If an adult has nasal congestion, he can simply blow his nose. What to do if you have a runny nose small child who is not yet able to serve himself?

When the nose is stuffy, the baby experiences severe discomfort: it is difficult for him to breathe, there may be a headache, restless and superficial sleep, and the baby does not latch on well. Cotton swabs used for daily toileting of newborns are ineffective in such cases and parents often do not know how to clean their child’s nose. In such a situation, nasal aspirators come to the rescue.

What is a nasal aspirator?

This is a device designed to remove secretions from the sinuses. Aspirators come in various types, from mechanical to electronic. The principle of operation and effectiveness depends on the type of model. Mainly, the mechanism of operation is based on creating a pressure difference between the nasal cavity and the device, due to which secretions are suctioned out.

First of all, aspirators are needed for infants and children under 3 years old, while they are still unable to clear the nasal passages themselves. A baby nasal aspirator is a must if:

It must be remembered that constant nasal congestion in children entails various complications from the ENT organs, such as otitis media, sinusitis. In addition, breathing through the mouth significantly reduces the body's ability to prevent infections and can lead to developmental delays in the child.

You can learn how to use an aspirator effectively without harming your baby from the following recommendations:

Before cleaning your newborn's nose with an aspirator, you should make sure that the nozzle is made of soft material and securely fixed.

Then you should place the child on your arm in an elevated position, press one nostril with your finger, and carefully insert the device nozzle into the other.

If the device has a bulb, then you need to insert the tip into the baby’s nose, releasing the air from the balloon. After inserting the tip, you should suck out the mucus in the manner provided for by the design of your device. You need to act as carefully as possible, since the baby’s mucous membranes are easily injured.

A nasal aspirator is a must-have in a child's first aid kit! The need for it can arise at any time, so you should take care of purchasing it before the baby is born.

What types of nasal aspirators are there?

Today there are many various types and models of aspirators. Each parent can choose the right product for their child, depending on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

There are 4 main types of products:

All these devices differ from each other in design, mechanism and operation. Let's look at them in more detail:

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the device: the nasal aspirator must be made from safe materials and have the appropriate certification. It is better to purchase the product at a pharmacy or specialty store.

Among the many diseases of children, the most troublesome and troublesome is a runny nose. In the fight against a stuffy nose necessary means hygiene is a newborn aspirator. It will make it easier nasal breathing, will make the mucous membrane more accessible for action medicines and will help you sleep more peacefully.

Newborn children suffer from a runny nose more severely than adults, but they cannot help themselves

A runny nose, or rhinitis, significantly impairs the life of any person. For a newborn, this condition can be quite dangerous. Firstly, the baby does not know how to breathe through his mouth, and even more so does not know how to independently free his nose from mucus. This is fraught oxygen starvation and inability to fully suck. Secondly, the nasal passages are closely connected with the opening to the middle ear, so a prolonged and profuse runny nose can quickly lead to otitis media. In addition, in pediatrics there are often cases of sinusitis in children. The cause of a runny nose can be hypothermia, infections, poor microclimate in the house, allergic susceptibility, physiology.

The main function of a nasal aspirator for a newborn is to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and crusts. If this is done correctly, the baby will be able to breathe much easier for some time. The cleansed nasal mucosa becomes more susceptible to medicines, so the effect of children's vasoconstrictor drops will be much longer.

How to prepare the nose before suctioning

An aspirator for newborns is capable of clearing the nose only of liquefied mucus. If your baby’s snot is thick and thick crusts form, they need to be softened before using the “nozzle suction”. To do this, pediatricians recommend using special irrigation solutions (sea salt solution, which can be bought at a pharmacy, Salin, Otrivin ampoules, etc.) or regular saline solution. These products moisturize the mucous membrane, heal it and help soften dry crusts. You can only use drops; sprays are contraindicated for children under one year of age, as they can irritate the delicate nasal mucosa. It is better to consult a pediatrician about how to properly treat rhinitis.

When working with an aspirator, all manipulations must be carried out with extreme caution and only at a time when the baby is calm.

  1. The child must be picked up vertical position or arrange reclining.
  2. Tilt your head slightly to the side and drop a few drops into one nostril.
  3. You should wait a few minutes and use the aspirator according to the instructions.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril.

You need to clean the nose when the baby is calm, otherwise the desired effect may not be achieved.

The “pear”, familiar to us all from childhood, is a fairly simple type of aspirator; currently there are many more convenient models

The simplest nasal aspirator is a small syringe. Its main advantage is its low price. You can use it only if it is not possible to purchase a more modern one. Firstly, syringes rarely have tips with limiters, so it is very easy to injure the mucous membrane with the tip when inserted deeper. Secondly, it is difficult to determine whether it was possible to free the nose from mucus, because the walls of the syringe are opaque. A syringe-nozzle pump works on the principle of a pear. First you need to squeeze it, then bring it to your nose, insert the tip into the nostril and gently unclench it. The existing liquid should get inside the syringe. After each procedure, this nasal aspirator must be thoroughly disinfected.

Mechanical aspirators for newborns can be considered the most common and convenient. They can be purchased separately or as a set with removable attachments and filters. In pharmacies you can find already prepared kits for the care of the nasal cavity (for example, “Otrivin Baby”), which already include a means for softening the crusts and an aspirator with nozzles. Mechanical nozzle ejectors consist of a body, a removable nozzle and a mouthpiece. All parts are usually transparent to control the process and the amount of incoming mucus. The removable nozzle, which directly carries out the suction process, has a filter to prevent the transmission of infection from mother to child and vice versa.

This device is very easy to use. It is necessary to insert the tip of the nozzle into the baby’s nose, and the mother can easily inhale air through the mouthpiece. Very simple and convenient. Usually one attachment is suitable for one procedure. There are many manufacturers of such nasal hygiene products, so before using any of them, you must carefully study the instructions for use.

The electronic nasal aspirator for newborns has a silicone tip with a limiter and a special container for storing nasal discharge. The device operates on batteries, its power is low, so the likelihood of injury to the mucous membrane is excluded. The mother needs to carefully insert the tip of the aspirator into the nostril and press the button. Some devices “can” play recorded melodies to distract the baby from the procedure.

The average price position is occupied by vacuum aspirators for children. These devices are powered by a vacuum cleaner. They have a removable tip and mouthpiece that is attached to the vacuum cleaner tube. This nasal aspirator for newborns controls the suction power and prevents injury to the nose. The cleansing procedure takes a few seconds; the nose is effectively cleared of mucus without effort or resistance from the baby. The device is universal, as it can be used for both newborns and adults. Typically, such devices do not have replaceable attachments. You should always study the instructions for use due to the design features of these vacuum devices. If you collect the main performance indicators of all the nasal aspirators described above, you can create a table of their effectiveness.

Aspirator type/comparison criteriavacuumelectronicwith mouthpiecemanual
Speed ​​of procedure5 4 2 1
Efficiency5 4 1 1
Hygiene5 5 3 3
Safety5 5 5 3
Availability of removable partsNobatteriesnozzles, filtersNo
durability5 5 3 5
Total points25 23 14 13

If your child has a runny nose, first of all be sure to find out the cause: if it occurs as a manifestation of an allergy, antihistamines will be required

  1. A newborn aspirator should only be used in cases where snot does not flow out of the nose on its own. You may just need to hold your baby upright for a few minutes to clear the nose.
  1. Excessive use of aspirators for newborns can lead to disruption of the nasal mucosa, its drying out and loss of protective properties.
  1. If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, it is better to “replace” the nasal snot pump with antihistamines prescribed by the pediatrician.
  1. If the runny nose is severe with thick mucus that is difficult to clear, the cleansing procedure should be carried out several times a day, especially before feeding, to make it easier for the baby to suck.
  1. After aspiration, you should use vasoconstrictor drops, but no more than 3-5 days in a row.

An aspirator for a newborn helps clear the nasal passage of mucus, snot and other excess fluid. Many babies suffer from a similar problem when, when feeding from a bottle or breastfeeding, milk gets into the nose. In addition, a runny nose can occur due to colds and allergies, too dry air and insufficient humidity in the room.

The child cannot blow his nose, then aspirators or nozzle ejectors come to the rescue. They cleanse and moisturize the nasal passages, ease breathing and the baby’s condition, eliminate discomfort and speed up treatment for colds or allergies. But before using this drug, be sure to consult your pediatrician. Let's take a closer look at what this device represents. And we’ll find out how to choose for a newborn and infant.

When is an aspirator needed?

  • Copious mucous discharge from the nose;
  • and other viral disease;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Prevention of runny nose;
  • With weak immunity, a tendency to frequent colds and complications of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections;
  • Acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis, including sinusitis;
  • Diseases of an ENT nature (ears, mouth and nasal cavity).

Design and types of aspirator

A traditional aspirator is a rubber flask with a plastic or silicone tip. By the way, experts advise choosing silicone tips, as they are safe and do not injure the mucous membrane of the nose. In addition, soft silicone is hypoallergenic, convenient and comfortable to use.

Modern respirators are a more advanced device that appearance looks like a construction pistol. To operate this device, you need to press a button or a rubber part. Today four types of aspirates are produced:

  • A syringe is a cheap, simple and effective device in the form of a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip. However, it is produced without a limiter, which makes it difficult to control the operation of the device. After each use, the bulb and tips must be thoroughly washed and boiled;
  • Mechanical aspirator - a tube with a mucus reservoir, a replaceable filter and soft, replaceable tips. One end of the tube is inserted into the child's nose, and the adult must suck out the air from the other. A replaceable filter prevents mucus from entering the mouth of an adult; the secretions remain in the reservoir. Disposable nozzles prevent the spread of infection and do not require disinfection. After use, discard the tip;
  • The vacuum device is a safe, modern device of the latest generation. It works by connecting to a home vacuum cleaner through a special mouthpiece. The device is easy and convenient to adjust, which ensures safe use. The product is distinguished by high efficiency, durability and fast action. The aspirator will clean the baby's nose in a few seconds! However, the device has a high price;
  • An electronic or electric device is an easy-to-use device that is convenient for sucking out snot, cleaning and moisturizing the baby’s nasal cavity. The product has comfortable control using buttons, compact size, safety and high efficiency. But the device is quite expensive.

In addition, it is important for the baby to choose a reliable and safe solution that is used before the aspirator. It thins the mucous membrane and helps the aspirator remove fluid faster. You can use store-bought drops. The drugs Aqualor Baby, Nazol Baby, Otrivin Baby, Salin and Aqua Maris are suitable for newborns. Pinosol drops are approved for children over two years of age. But sprays are not recommended for use up to three years. Moreover, they can only make the situation worse. Which remedy for a runny nose to choose for a baby, see.

Instead of a purchased product, you can use sea ​​salt, mineral water, decoctions of medicinal herbs or homemade solution. To prepare a saline solution, add a teaspoon of table salt to a liter of water and stir. Instead of salt, you can put soda. For infusions, choose chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula or sage. The main thing is that the child does not have an allergic reaction to the selected component.

Is a vacuum aspirator dangerous?

Today, vacuum nasal aspirators have become very popular, despite their high cost. However, many parents are afraid that they may harm the mucous membrane due to the high power of the vacuum cleaner. But such preparations are absolutely safe due to the power of true vacuum and rapid suction of liquid in just 20-30 seconds.

The vacuum aspirator is equipped with an upper flask with double vortex, which allows you to safely connect the device to a home vacuum cleaner. This is an excellent solution for eliminating heavy nasal discharge. However, it is not recommended to use the device too often, otherwise the runny nose will worsen. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and directions.

It is not necessary to use a vacuum device; you can easily take a more traditional and cheaper preparation. Each type of aspirator has varying degrees of effectiveness and helps get rid of accumulated mucus in the baby’s nose. Let's look at which brand of aspirator for newborns is best to choose.

The best aspirators for babies

Aspirator Characteristic Price
Otrivin Baby (Sweden) The most popular long-lasting mechanical preparation, includes a set of replaceable disposable nozzles, safe and comfortable use 300 – 400 rubles
World of Childhood (Russia) An affordable syringe aspirator (bulb) with a soft, reusable silicone tip, does not injure the nose, after use it is enough to rinse with hot water and laundry soap without boiling 100 – 200 rubles
Bebe Confort (France) The mechanical device cleans the spout without pain or discomfort, fast and reliable, soft and delicate action; the shape and size of the attachments correspond to the child’s anatomy, which makes use comfortable and safe; suitable for children over three months 400 – 500 rubles
Bebe Confort “Nasal Kit” 3 in 1 (France) The multifunctional aspirator is suitable for children from the first days of life; it has three models of nozzle depending on age; the size and shape of the tip are made taking into account the anatomy of the baby’s nose; neat and gentle suction, delicate and fast action, easy to disassemble and wash every part 550-600 rubles
Cleanoz (USA) Battery-powered electronic aspirator, very comfortable to use, convenient to take on walks and trips, no need to suck out snot yourself, soft disposable nozzles, safe and comfortable to use, needs to be cleaned and disinfected after each use, long term services 2700-2800 rubles
Baby Vac (Hungary) The vacuum nasal device quickly cleans the nose and is ideal for home use, the device is easy to disassemble and wash, convenient regulation and automatic power selection, safety and efficiency 1100-1300 rubles
Marimer (France) Mechanical tube, completely hygienic and easy to use, transparent body allows you to monitor the process, safety and efficiency 200-300 rubles
Narhinel Cleans the spout quickly and effectively, suitable for home use and for children, replaceable disposable nozzles, convenient use and storage, affordable price 70-100 rubles
B.Well WC-150(China) Convenient and practical electronic aspirator, easy to use and compact size, transparent liquid collection container and soft safe nozzle, built-in music of 12 children's melodies to distract the baby 1800 – 2000 rubles
NoseFrida (Sweden) A safe aspirator in the form of a mechanical tube with hygienic filters, does not irritate the mucous membranes and effectively removes fluid from the nasal cavity, clean with soap and warm water 620 – 750 rubles
Nuby(USA) Universal syringe (bulb) with nozzles for cleaning a child’s nose and ears, soft, comfortable and safe silicone tip, easy to use and delicate action, non-toxic manufacturing materials 350 – 400 rubles
ATOPITA (Japan) Mechanical aspirator with two tubes, bactericidal materials guarantee complete hygiene, suitable for both children and adults 650 – 750 rubles
Suavinex(Spain) The anatomical aspirator follows the shape of the nose, which makes use comfortable and painless, easily removes mucus from the nose for a few seconds and effectively improves the child’s free breathing 200 – 300 rubles
Chicco(Italy) An effective product made of soft plastic with a foam filter inside, adjustable suction force, quick mucus removal and easy use 300 – 400 rubles

How to use a newborn aspirator correctly

  • Before using the device, be sure to consult your pediatrician and read the instructions;
  • Carry out the procedures carefully so as not to harm the baby’s delicate mucous membrane;
  • First, using a pipette, drop saline solution, drops, or other chosen product into your nose. To do this, tilt the baby's head back or lay the baby down with a folded sheet or towel under his head. Place two or three drops into each nostril and leave your head in this position for 20-30 seconds;
  • It is better to prepare natural remedies every day. The compositions cannot be stored for more than a day, as during this time harmful bacteria will appear in the solution;
  • The tip of the device is inserted into one of the baby’s nostrils, and the other is closed with a finger to create a vacuum;
  • The child must be in an upright position;
  • Press a button or rubber surface, or press or squeeze a bulb;
  • After the procedure, remove the aspirator. If the device does not provide a special container for collecting liquid, squeeze the mucus onto a napkin. Wipe the device and repeat the procedure with the second nostril;
  • After cleaning is completed, the aspirator is thoroughly washed with water and soap, and, if necessary, sterilized or treated with a disinfectant. Reusable nozzles are also treated, disposable ones are thrown away;
  • Do not use disposable attachments more than once! They retain bacteria and can cause infection;
  • It is recommended to clean the child’s nose no more than two or three times a day, so as not to irritate the child’s delicate mucous membrane;
  • Cleanse before feeding and/or bedtime;
  • The saline solution should not be used for more than four days in a row, so as not to dry out the nasal mucosa.

The danger of a runny nose for infants

If you do not remove excess liquid from the nose, mucus and dust accumulate in the child’s nasal passages, and crusts form. This will cause the baby severe discomfort and unpleasant sensations. Constant mucus and fluid in the nose that is not removed leads to rhinitis and chronic runny nose.

During a runny nose, the baby cannot breathe or eat normally or sleep peacefully. Rhinitis in newborns leads to respiratory distress and difficulty. In addition, accumulated fluid and mucus through the internal auditory tube can enter the middle ear cavity and cause otitis media. Therefore, it is important to promptly clean the nose of newborns and infants.

A runny nose in a newborn often causes anxiety in a young mother. The reasons for its appearance can be very different: a change in weather, a common cold, allergies, the beginning of the heating season, a change of place of residence. How to help a baby who has an innate but imperfect immune system?

And the acquired immunity is not yet working at full capacity. In such cases, the first thing to do is not to panic. Of course, in modern world There is a device for eliminating snot in a newborn. A device called a baby nasal aspirator will help young parents cope with this problem.

Why do you need an aspirator?

Let's figure out what an aspirator is. An aspirator is a device whose main task is to remove mucus from a child’s nasal passages. In common parlance it is often called a snot sucker for children. Since children under 2-3 years old do not know how to empty their nasal sinuses on their own, this device falls into the category of things must have in the first aid kit of young parents.

How to choose a nozzle ejector for a newborn

The available number of types of aspirators, as well as manufacturers, will cause you doubt when choosing. And you will definitely ask yourself the question: “Which one will be better for my baby?”
Therefore, when purchasing an aspirator for children, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • safety;
  • quality of material;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of cleaning and storage;
  • price.

Types of aspirators

There are several types of children's nasal aspirators:

  • in the form of a syringe;
  • mechanical;
  • vacuum;
  • electronic.

Let's look at how to use each type of nasal aspirator for newborns separately with all the pros and cons. And this will give you the opportunity to decide which is the best aspirator for newborns.

Pay attention! With a stuffy nose, the baby may be a little capricious. A runny nose not only prevents him from sleeping peacefully, but also prevents him from latching onto the breast correctly. Therefore, do not forget to clear mucus from your nose before going to bed and before feeding.

Important! Before using any type of aspirator, it is advisable to thin the mucus and soften the crusts with a light saline solution. Doctors most often recommend using Aquamaris for newborns, since the content of sea water in it is balanced and safe for babies.

Aspirator in the form of a syringe

This is the very first type of aspirator, and the most budget-friendly. It consists of a rubber bulb and a plastic tip.

The mechanism for using it is very simple:

  • With one hand you need to squeeze the rubber bulb, and with the other hold the baby’s arms;
  • Carefully insert the plastic tip into the child’s nasal cavity;
  • Slowly release the squeezed bulb, causing the mucus to be drawn into the container itself;


  • Simplicity of design;
  • Its budget price.


  • It is very difficult to adjust the depth of the tip in the nasal cavity (this can lead to damage);
  • The opacity of the container itself (it is difficult to determine the volume and color of the mucus itself);
  • There is no mechanism for adjusting the suction force.

Advice! When choosing this type of nasal aspirator, you should pay attention to the shape of the plastic tip. Even if the baby is not yet mobile, during the mucus suction procedure he will still try to dodge. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to take an aspirator with a wide tip; if the child begins to resist, you will not cause any harm to the baby’s nasal cavity.

Mechanical aspirator

This device consists of a transparent container and a silicone tube with a tip attached to it. The container itself is equipped with a filter to prevent mucus from entering the adult’s oral cavity.

Principle of use:

  • Place three to four drops of saline solution into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • Then lift the child’s body onto a pillow or bolster to prevent mucus from going down the throat;
  • It is necessary to insert the tip into the nasal cavity;
  • Press the second end of the aspirator with your lips;
  • We inhale the air, and the mucus enters the container and lingers there;
  • After use, the device must be washed and sterilized.


  • The transparency of the container, which allows you to see the color of the mucus and its volume;
  • The silicone tip is soft enough, so the risk of injuring the baby’s nasal passages is low;
  • It is in second place in cost after an aspirator in the form of a syringe.


  • Sometimes the lungs do not have enough power to eliminate deep-seated mucus.

Vacuum aspirator

Not long ago, a new type of nasal aspirator appeared on the market - a vacuum one. The principle of its operation is very similar to previous types of snot suckers for newborns, only it works from a home vacuum cleaner. The aspirator consists of a reusable nozzle-tip, a transparent flask-collector and an adapter attachment for a vacuum cleaner for suctioning snot.

Principle of use:

  • Place three to four drops of saline solution into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • Take the child in your arms (the baby will be calmer this way);
  • Close one of your baby's nostrils;
  • Carefully insert the tip into the second;
  • Turn on the device;
  • After use, the device must be washed and sterilized.


  • Using the device is absolutely safe;
  • Is durable;
  • Ability to adjust suction power;
  • Efficiency, since the power of the vacuum cleaner is enough to easily remove even thick snot.


  • The noise of a vacuum cleaner can frighten a baby;
  • Price.

Electronic aspirator

The electric baby nasal aspirator is considered the most effective. Operates on batteries and is almost silent. Consists of a body, a transparent container for collecting mucus and a soft tip with a limiter.

The principle of use is very simple:

  • drop three to four drops of saline solution into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • insert the silicone tip into the child's nostril;
  • turn on the start button and it's done;
  • Sterilize the mucus collection container.


  • Work efficiency;
  • Safe to use (equipped with a soft silicone tip);
  • Has a transparent container for collecting mucus;
  • There is an option to spray a saline solution or other medicine into the nasal cavity;
  • Many models have musical accompaniment for the baby's comfort.


  • Cost of aspirator;
  • Fragility.

Did you know? For newborns, an electric aspirator is an important and necessary device because it operates almost silently. And some models of electric baby nozzle ejectors equipped with musical accompaniment, will make this process pleasant and gentle.


  • Before using the device, be sure to read the instructions;
  • Children under one year old are not allowed to use the spray, so we use the saline solution only in the form of drops;
  • When suctioning mucus, be sure to control the depth of insertion of the nozzle into the nasal cavity;
  • Frequent use of any type of product can lead to drying and weakening of the protective properties of mucous tissue;
  • If your child has bleeding from the nasal cavity, do not use any type of aspirator until you consult your pediatrician;

  • must be treated and must be treated until complete recovery. Since without treatment it can lead to serious complications in infants: purulent otitis media, acute bronchitis, bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • Clean and humidified air helps baby maintain a comfortable nasal environment . The optimal relative humidity in a children's room is 50-70%. Therefore, try to ventilate the room in which the baby is located more often. And if the air continues to remain dry, you should think about purchasing an air humidifier. Remember that the nasal cavity should not be dry;
  • Don’t forget, the thinner the snot, the more effective any type of aspirator is. Therefore, before each use, use a saline solution;
  • Do not wet your baby's nose with breast milk. The opinion that breast milk kills bacteria in the nose - wrong.
  • We, as parents, must help the baby's immune system develop correctly. Therefore, try to make every effort to ensure that your baby receives nutritious breast milk, he really needs it. And procedures such as a walk in the fresh air, massage, bathing will only help to strengthen and properly develop your baby’s immunity.

Aspirator for children - video

The video below will help you more clearly study the process of removing mucus from your baby’s nasal cavity. It will also give you the opportunity to be a little bolder in your actions.

Aspirators for newborns are a lifesaver for parents. Many mothers, having used this device, can no longer imagine solving difficulties in any other way. We hope that you have already chosen your type of aspirator. We would be grateful if you share your experience in choosing and using an aspirator in the comments; it will definitely help someone. Take care of yourself and your children.

Often in children early age, there are breathing problems due to snot. Mucus accumulates in the baby's nasal passages, blocking the breathing passages. The baby becomes capricious and also begins to experience discomfort. Therefore, every family with a baby should have in its first aid kit a special device for pumping mucus from the child’s nose. This device is called a neonatal aspirator.

The function of the aspirator is to cleanse the child’s nasal passages if he cannot do this himself. It should not be used unless clearly necessary, since the nasal mucosa of a child is extremely delicate and susceptible to injury.

Mucous the human nose, performs the function of protecting the body from various types of viruses and harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the nose in normal condition. Too dry air in the room leads to the appearance of crusts in the nose. The child can clear his nose on his own, for this there is a sneezing reflex. During sneezing, the crusts in the nose are easily separated and removed outside, without the need to use an aspirator.

The optimal indoor humidity for children should be from 50 to 70 percent. The temperature should be 21-23 degrees. But it all depends on the time of year, as well as the personal characteristics of the body.

Inflammation nasal passages, occurs due to a disease such as rhinitis. Leads to the appearance large quantities mucus. Mucus is quite dangerous for a newborn; it can block the airways, completely stopping the ability to breathe through the nose. As a rule, newborn babies cannot breathe through their mouths, and this leads to a lack of oxygen. Mucus can penetrate the human auditory tube and then reach the middle ear cavity. When the mucus reaches the middle ear cavity, the child develops otitis media.

Treatment for such a disease involves the use antibiotics. In this case, mucus remains, and a nasal aspirator must be used to remove it.

Cheapest and simple model. The cost of such a device is from 50 rubles. Consists of a thin tip and a small bulb. The tip is most often made of silicone, since this material is soft enough to touch the baby's nasal mucosa. The bulb is made of simple rubber and is necessary to draw in liquid.

Algorithm use baby aspirator-syringes are quite simple:

  1. Before insertion into the nasal cavity, it is necessary to squeeze the bulb and release the air from it.
  2. The silicone tip is carefully inserted into the nasal cavity.
  3. The pear should not be released quickly; this should be done smoothly so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The mucus is sucked into the aspirator.
  4. After the procedure, the syringe must be cleaned, washed thoroughly, and boiled.

The disadvantage of this device is that it primitiveness. There are no insertion limiters at the end of the silicone tip; this should be done quite carefully, and not completely. The second disadvantage of the aspirator-syringe is the opacity of the materials from which the item is made. Therefore, it is impossible to track the process of mucus suction.

Mechanical type of aspirator

The operating principle of a mechanical aspirator for children is no different from a syringe. The purpose of such a device is still to pump out mucus from the nasal passages. The mechanical product is equipped with a tube and a special reservoir for collecting mucus. Pumping occurs by drawing in air by an adult through a tube. But the entry of mucus into the parents’ oral cavity is prevented using the built-in filter.

Injury of the nasal mucous membranes of children, rarely occurs when using a mechanical aspirator. Since the insertion tip is made of soft silicone, which is easy to replace if necessary. The cost of this type of aspirator is slightly more expensive than syringes, and is around 200 rubles.

Algorithm use mechanical aspirator is very simple:

  1. A soft tip of the device is inserted into the child's nostril.
  2. The person performing the manipulation must draw in air, as a result of which the mucus is sucked into the collection container.
  3. After use, the disposable container is changed and thrown away, and the reusable container will need to be washed and sterilized.

The advantage of this nasal aspirator is that the mucus container is transparent. Parents will be able to track the progress of the procedure, the amount of liquid absorbed, as well as its consistency and color.

The most expensive, but most suitable option for newborns, is the electronic aspirator. Consists of an electrically powered suction mechanism, a silicone tip and a transparent container for collecting mucus. The convenience of this device lies in its automation and safety. The nasal aspirator works very gently and is capable of sucking both mucus and crusts from the nasal mucosa. The silicone tip has a special limiter that will help determine the maximum permissible depth of insertion into the nasal cavity.

The use of such an aspirator for newborns is as follows: actions:

  1. Using the marks as a guide, a silicone tip is inserted into the nasal cavity.
  2. By pressing the start button, the device will pump out the mucus itself. The liquid will accumulate in a transparent container designed for this purpose. It is necessary to monitor the process of filling the container.

Electric baby nasal aspirator, has the function of rinsing the nose with water. When using this device, the risk of injury to the baby's mucous membrane is very low. The device runs on batteries or a rechargeable battery; some models have built-in musical melodies that distract the child during the procedure so that he is not afraid.

This is a device efficient, but expensive, the price of an electronic nasal aspirator will be around 1,500 rubles and more. Among the disadvantages, one can note the increased ability of the device to break down.

The purpose of the vacuum device is the same as that of other aspirators. But what differs from other devices is the method of cleaning the nose. It involves using a vacuum to instantly clean the nasal cavity. A vacuum nasal aspirator is attached to a regular home vacuum cleaner, after which the vacuum cleaner creates a vacuum inside a special container.

Has many advantages, including the longevity of service. The product is safe, although many parents refuse to use it because of the price and specifics of the device. The price for such a children's nasal aspirator will be around 1,300 rubles.

Rules of application

Before using the device, you need to wet the child’s nose with a small amount of water, saline solution, or chamomile decoction. This procedure allows you to soften the baby's mucus and make it liquid. When wetting the nasal cavity, the baby must be kept in an upright position to prevent water from penetrating into the respiratory tract.

The use of all children's aspirators requires compliance algorithm works:

  1. It is necessary to hold the baby in your arms; he should not be nervous or worry about the procedure taking place.
  2. The head is turned to the side, 3-5 drops of saline solution are instilled into the nostrils.
  3. Immediately before use, one nostril is clamped and the aspirator tip is inserted into the second.
  4. Next, the process of suctioning out the liquid occurs; if necessary, the container should be changed.
  5. The work is repeated from the second nostril.

It's pretty simple rules, and if they are followed, there will be no difficulties during the procedure.


There are some nuances that need to be taken into account when use baby nasal aspirator:

All types of aspirators must have soft tip edges and also have a protective fuse. If the tip is worn out, its edges become deformed, they become sharpened or form jagged edges. In such a situation, it must be replaced with a new one.

It should also note that liquid snot normally flows out on its own and needs to be wiped away, but if it’s too hard, more than one of the children’s aspirators will be unable to suck it up.