Your wedding day is the most special day of your life. It flies by in an instant, and a huge number of events happen during it. How can you manage to accomplish everything planned? The answer is simple - you need to draw up in advance wedding day plan.

Our wedding portal decided to help you a little. We have drawn up a rough plan for a “virtual” couple whose marriage registration is scheduled for 12.30, and wedding banquet- at 18.00. All you have to do is adjust it to suit yourself.


Rise. Calculate your rise so that you have at least an hour left before the hairdresser arrives. Take a shower, preferably a cool one. It will drive away the remnants of sleep and invigorate you. BE SURE TO HAVE BREAKFAST. There is a reason why this sentence is in capital letters. From experience former brides Orla, for many of them breakfast was the only meal on their wedding day. Firstly, too many worries, emotions and experiences await you ahead. Secondly, there simply isn’t enough time for snacks. Even during the banquet, you will have to constantly pose in front of the camera, delight guests with sweet kisses and participate in toastmaster competitions. Therefore, even if breakfast is not usually on your schedule, eat something light: a banana, yogurt, a couple of curd cheeses.


Hairdresser's work. Depending on the complexity of the hairstyle, it takes from an hour to two. During this time, you will be able to do absolutely nothing except sit quietly. Prepare yourself for this in advance and don’t rush to run around giving the last instructions to your mother and witness.


Makeup artist's work. Often a hairdresser and makeup artist work in pairs. While one is conjuring your wedding hairstyle, the other is applying mascara to your eyelashes and lipstick to your lips. Therefore, when making arrangements with your hairdresser and makeup artist, find out this point from them and take it into account when drawing up your schedule.


Bride's preparations. Once your hair and makeup are ready, it's time to put on wedding dress. Don't forget that all accessories must be prepared in advance. During your preparations, as a rule, you will be actively photographed by a wedding photographer. If you want high-quality photographs, there is no need to rush. Some moments (putting on a necklace, garters, lacing a dress) will have to be done deliberately slowly, or even repeated several times.


Bride ransom. Considering that the ransom takes place without the main character of the celebration, you have another half hour to be alone with your thoughts. Go to the mirror, smile at the reflection, tell yourself that today nothing can upset you. Everything you could organize, you have already organized. Now your task is to enjoy this day.

Don't delay the redemption too much. Your goal is not to “pump” as much money as possible out of the groom and witness, but to relax them a little and put them in a cheerful, positive mood.


Small buffet at the bride's house.


When calculating travel time, take into account “force majeure” circumstances in the form of traffic jams that appear out of nowhere on the road.

It is highly advisable to arrive at the registry office in advance. Especially if your wedding takes place during the “hot” season - in the summer. In this case, even a 10-minute delay threatens to shift the entire queue. Think about it, do you want to waste extra nerves on a day like this?


Solving organizational issues in the registry office. Before registration begins, you need to complete necessary documents and, if you decide to order a registry office photographer, pay for his services.


Marriage registration. The formal registration lasts about 10-20 minutes. Approximately the same amount of time should be spent on the “Champagne Hall” and photography.


Photoshoot. According to Orel wedding photographers, the optimal duration of a photo shoot is 2-3 hours, otherwise you will be too tired, and there is still a banquet ahead. However, the journey to the shooting location may take some time. Going around all the attractions also takes time and you will have to stand in line until the previous wedding has left.


Departure to the restaurant. Time to relax and touch up your makeup. The most intense moments are behind us. Dancing awaits you ahead, fun competitions and many, many good wishes from your guests.

Poorly thought out wedding day- this is one of the main mistakes that many young couples make. They focus all their efforts only on choosing a registry office, a banquet hall, a toastmaster, etc.

These are, of course, very important things that require increased attention. But if you are suddenly late to the registry office on your wedding day, and then make your guests wait and languish with boredom, then all your efforts may go to waste and the impression of your wedding will be hopelessly spoiled.

I have been to such weddings myself. I'll tell you honestly - it's very annoying.

Of course, this is an isolated example and most couples are not late at the registry office, but still various problems happen at almost every wedding. Most of them could have been avoided if the newlyweds had shown a little more forethought before the wedding.

Unfortunately, many couples limit planning their wedding day to only determining the time of registration at the registry office and the start of the banquet in the restaurant.

After that, they randomly set the arrival time of the guests and the start time of the redemption. Morning preparations, redemption scenarios and walks are not thought through.

As a result, it often happens that the groom is late for the bridegroom (especially if he lives on the other side of the city). Instead of a comic action, the ransom itself turns into a wall-to-wall fight.

And the question of where to go for a walk is decided by a collective vote upon leaving the registry office.

But a wedding is an enchanting event and it should be dynamic and exciting. No one should be bored, but at the same time, no one should be in a hurry. Any haste or delay has an extremely negative impact on the progress of the wedding.

A wedding is a holiday. Therefore, the atmosphere should be festive, and not routine and rushed, as during the working day, or tense, as before a storm.

If you don’t want to repeat the mistakes of others, you need to get serious about organizing and create a WEDDING DAY SCHEDULE.

Just please don't do it round eyes and don’t sigh heavily: “Well, here’s another plan. Boredom, and that’s all.” If you take a close look at the wedding planning outline we created earlier, you will see that how you plan your wedding day determines a large part of your wedding preparation.

Understand: either you make a schedule before the wedding, and at the wedding you just enjoy what is happening, or you will have to plan right at the wedding, but already in the turmoil and under the heavy sighs of those around you. So take this matter seriously.

You need to start planning before your first trip to the registry office. Select your desired check-in time in advance. This will be your first reference point from which you will start in your calculations.

The choice of when to register a marriage should be taken seriously so that you don’t have to regret it later. If you schedule it at 10 o’clock in the morning, then think about what time you and your guests will have to get up? In this case, you may not have enough strength for the entire long wedding day.

On the other hand, too late registration does not leave time for the wedding and a walk (it happens that the registration time is set for 19:00). In this case, you first have to walk around the city, and then go to the registry office. And it’s better to forget about getting married on this day, since in a church without a marriage registration certificate, they will most likely refuse to marry you.

Therefore, in this matter, as, probably, in all life situations, you need to look for a “golden mean”.

It is difficult to name the optimal registration time that will suit everyone - some people want to take a longer walk after the registry office, while others will do without a walk at all.

In my opinion, the optimal registration time is 11 - 12 o'clock if you plan to get married and 12 - 13 o'clock if you decide not to get married.

This will allow you to plan your wedding day so as not to rush in the morning and during the walk, at the same time, not to make your guests yawn with boredom while waiting for the banquet in the restaurant, which usually starts at 17:00.

As I said, in most cases the banquet starts at 17:00. This is what we will proceed from in the example of drawing up a wedding day plan. This time will be your second reference point.

Another point to consider is the timing of the wedding. You determine it when you pre-register for the wedding ceremony. Let in our case the wedding time be 13 hours.

Now sit down together and make a list of places you would like to visit during your honeymoon. The list does not have to be large: two or three places will be enough.

You still won't have time to visit again. But this list may have to be shortened in the future.

These could be places traditionally visited by newlyweds in your city or town.

For example, in our city, Glory Square, with its “eternal” flame burning on it, is very popular. And during our honeymoon, at the sea, we observed how local newlyweds, during their wedding walk, came to the beach and walked along the water’s edge, past people peacefully sunbathing.

Also, during your wedding walk, you can visit places that are memorable to you personally: the place where you met, first kiss, declaration of love, marriage proposal, etc.

If you have the opportunity and time, you can go to nature: to the forest, to the park, to the lake, etc.

Now you know all the places you need to visit on your wedding day.

And according to the wedding preparation plan that you drew up earlier, you have already chosen the registry office, the restaurant, the temple where you will get married, and also decided whether you will stop by the groom’s parents for “bread and salt” (a meeting of the newlyweds with the groom’s parents with a loaf of salt) or perform this ceremony in a restaurant.

And if so, then you are ready to develop the route of the wedding procession.

Take a map of your city or area where you live and mark on it all the places you will visit. Be careful and don't forget anything.

For a traditional wedding, this is: the groom’s house, the bride’s house, the registry office, the temple, the places you plan to visit during the wedding walk, again the groom’s house (the “bread and salt” ritual), the venue for the wedding banquet.

After this, determine the shortest route between these points in the same sequence. That is: the groom's house, the bride's house, the registry office, the temple, places visited during a walk, the groom's house, a restaurant.

If you are not sure which route is the shortest, then consult with motorists who know the area like the back of their hand.

Connect the points marked on the map with the lines of the shortest route. That's it, your wedding cortege route is ready.

Now, in order to create a WEDDING DAY SCHEDULE, we are missing quite a bit: we don’t know how much time we will spend at each point of the wedding route and on the road between these points.

The time spent at various points can be determined from the experience of other weddings. Judging by my experience, the following picture emerges (approximate times are given, since each wedding is individual):

  • the redemption and the following buffet takes 35 minutes;
  • completing formalities at the registry office before registration takes 15 minutes;
  • Marriage registration, photography and buffet reception takes 25 minutes;
  • the wedding can take 45 minutes;
  • during the wedding walk, you need to spend at least 30 minutes at each stop;
  • the meeting of the newlyweds by the groom's parents (the "bread and salt" ritual) and the subsequent buffet reception takes 20 minutes;
  • You can also take a short rest there, if time permits - about 30 minutes.

Let's take these numbers as the initial data for scheduling the wedding day.

You can, of course, estimate it by eye. But in this case, you risk making mistakes in your calculations and not being on time somewhere or, on the contrary, arriving too early, which is also not good.

If you don’t want to determine the time “by eye,” you can use another method and conduct, so to speak, “reconnaissance in force.”

To do this, get into the car (preferably with a driver behind the wheel who will drive it during your wedding) and follow the entire route you previously compiled, noting and recording the time spent passing each section.

Moreover, this must be done on the same day of the week as the one you planned for the wedding. And it is advisable to travel each section of the route, approximately, at the same time as on the wedding day.

Naturally, you don’t need to try to set a world speed record, but try to drive at a normal pace.

By conducting this experiment, you will find out both the time spent at each point on the route and the travel time between these points.

To create a wedding route, you can also use special programs or web services that can plot the shortest route between points on a map of the area, as well as calculate the time required to complete it.

Now you can proceed directly to drawing up the WEDDING DAY SCHEDULE.

To begin, add five minutes to the measured time for each section of the path. Anything can happen on the road, so you just need to give yourself a little extra time.

Then write down on a piece of paper all the points on your route and the sections of the route between them, indicating the time spent on them.

You should end up with a list similar to the one shown in Table 4.1

Table 4.1 – List of route points and time spent on them
Route point Time spent
- the road to the bride's house 15 minutes
- ransom and buffet 35 minutes
- road to the registry office 15 minutes
- settling formalities at the registry office 15 minutes
- registration, photography and buffet reception at the registry office 25 minutes
- road to the wedding venue 30 minutes
- wedding 45 minutes
- road to point A walks 15 minutes
- walk at point A 30 minutes
- road to point B walk 10 minutes
- walk at point B 30 minutes
- road to point B walks 10 minutes
- walk at point B 30 minutes
- the road to the groom's house 20 minutes
- “bread and salt” ritual and buffet 20 minutes
- rest for newlyweds and guests 30 minutes
- road to the wedding reception venue 10 minutes

Naturally, you must substitute your travel time data into it. The data in the table is provided as an example only.

Well, now let’s apply our calculations to real time.

And we will do it like this:

Let's assume that the start time for registering your marriage is 12:00. In order to find out its end time, we will add 25 minutes to the start time.

As a result, it turns out that you will leave the registry office husband and wife (or rather, the newly-made husband must carry his wife out of the registry office in his arms) at 12:25. Add another 25 minutes to the road to the temple and you will find out that you will arrive there at 12:50. And so on...

We will do the same with the events that happen before the marriage is registered.

To find out what time you should arrive at the registry office, we will subtract 15 minutes from the registration start time. We get that you need to arrive at the registry office at 11:45. Let's subtract another 20 minutes from this time on the road to the registry office and find out that you need to leave for the registry office at 11:25.

As a result of such calculations, we will have a template for your schedule, presented in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 – Preparation for the wedding day schedule (option 1)
Action Time
Departure of the groom to the bride 10:40
Departure to the registry office 11:30
Arrival at the registry office 11:45
Start of rest 16:30

As you can see, our first draft of the plan didn't quite work out. We are a little late in time for the start of the banquet at 17:00. In order to eliminate this nuisance, you will have to reduce the rest time to 20 minutes. Then you will be on time everywhere, which is reflected in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 – Preparation for the wedding day schedule (option 2)
Action Time
Departure of the groom to the bride 10:40
Arrival of the groom at the bride's house, ransom, buffet reception 10:55
Departure to the registry office 11:30
Arrival at the registry office 11:45
Beginning of ceremonial registration in the registry office 12:00
Departure of the newlyweds to the wedding venue 12:25
Beginning of the wedding (time for which you are booked) 13:00
Start of the walk, departure to point A 13:45
Stop at walk point A 14:00
Departure to walk point B 14:30
Stop at walk point B 14:40
Departure to walk point B 15:10
Stop at walk point B 15:20
Departure of the newlyweds to the husband's parents 15:50
Arrival at the husband’s house, the “bread and salt” ritual, buffet 16:10
Start of rest 16:30
Departure to the wedding reception venue 16:50
Arrival at the venue of the wedding banquet, beginning of the banquet 17:00

You can solve this issue in another way: refuse to visit one of the stopping places during a walk (for example, point B), and use the freed up time to spend longer in other places and for relaxation.

In this case, you will need to determine how long it will take to travel directly from point A to point B (in our case, let's assume that this time is 20 minutes). As a result, we will get something like the one shown in Table 4.4:

Table 4.4 – Preparation for the wedding day schedule (option 3)
Action Time
Departure of the groom to the bride 10:40
Arrival of the groom at the bride's house, ransom, buffet reception 10:55
Departure to the registry office 11:30
Arrival at the registry office 11:45
Beginning of ceremonial registration in the registry office 12:00
Departure of the newlyweds to the wedding venue 12:25
Beginning of the wedding (time for which you are booked) 13:00
Start of the walk, departure to point A 13:45
Stop at walk point A 14:00
Departure to walk point B 14:35
Stop at walk point B 15:55
Departure of the newlyweds to the husband's parents 15:30
Arrival at the husband’s house, the “bread and salt” ritual, buffet 15:50
Start of rest 16:10
Departure to the wedding reception venue 16:50
Arrival at the venue of the wedding banquet, beginning of the banquet 17:00

So, our workpiece is ready. In order to turn it into a full-fledged schedule, we need to add some details that we have not considered before:

  • delivery of cars for the wedding procession;
  • decoration of wedding cortege cars;
  • arrival of the cameraman and photographer;
  • the groom's trip to pick up the bride's bouquet or deliver it to the groom's home;
  • a hairdresser and makeup artist coming to the bride;
  • the arrival of witnesses;
  • preparation of ransom;
  • fees;
  • time of arrival of guests;
  • arrival of a car for the newlyweds after the banquet;
  • arrival for guests by bus after the banquet;
  • arrival of the newlyweds at the venue wedding night.

Let's do this now:

  • At least 30 minutes must be allocated for decorating cars, so all cars must be delivered to the groom’s house no later than 40 minutes before leaving for the bride. It is better to schedule the collection time for all cars one hour before departure. Then, if it suddenly turns out that one of them will not arrive, then you will have time to call a taxi or a car from the agency (for this you need to prepare several telephone numbers of these agencies in advance, which we will talk about a little later). If some of the cars are delivered to the bride’s house, then it is better to set their arrival time one hour before the groom’s arrival;
  • Very often, a wedding video begins with the groom buying a bouquet for his bride. If you want your video to also contain this scene, then schedule the cameraman’s arrival time before purchasing the bride’s bouquet - 1 hour 30 minutes. This also applies to your wedding photographer and photographs. After this, the cameraman and photographer will need to be sent to the bride’s house so that they have time to photograph her. Therefore, it will be better if you allocate a separate car for them. They need to set off in such a way as to arrive at the bride 30 minutes before the ransom;
  • You should do all the main preparations on the eve of the wedding day: prepare everything you need and put it in a certain place, iron and hang all the clothes and ribbons of witnesses on hangers, collect the bride’s handbag, inflate balloons to decorate cars, decorate the rooms of the bride and groom, etc. . On the wedding day, all you have to do is collect everything, based on the previously compiled list (more on this later) and distribute it to those specially appointed by you from among the guests. Therefore, there is no need to specifically allocate time for getting ready in your wedding day schedule;
  • Agree with the witnesses to come an hour and a half before the start and help you get ready, as well as morally. It would be a good idea to discuss with them once again all the details of the wedding for which they are responsible. The witness, in addition, must also prepare for the ransom;
  • When ordering a bridal bouquet, the groom needs to agree that the bouquet is ready (if it is ordered without delivery) or delivered no later than 1 hour 20 minutes before leaving for the bride. Then if something goes wrong, then the groom will have time to find another bride’s bouquet or a bouquet of a similar shape. Accordingly, if the bride’s bouquet is ordered without delivery, one of the cars must also arrive by this time so that the groom can go with it to pick up the bouquet;
  • The length of time during which the hairdresser will do the bride’s hair is determined individually and depends on various factors: the complexity of the hairstyle, the qualifications of the hairdresser, etc. But in any case, you need to devote at least 1.5 hours to this;
  • Ask your hairdresser how to prepare your hair for your hairstyle. Sometimes to make it work good hairstyle, you need to perform certain actions on your hair for several days or, conversely, not touch your hair during the same time. If you need to wash and dry your hair immediately before styling, then do not forget to leave yourself time for this;
  • The bride needs to spend at least half an hour on her makeup, and it should be ready 30 minutes before the groom arrives in order to have time to get dressed. Based on this, and also taking into account that makeup is usually done after hairstyle, we will schedule the arrival of the hairdresser 2 hours 50 minutes before the appointment, and the makeup artist 1 hour 10 minutes before the appointment. In case someone doesn’t come, you need to prepare the phone numbers of the nearest beauty salon or hairdresser. There you will most likely not be denied emergency assistance;
  • It is better to schedule the arrival time of the guests who will be involved in the process of decorating the cars 1 hour before the departure of the bride or the arrival of the groom;
  • Other wedding guests (responsible for anything) should arrive 40 minutes before the start so you can make sure they all show up and don't have to assign their responsibilities to other people. In addition, you will be able to instruct them again;
  • The rest of the guests can arrive 15 minutes before the bride leaves or the groom arrives;
  • When you book a place for a banquet, in addition to the start time, you also discuss its end time. Usually it is 23:00. By this time, you need to plan the arrival of a car for the newlyweds to depart for their wedding night;
  • We must not forget about the arrival of the bus for the guests at the end of the banquet in order to take them home. You are responsible for your guests;
  • If you spend your wedding night in your apartment or house, then there is no need to discuss the issue of the time of arrival there. You are free to come whenever you want. If a hotel room is used for this purpose, then when booking it you need to link the time by which you need to arrive at the hotel after the wedding banquet with the end time of the banquet. Please take into account the time spent traveling from the restaurant to the hotel. True, special precision is not needed here. As a last resort, you can drive around the city.

If you want to know more precisely the time that will be spent on all the procedures described above, proceed in the same way as when determining the time spent on a walk. That is, rehearse all these procedures in advance, measuring the time spent on each of them.

Now we have taken into account all the main details of the wedding day. Therefore we can compose it detailed schedule. It is presented in table 4.5.

Table 4.5 – Example of a wedding day schedule
Wedding day schedule
Groom Bride
Arrival of a witness 9:10 The hairdresser's arrival 8:05
9:10 Arrival of the witness, preparation of the ransom 9:25
Arrival of the car for the groom's trip to pick up the bride's bouquet, departure of the groom to pick up the bride's bouquet (or delivery of the bouquet to the groom's house) 9:20 Makeup artist's arrival 9:45
Arrival of the remaining vehicles 9:40 Arrival of cars 9:55
9:40 Arrival of guests participating in car decoration 9:55
10:00 Arrival of the remaining guests participating in the wedding 10:15
Departure of the cameraman and photographer to the bride (with them the groom can send a gift for his bride - his “groom box”) 10:10 Arrival of cameraman and photographer 10:25
Arrival of other guests 10:25 Arrival of other guests 10:40
Departure of the groom to the bride 10:40
Arrival of the groom at the bride's house, ransom, buffet reception 10:55
Departure to the registry office 11:30
Arrival at the registry office 11:45
Beginning of ceremonial registration in the registry office 12:00
Departure of the newlyweds to the wedding venue 12:25
Beginning of the wedding (time for which you are booked) 13:00
Start of the walk, departure to point A 13:45
Stop at walk point A 14:00
Departure to walk point B 14:30
Stop at walk point B 14:40
Departure to walk point B 15:10
Stop at walk point B 15:20
Departure of the newlyweds to the husband's parents 15:50
Arrival at the husband’s house, the “bread and salt” ritual, buffet 16:10
Start of rest 16:30
Departure to the wedding reception venue 16:50
Arrival at the venue of the wedding banquet, beginning of the banquet 17:00
Arrival of a car for the newlyweds 23:00
Arrival of the bus for guests 23:00
Arrival of the newlyweds at the wedding night venue 23:30

So, we have analyzed the principles by which the WEDDING DAY SCHEDULE is built, and we have compiled an example of it.

But the beauty of a wedding is that in each case it is individual. Your wedding may be completely different from the one we just planned.

Perhaps you decide to do without a wedding or a “bread and salt” ceremony. Or maybe, instead of walking around the city in cars, you will board a motor ship and go along the river or sea.

And it is absolutely certain that in your case, the travel time between points on the route of the wedding procession will be completely different.

Therefore, you will need to create your own schedule that exactly matches the details of your specific wedding.

But based on the material in this chapter, it won’t be at all difficult for you to do.

But it’s not enough to make up good plan. No matter how great a plan is, if you don’t act on it, it will remain just a plan.

Therefore, as with the wedding preparation plan, you need to strictly adhere to this schedule in all your actions.

If you planned to go to the registry office at 11:30, then you must leave there exactly at 11:30. This is the only way to achieve the embodiment you have in mind and avoid major difficulties during the wedding.

Of course, at a wedding you should not monitor the implementation of the schedule you have drawn up yourself. This will be your holiday, and you just need to enjoy what is happening and remember every moment.

Therefore, your task before the wedding is not only to draw up a schedule, but also to select and instruct a responsible person (it is better if this is a witness, since he is always nearby), who will himself monitor the implementation of the schedule, and promptly prompt you and your guests that it is time to leave.

We will talk about this in the chapter “Who is responsible for what?”

And so, we have prepared a wedding day schedule. And on paper everything seems to be going well. But unfortunately in practice it doesn’t always work out so smoothly.

We are all human and walk under God. As the saying goes: “We propose, but God disposes.”

Therefore, it may well happen that something will not go as planned. For example, you may stay longer than planned in one of the places.

The main thing in this case is not to worry:

Firstly, when drawing up the schedule, we calculated everything with a small reserve of time.

Secondly, if you are late for something, call from the road and let them know that you are about to arrive. They will wait for you a little. Of course within reasonable limits.

Be prepared for the fact that as the wedding progresses, your schedule will have to be adjusted if any problems arise. unforeseen situations.

If you are delayed at one point on the route, try to reduce your stay at the next one to get back on schedule.

You should consider another option when, for some reason, you have some free time. You need to come up with something to keep your guests occupied in this case. For example, you can prepare some competitions or entertainment.

It may turn out that, despite all your planning, there will be too much unfilled time to occupy it with any competitions.

For this case, you can prepare a couple of reserve places to visit during your walk. Moreover, these places should be at different distances from the main route. Then you will have a choice, depending on the time available to you, where to go.

Don't forget to think about the buyout scenario. So that it does not turn into a “wall to wall” battle, where the bride’s side only knows what to shout: “Give me the money! Give me money!” everything must be thought out in advance.

The ransom should be more like a comic theater production than a “battlefield.” Bruises and torn clothes are unlikely to brighten up a wedding.

Everyone should just have fun. The bridesmaids, led by the witness, should take care of this.

If you can’t come up with your own scenario, then you can use one of those presented in this book or find a suitable one in other books and magazines on wedding topics, as well as on the Internet.

If you want to make something original out of your wedding walk, and not just, traditionally, walk and treat guests, then it will not be a bad idea to think through its scenario.

For example, you can arrange a theatrical performance with fairy-tale characters greeting the newlyweds and wishing them happiness.

Or you can make sure that the bachelor party, bachelorette party, ransom, wedding walk and wedding banquet turn into one single show with a single script, where its individual parts complement and continue each other. There are many options here.

The main thing is to create a fun and relaxed atmosphere so that the entire wedding will be remembered as a dizzying and delightful event.

You should also think about what to do if bad weather interferes with your plans.

By folk superstition: rain for a wedding brings wealth to a young family. But if it rains on your wedding day, it can seriously complicate your outing.

You can, of course, try to escape with the help of umbrellas, but you can do it differently:

Just make an ALTERNATIVE WALK PLAN in advance to places where rain won’t bother you: galleries, exhibitions, indoor greenhouses, large shopping centers etc.

If you realize that your wedding day is rainy and no clearing is expected, then simply replace one plan with another.

But take umbrellas anyway...

There will be no less turmoil on your wedding day than during preparation for it. How not to lose sight of anything and not ruin the holiday? A wedding day plan will help you. We'll tell you how to create it perfectly, taking into account different nuances and including fees, ransom, photo shoot, banquet, etc. In addition, you will find out what things you will need to take with you to the registry office. Also here you will find a table of the wedding banquet schedule by hours and minutes.

A wedding is an exciting event in the life of every girl. In order to properly plan the event and not miss anything during planning, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • Length daylight hours . If the wedding takes place in the summer, then you can start getting ready later, at 9-10 o’clock, but in winter you will have to get up early (about six o’clock) so that during the festive shooting the photographer does not work in complete darkness.
  • City dimensions. If the wedding is taking place in a multimillion-dollar metropolis, taking into account traffic jams, you need to spend more time (1-2 hours) on the road.
  • Weather conditions. If it's warm outside, you can organize more events outside, but in winter it's better to spend the vast majority of time indoors.
  • Unforeseen circumstances. You can spend about an hour on them in your plan. This time will be needed if, for example, the bride forgets her bouquet at home, the photo shoot is delayed, God forbid the dress gets torn, etc.

What should be included in the plan: key stages

What should be included in an ideal wedding plan? Here's an example scenario:

  1. Fees and bride price. All this happens in the morning, approximately 3-5 hours before registration.
  2. The road from the house of the bride and groom to the registry office. In big cities, you need to allocate more time for this stage, otherwise there is a risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam and being late.
  3. Wedding or painting. The average duration of a wedding is 1 hour, painting is 20 minutes. You can combine these two events, first registration, then marriage in the church.
  4. Photoshoot. It is better to leave up to 3 hours for it, also taking into account the travel time to the restaurant.
  5. Banquet. Usually lasts about 5 hours.
  6. Transporting guests home(optional) – it takes about 2-3 hours.

Of course, the bride and groom can add any details to the routine as they wish.

Between each stage you need to leave time (approximately 40-60 minutes) that will be spent on the road. If you do not take this parameter into account in advance, the event will begin to shift, forcing the newlyweds to be late and worry.

To avoid having to worry too much about lack of time on a holiday, you need to choose close locations. For example, the registry office should be located closer to the bride’s house, and the site for the photo shoot should be located near the restaurant.

Before you make a plan, you need to get it right. Here are tips on how to do this, taking into account the opinions of astrologers, various signs, the work of registry offices and other nuances.

And now about the actual thing. It says here what needs to be done depending on the time remaining before the celebration. You will learn where to start and what to do next.

Required for a wedding. Read here what exactly. You will learn what needs to be prepared for redemption, what to consider when choosing a menu, who is serving exit registration etc.

Since there is a lot of work to be done, take care in advance that. We have carefully studied labor code, and gave a comprehensive answer to this question in another article.

Here's what the wedding planner advises:

Sample wedding day plan with registration at two o'clock

Usually the bride makes this schedule on her own, but often she needs tips and basic help. What will the plan look like if the painting in the registry office occurs at two o'clock in the afternoon?

  1. 8:00 – the bride wakes up, showers and time for breakfast. The girl must try on the dress. For the groom, getting up may be a little later, since he will not have to get ready for so long. The rise can be postponed to 9:00.
  2. 9:00-11:00 – work of a makeup artist and hairdresser. While the bride is putting on her beauty, the groom is having breakfast, his friends come to him, decorate the cars and prepare money for the ransom (if it takes place).
  3. 11:00 -11:30 – dressing the bride, short photo session. The groom does the same.
  4. 11:30-12:00 – arrival of guests.
  5. 11:30-12:30 – bride price and festive buffet (optional). If you exclude this stage from the plan, you will have one extra hour in reserve. You can move the program forward. The ransom should not be too long: a maximum of half an hour and 5-6 competitions. After this, the bride and groom invite guests to a short buffet, and they take pictures with everyone.
  6. 12:30-13:30 – road to the registry office, arrival at the institution.
  7. 13:30 – short photo session in front of the registry office and inside.
  8. 14:00-14:30 – . We wrote about how it goes in another article.
  9. 14:30-15:00 – road to the photography location.
  10. 15:00-18:00 – photo session. The bride and groom should prepare the props for the shoot in advance, and if they plan to visit several places for a photo shoot, they should make a travel plan taking into account travel time (on average half an hour for each place).
  11. 18:00-19:00 – road to the banquet hall.
  12. 19:00-23:00 – banquet.

Here you can highlight your stages:

Time Stage
19:00 appearance of the bride and groom in the hall and seating of guests
19:15 buffet
19:30-19:40 announcement of the first congratulations
19:40-20:00 preparation for the first dance of the newlyweds and the dance itself
20:00:20:30 continuation of the buffet table and dancing
20:30-21:00 competitions
21:00-21:30 congratulations
22:00-22:30 throwing garter and bridal bouquet
22:30-22:45 taking out the cake
22:45-23:00 fireworks
23:00-23:15 final words of the newlyweds and guests
23:15-00:00 departure of guests to their homes.

Wedding day scheme

Correct timing

Timing is a kind of table, without which it is impossible to properly organize a wedding. All stages of the celebration, all its key moments are described here, taking into account the time required for each contractor. So, what are the secrets to creating timing? Here's an example of how to proceed:

  1. It must be compiled clearly, in the form of a table or diagram.
  2. It’s better to start planning 1-2 months in advance, checking in advance with stylists, artists and banquet organizers about the time required for their work.
  3. In your table you must indicate: the name of the contractor and his functions, the start time of his work, his address, telephone number for contact.
  4. The document must indicate the time of even small events - taking out the cake, fireworks, serving first and second courses.
  5. It is important to leave time in your plan for unforeseen situations (traffic jams, loss of some details of the celebration, illness of the master, and so on).
  6. Before the wedding day, you should call all contractors and check their readiness; an appropriate note should be made in the timing.

The more detailed the timing is and the more comments it contains, the lower the risk of disruption of the wedding.

Wedding day coordination

If the bride understands that she cannot cope on her own, she should invite an organizer who will think through the plan, help in drawing up a schedule and take upon herself the coordination of all movements. The coordinator himself will need the following information:

  • registration time, from which the rise of the bride and groom will be counted;
  • a list of all ongoing events (photo shoot, ransom, etc.);
  • the names of each and every contractor and their telephone numbers;
  • addresses and names of places where the celebration will be held.

The services of such an organizer cost an average of 10 thousand rubles for the entire work.

Sample wedding day plan

Things the bride and groom need to take with them

In the bustle of a wedding, it is easy to forget some important thing, without which it will be impossible to continue the event. That's just short list what newlyweds need to take with them:

  • passports and covers for them;
  • rings;
  • wipes, both wet and regular;
  • hairpins to fix your hair;
  • a needle and thread in case something breaks during the ceremony;
  • a small first aid kit consisting of a band-aid, cotton wool, painkillers;
  • tights, cosmetics, hairspray to touch up the bride’s image in time;
  • water.

If the hero of the occasion does not have a suitable clutch to store all these little things, the items should be given to the bridesmaid or mother.

Another option for the wedding day routine from blogger Irina Korneva:

To some, organizing a celebration on time may seem too difficult a task, but nothing is impossible. The bride and groom just need to plan all their affairs in advance, and then this unforgettable day will pass without complications.

The arrival of the wedding day is both the end (of the old bachelor life) and the beginning ( family life), the opportunity to relax after a long preparation of the main celebration and the inability to do this due to the need to carefully control the process. A pre-prepared wedding day plan, scheduled down to the minute, will help you take a break from total control and relax on your important day. Having written it down to the smallest detail, remembering all the points, or at least knowing that it is at hand, the newlyweds can enjoy it on their own organized holiday young family. Here you will get acquainted with.

Morning – preparation, getting ready

We can only hope that the trembling experiences on the eve of the significant day made it possible to get a good night's sleep and that the bride greets the morning cheerful and rested. And the morning, by the way, is early! After all, in order to bring all your wedding ideas and dreams, the newlyweds have one day, so there is no need to waste a minute. In addition, the bride's schedule on the wedding day will be much longer and denser than that of the groom.

6.00 – Wake up and breakfast

The main thing is not to oversleep. Even if it seems that you won’t be able to sleep a wink because of your worries, it’s better to play it safe and set an alarm clock in the morning, not just one, but two (or even more). The deepest sleep may await you shortly before the time you need to get up. Another way not to oversleep your wedding day is to ask someone close to you to monitor you and wake you up at the right time.

After waking up and performing standard morning hygiene procedures, you need to have a good breakfast. You shouldn’t make do with coffee or tea, because it’s unknown when you’ll be able to have a snack next time besides the festive banquet or buffet after registration. Breakfast should be healthy and nutritious.

8.00 – Beauty salon

When the bride not only got out of bed, but also managed to wake up, it’s time to spruce up her beauty and create her ideal wedding look. This can be done in beauty salon or at home– it all depends on what agreements were concluded earlier. To travel to the specialists, transport must be provided, and if services are provided at home, it is worth preparing a place with lighting in advance. And so that the wedding day routine does not go astray at the very beginning, you need to very carefully calculate the required time for cosmetic, manicure and hairdressing procedures.

9.30 – Get dressed and get ready

When with the help of professionals natural beauty the bride has been polished to perfection, it's time to wear wedding dress and collect all the necessary little things in the bride’s handbag. You should not neglect the help of your mother, sisters or friends, who will put on the dress without ruining your hairstyle or getting it dirty with makeup, help you fasten all the fasteners, hooks and corsets, put on jewelry, and check the necessary contents of your handbag.

10.00 – The groom and witnesses arrive

It’s still very early, but the main heroes of the occasion are already waiting for their finest hour in full “combat” readiness. So, as the bride and groom leave for the registry office from the bride’s house, it’s time for the future husband to appear at his beloved’s place along with witnesses, parents and other guests. For them, you need to organize a meeting, accompaniment and assistance in resolving possible issues.

10.15 – Morning photo session

Photos in wedding albums, where the bride is preparing for the most important event in her life, with staged compositions of wedding accessories and decorations, have become traditional and are steadily trending. Therefore, this item in the wedding day plan is mandatory. As a rule, photo and video shooting of the groom’s preparations is carried out even earlier, before his arrival at the bride’s house, and now he will have to wait a little while his love is captured in the morning wedding photo shoot. At this time, you can also take staged photographs with your parents, other relatives and friends.

10.30 – Bride ransom

The tradition of ransoming the bride is quite old, although it has been largely modernized to suit modern views and entertainment. However, recently, some newlyweds have begun to refuse this action and hold a wedding without a ransom. This happens for several reasons: some do not see the point in this tradition, some have no one to organize and conduct it, and for others, early registration and lengthy preparations do not allow them to allocate enough time for the ransom.

But if this tradition is still an obligatory part of the wedding, then it is necessary to carefully monitor its duration and not prolong the ordeal for the groom.

Day – trip to the registry office, wedding, walk

When the newlyweds have already gathered, a decent bride price has been paid, the necessary documents and money have been entrusted to the responsible person - you can set off along the finish line to family life -. It would seem that we went, signed, and it was all business. But no. The wedding day plan by the hour involves more detailed diagram this day part of the wedding.

11.00 – Trip to the registry office

By the time they are “sent” to the registry office, the question of how the newlyweds will go to the wedding must be clearly resolved. A cortege of cars, a carriage, a bike or any other transport in which the bride and groom will travel must wait, already decorated in advance and in full readiness to set off. That depends on their adherence to one or another opinion in different customs and traditions, but you should not decide on the choice while standing at the car door. A few days before the wedding day, it is better to inquire about the optimal route to the wedding palace and the time it will take to get there. Better yet, check it out in person.

11.30 – Photo session

To avoid delays and unnecessary haste, young couples, as a rule, arrive at the registry office with a small amount of “free” time. It can be used for the next photo shoot near cars, against the background of a building, in the registry office. If your option is to plan a wedding day without a price, then there is an opportunity and time to take a couple more beautiful shots on the way to the registry office or at nearby attractions, in parks.

12.00 – Marriage registration

The time has come for the most important step in arranging the personal life of each of the spouses. But for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary that 10-15 minutes before the start of the registration itself, someone (for example, witnesses or parents of the newlyweds) provides the registry office employees with all the necessary documents, checks and wedding attributes (rings, glasses, champagne) for final preparations for the ceremony. And now the doors to the celebration hall open, the wedding march sounds, and the newlyweds go to officially register their relationship.

The scheme of the entire solemn event is the same in each registry office: an opening speech by the registrar, the exchange of consents of the newlyweds for marriage, painting, exchange of rings, possibly the first dance and a glass of champagne, as well as congratulations to the guests present at the ceremony. The moment is very important and always causes a lot of anxiety among the newlyweds, so sometimes awkward moments can arise (for example, out of excitement, one of the newlyweds may answer with consent for the other, a ring falls from trembling hands, or something like that). Therefore, it is better if during the registration itself they do not care about anything except the process itself. The bride should not worry about where to put the bouquet, who will serve the glasses, who will collect the flowers during congratulations. All of these small (but important) concerns can be included in the list of things a mother of the bride should do on her wedding day. She, like no one else, will be able to understand, predict and cope with such organizational issues.

13.30 – Buffet at the registry office

Birth new family it is necessary to celebrate, and this can be done immediately after the ceremony in the building of the wedding palace. Most of them have special rooms that can be used by prior arrangement. allows you to shake off any remaining anxiety, chat with guests and, of course, have a snack. After all, most of the guests who were present at the painting had gathered early in the morning and were already hungry, and the wedding banquet awaits everyone only in the evening. All food, drinks and tableware must be ordered and prepared in advance.

14.00 – Walk after the wedding

This is a time for newlyweds to relax and be able to devote time to their “newly made” family. traditionally combined with a photo shoot and wedding video shooting. As a rule, only if a wedding is celebrated in a narrow circle of friends and relatives (up to 10-15 people), all those invited go on this walk together with the newlyweds. If there are more guests or it is not possible to take them to all the places on the walking route, then after the registry office they can go straight to the restaurant and prepare for the meeting of the newlyweds. Then only the witnesses and, possibly, the couple’s parents go for a walk with the newlyweds.

Evening – restaurant

All the officialdom and obligatory events of the wedding day are over, now you can proceed directly to the celebration and entertainment. All that's left is to spend the evening banquet part of the wedding and pay tribute to those left behind wedding traditions. As a rule, upon arrival at the restaurant, the newlyweds can completely relax and entrust control over what is happening to the toastmaster or host. These people, based on many years of practice and without special plans, know what to do on the wedding day and how to organize all the guests.

18.00 – Meeting of newlyweds in a restaurant

Despite the fact that the walk after the registry office is often exhausting, and young people want to quickly sit down at the tables and relax, they never refuse the traditional meeting with parents and guests at the entrance to the hall, as usual, with bread and salt. Here parents meet not only their child, but also accept her/his soul mate into their lives. Also at this place of celebration, parents once again bless the children and conduct a “test” to determine the head of the family by breaking bread or a loaf.

18.30 – Start of the banquet, congratulatory words

The guests have gathered, the newlyweds have been greeted with dignity, and now the banquet can begin. Depending on how the evening’s scenario is structured by the toastmaster, immediately before the start of the banquet, you can give the floor to the newlyweds so that they can thank all the guests for their presence at their family’s first celebration. When the people have already quenched their appetite a little and have become accustomed to the new environment, you can begin to gradually raise the most important guests (parents, godparents, brothers, sisters, etc.) so that they say a congratulatory toast in honor of the newlyweds. Next, each guest should have the opportunity to publicly speak with congratulations and a toast.

19.00 – Dance of the newlyweds

When the basic needs of the day's hungry guests have been satisfied and congratulations have been said, it is time to “open” the evening of entertainment with the first dance of two lovers who have just become husband and wife. What and how to dance is a matter of choice for the newlyweds. Whether it is a complex production number with some special effects or a simple waltz to a familiar melody is not at all important. The first dance of newlyweds is always a fascinating sight.

19.30 – Receiving gifts

Now the wedding evening is solemnly opened with the dance of two lovers, which means you can start giving gifts. What this whole process will look like needs to be thought out in advance and the necessary preparations made. The couple can receive gifts and congratulations right at their table or under wedding arch, guests can congratulate and give gifts in personal communication or use the microphone and support of other guests.

22.30 – Bouquet and garter toss

After the standard “procedures” with dancing, congratulations and gifts, everyone can relax and enjoy the holiday to the fullest. It is advisable to dilute the disco with competitions, games and other fun. And don’t forget about the unmarried and single guests, who are probably looking forward to another tradition – the bouquet and garter toss. You need to think about the bride's bouquet. They are often quite heavy, and if fulfilling this tradition is part of the evening’s plans, then perhaps you should take care of a backup bouquet in advance.

00.00 (and ad infinitum) – We see off the guests

One of the happiest days in the life of the newly-made spouses is coming to an end. By midnight, the guests are already pretty tired, the momentum of the fun subsides, and the newlyweds cannot wait to be alone as husband and wife. Guests are seen off around midnight. Not all establishments are open 24 hours a day or additional payment is required for this time. As the real hosts of the holiday, the newlyweds must say goodbye personally to each guest and make sure that he gets home safely.

When organizing any holiday, care and attention are important. The better the picture is outlined in your imagination, the easier it will be to bring it to life. And since it’s difficult to keep all the details in your head, an hourly wedding day plan - good helper in creating a holiday for the newlyweds. Dream, plan and bring your ideas to life.

Each couple of newlyweds can plan their wedding day at their own discretion. If you carefully think through and calculate the time for each of the events of the wedding day: from morning preparations to the banquet, then this important day will not be rushed and stressful, but can leave only pleasant memories. To make planning easier, we have prepared for you several options for each stage of the wedding. And you, in turn, can already choose the one that suits you best and create a schedule for your wedding day.

Morning chores

Getting ready for the bride and groom can take place in home environment or in a hotel room. At the same time, you can engage in morning preparations for the wedding:

  • Together. In this case, lovers will be able to take care of each other: the groom will help button up the bride’s dress, and the bride will be able to carefully attach the groom’s boutonniere. Spending the morning together before the celebration, common chores will give you even more confidence, warmth and pleasant emotions.
  • Separately. If you support the tradition in which it is not advisable for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, then you can devote the whole morning to yourself: have a good rest and take time to create the perfect wedding look. But, even if you decide to get ready separately, you can prepare small surprises for each other that will set a festive mood.
  • With girlfriends or friends. You can start your morning with a fun breakfast together, and then proceed directly to getting ready.

The bride and groom must do all the basic preparations on the eve of the wedding day: prepare everything they need, put it in a certain place. In the morning you will only need to get yourself in order. The duration of wedding preparations is determined individually, since it depends on the complexity of makeup, hairstyle, and the qualifications of the artist. But you should book at least two or even three hours for this.

To get touching, tender, emotional photographs, you can invite a photographer during your morning preparations. After all, in these moments a photographer can capture the most unique emotions - excitement, tears of joy, admiration, surprise.

Meeting the bride and groom

This is an incredibly touching, exciting moment that can be organized in different ways:

  • At the bride price. Couples who are committed classical traditions, can conduct a bride ransom. If we approach this tradition with creative approach, then you can come up with many non-trivial and original tasks for the groom - the main thing is to show your imagination.
  • At the door of the registry office. If the newlyweds do not want to arrange a festive ransom, you can pay attention to the European approach and organize your meeting directly at the Wedding Palace. To make such a moment of your meeting spectacular, you can hire identical cars for the bride and groom and arrange for them to arrive at the Wedding Palace at the same time.
  • In a romantic place. Very interesting option could be a meeting of young people romantic date. You can agree on the meeting place in advance, or you can surprise the bride. For example, in the morning the bride receives a letter from the groom in which he invites his beloved on a date in an unusual, interesting or significant place for the two of them. Such a meeting before the wedding will be amazing and touching.
  • At the exit registration. It will be very romantic to have a meeting in a place where off-site registration is organized.

Wedding ceremony

Marriage registration - important point wedding, which should be bright, exciting, touching. Newlyweds can choose the most suitable wedding ceremony option for their celebration:

  • At the registry office. It is important to remember that in order to complete all the required formalities before registration, you must arrive at the registry office 30 minutes before the time appointed for the ceremony. Also take some time to joint photos with guests after marriage registration.
  • At the exit registration. This option is suitable if your soul wants something special. But it is worth considering that in in this case marriage registration can be official (carried out by a registry office employee), as well as symbolic (carried out by a professional host, official registration relationship between the bride and groom was formalized in advance).

The choice of time for registering a marriage should be taken seriously, as it will affect the planning of the entire day. After all, if you register too early, you and your guests will have to get up very early, and if you register late, you may not have time for a walk. We need to try to find a “golden mean”.

Walk and photo session

A wedding walk and photo shoot can take place with or without guests. If you decide that the relatives and friends invited to the celebration should share every minute of this day with the newlyweds, then it is worth considering what the guests will be doing during the walk. It is worth making a list of places you would like to visit, discussing these places, as well as the features of group photography with a photographer. In case of bad weather, it is advisable to prepare an alternative plan for the walk.

A walk without guests is an opportunity for the newlyweds to be together, take great photos without fuss and worry, and at this time the guests will not have to be bored on the sidelines. A good option might be a walk and a photo shoot before the wedding ceremony, since in this case the guests will be invited directly to the registry office or restaurant. If you decide to take a walk after the registry office, then you should come up with some kind of entertainment for the guests, for example, organize an excursion walk separately from the bride and groom, invite a separate photographer and set up a photo zone, or arrange a bartender show where they will be treated to delicious (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) drinks.


  • Traditional banquet. In this case, divide it important event Close people will gather with the newlyweds, photos and videos with whom you will want to review even many years after the wedding. This type of banquet can be organized in a restaurant, cafe, recreation center or outdoors. It is worth considering that a standard wedding program lasts an average of 5-6 hours. Therefore, you need to discuss the start and end times of the banquet with the toastmaster.
  • Buffet. If you decide to throw a party for a small number of guests, you should consider organizing a wedding buffet. There are many options for carrying it out: at home, in a restaurant, outdoors, on a boat, on the shore of a reservoir, with horseback riding, or while visiting an entertainment center.
  • No banquet. This option can be chosen if, for example, immediately after registering your marriage you are going to go on a honeymoon. In this case, guests in honor of the newlyweds can launch balloons with wishes.
  • Wedding for two. A romantic option is to celebrate the wedding together with your loved one in a secluded place, away from everyone. To do this, you can not only arrange a dinner for two in a restaurant, but also go into nature, go to an ice skating rink, ride on a yacht - the flight of imagination is unlimited.

Practical points

A detailed plan prepared in advance will help you avoid difficulties during your holiday. You can ask a responsible person, for example, a witness, to monitor the implementation of the schedule. To do this, you must remember to print out the plan so as not to accidentally miss or mix up anything. It is worth noting that a situation may well occur when the planned stages do not go as planned. The main thing in this case is not to panic or worry, because your plan can always be adjusted, and the most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and good mood.

By creating a schedule before your wedding, you can simply enjoy what's going on at your celebration and bring maximum pleasure to your guests. Therefore, it is worth treating this matter with full responsibility.