Art is eternal, it is beautiful and relevant in any era. Regardless of gender, age, life position and views on the world around us, almost every person, one way or another, experiences the most pleasant feelings when contemplating or listening to beauty. And can we really say that beautiful wishes from good morning to a man in prose - is this not one of the many manifestations of beauty? Of course not. That is why we support your decision, and we support it not only in word, but also in deed.

Any person’s morning will become much more pleasant and kind in the truest sense of the word if it begins with reading beautiful prose. Not even just prose, but prose dedicated to a specific person. Agree, you would be very pleased if your loved one called you early in the morning and read beautiful wishes. How would you feel? Tenderness? Warmth? Gratitude? One way or another, all these emotions will be experienced by the man to whom you are going to give such words.

Beautiful things are presented in sufficient quantities in the section in which you are now. Vlio made sure that you always had something to say. And so that these words are not empty and gray, but beautiful and sincere. Then the matter is up to you. Take action!

Good morning is two short words familiar to everyone, but when I say them to you, my love, even my voice sounds different. A new day begins, which means our love story continues. My dearest and dearest person, I would like to wish you a wonderful mood this morning, as sunny as your smile, good luck in all your plans. If you quickly resolve all your planned issues, you will return to me faster, and I will be looking forward to seeing you. Even nature will help you, I’m just sure of it. Be attentive, patient and, of course, think about me more often. But in fact, I really want us to have as many morning meetings as possible, because I love you very much.

Congratulations on mobile

The first ray of sunshine peeked through your window, it’s time to get up, my beloved. May this morning bring you a lot of joy and great mood. Let it be a good start to the day. I wish you, my dear, great luck, luck and success. May your dream certainly come true, may everything work out great for you. I so want to see you happy, and may this morning give you the keys to this wonderful feeling. Let today be the most pleasant moment.

Today is such a wonderful morning, so I just can’t leave my beloved man without beautiful wishes. My dear, I want to wish you well and good morning. Let it delight you with positive events and words. I want you to set yourself up for a productive working day, so that everything you have in mind will definitely work out. Beloved, may your every morning be kind and pleasant. I will definitely try to do everything for this. You know that I am ready to do anything for you. My beloved, this morning is good for me too, because I woke up next to you. I don’t even understand how I used to live without you. I have the best man in the world, next to whom I feel the happiest and most loved. I wish you the best good morning and a productive day. My unreal man should have the most unreal day, and I need to start it with have a nice morning.

My happiness is still sleeping sweetly under a warm blanket, completely unaware that today I will replace his alarm clock. Good morning, my dear, it’s time to wake up and start performing feats in the name of our love. Charge yourself with positivity, energy, and strength, because you still don’t know what surprises the coming day has in store for you. You are very strong, courageous, dexterous and smart, which means that no matter what surprise awaits you behind the next door, you will definitely cope with it successfully. I wish you perseverance that will not allow you to take a single step back from your intended goal, but this morning, unfortunately, you need to take steps towards a new day, and not stay in bed. Positive emotions, my love and support are always with you, remember this!

My one and only, I wish you good morning. May this morning give you new idea. Let the bird of happiness fly after you. Let the morning invite you to a beautiful day. I wish you a good mood for the whole day, may all your dreams come true. May everything work out great for you. May this morning give you joy, faith and hope. I wish you all the very best. May everything go smoothly for you today. Good luck and success to you in everything, my love.

The morning should start with nice words, then a good mood will haunt you all day. My beloved, I want to wish you the most pleasant and good morning. I know how much you hate waking up so early, but I hope that the company of your beloved girl will make this morning pleasant. I’ve already prepared breakfast for you, so you can safely get up and head to the kitchen. You will have a difficult day today, but you won’t even notice how quickly time will fly by and you will be home again. But for now, let's talk about how wonderful it is to start your morning with such pleasant conversations and the good mood that I am trying to convey to you. You will see that energy will flow out of you all day long, because you received the missing part from me. I think that every morning should start this way, because it will definitely benefit both of us.

I am grateful to fate that in the morning I can kiss you, say good morning and just be there. In fact, such little things are simply priceless and it is from them that all the warmest memories are made. Outside the window there is bad weather and autumn coolness with light rain, but I want it to always be warm and sunny around you. Let there be only clouds in the sky, and bad weather only in the forecast, and in your life and everyone’s affairs there will be a stable plus and silence. Of course, luck will not hurt you, because every day you try to build the foundation of our new happy life. It is for these qualities that I love you. So let this day be successful for you, fulfill all your plans, conquer your planned peaks and come back to me as soon as possible.

My beloved, gentle and sweetest person on the entire planet, I wish you good morning. Let it be the happiest, the luckiest, and simply the most, the most. May this morning give you a wonderful mood, may it be a continuation Have a good day. May all your plans necessarily turn into reality, may all problems be solved easily and simply. May fate certainly be favorable to you. I wish you good morning and all the best. I love you.

I believe that you should start any day with a smile, then the day itself will reciprocate. So get up quickly, my love, because such a beautiful sunny morning awaits you. Just look how clear the morning is, it foreshadows a good and productive day for both of us today. But besides this, a delicious breakfast awaits you and me, because that’s what lifts your spirits. Darling, think of something good to make you smile at least a little. After all, just imagine that very soon our dream will come true, we will go on vacation with you. Therefore, up your nose, the morning should not be bad. I believe that mornings can be good. And we will arrange such a morning for ourselves. That's it, it's time for you to get up, otherwise you've been lying down for too long already. Breakfast is waiting for you better man in the world, so don’t let him or me down. Good and pleasant morning to you!

Beautiful good morning SMS wishes to your beloved guy, man in prose

Good morning, my hero! I wish you to spend the coming day usefully: learn new life lessons, draw the right conclusions, bring ideas to life and plan your tomorrow. But the most important thing is to live it with pleasure!

It’s so important for me to wake up and smell your skin, run my fingers over your shoulder, kiss you and say: “Good morning, my dear.” Let our every day begin this way!

With the coming day, may good news, amazing events, and incredible luck come to you! I wish you, my sincerely beloved, truly dear, the very best morning!

My beloved, wake up to the singing of the early birds and stretch sweetly in bed. Think about good things so that your day turns out well. I wish you a pleasant awakening and good morning!

Darling, good morning! May the most pleasant dreams come true, and may the day bring us many wonderful impressions and romantic experiences. I'm always with you in my thoughts, remember that!

Good morning, dear! The sun has risen high and is calling you to new successes and achievements. Let the morning freshness bring you vigor, and let my kisses wake you up, no matter how deep your sleep.

My love! Wake up quickly! A new wonderful day with incredible adventures, great luck and luck awaits you! Smile, my dear, and catch air kisses from me!

The morning that came seemed like crystal. The room is filled with transparent light, in it you are like an angel. This is how I always want to see you: bright and serene. Good morning, my love!

Every morning is a new special chapter in life. Let the beginning of this wonderful day give you its cheerfulness and positivity, so that every business becomes a “parent” of successful ideas. I give you the light of this morning, beloved, just like my love!

Good morning my dear! I give you, my beloved, a spark of my love, and I sincerely hope to see the flaring flame of love in your tender and strongly beating heart.

Darling, good morning! May this beginning day fill you with fresh strength, point you in the right direction and build a bridge to new achievements!

This morning is so similar to you with its vigor and fresh breath, it gives hope for the best, so you should greet it with joy and remember my love, which will help you live the day happily.

Listen to the song of the early bird, in its trill you will recognize my voice singing to you about love, look closely at the morning haze and you will see the outlines of my hands holding out a new day to you on my palms, take it and be happy.

My sweet one, I wish you morning vigor and sunny mood. May my love give you fresh strength and good luck all day long! I wish you a record number of issues resolved and all plans planned for the week ahead accomplished.

May the morning be a wonderful start for you, my love, and lead you to a successful working day, full of successful projects and creative victories, and then to a romantic, magical evening with me!

Beautiful good morning SMS wishes to your beloved guy, man in prose
Prosaic good morning SMS wishes intended for your beloved boyfriend will make the beginning of every day bright and positive, since these are truly sincere and tender words.

Love SMS for your boyfriend

Love SMS for your beloved boyfriend. SMS to my beloved girl. Congratulations in verse and prose.

Beautiful, original SMS with a declaration of love, good night wishes to loved ones, good morning, SMS apologies, birthday congratulation poems. And also a new product “Congratulations in prose”

Good morning darling

My dear! Thank you for the morning, like a tender soufflé in hot chocolate of your feelings, passionate love and care. I wish you as many smiles today as there are rays of the sun.

Good morning, my love! The bright splashes of dawn knock on your window and rejoice with me at your awakening. I love you and in my thoughts I kiss every cell of you.

My dear, may this day be as amazing as our meeting - sunny, bright, filled and infinitely dear, like a million scarlet roses! I wish you a sea of ​​luck and an ocean of evening kisses with me.

My beloved man! I dream that the born sun will fill your soul with the aroma of red Chardonnay, and trembling feelings will take you into a fairy tale of emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Dear, I want to wish you that the new twenty-four hours become brighter than the ripest sunflower, sweeter than June strawberries and juicier than the pulp of a watermelon. Good morning!

The sweet juice of your hugs and tender kisses, like a mountain echo beyond the horizon, woke me up today, and I want to tell you that this day will be filled only with your joyful moments positive emotions. Have a good day!

My dear, good day! Let him become for you like a string that fills your soul with the most tender notes and octaves, and fill your soul with the melody of love despite the distance that separates us.

Darling, I wish you good morning! Today I woke up to the sound of our hearts beating in unison and realized that my half of my heart was waiting for your half to hear recognition from you.

Dear, happy new day! Today I started my day with exercise, looked at your photo and was charged with your smile and look. I sent you my photo so that you too can improve your shape.

The morning has come, my dear! I greet you and want to say that your palms are softer than any pillow and more tender than fluffy clouds. This day will pass easily and quickly. Have a positive day!

Good morning! These two words are so short, but I will put my meaning into them. I wish that your day starts with a smile, continues with success and ends in my arms.

I will be your pillow for you to hug me tenderly, I dream of being the streams of water on your body when you take a shower, I hope to be a beautiful cup aromatic coffee for your lips to touch me. Good morning, dear!

Darling, the sun just came out from behind the horizon and painted everything around with scarlet color. And in this amazing moment of the birth of a new day, I want to wish that the day is as magical as the morning. Wake up, kitten.

Good morning, my most beloved man! May the new day bring dozens of new opportunities, hundreds of reasons to smile and thousands of compliments from those who love you.

Good morning, darling! Your male magnetism attracts you and fills every day with a huge palette of colors. I want to fill your day with the music of my soul, which has been singing since we met.

Let gentle morning with the aroma of coffee will give you a warm day with the smell of good luck, and a pink sunset will greet you with the warm embrace of your beloved. Good morning!

Let thousands of kisses fly along with my SMS, like air bubbles of chocolate will remind you of me and give you a good mood for the whole day. Good morning, the only one!

Sunny, open your eyes to a new day, it is wonderful because we will be there again.

Let a gentle breeze run across your face and touch your lips, this will be the hope for our new kiss. Good morning!

Impressed by the sincere feelings of our tender relationship, I am writing you this SMS wishing you good morning and a good day. May the new day leave a stamp of sweet emotions in your heart. My dear, good morning!

My dear, open your eyes and look - the world has become brighter, morning has come. Let this day pass easily, like a butterfly fluttering over a flower, and let all worries and worries pass by without touching you. Wake up, dear!

Darling, wake up and greet a new day! This day is ours, and for your sake I am ready to become a maple leaf that spins in an autumn waltz to touch your cheek and put the scent of my love on it.

My ray of sunshine, wake up. The bird of happiness flew to your window to wish you a good day and good mood. And I wish that this day brings you new pleasant impressions and emotions.

Hello! I am a text message that arrived to wake up the most courageous and handsome guy. I’m not around now, but I remember your strong hands, attractive look and breathtaking smile. Have an unforgettable day!

Sunny, the night has passed and the morning has come. A drop of rain runs across your lips, a light breeze touches your cheek, a strawberry scent lands on your palms. And this is all to make your day unforgettable. Good morning!

Love SMS for your boyfriend
Good morning beloved in prose in your own words I wish you a morning, like a tender soufflé in hot chocolate of my feelings, passionate love and care. Orange rays in..

Good morning wishes in prose to your beloved boyfriend

The gentle sun, looking into your window, was the first to congratulate you on good morning. I also congratulate you, my love, on good morning, I wish that the beginning of the day brings you a lot of success, joy and happiness. I so want everything to work out great for you, so that everything you dream about will certainly come true. May your morning be good, may the weather make you happy, may your planned meeting bring you success. I love you and wish you all the best and kindness.

My beloved, good morning, have a nice day - I will whisper gently in your ear to dispel the remnants of sleep, and kiss your nose. My love sunlight will knock on your heart so that the very first minutes of your waking life will be painted with the gentle colors of positive emotions. Good morning, good afternoon, good intentions!

After all, it’s true, they say that the most important thing in life is love. I always look forward to our meeting, my beloved and the best person in the world. I congratulate you on good morning, which will definitely be the beginning of a good day. May the morning give you hope and confidence. May all your dreams certainly come true today. I wish you happiness, health, kindness and great love. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. I wish you success and good luck, my love, in everything. May the morning be good for you.

I am so pleased that I have you, my long-awaited prince from a fairy tale. You are my most beloved, most gentle and most beautiful. I want to be by your side all my life. Good morning, my most important person in life. May this fresh morning give you joy and good luck, may it be a continuation of a wonderful day. Let the sun smile joyfully at you and give you warmth. May your cherished dream come true this morning, like in a fairy tale. May the angel of goodness definitely fly to you.

A fresh dawn is knocking on your window, notifying you that the sun has already woken up and it’s time for you to get up, my beloved. Let it be yours sweet dream will take the night with it, and you quickly wake up. Good morning, my beloved person, good and wonderful morning to you, my dear. May you have no doubts, may the dawn dispel all sorrows, and may a good mood accompany you all day long. Wake up quickly, because today you are expected to meet with friends, and most of all I look forward to meeting you.

My favorite and kind person, good morning to you. May the young dawn give you joy and happiness, may the morning be a continuation of a wonderful day. I wish you today to be much better than yesterday. Let a warm, gentle ray of sun be sure to kiss you for me, let the chirping of birds lift your spirits. I wish you great success and the implementation of your plans. May my love always inspire you and give you a wonderful mood.

A warm, joyful morning has arrived. The sun is already high in the sky and sends its bright rays to the earth. It's time to get up, my beloved. Drink a cup of coffee, cheer up and start your work day. May good morning be a continuation of a wonderful day. May your most cherished dream come true today. May good morning give you a great mood. I wish you smiles, joy and goodness. May good luck be with you today. May your good morning be the kindest and happiest.

The sun sends you his warm greetings through the window. It's time to get up, my love. Let the morning be a good boost of energy for the whole day. Good morning, my dear. Let it be early time days will give you hope and good mood. I want to see you always cheerful and cheerful. May my love give you affection, tenderness and warmth. Let the morning be the beginning of something good, let your dream come true today, and let all problems be resolved positively. Good luck to you in everything, my beloved.

My beloved, affectionate and gentle man, it's time to wake up. The morning has already fully come into its own. The morning sends us hope and self-confidence for the whole day. This morning is really good, warm and cheerful. After all, the sun looks so joyfully into your window. Wake up quickly, you have a very important day today. Let the morning be the beginning of all good things. Let your wishes come true. I wish you, my dear, luck, prosperity, good luck and good mood.

A light breeze knocks on your window. The sun has already risen high and sends warm greetings to the earth. The morning comes, washed with silvery dew. It's time for you to wake up, my beloved. After all, today you have a planned meeting that cannot be postponed. Good morning, and may it be good and happy for you. May it give you a very good day. May your cherished dream come true, my beloved. May everything go well for you today. Good luck with everything.

A fresh, beautiful, good morning has come to earth. Nature happily welcomes the beginning of the day. Wake up, my beloved, the sun is already so high above the earth. I want to wish you a joyful and good morning. Drink a cup of coffee, cheer up and start your work day. May you be lucky today, may your cherished dream certainly come true. I wish that the little things in life never overshadow you, but are resolved easily and simply. I really want to see you happy not only in the morning, but throughout the day.

The morning has come, good, gentle, affectionate and so pure. May this dawn bring you luck and joy. May today give you a lot of bright impressions. Good morning my beloved, wake up. I am so glad that I have you, I am so pleased to see you every day and hear your gentle voice. I love you very much and wish you all the best. May good morning bring you a great mood, cheerfulness, hope and self-confidence. I wish you success and good luck, my dear.

A beautiful, gentle morning is coming. It brings us coolness, which invigorates and gives us energy. Morning always reveals something new, unknown and desired. My dear, wake up quickly, the sun’s rays are already tired of knocking on your window. I know that you really like to sleep long in the morning. Wake up quickly, my dear and most important person in life. I wish you good morning and a nice day. May your cherished dream come true in the morning. May the morning give you a holiday for the whole day.

The dew is silvering, the sun is smiling, the birds are singing merrily. This is a gentle morning waking up and giving everyone its warmth and hope for the whole day. Wake up, my beloved, I wish you good morning and a good day. May your dream certainly become a reality today, may luck knock on your door in the morning and stay for the whole day. I so want to cuddle up to you and drown in the ocean of your kisses, my one and only. May this morning be the most wonderful. I wish you happiness and all the best.

Good morning, my beloved and most wonderful person in the world. You woke up very early today, because you have a lot of work ahead of you. Let the morning give you a ticket to a good day. Let all your dreams certainly become reality. I wish you, my dear, good health and good luck for the whole day. May my love help all your wishes come true. May a good mood accompany you throughout the day. Good and calm morning to you, my dear. I love and adore you.

The beginning of the day always makes us happy. This is the beginning of something new and good. We all want the day to be successful. We all rejoice when dreams come true. I also wish you, my beloved, that good luck, coming to you early in the morning, remains with you throughout the day. Wake up quickly, my beloved, and brighten the morning with your good mood. After all, they say correctly, how you start the day is how you will spend it. I wish you good morning and a wonderful day. Good luck to you in everything, be happy.

How beautiful the morning is, the dawn gives freshness, coolness and certainly hope for the beginning of a good day. Wake up, my beloved, may this morning certainly give you a good mood, may all your cherished dreams come true. I really want you to have the best day today. Favorite and most dear person, I wish you a good and peaceful morning. Let it be business card For have a nice day. I wish you health, joy and great luck. May my love protect you from failure.

The sun is shining brightly and smiling at you. It's time to wake up, my beloved. I really want to wish you a good and happy morning. Let it give the green light to start a good day. May your morning be the best of your week. May your dream certainly come true today. My dear, wake up, cheer up with hot coffee, and boldly start your working day. I am sure that today you will have a successful day, because the morning is so good, and it will certainly give you good luck, my dear.

Morning always makes us happy. Let's wake up before the sun and be the first to greet the dawn. You can't imagine how wonderful it is to see how the morning greets the earth with its arrival. I wish you, my beloved, good morning. If it is cool, then my love will definitely warm you. Let this beautiful morning give you a good mood, and then the day will definitely be a success. Let good morning be the beginning of a successful day. May your cherished dream come true on this magical morning.

I am so glad that I have you, my only and dearest person on earth. I feel so comfortable and at ease with you. Every day I am pleased to be with you, my beloved, to fall asleep and fall asleep together. I wish you the best morning. May it give you a wonderful mood, may your most cherished dream come true. I wish you a lot of joy, success and prosperity in everything. May this morning be the happiest for you, and may the wonderful weather accompany it. Always be confident in yourself, my dear.

To the kindest, most gentle, most beloved guy on earth, I wish you good morning. May this morning give you the key to happiness, may your cherished dream certainly come true. Dear and only one, I really want a good mood to not leave you throughout the day. Let the morning give you a huge boost of energy for the whole day. May a good angel accompany you and protect you from troubles. All the best to you, real luck. Let my love be a talisman for you, my joy.

I am so grateful to fate for what it gave me to you, my dear and most gentle person on earth. When I’m with you, I feel so calm and good; when you’re around, it’s happiness for me. I never want to be separated from you, my beloved. Even the shortest separation is an eternity for me. I'm calling you to wish you a good and wonderful morning. Let the morning become a continuation of a wonderful day. May all your plans come true, may luck be your faithful companion throughout the day.

You are my best, most beloved, most - the most. I’m so happy that I met you, and now I won’t give it to anyone. I love you, and I’m ready to repeat it every minute. Darling, with all my heart I wish you good morning. May this morning be the most beautiful, may it give you beautiful hope. I wish you good health, self-confidence, patience and all the best. Enjoy every minute of your day, never deviate from your convictions, be able to prove that you are right if necessary. Be happy morning, noon, evening and night.

Good morning, gentle kitten. you know, today the sun carelessly interrupted my dream, where I was madly in love! The girl (name) and you know, she is in love with me with mutual feelings, waking up from the light, I was upset, because he reminded me of the mysteries of reality. but the sun, having risen, promised to set and bring with it the delights of sleep...

Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday’s surprise did not pass without a trace. Just say that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't joke with me, you're playing with fire.

The sleepy birch trees smiled and disheveled their silk braids. Green earrings rustle and silver dews burn. Near the fence, overgrown nettles are dressed in bright mother-of-pearl, and, swaying, whisper playfully: Good morning!

You know, people haven't figured it out yet best wishes than “Good morning!” After all, if the morning is good, then the whole day will go well. And therefore, my beloved, I say to you today simply: “Good morning!”

You sleep so sweetly on your pillow, and I will destroy your dreams with a gentle touch. Wake up, dear, it’s time to greet this day and welcome its arrival with the aroma of coffee. Throw off the shackles of sleep, reality is much more interesting, it is beautiful, just open your eyes and you will definitely see this for yourself.

Again the dawn is red in the sky and a new day comes to your home. With a breath of wind, I want to touch your hair and tell you - good morning, my love!

A wonderful day has come again, giving us warmth and joy. Having dispelled the darkness, he turned on the light; it illuminated with a hundred thousand watts. Let this light give everyone the warmth of love and the joy of change.

Cool SMS Good morning wishes in prose

D good morning, my darling! Beloved - because I can’t stop looking at you, and I’m sure that it’s because of your beauty that sleep won’t let you go: he also can’t stop looking at you! But I hope that my good morning wish will be stronger than the wicked dream and will raise you to meet me!

WITH Good morning sunshine. I wish your alarm clock a powerful battery and nerves of steel!

E if you woke up and this made me feel light and warm, which means you are my Sunshine!

Darling, good morning! It seems like yesterday I met my future mother-in-law... I called you, and, thinking that I was talking to you, I started telling you about the result of the pregnancy test. Then I hear a woman's voice. “Is this mom?” - I asked. "No. already a grandmother...” - I heard in response. Hello mom...

X I'm dreaming, otherwise I'll sleep all day!

WITH the sun barely appeared over the city and painted the roofs a soft pink color. And in this wonderful moment, my dear , I want to wish you, from pure heart, all the best and brightest, always be as fresh and beautiful as this morning!

P Did you order a pleasant awakening? Sign for receipt. Delivery service.

TO The red sun shines welcomingly through the window towards the kind young man. Wake up, well done! You are strong and wise, and luxuriating in bed for a long time suits you! Wash yourself quickly, eat the heroic breakfast that the mistress who loves you has cooked up, and get down to business!

IN The sun has become red, but can it compare with you in beauty? Know my dear, this morning is so beautiful because it contains you, your smile! Good morning!

Good morning, my hero! My brave, courageous, strong boy. I love you, my most beautiful, gentle and affectionate little man in the world!

P The alarm clock murmured, which means that you need to stretch and open your eyes. You need to look at this world and understand that you can handle everything in it, that today you can move mountains! And I wish you to always wake up in such a mood and achieve all your goals!

IN delicious breakfast. Bright sunshine. Passionate kiss...

U tro good! Have you already opened your eyes!? Wake up, I already miss you and I want to hear your voice as soon as possible! May today bring you good luck and a great mood!

Good morning, my love! I really want you to open my message when you wake up. I love you very much, and your love is a real gift me, even though it’s not tied with a bow. Your love is my support in life, I live only for you and I want it to always be like this! I love you and look forward to meeting you again...

P rivet! Wake up yourself and awaken your conscience, and it will remind you of my number! Call.

WITH The sun has already woken up and told me to wake you up and wish you good morning!

WITH Good morning! The morning must be good and pleasant so that the whole day goes like clockwork and all matters are resolved successfully. That's what I wish for you! Good morning, and don’t be sleepy, but kind and cheerful, with an excellent appetite for breakfast.

T You can’t imagine how, after a cold night, I want to cuddle up to you and make up for all the lost warmth of loneliness...

P May luck throw its lasso over you today, and may the sky give you a taste of freshness, pleasure and boundless happiness!

ABOUT open my beloved eyes, stretch my beloved arms and legs, smile my sweet mouth. Good morning, my love!

Good morning, my love! Are you going back to your “favorite” job? I wish you patience and strong nerves. Do not react to intrigues, to attacks from those who envy your charming appearance and intelligence. You just need to understand that not everyone is looking for brothers in wisdom, half are looking for “sisters in stupidity.” Smacks and see you in the evening!

G The most important thing in life is harmony with the outside world. If there is this harmony, then a person feels peaceful and happy. I wish you to find her today. Good morning to you!

Darling, good morning! Today you will go to work by car for the first time. When you approach her, don’t forget to say hello, you can even kiss her. Tell her on the way kind words. And don’t you dare look at blondes driving neighboring cars - he’ll get jealous! I wish you neither nail nor rod. If you need anything, call me, I’ll come and help!

I I want to wish you, with all my warm heart, the best morning in the world, may the sun smile through your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light. And I also want you to wake up full of strength and vibrant energy, and for it to last you the whole day!

N oh, this wonderful night ends and smoothly turns into morning. The stars have already hidden and are not visible. The moon gave power to the sun, and it so lovingly warms the entire planet and sends us its rays, and asks us to wake up. It's time for you to open your sleepy eyes, get out of your warm bed and start your day with the most sincere smile. After all, it’s already so light outside, and the birds are singing a morning song to cheer everyone up and wish them a good morning. So good morning to you.

E If I were the wind... I would gently cover you with a blanket... If I were the sun... I would warm you with my ray... but I am who I am and I will warm you with my word: " Good morning, honey! "

My beloved, has the sun already stroked your eyelashes with its rays? Can I be the sun instead? I promise to shine brightly and not burn you! Good morning!

P May this morning be as tender, languid and in love as you, my beloved, are in the mornings. Let the sun be warm and gentle, like your eyes. And the air is fresh and velvety, like your skin, my beloved.

WITH good morning! May the sun illuminate your life today and warm you as tenderly as my love for you. Let the morning breeze be refreshing, but not freezing, and let the people walking towards you smile!

WITH Today I looked out the window and realized that the world is beautiful! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and my soul is good! Something good is sure to happen today! I wish you the same good morning!

P Even though outside the window there is the lousiest weather you can imagine, but the thought that today I will see you makes any day the best for me. Good morning, beloved!

WITH that one! Don't get out of bed! To have a successful day, you deserve a morning kiss! Smack! Now everything will be great! Good morning!

P grow up! Look at what foot you are getting up from!) - remember, no matter where you are, they are waiting for you in good health and in a great mood. So put on a smile from ear to ear! Good morning and have a great mood for the whole day!

P I'm ready to wake up already. Brew yourself a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy this invigorating smell. After all, the sun has already woken up and awakened the whole world with its light. Go out on the porch, look at the sky and thank the Lord for another beautiful day that he gave you. After all, this world is beautiful, and life is beautiful. And the beauty of the morning sky proves this once again. I wish that this morning brings you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you even for a minute today. Good morning.

P Today's 24 hours will be filled with a honey-cherry cocktail in the morning, a chocolate-milk mixture will decorate the day, and coconut flakes will sprinkle the evening...

D Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday’s surprise did not pass without a trace. Just say that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't joke with me, you're playing with fire.

ABOUT Once your charming smile pierced my heart and awakened love in it. And until now, every minute without you is a minute without a heart. And now my morning message is piercing your phone to wake you up and bring my love along with wishes for a good day!

Good morning, my love! I hope you got to work safely? Your aggressive driving has been bothering me lately. A Lamborghini worn in the yard and a Maybach that drove into your ass at the moment when you braked sharply to let a kitten pass, lead to sad thoughts... Be careful while driving, bunny!

I I want to wish you that the morning flares up in the sky with a crimson color, the clouds turn white like whipped cream. So that the air is sweet, like syrup, and you can drink it. And may your whole day be as sweet as this morning. But so that there are no sweet sticky fingers left after it.

WITH good morning. But it really is a good morning. After all, after you open your eyes, you want to get up and conquer the world. The day is just beginning. I wish you a lot pleasant surprises throughout the day. Let a delicious and healthy breakfast bring you a boost of energy and mood. And the sun will fill you with happiness. Let everyone give you only pleasant emotions and let it pass every morning.

Good morning, my love! And I know about your dream... You saw a handsome prince who sat down on your bed, gently stroked your head and whispered your name. Do you want this dream to continue? Do you want the prince back?? Nothing could be simpler. I came to you in a dream, I would like this dream to last forever. If you just want...

Good morning, my love! You will read this message at work - if, of course, you get there safely. Darling, I beg you - don’t wear lipstick while driving! Don't make eyes at the traffic police officers! And if you suddenly forget where the brake is, don’t look for it in the mirror, it’s not there! I'm waiting for a call from you, my joy!

N I hope you slept well, you had wonderful dreams (and maybe you even dreamed about me???), and may your day be as pleasant as a warm blanket, from under which you, alas, will have to crawl out, because it’s already morning .
Wake up! Good morning to you, Darling!

Darling, good morning! Yawn affectionately and smile. The night has passed, the morning has come, and I am happy that I can see you again, my sunshine! May today bring you only the best impressions. And remember, I am always by your side!

T I already broke the alarm clock. Now nothing threatens your mood and your nerves. Get up! Good morning!

Darling, get up! Not really! All of you get up!

TO Every new day begins with a new morning, and what the day will be like depends on what the morning is like! I want to wish you Darling May your morning be good! And let this morning set the tone for your whole day! And may you be incredibly lucky all day!

R The last darkness dissipates and a clean, new, joyful morning comes. I wish you that today begins for you with a clean, bright, cloudless event - with my wish for you Good morning. May you succeed in everything today!

Darling, I want to wish you three important things today: firstly, may your work please you, not you it; secondly, let your friends pay in a restaurant on the principle of “all for one”, and not “one for all”, and thirdly, let them wake you up with the words “I love you!”, and not “open up, police!” . Good morning!

D my dear, I have two news for you - good and not so good. Not really - because you will have to leave the warm soft bed and still answer my message! And good - because I still love you, dear, and I wish you to greet this wonderful morning with a smile!

M You may not answer me this morning, and maybe I will be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you. Good morning honey

My girl, I miss you already. Wake up quickly, my dear. Open your eyes and call me so that I can finally hear your gentle voice. Good morning, flower!

P look how the rain washed the city for you, how it illuminated it with sunlight! May this morning be truly good for you!

P The first awakening ray of sunshine will kiss you tenderly on the lips. I sent him to you so that he could wish you good morning, my love!

T This is how a person works, that he always worries about those whom he loves and those who are dear to him. For this reason, I want to wish you, as my beloved person, the best morning in the world! And may it smile at you and may good luck accompany you all day long in all your endeavors!

WITH Good morning, Baby! Are you probably still sleeping? I just wanted to be your sunshine today. This is my first ray of light and it is only for you...

H What does a person need to have a successful day? He needs to get it off to a great start, which is why I wish you a good morning with all my heart. And may his kindness help you do all your work during the day perfectly, and meet the evening in a great mood.

E There is an old belief: if you put a photo of your loved one under your pillow at night, you will definitely dream about him. I did just that and, imagine, I dreamed about you! We walked all night through the blooming summer garden! And I wish your day to be as wonderful as my dream!

D good morning means waking up next to loved ones. Good morning is a fragrant cup of coffee and a warm shower. Good morning is hope for a good day. I wish you only good morning!

I I want this morning to bring amazing news, upon learning which you will be in seventh heaven! Let the morning be the beginning of a good day, and everything will work out for you!

TO As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, remember that somewhere there lives a girl who loves you, is waiting for you and misses you madly. I think about you every second! Good morning, my love!

WITH good morning to you, my happiness! I want you to wake up with a smile today! And this morning was good. So that the sun shines into your house, but does not blind your eyes! I want you to wake up and understand that today is a great day, and everything that is planned will happen! Good morning to you, dear!

WITH good morning, baby! I wish you sunny have a bright day and gentle smiles.

E that world was created for love, and waking up every morning, I think about how wonderful it is that I have you, my love. And I want to wish you good morning, and let it also begin with thoughts of me. And may there be many more such awakenings in our lives!

IN Everything in this life has its beginning, and every day too. Morning is the birth of a new day! And I want to wish you that your birthday will be good and bright, that it will bring you vigor and freshness, and that your reserve of strength will be enough for your entire day, no matter how long it may be.

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What can you wish to the most beloved and dearest guy on the planet in the morning? Of course, so that it is the kindest for you, my beloved! You can’t even imagine how much I want your every morning to start with a smile, sun outside the window and good news. I hope you got enough sleep. I wish you that this day will be remembered in your life with bright events. Even if you don’t have any important things to do today, try to make the most of it. What could be better than the satisfaction of a well-lived day?! I love you, and I want this morning to be harmonious and pleasant for you. Good morning, dear! Be cheerful during the day, don't be bored or sad! Before the evening comes, we will see each other again.

Good morning, cat

Good morning, cat. How did you sleep? What dreams did you have? You look so cute sleeping that you just want to squeeze, pinch, smother in your arms. You're a bobblehead. You can't be so nice. You know, it seems to me that we knew each other once in a previous life. Otherwise, how could we understand each other perfectly? It’s great, after all, that we met again - after all, it would be a shame to lose each other over the centuries just because of some stupid reincarnation. Do you remember how in the song from the movie “June 31”: “to part by the light of the stars at the ends of the earth”? It's good that we avoided such a fate. No, I couldn't help but love you. It's you. You are the only one. It's cozy and easy with you. When you are near, questions and problems disappear, only tenderness for you remains. And you are also very handsome. True, true. My dear, you are the coolest cat in the world. It's purring with you

Good morning, lapula

Good morning, lapula. You are the kindest and most affectionate in the world, my teddy bear! It’s cozy and warm with you, I want to purr. I love your hugs. I love to lie on your chest and feel how calmness spreads in my soul and bliss in my body. Your kisses are the best medicine for mental and physical pain. After meeting you, I forgot what depression was. You are anesthesia, as they say in one song. I can’t imagine how I lived without you before. I want everything to be happy in your life. I am happy when you are happy, and it hurts when you are sad. May there never be gloomy clouds above you, and may the rain never cry. May the sun kiss you for good luck. You are good and everything should be fine with you.

Good morning my protector

Good morning, my protector. I'm so glad I have you! Only you are my support and my guide. Without you, I would be lost in this cruel world. It’s so good to know that there is a person in the world whom you can rely on, who will protect and support you. When you are near, nothing is scary. You are so strong and powerful! You make me feel like a little girl and I love it. You always come to the rescue when needed. Yours wise advice More than once they helped me out of life’s difficulties. It seems like you know everything in the world, and that’s so cool! You are probably all I am sure of in life. Only you never fail. “Reliable” - here, I found a word to call you! You are very reliable, I trust only your broad shoulders and wise reasoning. Thank you for being here.

Hurry up, wake up

Good morning, my love! May this day be wonderful for you. May the sun illuminate your endeavors. May luck meet you at every step. Let everything work out. Let the mood be awesome. Words cannot express what you mean to me. You are my model, my protection and support, my most wonderful man in the world. I am proud of you, and for good reason: you can do everything and are not afraid of anything. You are determined. You have inner strength - real, masculine. I know that you will come to help and protection in any difficult situation. I am confident in you and rely on you. I want you to always be near. You make everything seem simple. I am amazed at the ease with which you separate serious problems from nonsense, powerfully dealing with the former and making the latter a joke. Just talent! That's probably why it's so calm with you.

Hurry up, wake up

Wake up soon, many joyful surprises are waiting for you for a long time. Firstly, this is a backpack of good luck by your bedside, and secondly, a string of happiness is somewhere nearby and a bundle of incredible joyful mood! It was I who had to leave them to the person dearest to me for safekeeping. Take care of these things and use them at your own discretion. I think you will only increase their number. The morning surprises don’t end there; if you look back, you’ll see how happy the whole world is about your awakening. After all, he missed you all night long! So many new and unknown things await you and me! Therefore, you should not be lazy, but rather open the window and breathe in the wind, which brings only the best changes. Let him bring what he has long dreamed of. And I will help this come true, because increasing happiness together is much more interesting!

Birds fly high in the morning, let all your dreams and desires fly high. Let them, according to my wish, become a reality and please you constantly. I wish you to soar in any business to the heights that you dream of. I will help you and support you in everything. I can protect you from any troubles and storms. Let only fair winds accompany you. Good morning will greet you even in the most inclement weather, because I will be there. Don’t think about what could happen to us, I promise you a reliable and faithful shoulder. Wake up today and know that there is no stronger person who loves you, because this gives incredible strength to live. You are my flight and my strength, and I don’t know any other feelings higher than this.

Good morning my beloved man

You can wish not only the mood, I want to give a lot of heat. Such that it will warm you all your life. Where can I get it? Look out the window and you will see the kind sun, which reaches out to you with its rays and tries to stroke you. I ask him to convey the most tender touches and wishes for you. But be careful - don’t miss them and wake up quickly. You and I look at the same sky every day and different times, but today it gives us the most beautiful morning today. I wish you warm hugs this morning, which you can receive not only from the morning star, but also from me. Good mood, of course, is also included. Everything will work out today and everything will work out one hundred percent, I promise. We promise - me and the sun. Good morning!

Good morning my beloved man

Good morning, my beloved man. The new day will already be full of colors outside your window, which means that it’s time again to accomplish feats and strive for new goals. I really want to help you in all even the most insignificant matters, or just be there and support. I would like to thank you this morning for making me feel like a real woman - desired, loved and protected from all weathers. For me, you are the best, because only I know the real you - attentive, caring and loving. May the coming day allow you to complete the things you started, take on new ones, and give you interesting ideas and will inspire new achievements that we will definitely accomplish together. Have a nice day, Cute.

Your morning, my dear, today began not with the annoying trill of an alarm clock, but with my tender kiss. I really wanted to just look at you sleeping, so peaceful, sweet and serene, but, unfortunately, I couldn’t stand it and woke you up. Therefore, morning has already come for you, whether you like it or not. I don’t know what your plans are for today, but I would really like to steal you from the whole world and keep you for myself, I understand that this is very selfish, but the temptation is great. I want to see your sincere smile and favorite dimples on your cheeks as often as possible, look into your bottomless eyes that radiate warmth, tenderness and real masculine strength. Always stay the same strong man, a real support and support for your loved ones.

My happiness is still sleeping sweetly under a warm blanket, completely unaware that today I will replace his alarm clock. Good morning, my dear, it’s time to wake up and start performing feats in the name of our love. Charge yourself with positivity, energy, and strength, because you still don’t know what surprises the coming day has in store for you. You are very strong, courageous, dexterous and smart, which means that no matter what surprise awaits you behind the next door, you will definitely cope with it successfully. I wish you perseverance that will not allow you to take a single step back from your intended goal, but this morning, unfortunately, you need to take steps towards a new day, and not stay in bed. Positive emotions, my love and support are always with you, remember this!

With a new dawn comes new worries, but this morning I really don’t want to think about them. I would like to stay with you alone in this bright kitchen, pampering you with your favorite aromatic and strong coffee and saying good morning. We have our whole life ahead of us, but we would really like to have as many such happy moments filled with happiness, light and warmth as possible. You have a lot of things planned for the whole day and you will be busy almost every minute, so I think that patience, endurance and luck will be very useful to you to cope with everything faster. A few hours of separation will definitely do us good, and the meeting will be long-awaited. Take care of yourself, beloved, and remember that you are expected, loved and greatly appreciated.

Two short words- Good morning!

Good morning is two short words familiar to everyone, but when I say them to you, my love, even my voice sounds different. A new day begins, which means our love story continues. My dearest and dearest person, I would like to wish you a wonderful mood this morning, as sunny as your smile, good luck in all your plans. If you quickly resolve all your planned issues, you will return to me faster, and I will be looking forward to seeing you. Even nature will help you, I’m just sure of it. Be attentive, patient and, of course, think about me more often. But in fact, I really want us to have as many morning meetings as possible, because I love you very much.

Awakened by the sunlight, you are still basking in bed, but I want to tell you so much, my love. May the coming day give you positivity, happiness and smiles. I know how important it is for you to always be first in everything, so I wish you new victories and achievements. After all, peaks can only be conquered by a brave, persistent, real man, and that’s exactly what you are for me. Next to you I want to be weak, defenseless and small. Thank you for the feeling of peace that you allow me to experience simply by being nearby. I believe that you will realize all your plans, bring even bold projects and ideas to life. The day is just beginning, and I really hope that my words will give you the necessary boost of vigor and energy.

I probably didn’t sleep a wink last night. Do you know why? Because I was afraid to be late for your morning coffee. I am incredibly pleased to watch your awakening, to watch how you are filled with energy and strength for something new. working day. You are very strong, courageous and, of course, madly loved. You know, it’s not at all difficult for me to feel like a weak and defenseless woman, and all because such a man is nearby. Charge yourself with positivity for the whole day, patience and prudence. Always remember that your friends and family are waiting for you at home, for whom you are very dear. I really want to help you implement your plans or even everyday affairs, but I know very well that you can do great without me. I'll just be there and love you.

I’ll probably never get tired of tiptoeing up to you in the morning and quietly waking you up. It seems to me that you like this much more than the melodic trill of an alarm clock. A new day has dawned. He has already prepared his own surprises for each of us. I really want, dear, that all your surprises will be very pleasant and joyful. I don’t want to think that difficulties may arise, because my man is the strongest and smartest, and, therefore, no difficulties will ever frighten him. This is one of the many qualities about you that I love so much. May your day be fruitful and successful, like all the others and the next. Take care of yourself, my beloved, and remember that I always look forward to your return home. Good luck and inspiration for the whole day.

Have a nice day!

My beloved knight, I see that you have completely surrendered to the warm blanket and sweet dreams, but it’s time to stop this and open your eyes. Wake up, my boy, it’s been light outside the window for a long time. I want to give you all my love and tenderness, which fills my heart when I look at your dear and sleepy face in the morning. You are incredibly sweet and close at such moments. I wanted our lives to be as real and valuable as possible. This is very important. May you realize all your dreams today, you will certainly succeed, because you are strong, smart, courageous and very loved. There is very little left until our next meeting, I will think about you constantly, remember this and also remember me. Have a nice day!

Outside the window, nature has already woken up, the birds are chirping cheerfully. I deliberately turned off the alarm so that I could wake you up, my beloved. I really like watching you sleep, my beloved man. In a dream, you are completely defenseless and so touchingly tender, so you can’t immediately tell how strong and courageous you really are. But it’s exactly like this, real and dear, that I love you. Darling, may this coming day bring you only good emotions. Don't be upset over trifles and look at the world with a positive attitude. I didn’t come easily to wish you good morning, but I also brought with me a cup of aromatic and strong coffee. This is all for you, my joy, like my love. Wake up and get ready, because exploits await you!

Sometimes the sun's rays put a lot of things into place. What seemed gloomy inspired fear and horror became simple, understandable and bright. So sometimes love puts everything in its place to make life more beautiful and give someone a second chance to please each other. On this day, you can do anything - quit your job you don’t like, forgive your wife who cheated on you, break up with a friend who took advantage of your kindness, or simply forgive everyone and everything, and give fate another chance to make the world kind. And even if the world is not perfect, you can always blame or forgive someone, and just start all over again. To believe in a dream again, golden like the rays of the rising morning sun. And let this chance fall to you, good morning, my dear!

My beloved, good morning to you

My most beloved and kind person, good morning to you. May the young dawn give you joy and happiness, may the morning be a continuation of a wonderful day. I wish you today to be much better than yesterday. Let a warm, gentle ray of sun be sure to kiss you for me, let the chirping of birds lift your spirits. I wish you great success and the implementation of your plans. May my love always inspire you and give you a wonderful mood.

The night gently retreats under the shooting of the sun's rays, which will fight for your happiness and mood until the very end. The stars, like delicate silver, will leave a sleepy trace on your eyelids, until the sun gilds your face with dawn and vigor. Good morning, and may the coming day be unforgettable!

My most gentle, kind-hearted and affectionate, wake up. Good morning, my precious and much desired man. I want this day to give you only positive emotions, joy and happiness. Carry out all your plans. Don’t think that something might not work out for you, because you are my most capable and talented. Get up, greet the sun and get ready for new victories. You will certainly succeed, because my faith is with you.

My beloved, good morning

My beloved, good morning, have a nice day - I will whisper gently in your ear to dispel the remnants of sleep, and kiss your nose. My love will knock on your heart like sunlight, so that the very first minutes of your waking life will be painted with the gentle colors of positive emotions. Good morning, good afternoon, good intentions!

With a light warm breeze I will touch your beautiful eyelashes, a sunbeam will run across your delicate silk skin, with the quiet melodic rustle of leaves I will whisper in your ear: “wake up.” I will call upon all the forces of nature to, together with them, take you out of the fog of dreams and wish you the happiest and good morning.

Good morning

A ray of sunshine will touch your bed and tell you that morning has come, that it’s time to wake up, because a new beautiful day awaits you with new things to do and surprises. And even if you don’t want to wake up, it’s okay, look out the window, listen to the birds chirping, think that today will be a beautiful day, and you’ll immediately want to start it. Good morning.

Congratulations - a wonderful morning has arrived! May everything you could ever dream of appear in your life today. Let your dreams, desires and hopes, even the most fantastic ones, begin to come true this morning. Good morning!

Congratulations on a wonderful morning!

Congratulations on a wonderful morning! Every time it is unique and wonderful. But may today be especially wonderful and bring you only joy and a positive charge for the whole day!

May every morning be good for you

It’s a beautiful morning, it beckons you to go outside and shout “Good morning, country.” After all, when you look around, your soul rejoices, there are birds singing, there are flowers blooming and sending everyone such a pleasant fragrant smell. One has only to make coffee, go outside and see it all, smile, and the morning will immediately become the kindest and most wonderful. I wish that, regardless of the weather, every morning will be good for you. Good morning.

It's time to wake up. Brew yourself a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy this invigorating smell. After all, the sun has already woken up and awakened the whole world with its light. Go out on the porch, look at the sky and thank the Lord for another beautiful day that he gave you. After all, this world is beautiful and life is beautiful. And the beauty of the morning sky proves this once again. I wish that this morning brings you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you even for a minute today. Good morning.

Good morning to you

Well, this wonderful night ends and smoothly turns into morning. The stars have already hidden and are not visible. The moon gave power to the sun and it, loving so much, warms the entire planet and sends us its rays, and asks us to wake up. It's time for you to open your sleepy eyes and get out of your warm bed, start your day with the most sincere smile. After all, it’s already so light outside and the birds are singing a morning song to cheer everyone up and wish them good morning. So good morning to you.

I want to wish you, with all my warm heart, the best morning in the world, may the sun smile through your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light. And I also want you to wake up full of strength and vibrant energy, and that it will last you for the whole day!

I wish you a good and wonderful morning!

I wish you a good and wonderful morning! So that instead of an alarm clock, a gentle kiss from a ray of sunshine wakes you up. Let the fabulous night turn into a wonderful morning and smoothly turn into an excellent and successful day. I wish that the new morning brings many new ideas, achievements and victories. Let everything go the way you want. Let invigorating coffee give you a boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day. May your day be filled with pleasant moments, unforgettable meetings, bright emotions and impressions. I wish you to get out of bed on two legs so that your day goes even better! Good morning!

Good morning, my beloved, gentle and dear little man. That night I couldn’t sleep for a long time because I didn’t feel your breath on my skin. Without you, I feel very lonely sleeping, as if an important part of my heart is now far away from me. I hope that the day we are meeting now will give us such a long-awaited meeting, and the sun peeping through your window will hug me with the same warm rays along with your strong but gentle palms. May your morning coffee be as sweet as my lips, may the warm mug in your hand resemble the warmth of my cheek when you stroke me with a kiss. There are only a few hours left until our meeting, I will count the minutes and seconds in the hope that they will fly by. I love you very much.

The gentle sun greets you on this cool, fresh morning, and I am incredibly jealous of it. It strokes your hands, your cheeks, I know that when you open the curtains, you, as always, playfully squint, smiling at the coming day. Every morning I have only one thought in my head, and that thought is about you. I live for you and breathe only your love. Today I had a dream in which you and I were sailing together on a big ship into the endless blue of the sea, you hugged me, gave me your tender gaze and the sweetest kisses that can be. When I woke up and realized that it was just a dream, my grief could not be expressed in words. And even if this dream is not from Thursday to Friday, I believe that it will come true, and that someday we will also run away from the whole world on a ship, so that it will only be me, you and our endless love.

Good morning, my infinitely beloved little man. Every morning I envy your pillow, you give it your hugs, it draws you colorful dreams, and touches your hair, touching it gently. I envy your blanket, it hugs you every night, gives you its warmth, warms you from the cold, kissing every millimeter of such a strong, such desired body. I would really like to be in their place, so that, just like them, I would wake you up in the morning with tender kisses, put your head on my knees and run for a long time through short strands of hair, going down with my fingers to your neck, back, and again to your hair. I would wrap you in my tenderness better than the warmest blanket, and when winter comes, I would warm you from the cold with my love alone. I'm really looking forward to the moment when we wake up together. I love you.

Good morning, my beloved beloved husband. Now you’re already at work, I didn’t have time to tell you what I wanted at home, so I’m writing. Know that you are the most precious thing in my life. I enjoy every second spent with you. You don’t feel it, but when you fall asleep at night, I stroke your face, tracing your lips and eyes with my fingers, experiencing painfully tender love for every millimeter of you, who has given me endless happiness as a person. I'm scared to think that one day I will wake up and not feel your head on the next pillow. You are a part of me, and I can’t even imagine how I could live without you before. I'm sending air kiss to the sun, let it return it to your lips with a warm ray. I'm looking forward to the evening...

Good morning, the meaning of my life. You know, every morning I desperately fight the desire to rush to you at the first ray of sunshine on the other side of the city, jump under your blanket and stay there with you for at least a week. I really miss you, even though we are together every evening. You are like a breath of cool air in the hot desert of my life, I want to breathe you endlessly. You will never be enough for me, I suffer from this. You and I are like one soul, divided into 2 bodies, forced to live at a distance from itself. I look forward to the moment when we will have the opportunity to fall asleep in the same bed every evening, holding hands, and wake up with the first ray of sun, smiling at the coming day, and realizing that our love has infinity ahead.

Good morning, my dearest and most beloved. Now you are reading this and smiling, a warm ray of sun is walking around your room, sharing the joy of a newborn day. You and I have a lot of new things to do today, and I hope that in the worries of the coming day you will not forget about me for a second. Before you, I didn’t understand how all the happiness and meaning of life could lie in one person. But now I have you, and every morning I wake up with the thought “Thank you for having me.” And even though there is a distance between you and me now, a piece of my soul has settled in you forever, and wherever you are, I feel you. I wish you today the fulfillment of all your plans, may the ray now illuminating your window convey to you all my love, which will warm your heart until we meet. I love you and miss you madly.

The dark night fades into fog, leaving behind all dreams and bad memories. A light appeared in the east - the same one that appears when things end unexpectedly. They also say that the night is dark before the dawn and it doesn’t matter if you are already awake - it means you are ready to accept its cosmic message. May the morning be good for you, because you have long ago crossed the line of troubles that the night took, even if it was beautiful, sexy and hot. The fire of passion will wait for you the next evening, and another night will come - the night of love and passion. In the meantime, a new, beautiful and joyful day is emerging, which gives you hope for the best. Use it to bring you joy during the day, after which the night will be even hotter. Good morning, my love!

Do you remember our first sunrise? When did a new beautiful day begin in the golden cloud of dawn, beckoning with the aroma of black coffee and the first breakfast that you and I had? Then all this became a little boring, became familiar, and romance began to gradually become a thing of the past. And now you can remember the past again, changing it a little to enjoy the romance of your first breakfast together. For example, drink coffee with a croissant or ice cream, have breakfast with such a familiar and so new scrambled eggs, say tender words to each other and go about business in a joyful mood - a mood that can convey love and tenderness, romanticism and expectation of a miracle. Good morning, my dear beloved person!

The dusty dawn came again after a hot night. The cool aroma of flowers and herbs, autumn dew and a breath of wind mixed with bright colors dawn. They all promise you a lot of joy and tenderness to tell you about my love for you. The coolness of the night is my unearthly message and wish for beautiful dreams and bright sunrises, delicate aromas night flowers, petals autumn roses and chrysanthemum promised to tell you about my love and gratitude for your wonderful attitude towards the female sex. The wind promised to give you inspiration and tenderness in love, which any day can end on a holiday. Let the golden colors of dawn glow in the sky for as long as possible, beautifully enlivening our morning conversation with you, so that the kiss before going to work is light, gentle and cool. Good morning darling, it's time to drink coffee!

My dear boyfriend! You may not believe in love when there is a lot of lies and deceit around you, you may not believe in the sincerity of women’s feelings when there is so much betrayal and cheap entertainment around, but you can’t help but believe in the sunrise or sunset that glows outside your window, even if it is curtained with a thick brown curtain. Just lift it and give the golden rays a chance to penetrate your room to enjoy their beauty and tenderness. So my love, which you do not see, is capable of illuminating your life, covered with a thick curtain of betrayal, other people's ugly and treacherous actions, broken destinies. After all, it is impossible to cook a rosy morning omelette without breaking an egg. Therefore, just believe, just open your soul to love to see for yourself whether it exists or not. Good morning, beloved, I wish you not to miss the rare moments of the beautiful golden dawn of your life!

Gold and chocolate, chocolates in golden wrapper. How beautiful they are, like foil in the gold of the morning dawn. So are the good ones holidays Even the most boring and gray everyday life is beautifully illuminated. Therefore, sometimes it’s worth allowing yourself a glass of rosy beer, or an extra portion of ice cream, foolishness and spontaneity, love and all sorts of nonsense, without thinking too much about what awaits you ahead. This is why childhood, youth and even stupidity were invented, to throw off the emotions, the shackles that bind us every day, interfering with simple human happiness, as well as simply great art - the art of love, which cannot be understood or calculated - you can simply feel it. After all, we can always define deception and insincerity in love without words. So you should start your morning not with your usual breakfast, but with a chocolate candy that you couldn’t afford for many years or with a glass of Coca-Cola. Who said breakfast doesn't start like this? Good morning, my love!