! - shake themselves off.

Well done guys, we had a rest.

Children sit on chairs.

So we rested.

And now I propose to play a game called "Relay friendship» , for this you need to pass the baton in turn. Educator: I'll start first, and you continue: "I'm sharing friendship with Kira, etc.

I feel like friendship has become bigger and stronger, since each of you added your piece friendship. May she always remain with you in your heart.

Drawing: Guys, today we talked a lot about friendship. I suggest you create a tree of our friendly close-knit group. There are paper palms on the tables in front of you. Come, take each hand and paint it with your favorite color. (children draw to music). Look, everyone’s palms are different, because you and I are all different from each other. Now glue your palms onto our tree. What happened? Yes, our tree turned out to have multi-colored leaves. This is our tree friendly group. We will take him with us to group.

Educator: guys, come to me and make a small one circle: let’s build our own pyramid friendship. I will start building first, then the children. I extend my hand in front of me, and you place your palms on top one by one. One, two, three, four, five, we’ll meet again again!” and stand in the rainbow.

Reflection: Guys, I prepared these hearts for you. They two flowers: red and yellow. I suggest you choose heart: red heart means – "I did a good job"; and yellow - “I didn’t succeed at everything”.

Well done guys, everyone chose red hearts, Means, you all did a good job. I was also very pleased with you, because you all answered the questions well and did an excellent job with all the tasks.

Conclusion: I would really like you to become one friendly family and always helped each other. And remember that friendship should be treasured.

Now we’ll say goodbye to the guests and let’s go to groups

Publications on the topic:

"Friendship begins with a smile." Summary of a music lesson for the younger group SUMMARY OF ORGANIZED EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES for junior group kindergarten Topic: “Friendship begins with a smile” Goal: Development.

Goals: develop oral speech; generalize and clarify children’s knowledge of the concept of “friendship”; enrich your vocabulary; learn to answer questions in complete sentences;

Summary of NNOD “Friendship begins with a smile” Full name of teacher: Goncharova Anna Vladimirovna For the preparatory group (duration 30 minutes) goal: Formation in older preschoolers.

Abstract of the educational activity for social, personal and speech development “Friendship begins with a smile” (preparatory group) GCD theme “Friendship begins with a smile” GCD type integrated Goal: development of communication skills in older children preschool age,.

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group “Friendship begins with a smile” Goal: Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age. Objectives: Learn to connect the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific one.

Date of publication: 04/17/18

Lesson notes

in the preparatory group

compensating orientation

on the topic "Friendship"

Made up:

teacher Zamyatina T.Yu.


Clarify and expand knowledge of friendship, friends.

Strengthen the secrets of friendly relationships with children.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop cognitive interest, curiosity, intelligence; develop the ability to reason, argue your point of view, developchildren's spoken language and enrich their vocabulary.

Develop the ability to express your thoughts and listen to your comrades.


To cultivate moral qualities: the ability to make friends and cherish friendship, mutual assistance and kindness, to have many good and kind friends.


Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher and peers, expressing your opinion in complete sentences.

Progress of the lesson:

The bell is my friend - gather the children in a circle.

Hello girls, hello boys!

Say hello to the guests, smile with us.

Sit down in your seats, straight, comfortable, beautiful. Well done!

One-two-three-four-five we will now again: Watch, listen, reflect and not disturb each other. Speak clearly, clearly, don’t fidget, don’t be naughty.

I'm very glad to see you! Guys, what are you in the mood? So I came to you in a good mood!

Guys, this morning, when I turned on the computer, I received a video message for our group from the old woman Shapoklyak, listen to what she says


Well guys, let's help the old lady?

I suggest you please the old lady Shapoklyak and give her an amazing flower, and for its petals to bloom, we will help you unravel all the secrets friendshipto make it easier for her to find friends.

Main part

But first tell me what it is friendship? ( Friendship- This when people want to be together, when they play together and don’t quarrel.Friends - This people with whom we are interested and still speak well "comfortable".)

Are you guys friendly? (Yes)

Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try not to offend each other)

Why do we call only some people friends?

Who wants to talk about their boyfriend or girlfriend?

Tell me what his name is. Where did you meet him? Why do you consider him (her) your friend? When he acted like true friend(what did you share, help, defend yourself?)

Children's stories.

How many of you like to listen to something pleasant addressed to you? (children's answer)

And who loves and knows how to speak nice words to your friends? (children's answer)

I invite you to weave a web of kind words.

I have a "ball of friendship" that I will pass on ( Semyony) . He will wrap the free end of the thread around his palm twice and roll the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying the movement good wishes or a compliment. The one who has the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

(Children complete the task).

Now look at the web of kind words we have created.

Well done, how much do you know about friendship, well done.

It was nice to listen to you good words and wishes addressed to you (yes)

Has your mood improved?

Do you want to know the FIRST secret?

Then listen to a short snippet of a children's song you know and you might even sing along.

(The song plays "From a smile".)

Educator: Guys, where does acquaintance begin and friendship?  (children's answers)-PThat's right, with a smile. True, because a smiling person is friendly. Look how fast, leeasy and simple you solved the first onesecret.

Tell me, which person is more pleasant to communicate with, the one who is gloomy or the one who smiles?

- And you and I begin to create a flower friendship.

Let'sdraw smiles on the petal and attach the petalto our Flower friendship.

Here we go first the petal has blossomed, look how beautiful it is.

Well done! We completed the task.

Let's try to unravel the second secret of friendship.

He "encrypted"in pictures. Approach the tables. On the tableoh there are pictures, look at them carefully and tell mewhat is shown there

Children pexamine and discuss the depicted situations

Try to determine what these four pictures have in common.

-(In all the pictures people help each other, animals, plants, birds).

Here's another secret friendshipwe have revealed.... Which?

Second secret  friendship: HELP.

Help everyone who needs help and you will have many friends.

- And now let’s attach another petal with the image of palms to our Flower.

Here's ours flowerthere is one more open petal.

Dynamic pause “If you have a good friend.”

I read a poem, and you perform gestures and movements.

The mood has dropped, they throw their hands down

The matter is falling out of hand... - shaking head, shaking hands

But all is not lost yet, they shrug their shoulders

If you have a good friend. - rturn their faces towards each other

“We can handle this together,” they shake hands.

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - take a deep breath, exhale

Let's lift the mood - bend over and slowly straighten up

And shake off the dust! - shake themselves off.


Guys, what do you think?, who is itoh goodman, evil man? (he doesn’t help anyone, doesn’t communicate with anyone, doesn’t care about anyone)

Who do you think has more friends? , a good or an evil person?

Guys, what do you think, is it possible to see kindness? Where?

Guys, look at these objects (a dirty plate, a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, an apple, a torn book, a broken toy, a bouquet flowers) With the help of these items, can you perform a good deed?And which one, we will now find out by playing the game “Good Ball”.( Whoever has the ball calls what needs to be done with it subject: wash the plate, give flowers andT. d.)

Relaxation (Calm music)

Now sit down comfortably and put right hand on left side breasts Do you feel tremors? This is your kind heart beating.

I I know it lives in your heartskindness, and I believe that they will talk about you "He has a good heart" .

What's another secret? friendship we have solved?

Third secret friendship: KINDNESSDlet's attach it to the Flower friendship petal of kindness and responsiveness in the shape of a heart.

Praise the children.

Educator: Guys, What do you think, should you please your friends?How can you please your friends? (children's answers). And when you please your friends, what mood are they in?

Educator: Guys, let's arrange it for your friends "Joyful fireworks" .

Let's go to the table, I'll now drip multi-colored ones onto the paperdropsand you will blow on them through these colorful tubes, (children blow into tubes) . Fine, Great, wonderful, wonderful, it turned out to be a wonderful fireworks display. Let's attach another petal of good mood to the Flower friendship.

Educator: Here Weand remembered with youthe main rules of communication and friendship,

So let's never forget the secrets friendship,

Now I’ll see how you remember all the laws friendship.


You guys help

answer questions

Only YES or only NO,

Give me the answer, friends.

If YES you say

Then clap your hands,

If NO you say

Then stomp your feet.

- We will be strong be friends? D (Yes–da-yes)

- Shall we learn to play? D (Yes–da-yes)

– Shall we help each other? D (Yes–da-yes)

– Do you need to piss off your friend? D (no no no)

- And give a smile? D (YesYesYes)

– Is it worth offending a friend? D (no no no)

- We will shout loudly (no no no)

-We’ll tear off the bear’s paw (no no no)

-Are we all going to tear up books? (no no no)

-What about pushing your comrades? (no no no)

– Shall we drink tea with friends? D (Yes–da-yes)

-Shall we wash our hands before eating? (Yes–da-yes)

- We will always be friendly? D (Yes–da-yes)

-And to comrades are true?  (yes-yes-yes)


Admire how wonderful We got the Flower of Friendship.

Look guysShapoklyakseeing a beautiful Flower of Friendshiplearns a lot aboutfriendship, will also find friends, because living with friends is fun and interesting.


Q: Guys, if it was easy or interesting in class today, clap your hands. Why did you clap? (because it was easy for me, he answered all my questions, helped my friends).

For those who found it a little difficult, perhaps for those who were tired, stomp your feet. Why did he drown? (couldn't answer the question).

Final part

IN: IToday I’m very glad that you all found it interesting.

Ritual of farewell"Smile"

Let's make a circle and finish ouractivity is the motto of friendly guys.

(Children stand in a circle and put them on each other’s shoulders):

“The river begins with a stream, wellfriendship begins with a smile».

Look around, smile, hug, go your separate ways.

Class ends, Afriendship continues, HOORAY,URA,URA

Let's all be friends and cherish our friendship!

Lesson in a preparatory group

on the topic: “Friendship begins with a smile”

Target. Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.

Tasks. Learn to connect the meaning of proverbs about friendship with a specific life situation.

Develop communication skills, friendships between children, the ability to negotiate, positive social behavior.

Enrich with new skills and knowledge in the field of conflict-free communication.

Form a favorable psychological climate groups.

To educate the moral foundations of a child’s personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Move. The psychologist and the children stand in a circle.

P: Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in a good mood. I really want you to remain in a good mood throughout the day. And now we will say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me (light music, sounds of nature).

Greetings: Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello strong oak tree!

We live in native land, I greet you all!

Well done, guys! Do you think we are all the same? Of course not! Although we communicate with you and live nearby, we differ from each other in character, weight, height, desires and much more. But we also have common points that unite us. We will see this now. Let's play a game. I will tell you the task, and you will respond to them with movements. Listen to me carefully!

Ice cream lovers, join hands.

Raise your hands up those who love exercise.

Those who like to walk outside, put your hands on your belt.

Those who like to visit, stamp your right foot.

Hold hands those who love cartoons.

You see how many reasons unite us (an SMS message arrives).

P: Guys! We have received an SMS message, let's read it. The forest gnomes have quarreled and ask you to help them make peace. But only friendly guys can help them. Do you agree to help them? Then we’ll sit down on the path (children sit on chairs in a circle).

P: Conversation with children.

Are you guys friendly? Why do you think so? Where does friendship begin? How do friends behave?

D: They help a friend in trouble, know how to share joy, do not laugh at a friend’s shortcomings; stop a friend if he is doing something bad; know how to accept help and advice, and are not offended by criticism; do not deceive a friend; they know how to admit their mistakes and make peace with a friend; Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

P: What color is friendship? What does she smell like? What can strong friendship be compared to?

D: With the sun, a song, a clear day, a rope, a brick wall, iron...

P: Well done guys! We had an interesting conversation about friendship and friends. You know a lot about friendship. I would really like the Dwarves to hear our conversation. Remember guys, who can help the forest gnomes? (children's answers).

P: Yes, only friendly guys can help the forest gnomes. Remember this! And to make it more fun, choose a mate, hold hands and hit the road! (the song “It’s fun to walk together” sounds).

P: And here is the first clearing with task.

Exercise "Pencil".(On the tables for each pair there is a simple pencil and 1 sheet of paper). All couples come to the table. Look around you, what objects surround us. Now listen carefully to the task: each pair will take 1 pencil and 1 sheet of paper. You need to draw any 1 object that you see around you (children draw while standing).

P: We finished drawing. Let's see what you drew. (Children name the objects they drew.) What was difficult? Does everyone have the same desire to draw this particular subject? What helped you quickly draw an object? (Ability to agree, listen to each other, accept each other’s opinion, agree). Your ability to negotiate helped us complete the task quickly, well done! You can safely move on! (Upbeat music sounds).

P: We came to clearing "Smart Men and Women".You will need to complete the following tasks. Be careful!

Task 1: if you collect all the parts correctly, we will see where our gnomes live. Children complete the task (they get a picture of a house in the forest). Well done, children! Your intelligence and friendliness helped you.

Task 2: Find out which word is hidden. Solution to the rebus: RA + picture arc = RAINBOW. Children explain how the word came about.

Task 3: “Noisy pictures.” Look carefully at the images. Name who sees what, and we will find out what our gnomes like to eat (Children name fruits and vegetables - what gnomes like).

Your desire to help the gnomes and your ability to listen to each other helped you cope with all the tasks. We must move on.

P: How beautiful we came to the clearing. Let's play the game "We won't tell, but we'll show." Now you will show how much you understand each other without words.

Well done! I see that you know each other very well and are very friendly guys. We need to hurry.

P: There is a bridge in front of us. The couple who can name a proverb about friendship will be able to walk along it. But first, explain how you understand this expression: “Friends do not spill water.” (Children's answers).

You have very interesting thoughts, you all correctly understand the meaning of this expression. Well, now say the proverbs and walk across the bridge.

Proverbs about friendship:

  1. A man without a friend is like a tree without roots.
  2. Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
  3. Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.
  4. Look for a friend, but if you find one, take care.
  5. Help your friend everywhere, don’t leave him in trouble.
  6. Without trouble you won't recognize a friend.
  7. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  8. Die yourself, but help your comrade.
  9. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
  10. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

P: Guys, we've come tosunny meadow.Why is it called that? And here comes the sun. Is there just something missing from our sun? That's right, rays! Now we will finish drawing the rays. Each pair must draw only one yellow and one red ray. Agree among yourself who will be which ray. While children are drawing, the song “From a Smile” is heard. (On the tables there are baths with colored water - yellow and red. Children lower their palm into the bath with colored water, barely touching the water. Then they put their palm on a sheet of paper where only a sun circle is drawn. After drawing, wipe their hands with wet wipes). How much brighter the group has become! What kind of sunshine did we get? (Cheerful, kind, bright, radiant, happy, hot, joyful). Of course, for friendly guys, that’s the only way the sun shines.

The psychologist reads a poem:

Brighter than the sun's rays

Friendship in the whole world.

After all, it's more fun with friends,

On any planet!

P: (An SMS message arrives again.) How cool, kids! The gnomes saw and heard everything that we talked about. And they have already made peace. And as a sign of gratitude they will help us return home quickly. Guys, how do you feel now? What helped you cope with all the tasks? Who found it difficult? Who was afraid of something? Who wanted to go back?

P: You have done a great good deed. I am very glad that we managed to reconcile the dwarves. you showed good example how real friends should behave. We were able to overcome all difficulties, were attentive to each other, listened and heard each other. You are smart, kind, friendly guys. Well done! To return home, close all your eyes. Light music “Sounds of Nature” is playing.

Relaxation. Imagine that we are walking through the forest. Fallen tree branches crackle underfoot and lush grass rustles. Blue clouds float overhead, and the light rays of the sun warm you. You feel reliably protected - nature is filled with such tranquility! This peace helps you hear the wonderful sounds of the forest: the buzzing of insects, the singing of birds, the rustling of tree branches, the sound of a distant waterfall. You feel the most subtle smells, become more sensitive to everything.A soft breeze touches your head and you feel light and happy. There is no one in the world who felt the same way as you. Inhale deeply and easily. Slowly open your eyes and move your fingers. And now they opened their eyes wide and batted their eyelashes. Here we are at home.

Show me with your facial expressions what mood you are in now. I'm glad your mood remains good.

Now let’s all join hands and finish our meeting.

Conclusion. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

There's a knock on the door.

P: Guys! The gnomes sent us a “Friendship Pie” treat and a photo of themselves. What's their mood? Why? (Children's answers). Now let’s wash our hands, set the table, and drink tea and cake.

The song “Strong Friendship” plays and the children sit down to have tea.

Name: Lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Where friendship begins.”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, moral education, Preparatory group for school

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten №6
Location: Lipetsk region, Zadonsk, Sovetskaya str., 48

OOD theme: “Where friendship begins.”

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about friendship.

Educational: teach children to use polite words in speech;

activate the dictionary.

Developmental: develop the moral qualities of children.

Educational: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work: reading stories about friendship, memorizing poems about friendship, looking at illustrations on the topic “Friends,” memorizing proverbs.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, easel, Whatman paper, song: “Friendship begins with a smile”

1. Psycho-gymnastics

Good morning guests!

On this autumn day

We are not too lazy to say hello.

So we woke up

Here we are gathered

And Natasha is here, and Vanya is here, and Anya is here (children list their names, guests say full name)

We are glad to see you.

2.Introduction to the topic.

You will find out what we are going to talk about today when you solve the puzzle.

- Read by first letter


What is friendship? (This is happiness, great joy from communication. This dear person who will help with advice, always support and listen. When children play together and do not quarrel.)

Friends are people with whom it is fun and interesting for us to communicate.

- Where does friendship begin? (with a smile)

- What should a friend be like? (faithful, patient, kind.)

- How many friends do you think there can be? (one, several; the rest are acquaintances, comrades)

Each of us dreams of strong friendship, but not everyone knows how to cherish it. To maintain friendly relations, you must not betray your friend.

I suggest drawing a “Friendship” tree. We will have to complete many tasks. This work is not easy. Do you agree?

(knock on the door)

- Look who came to us? THIS IS KUSYA.

— For some reason he’s sad. WHY? (no one is friends with him)

- How can I help him? (take with you to complete tasks)

(sit on the chairs, back straight, legs together) ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN

Gymnastics for the eyes - we will raise our eyes up - we will smile

- we will lower our eyes and smile

- turn your eyes to the left - smile

- turn your eyes to the right

- and let’s start working.

Fairy tale "Friendship"

- Why were the shoe and the ball fighting?

— Do you wake up and quarrel when performing tasks?

— What will you do in a difficult situation?

First task. Word game “Who can say the most kind words”

(The purpose of this game: development of verbal communication, friendly attitude to peers)

— Well done with the first task, let's start drawing the tree.

Second task. Now become a boy and a girl and discuss the situation

1) Your friend says bad words.

2) The boy pulls the girl’s braids.

3) In competitions, your friend loses and lets the team down.

(children explain what they should do)

- Who knows and will read a poem about friendship.

1.Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who feels the shoulder nearby,
He will never fall
He won’t get lost in any trouble...

2. Don't stand aside indifferently,
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue,
Any minute, always

3. A beetle met a snail:
- Don't be afraid, I'm your friend!
Why did you aim the horns?
At me as an enemy?
If you greet friends with horns,
They will all become enemies.

4. I know that Sashka will be offended
Yesterday I applied it in the heat of the moment!
I'll leave the garden in the evening
On the field, where near the ball,
The team has already assembled,
There will be screams and noise
And I’ll take two easy steps,
And I’ll give you the first hand!

And now we will rest. Physical education minute.

Didactic game “Add the word.”

On the table are the letters D, R, R, Z, R, R, B, D, D, U, U, G, Z, L, Zh. (you need to form the words correctly)


(The purpose of this game: development of thinking)

And they completed this task.

- Why do you think? (help each other)

1) There are many proverbs about friendship. I say the beginning of the proverb, and you continue

If you don’t have a friend, look... (but if you find one, take care)

A friend is better than an old one, but a dress... (new)

Cherish your friendship, don’t forget it... (hurry)

2) There are proverbs scattered on the table, collect them in the correct sequence

Roots, a tree, and, friends, a person, lives. (A tree lives by roots, and a person lives by friends).

In, the forest, friendship, mushroom, no, you will find, no. (Friendship is not a mushroom, you won’t find it in the forest!)

D/I “Help a friend”

There is a river in front of you. Everyone has three sheets of paper in their hands, you can get out in pairs, and only on the sheets. (The goal of this game is to be responsive at the right time)

Game “Who is friends with whom?” Place the arrows.

Carlson the dog Sharik

Cheburashka cat Leopold

cat Matroskin baby

kitten woof

crocodile Gena

What is missing from our tree? (leaflets)

So, twig by twig. We did it big tree but is something missing? (leaves)

Now we will draw our friends on the leaves and attach the leaves with a portrait of our boyfriend or girlfriend to the tree

The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew with grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly, you and I are friends.

And with friends in half

We are happy to share:

Only friends quarrel

Never necessary.

Finger gymnastics:

Friends in our group

Girls and boys.

(fingers of both hands are joined rhythmically into a lock)

We'll make friends with you

Little fingers.

(rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One, two, three, four, five.

(alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger)

One, two, three, four, five.

(hands down, shake hands)

Children draw and name who they drew. After this, the leaves are attached to the tree.

Look, our Kuzya is smiling too.

Why? (he realized that he had to live with the guys. Don’t offend, don’t quarrel.)

(Music “Friendship Begins with a Smile” plays)

If we help each other in trouble, give advice, don’t snitch, don’t quarrel, then you will become true friends. I wish you have a true friend.

- What did we talk about today?

- Who came to visit us?

- Were you interested?

-What was hard?

— Did everyone complete the tasks?

— On the next task we will talk about polite people.