Placenta is a unique natural complex of biologically active substances that have many healing properties. It contains proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, immunostimulants, enzymes and other active peptides that take active participation in the processes of cell life.

The placenta is a special organ that is designed to carry out communication and metabolism between the body of the mother and the child. During pregnancy, the placenta is formed in all mammals and in humans. It does not matter at all whether animal or human placenta is used. They act identically and contain the same biologically active substances. However, if we talk about animal placenta, then only animals raised in environmentally friendly areas and receiving organic nutrition are used for this.

The placenta contains proteins, fats, nucleic acids and vitamins. It synthesizes various hormones that are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Found in the placenta and large number various protein factors that affect cell life. In cosmetology, placenta is used, which is obtained from animals and humans. When to join cosmetics contains the human placenta, its description must contain the word “allogeneic.”
Traditional medicine has long considered the placenta to be extremely effective means to stimulate the body's defenses and rejuvenation, and also attributed to it a powerful energy effect.

The first scientific mentions of the placenta are contained in the works of Hippocrates and Avicenna. Since the 60s of the last century, the study of the placenta has been carried out in many countries around the world. Numerous scientific evidence has been obtained of the beneficial effects of the placenta on the human body, because the placenta is truly a treasure trove of highly active biological compounds. It contains more than 100 components responsible for metabolism and the body’s self-defense from aggressive influences. environment. The history of the scientific study of the placenta begins in 1912. Then Professor Kahr from Switzerland began studying the sheep placenta. He identified an active substance in it that is capable of restoring cell life. For this discovery he received the Nobel Prize.
In 1931, Swiss professor Denihan, based on his experiments, discovered a method for treating living cells.
The Japanese scientist Shan Dao in 1943 managed to isolate placenta extract from sheep placenta. Swiss professor Caroling in 1980 was the first to use sheep placenta extract as intravenous injections. This made it possible to activate the division of skin cells.
But the role of the placenta in Eastern medicine is especially great. By the 1960s, tens of thousands of clinical studies had been conducted in Japan, and placenta was successfully used to treat more than 80 diseases. Numerous scientific confirmations of the beneficial effects of the placenta on the skin have been obtained, so placental extract has become widely used in cosmetology to solve various aesthetic problems. The benefits of using placenta in cosmetology are evidenced by the fact that it contains all the components necessary for our skin (amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, microelements, etc.) and nature has not yet created anything better for preserving youth.

Placenta extract is a unique natural complex containing proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. Preparations made on the basis of placenta extract have no analogues in the world. Cosmetics with placenta extract are biological complexes purified from the active group of hormones in accordance with EU requirements for cosmetic products. Therefore, the use of cosmetics with placenta extract is absolutely safe, and its antioxidant properties are simply amazing: they are six times more active than the antioxidant used in prestigious imported cosmetics - superoxide dismutase. Placenta extract is a powerful immunostimulant that has a beneficial effect on cellular immunomodulation and blocks free radicals - one of the causes of cell aging. It contains all the amino acids that provide basic cellular nutrition, vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Bc, PP, H), microelements, and, most importantly, a substance that stimulates activity cells, a potential source of energy and a powerful antioxidant - coenzyme Q-10. One of the important components of placenta extract is glycans, which enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to a significant increase in skin elasticity.
Placenta extract effectively stimulates peripheral blood circulation. It improves blood circulation in human skin, helps remove toxins from the skin, and nourishes tissues. Placenta extract also activates cellular respiration and improves metabolism. It causes the melanin pigment, which is located in the deep layers of our skin, to rise to the surface. From there, melanin is removed along with keratin and exfoliating epidermis. In addition, placenta extract has been proven to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It can reduce inflammation that has been caused by too much sun exposure. Its components help prevent the formation of spots on the skin and prevent its sagging. Placenta extract also helps retain moisture in our skin. It protects the skin from shrinking in volume by retaining water in it.

Cosmetics based on placenta extract can be used to regenerate the skin, normalize its fat balance, improve complexion, increase the elasticity of the skin muscles, and slow down the aging process. They also show good results in smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing the skin, and eliminating inflammatory processes. These products effectively moisturize the skin, relieve tension and skin fatigue, and protect the skin from various harmful influences.

It is believed that placental cosmetics must contain hormones, otherwise they will not be effective. The placenta itself is indeed rich in hormones. They were also contained in the first drugs, the rejuvenating effect of which literally amazed everyone. However, these cosmetics also caused side effects, in which hormones were to blame. They led to disruption hormonal levels and other negative consequences.

The main area of ​​application of placenta in cosmetics is anti-aging. Many manufacturers of placental cosmetics add it to all their products: from shampoos to foot creams, but its main focus is anti age.

Advantages of placental cosmetics

The placenta is a rich natural complex that includes proteins and amino acids that promote the production of collagen fibers, as well as elements that soften and moisturize the skin, heal wounds, and accelerate cell metabolism.

The use of placental cosmetics does not cause allergic reactions, side effects or addiction, since it is not perceived by the skin as something foreign and is perfectly absorbed by skin cells.

Disadvantages of placental cosmetics

Opponents of placental cosmetics believe that its effectiveness is associated with hormonal effects, since it is extremely difficult to completely clear the placenta of hormones. In addition, if the placenta is not properly cleaned, hepatitis and AIDS viruses can be transmitted through placental cosmetics. That is why high-quality placenta-based products are very expensive.

In addition, scientists fear that accelerated and uncontrolled cell division, which makes it possible to achieve the rejuvenating effect of placental cosmetics, can provoke cancer. Scientific studies of the long-term effects of placental cosmetics on human skin have not yet been conducted.

Unique properties of placenta in cosmetics

The placenta contains nucleic acids, proteins and hormones that control the functioning of cells and are responsible for the continuation of life. All the elements necessary for the human body are concentrated in the most harmonious manner in the placenta. Therefore, cosmetologists claim that the placenta has not only a wrinkle-smoothing effect, but also powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerative, stimulating and wound-healing effects.

Where do placentas for placental cosmetics come from?

Materials for creating placental cosmetics are taken from the placenta obtained after birth in a person, pig, sheep or cow. The “human” origin of the placental components of cosmetics is indicated by the word “allogeneic” in the description of the cream’s composition. For the production of placental cosmetics, abortifacient material is not used, since only a mature placenta is saturated with valuable elements not contained in the placenta of an abortifacient fetus.

In Europe, the use of human organs and waste products in cosmetics, including the placenta, is officially prohibited. And “animal” placenta is prohibited in a number of countries for ethical reasons. There, for example, placental cosmetics (with plant placenta) SALERM (Spain) became popular.

What is plant placenta?

In flowering plants, the placenta is the place where the future fruit is formed and attached under the pistil of a flower. The placenta of the plant plays the role of a nutrient fluid, providing energy to the fetus during its growth.

When biochemically comparing the compositions of plant placenta and human placenta, it was revealed that they have an identical composition. Plant placenta contains amino acids and peptides that act as natural biostimulants and at the same time do not interfere with the natural restoration of the skin. Of particular importance is the high content of proline amino acids in the plant placenta, which help synthesize collagen and enhance regenerative processes in skin cells.

How long have placental cosmetics been known?

Myths and legends of many peoples have long told about the connection of the placenta with the cosmos, which gives it enormous energy value. The placenta was dried, crushed, steamed, and used as lotions for wound healing.

The history of scientific and applied study of the placenta began in 1912, when Professor Kahr from Switzerland discovered an active substance in the sheep placenta that can restore cell life. For this discovery he received the Nobel Prize. In 1934, professor at the Odessa Medical Institute N.F. Filatov used frozen placenta components to treat wounds and burns. In 1943, the Japanese scientist Shan Dao was able to isolate an extract from sheep placenta, and in 1980, the Swiss professor Caroling for the first time gave a person an intravenous injection with a sheep placenta extract, which made it possible to activate the division of skin cells in the patient.

Brands of placental cosmetics

Among the most famous companies producing placental cosmetics are the international cosmetic corporations WING HOP FUNG GINSENG INC., SHANGHAI PHOENIX DAILY CHEMICAL Co. LTD., ROSA BELLA COMPANY, ROYAL COUNTRY, INC. These companies produce whole series of cosmetics with placenta: creams, lotions, shampoos, milk.

They offer a wide selection of placental cosmetics Russian manufacturers: for example, tissue preparations of the “Placerosis” cosmetic series, the “Source of Life” medical and cosmetic line of the “Yalma” company, etc.

The miraculous properties of the placenta have been known since ancient times, but only in the last century this material was sufficiently studied, and today it has become widespread in the production of both medicines and cosmetics. In this article we will talk about what does placenta mean? and what is its role in the creation of modern drugs used in cosmetology and medicine.

What is placenta extract?

Placenta- an organ that connects the organisms of mother and child and allows the exchange of substances between them. It is formed during pregnancy in all mammals and humans. This material itself contains not only proteins and fats, but also a wide range of vitamins, unique anticoagulants and enzymes, stem cells, and nucleic acids. Inside this organ, hormones are produced that are necessary for the normal process of bearing a child, as well as substances that have a beneficial effect on cell growth and their vital functions.

Modern industry makes it possible to preserve the placenta through cryogenic freezing, extract stem cells from it for the treatment of serious diseases, process and purify raw materials from steroid hormones, eliminating the possibility of side effects, and preserve the maximum of useful substances accumulated in it for subsequent use.

This is important to know!Preparations based on placenta have a strictly verified composition, taking into account the use in each specific case. This means that when using, for example, placental cosmetics, you do not need to worry about the presence of stem cells or hormones in it and their possible negative impact on the body.

In cosmetology and medicine, an extractor or placenta extract animals (pigs, cows, horses or sheep) or humans. Its composition is unique and has no analogues among products of both artificial and plant origin. The use of human placenta as a raw material has some moral aspect, and therefore is not as widespread in the world as animal raw materials and is even prohibited in some countries, particularly in Europe.

A common misconception is that the raw material can be abortive material. IN in this case, this is nothing more than a myth. If we are talking about the human placenta, it is much more profitable to use for industrial purposes and it is easier to obtain healthy postpartum material. Moreover, a product created on the basis of human placenta must contain the word “allogeneic” in its description. In terms of their properties and effectiveness, extracts of animal and human origin are practically the same.

How is placenta extract obtained?

To produce this product, high technologies such as enzymatic extraction and molecular labeling are used, as a result of which each component is isolated separately in the required concentration without reducing its effectiveness. Drugs for therapy in cosmetology are obtained by breaking down a substance with the participation of water (hydrolysis). As part of this process, placental tissues are crushed and combined with catalyst substances.

The hood is manufactured under sterile conditions using high-quality raw materials from trusted sources. Placental components are repeatedly tested for the presence of pathogenic microflora. All this guarantees the safety of the product and its compliance with all hygienic standards.

Composition of placenta extract and its properties

Placenta extract– a real treasure trove of highly active biological compounds that have a positive effect on cells and their vital functions. It contains about a hundred substances, including

  • nucleic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • lipids;
  • growth factors;
  • various enzymes;
  • microelements;
  • vitamins.

A special feature of the extract is its ability

  • stimulate blood circulation and metabolism at the cellular level;
  • activate “cellular respiration”;
  • saturate with moisture and promote its retention;
  • increase the protective functions of tissue;
  • have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • heal wounds;
  • neutralize the effect harmful substances and negative environmental factors.

Judging by the set of properties, we can safely say that neither nature nor man has yet created anything more effective that can be used not only to preserve beauty and rejuvenate the skin, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.

Uses of placenta extract

Thanks to its unique composition and special properties placenta finds very wide application and is used both in the form of a pure extract in dry or liquid form, and as part of various cosmetics.

As a dietary supplement or as part of a medication placenta extract, application which is recommended official medicine, are used not only for rejuvenation and restoration of the body. With his help

  • increase immunity;
  • activate metabolism;
  • improve liver function;
  • control hormonal levels;
  • stabilize nervous system and restore nerve cells;
  • affect the circulatory system.

In gynecology, placenta extract used as a wound healing agent in the treatment of erosions, to regulate hormonal levels, reduce negative manifestations during menopause and in some other cases. The only contraindication to the use of placenta-based nutritional supplements and medications is pregnancy.

In addition, it is used in medicine as an effective regenerative, antiallergic, analgesic and even antitumor agent. It is included in medications for complex therapy of immunodeficiency conditions, inflammatory diseases of connective tissues, treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers and psoriasis. Water placenta extract for injection used as a biogenic stimulant for some eye diseases, and also administered subcutaneously for radiculitis, arthritis, and myalgia. Moreover, regardless of the type of substance and method of its use, the main property of the drug to act at the subcellular and cellular level is used in the treatment of any disease.

It is impossible not to mention how widely it is used placenta extract in cosmetology. He

  • intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • smoothes wrinkles and slows down the aging process;
  • whitens and evens out complexion;
  • restores firmness and elasticity skin;
  • saturates skin cells with oxygen;
  • removes toxins from the skin;
  • normalizes fat balance;
  • accelerates regeneration processes;
  • protects skin from negative environmental influences.

Cosmetic placenta extract suitable for women of any age and can be used when there is a need to improve appearance and slow down the aging process. Placental cosmetics based on it today are represented by a wide range of products, including not only creams and emulsions, but also lotions, masks, as well as lines of hair care products that allow you to take care of yourself at home and get the effect of visiting an expensive SPA salon.

Placenta extract for hair– the most powerful tool of all known, used for their restoration and healing. He

  • promotes hair growth;
  • strengthens them from the inside;
  • prevents the impact of negative environmental factors;
  • treats hair after exposure to chemicals;
  • promotes regeneration of scalp cells;
  • stops hair loss;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • gives hair shine and a beautiful healthy look.

To do this, liquid placenta extract in ampoules is rubbed into the hair and scalp, shampoos, balms, lotions, serums and restorative masks based on it are used.

Where to buy placenta extract?

When choosing placental cosmetics and drugs, it is important special attention pay attention to the composition, quality and place of production. It is worth noting that Japan is practically the only country in the world where the use of placenta for medical and cosmetic purposes has reached significant proportions, and the development and production of drugs based on it has support at the state level.

In our catalog you can choose highly effective food supplements from placenta for restoration and rejuvenation of the body produced in Japan, such as horse placenta, pork placenta from the Laennec company and DHC placenta from the company of the same name DHC, which have earned popularity not only in their country, but also in all over the world.

It is known that the mere mention of this country as a place of manufacture in itself guarantees that the product will pass all tests, safety of use and its high efficiency. Moreover, all products presented in our catalog are certified and have all the necessary documentation.

Additional advantages of our online store:

  • only proven effective and safe products;
  • quality guarantee and high level of service;
  • deliveries directly from Japan in a short time;
  • affordable prices without duties and overpayments.

If you are interested placenta extract and instructions for its application, please contact us! Our specialists will advise you on the use of drugs and products, and will also help you both in choosing a product and placing an order.

Such care products are in constant demand among representatives fair half humanity. And there are many reasons for this, the main one being efficiency. So what is this mysterious placental cosmetics? What are its features? Let's figure it out!

As can be easily understood from the name itself, these cosmetic products (for example, some of them are presented here - face creams, masks, gels, tonics, etc.) contain components obtained from the placenta. It contains substances such as:

  • peptides are “truncated” chains of proteins that are well absorbed by the skin. They help increase the elasticity of the epidermis, improve microcirculation, enhance the antioxidant abilities of the skin, and enhance skin regeneration (that is, they stimulate the division of skin cells). They are involved in the production of collagen and elastin - the main skin proteins that are “responsible” for its structure;
  • lecithin - restores the protective functions of cells, promotes the removal of toxins. Also involved in the formation of new cells and regeneration of existing ones. Helps nutritional components penetrate deeply into the epidermis, softens and tones the skin;
  • vitamins and microelements - nourish cells, increase their tone, help slow down the aging process, and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • ATP - (adenosine triphosphate), which increases the energy supply of cells;
  • hyaluronic acid - helps retain moisture in skin cells and improve the structure of the epidermis.

Who should use placental cosmetic products?

This set of substances, “provided” by the main component - the placenta, allows the use of similar products for the care of mature skin after 30-40 years.

It is during this period that the natural processes of metabolism, growth and restoration slow down in the epidermis. The production of essential substances that maintain youthful skin is also reduced.

That is why replenishing their concentration with the help of placental cosmetics helps slow down the aging process and even, to a certain extent, rejuvenate the appearance.

Product benefits and features

  • The components of such care products are physiological for the skin and are perceived by it as its own. Thanks to this, they are well absorbed by it, that is, the effectiveness of such products is very high;
  • They saturate the epidermis with the nutrients it needs, which slows down the aging process;
  • Their active ingredients stimulate the division of skin cells. Thanks to this, it is renewed, which visually makes it younger;
  • Considering the similarity of the main active ingredients to the skin, the risk of allergic reactions when using such placental products is quite low.
  • Since the composition of such products is quite specific, most of them are best stored in the refrigerator to avoid a decrease in effectiveness.

BY THE WAY: On the Russian market, domestically produced placental cosmetics are the most popular. Only “eastern” manufacturers provide noticeable competition to them.

Types of products. What and how to choose?

Today, manufacturers offer a fairly large range of similar products designed to care for the entire appearance as a whole. For example, these could be:

  • creams, gels, serums, masks, wipes, scrubs, tonics and lotions for the face;
  • lotions, body balms;
  • shampoos, serums, balms, masks for hair and scalp care.

When deciding to try certain skin care products, you should:

  • To begin with, limit yourself to one type of product to check exactly how your skin will react to such a component. Although in most cases there are no negative reactions, individual intolerance may still occur;
  • give preference to brands that have been producing placental-specific cosmetics for more than one year. This is a kind of guarantee of product quality;
  • Choose products designed for your age and skin type. Despite the fact that such products are generally intended for a mature appearance, there is still a gradation by age categories and, accordingly, variability in the concentration of active substances in certain lines.

The best placental care products

1. Plazan Collagen Cream

  • Designed for use from 25-35 years old;
  • Has a high concentration of active substances;
  • Reduces wrinkles;
  • Universal. Suitable for use both during the day and in the evening;
  • Designed for skin care not only of the face, but also of the neck and décolleté.

2. Shampoo and hair conditioner Evinal

  • Effective in the fight against hair loss;
  • Accelerates their growth;
  • Improves structure, quality and appearance hair;
  • Does not contain parabens;
  • Has a pleasant neutral aroma.

3. Salerm Cosmetics Vegetable placenta restructurer hair ampoules

  • Add shine to hair;
  • Stimulate their growth;
  • “Awakens” inactive hair follicles;
  • Reduce hair loss;
  • Nourishes roots and scalp.

4. Cream-balm LLC “Company “Yalma” “Source of Life” night for dry skin

  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Effectively relieves flaking and dry skin;
  • Has a regenerating effect. Including, it helps restore skin after burns;
  • Fights age-related changes, slows down the aging process of the skin.

5. Plazan moisturizing gel for washing

(can be viewed here –

  • Carefully removes dirt;
  • Suitable for any skin type;
  • Softens facial skin;
  • Like all placental cosmetics from this manufacturer, it has an effective tonic effect;
  • Neutralizes the negative effects of tap water.

Our expert - dermatologist Alexandra Belskaya.

The eternal women's dream of a wonderful elixir of youth, unfortunately, has not yet become a reality. However, with the help of cosmetics created on the basis of sheep placenta, representatives of the fair sex can already extend their best years and delay inevitable aging as much as possible.

Everything is ready

The very word “placenta” takes us back to those blessed times when our skin was baby-soft and fresh, and we ourselves, being under reliable maternal protection, received everything we needed for life without worries and labor.

The placenta, the tissue surrounding the fetus in the womb, provides the future human with nutrients, and also, like the highest quality filter, protects it from poor ecology, aggressive environmental influences, and sometimes from the irresponsible behavior of its own mother (from smoking and drinking alcohol, for example ). And the placenta is a storehouse of bioactive substances.

It contains more than 100 vital components. Since time immemorial, it has been used as an effective anti-aging agent. Then the placenta was forgotten for a while. But at the beginning of the last century they remembered again.

It's not just the sheep's fleece that is golden

Use human placenta extract in cosmetics and even medicinal purposes unethical and also unsafe. Suffering from too many diseases modern man. And is it possible to remove everything potentially dangerous from the placenta with the help of cleaning? In general, as long as there is at least some risk, many people prefer not to experiment on themselves. Today, preparations made from sheep placenta are more widely used throughout the world. It is not known why researchers fell in love with this resigned animal, but long before the birth of the popular sheep Dolly, her distant ancestors served science more than once.

The history of sheep placenta research began in 1912. The Swiss scientist Professor Kahr was the first to discover a substance in this tissue that can stimulate the division of new cells. It is no secret that this process occurs most actively in youth, and slows down with age. Placenta extract not only promotes the proliferation of new cell growth, but also helps remove old, obsolete cells from the body that can inhibit and worsen the functioning of organs.

For his curious and promising discovery, Professor Kar was awarded the Nobel Prize. But this was only the beginning of the placental story. In 1943, Japanese scientist Shan Dao isolated an extract from sheep placenta. In 1980, Professor Caroling (again, a Swiss) conducted the first experiment on the use of placental extract in humans: he injected this extract into the patient intravenously, which noticeably activated the division of skin cells in the latter.

Let's turn back time!

Collagen (one of the main building proteins of the dermis), contained in the sheep placenta, is very similar in composition to the protein of human skin, due to which this product can be successfully used in cosmetics. Placenta extract stimulates the growth of new cells and removes aging-causing keratin, and also has antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. In addition, sheep placenta extract contains proteins (more than 80%), fats (about 10%), amino acids, lecithin, saccharides and vitamins to support immunity.

Unlike traditional cosmetics, which act superficially, placental products help the body awaken hidden reserves and force skin cells to work actively, as in youth.

Common fears that placental cosmetics are harmful to health, causing side effects and addiction are nothing more than speculation. Using a high-tech method of molecular labeling and extraction, manufacturers achieve a high degree of purification of the extract, and, accordingly, the quality of the cosmetic product. Placental cosmetics, addressed to women 35-45 years old, contribute to:

  • replenishment of collagen and elastin reserves;
  • restoration of skin functions;
  • smoothing out wrinkles;
  • helps slow down the aging process.

But you can start using it from the age of 20, since the placenta increases the skin’s resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

Home care competes with professional care

Home use of placental and placental-collagen masks (mainly Chinese and Japanese production) is an excellent alternative salon procedures. The masks are cloth napkins with holes cut out for the eyes and lips, which are applied to cleansed facial skin for about 20 minutes.

The course is designed for daily use of masks for two weeks. Upon completion, a tangible effect will be noticeable: wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is nourished and moisturized, and the facial muscles become more elastic. Then this remedy can be used 2-3 times a week.

For young skin, it is enough to use masks 3-4 times a month (to normalize the fat balance, eliminate acne and inflammatory processes on the skin, remove pigmentation, freckles). Not only women, but also representatives of the stronger sex can use masks.

Masks are divided into three groups: collagen, placental and placental-collagen. Collagen masks used to prevent skin aging. They are recommended after 30 years. Such masks replenish the supply of structural protein in the skin, which serves as a framework for the skin, and also nourish and moisturize it.

Placental and placental-collagen masks are recommended as anti-aging care and against loss of skin tone. Recommended for women over 40 years old. These intensive products work on all levels of the skin. They have a smoothing effect, tone and add elasticity, slowing down the natural aging process as much as possible.

Placental agents affect on two levels - on visible signs and on the underlying processes of premature aging. The face is rejuvenated due to the natural stimulation of metabolic processes that ensure the formation of new skin cells. They also satisfy the needs of young skin, give it a healthy color, increase the skin’s resistance to environmental influences, tone it, and effectively act against wrinkles.

In addition to placenta extract, masks may contain a lot of unique biologically active substances, such as, for example, shark oil, pearl powder, ginseng “root of life” extract, etc. Each of them additionally has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Beware, fake!

When purchasing placental cosmetics, you should be very careful, otherwise you may run into counterfeit products. Unscrupulous sellers sometimes do not bother to check the quality and safety of goods purchased in eastern countries. And they do not hesitate to buy raw materials that are not of the highest quality, but simply put, waste. From the use of such cosmetics you can get dermatitis, allergies and other troubles.

Inquire whether the product has a hygiene certificate. Pay attention to the packaging. As a rule, masks are sold in packs of 10 pieces, but they can also be sold one at a time. Each must be hermetically packaged in an individual bag, the back of which must contain instructions for use in Russian.

It’s good if at the back, in the lower corner of the pack, there is a Rostest badge and the full legal postal addresses and telephone numbers of the cosmetics manufacturer, as well as the distribution company, are indicated. It is better to buy masks in cosmetic stores or pharmacies, but certainly not on street stalls.

The approximate cost of a set consisting of 10 masks is 500 rubles. Anything that is sold much cheaper most likely cannot be a quality product.