Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost all children, without exception, love to draw, but many parents, due to their own laziness and excuses like “he’ll get dirty himself and smear everything around him,” “I don’t know how to draw to show an example of how to do it,” “he’s too small, he’ll still get full.” these colors” they don’t give brushes and paints to kids, which is a pity... We hope that our marathon of children’s drawings on an autumn theme will inspire creativity for everyone without exception. There are plenty to choose from, dear Creators!

We tried to collect for you the most interesting drawing ideas in order to organize your child’s leisure time more interestingly when it’s time for rain, “dull charm” and sitting at home. Read on for ideas on what you can do at home with your child in bad weather.

Idea #1

You need to put the dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint over the sheet with solid strokes using soft colored pencils or crayons. A sheet with all the veins will appear on the white paper. Using this method, you can create compositions: a bouquet in a vase, an autumn landscape, etc.

Idea No. 2

A similar method, only you need to rub the leaves with wax (a candle or white wax crayon), and then cover a sheet of paper with watercolors. It is convenient to paint large surfaces with a wide squirrel brush or a foam sponge.

Idea No. 3

Paint is applied to the sheet from the vein side. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and an imprint is made. The effect will be different depending on what paint you use.

You can come up with many compositional solutions: the imprint of a large leaf can become the crown of a tree if you complete the trunk; A few prints are already a whole forest!

Prints made with white paint on a colored background look impressive. You can combine several techniques and complete the images with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Idea No. 4

By blowing paint through a straw you can paint fancy trees. This method gives you endless possibilities for experimentation! You can, for example, draw trees using a previously prepared background.

Idea No. 5

Fill your child with the background yourself or offer him some colored cardboard. Let him draw the crown of a tree and fallen leaves, dipping his finger in the paint.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminous if you make it clear of colored pencils. Apply glue precisely to the desired places and sprinkle with small shavings. The trunk and branches can be blown through a tube or drawn in any other way.

Idea No. 7

It is convenient (and completely non-marking) to draw the crown with a cotton swab. In the same way you can depict a bunch of rowan berries, a sprig of currants or other berries.

Idea #8

A very unusual picture can be made using foil. Place the dried leaf (or several) on a sheet of cardboard, veins up. Cover it with thin foil and carefully, so as not to tear it, smooth it with your fingers so that the design appears. Cover the foil with dark paint (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let it dry well. Rub the painting very gently with a stiff dishwashing sponge. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can frame your work!

Idea No. 9

Those who love textures will surely enjoy filling different silhouettes with patterns. Draw or trace an autumn leaf according to the template, divide it into small planes, like a stained glass window. Let the child fill in each piece different patterns. You can do this with a gel pen or felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be performed using the scratching technique. Paint a sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard with paints and rub it with wax (candle). You can use wax crayons to create a background. Cover the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea No. 11

Using a stiff bristle brush or toothbrush, splatter paint. This method is suitable for drawing tree crowns and creating compositions based on plant imprints.

Theme: Autumn fantasies.

Drawing with fingers (cotton swabs)

« Autumn tree».


· Teach children to draw using landmarks (leaves on a pre-prepared tree)

· Develop fine motor skills hands

· Develop the ability to distinguish and name color (yellow)

· Develop articulatory apparatus

· Create satisfaction from your own work


· 1/2 sheet of paper for each child with a picture of a tree with several leaves (landmarks)

· Yellow gouache

Natural yellow leaves

· Breathing simulator “leaves”

Preliminary work:

While walking we look at an autumn tree. Pay attention to the beauty of the tree, its structure, as well as the shape and color of the leaves.

Progress of the lesson:

Game motivation

The teacher reminds the children what time of year (autumn), says that leaves fall from the trees in the fall, and draws the children’s attention to the beauty of the autumn tree. The children admire the tree (in the illustration); the teacher says that there are fewer and fewer leaves on the tree. The teacher asks the children to show how the leaves fall, saying “from top to bottom,” the children raise their hands up and slowly lower them down 3-4 times.

Then the teacher hands out yellow leaves and asks them to name the color. Children throw the leaves up and watch them smoothly fall down.

Leaves from the tree are flying,

They rustle and rustle underfoot.

How do they rustle? ( -Sh-sh-sh- exercise for sound pronunciation.)

How a strong wind will blow and there will be no leaves on our tree.

The teacher asks to show how the wind blows. Children blow on the leaves of the breathing simulator (take a deep breath and exhale through sponges folded into a “tube” 3-4 times).

The teacher shows the children a paper with pictures of trees. Children determine that there are few leaves on the tree.

Let's decorate the tree so that it becomes as beautiful as the one outside our window on the site.

The teacher asks to show one (index) finger, we will draw and draw with it. Invites children to show where they will draw leaves by touching a finger without paint to the branches of a tree. Then he draws the children’s attention to the color of the paint.

Tell me the paint color,

Dip your finger in the paint,

Look, this is how I am

Well done my friends.

Remove excess paint from the edge of the jar

And stick it to the tree branches.

Dip it - pick it up

Dip it - pick it up.

The teacher teaches you to hold a piece of paper with your left hand. Encouraging you to dip your finger, depicting leaves on the branches of a tree. Watches the children work, says that they need to work carefully, without getting dirty workplace, clothes. When finished, wipe your finger with a napkin. Then everyone looks at the works, admires them, and hangs them up for viewing in their group.

Conduct a phonopedic exercise in " autumn forest».

The wind blows in the autumn forest - F-f-f - long exhalation

Leaves tremble in the wind - Sh –sh –sh – long exhalation

Leaves fall - P-p-p - short active exhalation.

Game with leaves.

Marita Korotych
Summary of a lesson using the non-traditional finger painting technique “Autumn” for children of the younger group

Target: introduce children with technology unconventional drawing - "finger painting", introduce children with gouache paints.


1. develop memory and attention children.

2. enrich children a variety of sensory experiences.

3. cultivate attention and interest in natural phenomena

4. develop verbal communication children with adults and peers.

5. create desire children to creativity through play.

6. develop artistic perception.

7. teach children sit correctly drawing.

8. introduce children yellow paints.

9. develop hand motor skills through finger painting.

10. create a positive emotional mood.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting autumn, game with autumn leaves , observing seasonal changes in nature, learning a poem.

Equipment: sheets of paper, gouache yellow color, paper and cloth napkins, autumn castings cut from yellow paper.

Move classes: Light music is playing. Children are sitting at tables.

Educator: Guys, a wonderful time of year has come. All nature is preparing for winter; the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow. And the first yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

Educator: Children, what time of year is this?

Answers children: Autumn.

Educator: What are the signs autumn you know?

Answers children: The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and are falling. It became cold. Birds fly to warmer climes.

Educator: Let's remember the poems about autumn.

Autumn. Sprinkles

Our whole poor garden,

The leaves are yellowed

They fly with the wind.

Dynamic pause "We are leaves autumn»

We are leaves autumn hands up, shake.

They sat on the branches and squatted, waving their arms.

The breeze blew - Stand up sharply, spreading your arms.

And off we went. Light hand waves.

We flew, we flew Turn around ourselves.

And they sat down quietly on the ground. Sit down.

Exercise to develop speech breathing.

Educator: I still have it autumn leaves. What color are they?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Let's blow on the leaves so that they fly away.

Guys, look at how beautiful the leaf fall is here. group. Let's take a closer look at it. Guys, look how beautiful, bright, yellow it is. Do you like it?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Guys, today I invite you to become wizards and draw a magical autumn picture.

Why magical? But because paint we will in an unusual way, fingers. (The teacher dips the ends fingers in yellow paint, shows it to the children and puts prints on a sheet of paper white. Explains: “These are leaves - they flew, they flew!” Children look at the prints and express their desire draw in the same way.)Educator: So we have a beautiful yellow leaf fall. Please take a napkin and wipe it carefully finger.

Summing up:

Educator: invites the children to hang their works at the exhibition. Look at them. You guys are so good - so good and beautiful drew leaf fall. Did you like it paint?

Children: Yes! I liked it!

Educator: We'll draw very well with you next time!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson for the younger group “What did autumn give us?”- teach preschoolers to distinguish changes in weather phenomena in the fall, - expand the idea that vegetables are harvested in the fall.

Goal: To develop the ability to form groups of homogeneous objects. Objectives: Developmental objectives: -stimulate the development of thinking abilities.

Notes on educational field"Cognition" by sensory development first junior group Topic: “Butterflies in a flower meadow” Tasks:.

Target. Strengthen the ability to stick leaves different sizes, colors. Call positive emotions from collaboration. Objectives: Developmental:.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of the younger group “Autumn” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons; to systematize ideas about autumn based on examination of plot pictures containing.

Goal: Consolidating the knowledge of younger children preschool age about wild and domestic animals. Objectives: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild and domestic animals.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of the first junior group on the topic: “Alisin’s vegetable garden.” Educator: Ekaterina Naidanova.

Luda Kuznetsova
Summary of finger painting lesson “Autumn Tree”

Lesson notes By additional education in the educational field

"artistically aesthetic development» (drawing)

Subject: « Autumn tree»


Kuznetsova L. S.

Konosha village

Program content

1. teach finger painting- dip the tip into paint fingers and put your fingerprints on a piece of paper.

2. Arouse interest in creating a composition « Autumn tree» .

3. Cultivate interest in beautiful, bright phenomena nature, accuracy, desire to see things through to the end.

Preliminary work Didactic game With autumn leaves"Make a pattern".

Compilation autumn bouquets while walking, looking at trees.

Composition "Beautiful leaves" - palm painting; relief modeling "Leaves are falling, falling..."


provision Sheets of white paper A4 format;

Liquid gouache paint in separate rosettes of two colors – red and yellow; brown paint for finishing the tree trunk(for myself);

Oilcloths for covering tables while working;

napkins (paper and wet cloth);

autumn leaves(dry and cut from colored paper);

demonstration material with image autumn forest, trees;

Terms of organization: the group room has been ventilated, wet cleaning has been carried out.

The sleeves of children's clothes are rolled up.

Move classes(We go into the group. I’m in a suit Autumn)

I golden autumn

I came to visit you

And the leaves are colorful

I brought it as a gift.

Guys, I want to invite you for a walk in autumn forest. Follow me. Listen to the leaves rustling under your feet.

Well, here we are! Look how beautiful it is in my forest. There are so many different ones here trees. Guys, what grows on trees?


That's right, well done!

And I really love coloring leaves in different colors and play an interesting game with them. Let's play a game with you

“Find a leaf of the color I call you”

Be careful, my friend -

Find me a green leaf.

(children show)

Well done! What color leaf did you find?

Green (choral and individual answers)

Find the yellow leaf -

Show it to all the guys!

Fine! What color of leaves did you find?


Look around you -

Find the red leaf quickly!

Well done, guys, everyone found red leaves.

I’ll now wave my magic twig and you will all turn into leaves and my friend and I will play with the breeze.

Close your eyes!

One, two, three

You are now the leaves!

(wind soundtrack sounds)

We are leaves autumn,

Squatted on the branches! (squats)

The wind blew and they flew. (spinning)

We flew, we flew (running on tiptoes)

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (squats)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (rise on tiptoes)

Twisted them around (spinning around in place)

And he lowered it to the ground.

You played with the wind, twirled and flew.

Close your eyes. It's time to turn into kids!

One, two, three -

You guys again!

The wind blew up - a mischief and a lot of leaves with trees blown away.

Didactic game "Choose by color"

But another leaf flew away. Look guys, here it is

from this tree the wind blew away all the leaves. AND the tree felt sad. I suggest you cheer him up and dress him up with colorful leaves. And for this we have paints - assistants.

(I draw the children’s attention to the paints on the table.)

We saw something very beautiful on our walk tree with yellow and red leaves. (I dip the ends fingers alternately in yellow and red paints and put prints on a sheet of paper).

Dip the tip into paint finger and press it onto a piece of paper. The result is a leaf.

(Children complete the task and make multiple prints on a sheet of paper).

I suggest taking red paint and doing the same steps with red paint. At the same time, I remind you that you need to work with paints carefully, then tree it will turn out very beautiful.

Very beautiful you got the trees, just as beautiful as the ones we saw in autumn forest. Here is the trunk, here are the branches, and these are the leaves.

I show the children that the leaves are trees fall to the ground, under tree. Children draw leaves near the trunk tree.

Along the way I take care of my posture, while completing the task, I remind you what technique we use when finger painting

End classes Reminder how to wipe fingers with napkins.

I exhibit children's drawings.

What a wonderful forest we have made from yours! trees!

Well done to all of you, great job!

Well, it's time for me

Goodbye kids!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson on sculpting “Autumn Tree” Artistic creativity Modeling Topic: “Autumn tree” Purpose: to introduce the properties of plasticine. Learn to pinch off pieces of plasticine.

"Autumn Tree" Summary of direct educational activities in drawing Topic: Summary of the lesson on drawing with palms in the first younger group. “Autumn Tree” Goal. Teach children to make a palm print.

Notes on drawing in non-traditional techniques (blotography) in the senior group “Autumn Tree” Goal: Teach children to draw with gouache unconventional methods drawing. Objectives: 1. continue to introduce children to the type of non-traditional technology.

Artistic and aesthetic development in middle group. Drawing. Topic: “Autumn Tree”. Integration of educational areas: Speech development.

Summary of the lesson on finger painting “Geese-swans” Goals and objectives: Continue to teach how to use the palm as a visual device; develop thinking, imagination, memory; instill love.

Summary of the finger painting lesson “Berries on a plate” Program content: Continue to teach children to draw dots with their fingers, consolidate knowledge about the color red. Cultivate kindness and responsiveness.

Lesson summary for a finger painting walk in the first junior group “Blossoming Tree” Goal: - to teach children to draw white tree flowers using the finger painting technique; - Learn carefully, look at the example and follow.

Summary of the finger painting lesson “Cheerful Mushroom” Program content: Maintain interest in visual arts; Continue to learn how to draw with your palm and finger on a sheet of paper;

Lesson summary for the second junior drawing group “Autumn Tree” MBDOU "CRR - KINDERGARTEN No. 139" Lesson notes on non-traditional drawing

Lesson notes

for children of primary preschool age


Prepared and carried out

teacher of group No. 11

German A.A.

Group work for the younger group “Autumn” (drawing with palms, fingers and cotton swabs)

Program content:

Maintain interest in drawing;

Continue learning to draw with your palm, fingers and cotton swabs on a sheet of paper;

Reinforce knowledge of yellow, green and red colors;

Develop imagination;

- cultivate interest in beautiful, vibrant natural phenomena;

Cultivate neatness.


Demonstration material " Autumn landscape»;

Image of a tree on whatman paper;

Gouache paints;

Cotton swabs;


Preliminary work:

Compilation autumn bouquets while walking, looking at trees.

Progress of the lesson:

Before the lesson, simple art therapy exercises are carried out:

The children move around the room in a free “flock” and repeat the movements with me: they depict trees swaying in the wind, swaying from side to side, they spin slightly and squat down or sit on the floor, imitating how leaves spin, fly and fall to the ground.

I suggest the children take their places behindtables.

The days have become shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (Autumn)

Educator: Smart kids, of course - this happens in the fall. Guys, let’s look at the painting “Autumn” together and name the signs of autumn (hangs up a picture of autumn).

Children and teacher:

1. Leaves turn yellow.

2. Leaves are falling.

3. Birds fly south.

4. The days have become shorter.

5. It's raining.

6. It became cold, etc.


Oh, well done, how much we now know about autumn.


And now I want to play with you. (A physical education session “Falling Leaves” is held.)

The clouds are spinning in the sky (children sway smoothly from foot to foot.)

Every step is a puddle. (walking in place with high knees.)

The autumn day is frowning, (hands on the belt - turns left to right.)

Leaf fall on the street. (they spin around in place.)

Spreads along the road (they run easily in a circle.)

Yellow blizzard.

Educator: Children, now let’s draw leaves on our tree to make it beautiful.

(The teacher shows the order of work.)

Look carefully at how I will draw. I will draw the leaves with my finger. To do this, I will dip my finger in yellow paint and apply it to the branches on the tree. This is how the leaf turned out. And now you try to paint leaves on a tree not only with yellow, but also with red and green paint. Dip your finger in paint of any of the suggested colors.We got a very beautiful tree, just as beautiful as the one we saw. Here is the trunk, here are the branches, and these are the leaves.I show the children that the leaves from the tree fall to the ground, under the tree. Children draw leaves near the tree trunk.

Now let’s draw the berries on the bushes. Let's take it cotton swab, dip it in red, yellow and blue paints and paint the berries - one after another.

Educator: Well done, guys! Well done. Now let's go wash our hands so they are clean.