Concert program “In the Land of Happy Childhood.”
1. Children with balloons come on stage to the music and open the holiday.
1.In the whisper of a warm wind,
In games of shadow and light,
Evening star in flight
You'll probably remember him.
2. Childhood – dreams and holidays,
Childhood - May thunderstorms,
Childhood is a flight of fancy
Childhood is laughter and tears.
3. We are all in the power of Childhood,
With childhood comes spring.
Childhood is simple happiness
Childhood is always with us!
2. The song “Childhood Holiday” is performed.
3. Fanfare.
4. The presenters come out.
1st century Good afternoon, dear friends!
2c. We welcome all guests and spectators to the concert program “In the Land of Happy
5. Song “School Anthem”.
1st century Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
2c. Childhood is you and me.
Childhood is me and you.
6. Dance "Waltz".
7. Song “Konopushki”.
8. Montage of the poem “Friendship”.
1st century Somewhere in the world of distant stars
There is a land of magical dreams.
There, at the edge of the water,
Traces of our childhood.
2c. The vocal group of class 3b will perform the song “My Family”.
9. Song “My Family”.
2c. How many interesting things happen in childhood! So much free time! And how much
friends around!
They can't sit still,
everyone loves to have fun
I'm not too lazy to dance
We could dance all day!
Meet the dance group "Girls". Dance "Girl Dance".
10. Dance “Girl’s Dance”.
1st century I dream of spreading a star garden on our planet,
So that all the children in the world could draw him.
And everyone will boldly draw everything that interests him:
Flowers, drawings, forests and fairy tales, he will draw everything, if only there were paints,

Yes, a sheet of paper on the table, and the world, and mom on the ground.
11. Song “We Divide Everything in Half”
2c. Friends, watch the “Apple” dance.
He's funny and good
Get ready to clap your hands!
12. Dance “Apple”.
2c. Childhood is magic, childhood is a triumph,
Childhood is joy without boundaries, happiness, sun, birdsong,
1st century Children's voices, songs, fairy tales, miracles,
Expectation of success, friendship, school, splashes of laughter!
Each of us only gets to experience childhood once!
The 3b class vocal group gives you their comic song.
13. Song “I can’t and I don’t want to.”
2c. Russia is our beloved home
And this is our secret:
Let everyone around you remember -
Russia has no equal!
1st century Russia is a glorious country
And we are proud of her.
Let her be strong -
We strive for this!
1st century The vocal group of class 4a will perform the song “My Army”
14. Song “My Army”.
1st century Meet 2nd grade students with the song “Serve Russia”
15. Song “Serve Russia.”
1st century The song “My Moscow” will be performed by a choir of high school students.
16. Song “My Moscow”.
2c. Childhood is a planet of dreams, joy, happiness! Meet the high school choir
17. Medley of children's songs. Finale "Solar Circle"
1st century Today teachers and students gave you a piece of their soul high school №2!
See you again!

Concert and entertainment program dedicated to Children's Day "Celebration of Childhood"

"Children-our future!

Target: create an atmosphere of success and a fun, unforgettable holiday for children

dedicated to Children's Day.


· popularization of the art of choreography and creative activity team;

· give the audience an idea of ​​the creativity and repertoire of the dance group;

· implementation of practical skills in performing dances of different genres;

· fostering the spirit of collectivism, cohesion, and mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;

· awaken in schoolchildren, among the spectators, the desire to engage in choreography in TO;

Concert program - entertainment program and theatrical performance:

17.00. Award ceremony for dance associations.

17.30. Tea party.



"Childhood Holiday"

(Concert and entertainment program dedicated to Children's Day)

Target: create an atmosphere of success and a fun, unforgettable holiday for children

Dedicated to Children's Day.


  • popularization of the art of choreography and creative activities of the group;
  • give the audience an idea of ​​the creativity and repertoire of the dance group;
  • implementation of practical skills in performing dances of different genres;
  • nurturing the spirit of collectivism, cohesion, and mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;
  • awaken in schoolchildren, among the spectators, the desire to engage in choreography in TO;

Concert and entertainment program:

17.00. Award ceremony for dance associations.

17.30. Tea party.

Musical material:

  1. Dance ensemble "Grace" dance "Russian"
  2. Dance ensemble "Grace" dance "Merging of Souls"
  3. Dance ensemble "Girls" dance "Quadrille"
  4. Dance ensemble "Grace" dance "Vesnyanka"
  5. Dance ensemble "Fiesta" dance "On the Border"
  6. Dance ensemble "Grace" dance "Hip-hop"
  7. Dance ensemble “Girls” “Fire Dance”
  8. Dance ensemble "Rainbow" dance "This is us"
  9. Dance ensemble "Grace" "White Dance"
  10. Dance ensemble "Snowflakes" "Mom's Waltz"
  11. Final song “Childhood”

The curtain opens.

Children from kindergarten open the celebration with dance

The presenter enters the stage.


It's fun today, we're happy!

Congratulations on Children's Day!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, ringing laughter!

We've got a bunch of dances in store,

Have fun without interruptions!


Today wonderful holiday, the brightest and most joyful - International Children's Day. Now you are still small, and everything is still ahead of you, all doors are open for you, and the whole world is in front of you - at your fingertips.

And on this wonderful evening, the dance groups of tonight want to congratulate you.

A cherished wish came true

What I dreamed about many years ago:

Labor, perseverance, skill, diligence -

Incarnated in our children!

For the third year now, we have been pleased with the creativity of wonderful dance groups - the dance ensemble “Grace”, “Zadorinka”, “Fly-dance”; for the second year the dance ensembles “Rainbow”, and our guests from the _________ dance associations “Fiesta”, “Girls” , "Snowflakes".

And today the ensemble members invited us to their Dance celebration.

Rehearsals, concerts, trips to festivals, and more performances, and rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals. Such is the life of these very young groups. And their efforts have been noted more than once letters of gratitude, certificates of honor, gifts.

Let us, today, once again turn over the pages of the creative life of the dance ensembles “Grace”, “Zadorinki”, “Fly-dance”, “Fiesta”, “Girls”, “Snezhinki” together.

Let's remember the brightest moments, admire the best dance compositions, and again rejoice at their well-deserved victories and achievements.

There is such an old dance -

Not short and not long,

Not Spanish, not Brazilian,

The dance is true Russian.

  1. Dance, ensemble "Grace" dance "Russian"


Thanks to our charming girls. And we continue to flip through the pages of the ensembles’ creative album.

Now the guests of our holiday, the ensemble from the village of Arlyuk “Snowflakes”, will appear on stage! While these kids are taking their timid first steps on stage. They are serious and hardly worry. Well, maybe just a little... Today's concert is a serious test for them! But we are confident that they will successfully pass this creative exam!

Let's greet them with warm and stormy applause and the "Merry Schoolgirls" dance

  1. Dance ensemble "Snowflakes" dance "Merry Schoolgirls"

Presenter: (Behind the scenes)

Under your warm applause, we send our kids backstage, preparing for the next performance, and let the applause sound in honor of the dance ensemble “Snowflakes”!


Over the course of all three years, the girls of the dance ensemble “Grace” won the hearts of spectators in the villages of ________________________________ with their talent, where they were greeted with warmth and thunderous applause. Because the love for dance does not let go of this group, so they go on stage again and again, delighting the audience with their skills! And so welcome, dance group “Grace” “Merging of Souls”

  1. T.A. "Grace" dance "Merging of Souls"


Our holiday continues

It is forbidden to be sad here.

Yes, is it really sad here?

If the dance on stage is Russian!

On stage there is a dance ensemble from ________ “Girls”, “Quadrille”

  1. T. A. “Girls” dance “Quadrille”

Presenter: (behind the scenes)

Winter, spring, and finally the long-awaited summer - it's time for school holidays, relaxation, new adventures and travel! There are so many of us, how different, unusual and different we are from each other, but we all want to have a fun summer vacation! But this simply requires a lot of strength.

How are you guys going to spend your holidays???? (children's answers)

You just need to look around carefully.

And suddenly you will hear music everywhere.

It will sound like the murmur of a brook.

In the rustle of the forest and flower petals.

5. T.A. "Grace" dance "Vesnyanka"


Moms and dads, are there any in our hall?

Support the kids - they were waiting for this!

Let the applause sound again -

Let's meet our little guys!

6.On stage are the guys of the dance ensemble “Fiesta” with the dance “On the Border”!


Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, the first day of school holidays! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can’t wait to jump for joy and dance!

Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives for heights

Subject to dance, music and structure.

7. T.A. "Grace" dance "Hip-hop"


What is dance? (question to the audience)

Dance is emotions transformed into movements that

Happening in rhythm modern life. A person must feel the rhythm

Modern life, fall into it and correspond to it.

What a long wait for inspiration

Dancer master of inspiration

He must command them.

Alone entirely, without a doubt.

8. T.A. "Girls" "Fire Dance"


Dance is a means of emotional disclosure, conveying mood and using plastic possibilities. human body. And this is very evident in the next dance number.

9. T.A. "Rainbow" dance "This is us"


How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing and dance - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right? Of course not, talent alone is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to come out on stage here! And adult artists’ knees are shaking! And what can we say about young artists... But the participants in our concert are already real artists!

10. T.A “Grace” “White Dance”

Our concert today is not just a reporting concert. The guys were busy the whole time academic year, tried, overcame difficulties, laziness, pain, not everything works out the first time, or even the fifth time. They delighted the audience ________________________________________________________________

Still, they believe in magic here,

Here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales come true

They come to visit themselves

There are no clouds visible here,

It's crowded here with smiles

On a creative wave

Childhood is floating somewhere.

  1. T.A. "Snowflakes" "Mom's Waltz"


To congratulate and present certificates of honor and memorable prizes, I invite a member of the free search squad “Countryman” to the stage to your stormy and friendly applause. Kemerovo region, This person is a member of the youth organization “Territory of Youth” in the city of Yurga, an actor in the theater studio “I am a Showman”

F,I,O (Presentation of diplomas and memorable gifts). The children remain on stage and say goodbye to the guests.


Life is like a melody, and just like a melody from notes, life is made up of family, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds, and even if not everything will always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, really, really want and try very hard... then you will definitely succeed. Remember everything is in your hands.

Our concert was a great success,

We hope everyone enjoyed it!

May it be memorable and bright for all of us,

Like the best expensive gift!

The song “Childhood” is performed

The curtain closes.

Everyone is invited to tea party



our future!

Theatrical performance dedicated to Children's Day


Fanfare sounds.

The most best people in the world.

Hello, dear, kind children!
( children answer)
Surprisingly tall next to children,

Hello people, fellow adults
(adults answer)

And we love you very much children's parties .
Childhood has many holidays, the holiday of carousel rides; a celebration of unlearned lessons; and today... Today is wonderful special holiday- holiday (answer). That's right, and I congratulate you on the holiday!

Song "Where does childhood go"

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice come out from behind the scenes. They look at everything and stop.

Cat Basilio: Ooh. Where did we end up?
Fox Alice: (Laughs). Don't know.
Presenter: Hello. Who are you?
Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly to the leader). Hello. I'm Lisa Alice, and this is...
Cat Basilio: (Approaches Lesya Alice and the presenter, pushes away Fox Alice). Well, well, well. Don't talk to us, say, where is the gold?

Presenter: What kind of gold?
Cat Basilio: Which one? Golden! As if you don’t know, well, Pinocchio also buried 5 soldi in the ground.
Presenter: Sorry, but where were you going?
Cat Basilio: Where, where. To the land of fools. On the field of miracles.
Presenter: A. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio: (Turns to Alice Fox). Well, where have you taken me?
Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would go the wrong way?
Cat Basilio: (Grievles). How did I know? How did I know?
Presenter: Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.
Fox Alice: What holiday is today?

Presenter: What don’t you know?
Cat Basilio: No. And we have no idea.
Presenter: (Addresses the children). Let's remind our guests what holiday it is today, kids.

The children answer.

Cat Basilio: So what? What's good about this holiday?
Presenter: Well, how's that? Children are gold.
Cat Basilio: O. Gold. So Alice we have come to the right place. Let's go for the gold.
Presenter: Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.

They say talent is a valuable gift. And every baby is a whole world. Some people like to sing and dance, others like to make crafts, draw, and compose. I am sure that every child is talented in their own way. And there are simply no untalented children! You just need to find in every child that very zest, that very spark that someday will grow into a star and over the years a talented person will appear, and maybe even a big star. This year the little star of the dance group lit up"Hitches."

The team is only a year old, but they were able to achieve success and love from the audience not only in our village, but also beyond it. We congratulate the children on their creative success and wish that their little star will shine as a huge star in our sky.

The winners of the municipal stage of the Regional competition of children's choreographic groups of rural areas of the Kemerovo region in the nomination: “Folk - stylized dance” dance group are invited to the stage"Hitch"

Dance "Varenka"

Host: and now I want invite our guest from Arlyuk Mambetova Nadezhda

A song is being performed

Host: And again on stage dance group "Zadorinki"

dance “What is kindness”

Basilio the cat and the fox carry the girl out and carry her across the stage.

Presenter: Where did you take the child?
Cat Basilio: It really is gold, and it is ours!
Fox Alice: Yes, yes. Don't bother us.
Presenter: Let the child go, we have more gold besides this, but we won’t give it to you!
Fox Alice: How, is there more?

Leading: Yes! Dance group "Zvezdochki"! Although they are called “Stars,” they have been shining on our creative horizon for 4 years now. big star! We invite them to the stage to your thunderous applause.

Dance composition “In the grove of viburnum”

Cat Basilio: Wow-wow-wow. Wow. Well done. Artistic children. (Rubs hands).
Fox Alice: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Cat Basilio: (He hits Alice the Fox lightly on the head.) I don't know, what are you thinking? But that’s definitely not what I’m talking about!
Fox Alice: Why do you think so?
Cat Basilio: Because you have the substance with which you think.

Fox Alice: How is it not? I'll prove it to you now. (Raises his hand at Cat Basilio).

The fox sings Umka's song

Cat Basilio: Of course, I can’t sing, but I can make the audience laugh. I'm a cat! What does the cat like? Milk! And I will now spend

the game "SILKS", the game "Cat and Mouse", the game "Guess the Fairy Tale Heroes"

Leading: Of course, you are far from our children, but thanks for the pleasure!

And we invite the dance group “GRACE” to the stage

Fox Alice: Is this another gold?

Host: Yes!

Fox Alice: BRING THE BAG!( speaks into the cat's ear into the microphone so everyone can hear)

Leading: This is the most exemplary group, which throughout the year conquered the stage not only of our village, but also of the region

The creative path of the dance group “GRACE” is a continuous search and experiment. Without changing its stage principles, the ensemble constantly strives to expand the boundaries of the repertoire, turning to new forms and new genres in its productions.

And variety dance is one of the genres

Modern pop dance includes all the elements and principles of all directions of choreography. Today it is impossible to live without modern things. Young people live in new directions, and we must definitely go alongside them. And we can say with confidence that modern trends have the right to live.

Host: Meet dance group "GRACE"

Dance with chairs

Cat : No, you can’t put those in a bag

Fox: Do you have slightly smaller children?

Leading: We have different ones.

Fox : Great, just like in a fairy tale!

Leading: Not in a fairy tale, but in a fairyland.

The dance “Magic Country” by Zadorinka is performed

Cat: I can’t (crying) my hand doesn’t rise into the bag

Host: What happened?

Fox: (crying) Now I see that children really are gold. But not the one that shines.

Cat: Which ones?

Lisa: Yes, that's it!

Leading: You haven't seen everyone yet! We also have a group called “Fly Dance”. It is very young, but shows great promise! Meet me.

The dance is performed by “Grace”, “Stars”, “Fly Dance”

Fox: You are our golden ones! Where are you going?

Presenter : They'll be back! And again Mambetova Nadezhda is invited to the stage

A song is being performed

Leading: Much has been written about this day,
After all, children are angels from heaven.
For you, everything in the world is just the beginning,
You have an endless forest of possibilities.
You warm hearts with your breath,
You drive away trouble with a smile,
And illuminate with your charm
The bleakest day of the year.
Keep our wishes tight,
Strive upward and help your loved ones,
Appreciate goodness and those who give you knowledge,
To become a real Man.

The dance “Children of Russia” is performed

Fox: I liked it so much, cat let's go hug them! Can?

Leading: You can if you have changed.

Cat: Yes, yes, they have changed! (Hug)

Leading: And now the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday -Award ceremony.

(Fox and cat help)

Leading: This concludes the solemn part of our holiday. We invite everyone to a tea party.

Scenario for the holiday “Boat of Childhood”

Good afternoon Good afternoon

We want to tell you

Peace, happiness, goodness

wish on this day!

May luck accompany you

You every hour.

Let's start our holiday -

This holiday is for you!

Good afternoon everyone!
Radiant smiles to everyone and good mood! Because today is a really good day. And today I would really like to take a trip with you to the distant land of childhood on this beautiful boat.

What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there, at least for a moment, in this small country called “Childhood”!
Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a shovel.
Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
To truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, to turn into pirates...
But childhood is gone forever. Now, if only I knew where?
Perhaps we will get the answer to this question by listening

the song “Where does childhood go?” performed by Lyudmila Kryzhka and Svetlana Tur.

Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns,
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world around is brighter
And the bird trills are louder.
Song " Pansies» Kubushko Snezhana and Galenduk Yulia

Let the globe spin

At the hour of the day and at the hour of the night

Only under the most peaceful sun

And under the peaceful moon!

Let children's laughter everywhere,

In life it makes us all happy!

Let him get up and fall asleep

With a peaceful song, man!

Song “Gnomes” Reva Arina and Bekhter Sonya

Poem Marchenko Irina

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears

If you feel tired
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is this happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.

These golden days will flash by
And they will leave their native hearth
Your children have grown up.

Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember with sadness the past

How will you want
Return again at this time

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,

Yes, friendship is good, simply wonderful, but in order to have many friends you need to be honest and kind.

D Let's call Sasha Krivobokov, who will sing to us about kindness.

Song "If you are kind"

Song "It's fun to walk together"


It’s a pity, childhood, that there is no return to you,

We didn't notice how we grew up.

But all my dreams are from childhood

Song “Umbrella” Krivobokov Sasha and Kryzhka Lyuda.

Children draw on glass, children draw on asphalt,

They are building a city on sand - something like this is not yet on the map.

In their hands there are crayons, pencils... And children are little magicians.

But so much soul has been invested into their beautiful world on paper!

The sun is here, the sky is blue, here we are among fairy-tale characters.

We are the ones who must protect their world from grief and war.

Children draw on glass and on asphalt... Let them draw!

And may the joy of childhood triumph on Earth forever!

Song “White Daisy” Kryzhka Luda

Childhood is the happiest time. Well, who else if not our kind grandmothers do we owe for these moments of joy? Our dear grandmothers - you are the source of the best things on earth - the source of life. You pass through your heart and soul all the burdens of our everyday life. You don't have free time.

Grandmother is a native kind person, which is difficult to live without. After all, for your grandchildren you are the most best friends. Sasha Krivobokov sings about this in song “I live with my grandmother.”

Song “Clouds” by Sonya Bekhter

Childhood is fading, so why be surprised?
It leaves everyone somehow.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I don’t want to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go into our youth along rainbow paths,
Through the snow and thick grass.
We are leaving for youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about our childhood.
But don't be so sad. First of all, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood stays with you or goes away forever depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes look at least for a minute into childhood and take a break from adult life there.

Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!

“Boat of Childhood” Tour Ruslan

Poems for children

I'll plan a sliver and make a boat,

And I will tie the sail with a harsh thread.

And let him go around the world,

But he will return to the shore, where I am waiting for him.

I’ll give my boat to my little brother -

Maybe he'll become a sailor someday.

Let it be with the fickle wind from childhood

And he will be familiar with the stubborn wave.

The breeze will rise, the sails will fill,

They will carry my boat to distant lands.

All your cherished dreams will finally come true,

If I believe in a good fairy tale.

Take care of your children...

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears
That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is this happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will flash by
And they will leave their native hearth
Your children have grown up.

Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember with sadness the past
About those days when we were together.

How will you want
Return again at this time
To sing a song to them little ones,
Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!

Scenario of the reporting concert
"Moments of happy childhood"


Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!
House children's creativity congratulates you on the holiday of spring and labor. For us northerners, the arrival of spring is already a holiday. We are not spoiled by warm rains and May thunderstorms. But nature takes its toll, and spring, with bright rays of sunshine, penetrates our homes and hearts.
1: We love our small northern city; kind, interesting people live here.
2: I like our bright and colorful houses.
3: I like to play with friends on playgrounds
4: Guys! And I study at the Children's Art Center
1: I also study at the House of Creativity. I like to dance
2: I like to draw and do different crafts
4: I like to sing and play the musical instruments.
3: There are a lot of interesting things in our House of Creativity

Host: Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, would dream at least for a moment to return to this amazing world goodness and miracles.

2: As a child you can touch
The very edge of a dream.
Find your way to her
You definitely can.

3: To the blue stars, children love
Fly in colorful dreams...
Everything comes true in the world,
If you just want to.
4: We really want all our dreams to come true.
And we invite you to our magical country of childhood.

Let your childhood play
Laugh, jump,
Let him rise to his height,
Let childhood happen!
Dancing for you junior group dance group

4: In our House of Children's Creativity we have children who are stars of different sizes and brightness. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore are seen and known by many.
3: Others are just beginning to open up and, for now, are less noticeable.
me: But all our stars occupy an important place in their constellation groups.

Me from behind the scenes: Dancing for you

The sun's ray makes us laugh and teases,

After all, every child is a doer! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands in the Children's Art Center. And everyone here feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. By creating his masterpieces, the little creator takes his first steps towards the high title of Master. This is how he comprehends the culture of his people, his country. “It’s not as dear as red gold, but as dear as the craftsman,” says the Sami folk proverb.

Since ancient times it has been believed that true mastery comes only to a good person.

You can admire the works of our young craftsmen in the exhibition hall of the Sovremennik Palace of Culture, where the regional exhibition of arts and crafts “Golden Hands” is currently running. . Today the results have been summed up, and we sincerely congratulate the winners.

And now for everyone a gift from folk craftsmen - an ensemble of folk instruments

Me from behind the scenes: A lot has been said about the waltz,
He is sung in songs and verses,
And no matter how many dances happen,
There really isn't anything better than a waltz!
"Waltz", performed

Me: Oh, those children's eyes,
Looking at you like water,
They contain either joy or tears,
That feeling of freedom.
They will not betray you in trouble,
And they won’t stop loving you, they won’t deceive you,
It's a pity - they will leave,
As soon as they get tired of being children.
Every year, the Children's Art Center says goodbye to its pupils, children who have been involved in various associations for many years. So this year we have a new release. PHONOGRAM (awarding)
I invite you to the stage

Dear graduates!
No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth. Good luck!
A vocal and pop group sings for you

32. Me: Childhood is light and joy,
These are songs, these are friendship and dreams.
Childhood is the colors of rainbows.
Childhood is me and you.

Childhood is the summer wind
The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of spring.
Childhood means children
Children – that means us!

32. WITHOUT ANNOUNCEMENT “Magic Country”, vocal and pop group

We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! See you again with everyone who loves a fun life!