In June, more than 200 cultural centers will launch a city program for the first time summer holiday"Cult Summer". For three months, children and teenagers will be able to play in the fresh air under the supervision of teachers, conduct scientific experiments and even make their own films without leaving the capital. As part of the project, more than 1,500 studios and workshops will operate in the institutions of the Moscow Department of Culture. Children and parents will be able to choose the duration and topic of classes. In this case, both paid and free programs will be developed. Full list classes of the “CultLeto” project will appear on the website portal next week. You can submit your application online.

“Many parents think that in the summer all cultural centers close and teachers go on vacation. But this is not so, many Muscovites with children stay in the city in the summer, and our task is to offer children options for an interesting and useful vacation in the capital,” noted First Deputy Head of the Moscow Directorate for the Development of Cultural Centers Pavel Khlopin.

In the capital's cultural centers, children and teenagers can enjoy one-day classes, for example, in drawing, arts and crafts, rhythm and English, as well as thematic programs or intensive courses lasting from five days.

“We want to place the main emphasis on intensive courses. This will give the children the opportunity to completely immerse themselves for five, ten or even 20 days in one area of ​​creative or scientific activity. Feel like, for example, an actor, director, doctor or scientist,” explained Pavel Khlopin.

Parents will be able to leave their children at the cultural center for half a day or a whole day (depending on the section program). Teachers will work with the children. It will be possible to choose both paid and free leisure programs. Some long-term intensives include meals.

Throughout June, at the cultural and leisure center “Park Novoslobodsky”, children and teenagers will get acquainted with the history of cinema and master the basic processes of film production. The result of the summer creative session will be the presentation of a short film, which will be invented and filmed by the workshop participants. They will also be actors. The program is designed for children from seven to 14 years old.

At the Ivanovsky cultural center (MosART in Novogireevo), from June 5 to July 14, several programs were developed for children from eight to 13 years old: “World of Art”, “Media” and “Dancing” with lectures and master classes. Participants in the “Media” intensive, for example, will learn the intricacies of the work of a journalist, blogger, TV presenter, and will also be able to go on an excursion to the Ostankino television center.

A creative laboratory will operate at the ZIL Cultural Center all summer. Thematic programs, designed for 11 days, will be dedicated to dance, theater, photography, and animation. For example, teenagers from 11 to 17 years old will be able to try themselves as actors, choreographers, and theater lighting technicians. Those who are interested in the art of photography will be able to master cyanotype, a method of alternative photographic printing invented in the 19th century. The result is blue-tinted photographs.

And cartoon lovers will study and master various animation techniques and techniques, and will be able to come up with scenarios and characters.

There, at the ZIL Cultural Center, children from nine to 13 years old will be able to immerse themselves in the world of science for the entire summer. The scientific laboratory has developed weekly programs in three areas: chemistry, physics and medicine. In the first half of the day, young scientists will, for example, program robots, or make cardiograms, or explore water, and in the second half they will complete quests, participate in scientific games, go on excursions to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and medical universities.

And in the territorial club system “Orekhovo” (Southern Administrative Okrug) a free eco-workshop “Children in the City” will be organized. Throughout the summer, master classes in arts and crafts will be held, an eco-laboratory for growing plants will begin operating, and children will also be offered interactive outdoor programs and other activities. Each shift will last from five days.

Throughout June, the Zelenograd cultural center will host outdoor classes: summer veranda center, as well as on the territory of Victory Park, the beach and the site near the Big City Pond in ZelAO. Participants in the “Hobbies Workshop” program will be able to attend a dance and vocal school and learn the rules traffic while riding velomobiles. Robotics classes and excursions to the trampoline center and climbing wall are also planned. “Hobbies Workshop” is designed for children from six to 14 years old.

This summer there will also be a free children's holiday program. Children are welcome in 266 metropolitan institutions, including 132 schools of the Department of Education, 30 sports schools of the Department of Sports and Tourism and 104 institutions of the Department of Labor and social protection population.

During the summer shifts, children, under the guidance of teachers, will be able to go on excursions, gain new knowledge, attend master classes and play sports. 43 museums, 11 theaters, and five animation centers will be involved. The guys will participate in 10 major sporting events.

Three meals a day will also be provided. Participation in the program is free. “Moscow shift” will work on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00.

In the capital's schools, children are expected to attend the first shift, which will take place from June 1 to June 30. Institutions of the Department of Sports and Tourism have prepared events for two shifts - from June 1 to 30 and from July 3 to 28. And the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population offers schoolchildren three options to choose from: from June 1 to 30, from July 3 to 28 and from August 1 to 25.

The Moscow Shift program for active children's recreation was organized last year. About 50 thousand children who remained in the capital various reasons, were able to take part in hundreds of events organized at city institutions.

From June 6 to June 24, a Creative Festival was held at the House of Culture children's camp. Forty children aged 5 to 16 years old were taught by experienced and professional teachers with extensive experience in this field.

Following the rules of a traditional camp, all the guys were divided into groups, each of which came up with its own name and motto. First of all, together with the teacher, the children did fun exercises accompanied by rousing music. Do not forget that education healthy image life is a priority! Then the guys dispersed to sites of different directions, visiting which they were able to develop new creative abilities. Maybe see yourself as a talented vocalist, choreographer, dancer, musician or hand made artist.

Every day, exclusive events on various topics were held for children, allowing them to learn something new or try themselves as a model or a real famous performer.
Among them are “Fun Relay Races”, “Soap Entertainment” - a real enchanting soap show, “Miss and Mister Camp”, “Fashion Shows”, “One to One”, “Pajama Party” and much, much more.
As part of the camp, a sightseeing walking tour of the interesting historical places of the village of Krokhovo was organized and conducted, during which the children were able to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history of their native settlement. Excursions were also organized.
Having visited the People's Museum of the History of the Perm Region, the children got acquainted in a playful way with the history of the lifestyle and beliefs of the ancient peoples who lived on the territory of the settlement, the Voguls and Ostyaks.
History was also presented through archaeological finds found during excavations. The children managed to feel like real archaeologists, familiarize themselves with the rules of excavations and find various objects related to the Glydenovsk culture.

The children were especially excited by a visit to an ostrich farm in the village of Zaosinovo, Perm region. In addition to ostriches, you could see and feed bison, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, goats, pigs and other animals. In addition, the children had great fun riding horses and jumping on a trampoline.

The end of the camp and summing up the results was the “Youth Day” event, at which camp students performed vocal and dance performances. Other artists also presented their enchanting performances; the performances with pigeons, snakes, dogs and a monkey especially distinguished themselves.

We hope the guys had a lot of fun positive emotions, bright impressions and unforgettable discoveries! Someone discovered new talents, learned to play the guitar, made new friends or learned decoupage techniques in Hand made! Everyone received their own piece of happiness, which will give them new opportunities and help them climb another step higher in their own development and self-perception. Children are our future! We love you!

Summer day camps for children are becoming increasingly popular in Moscow. Everything you wanted to know about the city children's camp.

With school holidays approaching at any time of the year, parents face a difficult task. If at this moment there is no one to spend time with the children, then they try to find summer or winter schools, away camps outside the city. Now there is a great opportunity not to send your children to places far from home. There are many organizations in the capital and Moscow region that organize leisure activities throughout the day, as well as camps located in the city itself. Today summer camp program extremely full of events for children in Moscow.

Vacation time opens up new opportunities for children. After all children's camps in Moscow and regions offer their services not only of an entertaining nature, but also of an educational one. For a week free from school activities students can take a break from the stressful educational process, as well as learn a lot of new things, find new friends, and improve communication skills.

Camp locations
Most children's camps are based on organizations that organize developmental events for schoolchildren and their parents, family development centers, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, interest clubs, language centers, various workshops, dance and sports sections, parks.

As in full-day country camps, in day camp for children Training sessions, master classes on certain topics, and field trips are organized to introduce children to the culture and history of the city. However, the peculiarity of such camps is that the children are there only until the evening, and their parents take them home at night. It is possible to go from morning to evening, or choose a morning or evening shift if the child suddenly participates in other extracurricular clubs. This is where the name of these day camps comes from. Most of them accept students on weekdays, being a more interesting and entertaining substitute for classes at school, some offer services on Saturdays and Sundays.

School-based camps close to where you live and at an affordable price
Many educational institutions in Moscow organize camps during school holidays. This is very convenient for parents, since the child will be close to home, communicate with teachers he knows, spend time with his friends, if he goes to a camp shift at his own school or gymnasium. Often summer camp at school offers its services for free, others at a nominal price.

This option is great for students primary school, when they still cannot stay alone at home all day, and when leaving far away summer day camp, may experience stress, missing home, missing their parents. Of course, country camps have the advantage of being located in an ecologically clean area, which has a positive effect on children’s health. However, camps within the city are full of educational events, trips, trips to museums, educational games, which, obviously, will bring much more more benefit, if a student spent all his vacation days at home computer games or watching TV.

This is a fairly economical option for spending time in the spring, autumn, or some part of the long summer holidays. As a rule, summer shifts are valid only in the first two summer months. It is very rare for schools to admit students in August. This must be taken into account when planning during the summer holidays.

Camp in Moscow for preschoolers
Not only schoolchildren can take part in the camps. Based on children's clubs preschool education There are shifts for small children under 7 years of age. Not all children go to kindergartens, so parents often resort to the services of such institutions if, for some reason, they cannot find a person with whom to leave their child during the holidays.

Preschool camps have absorbed the most modern methods teaching kids. A variety of development and training programs await children here. All kinds of games in a foreign language, with music lessons, dancing, drawing. If it is not possible to send the child to kindergarten, then experienced camp teachers can offer to create an individual lesson plan for each child. By paying a certain amount, you can effectively prepare your children for admission to an educational institution.

Creative and entertaining camps based in children's centers
During the holidays, cultural and development centers prepare a special program, rich in activities, based on certain types of creativity and sports. A huge advantage of summer events is that children's leisure centers accept students all year round. Shifts are also held in children's mini-groups, which allows each child to receive increased attention, which means that the classes will be more beneficial.

Forms groups for children of all ages, both toddlers and elementary school students. Parents can choose a camp based on their child’s interests. Groups are formed on a specific creative topic that students are engaged in. During the shift you can get acquainted with history hometown, study traditions foreign countries, as well as increase knowledge in school subjects, improve skills that may be useful in the future.

Can be found city ​​camp, which has its own film studio. During their stay at the center during the holidays, children can master the art of photography and film a short story on topics that interest them. Often the teachers are artists, confectioners, writers, and builders who are ready to share their skills with the younger generation. This is useful for children, as it helps them decide what they are interested in for their future professional activities.

Sports and technical children's camps in Moscow
Parents can choose summer school camp in one of the children's sports centers that operate on the basis of fitness clubs and swimming pools. For young athletes, this is an excellent opportunity to improve their physical capabilities and learn a new sport during the holidays. And all this in the form of entertaining games, surrounded by the spirit of competition. In such city camps, schoolchildren learn to swim, rollerblade or skate (in winter time year), participate in football and running competitions. Girls can do rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. This can bring out the young athlete in a child and develop and enhance his interest in sports.

Camps based at foreign language schools
For students who have an interest and ability in learning foreign languages, it will be a great opportunity to spend their summer holidays in a children's camp based at a linguistic school or course. Summer city camp forms groups not only in various areas of the language being studied, but also according to methodology. Children participate in interactive games that completely immerse them in the language environment. Training can take place by watching films or participating in theatrical performances. Children often have the opportunity to gain invaluable experience of communicating with a native speaker.

Camps that operate all year round will help a child become the best student in the class during the three months of summer vacation. For students high school There is the possibility of being in specialized groups where the language is studied from a certain professional angle.

Outdoor camps
Leisure centers for children within the city do not have the opportunity to provide children with time in nature. Numerous city parks cope with this problem by organizing open-air events during the holidays, where possible, located in ecologically clean areas of the city. Such children's clubs are located in popular vacation spots for Muscovites: VDNKh, Sokolniki, Kuzminki, etc.

Summer Day Camp Its program provides for the participation of children in outdoor games, they are shown films in summer cinemas, they study the history of the city, and develop with health benefits.

Important points for choosing a children's camp
When choosing a place to send your child during the holidays, there are several things to consider:
Cost of shift, financial capabilities of parents. School-based camps educational institutions open free of charge. If possible, you can choose one that takes into account the individual interests of the child. You can choose summer camp for children which will help the child decide on a professional activity in the future.
Many camps spend days open doors, where you can come and see how the group process works. This will help parents and children make their choice.
It is necessary to take into account the distance of the camp from home, the food system for the child, as well as the composition of children in groups.