Sauna for the face is becoming more and more popular - a special cosmetology device. Its principle of operation is based on the uniform supply of soft steam to the skin of the face, due to which the pores open and cleanse, and the stratum corneum is exfoliated. After using such a sauna, face masks in a bath or at home are very effective. This useful and pleasant procedure is quick and easy.

How does a steam sauna for the face work?

A steam bath is a device that cleans the face. The device consists of a water tank and a face applicator. The principle of the sauna is simple: when heated, the water turns into steam, which gets on the face. The hot steam expands the pores. As a result, the skin is hydrated and cleansed.

The steam sauna for the face is very effective in treating acne, but you must strictly follow the instructions for the device in order to choose the optimal steaming mode. Plant extracts or essential oils can be added to the water before the procedure. Thanks to the device, even deep cleansing of the face is easily carried out. But cosmetologists recommend using a steam sauna no more than 1 time per week, and with very dry skin - no more than 1 time per month.

Before the procedure, you must completely wash off all cosmetics. After switching on the steam sauna, the face must be brought closer to the special nozzle. The eyes are kept closed. The maximum procedure time is 15 minutes. For very sensitive and irritated skin, the time should be reduced to 5 minutes.

There are also contraindications for use. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for people suffering from asthma, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. A steam sauna for the face is not done when cleansing excessively dry or sensitive skin, if there are spider veins on the skin, and even with increased facial hair. In such cases, a cleansing mask of the appropriate type is more suitable. It will have a gentle, gentle effect. Very dry skin can be perfectly cleansed with a face wash made from natural ingredients. It perfectly exfoliates dead skin and opens pores.

The procedure must be carried out strictly for a certain time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, you can harm your skin.

When treating colds, the steam sauna can be used as an inhaler by adding medications to the water.

How is a steam sauna useful for the face?

For cleansing the face, the steam sauna is extremely effective. The result of the procedure is comparable to the steaming effect of a bath. Cosmetologists and dermatologists are sure of this. The convenience of a steam sauna is that it can be carried out at home - there is no need to visit a beauty salon.

The benefits of using a steam bath for facials include:

  • cleansing the skin of the face from acne;
  • removal of irritation and redness of the skin;
  • moisturizing the skin.

A steam sauna for the face is a great way to normalize blood circulation, so that the skin will have a healthy appearance and natural glow.

Can a steam sauna be combined with beauty products?

It is possible and even necessary. But you should take into account the type of skin and its general condition. When carrying out a procedure for dry skin, it is good to add a decoction of chamomile or 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the water (the exact amount of additives depends on the capacity of the steam sauna tank of a particular model). Such a healing liquid will not only moisturize the face, but also have a soothing effect on it. For owners of normal skin, you can add sage extract, birch buds, nettle. Peppermint, rosemary, rosehip and lime blossom are good for oily skin. After the bath, the face is rinsed with cool water.

Cleaning will be especially effective if you use a variety of cosmetics after it: scrubs, foams, bath masks for the face. After washing your face, you can use a moisturizer or skin gel.

After cleansing your face with this machine, you can use different facial masks in the sauna to achieve the best result. These can be either ready-made, store-bought products, or home-made bath masks for the face. They will help you even better deal with skin problems of any kind, for example, age-related. The face mask must be fresh - the skin is unusually sensitive to the quality of the ingredients after a steam sauna.

The ingredients for such masks can be different products, for example, cottage cheese, egg white, oatmeal, lemon juice. But the most popular and, perhaps, effective is the honey face mask. Honey in combination with any other component (olive oil, kefir, apple pulp) in a 1: 1 ratio allows the skin to always look fresh and toned. You should not make masks from honey if there is even a mild allergic reaction to it.

A face wash will increase blood flow if you use it to gently rinse off the mask from steamed skin with gentle movements.

The steam sauna for the face is a great device that allows you to take care of yourself at a professional level.

Cleansing your face with it will be extremely pleasant and effective. The device is available to almost every woman. It will last a long time and will bring many benefits. A steam sauna can be a wonderful gift for a friend or relative.

With the development of hardware cosmetology, more and more people prefer home manipulations, which can provide a pronounced beneficial effect on the epidermis. One of these procedures is the facial sauna. It can be used for cosmetic skin cleansing or inhalation. The session is recommended to be performed in combination with saline or mechanical peeling, this will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

When used correctly, steam can not only unclog pores, but also accelerate skin cell regeneration

Effect of steam on the skin

With the correct procedure, strict adherence to the instructions and the use of the device strictly according to the indications, you can get amazing results from this type of cleaning. It does not cause damage to the integrity of the skin, does not lead to irritation or tissue infection.

Facial sauna allows you to:

  • cleanse the surface of the face from various types of impurities by expanding pores and dissolving skin secretions;
  • soften sebaceous plugs and speed up their discharge;
  • activate the processes of exfoliation of keratinized cells of the epidermis, restoring oxygen access to the tissues;
  • increase the permeability of the skin, providing easy access of nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis;
  • neutralize inflammation, redness, induration and swelling;
  • facilitate the process of removing toxins;
  • improve blood circulation in the tissues, leveling the complexion;
  • start regenerative processes leading to skin rejuvenation;
  • prepare the epidermis for more serious cosmetic effects.

For all its obvious benefits, a steam sauna for the face has only two contraindications: very enlarged pores and vascular diseases. Those with sensitive skin should be very careful in their sessions.

Steam can only act on previously cleansed skin, while monitoring the temperature of the water in the device

Features of the procedure at home

For a cleansing session, you can use available tools, but it is better to use a special device. For oily epidermis, the number of procedures should be at least once a week. Normal skin needs steam cleaning every ten days. With increased dryness of the epidermis, a sauna for the face should be carried out no more than twice a month.

Technology and features of manipulation:

  • the session is recommended in the evening, before bedtime;
  • before exposure to steam, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face, treat the areas around the eyes and lips with a nourishing cream;
  • the optimal water temperature is selected, which is poured into a special container of the device. Herbs or oils are added to the water to enhance the therapeutic effect;
  • you cannot immediately use hot steam, its temperature should rise gradually so that there is no burn;
  • the exposure time depends on the type of epidermis. Dry skin can be treated with steam for no more than three minutes, normal - no more than five, oily - up to ten;
  • when the specified time is up, the face must be washed first with warm and then cool water and patted dry with a towel. After that, you can apply a moisturizing toner or carry out a deeper cleansing procedure, apply a mask;
  • a mechanical effect can also be exerted on steamed skin: when the sauna for the face is completed, and the skin is still damp, a cotton swab is taken, shaving foam and several crystals of fine table salt are applied to it. This device performs a circular massage of the treated surface, without strong pressure.
  • after the session, you cannot go outside for some time, especially in the cold season.

To increase the efficiency of steam action, it is recommended to add the following components to the water:

  1. Collecting lemon balm, chamomile, dill, lavender and calendula will help get rid of the manifestations of increased dryness of the epidermis.
  2. Sage, rosemary, peppermint, linden and birch buds will improve the condition of oily skin.
  3. Nettle and rose hips have a tonic effect on all types of skin.
  4. Oil solutions of orange, bergamot and lavender will improve the general condition of the skin, stimulate anti-aging processes.

When choosing a sauna for steaming facial skin, you need to pay attention to the nozzles, the ability to regulate the temperature and the convenience of adding aromatic oils

Selection rules

In order for the steam sauna for the face to bring maximum benefit in the fight against specific problems of the epidermis, it is necessary to initially select the optimal version of the device.

When buying a device, you need to pay attention to:

  • the shape of the nozzle, the presence of additional containers;
  • the presence of a special compartment for aromatic oils;
  • the number of temperature modes;
  • the presence of functions for supplying steam and ozone.

The sauna can be presented in two configurations. In the first case, there is one medium-sized universal nozzle. This option does not allow high-quality treatment of the face skin in the ear area. The second type consists of two attachments - for steaming and inhalation.

It is better to give preference to devices with a compartment for oils. It is not recommended to introduce such components directly into hot water, and without them, the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced.

The function of gradual heating of water and switching between modes must be present, otherwise you will have to do everything manually, constantly interrupting the impact and reducing all efforts to a minimum.

Hello! Today I will tell you about my assistant in skin care - this is a facial sauna. Before, I really loved going to the sauna, because it is a great way to relax with health benefits. Another pleasant moment - after exposure to steam, the skin on the body and on the face becomes surprisingly soft, tender and fresh, and no expensive creams or cosmetic procedures are needed.

Now that I have a small child, it became very difficult for me to find time, and I was left without my favorite beauty sessions. Then I decided to pamper myself and buy an unusual device - a steam sauna for the face.

I stopped my choice on the Maxwell mw-2701 pk model due to the fact that it can perform another very useful function and work as an inhaler. Now I will tell you more about this device.

My review of the steam facial sauna Maxwell mw-2701 pk

Packaging and equipment

The device was packed in a nice and bright branded box. It is made of thick cardboard in a pinkish-lilac tone.

The size of the box is 25 x 21 x 18 cm, weight is about 800 grams.

The kit included:

  • Sauna device for the face;
  • face attachment;
  • inhaler attachment;
  • detailed instructions.

What a facial sauna looks like

The device itself has no less bright and interesting design than its packaging. The body of the sauna is made of high-quality lilac plastic, and as a decoration there are embossed flowers that look very cute.

The design of the facial sauna is simple. The device is a small cylinder that tapers towards the top. At the bottom of the sauna there are small legs so that the device does not slide on a smooth surface; on top there is a plastic grate that divides the steam jet into smaller streams.
On the front side of the body there is only one round button, with which the sauna is switched on and off.

The attachments are made of transparent plastic. The face attachment looks like a large bowl, its edges have smooth lines and curves that follow the shape of the chin. The inhaler is smaller, in shape it resembles a chicken egg. There is a steam hole on top of this nozzle.


  • voltage - 220 V;
  • power - 90 W;
  • the volume of the water tank is 0.9 l;
  • automatic shutdown function when water is completely evaporated;
  • the addition of essential oils is allowed.

How the steam sauna works for the face

The sauna is powered by electricity. A water tank and a heating element are hidden under its body. As the temperature rises, the water heats up, and its evaporation begins, the resulting steam is directed to the upper part of the device and under pressure outward, to the base of the nozzle. If you bring your face to this jet of steam, it will begin to affect the skin.

In this case, the following processes occur in the skin:

  • blood vessels expand, blood circulation accelerates;
  • improves the flow of nutrients and the removal of toxins;
  • the pores are opened and cleaned of dirt and excess sebum;
  • the skin is saturated with moisture;
  • keratinized epithelial cells are exfoliated.

If essential oils or other cosmetic products are added to the water in the sauna, the steam will significantly increase the efficiency of their absorption into the skin.

Thus, steam sessions are very beneficial for the face. They have the following effect:

  • the skin becomes soft and velvety;
  • pustules, acne, acne disappear;
  • inflammatory processes decrease;
  • the skin looks fresher and more youthful;
  • the complexion improves.

The Maxwell Facial Sauna is designed to perform another useful procedure, namely inhalation. It is a non-contact method of treating inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and is based on the inhalation of hot steam generated by heating water and drugs dissolved in it.

The heat from the steam is beneficial in itself, as it causes blood to flow to the affected areas, which speeds up recovery. In addition, medicinal substances, entering the body along with steam, immediately settle on the mucous membranes and begin their effect.

Thus, inhalations increase the effectiveness of treatment and reduce its duration and at the same time do not harm the body, since the drugs go directly to the focus of the disease, bypassing the digestive system and liver and without causing side effects.

How to use the facial sauna

I use a steam sauna for my face as follows:

  1. Before starting the procedure, I remove all cosmetics from my face and cleanse the skin, then I pin the hair on the back of my head, as well as wash my hands.
  2. I pour clean water into a special reservoir of the device. Sometimes I add sprigs of medicinal herbs or a couple of drops of essential oils to it.
  3. I install the face attachment on the device and turn it on with the button.
  4. I wait a few minutes until the appliance heats up and steam starts to evolve.
  5. I lower my head and bring my face to the nozzle so that it is completely immersed in the bowl.
  6. Next, I enjoy the pleasant effect of the warm steam on my skin. At the same time, from time to time I slightly turn my head at different angles so that the water vapor covers the entire face.
  7. This procedure lasts for me about ten minutes. Then I raise my head and turn off the device. If the water from the reservoir evaporates before the end of the session, the device will automatically turn off to avoid overheating.
  8. When the device has completely cooled down, you need to remove the nozzle and pour out the remaining water, and then dry everything.

In general, there is nothing difficult in using a sauna for the face, and the result after such a session is wonderful: the skin becomes smoother and more delicate, it acquires radiance and a healthy tone. In this case, you need to know a few rules:

The optimal duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes; it is not recommended to exceed this time.

If, when steaming the skin, there is a strong burning sensation or pain, an urgent need to stop the procedure.

It is necessary to observe the frequency of sessions: with dry skin - once a month, with normal skin - once every ten days, with oily skin - once a week.

I use the Maxwell steam sauna on a regular basis and enjoy relaxing and beauty sessions in my spare time. Now my skin has begun to look much younger and more attractive, and I no longer suffer so much from rare visits to a real bath.

The inhaler also had to be used when the husband was treating his bronchitis. This feature is also very convenient and the procedures have proven to be very effective.

So I am totally happy to have purchased this device.


  • has a small size;
  • bright and stylish design;
  • heats up quickly;
  • convenient and safe to use;
  • easy to assemble and disassemble;
  • made of quality materials;
  • has an additional inhaler attachment.

I think this is a very handy and useful device that will come in handy in every home. With it, you can effectively take care of the skin at home and with a lack of free time. You can buy a steam sauna for the face by clicking the button below. Be beautiful and leave your feedback!

Steam sauna for the face Maxwell reviews

Maxwell Steam Facial Sauna helps me to take care of my facial skin. My skin is very problematic, combined, sometimes dry, sometimes oily, horror in general. The beautician at the hospital advised me to do saunas. I decided to buy this device, since it is inconvenient to use a simple pan and you can get burned. I am happy, I do the procedures every two weeks and the skin is much better! The pores are cleared and acne is much less. And the skin has become more pleasant to the touch, just so elastic. super, I recommend to everyone!

posted 03/09/2013

Steam bath- one of the most ancient and effective methods of deep cleansing of the skin. The moist steam softens the top layer of the skin and facilitates its removal, leaving the skin smooth and refreshed. The heat increases circulation and activates the pores and glands, which flush dirt and toxins out to the skin's surface.

Steam baths relieve acne and congestion, rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the face look fresher and smoother. Steam baths for or aging skin are done every two weeks, as frequent steam baths dry out the skin. For - once a week.

A steam bath can be done in two ways. I think the most convenient using an inhaler like "Chamomile".

To prepare a steam bath in this way, boil a glass of clean water, add a tablespoon to the water blend of herbs suitable for your skin type, this will be discussed below. Cover and let sit for two minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a special container of the inhaler, add 3-5 drops. Then you do everything as with ordinary inhalation - assemble the inhaler, plug it in and place your face in a special cup, as in the picture.

If you do not have such an inhaler, you can use a regular a saucepan.

For a liter of boiling water, add 4 tablespoons of the herbal mixture appropriate for your skin type. Cover the pot, turn off the stove and let sit for two minutes. Remove the lid, add 10 drops. Keep your face 30-45 cm from the surface of the water, cover your head and pot with a thick blanket to form a steam bath. 5-10 minutes will be enough.

In no case don't press anything on your face after the procedure! Beauticians are engaged in mechanical cleaning; it is not recommended to do this at home. Instead, you can use a gelatin mask to remove blackheads (there will be an article about it soon).

After a steam bath(masks) wipe your face to close the pores, blot with a paper towel and lubricate. You can also use a greasy cream, but I prefer it as the combination of a steam bath and oil rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin.

Steam bath ingredients for different skin types.

For any skin type should be added to the steam bath Bay leaf and licorice... Bay leaf improves blood circulation, licorice removes toxins. Other herbs soften the skin and have a healing effect. Essential oils add aroma and relaxation.

For normal skin: thyme, chamomile, fennel, lavender, geranium or bergamot essential oils.

For dry skin: marshmallow, chamomile, orange peel; essential oils of neroli or chamomile.

For greasy skin: lemon balm, fennel; essential oils of juniper and lemon.

For fading skin: cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, nettle; essential oil of rosemary.

For problematic skin: burdock root, yarrow, black currant leaf; essential oils of lemon, bergamot, cedar.

If you are very dry, sensitive or prone to redness leather with protruding veins, you better take advantage

Greetings, my wonderful blog readers and guests. Nowadays there are so many devices invented for skin care at home. You don't even know which one is better to choose. One of them is a steam facial sauna. I heard enough reviews about this wonderful device, so I decided to find out more about it. What I learned impressed me very much and decided to tell you everything.

Some girls claim that steam has a magical effect on the skin. Therefore, they see steaming as a panacea for any skin problem. Others are wary of this procedure. So who is right and who is wrong? This is easy to figure out. To do this, you need to study the "strengths" and "weaknesses" of this device.

Steam baths have the following effects on the skin:

  • due to heat stress, blood flow increases, which means that cells receive more nutrients;
  • opening of pores occurs;
  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • the skin is cleared of dead cells;
  • the face becomes more susceptible to the effects of cosmetics - creams, masks, etc.;
  • tissue trophism improves.

As for the negative aspects of the miracle device, they are also available. They appear in those cases when the procedure cannot be carried out, but the girls do it anyway. And then they write reviews that the device is bad. The list of contraindications to the use of steam saunas is considerable, but I'll introduce you to it a little later.

How to use the device

The principle of operation of a miracle device is similar to steaming over a saucepan. Only in contrast to the latter method, the first is more convenient and simple to execute. Plus it's safer to use a steam sauna. And how many fears can you experience by steaming your face over a saucepan? What if she turns over or something else happens. A little flight of imagination and you can come up with a terrible ending. We are all dreamers at heart 🙂

By the way, a steam sauna can also act as a towel warmer and an air humidifier. It must be filled with filtered water. After use, rinse and dry thoroughly.

How to make steam baths correctly:

  1. The device comes with a measuring cup. It is necessary to draw water into it up to the mark indicated on the container.
  2. If desired, add aromatic oil to the water (just a couple of drops). Tea tree oil is especially effective for acne on the face. You can also work with herbs - prepare a decoction, for example, from chamomile flowers.
  3. Pour water or a decoction into a special compartment.
  4. We are waiting for the device to start dispensing steam. For different models, the time varies from 5 to 8 minutes.

The maximum outlet steam temperature is 40 degrees. The procedure takes approximately 6 minutes. However, in many models, the shutdown occurs automatically, so you do not have to look at the stopwatch.

With this wonderful device, you can work on a particular area or the whole face. Be sure to watch this video. It will clearly show you how to do such spa treatments at home.

Facial skin care before and after the procedure

Before steaming the face, it is enough to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Special cosmetics will help with this. For example, .

During the procedure, I do not recommend applying creams or masks to the face - they prevent sweating

Unless you can cover your lips with a very thin layer of balm. For some, they dry too much.

Peeling for the face can also be considered an exception. Enzyme peeling is especially good in this case, because enzymes really like moisture and warmth. When performing such a procedure at home, you need to cover your face for 5 minutes. Well, for example, with a warm damp towel. If you use a steam sauna, you do not need to cover your face with a towel. You just need to apply the enzyme peeling to the skin and sit over the steam for about 5 minutes.

Yes, if you want to use a scrub additionally, choose a product with soft exfoliating granules. Only use it a day after steam treatments.

After steaming, if time permits, do or. They make up well for moisture deficiency.

And the final stage after steaming is the application of serum or cream. If you are going to go outside later, remember the rule of applying cosmetic products. For example, in winter, it is recommended to apply the cream 40-60 minutes before going outside. So steam your face when you don't need to rush anywhere. Choose a weekend time when you can sit back at home and enjoy self-care.

Reviews of cosmetologists

According to numerous comments, many girls buy this device for home mechanical acne cleaning. Yes, in advertising articles they write that the sauna opens the pores and facilitates their cleansing. But it is necessary to remove contamination from them with the help of special devices. Of course, why go to a beautician who will remove as much as the device costs in one cleaning. Surely you think so?

Only now, steaming the skin of the face before cleaning is irrelevant. Moreover, many cosmetologists consider it not just undesirable, but even harmful procedure. Cold hydrogenation is now in use. This is a mask that perfectly opens the pores and helps to soften their contents.

While writing this material, I remembered my first visits to a beautician in my city. It was in the late 90s. Who wants to have acne, especially in adolescence. When you start dating boys 🙂 Mom took me to a beautician. I remember using classic steaming, then mechanical cleaning, streptocide mask, etc. For a couple of days I could not touch my face at all and there were red spots. And after a couple of weeks, it sprinkled again. Then the beautician said that you have to go for a cleaning every month. Then I suspected that this method, as the only possible one, did not help.

Girls, don't crush the pimples yourself! If you want to get rid of acne, choose a good beautician. Fortunately, there are plenty of reviews and specialized clinics now. A more gentle option for mechanical pore cleaning is.


As well as going to the bathhouse, the use of this device is undesirable in some cases. The reason for this is that the condition of the skin may deteriorate. And customer reviews of such a steam sauna prove this once again.

This procedure cannot be performed at all:

  • if acne, rosacea and edema have worsened;
  • when the skin is hypersensitive - say, you are sunburned or you have dermatitis;
  • after some cosmetic procedures - injections, chemical peels, laser resurfacing;
  • if there are wounds, abrasions or fresh scars on the skin;
  • during pregnancy and during menstruation.

In a separate category, I singled out those persons who can do the procedures, but very carefully. The first on this list are those with dry skin. This type of skin itself does not retain moisture well. And when using a steam sauna, the skin quickly loses moisture, which in turn contributes to dehydration.

The second in the risk group are the owners of hypersensitive skin and skin with rosacea. You can steam your face with them, but again, this must be done extremely carefully. And besides, one should not get too carried away with such procedures. Frequent use of the machine can worsen the condition of such skin. Redness will appear on it, and rosacea will begin to develop intensively.

Which device is better to buy in the online store

There are different models of this unit on sale. Before you buy a miracle device, carefully study its capabilities. And read the customer reviews. Below I present to your attention the most popular models of cosmetic devices.