The manifestation of age and other life “imprints”, reflected on the face, change the appearance beyond recognition. Recently, a young girl, seeing an old woman in the mirror, becomes desperate. It will be possible to return the former beauty in different ways. Regular massage to maintain skin and muscle functions is the optimal solution. A viable option considered Japanese Asahi facial massage. Having understood the intricacies of the procedures, it becomes clear why the method is so valued by women around the world.

Yukuko Tanaka and her massage technique

The name of the Asahi technique translated from Japanese means “morning sun massage.” The technique of influence has been known since ancient times. Japanese women begin to practice facial and body massage from their youth, staying until old age attractive in appearance.

Tanaka Yukuko, a famous Japanese beauty stylist, systematized ancient knowledge and popularized the technique. The biography of the famous lady is replete with achievements in the field of beauty. This encourages trust. Works on the revival of massage techniques were presented in book format.

The publication, authored by Tanaka Yukuko, quickly sold out in huge quantities in different countries peace. In addition to the printed version with a description of the technology Japanese massage, there are a lot of videos on YouTube that are best watched with Russian voice acting and subtitles.

The obvious difference between the Japanese Zogan technique (the name of massage in Western countries) is the depth and power of elaboration. Unlike classical techniques, known everywhere, Asahi involves intensive work with the skin, muscles, fascia, and lymphatic system. The actions are performed with the palm of the hand, significant pressure is applied, and lymphatic drainage work is present.

Indications for use

Japanese massage Asahi Zogan perfectly tones and trains the muscles in the affected area. The oval is tightened and strengthened. Establishing clear contours, reducing the severity of wrinkles, and improving the appearance of the skin are the main advantages of the technique that create its mass popularity.

Japanese massage is a universal effect, suitable for prevention and elimination of most age-related and cosmetic problems. It is advisable to use the technique if necessary:

  • elimination of edema, dark circles, improving skin color and elasticity;
  • oval tightening, improving the clarity of contours, correcting shapes;
  • getting rid of wrinkles of different nature and depth;
  • relieving age-related deficiencies ( double chin, jowls, eyelid ptosis);
  • detoxification, healing of soft tissues.

Important! It is permissible to start performing a massage in at a young age. Regular sessions help minimize unpleasant symptoms. The onset of old age is noticeably delayed. Experts confirm this.

Efficiency of the procedure

The complex effects of Japanese massage involve the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and skull bones. Deep study helps to quickly achieve tone. After the sessions, the tissues acquire firmness, elasticity, and take on a natural shape. There is an emergency tightening of sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles. The lifting effect is the most popular result of such procedures.

The effect on lymph flow has a significant detoxifying effect. Accumulated toxins and impurities are removed. The skin begins to function fully. Internal processes are activated, the quality of the integument improves.

Execution Rules

When performing a Tsogan massage, maximum attention is paid to the pressure force. The tissues require deep study, but pain is unacceptable. The occurrence of unpleasant symptoms indicates a violation of the rules for performing actions at home. You need to be more attentive to mastering the information covered in the video lessons.

As a last resort, it is useful to use the services of a professional massage therapist 1-2 times, remembering the correct actions of a professional.

The speed of achieving results depends on the regularity of the procedures. For young skin, 2-3 sessions per week are enough. To solve existing problems, daily procedures will be needed. The session lasts 10–15 minutes. The intensive approach allows for morning and evening exposure.

Lymph drainage is a prerequisite for the session. Actions stimulating outflow are performed carefully, applying minimal pressure on the nodes. The movement of lymph occurs due to the descending development of the line from the ear lymph node to the collarbone along the border of the oval. The beginning and end of the path are a gentle pressure. Additionally, the point located under the lower jaw (the end of the bone under the chin) is stimulated.

Preparing for the session

Cleansing is a mandatory procedure before performing a Japanese massage. Covers are free from cosmetics, enjoy light detergent(gel, foam), tonic. To enhance the effect, it is permissible to steam the skin a little by taking a warm bath or shower. This is often overlooked when preparing for the procedure.

Clean covers are lubricated with oil (cream). There are special compositions for Japanese massage sessions. You can prepare a suitable base yourself using low-fat base oil.

To increase the effectiveness of the effect, add 1-2 drops of esters suitable for your skin type, useful for solving existing problems.

Pre-study movements, sequence of actions. Knowing the location of the lymph nodes is a must. Mistakes when performing actions can negatively affect your appearance and health.

Attention! The procedure is performed in any comfortable position that allows you to maintain your posture. When self-massage, the most common position is sitting (standing) in front of a mirror.

Instructions for implementation

The set of exercises of Japanese Zogan massage is extensive. Actions are selected individually. Age, existing problems, skin type are taken into account. A universal option for performing rejuvenation exercises consists of the following effects:

  1. Middle fingers are applied to areas of nasolabial folds. The pads of the fingers rest against the wings of the nose. Make a smooth movement of your fingers down and up. Perform 5–8 repetitions. The block is completed by rubbing the wings of the nose. The movements are energetic, directed from the back to the sides, reaching the cheeks. A series of exercises helps eliminate nasolabial folds and improve breathing.
  2. Improving the situation in the mouth area It helps to work the area with jerky pressures of the middle fingers with moderate force. Move from the center line of the chin to the sides. The circle is completed above the middle upper lip. The exercise helps eliminate wrinkles and lift the corners of the lips.
  3. To prevent sagging cheeks The hands are tightly connected with the palms inward, the top is unclenched. Cover your lips with your palms slightly open and move upward towards the wings of your nose. From this position they make a move to the temples. These movements are performed with significant pressure.
  4. To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, puffiness, circles work the area with circular movements. Start from the outer corner, moving along the edge of the orbit as carefully as possible. The effect on the upper eyelid is similar, it goes in the opposite direction, more intensive treatment is expected.
  5. Forehead support occurs due to the development of the area from the middle to the temples. A series of similar movements are carried out, affecting the entire surface of the forehead.

Each movement is performed 5–8 times, do not forget to do the final lymphatic drainage movement. Watching a short version of gymnastics with pictures or a program about the Japanese technique will help you master the actions more reliably.

Consolidate the result

You will be able to achieve an improvement in your condition after the first session. A pleasant feeling of skin tone will come, blood will flow to the integument. The color will improve, swelling and dark circles will decrease. To achieve a sustainable cosmetic effect, you will need 5–7 sessions. You can get rejuvenating results in 10–20 procedures. You can consolidate your achievements by regularly performing sessions.

Advice. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, controlling facial expressions, and supplementing achievements with face-building gymnastics exercises will make the results of the procedures more noticeable.

Cost of a session in the salon

You can master Japanese Zogan massage on your own. It is required to carefully study the rules for performing procedures and consolidate the actions in practice. Performing the treatment on a regular basis is required, the cost of sessions with a professional master is 500–2500 rubles. This is a considerable amount for 20–30 minutes of exposure, which must be performed as often as possible.


The main limitation when performing Japanese massage procedures is the need for careful pressure on the lymph nodes. Careless, excessively intense actions can cause harm to health. Any doctor will confirm this. The overall treatment of the tissues is deep, but the presence of pain is unacceptable.

Perform actions with prior consultation with a doctor in case of rosacea or skin rashes. Japanese Asahi Zogan sessions - great solution for those with curvy figures. Thinness is aggravated by active actions.

You will have to abandon the Japanese Zogan massage technique if:

  • inflammatory diseases (runny nose, sore throat, fever);
  • damage to skin integrity;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • oncology;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases.

In order to maintain a young, blooming appearance until old age, you will have to try. Appearance needs to be taken care of early years. Massage is a promising option. You just have to perform the actions regularly, without skipping procedures without good reason.

Useful videos

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Asahi from Yukuko Tanaka at home.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage technique from Yukuko Tanaka with Irina Barbarich.

Japanese facial massage Zogan (Asahi) with Russian translation. Part 1.

Japanese Asahi (zogan) facial massage was developed by the fairly famous Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka based on traditional Japanese massage techniques.

The history of the creation of Asahi rejuvenating massage (zogan)

Yukuko Tanaka developed a unique facial rejuvenation technique, which gained immense popularity in Japan and then throughout the world.

Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) - a unique technique of facial rejuvenation

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. Then, not yet understanding where this road would lead her, Yukuko began to practice these skills on herself. She noticed that her face began to change and tighten.

She became interested in the structure of the lymphatic and muscular systems. Gradually, step by step, an amazing rejuvenation system was born without surgery or injections, accessible to any woman.

“Through trial and error, repeating again and again, I understood why my face changed.” (Yukuko Tanaka)

Today, anyone can master the technique of performing such a massage - there are various video tutorials for this, including those recorded in Japan.

Youth and beauty: what is the secret of Asahi massage?

To understand the secret of lymphatic massage, let's look at the structure of the lymphatic system in the face, neck and shoulder area. The lymphatic system is a whole network of lymph running throughout the body, which is concentrated at certain points - lymph nodes. It is the full movement of lymph and the absence of its stagnation that allows the facial skin to look young and toned.

By working the lymphatic pathways directly, without injections or surgeries, we can prolong the youth of our face ourselves. Zogan means “face building” in Japanese. What distinguishes Japanese Asahi facial massage from other massage techniques is its targeted effect on biologically active points located in the facial area.

Asahi massage is based on the physiology of the body, on the structure of its lymphatic system, therefore it is the most natural way of rejuvenation.

Stimulation of these points allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve general health.

Massage allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve overall well-being.

Working with bioactive points underlies many medical practices - in particular, reflexology, which today has become an officially recognized branch of medicine.

It is not surprising that today there are many people who have mastered the Japanese Asahi massage, whose reviews indicate that with the help of this massage sessions they not only gained a well-groomed and fit appearance, but also began to feel much better.

The result of regular Asahi massage

After regularly performing Asahi massage for two to three months, we see the following results:

  • deep nasolabial folds gone
  • wrinkles on forehead gone
  • wrinkles under the eyes are gone
  • the oval of the face tightened
  • double chin gone or significantly reduced

  • Before performing a massage, thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse your face.
  • If your skin is prone to oiliness and rashes, you should even use a mild anti-inflammatory agent (by doing a massage we can “spread” the rashes across the face)
  • When performing a massage, use massage oil or face cream. If you perform a massage with oil, then after the massage we recommend not leaving it on the skin, but rinsing it off, as the oil can clog the pores.
  • Remember that this massage works the lymph nodes, so never apply excessive force, massage gently and carefully.

How to do Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage:

Exercise No. 1 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways”

1 - Place your palms on your cheeks near your ears.

2 - We go down.

3 - We stop in the area of ​​the collarbone.

Exercise No. 2 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways (forehead)”

1- Place three fingers of each hand on the middle of the forehead.

2 — We run our palms along the edges of the face, linger slightly at the temples and ease the tension.

3 - We finish the movement at the collarbones.

Exercise No. 3 - “Massage the area around the eyes”

1 - Place two or three fingers in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes and draw along the upper eyelid to the temples.

2 - From the temples, carefully draw under the eyes to the corners of the eyes.

Exercise No. 4 - “From wrinkles that are visible when you smile”

1 - Place two or three fingers on your chin.

2 - We move our fingers around the mouth, ending the movement under the nose. While performing the exercise, we try to lightly press on the gums.

Exercise No. 5 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds)”

1- Place your fingers in the center of the chin.

2 - Raise your hands along your cheeks up along your mouth and nose, stopping in the area under the eyes.

3 — Continuing to press, we spread our hands in different directions of the face.

4 - Return your fingers to your temples and lower them down to your collarbone.

Exercise No. 6 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on each side”

1- With one hand we hold the face from below by the chin.

2 - With the second hand we run along the cheek towards the nose.

3 - We spread our hand along the line under the eyes towards the ear.

4 - Change hands.

Exercise No. 7 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on both sides”

1 - Place your hands on your cheeks towards your nose.

2 - We spread our arms to the sides along the face towards the ears.

Exercise No. 8 - “Working with sagging cheeks”

1 - Press your thumbs to your chin.

2 - Move your hands horizontally to the side towards your ears.

3 - We go down to the collarbone.

Exercise No. 9 - “Getting rid of the Shar-Pei effect”

1 - Place the pads of your thumbs on your chin and slightly tilt your head forward.

2 - We run our hands along the cheeks towards the ears.

3 - Raise your head and lower your hands along the lymphatic pathways down to the collarbone.

Exercise No. 10 - “Getting rid of a double chin”

All women know that a double chin immediately adds ten years of age. At the same time, it is interesting that a double chin can appear even in a slender girl with delicate facial features. Sometimes it is a consequence of incorrect posture or bite. Japanese facial massage exercises will help you remove your double chin very quickly and effectively.

Asahi massage, or Zogan, which means “face creation,” became famous thanks to beauty expert Yukuko Tanaka. She studied ancient Japanese facial massage techniques and based on them she created her own simple technique.

The main differences between this massage and others are a stronger physical effect on the skin and a partial deviation from. Also, the process affects not only superficial facial muscles, but also deeply located muscles and even bones. Besides, great attention is given to the lymphatic vessels, which improves the nutrition of all facial tissues and accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid.

Who can and cannot have a massage?

Since Asahi affects different fabrics, improves lymph outflow and blood circulation, it allows you to achieve several effects at once:

  • smooth out wrinkles and slow down aging;
  • increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and generally improve its condition;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • relieve swelling.

Therefore, it can be performed not only by those who have developed serious age-related changes, but also by those in their twenties.

However, there are contraindications:

  • skin diseases, including inflammation;
  • ENT diseases;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • feeling unwell.

Things to remember

1. Before and after the massage, the skin of the face must be washed.

2. During the procedure you need to use massage products. Will fit natural oils, oat milk, cosmetic cream.

3. Massage movements are performed with pressure, but should not cause pain. In the places where the lymph nodes are located, light stroking is sufficient.

4. The massage is performed sitting or standing, with a straight posture.

5. Almost all exercises end with a final movement along the contours of the face and neck, from the parotid lymph nodes to the collarbones. It is what promotes the outflow of lymph.

The massage begins in the same way. The movement must be repeated three times.

6. To achieve visible results massage . Its average duration is about 10 minutes.

How to do an Asahi massage

All exercises are repeated three times. Full video instructions are at the end of the article.

1. Strengthening the forehead

Press your index, middle and middle fingers firmly to the middle of your forehead. ring fingers both hands so that the palms take a horizontal position. After three seconds, move them with pressure to your temples. Then turn your palms 90 degrees and, reducing the pressure, move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

Using the pads of your middle fingers, touch the skin at the outer corners of your eyes. Without using force and moving towards the inner corners, line your eyes from below. Next, apply pressure along the upper orbital edge. Pause for three seconds at your temples.

Then run your fingers along the bottom edge of your eyes again, from the outer corners to the inner ones. After this, come back with pressure. Pause at the outer corners of your eyes for three seconds and move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

3. Strengthening the area around the mouth and chin

Press the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the hollow of your chin. After three seconds, press around your mouth, connecting your fingers in the hollow above your upper lip. Press on this point for another three seconds, trying to lift the nasal septum. Then sharply remove your fingers and move them to the starting position.

This is the only exercise after which the finishing move is not performed.

4. Elimination of nasolabial folds

Immediately after the previous exercise, move to the wings of the nose and massage them with pressure, and then the sides of the nose itself. Next, move your fingers with pressure along the cheekbones to the ears and perform the final action.

Place your index, middle and ring fingers in the hollow of your chin. With maximum pressure, move them around the lips to the nostrils and maxillary bone. Then move higher to the inner corners of the eyes. Stay there for three seconds and move towards your temples. Reducing the pressure, move to the ears and do the finishing move.

6. Strengthening the lower face

With one palm, fix the lower jaw, with the other, with pressure, move along the cheek from the place where the masticatory muscle begins to the inner corner of the eye. Hold for three seconds and move towards your ears. Take the final action. Do the same exercise on the other side of your face.

7. Midface Strengthening

Place your index, middle and ring fingers horizontally on your cheekbones. Press your fingers hard against your nostrils, then move them towards your ears and do the finishing move.

8. Face lift

Bring your arms together in front of you at chest level and open your palms at a 90-degree angle. Press the heels of your palms to your chin and hold in this position for three seconds. Next, move your palms up to your nose, then along your cheekbones to your temples, then to your ears. Do the finishing move.

9. Correction of facial contours

Place your chin on the base of your palm with your fingers pointing towards your ear. Forcefully move your palm towards your ear and make the final movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side of your face.

10. Double chin removal

Join your palms into a triangle so that your chin rests on your thumbs and your index fingers touch the bridge of your nose. Fix your thumbs, and forcefully move the rest towards your temples (the index fingers should move along the lower orbital edge). Then move to the ears and perform the finishing action.

11. Zigzag forehead smoothing

Press your index, middle and ring fingers to your forehead (they should lie horizontally). Then begin to move in soft zigzag movements from temple to temple and back. At the end, repeat the first exercise.

And here is a video instruction for the massage.

Yukuko Tanaka is a name known to millions of women around the world. Tanaka is a Japanese woman who taught women to rejuvenate themselves through facial massage. The great cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko developed a Japanese anti-aging massage technique called Zogan. At 60 years old, the stylist looked at most 40. For Russian ladies, this massage is also known as the Asahi massage.

History of origin

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. But it was brought to perfection by the cosmetologist herself, by studying the relationship between the skin and muscles, lymph glands and bones. In 2007, Tanaka also became a writer who gave women a book called “Facial Massage.” The book is a real panacea for ladies in the fight against wrinkles and other problems of the oval face.

The essence of Japanese massage is the effect on the skin, muscles and bones of the skull through the areas where the lymph nodes are located. The result is the outflow of lymph from the face, due to which toxins are eliminated and muscles are strengthened. This helps reduce wrinkles, improve skin color, and give the oval of the face clear contours.

In addition, the problem of most ladies – double chin – is solved. And those suffering from facial swelling will forget about the signs of facial aging.

Asahi massage is performed using light force. But this does not mean that a lot of effort should be made to complete it. You only need to apply a little pressure on your face. It should be carried out especially carefully in the area where the lymph nodes are located. During the massage, a woman should not feel pain. Such unpleasant sensations are a signal that the massage technique is being performed incorrectly.

Tsogan is not the only type of skin treatment that was invented in Japan. Many women are also interested in facial massage using the Shiatsu technique and massage using the Kobido technique - which also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the face.


Like all types of massage Zogan (Tsogan) has contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Colds.
  5. Rashes on the skin of the face.

It is also important to know that when performing such a massage there is a high probability of losing weight in the face. Girls who already have a thin face and sunken cheeks need to approach the procedure with all responsibility and care. For them, it is better to massage only the upper part of the face.

If for some reason you do not dare try this type of massage, then you can pay attention to others no less effective types, for example, facial massage with snails, cryomassage of the face and others. In addition, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck has an extremely beneficial effect on skin tone.


Indications for Asahi massage are:

  1. Prevention of wrinkles.
  2. Maintaining skin tone.
  3. The appearance of a double chin.
  4. The appearance of swelling on the face.
  5. Excess subcutaneous fat.

When performing a Zogan massage, it is important not to forget about age:

  • For 20-year-old girls, the basis of the procedure is neutral techniques. Their goal is to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin of the face.
  • For 30-year-old women, this massage will help get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • 40-year-old women should focus on getting rid of facial wrinkles and nasolabial fold wrinkles. Pay attention to the lower part of the face, chin, cheeks.
  • For 50-year-old and 60-year-old ladies, emphasis should be placed on tightening the cheeks and chin muscles.

Basic principles

Before starting a Japanese massage, Yukuko Tanaka always calls for cleansing the skin of the face. If you have makeup on your face, you should wash it off. Then you can use a light scrub, bought in a store, or made yourself, for example, cleansing procedures using activated charcoal or aspirin are very effective. Dry your face with a napkin or towel. And the most important touch is oil or cream. Be sure to apply or fat cream, or almond (linseed, apricot) oil. By the way, in addition to helping with massage, almond oil itself has rejuvenating properties. Hands should glide easily skin. Before proceeding directly to the Zogan massage, the skin of the face must be prepared with rubbing, voluntary movements.

The main principle of Asahi massage is the effect on the lymph nodes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know their location: parotid, postauricular, occipital, mandibular, sublingual and sublingual, anterior cervical.

When performing a massage, the following points should be considered:

  1. Strict movement in a specific direction depending on the specific exercise.
  2. The forehead massage should be performed with three fingers - index, middle and ring fingers. One finger is needed to massage around the eyes. The cheeks are massaged with the palm of your hand or with your thumbs.
  3. Finger movements should be intense. But don't hurt. Painful sensations are a sign of improper procedure.
  4. When massaging areas of the lymphatic system, the pressure on the skin should be slightly reduced.
  5. It is important to carry out the massage while maintaining an even posture. This can be done standing or sitting. If you cannot sit or stand, then you should lie down on a flat surface. Although in this position it is difficult to perform a massage.
  6. Each massage exercise must end with a mandatory final movement.

The finishing movement is the beginning and end of each specific exercise. It is necessary to lightly press the parotid lymph nodes with the pads or the entire length of the ring, middle and index fingers of both hands. You need to press for 2 seconds. In the same rhythm, move your fingers along the lateral line of the face contour down to the neck and collarbone. These actions stimulate lymphatic drainage from facial tissues.

The procedure time should be a minimum of 7 minutes, a maximum of 20 minutes. The massage technique is suitable for daily use. Massage is recommended daily.

Massage technique

Basic movement

Each massage movement should end with a basic one. In order to do it, you need to move your fingertips down on both sides of the cheeks, starting the movement near the ears and smoothly lower first to the neck, and then to the collarbone. This movement must be repeated three times.

Technique for eliminating puffiness under the eyes

Use the pads of the middle fingers of both hands to smoothly slide from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Pause on the bridge of your nose for 2 seconds. Continue further in a circular motion just below the eyebrow line. Pause for 3 seconds at the outer corners of the eyes. After slightly easing the pressure, return to the inner corners of the lower eyelid. Then, increasing the pressure a little, return to the outer corners of the eyes. Apply slight pressure to the temporal lobes. The final touch is the final movement!



Forehead smoothing technique

Place three working fingers with the pads on the middle of the forehead for 3 seconds. Without reducing the pressure, gently move them towards the temples using zigzag movements. Turn your palms 90 degrees and finish with the final movement.


You can read how to remove eyebrow wrinkles in other ways.

Technique for lifting the corners of the lips

Using two fingers - the ring and middle fingers, lightly press on the middle of the chin. Smoothly move your fingers up, making a circle around your lips. When you reach the middle of your upper lip, stop for 4 seconds.

Technique for smoothing nasolabial folds

Place the middle fingers of both hands on both sides of the wings of the nose. Do 5 at a time circular movements down-up, up-down. Then, with two fingers – the middle and ring fingers – make movements towards the cheekbones. The final touch is the final movement.



There are other ways to remove nasolabial expression wrinkles, you can read about it.

Technique for preventing sagging cheeks

Press three working fingers in the middle of the chin. Curving your lips, make movements towards the outer corners of your eyes. Pause for 3 seconds, then gently move your fingers to your temples. Final movement.

Technique for improving the tone of the cheeks and lower face

Massage movements are performed first on one part of the face, then on the other. Place the middle of the palm of your left hand on the jaw on the left. At this time, with your right palm from the corner lower jaw head towards the inner corner of the eye. Pause 3 seconds. Then move towards the temple along the lower eyelid. Go down. Final movement. The procedure is repeated for each half of the face 3 times.

Place your elbows and palms together. Open your palms and place them on your lips. Pressing, lift to the nostrils, cover the cheeks. Pause 3 seconds. Then spread your palms towards the temporal areas. Final movement.

Double chin elimination technique

Touch the middle part of the chin with one palm. While pressing, move towards the tragus of the ear. Final movement.

A-zone smoothing technique

Place your thumbs under your chin. Use the remaining fingers to touch the side walls of the nose. Stretch the skin with force. Pause 3 seconds. Final movement.

If all movements were carried out correctly, a beautiful, youthful face without wrinkles will be proof of this, because it is not for nothing that this procedure is often called “facial massage minus 10 years”.
Otherwise, if after the procedure the skin sags, this is a sign that the technique was not used correctly. Namely, without the required amount of oil or cream. Also, if the movement of the hands does not occur along the lymph nodes, stretching of the skin and sagging of the cheeks is possible. It is important to follow the procedure technique very strictly.

Training video of Asahi facial massage with Russian subtitles

Video of Asahi massage from Alena Sobol

Tsogan massage was created by Japanese stylist and cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka (田中宥久子). While working as a makeup artist for film and television, she noticed that many people over 40 had a youthful body but were unable to improve their facial condition. She had to make people look young and fresh in front of the cameras.

At first she tried to achieve this with the help of an aesthetic facial massage before applying makeup, but this did not help. Yukuko Tanaka spent many years studying the relationship between skin, bones, muscles and lymph glands. Finally, she developed her own Tsogan Anti-Aging Facial Massage. This technique is also called Y-Method massage, because it is performed mainly with two fingers - the index and middle or middle and ring fingers.

Massage Tsogan

Tsogan massage is very different from classic aesthetic facial massage. Aesthetic massage is done by light circular movements on the skin. While the massage from Yukuko Tanaka is performed deeply using all 10 fingers and palms, with great pressure.

Stylist Yukuko Tanaka - you see a photo of this 62-year-old Japanese woman - described the massage in the book “Facial Massage” (Yukuko Tanaka’s Face Massage, 田中宥久子の造顔マッサージ (DVD付) (単行本)). In Japan, Mrs. Tanaka herself and her methods are extremely popular. Her book “Facial Massage” topped the “Top 10 Books” in Japan in 2007. Over the course of several recent years This massage technique is of continuing interest to women of all ages.

This massage includes manual techniques, it helps to accelerate the removal of toxins, improve tissue nutrition and free them from excess fluid, relax muscles, have a beneficial effect on the skin, blood vessels and facial muscles, help maintain them in good condition. This is an effective, simple and accessible remedy for preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Yukuko Tanako claims that getting a massage every day will make you look 10 years younger!

Video results before and after 2 months of Tsogan massage

Main benefits of massage

  • Improved lymph circulation
  • Reducing puffiness under the eyes
  • Improves complexion and contour of the face
  • Smoothes wrinkles on the face
  • Removes double chin

Disadvantages of massage

If your face is prone to acne, then a Tsogan facial massage can make it even worse. If this happens, but you still want to continue using it, you can try using it instead of face cream - good lotion, it helps some.

Massage from Yukuko Tanaka relieves the face of swelling, so thin face It gets even thinner. People with a small amount of fat on their face need to massage very carefully and stop at long time immediately, as soon as the effect of facial slimming occurs. If you are familiar with all the steps, then you can remove from them techniques that worsen your facial contours.

You must remember that Tsogan massage works your face very hard. If you do it too often, it can cause unpleasant changes to your face.

You should adapt it to your own face and perform it only once a day. For example, you can focus on draining the lymph around the eyes and skip some of the movements focusing on the lower part of the face. Remember that Tsogan massage was designed for Asian type Faces that have a slightly different bone structure are more prone to lymphatic blockages around the jaw.

It may take you several days to remember all the movements and learn how to do them correctly. But once you become familiar with the steps of massage, then it will not take much time to perform; the entire self-massage takes no more than five minutes.

Contraindications for massage

Inflammations or diseases of the facial skin, diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (runny nose, inflammation of the tonsils, etc.), poor health.

Mandatory preliminary cleansing of the facial skin.

Self-massage of the face is performed on skin generously lubricated with cream or oil, as you will have to press hard. The cream should be in sufficient quantity so as not to injure the skin and not cause wrinkles. In the original, a special composition of cosmetic cream with cotton was developed for self-massage. You can also use makeup remover milk, foam or oat milk, as well as other products for your skin type, the only main thing is that your hands glide easily over your face.

The main rule of Tsogan facial massage: stroking the skin along the lymphatic pathways - from the periphery to the center. You need to massage the lymphatic system carefully and delicately, calculating the effort, applying only slight pressure along the entire path of the lymph flow. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves. Pre-examine the locations of the lymph nodes.

Japanese self-massage of the face Tsogan

Before starting the massage, apply enough to the entire face large number cream, as you will have to press hard. It is best to use a special massage cream.

Tsogan massage is performed using force, but it should not be done very harshly. Particular care must be taken in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Painful sensations are a sign that the massage is being performed too harshly. At the same time, you should not be afraid that the skin will stretch and new wrinkles will appear from the impact on the deep tissues of the face.

This movement prepares the face for massage. To make the lymph flow better. In Tsogan self-massage, all exercises, except one, end with this particular movement.

With both hands at the same time, using three fingers resting on the middle and ring fingers, lightly press at the point in front of the ears on the parotid lymph nodes for two seconds. Not with your fingertips, but with the entire length of your fingers. Then slowly lower them down along the sides of the face contour, paying attention to the deep cervical lymph nodes, they are located about two centimeters under the lower jaw. After stopping, we continue to slide along the neck to the collarbone. Finish the massage in the area of ​​the supraclavicular lymph nodes. This movement is performed three times.

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Step 1. Smooth out the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows

This massage movement smoothes out wrinkles on the forehead.

Place the index, middle and ring fingers of both palms flat against the center of the forehead and press them firmly against the skin. Hold for two seconds and apply pressure to your temples. Turn your palms ninety degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of the face to the ears, then, from the ears to the supraclavicular lymph nodes, driving lymph away from the face. Then perform the basic movement of Tsogan self-massage. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, eliminates swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes, apply light pressure and move under the eyes to the inner corners of the eyes. After stopping, we move along the bone under the eyebrow and return to the outer corners of the eyes - line 1. Next, we lead again to the inner corners of the eyes, pressing lightly. Then we slowly return back along the lower edges of the eye sockets, fix our fingers above the infraorbital edge, after that we lead to the temples and complete everything with the basic Tsogan movement - line 2. There is no need to put pressure on your eyes. Repeat everything slowly three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement tightens a tired face and drooping corners of the lips.

Place the middle and ring fingers of both hands in the center of your chin. Hold for three seconds. Without releasing pressure, move your fingers around your lips, pressing on your gums, and bring your fingers together in the center under your nose. Hold the pressure for three seconds. Then we start all over again from the beginning, repeating all three times.

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This massage movement smoothes nasolabial folds and removes impurities from the nose.

Place your fingertips near the wings of your nose and massage these places with arched movements five times - line 1. Then the bridge of the nose from top to bottom at an angle three times - line 2. At the end, spread your arms with pressure towards your temples and complete with the main Tsogan movement - line 3.

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This massage movement fills the cheeks, lifts the cheekbones and corners of the mouth, and tightens a haggard face.

Place your fingers on the middle of your chin, pressing firmly, circle your fingers around your lips and move straight from the wings of your nose to the inner corners of your eyes and stay there for three seconds. When doing this, use the first and second phalanges of your fingers. After stopping, we continue moving to the temples and finish with the main Tsogan movement. Repeat everything again - the center of the chin, the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose and lift the muscles up. If you only work with your fingertips, the muscles will not lift, so use your entire palm. The massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement corrects the oval of the face, lifts the lower part of the face and cheeks, and smoothes out smile wrinkles.

We support one side of the face - rest the center of the palm on the lower jaw bone. On the other side of the face, we move our palm forcefully along the skin from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. After stopping, easing the pressure, we move to the temple and complete with the main Tsogan movement.

Repeat the exercise for one side of the face three times in a row. Do the same steps three times for the other side of your face.

Video on execution technique

This massage movement removes fat accumulated near the wings of the nose. Strengthens the midface.

Place your fingers horizontally on either side of your nose. Next, with strong pressure, we move our fingers to the temples, then loosen a little and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.

Video on execution technique

Step 8. Smooth the middle and lower part of the face

This massage motion lifts the midface and smoothes the lower face.

Start by smoothing the middle part of the face. Place the elevation under thumb to the place between the wings of the nose and the cheekbones. With pressure we slowly lead to the ears and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.

Then the lower part of the face. Place a raised area under your thumb on either side of the corners of your lips. With pressure, we slowly move along the oblique to the cheekbones and finish with the main Tsogan movement. The massage movement is performed three times.