It is probably difficult today to find a person who does not know about the tragedy of the first years and centuries of Christianity, and about the reasons why in those ancient times our churches were built in caves and deep underground - in catacombs.

Persecution by the authorities turned into unimaginably cruel torture and terrible death for Christians, hence the secret places for holding religious services and ceremonies, the first of which is baptism.

The cold of the underground is a constant companion of the first centuries of Christianity. Centuries, when its difficult history was written and the first traditions and rituals took shape, and above all, the rite of baptism, which was initially considered a new and main birth of a person - spiritual.

How responsibly our distant ancestors approached it is evidenced by the fact that in the first years of Christianity only adults were baptized, after making sure that the person was going to all possible trials and torments consciously. The rite of infant baptism appeared only towards the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd centuries AD.

By this time, it was already taking place according to the firm rules that had developed in previous decades. The history of the baptismal shirt began at the same time - as a mandatory attribute of the ceremony. For adults, it was necessary for two reasons: to hide the nakedness of the person being baptized even from the gaze of the clergy, and as protection from the cold of the catacombs. The baptismal shirt came into the rite of infant baptism as a tradition. In those distant times, in connection with possible difficult trials that could at any moment befall a Christian, mostly men were baptized, therefore it is the baptismal shirt for boys that is considered, so to speak, the “classical” attribute of baptism, in Greek it sounds like “anavolium” and means outerwear.

What should a baptismal shirt be like?

According to tradition, this is a straight white shirt, always below the knees, but not “to the floor”, certainly new and, of course, from natural fabric. Its whiteness is a symbol of the spiritual purity of the newly baptized.

Royal christening shirts

From these oldest attributes of baptism, the baptismal shirt of the daughter of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, baptized in 1533, has come down to you and me. The shirt is long, quite simple and loose in style. But already in 1841, Queen Victoria's first-born was baptized in an elegant silk shirt decorated with pearls and guipure: to this day, all crown princes and princesses of England are baptized in it.

It was from this moment that the tradition of decorating baptismal shirts developed - although they were made easier for boys than for girls. For the fairer sex, they are decorated more richly, often lush and multi-layered.

The difference between the Orthodox baptismal attire and the Catholic one

In the West, to this day, baptismal shirts for both sexes are sewn as elegantly and magnificently as possible. This does not interfere with the ritual, primarily because in the most widespread confession of the Western world - Catholicism, it differs from the Orthodox: very rarely, individual clergy immerse the baby in the font three times. Everywhere this moment is replaced either by wetting the head for boys, or by simply sprinkling the baby with holy water. There is no anointing in the ritual, which is replaced by anointing only the baby’s face with oil, and there is no communion. Until now, in almost all Western faiths, infants are baptized infrequently; as a rule, this occurs at the age of 7-12 years and the ceremony is supplemented by a lit candle, which is given to the child. In other words, the original ancient rite baptism has been shortened and, in fact, modified almost beyond recognition.

Tradition of baptismal clothes for boys and girls

The rite of baptism among the Orthodox is completely different, as close as possible to the ancient one. Our tradition strictly separates baptismal shirts for boys and baptismal dresses for girls. Although for both of them, the sleeves and the shirt itself should not be too long to allow the priest to perform confirmation. In addition, while boys’ heads must be open during baptism, for girls a mandatory addition to the baptismal dress is a cap or scarf.

How to sew a baptismal shirt

For male babies, the cut of the shirt itself and its length - just below the knees - in Rus' are as close as possible to the robe in which ancient Christian babies were baptized. The shirt should be loose, with sleeves no higher than the elbow; it can be either an open shirt with soft ties on the back, or one that can be pulled over the head. As long as it is comfortable for the baby. If fasteners are used instead of ties, the product is lined so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the newborn. A christening shirt for girls is usually sewn a little longer, often with a yoke, and if it has fasteners, they try to make them not only beautiful, but also on the front; the yoke itself is always lined.

If we are talking about the first-born in the family, the shirt must certainly be new, and the fabric from which it is made must be natural. In Christian families, the baptismal shirt of the eldest child is traditionally kept and then the younger children are baptized in it. However, it can only be washed before the next baptism.

Embroidery on a boy's christening shirt

Of course, in Rus', for a long time, baptismal clothes for babies were decorated: shirts for boys were decorated with national ornaments, hand-embroidered, and Christian symbols. The most important of them is, of course, the Orthodox cross, also embroidered, symbolizing the Lord Himself, his torment and the devotion of the baptized to Christ. In rich families, pearls and other gems, sewing was done with gold or silver threads. At the request of the parents, lace is also added; soft ribbons were used as ties to match the embroidery, which often also included a floral ornament with the obligatory roses: a rose is also a symbol, a symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A very exquisite baptismal shirt of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, sewn from natural silk and richly decorated, has survived to this day. It is kept in the museum named after him.

Baptismal shirt decorations for girls

Of course, christening shirts for girls were decorated more lavishly and were certainly trimmed with lace, ribbons and rhinestones: if the family was not rich - with simple stones, if wealthy - with pearls and other precious and semi-precious stones. The obligatory symbol - just like for boys - was an Orthodox cross, in embroidery - a rose. In this form, the tradition of baptismal shirts for babies has survived to this day.

Being a symbol of the purity and sinlessness of the baby, the baptismal shirt is put on him after the font, as soon as the godmother or godfather takes the newborn from it into the kryzhma.

The healing power of baptismal attire

In Orthodox families, following ancient tradition, baptismal shirts must be kept. Moreover, separately from the rest of the linen, in a special bag or handbag, which are included in the complete baptismal set. You can put it in a box or decorative box. It is believed that if a baby gets sick, for a speedy and complete recovery he needs to be dressed in a baptismal shirt and, in addition to a diaper, covered with a kryzhma.

There is much evidence that the baptismal shirt has healing power: Even adult Christian believers often apply it to a sore spot to relieve painful sensations. This is how our distant ancestors did it - this is how it is done today.

Lyudmila Danilova

Clothing for baptism: what is it for?

Christenings are considered one of the most the most important moments in the life of any person. A shirt is usually worn at christenings. white, symbolizing the purity and innocence of thoughts before God. Old clothes before the start of the sacrament, he is removed as a symbol of sin, and a new clean person comes out of the water and puts on a clean shirt, like new soul received from God.

Anavolius, this is how the baptismal shirt sounds in Greek, has a straight, loose cut and is decorated with very symbolic embroidery.

Model overview

For adults

Women's shirt for the baptism ceremony Traditionally, it has a loose fit, maximum length and is sewn from white fabric. The cut of the shirt includes sewn or one-piece sleeves and maximum coverage of the chest and shoulders. Women's anavolia are decorated with embroidery in the spirit of Christianity and thin lace.

A christening shirt is also necessary for men, since in it the immersion into the font takes place and the Sacrament of Baptism is performed. Men's models may be shorter than women's. Usually their length reaches the knee. Besides, male models more laconic than women's ones, less often decorated with lace inserts and reminiscent of the clothes of a priest. A cross is traditionally embroidered on the back and chest of the shirt.

For teenagers

Teenage models are not much different from adults. They are usually smaller and shorter than adults.

Models for girls are more delicate, sometimes the style resembles a dress. Boys' shirts have a more formal design. Universal shirts for boys and girls are also made; they usually have a simple cut, embroidery and modest decoration lace

For newborns

The baptismal shirt is the first thing the baby is dressed in after the ceremony. Incredibly beautiful and delicate clothes are made for little princes and princesses. They are usually decorated with a lot of lace and embroidery.

Christening outfit for newborns is a whole set of clothes, consisting of a shirt, a cap (for girls) and booties.

How to choose and what it should be

When choosing a baptismal shirt, you need to think, first of all, about comfort. The design of a shirt or dress should not restrict movement; it should be spacious and light. This is especially true for children's clothing.

An uncomfortable baptismal shirt can cause moodiness and bad mood your baby or toddler. Shirts for newborns should be lined or have perfectly finished seams or outside seams.

The material from which the shirt is made should be pleasant to the body. Anavolia made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin and are well breathable are preferred. For sewing baptismal shirts, cotton, linen, viscose, and silk are used, which undergo a special softening treatment. All these fabrics are environmentally friendly and harmless to the health of adults and children.

Previously, decorating baptismal shirts was highly welcomed. Luxurious embroidery and luxurious lace that decorated the hem of a long shirt meant a long and rich life. Over time, shirts became shorter and jewelry became more modest.

Nowadays christening shirts are decorated in a cute and tasteful way. Lace and satin ribbons are used as decoration.


Despite the general features, lines and rules for sewing baptismal shirts, their range is quite wide and has many design features and design differences.


This model is mainly used when sewing anavolia for children. These hooded shirts are not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. They are very quickly put on the body, and the hood goes over the head. This point is especially important when baptizing boys, for whom it is not customary to wear caps after the ceremony.

With a cross

The cross symbolizes the suffering of the Savior and his victory over death. The cross is fulfilled in various techniques embroidery, mainly with gold, silver or white threads.

The technique of applying a cross from Swarovski crystals is also known. As a rule, the cross is located in the center of the shirt on the front and/or back.

With smell

The christening shirt with a wrap has a special cut - its edges overlap each other. The halves are tied together with braid or ribbon. The cut lines of such a shirt are usually straight. The wrap style allows you to adjust the width of the shirt and usually fits several sizes.

What to do with her next

Orthodox tradition requires further storage of the baptismal shirt. It is believed that a shirt that retains traces of the world on itself has a beneficial effect during illness and illness.

Is it washable?

Careful handling of baptismal clothing helps preserve it in its original form for the rest of your life. It is not customary to wash a baptismal shirt, since during anointing, droplets of the world fall on it. You can only wash the towel that was used at baptism and this must be done separately from other things.

Is it possible to wear

IN everyday life A christening shirt is not usually worn. It is taken out in case of illness and applied to the sore spot.

Brand overview

My pea

When sewing baptismal shirts, My Pea, as for its other products, uses only natural fabrics and, basically, the brand gives preference to 100% cotton fabrics. The seams of the baptismal shirts are very carefully processed and will not damage the baby’s delicate skin.

Seraphim and Seraphim

The brand produces baptismal shirts for true connoisseurs of tradition, style and beauty. High-quality natural fabrics and rich Italian lace are used in production. Satin ribbons are used as additional decoration.

The collection includes models with a hidden zipper at the back, which allows you to quickly put on and take off the shirt.

Tron plus

The brand offers baptismal shirts of various cuts for newborns. All products are made from 100% cotton and are embellished satin ribbons: white, pink or blue. The cut of the shirts is spacious and does not restrict the movements of children. The fabric is soft and pleasant to the touch, giving the child only a comfortable feeling.

My angel

Almost all models have elements of the old Russian style and are made of natural fabric - percale, which is the thinnest and thickest cotton fabric. The fabric is made from long-staple cotton fibers, which makes it strong, dense, but smooth and soft. The design of shirts often uses embroidery with gold and silver threads and Swarovski crystals.

This question is asked by many parents who are baptizing their first child. The child is still so small that it is difficult to find something comfortable and, at the same time, warm, something that can be easily taken off the baby and put back on.

What to consider when choosing clothes

During the sacrament, the priest will cut a small tuft of the baby's hair; you need to be able to quickly remove the cap.

If baptism is performed with complete immersion, then you will need to remove all the baby’s clothes, and then, having received him in a baptismal towel, quickly dress him.

After baptism, chrismation will be performed on the baby: the priest will anoint the baby’s hands, legs, chest, forehead, nose, ears, eyes with chrism, so you shouldn’t wrap yourself up too much after baptism: it’s not all over yet. After anointing and prayer, the myrrh is washed off with a special sponge: after this you can cover the baby.

Which clothes will fit for baptism

For a baby's baptism, loose clothing that does not require much time to put on is suitable: a vest with laces, a hat or cap with ties, pants without galoshes. The onesies with buttons that have become familiar to parents are not suitable: they take a lot of time to fasten and unfasten, and it is very difficult to fasten the buttons when the baby is crying. To keep your baby warm, you can wrap him in a diaper or blanket.

Today you can choose special clothes for baby baptism - a set for the baptism of a boy or girl. In the store on the website, the baptismal set for a boy consists of a vest or long dress, diapers, cap, booties and sometimes panties. The christening set for a girl includes a dress, booties, a cap or headband and a diaper. All the clothes in the sets are very beautiful and comfortable, easy to put on and take off, made with love from natural materials.

When to dress your baby in christening clothes

It is best to dress the child in a christening set at home; you can put a blouse or overalls on top, if necessary, warm cap. In the temple you can leave only the baptismal kit and diaper and wrap the baby in a blanket. As a last resort, if it is very cold in the church, you can dress the child warmly, undress him only for baptism, after immersion, change him into a baptismal shirt or dress until confirmation, and wrap him in a blanket. After washing away the world, you can again “warm yourself up.”

At the sacrament of baptism, the priest will tell you what he will do, make the necessary explanations and wait while you dress or undress the baby, so don’t worry if you don’t know something.

The sacrament of baptism can take place in at different ages. It depends on the wishes of the parents, if they have decided, or on the adult personality. Ideally, a person should choose his faith himself, however, according to Christian tradition, parents should already on the 40th day of his life, since this is exactly what happened with Jesus Christ.

In the old days, this rule was strictly followed. In addition, the child was given a name by the priest in the church during the baptismal ceremony. Today everything has changed a little, now every family has the right to decide whether to baptize or not. Moreover, this is not done strictly on the 40th day, but when it is convenient for the parents.

What is needed for a child's baptism

To carry out the baptism ceremony, much is not required. We need a couple - a woman and a man, a baptismal towel (kryzhma), a pectoral cross.

You should also take care of clothes for your baby. You can purchase either a suit or a christening shirt for your child.

Baby christening clothes

According to Orthodox tradition, the godfather must buy a cross for a child. But he usually buys a towel and a baptismal shirt for a boy. godmother.

What should clothes be for? This can be either an ordinary cute suit of any color (preferably snow-white or just light shade), or a special shirt. You can buy it at a church store or even a regular one. children's store.

What does a boy's christening shirt look like?

A baptismal shirt for a boy is no different from a similar shirt for a girl. If this clothing is not white, it may have a subtle blue tint. The shirt has a loose fit. It can be long, to the floor, or a little shorter, but not higher than knee level.

Clothes for a boy's baptism can be decorated with gold or silver ornaments, and there may also be an embroidered Orthodox cross on it. As for the material from which such an outfit is made, it should be natural, soft, and pleasant to the child’s body.

You can also create a baptismal shirt with your own hands; for this you will need to select patterns, sew and decorate the clothes yourself. In this case, it will become not only the most comfortable and soft, but also decorated the way the child’s godmother or birth mother would like.

Using a christening shirt for a boy

According to Orthodox custom, baptismal clothing needs to be worn only once in a lifetime, to be baptized. After this, it should simply be stored in a dry place. A baptismal towel can be used when a child is sick. People believe that if a child is wrapped in kryzhma, ailments and ailments will recede. But for the baptism of a child, you no longer need to take out a shirt from a secluded place.

However, this does not mean that you should skimp on baptismal clothing. After all, a child is much more pleasant and comfortable when his body is touched by natural soft fabrics, not artificial synthetics.