The black cat is not at all interested in what the gray mice say about it.

My bundle of nerves is gradually mutating into a cloud of total indifference.

Women love with their ears, and women's ears love diamonds.

You can't be a problem if you're a pushover.

I would certainly cry if I stopped laughing!

You look for dirt in me, and I laugh at you. After all, what you see in me is what you are full of!

They shatter our hearts, and we shatter their brains!

I have no desire to take revenge... indifference is my revenge.

Forget about what happened. Turn on your brains and get things done beautifully!

When I was leaving, my friend told me: “If you cheat, I’ll kill you!” - And what?! - What-what... I’ll come and die.

We choose, we are chosen... but when will this begin to coincide???

I apologize for the lack of drama in my departure.

I went on a diet... in 14 days I lost 2 weeks...

I am not a lazy person... I am the princess of the sofa!!!

They believe not those who lie, but those who lie confidently.

Straight to your face without hints: you are a two-faced creature, and you are behaving disgustingly!

It's easy with me. The main thing is to always agree with me in everything...

After all, he was handsome, smart... Well, why the hell did I sober up?!

If you break my heart, I'll break your head, okay???

As you are, so are you.

The richest male fantasy usually hidden under the shortest women's skirt...

Don't envy me, you're just shorter, that's all...

Cute! There were no people like you, there are no people like you and there is no need!

Shut your mouth and deal with your shortcomings.

If a girl says she hates you, she means she loves you, but you're an asshole!

Life sucks, but I'm cool.

Don't be afraid of perfection - it doesn't threaten you at all.

Remember: those who write and call first need you. The others didn't care about you.

I don't suffer from delusions of grandeur... Great people don't suffer from it!

Don’t show it if something has offended you, just smile, silently draw conclusions, and sharpen the ax behind a closed door...

Walking, my love! Go for a walk... No one is holding you by the horns!

If they knew everything that was written down in my phone, they would never call!

If I ever die because of a man, it will be from laughing.

It seems like I just accidentally stepped on someone's moral principles.

Of course, I love animals, but not enough to be with a goat...

Naaaah! Take a ruble as soon as you know its worth, you’ll get the change back!

Pay attention, dear, the baseboard... And remember that this is exactly your level.

Two tons of show-offs and not an ounce of brains.

Do you think I'll run after you!? No - the crown may fall...

Girl, are you very brave or safe?

Don't make me nervous! I have nowhere to hide the corpses!

I don't want to spoil my bloodline with you...

Shall we meet? - No. - Why so? Let's try? - Not at the tasting to try.

Well, how fucking awesome are you, our delicious elbows?

Do you think you're pretentious? No, you're just a pathetic bitch who dresses without taste, but from a fashion designer...

I'm not rude. I just don't care about opinions strangers, which for some reason interfere with my living space.

A properly abandoned guy comes back like a boomerang...

I’ll get my license, buy a tank and go to several addresses, so... Just to say hello.

I don't want to be like everyone else. Let everyone be like me.

There are 1,000,000 girls, but why is she needed alone? Because she is 1, and all the others are 000000.

Everything that didn’t kill me will regret it!

I’m not evil... I even wish for my enemies that there would be three cars at their gates: an ambulance, a police car and a fire truck...

I have come to terms with the fact that instead of a white horse, my prince will have a black Maybach. I'm strong, I can stand it!

If you want a man to kneel, undress and get on all fours.

I was bored - that's why it started. I got bored with him - that's why it ended.

I recently realized that I have a problem - I hate everyone! But they reassured me and said that this is not a problem, the problem is that they cannot be killed.

I want to tell you one secret: I have you, you don’t have me!

Men, of course, are all males, but some of them are like a dog - with different bitches, and some are like a wolf - either alone, or with one wolf forever...

Sympathy can be obtained, envy must be earned.

You're not very good, I'm tougher.

Some think they have risen. In fact, they just surfaced...

Some people should have swum past the egg at one time...

I'm not impudent, I just don't mince words.

I want to get stupid drunk with you and again see who will be the first to kiss.

Nothing emphasizes the beauty of the eyes more than indifference in a glance.

If a young girl is told: “You have matured so much over the summer,” this means that her breasts have become larger...

Good appearance does not guarantee exemplary behavior...

When going out in new stilettos, take an empty wine bottle with you. It’s better to think that you don’t know how to drink than that you don’t know how to walk in heels!

My character is golden, that’s why it’s so heavy.

You can love the soul without touching the body, and then slowly go crazy from the body of your beloved soul...

If there are no gossips about you, then you haven’t achieved anything yet...

I am abnormal! I have love mixed with abuse...

I love people who like me, I love them for their good taste!

You will always be poop, and there is no need to wrap yourself in candy wrappers.

I would send you, but I see that you are already from there.

It’s good when there’s one and the same person in your head, at home and in bed.

I have grown up, I have become different, the criteria for evaluating guys have increased and a select few are joining my society. Out of 100 guys, I choose one for love and a maximum of two for friendship!

There are no unavailable women... There are different levels of access!!!

Do you want me? Send an SMS to number 4242 and receive the “dream on” melody.

He has brains. Only it hasn't been activated yet...

An amazing woman is a woman who makes everyone shake!

If they offer me to go to 3 letters, I’ll probably go to heaven...

Anyone born to wear heels will not wear galoshes!

No matter how many strangers moan at you, the hand of your beloved girl on your cheek is always more pleasant.

I don't care, baby, who's right and who's wrong! I just don't love you anymore!

I am increasingly convinced that for some people, the head is a decorative attachment to the butt...

I'm very polite! And even if I send it to X, I will definitely call you back and ask - How did you get there?

You need to periodically scare those around you so that you don’t get too surrounded.

Love your enemies if only to get on their nerves.

I found my ideal: smart, kind, faithful and beautiful... And I was happy! Until the smart one learned about the good one, and the faithful one learned about the beautiful one...

Do you want me to take off the crown? Sorry dear, I can’t! I was born with it...

There is nothing more tiring than being present when a person demonstrates his intelligence. Especially if you have no mind.

Why are my blouses, powder and cotton pads scattered around the room a mess, but your socks under the bed, chair and on the chandelier are a damn element of decor?!

I love meeting new people. Damn it: “Hello, new disappointment!”

I like it when guys make comments to me, that it’s ugly when a girl swears. Like, when a healthy man yells obscenities, it sounds like a Bach symphony?!

I am contraindicated for people with heart problems!

Am I the only one who so delightfully doesn’t care when William married, who William married, or whether he even married?

After breaking up with me, this is the third ex in a row who finds the one he was looking for and gets married. After me, anyone is the one you need.

I'm not a cassette to play whatever you want!

Appearance still plays quite a big role... I have never seen a guy shout: Wow girl, what a fucking inner world you have!

It's dangerous to talk to me - I remember every word.

I read a lot about the dangers of alcohol, so I decided to quit! Read...

Yes, I see you, your brain doesn’t indulge in smart thoughts.

I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?

Modesty is mine distinguishing feature! Right after beauty and genius of course!

Love is evil, and goats take advantage of it...

A second chance is something I won't give you twice.

What kind of habit is being a fool?!

You look miserable, I like it.

In the end, in the end, you will finally find the end.

Pretentious? Arrogant? No. I just know my worth. It's not my fault that I'm priceless.

Reciprocity is good. Even when people are mutually indifferent to each other.

Don't touch my strengths with your shortcomings.

Education is the process of eliminating personal shortcomings in one's children.

S.U.K.A. - Bitch. Skilled. Seem. An angel.

Women are divided into three types: smart, beautiful, kind. But there are mixed types: 1. Smart + Beautiful = Bitch 2. Smart + Kind = Ugly 3. Kind + Beautiful = Dumb 4. Smart + Kind + Beautiful = Dating an idiot who doesn’t appreciate her.

I take my words back, I came up with something more offensive.

The most beautiful flowers grow from the dirt, the most beautiful people- often scum.

People are often cheaper than their clothes.

A woman is a peace-loving creature who is ready to chase you with a frying pan at any moment!

You know, dear, storks bring children, and woodpeckers bring you.

How smart a wife must be so that her husband does not doubt that she is a fool.

Yes, sometimes I just don't listen. Sometimes I just watch your jaw move.

The person who figures out how to punch people in the face over the Internet will make millions.

You are mistaken, I do not have high self-esteem. I underestimate everyone else.

If there is no brain, then a person’s eyes are like jewelry.

I’m behaving terribly, sorry, it just so happens that things don’t work out better with you!

The Seven Deadly Sins is my nightly program.

I look at some people and I immediately want to shout: - Natural selection! Where are you when you need it?!

It’s better to save phrases like “without you I’m nothing” for your penis.

I don't know how to find a way out confusing situations, but I always find the entrance there.

It happens that you don’t know a person, but you really want to hit him.

People who are trying to start conversations about the meaning of life with reference to the fact that you are living wrong should be hit in the face right away, let them analyze it later.

I hate people. But of course not you guys! I don't consider you people at all...

What kind of idiots people sometimes tolerate next to them, just so as not to be lonely.

Dispute is not a search for truth. This is an opportunity to show all fools their place.

I am a pain in the ass of your moral perception.

When I see an optimist, I want to make him cry.

Women's competition - great thing, it is she who prevents you from turning into an unmade-up bastard in stretched sweatpants.

Some people don't want ass toilet paper wipe your mouth.

If you are a creature, then learn to hate yourself. If you're high, then help yourself not to get used to it!

Where are the factories for the production of these creatures who dream of teaching everyone how to live correctly?

In addition to sleeping, eating and shitting, by the way, you have a soul, as if by the way.

I think it’s time for me to publish a book “how to make any situation worse with a few words.”

Sometimes you look at some asshole and think - oh, what a pity that they can only kill you once!

I always feel a little sad when you eloquently, gracefully and subtly insult a person, and he is too stupid to understand it.

Someone said that people deteriorate over the years. Nonsense. Many people are initially, by nature, spoiled.

It's stupid to be nostalgic for childhood. There will still be a period in your life when they will spoon feed you and clean up your feces.

Possible friends is a list of dirt that I removed from “OK”.

I think how boring a person’s life must be for him to start filling his personal Internet space with photos of cats...

There are people to whom I would dedicate poems, and there are people to whom I would dedicate an obituary!

Some people become so bored that they start living in memories. Stupid people.

Sometimes putting a smile on your face can be much more difficult than putting an eye on your ass!

In fact, everyone has imaginary friends. There are too many people around you whom you imagine are your friends.

You shouldn't complain about an inferiority complex. On the contrary, you are unusually correct in assessing your capabilities.

with my principles, attitude towards people, lifestyle, character and morals - it’s easier to kill me.

The warm wind of change blew and blew you the hell out of my life.

The clearest quality of a person is the ability, in any situation, to turn everyone except himself into a pile of dirt.

Ask for help, and someone will definitely lend you a hand. True, often with a characteristic combination of fingers...

It has been proven many times that ignoring is the engine of attention!

Stupid people often say that I am evil. But I’m not angry, I just have my own personal opinion on everything and I express it directly.

Are you learning to drive? Then your transport must definitely be a tractor - an infernal fairy on a tractor is just crazy conceptual...

People also become used. it's strange, but sometimes very true.

Do not protect me, Lord, from temptations. Send them more... And then we’ll figure it out...

You set a goal and go towards it, without whining.

If you can't understand me, don't try!

If you are not proud, you will soon go crazy.

I don’t understand what exactly infuriates me about people. Sometimes it’s obsession, sometimes it’s stupidity, sometimes it’s when the socks are different, sometimes it’s all.

If you don’t know what to do, pump up your butt, and even if the solution doesn’t come, a pumped up butt is never superfluous.

Vredina is complex socio-psychological work for which no one pays, but you get pleasure from it.

How the arrogant chicks, pretending to be an elite, have become rigid. They are probably so well-mannered that they even take horseradish into their mouth exclusively with a fork.

The man himself seems to be small, and how can so much dirt fit in him?!

No, well, I’m basically a good person if you don’t communicate with me.

Good morning, be damned!

I love disappointing people. And I try to do this as often as possible. This is the only way I can make them continue to be interested in my person.

Real men don't propose twice, and real women don't agree the first time! Damn, how difficult it is to live...

It’s a pity that in our society it’s not customary to just walk up to someone and put a gag in their mouth. It's a pity.

Let's meet the sunrises and your salaries together?

I have the impression that some people are born specifically to piss me off!

I want men, mojitos and money! You can have men and mojitos with money!

I don't care what you think of me, I think worse of you.

Please write down all your complaints addressed to me on a piece of paper! Make an airplane out of this leaf and fly! Happy flight to you and your passengers!

You will all die. Some will become flowers and some will become manure. And some will not undergo any changes at all. Because they are already manure.

There are so many worthless people in the world. It's surprising that you haven't found a mate yet.

Before accusing a person of pretentiousness, think about your own worthlessness and wretchedness.

I'm a lousy person, so love me for my chest!

If you have feelings for me that cannot be expressed in words, you can convey them with money.

If my status says “LOVE”, it means I’ve been hacked!

Do you know him? Well, of course, all the bastards know each other.

There are a lot of people around me who can ruin my mood. But there are only a few of those who raise it.

All women’s statuses, about how “him” is missing, are about intelligence, right?

Collecting a suitcase of grievances and keeping it in the closet for the time being is a sacred thing for any girl.

When meeting a person, talk as if you have known him for a long time. For example, send him to hell!!!

It happens: you fight for something, you fight, and then one day you realize, “Wouldn’t it just go to hell?”

Some of my friends on the Internet write such smart things, but in real life they are such idiots that I can’t even believe they know how to write.

An erection is the most honest compliment.

Just because a person has a good heart doesn't mean he can't punch you in the face

Hey, smile! Joke. Perish, creature!

Such people stand out on the Internet, with a hint of originality and coolness, but in real life I might not have noticed you against the backdrop of asphalt. Wipe it off your face. No, this is not pathos or your dignity. You're the one who rolled in feces and you don't understand it.

There is such a profession - a mood-setter! And most seem to have the highest category and many years of work experience!

Some people need to reconsider their entire life to stop being lonely, while others just need to make their mug simpler.

The Heart Shop is closed due to a total revaluation of values.

If they spit in your back, there is no need for philosophical thoughts that you are ahead and all that... Just turn around and break his jaw!

If I ever decide to make a movie, it will definitely become a cult piece of garbage!

I want myself, what can I say about you!

If it seems to you that I have given up, you are mistaken. I bent over for the tire iron!

Evil dogs, stupid women and worthless men don’t like me, and that’s nice.

The fact that you are an unkempt monster does not make you a creative person.

There will be ups and downs, successes and disappointments in your life. But remember, son, the most important thing is that no matter how your fate turns out, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, in any case you must remain human - a cunning, insidious, merciless creature!

I will drown my sadness in wine, and you in the nearest river!

A person with a sense of humor and a sense of swearing is gorgeous.

I would like to tell many people to go to hell, but suddenly someone will come in handy...

Scary girls with beautiful inner worlds, please turn yourself inside out.

Good day, dear girls and women. Below is a list of bitchy statuses, ranging from daring to meaningful statuses.

If someone disagrees with something, you can indicate it in the comments. But I warn you right away - I “don’t give a damn”, just like you.

Bitchy, daring statuses

  • I'm already gluing an envelope to wrap a lollipop in and send it to you!
  • Boys! I have already imagined at what level your IQ is - at the level of your fly!
  • I don't care that I'm a two-faced bitch - I like it!
  • I am delighted when people suffer because of me!
  • On mine right hand Two fingers are actively working - the index and middle. I wanted it - I beckoned, I didn’t like it - I sent it irrevocably!
  • I can give you a ride, but only along certain routes: to the point of rage, to an attack of nervousness, to the psychiatric hospital.
  • If you don't crawl to me today, a truck will run over you tomorrow!
  • When I pet someone's pig, I grunt with pleasure!
  • Why am I not married yet? Princes are only in fairy tales, but in reality only their horses.
  • I'm not a bitch - I clearly express the truth!
  • Who wants to go through my dirty laundry? Please wash it at the same time!
  • Anyone who wants to get to know me better should be prepared for the fact that he may be sent away.
  • I have a large lung capacity, so I can accidentally blow away... a very long distance!
  • Only I can be insolent and rudely express dissatisfaction - God knew who to reward with this exceptional character trait!
  • Whoever doesn't love me will hate me!
  • My three main goals in life are to successfully build eyes, then put my husband on a short leash and grow large breasts.
  • I love the sun, bananas and being a bitch!
  • I am a greyhound bitch!

Sassy statuses for girls, with meaning about your beloved

  • My horoscope is Leo and therefore I open my mouth wide.
  • For me, it's better to fly alone than to live together in a cage!
  • I’m already climbing to the highest bridge so that I can spit on you all from there!
  • I'm going to the store to get a shovel to dig a hole for you!
  • Do you want me to always be there? -Then be prepared for hell on Earth!
  • If you are a wuss and not a man, then wear stilettos!
  • My adequacy is the most inadequate!
  • I will be a splinter in your eye so that you will shed a sea of ​​​​tears because of me!
  • I, if someone’s mistake, it’s only fatal!
  • I am a savior because I break off relationships with guys at the initial candy-bouquet stage, thereby saving my partner from subsequent torment. So, appreciate it and don't forget to thank me!
  • Initially, I always know what awaits me at the end of the relationship, but that doesn’t stop me at all!
  • Gossiping summer residents! I recommend that you keep an eye on your tomato and carrot beds! And my harvest shouldn’t worry anyone!
  • My previous sins are trifles compared to those that are yet to come!
  • My conscience is as clear as a tear, but it is as caustic as lye!
  • I'm a little crazy because I delete friends from my social networks more often than I accept them.
  • My thoughts make the devil’s tails spin themselves into a sea knot.
  • Having become friends with me, you can only change for the bad.
  • Beware of my friend request - I'm vindictive!
  • I don’t like monotony, so I improvise in relationships with people to the point where I get wildly excited.

Bitchy statuses for girls

  • I definitely choose the right position so that no one can put me in a pose.
  • Maybe you'll come to my place for dinner? Otherwise my dishes will be sour for a week)
  • I declare directly - with my loved ones I am strict, arrogant and reckless!
  • I don’t need to wish you health – I’ll outlive you all!
  • If I’m not happy with something, I can replace him with someone else!
  • If it’s difficult with me, then either put up with it or go on… rest!
  • My wall will become a dead end for those who have flat vessels for gray matter.
  • Thanks to everyone for the arrogant bitch who writes this!
  • Stalin is alive! And he is in my soul!
  • I came into this world to get on everyone’s nerves!
  • I look like a beautiful diamond, but my edges are just as sharp!
  • I have an instant reaction and will be the first to be offended by you!
  • I’ll warn you right away: I don’t know what a brake pedal is!
  • Either I'm that good, or everyone around me is a goblin!
  • Who should quickly lose self-esteem? I'm waiting for friend requests!
  • If I turned on the bitch, then know that I don’t have an “off” button!
  • On my life's path, there will always be hedgehogs with thorns waiting for stupid people!
  • For me, the monastery has been crying for a long time!
  • Don't look for excuses for yourself in my eyes. I’ll still give it a sentence... for life!
  • I don't go for tea, invite me for food!
  • I follow: in the apartment, in the head, in the soul!
  • Boys! Don't run from your happiness! If I catch up, it will only get worse!

Statuses about daring girls

  • I am a very versatile girl - at the same time I can be a daughter, a sister, a friend and someone in the crosshairs!
  • I am like a river - no one can enter my life twice!
  • For those who are not yet accustomed to my rake, then, apparently, you should go to the forest for some cones.
  • I don't date anyone because used status only applies to dirty items.
  • Whoever dreams of seeing me on a pole will meet with a rake.
  • My thing is my behavior, and it’s really unbearable!
  • I am the black spot on your white shirt!
  • I warn you right away - don’t embarrass yourself, because victory is always with me!
  • If you ever decide to leave me, I’ll also give you a kick in the ass for better speed development!
  • My revenge is as thin as a razor blade!
  • If you're afraid of me, you better screw it up right away!
  • Do you want to achieve my love? “Then get used to my antics!”
  • Wondering what kind of life I live? I would share, but you still won’t understand this, because you don’t have one and never will!
  • I don’t have a real face - I live in a mask and don’t take it off even before going to bed!
  • Anyone who wants to have some fun, I can keep you company. But someone else will be the fool)
  • Boredom is my rival, and shoals are my lifelong friends!

Bitchy statuses with meaning

  • I will not wipe the tears from my face, but will simply erase you from my memory.
  • Be confident! I'll hang my noodles on your horns!
  • If you allow yourself to throw words to the wind, then I will allow myself to throw you!
  • I have a unique creative nature because I love to create things all the time. Chaos, problems, troubles - I'm just a genius!
  • I put someone else’s opinion of myself on my boyfriend’s organ, and he’s wow, he’s so resilient!
  • I am a complete minus who is attracted to the same ones!
  • I prefer loneliness to the idiots around me!
  • I don’t know how to worry, I only know how to worry!
  • An unbearable miracle - it’s definitely about me and I found myself!
  • I am not a sieve to let other people’s problems pass through me!
  • I never give in. I always return evil a hundredfold!
  • My word will always be the last! I can quickly use the locking system)
  • I’m like honey - if someone gets into trouble, it’s already deep!

Well, that’s all, I hope every girl or woman was able to choose a suitable status with meaning, as well as menacing, daring or simply bitchy. But keep one thing in mind - some men (I won’t modestly point the finger at myself) do not read what girls write about themselves on social networks.

Bye bye!

Bookmark the site, there is a lot more interesting stuff here, plus periodic updates.

A real boy must be kind, but he is never asked to be weak. What is a man's philosophy? Find out about this from the daring statuses for VK for boys.

To answer not the most conscientious people

Sassy statuses about the main thing

A boy's life can be smooth or hard, but there is always a place for true friends in it. These statuses are dedicated to them:

Statuses about feelings

We are rarely loved for who we are, but maybe that's for the best:

Cheeky statuses from a boy's life

The boys are not philosophers, but they know a lot more about life. In order to get out of the most different problems, you need the right attitude:

  1. Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don’t know what it’s like to get out of the red.
  2. I am a man, and by definition I am fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  3. My mother may be ashamed of me, but I am unkillable.
  4. For the sake of success, I will sacrifice everything except the health of my loved ones and my friends!
  5. Guys, respect women! And I’m not talking about skins now...
  6. Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  7. Do you judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  8. Always keep your word: this is your price.
  9. I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  10. If you're not sure, don't promise. There's nothing worse than being a jerk.
  11. Yes, I don't have much money, I just don't need to impress people who remind me of it.
  12. Between figure and kindness, always choose the latter. Beauty will fade, kindness will fade forever.
  13. A good person will not necessarily be intelligent, and an intelligent person will not necessarily be good.

Daring now, however, the boys have gone!

Insolence is the most dangerous form of willful ignorance.

Jeans are a cool outfit, but it's best not to wear them.

Wild and proud, obedient to no one, greyhound and daring, sharp as a bullet, alien... Different... Not yours!

Women! Take care of men - they always suffer! Either a lack of female attention, or an excess, and sometimes just bullshit.

There are no closed doors. Sometimes Meow is not loud enough.

You know, dear, storks bring children, and a woodpecker brings you.

Sorry, but you are blacklisted. I’m just protecting my psyche from shocks.

It seemed that the insolence in her head was cramped.

I like to play with you, as with something vague, tempting and far from ideal, and you think that I am crazy about you. Honey, bend down - you're flying high.

Many little fools go to great lengths for these assholes who are blatantly loved, fucked and abandoned. Such asses are worthless to you.

My hair used to be sun red. I was bright and lively. And with behavior that is bold, daring and shameless. Day after day I laughed at fate!

Why is it tempting to stare? clothed woman Is it considered impudence? That's what she dressed for!

With an almost empty bottle of whiskey, smeared mascara, and an extinguished cigarette in her hands, she told her friend about how beautiful this world is.

The wisest decisions die at the smell of your cologne.

You should only know what you need to know about me. I’ll tell you what you don’t need to know after the wedding.

Are you really that brave or safe?

Fragile happiness, fragile hope, fragile love, fragile friendship. I alone, fucking rude and clumsy, am ruining all this.

To prevent nonsense from becoming impudent, she needs to be spanked a little.

I cross out people from my life with a black marker, not a simple pencil!

I don't want to be in second, or even in first place. My goal is to be the only one.

I am not looking for a soul mate, because I am whole from birth!

Do not remember what love and separation are.

Don't worry, I don't remember your name.

It’s not difficult to be insolent; it’s more difficult to explain to people later what motivated you at that moment, and to be quite convincing at the same time.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Don't be smart, you'll be smart when we have the same last name.

Her self-confidence can compete with her audacity and ability to achieve her goal by any means.

If it were impossible to dare when things are really bad, then the situation would probably seem completely hopeless.

If you think that I'm arrogant, you're wrong, I'm just not very modest.

Audacity is that magic word that opens any door to you. Even “Open Sesame!” he is no match.

"Angelika Alpenstahl"

And then I will publish a book. My impressions of you. No censorship. Most of you will shut up forever. I'm not vindictive. I am mutual.

And I love you. Sincerely. No show or hearts. Sometimes it’s rude and far wrong, but only you and very much.

If she were a little bolder, and he a little more perceptive, then on this planet there would be 2 happy person more.

You are all so brave when you sit in a warm room and fuck yourself in VKontakte messages.

Do you think I'm a spoiled, dirty bitch? And I don’t give a fuck about your opinion, keep on envying me!

Please grow up from the age when you have to get fucked in order to be friends with someone.

They say how you treat people is how they treat you, I boldly declare: this rule of nichrome does not work!

There is only one thing that a woman cannot forgive - a rude attitude towards herself.

There are such multi-faceted fools that they can safely be considered round.

When you were rude to me, I forgot about my pride. It was my mistake and your chance. I no longer make mistakes, and you no longer have a chance!

Affectionate, kind, gentle - these are the fucking qualities I’ve always lacked.

Love me so that I never dare to doubt your love.

To love and be loved? I guess I'm just not cut out for this.

I hate it when people lie, and they do it in a blatant and mean way.

No, I'm not a Bitch, I'm just spoiled and stylishly dressed!

New rules: the letter Ъ - yat has returned! Now you can safely write in the word bl - and pretend that everything is in order.

You sit, feel sad, dreaming about him, but everything is interrupted by his rude tone.

Tell me, have I really offended you? I just tried, I want to believe that it was not in vain.

Outside is Barbie, a piece of candy in a beautiful wrapper. There is cruel calculation inside, there is no place for romance.

The modern intelligentsia is no longer the same, there is no such flight of thought, people do not ask the eternal questions that worried the sages: who am I? Why am I so impudent? And finally, I’m local, do I know Gray?

If I need to, I will take your boyfriend away without makeup and in a tracksuit!

If you want something, go and get it. Dot.

If I ever die because of a man, it will only be from laughing!

  • I'm already gluing an envelope to wrap a lollipop in and send it to you!
  • Boys! I have already imagined at what level your IQ is - at the level of your fly!
  • On my right hand, two fingers actively work - the index and middle. I wanted it - I beckoned, I didn’t like it - I sent it irrevocably!
  • I can give you a ride, but only along certain routes: to the point of rage, to an attack of neurosis, to the psychiatric hospital.
  • Why am I not married yet? Princes are only in fairy tales, but in reality only their horses.
  • I love the sun, bananas and being a bitch!
  • For me, it's better to fly alone than to live together in a cage!
  • If you are a wuss and not a man, then wear stilettos!
  • My adequacy is the most inadequate!
  • I will be a splinter in your eye so that you will shed a sea of ​​​​tears because of me!
  • I, if someone’s mistake, it’s only fatal!

I am a savior because I break off relationships with guys at the initial candy-bouquet stage, thereby saving my partner from subsequent torment. So, appreciate it and don't forget to thank me!

  • Initially, I always know what awaits me at the end of the relationship, but that doesn’t stop me at all!
  • My previous sins are trifles compared to those that are yet to come!
  • My conscience is as clear as a tear, but it is as caustic as lye!
  • My thoughts make the devils’ tails spin themselves into a sea knot.
  • I don’t like monotony, so I improvise in relationships with people to the point where I get wildly excited.
  • I definitely choose the right position so that no one can put me in a pose.
  • Maybe you'll come to my place for dinner? Otherwise my dishes will be sour for a week)
  • I don’t need to wish you health – I’ll outlive you all!
  • If it’s difficult with me, then either put up with it or go on… rest!
  • If I turned on the bitch, then know that I don’t have an “off” button!
  • I don't go for tea, invite me for food!
  • Boys! Don't run from your happiness! If I catch up, it will only get worse!

Statuses about daring girls

  • I am a very versatile girl - at the same time I can be a daughter, a sister, a friend and someone in the crosshairs!
  • I am like a river - no one can enter my life twice!
  • I don't date anyone because used status only applies to dirty items.
  • If you ever decide to leave me, I’ll also give you a kick in the ass for better speed development!
  • My revenge is as thin as a razor blade!
  • If you're afraid of me, you better screw it up right away!
  • Do you want to achieve my love? “Then get used to my antics!”
  • Wondering what kind of life I live? I would share, but you still won’t understand this, because you don’t have one and never will!
  • Anyone who wants to have some fun, I can keep you company. But someone else will be the fool)
  • I will not wipe the tears from my face, but will simply erase you from my memory.
  • If you allow yourself to throw words to the wind, then I will allow myself to throw you!

I have a unique creative nature because I love to create things all the time. Chaos, problems, troubles - I'm just a genius!

These daring statuses for girls can be posted on VKontakte or classmates. If you use Instagram, these statuses are just as suitable. If you're fed up with everything and it's time to have a blast, choose any of these new statuses. They accurately reflect your attitude towards all sorts of assholes and gossips around you.

  • I don’t like men who rush back and forth...
    Either appear and don’t disappear from my life, or disappear and don’t appear!
  • The right people! Let's not interfere with each other's lives. You don’t tell me how to live, I tell you where to go.
  • If you replace the word “Fucked up” with the expression “Wow, what a surprise!!!”
    Then life becomes much more interesting!…
  • There have already been enough clowns in my life... That's it, damn it, the show is over!..
  • Briefly about everything: I’m disappointed, but I’m not surprised.
  • Love is like smoke...
    Today we do, and tomorrow we no longer smoke...
  • Living alone is much better than living among unfulfilled promises and fake love.
  • Women are divided into 2 types...
    The first ones are constantly racking their brains about HOW TO KEEP A MAN...
    2nd - how to fuck off...
  • Tired of trying to maintain relationships with those who don't care about you.
    From now on: no reciprocity - no communication. And whatever happens, I don’t give a damn, honestly!

You should like these cheeky VK statuses

  • Getting certain people out of my life solved half of my problems.
  • I will certainly listen to the advice of someone who has “gotten away” from life more than me. The rest - on the potty and in the cradle!
  • Forgive me, goodbye my abandoned remnant, let someone else... slip!
  • A man should come into a woman’s life as a gift of fate, and not as a foundling of hopelessness.
  • A drunk woman is an unpredictable hurricane! Here she is drinking, and now she is dancing, crying over a stray cat, stealing flowers from a flowerbed...
  • Everything seems to be fine, but you still want to hit someone in the head with a shovel.
  • Well, why the hell do I need a prince? I need someone who will tolerate my crazyness and kiss my nose... And I will give him the crown myself...
  • That the right words we won’t remember in time... It’s not fate to shut up in time...
  • For me, a man is the one who is responsible for his words. And everything else is the middle sex, which is not worthy of respect...
  • The worst virus is to get used to a person...
    There is no vaccine for it at all...

  • They will offend me, maybe I can bear it...
    They will hurt my children and tear them to pieces!
  • No man can boast of such a dick as I put on those who don’t appreciate me!

  • Before you understand me, learn to think...
  • Everywhere you look there are only fucking queens and goddesses. I am one little bitch and a big fucker.
  • I don’t wish harm on anyone, but if some people trip and blow themselves up, I’ll consider it fair.
  • All diseases are caused by nerves. Nerves from thoughts. All thoughts come from the fact that you don’t give a damn.
    But in vain.

We continue to study daring statuses for girls with meaning 😉

  • Don't listen to anyone's advice! If you have a great time with this person, be with him.
  • If I have ever offended anyone in any way...... - I did the right thing! Because there was no point in fucking around and making me angry
  • You are my fucked up ones)…
    By inflating your price, don’t end up on sale!
  • Today, once again, I was asked a question:
    - “Do I have flour?”
    I answer:
    - “EST”... And no FLATTERY...
  • There will always be someone who will love you not for your figure and appearance, but for your slight fuckability and bad character
  • I wish good things to people who were dear to me, but one day... sold them short!
  • To the question “how are you?” It’s easier to answer “okay” and hear “clear” than to tell everything and hear “understandable.”
  • We must approach Life with Humor, Otherwise this educational Reality... Will drive us crazy...
  • Dear HOLY people... After visiting my page, wipe your monitor with holy water! Cross yourself and go fuck yourself!
  • - Describe your life.
    - Can I swear?
    - No.
    - Then everything is fine.

And a few more statuses for daring girls

  • If I had been weak, I would not have been able to cope with what I experienced.
  • - Oh, you're like that interesting person with a beautiful destiny and wonderful stories from life, I will call you Pi*dabol...))
  • I'll give it to good hands ex! Loves care, care, crying, eating delicious food and sleeping... He lies a lot, but very kind person! I would keep it for myself, but I don’t deserve it!))
  • Never tell a woman: “If you are so smart, do it yourself.” Because she's SMART. She WILL do it.
  • First they do shitty things, then they want to normal attitude to yourself.
    It doesn't happen that way, guys.
  • Woke up at 7am to start new life. I did three jump ropes and realized that old life basically nothing either.
  • It happens that a man puffs up his tail, spreads his feathers, sings and sings, thinks that he is an overseas firebird, and you look and think: “Woodpecker”...

Do you want more? See others

The black cat is not at all interested in what the gray mice say about it.

My bundle of nerves is gradually mutating into a cloud of total indifference.

Women love with their ears, and women's ears love diamonds.

You can't be a problem if you're a pushover.

I would certainly cry if I stopped laughing!

You look for dirt in me, and I laugh at you. After all, what you see in me is what you are full of!

They shatter our hearts, and we shatter their brains!

I have no desire to take revenge... indifference is my revenge.

Forget about what happened. Turn on your brains and get things done beautifully!

When I was leaving, my friend told me: “If you cheat, I’ll kill you!” - And what?! - What-what... I’ll come and die.

We choose, we are chosen... but when will this begin to coincide???

I apologize for the lack of drama in my departure.

I went on a diet... in 14 days I lost 2 weeks...

I am not a lazy person... I am the princess of the sofa!!!

They believe not those who lie, but those who lie confidently.

Straight to your face without hints: you are a two-faced creature, and you are behaving disgustingly!

It's easy with me. The main thing is to always agree with me in everything...

After all, he was handsome, smart... Well, why the hell did I sober up?!

If you break my heart, I'll break your head, okay???

As you are, so are you.

The richest male fantasy is usually hidden under the shortest female skirt...

Don't envy me, you're just shorter, that's all...

Cute! There were no people like you, there are no people like you and there is no need!

Shut your mouth and deal with your shortcomings.

If a girl says she hates you, she means she loves you, but you're an asshole!

Life sucks, but I'm cool.

Don't be afraid of perfection - it doesn't threaten you at all.

Remember: those who write and call first need you. The others didn't care about you.

I don't suffer from delusions of grandeur... Great people don't suffer from it!

Don’t show it if something has offended you, just smile, silently draw conclusions, and sharpen the ax behind a closed door...

Walking, my love! Go for a walk... No one is holding you by the horns!

If they knew everything that was written down in my phone, they would never call!

If I ever die because of a man, it will be from laughing.

It seems like I just accidentally stepped on someone's moral principles.

Of course, I love animals, but not enough to be with a goat...

Naaaah! Take a ruble as soon as you know its worth, you’ll get the change back!

Pay attention, dear, the baseboard... And remember that this is exactly your level.

Two tons of show-offs and not an ounce of brains.

Do you think I'll run after you!? No - the crown may fall...

Girl, are you very brave or safe?

Don't make me nervous! I have nowhere to hide the corpses!

I don't want to spoil my bloodline with you...

Shall we meet? - No. - Why so? Let's try? - Not at the tasting to try.

Well, how fucking awesome are you, our delicious elbows?

Do you think you're pretentious? No, you're just a pathetic bitch who dresses without taste, but from a fashion designer...

I'm not rude. I just don’t care about the opinions of strangers who for some reason interfere with my living space.

A properly abandoned guy comes back like a boomerang...

I’ll get my license, buy a tank and go to several addresses, so... Just to say hello.

I don't want to be like everyone else. Let everyone be like me.

There are 1,000,000 girls, but why is she needed alone? Because she is 1, and all the others are 000000.

Everything that didn’t kill me will regret it!

I’m not evil... I even wish for my enemies that there would be three cars at their gates: an ambulance, a police car and a fire truck...

I have come to terms with the fact that instead of a white horse, my prince will have a black Maybach. I'm strong, I can stand it!

If you want a man to kneel, undress and get on all fours.

I was bored - that's why it started. I got bored with him - that's why it ended.

I recently realized that I have a problem - I hate everyone! But they reassured me and said that this is not a problem, the problem is that they cannot be killed.

I want to tell you one secret: I have you, you don’t have me!

Men, of course, are all males, but some of them are like a dog - with different bitches, and some are like a wolf - either alone, or with one wolf forever...

Sympathy can be obtained, envy must be earned.

You're not very good, I'm tougher.

Some think they have risen. In fact, they just surfaced...

Some people should have swum past the egg at one time...

I'm not impudent, I just don't mince words.

I want to get stupid drunk with you and again see who will be the first to kiss.

Nothing emphasizes the beauty of the eyes more than indifference in a glance.

If a young girl is told: “You have matured so much over the summer,” this means that her breasts have become larger...

Good appearance does not guarantee exemplary behavior...

When going out in new stilettos, take an empty wine bottle with you. It’s better to think that you don’t know how to drink than that you don’t know how to walk in heels!

My character is golden, that’s why it’s so heavy.

You can love the soul without touching the body, and then slowly go crazy from the body of your beloved soul...

If there are no gossips about you, then you haven’t achieved anything yet...

I am abnormal! I have love mixed with abuse...

I love people who like me, I love them for their good taste!

You will always be poop, and there is no need to wrap yourself in candy wrappers.

I would send you, but I see that you are already from there.

It’s good when there’s one and the same person in your head, at home and in bed.

I have grown up, I have become different, the criteria for evaluating guys have increased and a select few are joining my society. Out of 100 guys, I choose one for love and a maximum of two for friendship!

There are no unavailable women... There are different levels of access!!!

Do you want me? Send an SMS to number 4242 and receive the “dream on” melody.

He has brains. Only it hasn't been activated yet...

An amazing woman is a woman who makes everyone shake!

If they offer me to go to 3 letters, I’ll probably go to heaven...

Anyone born to wear heels will not wear galoshes!

No matter how many strangers moan at you, the hand of your beloved girl on your cheek is always more pleasant.

I don't care, baby, who's right and who's wrong! I just don't love you anymore!

I am increasingly convinced that for some people, the head is a decorative attachment to the butt...

I'm very polite! And even if I send it to X, I will definitely call you back and ask - How did you get there?

You need to periodically scare those around you so that you don’t get too surrounded.

Love your enemies if only to get on their nerves.

I found my ideal: smart, kind, faithful and beautiful... And I was happy! Until the smart one learned about the good one, and the faithful one learned about the beautiful one...

Do you want me to take off the crown? Sorry dear, I can’t! I was born with it...

There is nothing more tiring than being present when a person demonstrates his intelligence. Especially if you have no mind.

Why are my blouses, powder and cotton pads scattered around the room a mess, but your socks under the bed, chair and on the chandelier are a damn element of decor?!

I love meeting new people. Damn it: “Hello, new disappointment!”

I like it when guys make comments to me, that it’s ugly when a girl swears. Like, when a healthy man yells obscenities, it sounds like a Bach symphony?!

I am contraindicated for people with heart problems!

Am I the only one who so delightfully doesn’t care when William married, who William married, or whether he even married?

After breaking up with me, this is the third ex in a row who finds the one he was looking for and gets married. After me, anyone is the one you need.

I'm not a cassette to play whatever you want!

Appearance still plays quite a big role... I have never seen a guy shout: Wow girl, what a fucking inner world you have!

It's dangerous to talk to me - I remember every word.

I read a lot about the dangers of alcohol, so I decided to quit! Read...

Yes, I see you, your brain doesn’t indulge in smart thoughts.

I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?

Modesty is my hallmark! Right after beauty and genius of course!

Love is evil, and goats take advantage of it...

A second chance is something I won't give you twice.

What kind of habit is being a fool?!

You look miserable, I like it.

In the end, in the end, you will finally find the end.

Pretentious? Arrogant? No. I just know my worth. It's not my fault that I'm priceless.

Reciprocity is good. Even when people are mutually indifferent to each other.

Don't touch my strengths with your shortcomings.

Education is the process of eliminating personal shortcomings in one's children.

S.U.K.A. - Bitch. Skilled. Seem. An angel.

Women are divided into three types: smart, beautiful, kind. But there are mixed types: 1. Smart + Beautiful = Bitch 2. Smart + Kind = Ugly 3. Kind + Beautiful = Dumb 4. Smart + Kind + Beautiful = Dating an idiot who doesn’t appreciate her.

I take my words back, I came up with something more offensive.

The most beautiful flowers grow from dirt, the most beautiful people are often scum.

People are often cheaper than their clothes.

A woman is a peace-loving creature who is ready to chase you with a frying pan at any moment!

You know, dear, storks bring children, and woodpeckers bring you.

How smart a wife must be so that her husband does not doubt that she is a fool.

Yes, sometimes I just don't listen. Sometimes I just watch your jaw move.

The person who figures out how to punch people in the face over the Internet will make millions.

You are mistaken, I do not have high self-esteem. I underestimate everyone else.

If there is no brain, then a person’s eyes are like jewelry.

I’m behaving terribly, sorry, it just so happens that things don’t work out better with you!

The Seven Deadly Sins is my nightly program.

I look at some people and I immediately want to shout: - Natural selection! Where are you when you need it?!

It’s better to save phrases like “without you I’m nothing” for your penis.

I don’t know how to look for a way out in complicated situations, but I always find an entrance.

It happens that you don’t know a person, but you really want to hit him.

People who are trying to start conversations about the meaning of life with reference to the fact that you are living wrong should be hit in the face right away, let them analyze it later.

I hate people. But of course not you guys! I don't consider you people at all...

What kind of idiots people sometimes tolerate next to them, just so as not to be lonely.

Dispute is not a search for truth. This is an opportunity to show all fools their place.

I am a pain in the ass of your moral perception.

When I see an optimist, I want to make him cry.

Female competition is a great thing, it is what prevents you from turning into an unmade-up bastard in stretched out sweatpants.

Some people don't need to wipe their ass with toilet paper, but their mouths.

If you are a creature, then learn to hate yourself. If you're high, then help yourself not to get used to it!

Where are the factories for the production of these creatures who dream of teaching everyone how to live correctly?

In addition to sleeping, eating and shitting, by the way, you have a soul, as if by the way.

I think it’s time for me to publish a book “how to make any situation worse with a few words.”

Sometimes you look at some asshole and think - oh, what a pity that they can only kill you once!

I always feel a little sad when you eloquently, gracefully and subtly insult a person, and he is too stupid to understand it.

Someone said that people deteriorate over the years. Nonsense. Many people are initially, by nature, spoiled.

It's stupid to be nostalgic for childhood. There will still be a period in your life when they will spoon feed you and clean up your feces.

Possible friends is a list of dirt that I removed from “OK”.

I think how boring a person’s life must be for him to start filling his personal Internet space with photos of cats...

There are people to whom I would dedicate poems, and there are people to whom I would dedicate an obituary!

Some people become so bored that they start living in memories. Stupid people.

Sometimes putting a smile on your face can be much more difficult than putting an eye on your ass!

In fact, everyone has imaginary friends. There are too many people around you whom you imagine are your friends.

You shouldn't complain about an inferiority complex. On the contrary, you are unusually correct in assessing your capabilities.

with my principles, attitude towards people, lifestyle, character and morals - it’s easier to kill me.

The warm wind of change blew and blew you the hell out of my life.

The clearest quality of a person is the ability, in any situation, to turn everyone except himself into a pile of dirt.

Ask for help, and someone will definitely lend you a hand. True, often with a characteristic combination of fingers...

It has been proven many times that ignoring is the engine of attention!

Stupid people often say that I am evil. But I’m not angry, I just have my own personal opinion on everything and I express it directly.

Are you learning to drive? Then your transport must definitely be a tractor - an infernal fairy on a tractor is just crazy conceptual...

People also become used. it's strange, but sometimes very true.

Do not protect me, Lord, from temptations. Send them more... And then we’ll figure it out...

You set a goal and go towards it, without whining.

If you can't understand me, don't try!

If you are not proud, you will soon go crazy.

I don’t understand what exactly infuriates me about people. Sometimes it’s obsession, sometimes it’s stupidity, sometimes it’s when the socks are different, sometimes it’s all.

If you don’t know what to do, pump up your butt, and even if the solution doesn’t come, a pumped up butt is never superfluous.

Vredina is complex socio-psychological work for which no one pays, but you get pleasure from it.

How the arrogant chicks, pretending to be an elite, have become rigid. They are probably so well-mannered that they even take horseradish into their mouth exclusively with a fork.

The man himself seems to be small, and how can so much dirt fit in him?!

No, well, I’m basically a good person if you don’t communicate with me.

Good morning, be damned!

I love disappointing people. And I try to do this as often as possible. This is the only way I can make them continue to be interested in my person.

Real men don't propose twice, and real women don't agree the first time! Damn, how difficult it is to live...

It’s a pity that in our society it’s not customary to just walk up to someone and put a gag in their mouth. It's a pity.

Let's meet the sunrises and your salaries together?

I have the impression that some people are born specifically to piss me off!

I want men, mojitos and money! You can have men and mojitos with money!

I don't care what you think of me, I think worse of you.

Please write down all your complaints addressed to me on a piece of paper! Make an airplane out of this leaf and fly! Happy flight to you and your passengers!

You will all die. Some will become flowers and some will become manure. And some will not undergo any changes at all. Because they are already manure.

There are so many worthless people in the world. It's surprising that you haven't found a mate yet.

Before accusing a person of pretentiousness, think about your own worthlessness and wretchedness.

I'm a lousy person, so love me for my chest!

If you have feelings for me that cannot be expressed in words, you can convey them with money.

If my status says “LOVE”, it means I’ve been hacked!

Do you know him? Well, of course, all the bastards know each other.

There are a lot of people around me who can ruin my mood. But there are only a few of those who raise it.

All women’s statuses, about how “him” is missing, are about intelligence, right?

Collecting a suitcase of grievances and keeping it in the closet for the time being is a sacred thing for any girl.

When meeting a person, talk as if you have known him for a long time. For example, send him to hell!!!

It happens: you fight for something, you fight, and then one day you realize, “Wouldn’t it just go to hell?”

Some of my friends on the Internet write such smart things, but in real life they are such idiots that I can’t even believe they know how to write.

An erection is the most honest compliment.

Just because a person has a good heart doesn't mean he can't punch you in the face

Hey, smile! Joke. Perish, creature!

Such people stand out on the Internet, with a hint of originality and coolness, but in real life I might not have noticed you against the backdrop of asphalt. Wipe it off your face. No, this is not pathos or your dignity. You're the one who rolled in feces and you don't understand it.

There is such a profession - a mood-setter! And most seem to have the highest category and many years of work experience!

Some people need to reconsider their entire life to stop being lonely, while others just need to make their mug simpler.

The Heart Shop is closed due to a total revaluation of values.

If they spit in your back, there is no need for philosophical thoughts that you are ahead and all that... Just turn around and break his jaw!

If I ever decide to make a movie, it will definitely become a cult piece of garbage!

I want myself, what can I say about you!

If it seems to you that I have given up, you are mistaken. I bent over for the tire iron!

Evil dogs, stupid women and worthless men don’t like me, and that’s nice.

The fact that you are an unkempt monster does not make you a creative person.

There will be ups and downs, successes and disappointments in your life. But remember, son, the most important thing is that no matter how your fate turns out, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, in any case you must remain human - a cunning, insidious, merciless creature!

I will drown my sadness in wine, and you in the nearest river!

A person with a sense of humor and a sense of swearing is gorgeous.

I would like to tell many people to go to hell, but suddenly someone will come in handy...

Scary girls with beautiful inner worlds, please turn yourself inside out.

VKontakte status is a reflection of character, mood, emotional state. It is a short, clear and concise expression. Therefore, it is quite difficult to come up with it so that it sounds beautiful. But if it succeeds, be prepared for increased attention to your person from friends and subscribers.

Daring statuses for VK for girls is suitable for strong, brave and bright personalities. They show your decisive character. You can't joke with such a girl - she has a sharp tongue, and if necessary, she can answer the offender. With such bold statements, you can demonstrate to others that you are a real tigress.

Statuses for VK are often set in order to show that someone won’t approach you so easily. Boys really like such girls, but not everyone will dare to approach. And bold statements immediately draw attention to your page and increase its traffic.

Statuses for VK for girls are daring short

Usually VK statuses for girls are daring - short. Brevity is the sister of talent, and here this saying fits perfectly. The talent lies precisely in making a status out of a few words, so apt that it will “hit not the eyebrow, but the eye.” The topic can be different - from relations between the sexes to life position in general.

There is another reason for the brevity of statuses - that they may not fit entirely in one post. Text that is too long is removed by the system “under the cut”, and at first only part of it is visible. Plus, if it's too long, it's harder to read, not to mention the whole effect is lost.

How to post a status

Status Can be placed on a variety of pages of your social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter. There are several ways to place it. Here are the most popular ones:

Where to get status

You can come up with a statement yourself. But not everyone can quickly generate a short sentence that will not only reflect their mood, but also sound beautiful. Therefore, you can take ready-made statuses from special sites or groups. However, keep in mind that they will not be unique. You will find the same statements from hundreds of girls from different cities on their pages on social networks.

The status can be made to order. For a small amount of money, professional authors will come up with one or several apt statements for you, each of which will be unique. You only need to roughly describe what you want to express in the status, and soon you will be able to post it on your page.

Good day, dear girls and women. Below is a list of bitchy statuses, ranging from daring to meaningful statuses.

If someone disagrees with something, you can indicate it in the comments. But I warn you right away - I “don’t give a damn”, just like you.

Bitchy, daring statuses

  • I'm already gluing an envelope to wrap a lollipop in and send it to you!
  • Boys! I have already imagined at what level your IQ is - at the level of your fly!
  • I don't care that I'm a two-faced bitch - I like it!
  • I am delighted when people suffer because of me!
  • On my right hand, two fingers actively work - the index and middle. I wanted it - I beckoned, I didn’t like it - I sent it irrevocably!
  • I can give you a ride, but only along certain routes: to the point of rage, to an attack of nervousness, to the psychiatric hospital.
  • If you don't crawl to me today, a truck will run over you tomorrow!
  • When I pet someone's pig, I grunt with pleasure!
  • Why am I not married yet? Princes are only in fairy tales, but in reality only their horses.
  • I'm not a bitch - I clearly express the truth!
  • Who wants to go through my dirty laundry? Please wash it at the same time!
  • Anyone who wants to get to know me better should be prepared for the fact that he may be sent away.
  • I have a large lung capacity, so I can accidentally blow away... a very long distance!
  • Only I can be insolent and rudely express dissatisfaction - God knew who to reward with this exceptional character trait!
  • Whoever doesn't love me will hate me!
  • My three main goals in life are to successfully build eyes, then put my husband on a short leash and grow large breasts.
  • I love the sun, bananas and being a bitch!
  • I am a greyhound bitch!

Sassy statuses for girls, with meaning about your beloved

  • My horoscope is Leo and therefore I open my mouth wide.
  • For me, it's better to fly alone than to live together in a cage!
  • I’m already climbing to the highest bridge so that I can spit on you all from there!
  • I'm going to the store to get a shovel to dig a hole for you!
  • Do you want me to always be there? -Then be prepared for hell on Earth!
  • If you are a wuss and not a man, then wear stilettos!
  • My adequacy is the most inadequate!
  • I will be a splinter in your eye so that you will shed a sea of ​​​​tears because of me!
  • I, if someone’s mistake, it’s only fatal!
  • I am a savior because I break off relationships with guys at the initial candy-bouquet stage, thereby saving my partner from subsequent torment. So, appreciate it and don't forget to thank me!
  • Initially, I always know what awaits me at the end of the relationship, but that doesn’t stop me at all!
  • Gossiping summer residents! I recommend that you keep an eye on your tomato and carrot beds! And my harvest shouldn’t worry anyone!
  • My previous sins are trifles compared to those that are yet to come!
  • My conscience is as clear as a tear, but it is as caustic as lye!
  • I'm a little crazy because I delete friends from my social networks more often than I accept them.
  • My thoughts make the devil’s tails spin themselves into a sea knot.
  • Having become friends with me, you can only change for the bad.
  • Beware of my friend request - I'm vindictive!
  • I don’t like monotony, so I improvise in relationships with people to the point where I get wildly excited.

Bitchy statuses for girls

  • I definitely choose the right position so that no one can put me in a pose.
  • Maybe you'll come to my place for dinner? Otherwise my dishes will be sour for a week)
  • I declare directly - with my loved ones I am strict, arrogant and reckless!
  • I don’t need to wish you health – I’ll outlive you all!
  • If I’m not happy with something, I can replace him with someone else!
  • If it’s difficult with me, then either put up with it or go on… rest!
  • My wall will become a dead end for those who have flat vessels for gray matter.
  • Thanks to everyone for the arrogant bitch who writes this!
  • Stalin is alive! And he is in my soul!
  • I came into this world to get on everyone’s nerves!
  • I look like a beautiful diamond, but my edges are just as sharp!
  • I have an instant reaction and will be the first to be offended by you!
  • I’ll warn you right away: I don’t know what a brake pedal is!
  • Either I'm that good, or everyone around me is a goblin!
  • Who should quickly lose self-esteem? I'm waiting for friend requests!
  • If I turned on the bitch, then know that I don’t have an “off” button!
  • On my life's path, there will always be hedgehogs with thorns waiting for stupid people!
  • For me, the monastery has been crying for a long time!
  • Don't look for excuses for yourself in my eyes. I’ll still give it a sentence... for life!
  • I don't go for tea, invite me for food!
  • I follow: in the apartment, in the head, in the soul!
  • Boys! Don't run from your happiness! If I catch up, it will only get worse!

Statuses about daring girls

  • I am a very versatile girl - at the same time I can be a daughter, a sister, a friend and someone in the crosshairs!
  • I am like a river - no one can enter my life twice!
  • For those who are not yet accustomed to my rake, then, apparently, you should go to the forest for some cones.
  • I don't date anyone because used status only applies to dirty items.
  • Whoever dreams of seeing me on a pole will meet with a rake.
  • My thing is my behavior, and it’s really unbearable!
  • I am the black spot on your white shirt!
  • I warn you right away - don’t embarrass yourself, because victory is always with me!
  • If you ever decide to leave me, I’ll also give you a kick in the ass for better speed development!
  • My revenge is as thin as a razor blade!
  • If you're afraid of me, you better screw it up right away!
  • Do you want to achieve my love? “Then get used to my antics!”
  • Wondering what kind of life I live? I would share, but you still won’t understand this, because you don’t have one and never will!
  • I don’t have a real face - I live in a mask and don’t take it off even before going to bed!
  • Anyone who wants to have some fun, I can keep you company. But someone else will be the fool)
  • Boredom is my rival, and shoals are my lifelong friends!

Bitchy statuses with meaning

  • I will not wipe the tears from my face, but will simply erase you from my memory.
  • Be confident! I'll hang my noodles on your horns!
  • If you allow yourself to throw words to the wind, then I will allow myself to throw you!
  • I have a unique creative nature because I love to create things all the time. Chaos, problems, troubles - I'm just a genius!
  • I put someone else’s opinion of myself on my boyfriend’s organ, and he’s wow, he’s so resilient!
  • I am a complete minus who is attracted to the same ones!
  • I prefer loneliness to the idiots around me!
  • I don’t know how to worry, I only know how to worry!
  • An unbearable miracle - it’s definitely about me and I found myself!
  • I am not a sieve to let other people’s problems pass through me!
  • I never give in. I always return evil a hundredfold!
  • My word will always be the last! I can quickly use the locking system)
  • I’m like honey - if someone gets into trouble, it’s already deep!

Well, that’s all, I hope every girl or woman was able to choose a suitable status with meaning, as well as menacing, daring or simply bitchy. But keep one thing in mind - some men (I won’t modestly point the finger at myself) do not read what girls write about themselves on social networks.

Bye bye!

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A real boy must be kind, but he is never asked to be weak. What is a man's philosophy? Find out about this from the daring statuses for VK for boys.

To answer not the most conscientious people

Sassy statuses about the main thing

A boy's life can be smooth or hard, but there is always a place for true friends in it. These statuses are dedicated to them:

Statuses about feelings

We are rarely loved for who we are, but maybe that's for the best:

Cheeky statuses from a boy's life

The boys are not philosophers, but they know a lot more about life. In order to get out of a variety of problems, you need the right attitude:

  1. Don't talk to me about life from scratch. You don’t know what it’s like to get out of the red.
  2. I am a man, and by definition I am fearless, a boy can only be like that.
  3. My mother may be ashamed of me, but I am unkillable.
  4. For the sake of success, I will sacrifice everything except the health of my loved ones and my friends!
  5. Guys, respect women! And I’m not talking about skins now...
  6. Don't say the word "impossible" to me. I don't know what it means.
  7. Do you judge me for my difficult character? How else? A boy without character is a rag.
  8. Always keep your word: this is your price.
  9. I am caring and kind at home, and this is also my strength.
  10. If you're not sure, don't promise. There's nothing worse than being a jerk.
  11. Yes, I don't have much money, I just don't need to impress people who remind me of it.
  12. Between figure and kindness, always choose the latter. Beauty will fade, kindness will fade forever.
  13. A good person will not necessarily be intelligent, and an intelligent person will not necessarily be good.

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