We can talk for a long time about the use of hypnosis in practice. Today we will talk about the treatment of diseases, helping a person with hypnosis to improve their health and its use in some areas of activity.

IN medicinal purposes Hypnosis has been used for a very long time. Based on this experience, from the total number of diseases, those for which hypnotic treatment brings particularly good results have been identified. They are well known. First of all, these include neurotic conditions, alcoholism and drug addiction. Treatment using hypnosis and instilling obsessive fears and states (psychasthenia) has proven itself well. This method is effective for sleep disorders, insomnia, depression, and sexual neuroses.

A specialist hypnologist immerses a person in a special state in which everything around him is completely immersed in an exciting plot. It is as if a person finds himself in another pleasant and comfortable place. With the help of such a session, a person distances himself from everything that happens around him. He gets rid of worry, anxiety, pain. For a person in a state of hypnosis, time flies quickly, in just a few minutes. Although in reality the session can last several hours.

For what diseases are hypnosis methods used?

This treatment method is called hypnotherapy. It is often used in the treatment of hypertension, peptic ulcers, and cardiovascular diseases. Hypnosis treatment is very useful for people with heart rhythm disturbances, those suffering from angina pectoris or those who have had a myocardial infarction.

As is known, development bronchial asthma and allergies very much depend on emotional state person. According to experts, hypnotherapy can cause an improvement in this condition, so with the help of hypnosis you can effectively prevent the occurrence of attacks and manifestations of these diseases.

Hypnotherapy is great for treating obesity. After special course Hypnosis in overweight people improves metabolism, reduces appetite, which promotes rapid weight loss.

Hypnotherapy is effectively used in the treatment of urological and gynecological diseases. This method is the basis of the psychoprophylactic method of labor pain relief. Long-term experiments have proven the beneficial effects of hypnosis and suggestion on pain during childbirth, as well as on uterine contractions.

Therefore, it is often used in preparing pregnant women for childbirth, during the birth process itself. It is noted that hypnotherapy has a very beneficial effect on the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth.

Suggestion has long been used to eliminate pain during surgical operations. Often the method turns out to be so effective that it is used during surgical operations of varying complexity. In addition, it helps overcome anxiety and fear in the preoperative period and reduce postoperative symptoms.

The suggestion method is also used as an additional factor in the treatment of skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, lichen, urticaria, neurodermatitis and baldness.

Dentists use it in dental treatment, as an analgesic method, and also to eliminate patients’ fear of visiting the dentist.

Hypnologists use their methods to relieve pain from cancer. It is used to alleviate the condition of Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Many hypnologists provide evidence of the positive effects of their methods in the treatment of these serious diseases.

In what areas is hypnosis also used?

IN modern world Hypnosis techniques are widely used in sports. For example, according to hypnologists, with the help of suggested sleep, working capacity is restored much faster than when resting while awake. Methods of hypnosis and autogenic training effectively prevent unfavorable pre-launch conditions.

Hypnosis and suggestion are also used in theatrical and stage activities. This method helps the actor master the necessary emotions and gain artistic inspiration.

The method helps to make emotions and artistic inspiration independent of mood swings or some events, because of which even famous great actors sometimes perform on stage not only worse than usual, but also worse than the most mediocre artists. And famous singers perform vocal parts so poorly that their voices are impossible to recognize.

Recently, educational specialists have become increasingly interested in hypnosis methods. Already, hypnotherapy and suggestion are used in some training methods that use elements of relaxation and immersion methods.

This is a special training system that promotes the student’s internal emancipation, reveals an inner sense of freedom, revealing a person’s potential. This method is very effective in learning foreign languages.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of hypnosis is of great practical importance for treating diseases and solving a wide variety of issues related to learning. The methods of hypnosis do not end there. It is increasingly being used in various areas of human life, since its possibilities are truly limitless.

Like any therapy, hypnosis has a number of contraindications that you need to be aware of. Improper use of this treatment method can lead to unpredictable consequences, and instead of improving the patient’s condition, there is a risk of only worsening the situation. An ignorant or inexperienced person should not engage in hypnosis or self-hypnosis. It is best to contact a qualified psychotherapist, since only a specialist can provide help for serious illnesses. You should always remember: hypnosis in skillful hands can work wonders, while an ignorant person risks complicating the situation so much that even the most experienced doctor won't cope. There are examples of both the positive and negative effects of hypnosis. Even doctors often made mistakes, putting patients into a trance and then not knowing how to get them out of hypnotic sleep. Therefore, if you decide to engage in self-hypnosis or use hypnosis in the treatment of diseases, carefully read this chapter.

Indications for hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is used correctly only when it is used for therapeutic purposes, and the patient is not exposed to unnecessary risks. To treat with hypnosis, it is first necessary to diagnose the patient, but it should be remembered that with the same diseases, patients may respond differently to hypnosis. During treatment, hypnosis is combined with psychotherapeutic conversations, which can take place both while the patient is in a trance and while he is awake.

The use of hypnosis to treat diseases

What diseases are treated with hypnosis? Firstly, this method is successfully used in psychiatry. Thus, it is believed that hysteria can be successfully treated through hypnosis. Often this disease occurs with complications or becomes more serious. Other methods of psychotherapy are less successful and not always effective, so most often such diseases are treated by psychiatrists and psychotherapists by introducing special states of consciousness.

Currently modern man more susceptible than ever to neuroses, fears, phobias, obsessive states and psychoses.

In the case when the patient suffers from neurosis, he experiences a constant state of anxiety with periodic attacks.

In this case, hypnosis has a calming effect and also helps to identify the cause of neurosis in order to subsequently eliminate it.

The 21st century can be called the century of phobias. Every year more and more diverse phobias, or obsessive fears, appear. Along with traditional arachnophobia (fear of spiders), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), hydrophobia (fear of water), many suffer from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), ailurophobia (fear of cats) and a wide variety of other phobias.

Phobias are eliminated using psychoanalytic methods. Hypnoanalysis is not yet very common in this area, but in conditions where deep treatment is not possible, hypnosis can provide temporary relief. For example, if a phobia prevents a patient from working, that is, in case of alienation from society, hypnosis helps the patient adapt to social environment and programs him for further deeper treatment.

There is even a fear of electricity - electrophobia, phagophobia - fear of choking, ecophobia - fear of your home and leukophobia - fear of the color white. And panophobia is generally the fear of everything in the world.

A pathological condition such as nervous or mental anorexia should be mentioned. Typically, adolescents, particularly girls, are most susceptible to this disease. Anorexia nervosa is a persistent refusal to eat in order to lose weight. The cause of this disease is often mental disorders and errors in upbringing (overprotection on the part of parents). Patients show great interest in the calorie content of food and exclude from the diet those foods that seem to them the most nutritious. It should be noted that those suffering from anorexia do not necessarily have overweight, they may even be sick skinny girls and young men who convinced themselves that they overweight. Anorexia is accompanied by weight loss, but hypnosis is recommended for its treatment. By introducing patients into special states of consciousness, the psychotherapist convinces them that their fears are groundless. With timely treatment, positive results can be achieved, although therapy is complicated by the reluctance of patients to be treated. In this case, systematic suggestion can help.

In some cases, hypnosis treatment can also be used for schizophrenia. This disease has not been fully studied, so little is known about its causes and treatment. However, it was noted that improvement occurred more quickly when drug therapy was combined with hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is used in the treatment of psychosis. Thus, O. Voisin hypnotized his patients suffering from psychosis and hallucinations. The Englishman Robertson also hypnotized patients with psychosis, in particular maniacs. He managed to achieve hypnotic state in their patients.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the treatment of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction with hypnosis. In the case of chronic alcoholism, hypnotic suggestion is quite effective, since people suffering from this disease are usually hypnotizable, that is, they are suggestible. It is much more difficult to treat drug addicts with hypnosis, since they are easily hypnotized only during the period of drug addiction, after which a relapse occurs (exacerbation of the disease).

A. Tokarsky treated 700 patients with alcoholism with hypnosis, and achieved recovery in the majority (80%). Patients did not drink for a year after stopping treatment.

The use of hypnosis in psychosomatic medicine

Not only mental illnesses are successfully treated with hypnosis. The method of introducing special states of consciousness is no less successfully used in the field of psychosomatic medicine (from the Latin “soma” - “body”). There are many cases of treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems by hypnosis.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system for which hypnosis is used include arterial hypertension, cardiac neuroses and heart rhythm disturbances. In patients who had suffered a myocardial infarction or patients with angina pectoris, their condition improved and anxiety decreased thanks to hypnosis.

Diseases of the respiratory system, especially asthma, are also successfully treated with this method, since the emotional factor plays an important role in asthma.

An asthma attack is aggravated by the mental state of the patient, who cannot breathe normally. However, with the help of hypnosis it is possible to help the patient restore normal breathing.

In addition, hypnosis is used in the treatment of endocrine diseases. In obese patients, the metabolism was thus stabilized, appetite was reduced and a diet was established.

It is very important to note that many diseases are associated with dysfunction nervous system, which causes the occurrence of certain pathologies.

Many people suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Particularly susceptible to gastritis and peptic ulcers are students who, due to irregular nutrition, have metabolic disorders and digestive problems. Hypnosis helps cure duodenal ulcers. For this disease, it is recommended to conduct long sessions of hypnotic sleep. In addition, esophageal spasms, constipation, diarrhea and vomiting are successfully treated with hypnosis.

Hypnosis has also found application in gynecology and urology. For example, such an unpleasant disease as involuntary urination usually requires surgical intervention. However, there is a known case when one of the patients was cured using hypnosis. It should be noted that the disease did not return even after several years.

In obstetrics, hypnosis is used for pain relief. For example, a woman is put into a state of hypnotic sleep before or immediately during childbirth in order to reduce pain. IN preparatory period post-hypnotic suggestion is carried out, that is, the woman gives birth while awake. Painful sensations are eliminated as a result of suggestion.

In skin diseases, the emotional component plays an important role. Therefore, hypnosis is also used in dermatology. For example, through suggestion, warts are removed, as well as benign tumors, the occurrence of which is caused by a virus entering the body.

However, with suggestion you can not only eliminate skin diseases, but also contribute to their occurrence. There are cases when, through hypnotic suggestion, people received second-degree burns, as well as herpes of the lips.

Often, skin diseases prevent a person from living fully in society. For example, one 17-year-old patient could not leave the house due to a large number of warts on her hands. After several sessions of hypnosis, the warts disappeared, which affected social life girls.

Hypnotherapy is used for diseases of the central nervous system. For example, this method successfully treats insomnia, spinal pain and migraines. Hypnosis is used to treat stuttering and tics, especially those of hysterical origin.

Hypnosis in other areas of medicine

Of course, hypnosis is most successfully used for the purpose of pain relief, that is, for anesthesia. Even in past centuries, when the art of hypnosis was not considered as a method of treatment, pain was relieved during operations through suggestion. Doctors performed amputations using hypnosis for anesthesia. In addition, the introduction to special states of consciousness helps to reduce the patient’s anxiety and excitement before surgery, as well as weaken postoperative complications.

In traumatology, doctors use hypnosis not only as a pain reliever, but also as a method of removing a person from traumatic shock. Due to severe injuries or multiple fractures, victims often experience psychosis, which is also eliminated with the help of hypnosis.

The use of hypnotherapy in the treatment of extensive burns is interesting. Here this method also has a double benefit: firstly, pain relief is achieved, and secondly, the victim’s appetite improves, which is very important for recovery.

Finally, about hypnotherapy in such a field of medicine as oncology. Of course, it is often impossible to achieve recovery here, but hypnosis is used to reduce pain and improve the emotional state.

Contraindications to hypnosis and possible complications

Hypnosis is probably the most mysterious and unexplored treatment method of all used in medical practice. It has a long and interesting story. Many people are biased and wary of hypnosis. They believe that entering a hypnotic state can change a person's personality. As already mentioned, the fear of falling asleep and not waking up or the fear of becoming addicted to hypnosis is very common. In addition, patients are afraid of being at the mercy of someone else's will, that is, under the control of a hypnotist who can subjugate the patient's mind. True, this does not take into account the fact that the patient himself decides whether to let someone else’s will into his consciousness or not. Although a person is in a state of hypnosis, he can choose for himself whether to follow this or that command from the psychotherapist or not. Even in conditions of deep trance, a person will not carry out those commands that contradict his attitudes and worldview.

But there is still a danger to the patient. There is a risk in any therapy, including hypnotic therapy. Here we note again: the competence of the attending physician, his knowledge and skills are important. In 1961, a study was conducted on the harmful effects of hypnosis, which found that in 15 cases, the elimination of symptoms in patients led to an exacerbation of more serious diseases. However, it is believed that this side effect associated with the fact that patients for a long time were treated for various diseases and showed an inadequate attitude to this therapy.

Speaking about contraindications and complications that arise as a result of the use of special states of consciousness, it should be said about who should practice hypnosis - anyone who has read “smart” books and imagines himself to be a grand master, or an experienced doctor? Of course, in no case should you trust your health to would-be hypnotists, who, even if they can put a person into a trance, are unlikely to be able to get him out of there. And it’s better not to experiment yourself. Psychotherapy and methods of inducing special states of consciousness should be carried out by trained professionals who bear legal and ethical responsibility for their actions. After all, penetrating the mind of another person is not breaking into a safe, but a much more serious action. An ignorant therapist risks bringing out traumatic, unpleasant memories that the person does not want to think about. In addition, he also receives intimate information about the person, which the latter may prefer to keep secret.

Now let us consider the complications that may arise during the introduction to special states of consciousness or after that.

Possible complications

While the patient is in a trance state, a complication may develop such as loss of contact between the hypnotist and the hypnotized person. This condition is called “loss of rapport.” The psychotherapist can influence the patient using both verbal and non-verbal methods, but does not receive a response. This complication can arise when the psychotherapist leaves the patient for a while, and either switches to other patients or leaves. It may also be that the patient is unable to cope with very strong feelings and therefore does not maintain contact with the doctor.

In this case, hypnotic sleep can turn into normal sleep, after which the patient wakes up on his own. When loss of rapport occurs with physiological changes, the physician must bring the patient out of the trance state using appropriate methods.

This complication can lead to the next one - the patient’s inability to exit the hypnotic state. We have already said that people’s fear of remaining in a trance state for a long time is often unfounded, but such cases still occurred. It is usually difficult to bring patients with hysteria out of hypnotic sleep, because their trance can turn into a state of hysterical stupor. In this case, the doctor brings the patient out of the hypnotic state with a suggestion of awakening, made in an authoritative, commanding voice.

Patients with hysteria may be subject to hysterical attacks. Such complications are associated with the fact that the patient internally resists hypnosis. To eliminate this, psychotherapists usually bring cotton wool soaked to the patient’s nose. ammonia, which helps relieve a hysterical attack.

If the memories that the hypnotist evoked in the patient are too strong and traumatic, the patient will have a corresponding emotional reaction. It manifests itself in the form of tears, sobs, groans and corresponding movements. Such a reaction does not pose any particular danger, so you should not be afraid of it. After emerging from trance, such patients may experience emotional restlessness or excessive activity.

In the past, many hypnotists would induce emotional reactions from patients to amuse the audience. It was believed that such a reaction from the subject proves the power of the master.

Often complications occur after a course of treatment. For example, patients suffer from mental, somatic and neurological disorders, feel depressed, sad, depressed, and anxious. Such patients become irritable, cannot find mutual understanding with loved ones, and withdraw into themselves. In this case, the patient’s personal characteristics play a big role.

Some patients are susceptible to hypnomania. When their condition improves and the hypnosis sessions can be stopped, they feel psychological discomfort. Such people become especially sensitive to suggestion. The trance state is desirable for them, as they again want to experience the euphoria that occurs during hypnosis. V. Rakhmanov identified three degrees of hypnomania.

The first degree is mild hypnomania. Patients experience drowsiness for 1 day after completion of the session. There is no memory loss observed.

The second degree is hypnomania of moderate severity. To bring the patient out of the state of hypnosis, individual suggestion is required. After leaving the trance, lethargy and drowsiness are observed.

Patients can sleep after the session for 3-24 hours. Patients lack a critical attitude towards themselves; they want to experience a hypnotic state again. When they are reminded of the end of the session, the patients’ well-being worsens. It can also cause tears and negative reactions.

The third degree is pronounced hypnomania. It includes two stages.

The first is characterized by patients remaining in a state of hypnosis for a long time - up to 1 day. After leaving the hypnotic state, patients again enter a trance state, then tearfulness, redness of the skin, headache, partial or complete amnesia, that is, memory loss, are observed. These symptoms can be observed for 6–7 days after the patient awakens. There are even disturbances in gait: it becomes shaky and unsteady. Patients need continuous monitoring and observation.

At the second stage, the patient remains in a state of hypnosis for 1–3 days or even more; it is almost impossible to remove him from this state. It is dangerous to wake a patient by force, because his condition may worsen. After leaving the hypnotic state, almost the same symptoms are observed as in the previous stage. After awakening, patients often fall back into a trance state. At all stages of hypnomania, strict medical supervision is necessary.

Hypnophobia is the opposite of the previous condition; it is an obsessive fear of hypnotherapy. Patients are afraid for many reasons: this includes fear of not waking up, fear of ridicule, and fear of exacerbation of diseases. People who do not believe in the effectiveness of hypnosis may also experience hypnophobia.

In case of any side effects, it is recommended to stop hypnosis sessions and carry out the necessary psychotherapy with appropriate influences.

The complications of hypnotherapy include another side effect, which has already been mentioned, this is the emergence in the patient of an attraction to the hypnotist. It can manifest itself both in a desire to get closer to the psychotherapist, and in an attempt to hide one’s feelings and withdraw into oneself. In the latter case, the patient's condition worsens, he becomes depressed and depressed. In addition, attraction to the doctor can be explained as an attempt by the patient to attract the attention of the hypnotist. A similar attitude of a patient towards a doctor often has negative consequences and for the psychotherapist himself. Thus, without achieving mutual feelings, the patient can spread rumors about a sexual relationship with the hypnotist and accuse the latter of illegal actions. You can avoid such behavior on the part of the patient by working in the presence of a nurse.

The question arises: what should be the environment in which treatment is carried out? hypnotic methods? For any treatment, appropriate conditions are necessary, so hypnotic manipulations should begin only when all the necessary requirements are met.

Psychotherapy is recommended to be carried out in a spacious room, which should be ventilated before the session. It should also be taken into account that the room must have good sound insulation, since extraneous noise is a distraction that prevents both the therapist and the patient from concentrating. Footsteps are also distracting, so you need to put a carpet on the floor to muffle the sounds.

As for lighting, bright electric light should be avoided. However, it is not recommended to conduct a session in the dark, because the doctor must observe the patient’s behavior. A lamp or other light source should be behind the person being hypnotized, otherwise direct light will shine into the eyes. It is advisable to use soothing, muted colors in the interior of the room.

An appropriate soundtrack is required. During the session, it is advisable to turn on soothing music to help you relax and relieve tension.

During the session, the patient may have violent emotional reactions to what is happening, so care should be taken to have water and a towel.

Recordings of psychotherapy sessions on cassettes are very common. Such therapy has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, recordings on audio media allow you to work independently, without resorting to the help of a psychotherapist, and on the other hand, live communication between the doctor and the patient is still preferable. It must be remembered that you should not start hypnosis sessions with tape recordings; it is better to entrust the therapy to a doctor. For musical accompaniment Calm classical music is most suitable.

I already wrote an article on my other website, where Dr. Fikret Mamedov was mentioned: How our Anita on Lokotka was cured of panic attacks. And in the morning I was looking for materials on hypnosis and ended up on this doctor’s website.

Today I present to you a short excerpt from an article from the website of Fikret Mamedovic. And at the end I suggest watching his video. His voice alone is soothing, in my opinion!

Hello! Nenya has a question for Dr. Mamedov F. M. Fikret Mamedovich, is it possible to cure panic attacks with the help of hypnosis. Is this treatment effective? And what type of hypnosis, directive hypnosis or Ericksonian hypnosis, is better for treating panic attacks and anxiety.

Answered by: Psychotherapist, sexologist, candidate medical sciences: Mamedov Fikret Mamedovich.

Hello, M.!

Thanks for interesting question. Both directive and softer, non-directive (Ericksonian) hypnosis can indeed be very effective in treating panic attacks, anxiety, etc. etc. Moreover, depending on the direction of the treatment process, treatment with hypnosis can be aimed both at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and at eliminating the causes that led to these problems.

It should be noted that despite the excellent possibilities of hypnosis in the treatment of panic attacks, this method has its own indications and contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a treatment method. For example, the patient’s initial, natural hypnotizability, which can be reliably determined during a face-to-face consultation, can be of great importance. Don't be upset if your hypnotizability is low.

In principle, it can be developed, but it will take some time. An in-person consultation could help answer one more question, namely, should hypnosis be a priority treatment method in your case? specific case. After all different methods There are many treatments for panic attacks and anxiety and the doctor will help you decide whether hypnosis is best choice in your case.

We should not forget about the advantages of integrated, multifaceted approaches. In this case, hypnosis can be an integral part of a more extensive and varied therapeutic and medical strategy. This, of course, can increase the effectiveness of the treatment and give even faster and more stable results.

I will answer the rest of your questions regarding panic attacks and hypnosis treatment in the next letter.

I wish you success and good health and good decision Your problems.

M. came to see us. During an in-person consultation, during special tests, it turned out that the patient was hypnable (that is, he was amenable to hypnotic influence). And no additional measures were required to improve it.

Unfortunately, the presence of chronic somatic diseases and a burdened allergic background did not allow us to consider the issue of parallel use of pharmacological drugs. We usually use them to quickly stabilize the pathological process, quickly eliminate symptoms of anxiety, fear, and panic. After which, calmer psychotherapeutic work becomes possible, aimed at the complete and final elimination of panic disorder.

To achieve a quick therapeutic effect and quickly eliminate symptoms, we used the technique of directive hypnosis, with long and deep immersion. We conducted several sessions of such intensive therapy. The situation has stabilized quite well. And it allowed me to move on to other methods of hypnotization, using techniques of non-directive, Ericksonian hypnosis. Which allows you to widely involve and use the personal resources of the body necessary to solve the problem. In fact, develop new stereotypes of response in situations that were previously stressful.

And I repeat, precisely due to the activation of a person’s own capabilities and abilities. In fact, this method is a variant of useful learning, new emotional reactions, new necessary and useful opportunities. A successful addition to this area of ​​work, aimed at developing new adaptive and healthy emotional reactions, was the use of the “method of psychological desensitization” with this patient. Which allows, on a subconscious and automatic level, to develop healthy reactions in those situations in which it is necessary.

In fact, we are talking about new, useful conditioned reflexes. In this case, we developed a reflex of calm and confidence, good somatic well-being, in those situations that previously caused panic and vegetative-vascular dystonia. This method made it possible to consolidate the results achieved during the course of hypnosis and, at the reflex level, to consolidate a state of calm and health. Moreover, without complex methods that require long psychoanalytic sessions.

The logical and final continuation of the psychotherapeutic work done was the use of the “Behavioral Psychotherapy” method. Which allowed, in practical life and real situations, to consolidate the achieved results.

I personally don’t know Dr. Mamedov, and I have no task to advertise him in any way. I liked the professionalism of the article and also the video. And now watch the video.

Hypnosis is a mysterious and mystical phenomenon. There is such a thing as therapeutic hypnosis or hypnotherapy, when a person’s subconscious is influenced in order to get rid of mental disorders, neurological defects and psychosomatic diseases. There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of this method. Today, only certified doctors and psychologists have the right to use it, and most “hypnotherapists” are charlatans. It is important to understand in which cases hypnosis is applicable and safe, and when it can be harmful.

Hypnosis can be used for medicinal purposes

Application of hypnosis

Hypnosis is used both as an independent and as an auxiliary method of treating psychological problems and psychosomatic diseases. It is not the hypnotic trance itself that has a therapeutic effect, but the attitudes and images instilled in the person.

The main areas where hypnosis is used:

  • in the complex of cognitive therapy for depression, phobias, anxiety and obsessive states, stress disorders;
  • when ridding a person of addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc.;
  • treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (irritable bowel syndrome), urinary system (enuresis);
  • therapy of skin diseases;
  • relief of pain syndromes;
  • treatment of overweight patients;
  • preparing patients for surgery.

Hypnotherapy is not practiced to eliminate memory loss, treat amnesia, etc. The impressions and images received in a trance look real and believable. The patient creates a false memory.

Hypnosis treatment of psychosomatic diseases

The presence of the disease leads to psychological disorders. There is also an inverse relationship. Some diseases occur in humans against the background of frequent stress, psychological problems, social conflicts, etc. For psychosomatic diseases Treatment with hypnosis is often used (the disease can be called psychosomatic if physiological pathology was excluded during diagnosis).

Classic psychosomatic diseases include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • essential hypertension (hypertension).

Today, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, psoriasis, vitiligo, enuresis, obesity and infertility are also added to the list. These diseases in 5% of cases are of psychogenic origin.

Hypnosis is used when differential diagnosis did not reveal organic disorders, and traditional therapy did not produce results. But if you start treatment with hypnosis without conducting an examination, you can worsen the disease.

Hypnotherapy will help patients with neurodermatitis

How does the session work?

A hypnosis treatment session differs little from a regular appointment with a psychotherapist. Only the patient will have to lie down on the couch.

First, the psychotherapist listens to the patient and learns about his problem. Then they discuss it together and try to find solutions. It is important for a specialist to determine the depth of the disorder and how interested the person is in recovery. The patient is then placed on a couch and put into a state of hypnotic trance. Different specialists have their own methods for this. All of them represent a monotonous effect on one of the channels of human perception: vision, hearing, tactile perception. Sometimes three channels are affected simultaneously.

In a state of hypnosis, a person’s attention narrows and is directed inside himself. The images and attitudes suggested by the hypnotist are perceived much more acutely than in the normal state. In a trance, a person is not aware of where he is, in imagination or in reality. Sometimes he acts as a passive bystander.

Target therapeutic hypnosis– find out the true cause of the disease. To do this, the psychotherapist asks the patient questions or creates images that could prompt him to the correct answer. Then the person is given settings that help in solving the problem. The hypnologist is an authority who forces obedience.

One hypnosis session is not enough for recovery. The result after a single immersion in consciousness lasts about a week. Therefore, treatment is carried out in a course. The number of sessions is determined by a person’s individual sensitivity to hypnosis. If it is low, the patient is immersed only in a light trance; 10-15 appointments with a hypnologist will be needed. If you have the ability to go into a deep trance, 5 sessions are enough.

Ericksonian hypnosis

American psychotherapist Milton Erickson argued that hypnotic trance, like sleep, is a natural human need. From time to time, everyone involuntarily plunges into it.

Involuntary immersion in a trance also occurs with monotonous exposure to analyzers. While reading the book, many have often caught themselves not understanding what was written. Consciousness hovers somewhere else while the eyes follow the line. The same thing can happen while listening to music or handling small objects.

Ericksonian hypnosis is also used to treat psychological disorders and their physiological manifestations. For the session, the patient is not “put to sleep” or placed on a couch. The specialist simply creates conditions that help a person fall into a natural trance. The hypnologist acts only as a guide into consciousness, and not as an authoritarian voice, as in the classical approach.

Treatment of children using hypnosis

Many childhood illnesses are the result of mental instability and unstable emotional background. Hypnosis treatment for children is perceived negatively by parents. They fear that interference with consciousness will affect memory and mental development. All these fears have no basis.

Psychological disorders in a child can be treated with hypnosis. In the process of therapy, the child gets to know himself better, learns the correct worldview, and his psyche becomes more stable.

The Ericksonian approach is used to treat children.


Self-hypnosis is a popular method of treating psychological disorders, phobias, obesity and skin diseases. It is also used to control pain. Often the ability to self-hypnosis develops in a person after hypnotherapy sessions.

To independently immerse yourself in a trance, you need four components:

  • motivation (awareness of the need and importance of the result);
  • relaxation (immersion practice requires time, elimination of distractions, irritants, a state of complete peace);
  • concentration (the ability to focus consciousness on one point);
  • visualization of the desired result.

A tool in self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

You can learn the technique of self-hypnosis during a session with a psychotherapist. For immersion, repetition of code phrases is used. The effectiveness of the method, when performed correctly, is the same as that of classical hypnosis.

Contraindications for use

Entering a trance is prohibited for some people. Contraindications to the use of hypnosis include:

  • epilepsy (if an epileptic seizure begins during a session, it can be fatal);
  • some heart diseases (pre-infarction condition);
  • breathing problems.

Hypnosis treatment should also not be used on patients who experience panic fear before the session. Therapy may have a different effect on them and worsen the course of the disease.

Epilepsy is a contraindication to hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is a safe and painless method of healing for many diseases of psychogenic origin. Hypnosis treatment is used for people of any age.

Today you can find many advertisements from charlatans who offer to cure any disease with hypnosis. Therefore, before choosing a specialist, you need to check his qualifications.