A key moment in world history is considered to be the time when ancient man learned to process iron and make tools from it. Thanks to this achievement in human history, the Bronze Age was replaced by the Iron Age. This happened thanks to the first metallurgists who guessed and implemented the concept of iron processing. Modern life It is also impossible to imagine without metallurgical products, which are used in all areas: in space, everyday life, geology, medicine, construction. Metallurgist's Day is a holiday of hardy, courageous and persistent representatives of this profession.

What date is celebrated?

To raise the spirit of Soviet metallurgists, who were assigned one of the key roles in economic recovery after the war, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by its decree of September 28, 1957, decided to celebrate Metallurgist Day annually on the third Sunday of July. Subsequently, twice in 1980 and 1988, when revising the legislation on memorial and holidays the said holiday took its place. In 2014, the holiday falls on July 20. Metallurgists, at the cost of incredible efforts, with their dedication and courage, deserve this holiday.

Thus, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days"Metallurgist's Day is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of July.

Who's celebrating

Metallurgist Day is a large-scale holiday, since many metallurgical plants and combines are city-forming enterprises, and every third person in the city is an employee. Currently, this date is celebrated by people whose professions are at least slightly related to metallurgy. Steelworkers, blacksmiths, rolling mills, blast furnace workers, foundry workers, as well as miners who extract ore, which is necessary for the production of any metal, annually on the third Sunday of July accept congratulations on Metallurgist Day. The President of Russia awards the honorary title “Honored Metallurgist” to the most worthy workers in the industry with more than 10 years of specialized work experience. Russian Federation».

A little about the profession

Metallurgist is a collective concept for all professions involved in the extraction, production and processing of metal. Miners extract ore containing metal from the depths of the earth, then at mining and processing plants, the ore, after going through a complex and labor-intensive process, turns into a familiar sheet of metal or into the final product. Blacksmiths from a seemingly ordinary piece of iron can create a true masterpiece of blacksmithing, on which heavenly flowers will bloom and birds will sing.

Historical excursion

On September 28, 1957, the highest legislative body of the USSR decided on when and on what date Metallurgist Day would be celebrated. It was the third Sunday of July that became a holiday that annually celebrates the importance and value of metallurgy in the country's economy. After this, the legislation on holidays was changed several times, but Metallurgist Day always took its place of honor and was celebrated on a large scale and cheerfully. This year, 2014, will also be no exception, and concerts and mass celebrations will be held in honor of professionals in their field.

Metallurgist Day in 2020, what date falls on the third Sunday of July every year in our country. That is, this is exactly the type of holiday that does not have its own official date, but has its own official day. For most professional holidays, specific days are set so that the celebration itself falls on a day off every year.

If you look at the modern calendar for 2020, you will see that the third Sunday of July falls on the 19th. It turns out that in Russia this year Metallurgist Day will be celebrated on July 19. This date is, as is already clear, moving. In this material, we propose to delve into the history of the formation of the holiday, talk about who and how to congratulate today.

Often people who live in large cities in the European part of our country may not even realize how developed the metallurgical industry is in other regions, how much profit it brings to the country and, of course, how many jobs it creates.

  • The importance of industry and profession
  • Excerpts from history

From the history of the holiday

Metallurgist Day in 2020, what date it is celebrated in Russia, coincides with how this event is celebrated in other countries that were part of the USSR. So, for example, in the territory of modern Ukraine, the official date of the holiday has been preserved as the third Sunday in July, although everything goes back, let us remind you once again, from the times of the Soviet Union. Many people remember, some heard, and some even saw in old Soviet films how important the development of the steel industry was for the country. On festive table will be relevant.

As for the holiday, it was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1980, a document was published in which many Soviet holidays, including professional holidays, found their new permanent place. Metallurgist Day was no exception.

What is metallurgical art? From ore, by melting and processing metals, steel is obtained. It must be said that the technology itself is very ancient and its discovery gave humanity a new round of development. We can safely say that metallurgy began its life as an activity in those distant centuries, even before our era, when humanity mastered the smelting of copper.

Today we are talking about Metallurgist Day in 2020, what date in Ukraine or Russia is the third Sunday in July, that is, the 19th of this year. Modern metallurgy is a set of technological processes, as well as production. In addition to the extraction of metal ores, which has already been mentioned, we can safely include enrichment, extraction, and refining here.

Also, metallurgy in modern times is the production of products based on metal powders, the processing of metals by pressure, as well as thermochemical and thermal, chemical treatment to give certain metals their specified properties.

The main industry of this type is ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. These products are used in mechanical engineering and construction, even in agriculture. Since in modern society Nuclear energy is actively developing, metallurgists began to produce radioactive metals.

The importance of industry and profession

So, Metallurgist Day in 2020, what date is July 19, this industry is still basic in the domestic industry, as it once was during the times of the USSR. For decades, the USSR, and then the Russian Federation, has occupied a leading position in this direction. The industrial power of the country is constantly strengthening and it is metallurgists who are the people whose strength ensures the growth of the economy of our country.

The metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation is constantly moving forward, and such movement is possible due to hundreds of thousands of specialists who devote themselves devotedly, professionally and with inspiration to their favorite work every day. Metallurgists are the creators of the foundations for other sectors of the economy of our country. Their work is extremely important so that many other industry areas also develop actively, generate profits, and create new, high-paying jobs for the population.

It is also worth noting that this day has ceased to be a purely professional date a long time ago. Because the event is celebrated by entire cities, and even people who have little idea about the industry itself, with pleasure on this day pay tribute to the conquerors of metal, the greatness, and beauty of their work. It has already been noted that metallurgy directly affects the development of other industrial sectors in our country.

It should also be noted that social programs are being introduced in the life of the regions, in which metallurgical enterprises take an important part, they contribute to the implementation of national projects, all this is talked about in the media. So, it is not surprising that metallurgists today are treated in society with special honor and attention. select for the holiday.

Excerpts from history

If we consider the development of this industry in our country, then for the first time the date of the beginning of the 19th century comes up seriously here. Of course, at that time, factories and combines were old and had nothing in common with modern times, but they began to open in Siberia and the Urals.

The holiday is most widely celebrated in those cities in our country where large metallurgical enterprises operate. Because it was these enterprises - their construction and hiring of workers - that ultimately gave life to many modern cities. In particular, this still applies specifically to the territories of Siberia, as well as the Urals. Metallurgist Day, which falls on July 19 in 2020, is a holiday for the entire city in honor of professional day At the highest level, awards and titles “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation” are awarded.

On this holiday, we congratulate metallurgists, that is, people who have a specialty in the field of metallurgy, and they can work in a wide variety of industrial production. But metallurgists play the most important role in mechanical engineering; it is impossible to imagine this industry without steel, and steel still needs to be created. However, even heavy and light industry enterprises certainly could not function without metallurgists.

Metal smelting is important element in a complex chain of industrial works, regardless of their type. This profession is necessary for everyday life every person, because even in everyday life people use objects made of metal. The profession of a metallurgist certainly cannot be called easy, because every day these people deal with danger - with red-hot metals. But in professional holiday everyone comes together to have fun, have fun and congratulate each other on such an important day for every metallurgist and for the country as a whole. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Metallurgist Day in 2020, what date - this holiday falls on the third Sunday of July every year. The current calendar shows that this professional day will be celebrated on July 19; do not forget to congratulate everyone who is in one way or another connected with this difficult, but so important and necessary work for the country.

The metallurgical industry occupies one of the leading places in the state economy. The profession is in demand and respected in all countries. Let's remember what date Metallurgist Day is in 2019 in Russia, because the date is not fixed and is tied to a day off. Let's figure out who and how to congratulate and get acquainted with interesting facts about the profession.

What date is Metallurgist Day celebrated in 2019: historical facts

The profession of metallurgist is considered one of the most ancient. As soon as a person found ore and learned to smelt arrowheads and arrows from it, experts in their craft appeared. These were ore miners, blacksmiths - they were cherished, revered, worshiped as people familiar with the spirit of the subsoil and metal. The first finds of cast items date back to the Bronze Age. Tin and copper ores were mixed with charcoal, and this raw material was used to make sickles, picks and other tools. Modern casting techniques began more than 6 thousand years ago in the Balkans.

Metallurgist Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July:

  • in 2019 it is July 21;
  • in 2020 – July 19;
  • in 2021 – July 18;
  • in 2022 July 17.

History and traditions of the holiday

The history of Metallurgist Day did not end with the collapse of the USSR; celebrations continue to be celebrated to this day. The purpose of the holiday is to talk about how honorable and hard it is to work in metallurgy, to convey the importance of mining and processing of metals to a new generation.

In the USSR there were a huge number of development sites and metal production plants. Around them, cities were formed that exist today - Krasnoturinsk, Cherepovets, Sayanogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Lipetsk, Kamensk-Uralsky, Temirtau, Uralsky. Whatever the name of the city, the designation of the quarry. This state of affairs highlighted the metallurgical industry as important for life support. And such a high rank was confirmed more than once in peace and war.

In 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established a holiday. In 1980 and 1988, they wanted to move the date of the celebration, but did not dare.

Traditionally, on Sunday, when Metallurgist Day is celebrated, industry workers are congratulated by the country's top officials and enterprise managers. Particularly honored figures and workers are awarded certificates of honor, valuable gifts, and diplomas. TV channels will show archival chronicles of the everyday life of industrial workers and feature films. Performances by groups and amateur ensembles will be held at concert venues. The events end with folk festivals and family and friendly feasts.

Who is congratulated on Metallurgist Day?

The largest events take place in cities with operating mills and factories. It is customary to congratulate on Metallurgists Day:

  • steelworkers;
  • open-hearth workers;
  • blast furnace workers;
  • heaters;
  • bottlers;
  • smelters;
  • blacksmiths;
  • foundry workers;
  • welders;
  • laboratory technicians;
  • research institute employees;
  • teachers and students of specialized institutions;
  • workers of factories, combines;
  • engineers;
  • technologists.

Eat good tradition remember and congratulate those who worked at the plant all their lives, the beginnings of labor dynasties. Metallurgy is one of the areas of work where the continuity of generations is still preserved. And the grandson takes the place where his grandfather once worked, then his father.

In the family circle, it is recognized to honor everyone related to the metallurgical industry.

About the profession of metallurgist and interesting facts about metals and metallurgy

Metallurgy is a job involving physical difficulties. Workers are in a workshop where it is constantly hot and noisy. Contact with metals can cause severe burns, and impurities enter the body and can cause exacerbation of diseases. The state appointed metallurgists early retirement, employees of factories and workshops have the right to free trips and benefits.

But this is not what people value; a profession is considered prestigious precisely because it brings real benefit and the results of the common cause depend on each person. No one has canceled career growth - yesterday's university graduate can work as a steelmaker today, tomorrow become a shop manager and “grow up” to an engineer.

Did you know that:

  1. First, people learned to use copper; it came to iron much later. Moreover, the iron was meteorite - “fallen from the sky.”
  2. The ore miners, people who knew how to find iron, were not only respected, but also feared. It was believed that these were sorcerers; a normal person could not see metal.
  3. The first to produce iron were the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. Already 500 years BC, the Chinese began to produce iron, and at the beginning of our era they invented the technology of smelting cast iron.
  4. Platinum was not mistaken for an expensive metal; it was valued lower than silver and was called “silver.”
  5. Norwegian silver smelters were often victims of poisoning. This was called the revenge of the evil spirit of Kobold. The cause of the poisoning lay in arsenic oxides, which were used in production.
  6. The most popular metal on Earth is aluminum.
  7. The silver spoon actually kills germs. Thanks to its special properties, the metal destroys up to 700 types of bacteria.
  8. Russia is one of the world's most important exporters of aluminum, titanium and other non-ferrous metals. It ranks 5th in steel production and 1st in nickel production.

In the Japanese city of Suwa, they have learned to extract gold from their waste - they burn the dry remains of sewage waste and thus get noble metal. A huge number of electronics manufacturing enterprises use gold and alloys with it, and the waste is discharged into the sewer.

Holiday Events

A day off is a reason to have a pleasant time with family and friends. If you want something solemn and official, you should find out on the city website about Metallurgist Day in 2019, who is coming with a concert, where holiday congratulations will take place.

Most often, performances are organized in central squares and city parks. The time of the event is also indicated in the posters and on the website. If the weather is good, you should go for a walk and visit entertainment venues - they hold contests and competitions.

How to congratulate you on Metallurgist Day?

Official congratulations will be heard at ceremonial meetings, and feasts will be organized within the family circle. Except sincere wishes health, metallurgists will be pleased to receive gifts. This could be an item that will remind you of your profession or a souvenir from friends.

Here is a list of items related to metallurgy:

  • lightweight helmet with ventilation;
  • suit made of fire-resistant fabric;
  • aluminum coated shoe covers;
  • notebook in a durable metal cover;
  • durable wrist watch with shockproof and antimagnetic properties;
  • prefabricated stamp of steel, alloys – great gift engineer or student.

It is customary for representatives of the fair sex to be given pleasant souvenirs and flowers. The main thing is that the gift pleases the soul and even though Metallurgist Day has passed, the memory of the gift and the giver will remain for a long time.

Solemn congratulations in verse and prose

Heartfelt wishes can be said anywhere - at meetings, at the table. Let them be sincere and pleasant:

On Metallurgist's Day I would like to wish steel health and iron luck. May you be successful at work, may peace and prosperity reign in your home, may you have good and faithful friends nearby. Happiness, joyful events in life and love.

Happy metallurgist day! I wish all workers in this difficult and hot industry fresh air, cloudless mood and safe work! Be healthy, strong and resilient. Reach your heights and strive for excellence. Happiness, progress and personal well-being!

Happy Metallurgist Day. I wish your life to be a reliable, durable, strong alloy of love, good luck, happiness and prosperity. I also want to wish you great strength, impeccable health and supreme skill in work, as well as pleasant events, joyful meetings and happy smiles in every day of your life.

Today we congratulate the people thanks to whom we can enjoy familiar benefits every day: every concrete house has a metal frame, every vehicle has a metal heart, energy reaches us through metal wires. It is difficult to overestimate the merits of workers in this industry. So let your health be strong, like hardened steel, and easy fate like aluminum. Happy holiday, happy metallurgist day.

Let the metal be stored in the ground,
An endless mountain.
So that income does not decrease,
Metallurgist, not a bit of yours!

Let all the factories and mines
Increase your progress.
To keep up
Prosperity process.

It's a beautiful day at the metallurgist
I wish you strength.
For light, goodness and happiness
Every day yours brought.

Let victories, achievements
Your lives will be in a row.
Investments, investments
Let them fly to you quickly.

A ray of light copper July morning,
Laughing, he begins to play.
Health of the iron I am a metallurgist
Today I want to wish!

Let happiness suddenly cover, shining,
Like polychrome steel!
And let passions excite your heart with intensity,
Melting melancholy and sadness!

These guys have serious service,
Nerves of iron are stretched tight,
Steel greetings are flying today
To the honorable holiday - Metallurgist Day!

Their hands will give them this profession,
This kind of work is not for everyone.
We sincerely congratulate all metallurgists
From pure heart I really want to.

Patience, years and a feasible plan,
I want to have it with me forever
Good luck in business and a reliable camp,
Companions from above in a difficult fate!

Postcards and beautiful pictures for Metallurgist Day

Pictures and cards for Metallurgist Day will cheer up your friends, family and acquaintances:

Metallurgist Day is often marked by the presentation of awards to particularly distinguished workers. By the way, in the domestic list of honorary titles there is the title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation.” It is assigned by decree of the President of the Russian Federation to the most worthy employees who have worked in the industry for at least 10–15 years.

Metallurgists celebrate the holiday on a grand scale. Leaders perform at gala concerts, make ceremonial speeches, give out bonuses, certificates and gifts. Those who have distinguished themselves at work and have been engaged in this activity for at least ten years are awarded orders and awarded honorary titles. Concerts, competitions, and various sports competitions are held for metallurgical industry specialists.

One of the traditions is holding exhibitions of blacksmiths and steelworkers, where specialists willingly demonstrate the professional production of forged figures. The lords of metal are also congratulated on television, and speeches are often made by political figures. On this day, production facilities are put into operation new technology, invite labor veterans who have dedicated their lives to working at the plant.

The lion's share of things and objects surrounding a person in everyday and professional life are made using metal. This material is used in almost all industries, from mechanical engineering and construction to the furniture and agricultural industries.

Metal, having become the foundation of progress, has firmly entered the life of mankind. And, despite the invention of new progressive technologies, the profession of metallurgist remains in demand and respected. It is the people associated with the extraction and processing of raw materials and metal smelting who are congratulated on Metallurgist Day.

When is Metallurgist Day celebrated: the history of the holiday

There are professions that can be proud of their history, dating back centuries. It is this type of activity that metallurgists belong to. After all, the first mention of metal processing is found, according to archaeological finds, even before our era in the fifth century.

The Iron Age gave humanity unique material, which formed the basis for the development of almost all spheres of human activity.

Ancient history metallurgical art has many facts telling about unique inventions and innovations in the industry. Long gone are the days when only the most skilled people worked with metal. strong men- blacksmiths.

The development of the metallurgical industry has expanded significantly, which is explained by the increased demand for raw materials. Blast furnace workers and steelmakers, rolling mills and foundry workers are involved in the creation of this material, which is important for humanity.

An important link in the production cycle is the mining industry, which provides metallurgical enterprises with raw materials.

The important contribution of people whose professional activities are related to metallurgy to the reconstruction of the country in the post-war years was noted by government authorities.

And in 1957, on September 28, a decree was issued, on the basis of which the third Sunday in July is dedicated to people of a courageous profession - metallurgists.

The status of the holiday was confirmed by repeated decrees, which were issued in 1980, as well as in 1988.

When is Metallurgist Day celebrated in different countries?

The professional holiday survived even after the collapse of the USSR. Metallurgists in Russia and Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan still celebrate their core holiday on this day.

Events for Metallurgist Day in Russia

Russian Metallurgist Day has not changed its date and people in difficult and dangerous professions celebrate their celebration at the end of July, on the third Sunday.

The basis of the holiday remained the decree on holidays, signed in 1980.

Metallurgy was initially a fundamental branch of the economy. Neither light nor heavy industry can operate without the work of metallurgists.

In everyday life, every person uses the results of the professional activities of workers who ensure the activities of metallurgical enterprises.

Russian history metallurgy began to develop at the beginning of the 18th century, when in 1705, with the permission of Peter I, Nikita Demidov began the construction of metallurgical plants.

Demidov factories are considered the oldest not only in the Urals, but throughout Russia. Built by serfs on lands that were purchased from local landowners, Demidov's factories began to produce more than half of Russian metal by 1720.

The Urals still hold a leading position in metal production. Together with the Central and Siberian metallurgical base, it is one of the largest and most promising regions in the field of metallurgy.

But modern production cannot be compared with ancient factories. The manufacturability and knowledge-intensive nature of the processes did not prevent the creation of entire complexes, which today include enterprises that provide the full production cycle.

The metallurgical industry includes enterprises that mine and enrich ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores. The main plants are engaged in the smelting of various alloys and the manufacture of multi-purpose products, metal processing and processing of waste and scrap, and the production of chemical materials. Ancillary industries are not left out either.

Thanks to the selfless work of millions of Russians who devoted years of their lives to metallurgy, the country has reached fifth place in the world ranking for steel production.

The development and well-being of many large and small cities, as well as the personal prosperity of workers, are associated with metallurgy.

On their holiday - Metallurgist Day, specialists of large and small enterprises and plants deservedly receive gifts and congratulations. Their work is appreciated by friends, family and management. The holiday is dedicated to solemn and entertainment activities, which traditionally take place both at factory sites and on city streets.

Processions of metallurgical plant workers take place in large cities. Sports and cultural events are held, concerts are organized and entertainment programs.

Particularly distinguished specialists are awarded awards and cash prizes at ceremonies. And workers who have devoted more than 10 years to the industry are awarded the title “Honored Metallurgist of the Russian Federation,” which is awarded on the basis of a Presidential Decree.

What date is Metallurgist and Miner Day in Ukraine?

The Metallurgists' Day is celebrated in Ukraine on the basis of a presidential decree, which was issued on June 3, 1993. This is a professional celebration of both metallurgical and mining workers.

The country has all the conditions for the development of metallurgy. The presence of a compactly located huge raw material base, metal-intensive mechanical engineering, fuel resources, and labor reserves made it possible to form a complex of enterprises that covered all stages of metal production. Combines for the extraction and enrichment of raw materials and smelting enterprises operate here.

The emphasis is on ferrous metallurgy, since there are not enough natural resources for the development of non-ferrous metallurgy in the country.

The metallurgists' holiday in the country is considered national, since thanks to the work of metallurgists, the foundation for the development of other industries was created.

On this day, people are congratulated and thanked whose experience and knowledge, skill and professionalism have become the basis for the development of the economy in difficult times for the country.

Metallurgist Day at Belarusian enterprises

The holiday of metallurgy workers in Belarus has been celebrated since 1980 according to a Decree signed by the President of the country on October 1.

The hard work of metallurgists combined heavy physical activity, which do not interfere with high success, and the severity of the profession, which requires compliance with standards and rules, on which safety depends.

Metallurgist Day in Belarus is celebrated by people whose lives are connected with the element of fire, whose working days are devoted to ore mining and steel smelting.

Thanks to their work, the country was able to occupy high positions and today is in fourth place in terms of production volumes, losing first place to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Holiday Metallurgist Day in Kazakhstan

The decree on celebrating Metallurgist Day in Kazakhstan was signed in 2003 on November 15. The holiday has retained its date - the third Sunday of every July.

Construction of the first metallurgical plant in the republic began in 1942, which was primarily due to evacuation during the war. However, the rich raw material base provided grounds for expanding production.

And already in 1945, on the site of the Samarkand village, a city of metallurgists appeared - Temirtau. The very name of the settlement speaks of its greatness. After all, in translation it sounds like “Iron Mountain”.

Today, Kazakh metal is exported to many countries around the world - the country is one of the ten largest suppliers.

On Metallurgist Day, thousands of workers of Kazakh plants receive congratulations from their colleagues and the country's leadership. After all, the president of the country himself began his career in metallurgy.