Probably, many familiar say, so commonly found in different print sources: "Childhood is an unforgettable time in the life of every person ..." And immediately ask the question:

- Probably when it is diverse and interesting, and, of course, when your friends, your favorite toys and interesting games, in which you can play with toys and friends.

In preschool age, the assimilation of new knowledge takes place in the game. Everyone knows that the game is the main activity of children of preschool age. A child who is passionate about the game does not notice that he not only plays, but can focus in the surrounding world, meets something new and previously unknown. If the child performs the task of an adult, then in the game there is a solution to its own tasks. During the game, the child performs different tasks, finds items or exchange them, comes up with new plots of own games and much more, applying its already available life experience and using a variety of items.

That's why a toy in the game is of great importance for learning and developing a child. A child and toy is one undivided integer in the implementation of a particular game or game action.

A child's toy is the most important thing necessary for the knowledge of the world who surrounds it. And, of course, before selecting toys for the game, it is very important for us, parents and teachers, to know which positive or negative value carries a one or another toy. Currently, a wide variety of toys capable of developing our children are invented, but also to break the course of the normal mental development of the child, and we, teachers, often think about it, it is very important for us to know which toys are next to our children.

Now, after many years, we see how toys have changed and, depending on them, children's games. The older the children become, the more often you hear about computer games, modern electronic toys. But, despite a significant place occupied by the toy of the factory manufacture, the works of folk masters-toy in Russia, carried out from traditional materials - wood, fabric and clay - are of great interest among modern children, especially senior preschool age. Children often have a cognitive question about the past of their people, about folk holidays and, of course, about toys:

- Why did it happen that many people have forgotten about their past?

- And can we learn about him?

- What toys did children play in past times?

- Did they differ from modern toys?

Children asked other questions, and, of course, they wanted to learn more about folk toys.

In the culture of the Russian people, a special place was taken by a toy. Today, the interest in Russian folk creativity is reborn. Adults are increasingly increasing children to national culture. The attraction for her children is a means of forming patriotic feelings.

Much joy bring Russian folk toys and games with them all ages. Starting with the younger groups of kindergarten, we introduce children with this type of folk fishing. Children are mastering individual elements, and then the technique of painting and the initial stages of the folk toys, they are also happy to paint and the workpieces - silhouettes, make and paint finished figures, children's work at the exhibitions are regularly exhibited. Gradually summing up children to understanding the concept of "People's Toy", introduce the history of the emergence and masters who created it.

Today, we begin to look at a lot in a different way, a lot to re-open and overestimate. This refers to the past of our people, and it is a pity that most children are not familiar with popular culture, national traditions.

Our pedagogical team decided to delve into children with the origins of Russian culture, and, first of all, with Russian folk toys. In each age group, teachers began to organize work on the introduction of children to the origins of Russian culture, where teachers, children and parents took part.

The pedagogical project, which we organized in our preparatory group, called the "Value of the People's Toys in the Life of Modern Children", it was designed for about three calendar months. First of all, the parent meeting was held on the topic: "Children and toys", where various issues were considered:

- My child's favorite toy.

- Do I always buy a toy on the first request of the child.

- Does my child's toys always correspond to this age.

- I buy a child only educational toys.

- How I play with the child with his favorite toys.

- Does the toy help my child in communicating with other children; In obtaining and expanding new knowledge.

- Do you need to acquaint a child with a folk toy, the story of its creation, honors from other toys, etc.

- Is all toys carry moral value for a child.

At the parent meeting, special attention was paid to the introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture, namely the upbringing of sustainable interest in the folk toy as one of the species of the national decorative and applied art of the Russian people. After holding a conversation meeting, during which parents shared their experience, knowledge, many parents have made conclusions for themselves that they misunderstood or choose some toys for the full development of the child.

The parents had a great interest in the meeting theme, and they gladly decided to join us the teacher. The main task of the parents was to help find the material in accordance with this section of our project. Namely - viewing with children pictures with the image of certain toys or toys themselves; Conversation with children about how children were familiar with the kindergarten; than they differ from each other, etc.; A visit to the museums of our city, where you can also learn about folk toys.

Before the joint activity of "Pedagogues - Children - Parents" was organized, a promising plan for conducting various activities to familiarize themselves with a folk toy was compiled.

The group held several children's projects to expand knowledge about the oldest folk art fishes of Russia, to make toys. I really wanted to summarize what the children got acquainted for several years by visiting our kindergarten, and, above all, we have compiled a plan for which familiarization began:

1. The history of the creation of folk dolls and the manufacture of dolls.

2. "Russian Matryoshka is a favorite toy."

3. "Dymkovskaya Fair".

4. "Filimon whistles".

5. "Kargopol miracle."

6. The exhibition of children's work "Made toys themselves - do it yourself."

People's Russian toy with their roots goes into deep antiquity. Initially, children were talking about how the first toys arose, and acquaintance began with dolls. After all, the dolls were not toys and the children learned that primitive people created images of idols, idols, Istukanov to feel calmer. These were the very first dolls.

At first they made life easier for the first people, then they saved many human lives, served as chambers from diseases, good comforters and educators of children - toys, as well as bright souvenirs - adult toys. And from the most ancient times until today, the dolls were and will remain the subject of culture and art forever. Dolls - charms or amulets, saved from trouble and bringing happiness, were among different nations. They loved, burned, passed in inheritance.

In Russian peasant families, the game in the dolls did not consider empty fun. Dolls gave each other even in love and friendship. By the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian doll finally became a toy for a child. When the children learned about the history of the creation of a folk doll, the process of making dolls began in the group, the children made more than sixty dolls of various semantic purposes, each child chose himself, what dolls he will do and why these. There were dolls-pellery, and firing dolls, and rattle dolls, and martic dolls. The result of the work was an extensive exhibition in the foyer of the kindergarten.

Children so liked to learn everything new that they were with great pleasure continued to get acquainted with other types of folk toys.

The task of creating such work with children is to develop sustainable interest in the children of art, to traditions, customs, everyday life; To acquaint with various toys, ranging from the old overama and ending with a modern toy, as well as with their history and with the process of making toys with their own hands; We put love to children, aesthetic taste and careful attitude to the toy. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "While the people's tradition and customs of the people are alive, people alive." The joint work of teachers, children and parents helped to fulfill the task and even more to rally the team of our group.

Short-term projects to familiarize children with folk toys

The toy is an unchanged child's satellite from the first days of birth. It specifically creates an adult in educational purposes to prepare a kid to enter public relations. The toy acts for a child as a subject of fun, entertainment, joy, and at the same time it is the most important means of mental development of the preschooler.

From the first days of life, the child meets with a toy. The very first toys of kids are rattles. Adult shows their child, attracts attention to them, trying to cause interest. Actions with a rattle are usually supported by words, the faithful parents who speak the baby, call it affectionately by name, smile. So with the help of rattles, adult communicates with the baby.

Brightness, voicedness, the brilliance of rattles support the involuntary attention of the kid. He considers them, smiles at a man, in the hands of which the toy is located, and then the rattle becomes attractive in itself, as an object with which you can act. In the fifth month of life, the baby develops the reaction of grabbing, visual-motor coordination is formed, and the baby begins to make nonspecific manipulations with a rattle: waving, shakes, throws. The child listens to the sound, focuses on the toy. It is very important to create a favorable emotional background, help the child focus on the toy, introduce it to toys, different in color and form.

By the end of the first year of life, the baby, acting with rattles, establishes the first causal relationships: now he understands that if the toy is shaking, then you will hear the sound.

The voiced musical toys attract the child throughout the preschool childhood. He enjoyed playing with bells, rattles, drums, children's accordions. As gaming acts with such toys are complicated. The preschooler is already attracting no sounds by itself, he seeks to extract any melody, includes "musical accompaniment" in plot-role-playing games. The child subordinates the rhythm of his movements, he is improved by a musical hearing, a sense of rhythm.

With didactic toys, an adult acquaints the baby in the first year of life. These toys are specifically designed in training purposes and are built on the principle of autodortism, that is, they enter into a way to use them. Didactic includes team-collapsible toys, flavors, objects for rolling. It is an adult that opens a means of action with didactic toys for the kid, shows how you can get the result. This is usually bringing parts and parts in line with color, values, forms, etc. Therefore, the use of didactic toys has a special meaning in early childhood, since it is precisely an object that at this age is leading. In games with such toys, the child not only improves the ability to act, but also masters the sensory standards. In actions with dodactic toys, conditions are created for the manifestation of the autonomy of the baby, aware of the results of their efforts. The actions of the child acquire performance and focus. The brightness, harmony of color and shape of toys cause the baby's aesthetic experiences.

Throughout the period of pre-school childhood, a child needed shaped toys, but in different age periods they perform various functions in the mental development of the baby. The infant causes pleasant experiences and positive emotions. In early preschool age, included in a variety of games: plot-role, construction, dodactic, directing, dramatization. Shaped toys expand the scope of application of gaming actions, help develop the plot, create play situations.

Shaped toys contribute to the assimilation of the sexual role, which affects the choice of toys and acts with them. However, both girls, and boys like dolls and fluffy animals, they make various actions with them.

Games with shaped toys help the baby protect against negative experiences, remove the emotional stress, compensate for the lack of love and sympathy from adults and peers.

It is not by chance that exactly shaped toys most often become loved friends. After all, the doll is similar to man. And the soft toys cause a gentle attitude, the child hugs, strokes them, and it seems to him that the toy also corresponds to his attachment.

Toys-guns (blades, molds, buckets, etc.) are reduced copies of adult tools. In early childhood, with their help, children develop substantive actions, include them in games with natural material, for example, the kid poured the spatula in the sand bucket, pouring and pouring back again. In preschool childhood, toys-guns are used in other types of games, for example in construction, as well as in labor

Technical toys (cars, airplanes, lunaries) open the field of technology and introduce her use. They pushing it to experimentation, awaken cognitive questions (why the wheels are spinning?) Stimulate the development of technical thinking, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional activity of adults.

Theatrical toys are used when performing performances, in entertainment. Children give them them or other features in accordance with their appearance. Often, theatrical toys represent the favorite characters of fairy tales. They cause children a desire to remember and lose their content. The execution of the role with such a toy forms the expressiveness of speech, mimici, pantomimics in the preschooler, stimulates the development of theatrical and speech abilities.

Sports and motor toys contribute not only to the formation of major movements, but also the development of spatial orientations, properties of attention, such volitional qualities, as organizedness, courage, excerpt, initiative.

The special group make up toys-self-teles, since they are created by the child themselves with a predetermined playing target. The manufacture of such toys forms the ability to create and embody the designer, stimulates creativity, allows you to know the properties of the material, forms public motives of behavior, for example, make a gift to mom or help the kids. Homemade toys are a kind of self-expression method and pride. Homemade toys are often distinguished by multifunction, therefore, especially interesting to the baby.

Toys-fun cause curiosity, joy, positive emotions. They support cheerful mood, develop a sense of humor and curiosity. They encourage children to study their device, principle of operation, and also create a joint zone with adult experiences.

We emphasize that the child is important not the number of toys, but their diversity in accordance with the age of the kid and the situation of their use. The main task of adults is to teach a child to act with toys.

We highlight the features of the development of gaming activities at preschool age:
- The game becomes independent activities of the child;
- the child masters different types of games;
- With the help of the game, the preschooler "includes" in different areas of reality, expanding the possibilities of knowledge of these areas.

Toys are special items designed for games, providing game activity of children and adults. The main feature of the toy is that in its generalized form presents typical features, the properties of the subject, depending on which the child playing, reproduces certain actions.

Toy, according to the figurative expression A.S. Makarenko, - "The material basis" of the game

K.D. Ushinsky one of the first drew attention to the fact that the toy is a kind of school of child's feelings. Under the influence of the development of pedagogical thought, the attitude towards the use of toys is changing as means of education and training.

The famous teachers, past enlighteners were written about the importance of toys for the development of the child: Ya. Komensei.J. Lokk.zh. J. Roussev. Fabells.

Analysis of pedagogical literature suggests that new approaches to toys were formed under the influence of scientists, teachers and writers of this period (A. Gaidar, M. Gorky, L. Kassily; E.A. Arkina, L.S. Perekotsky, E.A. . Fleirina, A.P. Usova; N.K. Krupskaya, A.S, Makarenko, etc.).

A huge pedagogical heritage on the toy issues left E.A. Flelin.

A.P. Usova considered toys as one of the main sources of the game.

Under the direction of R. I. Zhukovsk, a number of researchers developed the problem of the influence of dolls and animal toys on the moral formation of children, the development of their interests and a positive attitude towards people of different nationalities (A.A. Anzheferova, M.M. Bogomolov, etc.).

The issues of using technical, electronic toys and computer equipment in the training of preschoolers are relevant.

The problem is investigated by a group of scientists under the leadership of S.L. Novoselova.

Recently, a lot of attention is paid to the development of a methodology for learning children to create toys from a snap and natural material, fabric, paper, wood, straw (Z.V. Bogoyeva, E.K. Gulianz, L.V. Kutsakova).

Thus, the meaning of toys in solving the problems of education and training children of preschool age is comprehensive and diverse.

Toys are distributed by type of games in which they are mainly used. This division is very conditional: each toy is multifunction and therefore it can be used in different games.

Scene toysor shaped toys.These are dolls and figures depicting people and animals; Vehicles (cars, trains, aircraft), dishes, furniture, etc.

Didactic toysdesigned for mental and sensory development and child learning.

Toys-fun"Merry toys", by definition E.A. Fleirina, used to entertain children.

Sport toys are designed to implement the tasks of physical education.

Musical toysdesigned for the development of musical hearing .

Theatrical toys -these are dolls - theater characters, bobbo dolls, puppet dolls; Sets of plot figures for playing scenes on fairy tales, dramatogs.

Technical toysenter children to the world of technology; Meet the appearance of technical items (machines, mechanisms, vehicles), with characteristic actions for them.

Construction and structural materialsdesigned for children's design, technical invention.

Homemade toysmade by children themselves, their parents, educators.

"Toy in the life of a child"

Let's remember our childhood, what's going right away? Of course, warm mother's hands, and a beloved teddy bear (doll, bunny, etc. - Everyone has its own). It is with toys for most people a childhood is associated. But, besides personal value for each of us, the toy has a universal value, as it is a creation is no less ambitious than a computer. Therefore, refer to the choice of toys, at least adults need very seriously. So let's start with the smallest.

In the first days and months of their life, the possibility of knowledge of the child around the world is limited. The whole world for the baby lies in her mom's mom. And through communication with her, the child meets the first objects and toys. During this period, the baby needs all sorts of rubber rings, rattles, suspension. They must be bright and in sight of the child, as the toy should attract the attention of the child. A little later, with the development of grabbing, the baby must be able to act with the subject: knocking them, throw it. Well, if the toy is sounding. In 6-9 months, you can add so-called toys - liners that allow the child to develop intellectually. Gradually, animals and pups from rubber can be introduced into the base world of the kid. They should have large components and well-drawn face details. In 9-12 months, you can please the child with clockwork toys-fun: with peeling jackets, drumming hares. In 10-12 months, the child needs pyramids of 3-5 rings and cubes. Many parents are alarming that during this period the child literally everything pulls into his mouth. Do not be afraid: first, the baby simply cut the teeth, and secondly, the mouth is for the child the same means of knowledge, like hands, and eyes, you need to remember only about the toy hygiene.

At the age of 1 to 3 years old, the baby becomes more independent, he has the opportunity to move independently. But the joy of baby is a parent problem! To your favorite vases, services and books continue to continue to serve you, remove them from the eye of the child, do not provoke it to the "expitions". During this period, you can already buy a child a fur toy with which it will be wonderful to fall asleep. And a big box and your help will help the baby remember that toys need to be removed.

By the 3rd year, the baby begins to assimilate the functional purpose of the items. And where, as not in the game, he can most sensibly assimilate that they are sitting on a chair, and eat the plates? Therefore, it is necessary to expand a set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. It should approach the nursery in size, but be more easy. The child strives to live an adult life, so help him. The toy mapping of real life will allow the child to be easily comfortable further in the team of peers and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually. By the 3rd year toys, living as a child, should increase in size: a large doll, a large car, a big toy beast. All sorts of pyramids, constructors need to be included in the set of toys. These toys themselves suggest the child, how to act with them. For example, a pyramid with a cone-shaped rod will not allow the child chaotically ride rings, it will have to understand the principle of collecting the pyramid. Or we all famous Matryushki. If at least one of them does not put a child correctly - Matters will not be inseparable sisters. Also during this period, various table printing games should be introduced into the life.

By 4-5 years, the most familiar interests of the child begin to cause all sorts of sets of families, soldiers, animals. The child begins to invent with them various options for games. In general, at this age, the child begins to be accessible by all kinds of toys: both doll, and building material, and puzzles, and attributes of professional activity, and various technical toys. Gaming preferences begin to share on sexual sign: Boys choose cars and weapons, and girls dolls and everything connected with them. But those and others continue to develop interest in various types of mosaic and lotto. By 6 years, the child wakes up interest in modeling, design, i.e., to those games that allow him to make something to do it.

All of the above toys can be attributed to the so-called "ready-made forms", that is, these toys are made by the factory method and the functional purpose has already been laid. But there is another, no less important group - deputy items. It includes, from the point of view of an adult, completely unnecessary things, or rather garbage, but for the child it is analogous material for the development of fantasy and creativity. These are all sorts of loskutka, rags, boxes, hardware sheets or wands, mugs, wreckage of something, etc.

The introduction of these items is advisable from 2-3 years, since it was during this period that the development of active speech occurs, and the substituent items place the baby before the need to call them really existed and adopted in relation to anyone or other object. In addition, they contribute to the expansion of the living space due to the introduction of an imaginary situation. You say: "All this is good, but each of the listed toys costs money and not every family can afford them!" Yes, this is undoubtedly so. But it is important to remember the rule: Toys need to choose, and not to collect! Naturally, you will not be able to not buy some toys to your child. But if you wish, all toys can be made with your own hands and look for a child they will be no less beautiful and valuable than bought in the store. Include your fantasy - and everything will turn out. First, dad from tree trimming can make magnificent doll furniture, make the machine, secondly, mom can sew from the remains of yarn or fabrics a magnificent doll and clothes for her, third, lotto and puzzles can be cut out from newspapers and magazines . On the one hand, this is the budget savings, and on the other - the good opportunity to cohesive the family. I would like to stay on one moment - choosing toys.

If you want to buy your baby a new toy, follow 4 rules . The toy should be:

    Safe (review the quality of the manufacture, the material from which it is done)

    Aesthetic on appearance

    Corresponding age

    Multifunctional (The more actions of the child will be able to perform with a toy, the better; naturally does not concern the rattles for kids)

In conclusion, it is necessary to remind you, dear parents, which is no, even the best toy, cannot replace live communication with your favorite dad and mom!

Materials for the parent meeting "The role of toys in the life of a child of preschool age"

Krivoshein Olga Aleksandrovna Educator MBDOU №130 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten", Kemerovo
Purpose: To form knowledge of the meaning of the toy, her role in the child's life; To arm your knowledge about the expedient pedagogical selection of toys.
- give presentation to parents about what a toy is;
- show the significance of the toy in the life of the child;
- to acquaint with the types of toys and requirements for them;
- Give recommendations on the selection of toys.
Preliminary work: Questioning of parents; conversation with children in order to identify their gaming preferences; Preparation of consultations.
Equipment: Laptop, projector, audio player, set of toys.

Main part.

Leading. Good evening, dear parents! I am glad to welcome you at the parent meeting "The role of toys in the life of the child."
During the meeting, we will identify the significance of toys in the child's life, we will get acquainted with the types of toys and anti-chairs, consider the requirements for choosing toys.
The development of a rich emotional world of the child is unthinkable without toys. It is they who allow the child to express their feelings, explore the world around us, teach to communicate and know yourself.
How it is not possible to present a child outside the game, so almost no game costs without toys. It helps to clarify, comprehend the ideas of the child about the environment and contributes to the development of its plot. The game, as independent children's activity, is formed during the upbringing and training of a child, it contributes to the development of experience with human activity. The toy, in this case, acts as a kind of reference of those subjects, learn the purpose of which and master the various actions with which the child is applied. The game, as a form of organizing a children's life, is important what is the formation of the psyche of the child, his personality. The game and the toy are inseparable from each other. The toy can cause a game to life, and the game, sometimes requires a new toy for development.

Types of toys.

In modern pedagogy, a more detailed classification of toys adopted in the theory and practice of pre-school education is the classification of E. A. Fleirina. This classification is based on various aspects of the mental and physical development of the child:
- Motor-sports toys - ball, hoop, jumping, kegli, volleyball, flaming, mosaic, etc. - contribute to the development of large and small motility, and the chamorar;
- Scene toy - People, animals, transport, furniture, etc. - promote the development of a creative imitative game, through which the child reveals, fixes and deepens his social experience;
- Creative labor toy - all sorts of building material, designers, a variety of models, etc. - develops design abilities and invention;
- Technical toy - various types of machines, toy cameras, kaleidoscopes, pylon pipes, etc. - also develops design abilities, expands the technical horizon, directs interest in construction and technique;
- Board games - contribute to the development of intelligence, attention, acquaintance with the form, color, size, the assimilation of the diplomas, accounts, and also organize a children's team in the Games;
- Merry toy - a jumping bunny, a cracking duck, a bird with a tavering tail, etc. - brings up a sense of humor;
- Musical toys - singing birds, primitive musical instruments, toys with a musical melody - serve as a means of developing musical hearing;
- Theatrical toy - Shadow Theater, the theater of toys, puppets - fed to your own theater game, extremely enriching children's artistic perception.
- What do you think the meaning of a children's toy?

The meaning of a children's toy.

For society, the toy is the most important element of culture ("mirror of culture").
For an adult toy - the most important component of the educational environment.
For a child, a toy is a source of joy, a subject for creativity, a psychological means of mastering a child to the substantive peace and its own behavior.

Functions of toys.

1. Cognitive.
The toy allows you to explore the world.
2. Creative.
The toy contributes to the formation of creative abilities.
3. Psycho-therapeutic.
The toy allows you to express and live your feelings.
4. Communicative.
Communication with a toy contributes to the formation of an internal dialogue and inner world. Teaches communicating with other people.
5. Formation of the image of Ya.

The toy contributes to the aware of its features. Expansion of the sphere of autonomy and competence of a child.
6. Relaxation.

In order for the toy to perform the functions listed above, it is necessary to take it very carefully to its choice.

Modern toys and anti-chairs for children.

Modern toys for children are a wide range of products for any age, taste and wallet. Unlike not so distant past, in our country there are no stringent restrictions and standards for the sale of children's goods, so manufacturers try to sell everything that has any demand, and sometimes - and artificially this demand to "warm up". So among children's toys appear "anti-chairs".
Anti-play is a toy that does not meet the criterion of spiritual and moral safety.

Some examples of anti-players.

Toys-hermaphrodites (dolls with the appearance of girls, but with the primary genital bodies of boys), extremely devastating for children's psyche, which introduced sexual perversions into children's consciousness and other psychophysical destruction.
Toys, forming sadistic inclinations, in particular, is offered an "interactive toy" called "Mad Chicken", in the description of which the manufacturer claims the following: "Chicken is waving wings and moves with legs. She dances perfectly to music! But if you take her for a neck, she will begin to make the death moans and try to break out of your hands. This representation cannot be skipped. And it's worth letting you let the "mad chicken", as she will continue the concert, having fun and having fluttered with wings in the incendiary music. "
"Toys" appeared in the market for toys, in the form of microbes and viruses, including HIV, syphilis, gorgers, dysentery, cow's rabies, "toys", imitating human genitals.
"Toys" are offered, imitating human feces.
"Toys" involving the child in the implementation of the Equity - religious magical rituals, mystifying their consciousness, are widespread.
Toys are offered - "jokes" imitating human injuries, which are amputated limbs and other parts of the human body, for example: "Children's Bloody Hand", "Children's League", "Vampire's Head", "Leg to the car", "Podskid's Socks", "Hand with claws", "Skull with eye"
An increase in the number of facts of delivery to Russia and the dissemination of anti-chairs in Russia, explicitly damaging the psyche of Russian children should intensify parents carefully, thoughtfully choose toys for their children.

Types of anti-chairs and harm for the child.

1. Scary toys. Not all terrible toys are bad. After all, even in the most kind of folk fairy tales there are negative characters with which good heroes fight and defeat. The meaning of a terrible toy is to teach the baby to overcome your fear. This fear must be conditional and predict as the toy itself. For example, the heroes of Russian fairy tales or modern cartoons are familiar to a child since childhood, he knows how to deal with them, knows their weakness and features. Such a toy must be conditional, without unnecessary details - the child will come up with them independently, in the measure of their own imagination and mental stability.
But modern terrible toys are usually excessively detailed. Cyborgs, which are a terrible parody of a person, dolls with distorted persons, monsters, the creators of which have been drawn and relief muscles, and scars, and warts - such a saturation of the details overloads the psyche of the baby, annoying it, leads to the emergence of uncontrolled fears.
Another problem of modern toys and popular heroes is that their external and internal content does not have a pronounced connection. For example, when the "superhero" is struggling with the "superzlode", they may differ only with the color of clothing and a chest icon. Or a disgusting monster turns out to be a good and cute creature. Such a discrepancy causes dissonance among young children, the line is erased between good and bad, between good and evil.
Harm from terrible toys is especially great if the child begins to play "on their side", allows them to create evil in games with impunity. In this case, more attention should be paid to the moral education of the child, to communicate more with it, read good children's books, limit the viewing of brutal films and television shows.
2. Excessively detailed toys. Detailing is a problem not only monsters, but in general, most of modern toys. Previously, children made dolls of socks, with butchers instead of eyes, and these toys were the most loved ones - the baby himself came up with and imagined the missing details, the nature of the doll and her story.
Modern dolls are sometimes difficult to distinguish from living people - their bodies, clothes, faces with pronounced emotions are so carefully worked. "Damage" here is already nothing. If the toy is a hero of a popular cartoon or book, then the story does not come up with. Often a child, playing, once again repeats episodes from a cartoon, without bringing anything new. This negatively affects the development of fantasy and the imagination of the kid.
3. Toys leading to displacement of generally accepted values.In order to interest consumers, manufacturers of modern toys produce the most unusual goods that do not fit into the norms of traditional morality. Among the real examples: a doll-transvestite, dead dolls, plush feces and much more. Little girls are offered to play with a children's sixth for striptease, as well as with a realistic pups, imitating the process of chest sucking. Obviously, a child, whose psyche has not yet formed finally, cannot adequately appreciate the toys that sometimes shock and adult.
Once again about the Barbie doll
It would seem that may be harmful in Barbie dolls? Among the mass of modern toys, they look quite harmless. Barbie is not ugly, do not call for cruelty, do not contradict the norms of generally accepted morality. Nevertheless, many psychologists warn parents from buying their children still fashionable toys.
Why? First, in the game in dolls, especially for young children, the main thing is the manifestation of care, tenderness. Such games are the earliest preparing girls to motherhood. Barbie's doll is not similar to the child and does not cause desire to donate and take care of her, does not develop in the girls of the maternal instinct.
In addition, these dolls are very realistic, but at the same time the proportions of their face and body are distorted: overly large eyes, too long legs, too thin waist. Since modern society recognizes such a type of appearance almost a reference, to which you need to strive for most girls with such dolls give rise to dissatisfaction with your own appearance.
Of course, not all modern toys are bad. But the modern ideology "sell everything that is bought" contributes to the flood of the market of children's toys with a huge number of real debris. And if you do not consider such goods useful for your child, the best option is to make it toys for him yourself. And let the wooden machine there will not be windshield and even the wheels, and the dolls are not too similar to the present maternity. Such toys develop the fantasy of the baby and give him to understand: even in the modern world, not everything is bought for money.
Before the parent meeting, we conducted a survey, the results of which you see on the screen.
Most interestingly for us, for what modern parents pay attention when choosing toys.
What are the rules in your opinion necessary to observe when choosing toys?

Requirements and principles of examination toys

Each adult, parent and educator should be able to choose toys for children based on criteria.
A. Medical and environmental requirements: From what a toy is made, whether there is a quality certificate, small details are firmly attached, etc.
B. Pedagogical requirements: What does the toy teach? What will develop skills and skills, creative abilities?
B. Psychological Requirements: What carries a toy? What feelings will the child awaken?
G. Aesthetic Requirements: Does the toy matches the ideas about beauty, does the feeling of excellent, harmony develop?
D. Spiritual and moral requirements: What values \u200b\u200bwill the toy broadcast, does it contribute to the formation of moral consciousness, conscience, distinguish between good and evil, the desire to follow the moral standards?
Let us consider the most detail the pedagogical criteria for choosing toys.

Toys for children: Pedagogical selection criteria.

By purchasing toys, caring parents should be focused primarily to choose the child himself: he must want a toy, she must be interesting to him. And the task of adults is from all the children's "I want to choose the most correct and useful. There are several criteria for selecting toys.
Simplicity. The design that combines too many properties and functions, disorientates the baby. For example, a plastic protein on wheels with a built-in phone will not be considered a developing toy. It is better and more useful to offer a child toys that have a clear destination.
Quality. Low quality toys simply will not allow the child to produce the actions for which it was purchased. Having a bunny's tail or poorly spinning wheel machines do not contribute to the development of kid skills.
Stimulation of activity. Often, children are asked to buy them as a gift toy, seen from friends, or a doll - an accurate copy of some animated character. It is particularly particularly interested in items with which you can do something: disassemble and collect, extract sounds or transform. Children attract novelty elements, and such toys support curiosity and activity.
Independence of the child's action. Toys should contribute to the formation of a child's desire to act independently and boldly solve the most difficult tasks. If you need extraneous assistance to play with the subject, for example, the need for something to hold, find a lever or press the button - the baby will quickly lose interest in such a "game".
Ethics and aesthetics. The toy is a significant participant in the process of education. It should cause good feelings and develop humane qualities of character. Invalid toys contributing to the formation of destructive qualities: cruelty, aggression, anger. Bloody masks, various monsters and monsters - not the best options for children's toys.
History and culture. By preferring the purchase of one or another toy, such aspects should also be considered. Copyright toys (dolls, wooden crafts, various cute animals) are developing good taste. Retro toys allow you to touch the history of your people.

Typical errors when choosing children's toys

Adults are often choosing toys for children, focusing on their own taste and personal addiction, so they make a number of typical mistakes, among them:
1) Acquisition of giant plush products. Those items that the child cannot take into hand are not toys. This is most likely part of the interior or a gift for an adult;
2) Purchase of many toys of the same type. Rooms of modern children are like "Children's World" shops. And the child, meanwhile, playing two and three most beloved;
3) High cost and popularity in other children or their parents are not the best guidelines for buying toys to your child. Going shopping in the "Children's World", it is worth a detailed to discuss with children of their preferences;
4) Toys for children in no case cannot be bought in random kiosks. Toxic materials, poorly fixed small parts and details are not a complete list of dangers that can turn into serious problems. It is better to enter a specialized store, where sellers can provide quality certificates, a huge selection of toys for boys, games for girls, gifts and just useful and important goods for children.
So, the "correct" toy for a child should have a developing potential, have educational utility and be absolutely safe.

How to choose safe children's toys?

Among the variety of children's toys is easy to get lost. At the same time, the children's toy should not only like the child and be interesting to him, but also to approach him by age, to be safe, to meet many regulations and standards.

Rules for choosing children's toys, according to specialists of Rospotrebnadzor

Choosing a toy, take a look at her and consider it, read everything that is written on the package. It is important to pay attention to:
Material. The toy must be made of safe materials. Do not buy toys made from natural fur and wood bark, moreover, skin toys are not recommended for children under 3 years. Choosing soft toys, it is worth remembering that they should have a dense and well-stitched pile, as they can lift. Bacteria also accumulates in soft toys, and they can become a source of infections, so it is not the best option for the smallest kids and those who are inclined to allergic reactions.
Form. The toy should be without sharp speakers, burrs and sharp corners, which the child can be born.
The color that should be the most natural possible. First, it does not violate the ideas of the child about the real world, and secondly, toys of "poisonous colors" can scare children and contain "toxic" dyes. Also worth avoiding black and bright red toys, they can be badly perceived by the child.
Smell. Do not hesitate right in the store sniffing to the toy. It should not have a persistent unpleasant smell, and if it means it is made of "toxic" materials.
The instruction that is expected in advance before buying. Instructions for the correct use of toys can be applied both to the toy itself and on the packaging and on the label or to be in the form of a liner.
Topic. Purchase such toys that will not harm the child's psyche. Psychologists do not recommend buying children of different monsters, mutants, etc.
Realistic. Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor recommend choosing toys that are similar to real animals or people so that the child can conduct an analogy.
Sound - he should not irritate hearing and scare the child. If a toy with musical accompaniment, listen to all the melodies before buying and make sure that the baby is not afraid. In addition, pay attention to the volume of the sound or the possibility of its adjustment.
By the way, when buying musical wind toys, pay attention to the places for contact with the lips of children - they must be made of easily disinfecting materials that do not absorb moisture.
Details. Unabled details of toys made from solid materials, such as metals, wood or plastics, must be installed so that the child cannot capture their teeth. If the details are separated from the toy, they should not have sharp edges and ends.
The age of the child. When choosing toys, be sure to pay attention to age for which the toy is intended.:
Place where you buy toys. Buy toys in specialized stores, do not buy toys "from hand" in unauthorized trading places.
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