Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Elderly

Vashchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna

teacher primary classes

school-lyceum “Daryn”

RK, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk


    cultivate respect for older people and interest in the history of your family;

    develop the ability to empathize and cultivate the ability to care for older people, the ability to come to their aid and show attention and care.

Progress of the event


Today is the best day in the world

Smiles seem kinder

The sun is shining warmer and brighter,

And the mood is more cheerful!


I sincerely wish you happiness,

Many, many long years

Well, and most importantly - health,

There is nothing more precious in life!

Ved.1. Hello, dear guests!

Ved.2. Present at our celebration are: our beloved grandparents.

Presentation “How young we were...” accompanied by quiet classical music (photo of grandparents)

Ved.1 Who gives us rides in a stroller and tells us fairy tales?


Ved.2 Who walks with us in the park gives best gifts?


Ved.1 He always gets up before everyone else, will he clean the house?


Ved. 2. Who both darns and knits? Who will help and advise?


Ved.1 Who bakes pancakes? These are our...



My grandmother is with me,

And that means I’m the boss in the house,

I can open cabinets,

Water flowers with kefir,

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands?

Slam the door on purpose!

But this won’t work with mom.

I've already checked.

Ved.1 And now we will hold a small competition "Especially for grandmothers"

Now I will ask questions, the grandchildren will answer in writing, and the grandmothers will answer orally.

Questions for grandmothers:

Name your grandson's or granddaughter's favorite dish.

Favorite cartoon.

Favorite fairy tale

First name, patronymic class teacher

Favorite pastime of grandson or granddaughter

What grade does the grandson or granddaughter study in?

Questions for grandchildren:

Name favorite activity grandmothers.

What is your grandmother's profession?

Grandma's birthday

How many children does grandma have?

Does grandma like to bake pies?

How many grandchildren does grandma have?


We are on our holiday

We'll sing ditties for you

Like grandma and I together

We live a very fun life.

Grandma tells me:

“It hurts all over me.”

I sat with her for three days -

I got sick.

I started treating my grandmother

Your unhealthy

And put it on my back

Three liter jar.

Grandmother began to dance

And beat off a ditty,

I was so happy

The chandelier fell down.

I'm ready to suffer all day

Without yours, without pies.

I've suffered so much before

One big nose remains.

I tell my grandmother:

“Don’t sing too late in the evening!

I’m running home right now!”

And my granny

The most entertaining one.

If he laughs -

The sun shines brighter.

I took after my grandmother,

Cheerful and daring:

I with my snub nose

I exhausted two dozen!

I look like my grandmother

I am restless.

And my granny

The most fun!

We sang as best we could,

They danced as best they could.

If it were possible,

We went to retire for you.

Teacher. You can talk about your grandmother for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind and sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions.

Ved.1. You, grandmothers, love your grandchildren and granddaughters very much. But don’t forget that you need to raise hardworking grandchildren, and not do everything for them, as in our skit.

Scene., Grandmothers and grandchildren.”

1 – I Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

2 – I Come on, I haven’t done my homework yet.

1 – i What lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school!

2 – I Yes – huh? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren.

1 – I Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2 – I Really? Is this how you spoil them?

1 – I don’t spoil! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out for me.

2 – I Oh, really strictly.

1st So, if you have anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2 – I Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem Hm – hm..., There is a green oak near the Lukomorye; golden chain on the oak tree...

1st Yes, okay

2nd And day and night the dog is a scientist...

1 – I What other dog?

2 – I Well, I don’t know what breed he is.

1 – I’m not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!

2 – I A – ah, I understand – I understand! Then I first, By the seaside there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; Day and night the cat is a scientist...

2 – I go to the grocery store with a string bag….

1 – I With what string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

2 – I Oh, what are you, my friend! I have so many lessons, I got everything mixed up.

1 – I Do you think that if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2 – I She’s already been named.

1 – I How?

2 – I'm Kol! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their homework.

Ved.2. But this scene, of course, is a joke. And we, of course, want to remain children longer next to our wonderful grandmothers.

Ved.1. I think our parents would also like to become children again in order to return to the island that is most dear to everyone - the island of childhood.

Performing the song “That’s What Grandma Is”

Q.2 At our holiday there are wonderful grandfathers who love their grandchildren no less than their grandmothers. And the grandchildren, in turn, value their attention.

If things suddenly get tough,

A friend will save you from various troubles.

I look a lot like my friend

Because he is my grandfather.

My grandfather and I are on Sundays

We're heading to the stadium

I love ice cream with jam

And he loves cartoons.

With such a good grandfather

Not boring even in the rain

With such a good grandfather

You won't get lost anywhere!

Cranes, satellites and guns

I scattered it in the corners.

Grandfather brings me toys

And he plays them himself.

Tin battalion

Grandfather commands: “Forward!” -

And leads to distant lands

My paper steamer.

We bought skis with my grandfather,

They creak in the snow.

I'm following my grandfather

In front of all the guys.

I still can't understand

No surprises,

Which of us two is younger?

Either my grandfather or me?

With such a good grandfather

Not boring even in the rain

With such a good grandfather

You won't get lost anywhere!

Song about grandfather

B.1. Many warm words was addressed to grandparents. But I want to make sure once again how much their grandchildren love them.

Game, Rays” The sun is drawn on the board. Each child takes turns telling their grandparents sweet Nothing and draws a ray.

B.2. Look how many rays bring warmth to our grandparents. Let our sun warm all the grandparents around the planet.

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,

Lots of health for both of you,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day!

First you need to decide on the location of the event. The scenario indicates the House of Culture, but with reasonable planning and weather conditions, preference can be given to the stadium. So, as always, everything should start with the design. You can hang posters, balloons, paper flowers, ribbons, preferably all in the same color scheme. At the entrance you can build a photo zone or a stand with wishes. The script describes the moment of a beauty contest among grandmothers. You can cross it out, but if you are going to hold it, then you will need to select future participants in advance and take care of nominations. This scenario features five nominations: “Beauty Queen”, “Miss” skillful hands", "Miss charming smile", "Miss vocality", "Miss charismatic". If this competition takes place, it is important to take care of prizes for the winners. You can also install several stands on which photographs, profiles of participants, their fakes, etc. will be placed.

Presenters, jury, dance groups, performers, elderly people.

gifts for competitions, gifts for a beauty contest, three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers, cue cards, a list of songs, a diploma.

The presenters appear on stage to the music “My Years, My Wealth.”

Today is an unusual day,
Praise and honor to age,
And for the elderly we are together,
We've prepared a concert!

Please accept my congratulations,
I speak from the heart
Make yourself more comfortable,
We'll have fun!

You have seen a lot in life. A baggage of experience, wisdom, knowledge, memories. We admire you! Low bow to you and long life.

Good health and optimism. You are the pride of generations, the support of the country, thank you!

We will start our holiday with congratulations. Or rather, from the youngest generation, who had already waited their turn to congratulate the grandparents gathered here.

(Several children come on stage and read)

I want to remind you friends,
An unusual competition is taking place,
Let beauty rule the world
Today is a great day!

I would like to remind everyone present that today we will be choosing a “Beauty Queen” among the grandmothers who applied to participate.

We will also choose “Miss skillful hands”, “Miss charming smile”, “Miss vociferousness”, “Miss charismatic”.

The honorable jury will help us with this, and they will appreciate the talents of the contestants.

In the meantime, the contenders for the crown are preparing, I invite our grandfathers to show their talents.

It sometimes happens that grandfathers have to do some work for their grandchildren, in particular drawing. We will compete with you in this skill.

Competition "Draw for me".
Three grandfathers are invited to the stage. Three easels with sheets are set up, grandfathers are given markers and are blindfolded. The presenter names the objects that the grandfathers must depict blindfolded. Whoever does it better wins.
You will need: three blindfolds, three easels with sheets, three markers.

And while we were drawing, our contestants managed to prepare.

The presenter invites the participants onto the stage for a presentation and asks questions:
1. What year of birth?
2. Who is your profession?
3. How many times have you been lucky enough to become a grandmother?
4. What is your main skill?
5. What is your proudest moment?
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
The questions may be different, depending on desire and imagination.

And now, while our contestants have left to prepare for the next competition, a dance group is invited to the stage (Name).

(After the dance)

I suggest that the guests relax a little,
And sing a little song,
I invite those who wish to come to the stage,
To a familiar tune, sing a song!

Who's the loud one here?
Nuka, raise your hand,
Show your wonderful talent
Show your voice to the world!

Competition "Guess the song"

The presenter selects several participants 5-7 from the audience. This competition requires some preparation. Namely, you need to make cue cards for the songs in advance. A word is written on a card and a picture is drawn. For example, for the song “The Stream Flows by N. Kadyshev” you can write the word flows and draw a stream.

Card options:
1. The reeds rustled (word noise, picture reeds);
2. Oh viburnum (word oh, picture viburnum);
3. My years (word year, picture of treasure);
4. Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree? (word thin, picture rowan);
5. Black Raven (word black, picture raven);
6. Curly maple (word curly, picture maple);
7. Red viburnum (word red, picture viburnum);
8. Oh, roads (word eh, drawing of a road);
9. Hairy bumblebee (word shaggy, drawing bumblebee);
10. Dark mounds sleep (word dark, drawing mounds).

The selection of songs may be different. You can also make up clues using just words instead of pictures. Don’t forget that the competition is for seniors, so the tables should be expressive and the words large. Alternatively, you can just turn on the music. The one who guesses the most songs will receive a prize.
You will need: cards - hints, a list of songs.

The participants are ready to perform,
I would like to invite you to the stage
They will surprise you with their talent,
And conquer the audience with a smile.

(This stage of the competition is discussed in advance. Contestants must prepare a small amateur performance, lasting 2-3 minutes, and present it to the audience and the jury)

They say that with age comes long-awaited wisdom, which is sometimes so lacking. Is this true? Let's ask the audience!

Competition "Tips".
3-4 participants (preferably women) are selected from the audience and called to the stage. The presenter sets the situation and receives advice. Whoever gives the most valuable and interesting advice will receive a symbolic prize - a diploma “The best advisor in the city.”

Preliminary list of questions:
1. What is best for headaches?
2. If there is dampness in the house?
3. Does the child suck his thumb?
4. The wife bites her nails. What to do?
5. I strained my lower back, what do you recommend?
6. Doesn’t cabbage grow in the garden?
7. Spilled wine on your favorite shirt, but your wife can’t wash it?
8. Do centipedes periodically appear in the room?
9. Cooked romantic dinner, but I burned my wife’s favorite saucepan, what should I do?
10. Forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten?

Questions may be different.
You will need: a diploma. The winner of the competition can be announced by the jury.

Our contestants have rested and are ready for the next task.

So, what are we waiting for then? I ask the contestants to take the stage.

(The contestants come out in tracksuits. The “Everybody Dance” competition is announced. A young girl stands in front of the participants and shows modern dance moves. Their task is to repeat)

And I invite you to the stage,
I am wonderful craftsmen,
Who will show us the theater,
And he will voice his congratulations.

The presenter continues:
The older generation is interesting in its own way, funny in its own way, and wise in its own way. And it happens that one of the spouses has come to terms with his age, while the other stubbornly protests. So, a case in the family.

(Two high school students (a girl and a boy) come on stage and show a humorous skit “Old age has crept up on us unnoticed.”)

The girl stands and preens herself. A boy approaches her:
- Hey, old one, it’s you, where are you going to take your bones, looking at the night?
- You may be an old grandfather, but Petrovna and I are going to the club.
- Oh how! What, are they giving some kind of concert? Probably “Pesnyary” will come...
- What you? We are going to a youth club, we will dance, and give a master class to the younger generation!
- Matveevna, face control won’t let you through.
- Face, who?
- Control. Don't match your age!
- What are you talking about, I can’t hear well! (puts hand to ear).
- I say that you are old, that you will not pass!
- You yourself are old! We are still wow, wow! In the prime of life, in the very juice! I even bought myself “Luboutins”, it’s fashionable now.
-Who did you buy there?
- “Luboutins”, those shoes. Oh, Petrovna will die of envy! (Shows shoe box with price).
- Petrovna might be out of envy, but I might be out of a heart attack! Old lady, have you seen how much they cost?
- Why didn’t you see it? Of course I saw them, I signed them up for credit. I got married for 5 years.
- (grabbing his heart) Yes, it would be better if you took a shower stall to the dacha, a cart, and there would still be enough for new tires for my swallow! Do you even know how to walk on them? (Looks at shoes with huge heels).
- I can’t walk yet, but it’s very comfortable to sit in them. Well, I'll learn! Oh, that's it! (Looks at his watch) . It's time for me! They disperse. The presenter announces that an hour has passed.
A high school student appears on stage. Shoes in hand, holding his lower back, limping:
- Sanych, Sanych, I’m dying, water!

(A high school student appears and runs up to her excitedly)

Have you really danced? Well, wait, wait, I'll bring your slippers.

(Sits on a chair)

I've seen enough of this! And Petrovna completely ran away after 20 minutes!
- Didn’t like it at all?
- Yes, what kind! The music is so loud it hurts my ears. Boys are like girls, and girls are like boys. All songs are in a foreign language. And one thing everyone is jerking, jerking! And how many people! Mommies!
- Okay, shoes, but what about your lower back?
- And I tried to dance with young people...
- And how?
- I was able to bend, but not straighten up very much!
- And why do you, my dear, not sit at home?
- How can you sit here? So many temptations!
- Okay, I'll make you some tea. So, what should we do with your Lubutins now?
- Sanych, everything is simple here! I'll sell them on the Internet!
- Where-where?
- Petrovna told me that they buy everything there, so I’ll sell it and change your swallow’s shoes! All that's left is to buy it online!

(The boy grabs his head)

(At the end of the scene, the guys say. The girl is for grandfathers, and the boy is for grandmothers)

And now I will ask our contestants to submit their homework!

(This point is previously discussed with the contestants. You can ask them to prepare some kind of fake on a certain topic, you can puzzle them to compose a song, or bake a pie. If you still decide to stop at baking, then everyone should prepare the same dish, which then given to the judges and everyone from the audience for tasting)

While our participants are preparing for the next stage, I suggest you play a little, otherwise I see you’re somehow bored!

(5-8 participants are invited to the stage. The principle of the game is “The sea worries once.” The presenter speaks into the participants’ ears the figure that they must depict, and the audience must guess what the participants are showing. Time 3 minutes. If desired, you can choose another cheerful and, most importantly, don’t forget about age characteristics participants and musical accompaniment)

Get ready, friends.
It's time to show off
They will surprise us all
Contestants are here to step!

Announced competition "Defile".
The participants show off their beautiful outfits.
It is important that after each competitive stage, the jury gives marks. These short breaks can be filled with performances of dance groups, or simply musical breaks.

Thank you all friends,
It's time to end the evening
We chose the Queen
The votes have been counted!

(Participants are awarded. There may be more or fewer categories of nominations, depending on the number of participants. The above nominations are presented as an example)

After the concert, you can announce a dance evening, but this is optional.

“Oh, it’s not for nothing that I live in this world!”

(scenario for the Day of the Elderly).

Presenter 1. Good afternoon!

Presenter 2. Hello!

Presenter 1. For many years now it has become a good tradition to celebrate October 1 - the Day of the Elderly.

Presenter 1 . Today, on this holiday, we, dear women, congratulate you, teachers and students of the Center extracurricular work"Harmony" Tikhoretsk. We hope that our holiday program will bring you a few minutes of joy and pleasure.

Presenter 2.
Who is this old man?
Who, tell me, is the elderly man?
Is this the one who lives out his life?
Or someone who knows how to appreciate life,
Who knows how to forgive and love?
Well, maybe this is a treasure trove of wisdom -
After all, life itself was the teacher!

Presenter 1. That is why we wish you to live under the motto: “you can grow up to a hundred years without growing old.” On this wonderful day, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! You, seasoned, hardworking, devoted to your family, children, grandchildren, devoted native land. I wish you health, prosperity and attention. We bow deeply to you, live long, we need you. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories! Accept from us musical gift.

(song “Grandma Next to Grandfather” in Spanish___________________________)

Presenter 2.
Every family is based on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, uniting decades of history into one continuous chain. We would like to wish you happiness and understanding in your family, daily joy and good health! Happy holiday!

Presenter 1.
If life is full and clear,

And the soul, without burning, burns,

This means that life, life is not in vain,

This means that everything that hurts will go away.

Hope will smile at you more than once,

The dawn will caress you more than once,

Happy holiday, bright and fresh,

How happy to become October!

Presenter 2.

Leafs through life's lived pages,
Their memory and heart will be preserved for a long time.
And the alluring lightning of past years
They always touch your soul sweetly.

(song “Parental House” in Spanish _______________________________________)

Presenter 1. Many years of hard work social worker Shelekh Olga Vladimirovna and Tkachenko Alexandra Stepanovna. Responsible and reliable, they were always there where the most difficult tasks were required. hard work. But they coped with it “excellently,” which earned them the respect of their colleagues and the gratitude of their managers.

Presenter 2 . Yes, life flies, days fly by unnoticed. It makes my soul sad to think: “How long have you been young?” But let's just smile at such moments. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now we want you, Olga Vladimirovna and Alexandra Stepanovna, to smile, because the choreographic ensemble “Expression” is dancing for you.

Dance "Retro" in Spanish. x/a "Expression"

Reader 1.

Who came up with
That old age is not joy?
These are just empty words.
Let fatigue lurk in your eyes,
And your head turns grey.
Well, my heart is still passionate,
And the thought works clearly.
Look how beautiful winter is!
The air is bright, the snow is sparkling.

Reader 2.

Under the ray that fell from the sky,
Like a mirror, the ice is blue.
There is beauty in every season,
So any age is beautiful.
There is a lot of mental strength left,
Minds do not become scarce over the years,
And beautiful wise old age
Gets younger with the arrival of winter.

Reader 3.

Believe me, being elderly does not mean living.
After all, you still have years of happiness ahead of you.
You can turn over the calendar of days lived.
And sigh about past sorrows - bad weather.

Reader 4.

Well, you can look there with a smile
To carry out what was: everything has an end.
And without sadness, breathe lightly and freely
And dream about well-deserved future happiness.

Presenter 1.

Life does not stand still, and it doesn’t matter that gray hair has turned silver on your temples, and cobwebs of wrinkles have formed near your eyes. Tatyana Nikolaevna Shakunova and Raisa Larionovna Zimnitskaya are always young at heart. All the years they worked at the Center, they enjoyed special respect from their colleagues for their cheerful disposition and ability to never lose heart. We congratulate you, dear women, happy holiday. I wish you happiness and health. And let a good song make you feel warmer.

(song “________________________ in Spanish _________________________”)

Presenter 2.

Our dear veterans, dear people of the older generation! We thank you for your wisdom, patience, affection and great life experience, golden hands and kind hearts! Today I would like to say special words of gratitude to Natalya Vasilievna Shcherbina and Tamara Sergeevna Onoprienko, who always continue to be interested in the affairs of their native Center, because their souls still hurt for the cause to which they dedicated their lives.


Let life be mercilessly short
But above bitter regrets
A soul that cannot tolerate laziness
Full of love and wisdom.

Presenter 1 . Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna, today there is a musicalcomposition “The golden grove dissuaded” in Spanish. _________________________________


You've done a lot of this

So that a trace remains on the ground.

We wish you again today

Health, happiness, long years.


Accept from us on this day

A sincere bouquet of greetings,

Warmth of hearts and congratulations,

So that life would be in full swing for many years.


Let's remember yesterday
Today, let's take a look around.
Our successes, our happiness -
It's all your doing.

Presenter 2. Let's cheer up a little and talk about recipes for youth. We would like to introduce our next heroines: Tamara Sergeevna Onoprienko and Nadezhda Petrovna Kasyanova.

Presenter 1 . You know, these lovely ladies don’t need any anti-aging recipes at all. They are like Energizer batteries, ready for great achievements at any second. The motto of both is “Old age will not find me at home.” Let's ask them how they manage to always stay in shape?

Answers from the heroines of the program.

Presenter 2 : Thank you! And we, in turn, give you the dance composition “Golden Khokhloma” performed by the choreographic ensemble “Expression”.

Dance composition “Golden Khokhloma”


Life is good and wonderful
And, despite the years,
Joy is visible in your eyes,
There is kindness in your hearts.


Let trouble pass your threshold,
And the house will be filled with peace and love.
As people say, God bless you!
Everything, everything, and most importantly – health!


We wish you vigor, health,
And clear days that are good for happiness,
And save it until old age
And the taste of life, and the youth of the soul!

Presenter 1. And one more component of the recipe for youth, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and this has been scientifically proven.

Presenter 2 . Yes, yes, there is still an opinion that 5 minutes of laughter replace a jar of sour cream. This is probably why the motto of the life of Natalya Grigorievna Nesmashnaya and Vera Georgievna Zadorozhnykh became the words: “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails.”

Presenter 1 . These lovely women knew, of course, how to make life more fun for themselves and the people around them, and therefore today our cheerful Cossacks want to give them their gift.

Song ______________ in Spanish. vocal ensemble "Kazachata"

Presenter 2 . Looking at Polyakova Maya Grigorievna and Novikova Tatyana Mikhailovna, we are once again convinced that for a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance. I just want to say a lot of kind words to these lovely women: fighting, perky, wise, experienced, resilient.

Presenter 1. Thank you very much, Maya Grigorievna and Tatyana Mikhailovna, for your optimism and love of life! And accept a wonderful legend from us as a gift.

Song __________________ in Spanish. Pogosovoy Carolina.


Look back!

Look ahead!

You are already many years old

Life goes on and on,

So there are many roads

You managed to pass

There was a lot of anxiety

But everything settled down.

So there were goodbyes

And the bitterness of separation,

So there were joys

But there was also torment.

But even though time passes,

And even though the years fly by,

You look ahead

Looking back.

Presenter 1. We are sure that today either their relatives and friends: children and grandchildren, have already congratulated or will congratulate Olga Mikhailovna Kozlova and Svetlana Evgenievna Sinitsina on the holiday. ANDtoday we wholeheartedly join general congratulations. Please accept a musical gift from us.

Instrumental composition _____________________

in Spanish ______________________

Presenter 2 . We think that today's holiday should be called differently, because looking at Tatyana Grigorievna Godilina, it is difficult to talk about older people. Active, beautiful, with radiant eyes. How can we keep up with her?

Presenter 1 . We think that it was women like you, Tatyana Grigorievna, who became the heroines of poems and songs famous poets and composers. And today we dedicate our musical gift to you.

Song _________________________

in Spanish _____________________________

Presenter 1.

Let every day
What fate has brought
Brings joy with sunrise.
And a lucky star shines on you,
Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come.
We wish you success in all your endeavors,
And we are always glad to meet you!

Presenter 2. Dear women, in this holiday we want to wish you happy years, full of love from your children and grandchildren. May the sky above your head always be peaceful and the sun clear. Health and joy to you! Be happy! Happy holiday!

Presenter 1. Goodbye!

Presenter 2 . See you again!

Municipal educational institution

additional education for children

Center for extracurricular activities "Harmony" Tikhoretsk

  1. Exhibition “Summer in store - winter in store”
  2. Ceremonial part: speech by officials.
  3. Initiation into pensioners: presentation, oath, task.
  4. Congratulations to the heroes of the day.
  5. Performance of children's dance groups.
  6. Country anthem-song.
  7. Scene "Ex-BB".
  8. Song "Lonely Accordion".
  9. Scene "Uhar-merchant".
  10. Congratulations to the heroes of the day “I won’t brag, my dear.”
  11. The final song is "Tonight".
  12. Scene “New Russian grandmothers”.
  13. Congratulations to the honorary pensioner poem "Gas-Oil".
  14. Games, competitions, dancing.
  15. Distribute the exhibition on the guests' tables.
  16. Round dance "Kuderyshki".
  • Prepare a list of participants (speakers) for the evening;
  • Prepare a list of anniversaries;
  • Prepare a list of people entering pensioner status;
  • Prepare a list of exhibitors.

What you need for the evening:

  • Drapery for exhibition;
  • prizes;
  • Accessories for games;
  • microphones;
  • cassettes with phonogram;
  • costumes for scenes depicting pop stars;
  • For the scene “Uhar the Merchant”: shawls (for girls), sundress, scarf, shirt, cap, coins, wigs, tray, glasses, bottle, earflaps, skirt, icon;
  • For the scene “New Russian Grandmothers”: blouse, skirts, glasses;
  • For the round dance “Kuderyshki”: your own shawls.


  • "Katyusha";
  • "Ex-BB";
  • "Lonely Accordion";
  • "Uhar-merchant";
  • “I won’t brag, darling”;
  • "Tonight"

Upon arrival, pensioners go to the hall, colorfully decorated with an autumn theme, gifts of autumn, and an exhibition. The evening is opened by the host.

Q: Good evening, dear guests! Hello! I sincerely congratulate you on your rightfully deserved day! A day when wisdom and life experience are celebrated throughout the country. A day when tribute is paid to those who have lived a glorious, difficult life, who have good deeds and deeds behind them.

So even in these years

While there is still gunpowder and agility

The fire of enthusiasm burns within you

Continuing to shine for people

Q: Dear guests, we open our program with the exhibition “Summer in store - winter in store!” Here you will see a wide variety of delicious things collected with love and pride. I kindly ask you to pay attention, because... your taste buds will determine which one you prefer. Winners and participants will be rewarded. The exhibition is presented by our active women, - a song to the melody of “Katyusha” - “Dacha Hymn”.

Tomatoes bloomed in the greenhouse,

Cucumbers have ripened in the greenhouses,

And drawing your eyes to you

The heads of cabbage stand like good fellows

Beets, turnips, zucchini, carrots -

Everything was ripe, born on time,

Horseradish poked its head out of the garden

Look at the ripening garlic!

We live well in the country,

We don’t grow old on it at all,

We're just waiting for when we have to

“Relax” at your favorite dacha!

Q: Friends, today people whom you know well came to congratulate you. I am pleased to offer the floor for congratulations (regalia and titles, full name)…(may speak with congratulatory words several honored people, veterans, etc.)

Q: I can’t help but agree with the above words. I would just like to add that there is a toast on today’s occasion:

Can't find such a word

To fully wish

Good health to you

And never lose heart!

I wish you happiness and goodness

Less grief and sadness

So that there are more bright days,

But the gloomy ones did not visit.

But on a wonderful day, you must agree

All wishes are good,

May all the remaining years

bring you joy from the heart!


(preparing new guests for the title of “pensioner” and accepting pensioners into the ranks of “active regulars”).

Q: Friends, as they say, it has arrived in our regiment! Let me introduce you to the following people (according to the list, pensioners go on stage or, if they are walking right in the hall, to the presenter and stand in a row). I ask you to come to me! (lists)

If they came to us for the evening

Dressed up, perfumed

So now you guys

Older regulars...

“Oath” (after every three lines of the presenter, pensioners say “We swear!”)

Q: To love your destiny

There's no point in holding grudges

Maybe we'll come back again...

Pensioners: We swear!

Q: Maybe there is such a “thing”

Pension and plus salary

Even if it’s not enough, let’s smile...

Pensioners: We swear!

Q: If suddenly such a shock

Or an illness or a dance...

Will we face the problems?

Pensioners: We swear!

Q: We are now pensioners

IN interesting world couriers

And will we wait for recognition?

Pensioners (3 times): We swear!!!

Q: And now, dear pioneers of “active regulars”, it’s time for a test. Active regulars know that such evenings are supposed to have fun while maintaining good mood and, lighting up those around them, be able to dance, sing songs and mischievous ditties, and, not least important, drink on time!

Test games for those who have entered the rank of “pensioner”!

  1. "A glass for grandma." Women are given an empty glass and a handful of sunflower seeds, and they are checked to see if they are ready to peel a handful of sunflower seeds for their grandchildren for a while. At the presenter's signal, the competition begins.
  2. "One day from past life" Each guest chooses in turn his own forfeit, which will indicate a certain age, for example, 18 years, 25 years, 33 years, and so on. The task of each of the grandparents is to tell about one day from the year that happened to them. For example, I’m 18 years old, I woke up in a cheerful mood, I’m running to college, without having breakfast, as always. After studying, the student council, I go home, because I still have to prepare for the exam, but this does not darken my mood, because in the evening we have dancing. The most interesting and funny stories can be awarded with prizes.
  3. “Your hearing does not deteriorate with age.” All participants sit in a circle. The presenter asks a certain word or sentence into the ear of the first participant (it will be more interesting, of course, if it is a sentence), and each one in turn quickly and very quietly, so that the others do not hear, conveys the “secret information” to the neighbor. The last participant pronounces the word or sentence that has reached him out loud. If it matches the given lead word, then everyone gets a prize.

Q: On this occasion, you are granted some privileges:

  • I want - I lie;
  • I want - I stand;
  • I want - I’m silent;
  • I want - I sing;
  • I want - later;
  • I want - now;
  • a hundred pleasures a hundred times!

Q: I sincerely congratulate you on your new, interesting, unique “position.” Easily passed the test and deservedly acquired privileges. Now you are joining the ranks of our “Active Regulars”. Hooray!

May your hopes and dreams come true

Let people and flowers smile

May health and luck never

Will not leave you in the coming years!

Please accept the performance of the dance group “...” as a gift. Dance "...", hands. Full name

Q: Friends, there are anniversaries at our table! (list).

An anniversary comes in life

We all can't avoid it

However, I would like to admit

You are young - “keep it up!”

A few wrinkles, but so what?

And gray hair suits you...

And in spirit of many you are younger

May this not pass forever!

(The presenter asks to raise their glasses and say “Congratulations!”)

Q: For our anniversaries (to be listed), we have prepared a musical gift - verses based on the song “Darling, I won’t brag.”

We won’t brag, dear ones.

We know what we are saying

Congratulations on your anniversary

And we give you verses (emphasis on the last syllable)

Birthday is a glorious holiday,

We've been waiting for him for a whole year,

Because sociable

And we are a cheerful people.

You are happy to receive guests

The door is always open to everyone.

We perform roulades

And I'll sing for you now

From Moscow, from Leningrad,

Feodosia, Perm,

From Togliatti, Khokhloyardy,

The guests also arrived. (you can also substitute your own cities, those from which the heroes of the day themselves come)

Look at _______,

How young and good he is.

From his dashing gaze

It makes all the women shiver.

Let the fire sparkle in your eyes

And an arched black eyebrow,

Don't skimp on a smile

Excites our blood!

Look at ______

How good is it?

He grabbed the princess for himself -

Damned soul!

She _______ loves, cherishes

And caresses and protects

Well, _______ is blooming

It melts like ice under the sun!

In parting, please allow me

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Long life, great happiness

And don't forget your friends!

Anniversary is a wonderful holiday

We have been waiting for him for many years

Because we don't lose

Optimism and heart light.

Q: They live in our grandmother’s village

Without them, the holiday will be a disaster!

Always blush like pancakes

And they never get bored!

We present to your attention the sketch “New Russian Grandmothers”. Performed by full name and full name with sharp but humorous criticism of our modern life. Meet us!


- Well, where are you pushing me? Don't drive your horses.

- How to go, I’ve already explained to you a thousand times, to a rally, in defense of men.

- Give me a break already, you tired me out.

- We just took a breather, tell me honestly, are you against men?

- No, I was always for it.

- What are you sabotaging? We'll definitely be late because of you.

- I’m not sabotaging anything, I’ll rest and let’s go... Who’s there at the rally by the way?

- Like who, I’m the chairman, you’re the speaker and everyone who comes is a protester.

-Are you serious?

- Certainly.

- Oh, I love to talk so much, but at least we can talk about something, otherwise I’ll be carried away again to God knows where...

- Talk about how women will finish off all men with their feminism.

- What do we mean?

- Oh, I know what to do, we don’t need to protect men, we need to allow polygamy.

- And why do you need this?

- Well, why, we are single grandmothers, not rich, but imagine, Maxim Galkin would marry us and take us into his harem?

“I can imagine, it’s just that Galkin needs you, your wallet is old, aren’t you afraid of ending up in someone else’s harem?”

-Who has this?

- Well, for example, from your neighbor, a philatelist.

- Do you know what?

“We probably hurried to the harem, let’s go and speak out in defense of the men, otherwise there are few of them left, there won’t be enough money for everyone...

“Well, what am I telling you, let’s rest, let’s rest,” she got up and went, then two, then two...

Q: Don’t let life’s surprises confuse you

May your wishes and dreams come true in the end

After all, if you have no problems with a sense of humor...

You will save yourself in this life and help everyone!


Q: Dear viewers, would you like to laugh? (Addresses backstage) Do you hear, beautiful girls? The clatter of hooves and the noise of the wind, then a roaring merchant is riding, a daring fellow, welcome your dear guest! (The skit “The Uhar-Merchant” is sung by the women themselves and they themselves depict what is sung in the song (here the text is incomplete, for the sake of brevity of the skit only vivid event couplets are taken))

The Ukhar merchant was going to the fair, Ukhar the merchant, a daring fellow.

In a red shirt, with curls and blush, he went out into the street cheerful and drunk.

He gathered the beautiful girls in a circle and snatched his wallet with its ringing treasury.

He treats the old and young with wine: “Drink, drink away! Let’s live and live!..”

The girls frown, drink to the bottom, joke, and dance, and sing songs.

The merchant pesters the bashful girl, hugs her, kisses her and shakes her hands.

The Uhar-merchant called in silver: “No, don’t do that... we’ll find another!”

The girl broke out and wanted to run, but her mother told her to stand still.

The starry night is both warm and clear. The girl's song has long died down.

Their beautiful daughter came late, bringing a hem full of silver.

Q: Somehow you relaxed, you didn’t like us?

Then let's not waste time

Let's continue to have fun

A musical pause is announced

Lyrical, but not sad

Brave and compassionate gentlemen

Look how beautiful the ladies are!

(a vocal duet of pensioners performs the song “Lonely Accordion”. Those who want to dance go into the hall.)

Q: Friends, you have no idea, but I just found out that pop stars came to us for the evening, they are standing backstage and are very worried. The program will be opened by Mrs. Kadysheva, she really wants to get married, but she can’t choose a groom for herself, who hasn’t wooed her from Soso Pavliashvilli and Decl and Gazmanov... and even the Basques. Look what came out of this.

(musical skit “Ex-BB”)

Q: Dear friends, the alcohol horoscope is announced! I name the horoscope sign and those who were born under this sign drink a glass!





Aries is already overly straightforward, and even under the influence of alcohol he completely loses his head. If we take into account that the head and face of this sign are the most vulnerable “details” to injury, then we can safely conclude that in a drunken state they need to be especially protected, and also because of their increased straightforwardness.





Never, you hear, never anger a Taurus warmed up by anything containing alcohol. Although he seems to be quite peaceful, there is an option that you won’t have time to get away with it. Even in a good mood, Taurus can decide to shake up the company, thoroughly spoiling the party, because his broad soul is cramped! The most harmless way to calm a Taurus down is to invite him to sing. He sings selflessly, with all his soul, although sometimes not everyone can stand it.






Geminis have a great sense of humor, a sharp mind and a well-spoken tongue. They quickly become the life of the party, and before you even have time to blink, you will find yourself fascinated by their manner of communication. Usually Geminis are indifferent to alcohol, their world is already painted with all the colors of the rainbow and they do not need additional doping. But they won’t refuse to try a new liqueur.





Cancers always try to surprise their guests with the richness of the table setting, the sophistication and variety of dishes, because they are true gourmets and connoisseurs of gastronomic aesthetics. Relationships with alcohol do not work out for Cancers due to mental imbalance and subtle mental organization. Even a glass of beer can have a detrimental effect on them. As a rule, Cancers begin to become depressed, feel sorry for themselves, and lament about the injustice and imperfection of the world.




Leo’s habitat, as befits a royal person, is social events, official receptions and others. crowded places. To those around him, a tipsy Leo seems stupid and boastful, which negatively affects his reputation, which he values ​​very much.





It is almost impossible to meet a Virgo at a social event, party or in a bar - they consider it a waste of time and their own health. If, by coincidence, they still have to participate in such events, then they do it with a certain elegance, but without much enthusiasm.





They greatly respect beautiful feasts, parties, noisy companies and will support these events with all their might. There is one “but” - there are not so many of these forces. Libra gains weight quite quickly, and all because they prefer to snack on something sweet rather than a standard set of “snacks,” and sweets, as is known, enhance the absorption of alcohol into the blood. But the most ideal option is not to snack at all. It is not surprising that the next morning Libra suffers from dizziness and, often, mental anguish.






Big drinker. He often gets himself into serious trouble and gets into a lot of problems, since he likes to drink at the wrong time and in excess. Under the influence of alcohol, Scorpio easily loses control over his emotions, and he already has enough of them. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, he will first of all harm himself, and will have no strength left for others.





A very sociable sign with a good tongue, the life of the party. No matter what party Sagittarius happens to be at, he will always be the center of attention. He does a lot of things with pleasure, including drinking. And he drinks a lot.





Convinced careerists with increased ambition, at any reception, find themselves among the richest and famous people. Capricorns are inconspicuous, calm and reasonable; they almost never interfere in conversations, much less participate in disputes. They prefer to observe everything that is happening from the side, not missing the opportunity to “warm their ears” and use the information received for their own purposes.





Despite his love of solitude, Aquarius easily makes contact and surrounds himself with new acquaintances, loves to have fun and will gladly take part in some kind of feast. Regardless of where Aquarius is - in solitude or among people - he perceives what is happening around him very keenly.





Pisces, like a water sign, drinks everything that can be drunk in unlimited quantities - they really love this business. 10-12 cups of tea, a couple of liters of juice - easy! When it comes to alcohol, they don’t lag behind either. Pisces know that they should not get carried away with alcohol, as they quickly become addicted. They need to be wary of invitations to banquets and celebrations - they don’t control themselves well and “pump up” quickly.

Q: I wish you that the star under which you were born will soon move into the constellation of good luck, the moon will move into the phase of love, your head will turn to your true friend, your legs will dance, and your hands will pour, because in honor of today’s holiday I invite you here women, performed by whom you will see the Russian folk round dance “Kuderyshki”.


Lyrics of the song (you can come up with movements while singing yourself, mainly a round dance, a string, pair breaks, corridors, arches, etc.)

The beautiful maiden curled her curls,

Yes, she left buckets on the river.

Tell me, dear darling,

Why aren't you dressed up?

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Why aren't you dressed up?

That's why I didn't dress up

Yes, I was in a hurry for water,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, I was in a hurry to get water.

Walk a mile for water,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, I took a handful of nuts.

You, darling, can’t beat him back,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, I decided to love the young man.

I fell in love not for my intelligence, not for my beauty,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, I fell in love with the cheerful look.

His look is cheerful,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, a card came from my dear.

A card arrived - a drawn portrait,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, describe, dear, whether you love it or not.

I wrote to my friend Vanyusha,

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Don't marry Tanyusha, my friend.

If you get married, you get married,

Yes, with a thin wife you will get tired.

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, with a thin wife you will get tired.

You'll get wet with a thin wife,

Yes, you can make up with a good one!

One-two, I love you, I love you,

Yes, you can make up with a good one!

Q: Every family is based on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, combining decades of history into one uninterrupted chain. Today we congratulate all of you, our dear pensioners, and wish you happiness and understanding in your family, daily joy and good health! Happy holiday!!!

(The above-mentioned duet performs a song to the tune of “Tonight” - “Dear Guests”)

Tonight, tonight, tonight

A pleasant responsibility fell on our shoulders.

we salute you

At this festive table,

And now we’ll sing this song for her.

It's time for us to celebrate

It's time to celebrate, celebrate the holiday more joyfully!

And meet this day

IN big company family, friends!

Even if you are not twenty or thirty, let them be!

Don't lower your level of vigor!

We will strictly monitor

You can’t hide from us, you know that!

Verse 2: We are having fun today, fun, fun,

Today the glasses were downed honestly.

We'll drink two, maybe

Don't look at us so harshly

The wine warmed us inside and out.

Chorus: same

(Before the end of the evening, the winners of the exhibition, games, competitions, and dance breaks are awarded.)

Happy Birthday to a male colleague and a female colleague

Scenario "Day of the Elderly".


1Leading: Good autumn day! It has become a good tradition to celebrate a holiday in October dedicated to worthy, wise, respected, persistent and hardy people.

2 Presenter:Let this day be like music for you
Words of love and congratulations are heard.
Let every hour be happy
And a joyful, wonderful mood!

1 Presenter Now let's take a look around. Do you see your old friends? Then let's greet each other with applause.

Well, when we are already, one might say, among friends, allow me to congratulate you on the holiday and give the floor for congratulations to the director of our school………….

1 Presenter: Let's try to guess why the Day of the Elderly is celebrated in October. What versions will there be?

Answers from veterans......,......
We want that on this day
Gold in autumn rays
People and flowers smiled at you,
And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams!

2 Presenter:
Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
By the number of years that have flown by?
Well, if you are full of vigor,
If you love the whole world,

If you reject the vulgar
If peace doesn't appeal to you,
If you look to the past with sadness,
So you are still young!


Now let’s see and listen, what did you come to us with, what was your mood and what was good about you?


What's good about you

What is your character
2 Presenter: Thank you for your candor.

Well, here we are playing,
The mood was lifted
And for this, we need
Raise your glass together!

1 Presenter We wish you vigor, health,
And clear days that are good for happiness,
And save it until old age
And the taste of life, and the youth of the soul!

Musical break. Meal.

2 Presenter

Women of different ages gathered in the hall today: some have just turned 60 (65), while others are well over 70.

Do you know what unites you? No, not age - grandchildren, and some great-grandchildren

Do not succumb to illness and old age,
Live a century without knowing fatigue.
Children grow up and families are born,
Life is not worth living, your life goes on.

1 Presenter Again I won't give you peace,
You must do this standing up
Now I’ll tell you about the competition,
I'll lay it all out and show you!

Theater competition. 16 people can participate.

Wall clock, city tower clock, flower pot, flowers, wind, window, window, curtain, dog, snowflakes, piece of sausage, rat, door, housewife, light bulb, slipper.

Dark winter night. The apartment is ticking loudly watch. Dear stands by the window ceramic pot with flowers. With special power wind blew out the window. , And window swung open. Curtain began to sway convulsively under the influence wind and hurt flower pot.flower pot staggered , flowers tilted and pot fell, breaking into small pieces. Flowers scattered across the floor. Wind began to blow even stronger, burst into the room and spun around the room in a wild dance. A hungry howl was heard from the street dogs.Wind brought the first ones into the room snowflakes, which swirled in the air for a long time, but fell to the floor and turned into droplets of water.