July 30 marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the economic service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Plunging a little into history, we can remember that in 1918, by the decision of the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet, the central, district and subdistrict Committees of the Revolutionary Guard were transformed into Commandant's Offices of the Revolutionary Guard. The first economic department was created as part of the security commandant's office.

Initially, the unit consisted of only 4 subdepartments, responsible for weapons, uniforms, as well as automobile and food supplies for employees of the district Revolutionary Security Committees.

The economic service is specific among other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Its employees are not involved in the detection, investigation or prevention of crimes, operational search activities, and do not patrol the streets in search of criminals. However, without well-established work in the rear, it is impossible to imagine the organization of the activities of any police department. Logistics officers provide the services with everything necessary: ​​from the provision of equipped and equipped office premises to the provision of transport, weapons and ammunition to operational units.

Over the many years of operation, economic units have gone through a significant development path, and today the service is a mechanism of a single, coherent profile system, part of the logistics support structure of internal affairs bodies.

About the tasks solved by employees rear units of the capital's police garrison, the acting deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - the head of rear services, Colonel of the Internal Service Alexey Makarov, talks about what has been done to date and much more.

Alexey Nikolaevich, please tell us about the structure and main areas of activity of the rear units of the capital’s police.

The economic support of law enforcement officers has at all times been the most important, integral and primary task. Over the course of 100 years of its activity, the economic service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has experienced many transformations and reorganizations, but one thing has been and remains unchanged: the rear service has at all times been one of the most important in the ministry, providing timely and comprehensive supplies of material and technical means to the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. With the development and improvement of internal affairs bodies, the importance of this area of ​​professional activity has only increased in every possible way.

Rear of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation throughout the city of Moscow it operates in several directions. The structure of the service includes: Logistics Support Organization Department; Financial Support Center; Center pension provision; Center for Information Technologies, Communications and Information Security; Federal State Institution “Main Center for Economic, Transport and Service Support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the City of Moscow”; FKUZ "Medical and sanitary unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow", as well as the corresponding specialized units at the district and regional levels.

The rear service is not only certified officers and non-commissioned officers, but also civilian employees, whose daily work is also important. The range of tasks currently being solved by the rear of internal affairs bodies is extremely wide. This is, first of all, uninterrupted logistics support, issues of operation of buildings and structures on the balance sheet, organization of major and current repairs, organization of all types of communications, ensuring fire safety, ensuring the operation of vehicles, medical and social services and much more. It is not for nothing that they say that the activities of the rear determine how high-quality, efficient and effective the work of all police departments will be.

- Tell me, after all, people in the rear are rarely written about in newspapers, and photo and video materials about their activities are also rare. What does the home front service do today?

They really rarely talk or write about rear workers. We know much more about those whose work takes place at the forefront of the fight for the rule of law - about operational officers, district commissioners, criminologists and investigators. Against their background, the daily painstaking work of rear service employees seems invisible. But this is only at first glance. They immediately remember about the rear people if something breaks down, they need transport or there is a shortage of fuel and lubricants, they run out of paper, office equipment is faulty, a cartridge needs to be replaced, a light bulb burns out, a door lock breaks, or hundreds of other small or large-scale problems arise related to functioning of all structural units of the police.

In their daily activities, rear service employees carry out the functions of operation, maintenance and repair of more than one and a half thousand buildings and premises of the metropolitan police, including those equipped with modern engineering and technical equipment and security systems. The uninterrupted operation and operation of electronic information technology systems and communications equipment is ensured, as well as the operation and repair of over 7 thousand units of various vehicles, sewing and issuing uniforms for 53 thousand department employees. There is a television studio "Petrovka, 38", a printing house and an atelier. Communication and automation complexes, organizational, computing and copying equipment are serviced on the basis of government contracts. For the convenience of employees and workers, the work of canteens and buffets has been organized, and a range of personal services has been created: hairdressing, dry cleaning, shoe and clothing repair. A specialized housing stock is being created and operated for nonresident employees for the period of their service, consisting of 442 residential premises of federal ownership and 1,203 residential premises owned by the city of Moscow. A set of measures is being implemented aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of public services: thus, according to the results of the monitoring, the indicator of citizen satisfaction with the quality of public services exceeded 90 percent. Departmental fire supervision and fire safety have been organized in the departments of the main department (these are more than 1,600 objects of protection of the structural divisions of the main board, departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate for administrative districts, Internal Affairs Directorate on the Moscow Metro, local police stations).

The structure of the rear service is quite complex. How important is the role of the rear in the activities of the internal affairs bodies, and is it capable of quickly, flexibly, efficiently and fully solving current and future tasks?

Good question. First of all, I would like to note that the rear is capable, reliable, and is able to solve any tasks that the leadership of the ministry sets.

The modern structure was born out of the needs of life. Financial, economic, supply and other auxiliary activities in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs are of exceptional importance, although they play a subordinate role in relation to such functions as maintaining law and order and ensuring public safety. At the same time, auxiliary (supporting) activities, if carried out improperly, can jeopardize the implementation of the main tasks, for the solution of which certain divisions of the internal affairs bodies are created.

In the period 2011-2017, large-scale work was carried out to reorganize and reform the system of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation as a whole, including the rear services. And today, the leadership of the headquarters rightfully places increased demands on the logistics support of all units of the metropolitan police. And the rear service, in turn, along with other divisions, is responsible for the final result of the headquarters’ activities.

An analysis of the work of the rear services shows that over the past period it was largely possible to solve the assigned tasks. Special attention is paid to preventing a decrease in the level of logistics and technical support of departments of internal affairs bodies. In this regard, unified criteria for evaluating departments of internal affairs bodies will be developed for a more substantive comparison of the effectiveness of their rear activities.

If we take the last few years, for example, can you tell us what the logistics service has done?

During this period, we have done a significant amount of work. In order to improve the conditions for the accommodation of personnel, from 2013 to the present, a major overhaul of buildings and premises of 113 divisions of the Main Directorate has been carried out, including 73 buildings of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow districts, 16 buildings and premises of divisions of the main administration, 6 objects of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate , 11 - TsKS, 2 - temporary detention centers and special detention centers. In addition, 166 local police stations and public reception rooms have been repaired, 111 are under renovation. For the coming period, it has been organized repair work in another 15 buildings of district departments.

Also, during this period, 3 new construction projects were put into operation (Center for Operational Management of Public Security, Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Department of Internal Affairs of the TiNAO, Central Control Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District) and construction of new buildings of 7 divisions began (Air Administration for the Eastern Administrative District, Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Golyanovo districts , Khovrino, Rostokino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Kotlovka).

In order to strengthen the material and technical base of the headquarters, 656 units of motor vehicles (motorcycles, minibuses and special buses for delivering detainees, patrol cars) have been purchased and put into operation over the past period using targeted funds from the budget of the city of Moscow. We supplied, installed and configured 1,678 DVRs to equip traffic police patrol cars and 106 DVRs to equip vehicles for taking driving license exams. About 3 thousand automated workstations and 60 mobile workstations were supplied to the departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The issue of purchasing special robotic systems for the Engineering and Sapper Center is currently being resolved.

To increase the level of professional training of police officers, work was carried out to install 20 sports grounds of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the regions and 36 open-type hockey grounds.

Do you think all this improves the performance of work in departments?

I think yes. This is exactly what our activities are aimed at. Judge for yourself, it’s much more pleasant for a police officer to work in a new, clean office, having everything for this necessary conditions, appropriate equipment and serve in vehicles that meet modern requirements.

It is impossible not to notice that every year the range of tasks facing the internal affairs bodies becomes wider, and the tasks become more complex. And in order to keep up with life, you need to constantly look at least a few years ahead and set yourself strategic goals. Maintaining the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in a state in which they are able to protect individual rights, the interests of society and the state from criminal attacks is one of most important tasks Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The Ministry has set tasks for the rear services to promptly technically re-equip all departments of the internal affairs bodies, to introduce modern weapons and special means, automotive and special equipment, uniforms that meet the best world standards. All assigned tasks will be completed.

Tell me the level social security Are police officers at the present stage, in your opinion, worthy?

Today, logistics services are making every effort to create decent social conditions service and normal life of employees of internal affairs bodies and members of their families. In answer to questions about social security, I note that today the provision of housing for personnel remains an extremely difficult and still unresolved issue. In my opinion, the problem of housing for employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs should be solved on approximately the same principles that exist today in the Ministry of Defense. Over the past few years, more than 600 families of employees have been provided with office living space at their place of service, and one-time payments have also been made social benefits for the purchase and construction of housing for 370 families. But this is clearly not enough. Due to insufficient funding from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for these purposes, the waiting period for payments or social housing is long.

At the same time, in accordance with part 10 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 No. 247-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, additional benefits are provided in the form priority right to receive payments to employees and citizens of the Russian Federation dismissed from service in internal affairs bodies with the right to a pension, registered as eligible to receive lump sum payment and having three or more children living with them, or awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, or veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan, or having one or more disabled children living with them, in front of employees and citizens of the Russian Federation dismissed with service in the internal affairs bodies with the right to a pension, registered in the same year.

Speaking about the achievements and successes of the rear service in the anniversary year, it should be noted that, first of all, this is the result of the work of more than one generation of people who devoted themselves to serving in the internal affairs bodies for different stages history of the Russian State.

Indeed, Alexey Nikolaevich, tell us about the service veterans who made a significant contribution to the activities of the rear units?

The leading analyst of the Federal State Institution "GTSHTiSO Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the City of Moscow" Raisa Vladimirovna Bykovskaya, perhaps, has the most long experience 48 years of work in the economic service of the headquarters. And she came to the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate by assignment after graduating with honors from the technical school of urban economic construction. Raisa Bykovskaya worked in the capital construction department for 19 years as an engineer for technical supervision of the construction of special buildings and structures: police stations, labor treatment centers and temporary detention centers. Her biography includes the famous “Butyrka”, where she was involved in the reconstruction of the women’s building, and on Shosseynaya Street she participated in the construction of a women’s medical treatment facility, which was later repurposed into a women’s isolation ward. Colleagues joked: “If something happens, I should provide myself with a camera with a view of the sunny side.” Raisa Bykovskaya devoted the next 23 years to the building maintenance service. In collaboration with colleagues, she designed and equipped the office offices of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. Then, of course, there was no computer programs, drawn on whatman paper and copied on tracing paper. She also invested all her knowledge and experience in the design and construction of new buildings of the Duty Station and the Public Security Police in the Petrovka complex, 38. For her personal contribution, Raisa Vladimirovna was awarded honorary title Honored Worker of Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. During this time, Raisa Vladimirovna raised two wonderful daughters, one of them serves in the internal affairs bodies, as a police major. And 15-year-old granddaughter Elizaveta is involved in horse riding and dreams of serving in the mounted police.

Colonel of the Internal Service Sergei Gennadievich Saprykin is one of the most experienced leaders in the logistics service of the main headquarters; in 35 years he has risen from a senior weapons technician to the head of a department. Sergey Saprykin took part in five business trips to the North Caucasus region and participated in hostilities. In 1993, he was awarded the Medal of Valor for his courage and bravery in the line of duty.

And the first recipient in the rear service was the deputy head of the weapons department, police major (now retired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Mikhail Andreevich Vasiliev. He received the Order of Courage for his participation in a special operation in the North Caucasus region.

To summarize what has been said, on this holiday I would like to wish the personnel further success in their difficult service, wish health to their families and friends, and also once again express my gratitude to the veterans for their tireless assistance in their work.

Prepared by Viktor Malyshev, Yuri Belkin, Sergey Vologodsky, Alexey Poddubny, Alexey BOSYKH, photo by Nikolai GORBIKOV, Alexander NESTEROV, Victor PILIPENKO and press services of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the ZAO

July 18, 2017 - Tuesday, day 199 of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. July 18 corresponds to July 5 of the Julian calendar (old style).

  • Day of creation of state fire supervision bodies. Professional holiday celebrated in the Russian Federation on July 18. For the first time, employees of the State Fire Service noted it in 2007. In May 1926, an All-Russian meeting of firefighters was held, at which the draft “Regulations on state fire supervision bodies in the RSFSR” was developed. On July 18, 1927, the regulation was signed by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars. Therefore, July 18 can be considered the birthday of the state supervision authorities in Russia. State fire supervision in the Russian Federation is carried out by the State Fire Service. This is a type of fire protection, partially included in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation as a single independent operational service. The state fire service consists of the federal fire service and the fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As of 2010, the number of the State Fire Service was more than 200 thousand people (150 thousand people in the federal fire service units and about 52 thousand specialists in the fire service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). For all of them, the Day of Creation of the State Fire Service is a professional holiday.
  • Day of economic service of internal affairs bodies. Professional holiday of employees of the economic service of the internal affairs bodies, which is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on July 18. “Day of the economic service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation” appeared in official calendar holidays of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation relatively recently, at the beginning of the third millennium in 2001, after on June 8, 2001, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov signed Order No. 575, which ordered the establishment of “Economic Service Day of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation” and celebrate it on the eighteenth of July. Chapter Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs It was not by chance that I chose July 18 to celebrate the “Day of Economic Service of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.” It was on this day, in 1918, by the decision of the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet, that the central, district and subdistrict Committees of the Revolutionary Guard were transformed into the Commandant's Offices of the Revolutionary Guard. These commandant's offices also included an economic department. At the same time, the economic department was divided into five subdepartments: weapons, food, uniforms, automobile and supplies. The economic service was ordered to manage all economic issues of the Commandant's Office of the Revolutionary Guard: transport, office, heating, lighting, inventory, weapons storage, etc. “The Day of Economic Service of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation” is not a non-working day unless, depending on the year, it falls on a weekend.
  • There are no holidays on July 18, 2017 in Ukraine.
  • International Nelson Mandela Day. Every year on July 18, Nelson Mandela's birthday, the UN encourages people around the world to mark International Nelson Mandela Day by doing something positive for others and their community. Each of us has the opportunity - and responsibility - to change the world for the better, and this international day allows us to do our part and drive change. Nelson Mandela dedicated 67 years of his life to the cause of peace and humanitarianism - as a defender of human rights, as a political prisoner, as an international peacemaker and the first democratically elected president of a free South Africa. This year, the Nelson Mandela Foundation is dedicating Mandela Day to the anti-poverty movement, in memory of Mandela's commitment to fighting poverty and achieving social justice for all.

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of St. Athanasius, Abbot of Athos;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Agnia (Anna) the Virgin and Cyril (Cyprilla) of Cyrene;
  • Memorial Day of the Venerable Lamp of Irinopol;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Gennady Zdorovtsev, presbyter;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Nun Varvara (Yakovleva);
  • Memorial Day of the Venerable Confessor Agapit (Taube), monk;
  • Finding the honorable relics of St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh, wonderworker of all Rus';
  • “Ekonomissa” (“House Builder”) - icons of the Mother of God.
  • Afanasiev day. On Athanasius, our ancestors celebrated the holiday of the Months, readweb.org reports. In the evening of this day it was customary to go outside and observe the month. It was believed that this would give a person more strength. The old people instructed the youth: “Watching the moon play is a way to accumulate strength.” People also believed that you need to look at the new moon so that your teeth don’t hurt. If it “played” in the sky (changed color, hid behind the clouds, and then showed up again), you should expect a good harvest and easy harvesting. And if, in addition, it was clearly visible and shining clearly, autumn promised to be warm and dry. Some peasants claimed that the month that predicted the harvest season, when it rose, ran from place to place, shimmering with all seven colors of the rainbow. The month in Rus' has always been treated with respect. The period from the new moon to the full moon (the waxing month) was considered lucky for all sorts of undertakings, and during the lunar period they tried not to start any new business. There were other signs among the people for this day. For example, copper-yellow clouds foreshadowed imminent rain. Also harbingers of imminent rain were clouds coming from the “rotten corner,” that is, from the southwest. In honor of the month of celebration, housewives in many homes baked special cookies in the shape of a crescent. Cookie dough was mixed from a large amount butter, flour, honey, crushed nuts and poppy seeds were often added to it. Then small crescent-shaped cookies were formed from the dough, baked in the oven, and then poured with melted honey and sprinkled with either nuts or poppy seeds. Such cookies were baked only a few times a year: on this day, on Christmas and on New Year. The cookies were taken outside in the evening and eaten there. It was usually baked in large quantities so that it remains not only for household members, but also for all neighbors and relatives. It was believed that such cookies would not only add strength, but also for a long time will bring good luck to the house.
  • Holiday in Uruguay July 18, 2017 — Constitution Day. On July 18, residents of Uruguay celebrate an important public holiday - Constitution Day. It was erected to commemorate the adoption of the country's fundamental law in 1830, two years after the formation of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. The Constitution of 1830 established the division of government in Uruguay into executive, legislative and judicial powers and declared Uruguay a unitary republic with a centralized form of government. After the entry into force of the Constitution of 1830, the Parliament of Uruguay (General Assembly) changed from unicameral to bicameral. The upper house is called the Senate, the lower is the Chamber of Deputies. Parliament was given the power to elect the president, who headed the executive branch of government, for a four-year term. The Constitution of 1830 remained in force for eighty-seven years. The second constitution was adopted in 1918, the third in 1934, the fourth in 1942, the fifth in 1951, and the sixth in 1967. The sixth constitution was amended in 1989, 1994, 1996 and 2004. Some consider the 1996 amendments to be the de facto adoption of a new constitution, but according to parliament, the country is still governed by the 1967 constitution. Despite so many constitutions, public holiday in Uruguay is the anniversary of the adoption of the original constitution of 1830 - the first fundamental law of independent Uruguay.
  • Holiday in the USA July 18, 2017 — Hot Dog Day. Annually On July 18, the United States celebrates National Hot Dog Day, a holiday dedicated to the traditional American dish. For Americans, a hot dog is not just food, but one of the symbols of America and even a way of life. A sausage placed in an elongated bun cut at one end and topped with ketchup or mustard is considered a classic of American cuisine.

Every year, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2001, July 18 is celebrated in Russia professional holiday employees of the economic service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Historically, it was on this day in 1918 that, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the Petrograd Soviet, an economic service was created under the Revolutionary Security Committees. This service was entrusted with the most responsible task of ensuring in the most difficult years of hard times civil war everything necessary for all its employees. The service included several substructures - the food department, the uniform department, the weapons department and the motor transport department. Almost a hundred years have passed since then; today more than 30 thousand people serve in subordinate units throughout Russia. The quality of work of other departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directly depends on the coherence of the actions of this service. Therefore, on July 18, according to tradition, employees of the economic service receive congratulations from the management and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The service celebrates its general professional holiday annually on November 10.
The Day of Economic Service of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation is an official professional holiday, which is included in the register of memorable and holiday dates RF. It is not a day off (if it falls on a weekday).

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Since ancient times, the rear has been the main and fundamental power of the armed forces of any state. The state of the army and the ability to repel the enemy in cases of attack completely depend on its capabilities. Understanding the importance of this unit, the military leadership highly values ​​the services of the rear servicemen and annually congratulates them on the holiday. Home Front Day is also close to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When is this holiday celebrated? What is the history of the rear structure? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces

Many years ago, the rear became a separate and independent division of the state’s armed forces. Every year, celebrating the anniversary of that very day on August 1, people congratulate the rear. In order to carry out combat missions normally, the army must be provided with everything necessary on time, from provisions to uniforms and paramilitary reinforcements.

The military personnel belonging to this structure clearly and smoothly carry out their task, ensure the efficiency of the troops, and to some extent are even responsible for the lives of people. That is why on Home Front Day (August 1), the military of this unit receives from all the people sincere congratulations, are awarded the most high awards government.

Logistics in Tsarist Russia

The history of the holiday has a centuries-old history, which began under the Great Peter. When the First Regular Russian Army was being created, the Tsar issued the “Provision Order” on August 1, 1700. He became the progenitor of the creation of the rear service. To this day, August 1 is celebrated as Home Front Day. In those days, the supply authority was responsible for the supply of bread, cereals, and grain fodder to the army. On the same day, another “Special Order” was issued, according to which the Russian army was supplied with uniforms, weapons, salaries, carts and horses.

In 1711, by order of Peter I, all supply structures were included in the Russian army. The field department organized a commissariat responsible for all types of supplies. The accumulated experience during the Northern War was enshrined in the Military Regulations of 1716. Medical care was also provided in the army: at the highest ranks there was a doctor, in the division there was a doctor and a staff doctor, in each regiment there was a doctor, and the company was served by a barber.

The first leaders of the rear units in Russia were such outstanding personalities as General Stepan Apraksin, statesman Sergei Yazykov and others.

Creation of the Main Directorate of Logistics in the USSR

Throughout history, the rear service has changed and reorganized many times. This continued during the establishment of the USSR’s power, right up to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The lack of leadership in this structure has led to fragmented actions and disunity. To wage war in the Soviet Union, there was no coherent structure for the work of the rear; all actions were carried out uncoordinated. It was a very important moment for the country. On the initiative of General Khrulev, it was created centralized system rear management.

On the same significant day, that is, August 1 (now Home Front Day) 1941, Commander-in-Chief Stalin signed the Order “On the creation of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Red Army.” The position of Chief of Logistics was introduced, and Andrei Khrulev was appointed to it. The highway department, military communications department, flammable materials supply department, sanitation and veterinary medicine were subordinate to him. The coherence of the work of all structures under centralized leadership made it possible to establish the necessary support for the army to conduct effective military operations.

Reforms in the structure of the rear

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War The country experienced further development of organizational structures, technical equipment of the armed forces, improvement of military equipment and rear troops in general. During the formation of the Federation in 1992, changes occurred in the structure of the rear. During the 2008 reforms, transformations began. We formed a unified logistics system. It is built on a vertical principle - from the military level to the central apparatus. The final result of the reform is the unification of rear structures designed to ensure the supply of material resources to the armed forces, the organization of repairs, and the operation of all technical means, military equipment, as well as transport and communications. The logistics sector is also provided with veterinary and sanitary control of food, as well as fire protection.

In 2009, on July 29, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree “On the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the home front.” Memorable date was installed on August 1st. Thousands of employees of this structure now receive congratulations on Home Front Day every year. The government always notes their services to the Fatherland and rewards the best employees.

There is no victory without a rear

The modern logistics service is proud of its three-hundred-year history. The favorite phrase of the rear guards, “Without the rear there is no victory,” is often heard both in everyday service and on a holiday at special events. Every military person, be it a pilot, infantryman or sailor, is ready to confirm the veracity of this phrase. The entire service in the army depends entirely on the quality of the MTA, because this is the main foundation of the armed forces. Fire safety and heating of buildings, storage of ammunition and condition of the vehicle fleet, provision of uniforms and provisions - these are just some of the tasks that are assigned to this structure. More than one hundred thousand tons of ammunition are spent annually on training in the army alone, and more than seven hundred thousand tons of food are spent on feeding the armed forces.

All this is monitored and answered by logistics specialists. It is worth saying that they get up earlier than everyone else and do not go to bed according to the schedule. They are always on guard to continuously provide the army with everything it needs.

Home Front Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Speaking about the rear, we cannot help but remember that the Ministry of Internal Affairs also needs special logistical support. This coordinated work is organized by a special structure of rear officials. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive their congratulations on Home Front Day on October 28. Operational and service activities must be constantly supported from within by a complete material and technical base. The structure's specialists are responsible for this. They organize the operation of vehicles, are responsible for major repairs and construction of buildings, and monitor the constant updating of police uniforms and technical equipment necessary for work. Thanks to the efficient work of the law enforcement officers, they are able to provide effective, continuous service aimed at fighting crime and protecting citizens of the Russian Federation.