Interesting facts for children are very popular. After all, kids constantly need food for their minds. It is often for this reason that they are called “why girls.” They want to know everything, and they ask thousands of questions. In this article we have collected the most that will help children expand their horizons and increase their level of erudition.

Although in fairness it must be said that not even all adults know what we are going to tell you about right now. So, let's go!

    1. Have you heard the expression: “It’s a no brainer”? This phrase was invented by Soviet children. When there were many children in schools, classes were formed with the letters A, B, C, D and D. However, for lagging children with poor academic performance there were additional classes: E, F, I. And so it turned out that EZHI are poor students, and The expression “no brainer” was used to explain the most basic things that are understandable even to the lowest grade students.
    2. The shortest war in human history lasted 38 minutes. This happened in 1896. When England attacked Zanzibar, the Sultan surrendered after exactly 38 minutes, having lost about 570 men. On the English side, only one soldier was wounded.
    3. Maybe you know who invented ordinary scissors? Or do you think they have always existed? So scissors were invented by one of the greatest scientists of all time -.
    4. Did you know that you can’t sneeze with your eyes open? So either sneeze or keep your eyes peeled. One of two!
    1. And this interesting fact for children will surprise many children. The fact is that in China, no matter how funny it sounds, people who know English language more than in . Think how this is possible! As a hint, let's add that all Chinese schools teach English, and the country's population is 1.3 billion people, versus 320 million in the United States.
    2. Do you know which living creature has the largest eyes? This is a giant squid. His eye is approximately the same size as soccer ball. That's probably what he has!
    3. But you’ve most likely heard various jokes about the ostrich, saying that it’s a very stupid creature. If this is true, then it is not surprising. After all, an ostrich's eyes are larger than its brain! Can you imagine this?!
    4. More about this strange bird. There is a common myth that when you are afraid of something, you bury your head in the sand. So know that this is not true, but clean water artifice.
    5. Despite the fact that we are talking about interesting facts for children, let us make one more remark. In general, starfish(these are animals) have no brain at all. It's probably a shame for them!
    6. A person's ears and nose never stop growing. With the help of this interesting fact, children will understand why grandparents sometimes have such big ears or noses.
    7. Interestingly, women blink almost twice as often as men. Maybe they're just more shy?
    8. Who are lefties? These are those for whom it is much more convenient to write and do all things not with the right hand, but with the left hand. So it is believed that left-handers live several years less than right-handers. This is due to the fact that almost everything in the world is created for right-handed people, so accidents often happen to left-handed people. However, with all this, it was among the left-handers that there were the greatest and most brilliant people in the entire history of mankind.
    9. Among the interesting facts for children, you can find the statement that over the course of a lifetime, a person eats approximately 8 liters of food in his sleep. But this is absolute nonsense - don't believe it!
    10. Have you ever seen ? What do you think his horn is made of? Okay, we won’t torture you, but let’s say right away that the rhinoceros horn consists of compacted hair, and not bone. Wow!
    11. The youngest Pope ascended the throne at the age of 11. So you don't have to be an adult to achieve great goals.
    12. Do you like to sleep when you have to go, for example, to school? If yes, then you will love this fun fact for kids. The fact is that snails can sleep for three years. Imagine how reluctant they are to go somewhere!
    1. Whites are one of the most dangerous and powerful predators on earth. However, they are also one of the most beautiful animals! So polar bears have black skin. And the fur is not white, but transparent, imagine!
    2. Do you know which muscle is the strongest in a person? Maybe you think it's biceps? No, my friends, the strongest muscle in human body is a language (see).
    3. Surely you know that all animals are divided into two types: domestic and wild. So over the past 4 thousand years, not a single animal has become a domestic animal. Cats, dogs, horses and many other animals known to us were domesticated more than 4 thousand years ago.
    4. Did you know that all children are born without kneecaps? They appear only after two years.
    5. And this is an interesting fact for female children. A Barbie doll, if it were of normal human size, would have a neck twice as long as the standard one.
    6. Another fact from the animal world. As sad as it may sound, he cannot stick out his tongue.

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Interesting stories and stories always intrigue a person, especially when it all happened or is in reality! These are facts that make you think and accept everything as it is, even what seems impossible, but has been competently proven.

Interesting facts about wild and domestic animals

Animals, both domestic and wild, have already become a part of human life. Many interesting facts and cases are associated with them:

  1. Frogs can be poisonous. Creatures that are harmless at first glance can be deadly to humans; for example, the Argentine horned frog can inflict deep wounds on humans.
  2. There are dogs that cannot bark. This breed is called a Basenji.
  3. In the game, mice can laugh. They make sounds similar to human laughter.
  4. Rabbits may show their displeasure by growling. Also, these cute animals can bite.
  5. The snail and slug have the largest number of teeth.

These facts about the animal world around us will be of interest to children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades of secondary school.

Facts about the sun and solar system

The solar system is still not fully understood. Scientists have already solved a number of mysteries, but there are still many interesting things ahead:

  1. There are only 8 planets in the system (since 2006, Pluto is not one of them, as it is recognized as a dwarf planet).
  2. There are about 200 billion stars in the solar system and the sun is one of them.
  3. The sun is studied with special, heat-resistant devices.
  4. Of all the planets, Mars is most similar to Earth. Scientists even suspected the existence of life on its surface.
  5. The Earth is protected from asteroids and meteorites not only by the atmosphere, but also by Jupiter. Its strong field attracts and destroys them.

For children about everything - “About space”

Space - areas of the Universe filled with celestial bodies and emptiness.

  1. We cannot hear sounds in space because gas in space is less dense than on earth. However, with the help of special devices, scientists were able to hear what Space sounds like.
  2. About every 15 years, Saturn turns toward Earth at such an angle that its rings disappear from view.
  3. If a person fell into a black hole, he would look like spaghetti. The force field of the holes stretches all objects.
  4. There is no wind or water on the Moon, so traces on its surface may remain forever.
  5. Mercury has no atmosphere, and therefore no wind.

About Neptune, Jupiter, Mars and other planets

Neptune, Jupiter and Mars are major planets, consisting of solar system.

  1. Neptune and Jupiter are the gas giants of the system.
  2. Mars has a weaker gravitational field than on Earth, so a person weighing 100 kg on Mars will weigh only 38 kg.
  3. There are 39 more minutes in a day on Mars than on Earth.
  4. Neptune makes one revolution around the Sun every 165 years.
  5. Jupiter is called the "dumping ground of space" because it strong field attracts all the “garbage” from the Galaxy.

Facts about Pushkin and other poets

Most poets are a treasure of Russia. Among them is the great Pushkin.

  1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not succeed at all in his studies. He ranked 4th from the bottom in terms of academic performance among lyceum students.
  2. At the age of 8, Pushkin wrote poetry in French.
  3. In China, poets were executed if their poems seemed sad to the emperor.
  4. Composer Glinka used Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” to create a romance.
  5. Yesenin had beautiful handwriting, for which publishers loved him.

Interesting information about various insects, ants, owls and hedgehogs

  1. Hedgehogs have a small tail.
  2. Hedgehogs sleep 128 days a year.
  3. The hedgehog's body contains about 10,000 needles; they grow completely by the first year of life and are renewed once every 3 years.
  4. Ants are the most organized and hardworking of all insects.
  5. This group of insects is the most numerous.
  6. Leaf-cutter ants can support a weight of 1 kg.
  7. Insects can live without food and water: scorpions - up to 2 years, but ticks - up to 10.
  8. Termites can listen to music. If you turn on heavy metal, they will chew wood twice as fast.
  9. When going to the forest, you should not eat bananas, since people who eat this fruit attract mosquitoes much more strongly.
  10. Owls turn their heads 270 degrees.
  11. Owls fly silently thanks to the special structure of their wings.

There are also interesting facts about cats (cats) and dogs

Cats and dogs are man's favorite pets. They are easy to keep and very attached to their owner.

  1. Cats have a better sense of hearing, and dogs have a better sense of smell.
  2. The smartest dog breeds are retrievers, collies and poodles. But cats have an average level of intelligence.
  3. Among the cats there are long-livers - up to 20 years. Dogs rarely live past 16.
  4. Scientists have found that dog owners are less susceptible to high blood pressure and generally have better health.
  5. The smallest cat is 19 cm long.
  6. The most jumping dog is the Russian Shepherd Wolf. At the competition she jumped 160 cm.
  7. There are no potentially dangerous dog breeds. It all depends on upbringing.

Facts about September 1 and school

School is an important part of the life of any person from any country.

  1. Knowledge Day is celebrated on the 1st in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
  2. Previously, training began on December 1, and in higher education educational institutions- from August 1.
  3. In the Czech Republic, an excellent grade is considered to be 1 point, and an unsatisfactory grade is 5 points. In France they use a 20-point system.
  4. In Japan, students eat with the teacher in class. This creates a more friendly atmosphere.
  5. In China, children can sleep on their desks during recess.
  6. Besides secondary schools, there are institutions with interesting names: school on the water, without discipline, underground school, etc.
  7. In England, they cannot leave a person without an education by issuing a certificate instead of a certificate, so some people study all their lives, trying to get a general education.

About food, chocolate, grapes and more...

Chocolate is a favorite treat in all countries of the world. Therefore, there are a lot of facts about it and other foods.

  1. Most cocoa for chocolate is produced in Africa.
  2. Cocoa beans can have up to 400 different flavors.
  3. White chocolate is not chocolate because it does not contain cocoa beans.
  4. Stickers on fruits are not harmful to health. Eating them, of course, is not recommended, but if this happens, then there is no need to worry.
  5. Cereals are not the healthiest breakfast. Even a piece of fresh pizza will bring more benefits to the body.
  6. Grapes will explode when heated in the microwave.
  7. Salmon not raised at sea are paler in color due to the lack of fresh sea shrimp in the diet.

Doctors believe that sport is the key to health, but there are a number of interesting facts indicating that this is not entirely true.

  1. Active exercises after waking up are harmful for children. The child's body can wake up within 1 hour.
  2. The speed of a hit puck reaches 160 km/h, and a baseball – up to 130 km/h.
  3. The tallest basketball player is 2.32 m tall.
  4. The longest set in table tennis lasted more than 2 hours.
  5. Aquatic gymnasts can hear music underwater. For this purpose, special speakers are installed in the pool.
  6. The Olympic rings symbolize the unity of the 5 continents, and the colors of the rings are the most common colors on the flags of countries.

Interesting information for children about different countries

Countries differ not only in name and language. They have different flags and history.

  1. The creator of the Alaska flag is a 13-year-old boy.
  2. Antarctica has its own telephone code.
  3. In France, dolls must have a human face.
  4. The driest country is Libya. More than 95% of its surface is covered by deserts.
  5. The coldest place is the Polar Plateau in Antarctica. The temperature drops to -90 C 0.
  6. The most populous city is Shanghai. It is home to more than 24 million inhabitants.
  7. The most affluent city is New York.
  8. In Cairo, a city of 18 million, there are only 9 traffic lights. Residents are taught to respect participants from childhood traffic, and accidents are rare here.

These are the most interesting facts for children in high school: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades.

Some parents tell their child: “You are the light of my life.” But did you know that if you were light, you would fly around the entire globe 7.5 times per second! If you became sound, you could fly around the Earth in 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our day would consist of only 9 hours. It’s good that on Earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we have so much to do during the day! These are just a few fun scientific facts that may interest both an inquisitive child and an adult.

What is science?

Science is an organized and sequential study that includes observation, collection of scientific facts, experimentation, testing of results, and explanation of natural and man-made phenomena. This is an area that gives us the opportunity to better understand the world around us and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Ordinary scientific facts

Now that you know what we're talking about, here are some fun scientific facts:

  • If you stretch a human DNA chain, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of the air they exhale is about 160 km/h.
  • A flea can jump to a height that is 130 times its own height. If the flea were a 1.80 m tall person, it could jump 230 m.
  • Electric eel produces electric current voltage of 650 volts. Touching it is the most powerful shock a person can experience.
  • Light particles called photons take 40,000 years to travel from the Sun's core to its surface, but only 8 minutes to reach Earth.

Scientific facts about the Earth

The earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know important information about her:

  • The age of the Earth is from 5 to 6 billion years. The Moon and the Sun are about the same age.
  • Our planet is composed mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amounts of magnesium.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system with water on its surface, and its atmosphere is 21% oxygen.
  • The Earth's surface is made up of tectonic plates located on the mantle, a layer located between the Earth's core and the surface. This structure of the earth's surface explains earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • There are about 8.7 million species of living organisms living on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean, and the rest live on land.
  • ¾ of the Earth's surface is covered with water. When astronauts first saw Earth from space, they saw mostly water. This is where the name “blue planet” comes from.

Environmental Facts

Why do the seasons change? What happens to garbage after we throw it away? What causes the weather to be hot or cool? Children learn this and much more in natural history lessons at school. Let's look at some facts that convince us of what a beautiful planet we live on.

  • Plastic completely decomposes in the ground in 450 years, and glass in 4,000 years.
  • Every day around the world, 27,000 trees are used to make toilet paper alone.
  • 97% of all water on Earth is salty and unsuitable for consumption. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% of water is suitable for consumption.
  • The meat processing industry is the biggest contributor to global warming. In second place among global problems is deforestation. About 68% existing species plants will most likely become extinct in the near future.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. This figure is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • Unfortunately, 99% of existing species of living organisms, according to scientists, will become extinct.

Interesting facts about animals

The animal kingdom is beautiful and amazing. It contains tame otters, powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats, oysters that change gender, and many other equally amazing representatives. Here are a few facts about animals that your child will undoubtedly enjoy:

  • Octopuses have three hearts. An even weirder fact: lobsters have a urinary tract on their face, while turtles breathe through their anus.
  • In seahorses, males give birth, not females.
  • The kakapo parrot has a strong, pungent odor that attracts predators. That is why kakapo are in danger of extinction.
  • A squirrel plants more trees than the average person in a lifetime. How can this be? The fact is that squirrels hide acorns and nuts underground, and then forget where exactly they hid them.
  • It is mainly lionesses who hunt among lions. Leos only intervene when necessary.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants green our planet, produce oxygen, and make the Earth habitable. Trees and plants are probably the most useful among the living inhabitants of the Earth. Here are some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like humans, plants recognize other plants of their own species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. Of these, we eat about 30.
  • Humanity is rapidly destroying forests. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in the state of California. His age is 4,843 years.
  • The height of the tallest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also located in California.
  • The most big tree in the world - aspen, growing in the USA, in the state of Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Facts about space

The sun, stars, planets, the Milky Way, constellations and everything that is in the Universe is located in vacuum space. We call it space. Here are some interesting facts about him:

  • The Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, which is 300,000 times larger.
  • The entire space is absolutely silent, because sound does not travel in a vacuum.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450°C.
  • The force of gravity changes a person's weight on different planets. For example, the force of gravity on Mars is lower than on Earth, so a person weighing 80 kg on Mars would weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since the Moon has neither atmosphere nor water, nothing can erase the traces of astronauts who set foot on its surface. Therefore, the traces will probably remain here for another hundred million years.
  • The temperature of the Sun's core, the closest star to Earth, is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the Earth was flat, that the change of seasons depended on the mood of the gods, and that illness was caused by evil spirits. This continued until great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we would still be living in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents were discovered quite late. After the scientist's death, his brain was the subject of numerous studies.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus disproved the theory that the Earth is the center of the Universe. He developed a model of the solar system with the Sun at the center.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, scientist, writer and even musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of fluid displacement while taking a bath. The funny thing is that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bathtub shouting “Eureka!” He was so excited that he forgot that he had no clothes on.
  • Marie Curie, the female chemist who discovered radium, was the first person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technology is the engine of progress. We are so dependent on technology everyday life that it's even scary. Here are some interesting facts about the technical devices we come across every day:

  • First computer game appeared in 1967. It was called “brown box” (translated from English as “brown box”) because that’s exactly what it looked like.
  • The world's first computer, ENIAC, weighed more than 27 tons and took up an entire room.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing.
  • Robotics is one of the most relevant scientific fields today. However, back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first diagram of a robot.
  • “Camera Obscura” is a prototype of a camera that influenced the development of photography. It was used in Ancient Greece and China in order to project images onto the screen.
  • There is an interesting technology that uses plant waste to produce methane, which in turn can be used to generate electricity.

Scientific facts from the engineering industry

Engineering helps create beautiful things - from houses and cars to electronic gadgets.

  • The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct in France. It is located at an altitude of 245 m, supported by beams suspended on cables.
  • The Palm Islands in Dubai can be called a modern wonder of the world. These are man-made islands floating on the water.
  • The world's largest particle accelerator is located in Geneva. It was built to support the research of over 10,000 scientists and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • The Chandra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite launched into space.
  • Today, the most ambitious project in the world is the New Valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to turn millions of hectares of desert into farmland. Imagine what would happen if we could green the Earth in the same way! Our planet would regain its pristine purity!

Science is a wonderful field of study that inspires many people. All you need is to get your child interested in it. And who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be the next Einstein.

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Life with children is full of big and small surprises. Parents never tire of rejoicing at their children’s achievements - first steps, good appetite or good grades. However, children have secret superpowers that adults don't even know about. Well, who would have thought that a 3-year-old toddler could outshout an opera singer without much effort?

  • You don't need to be clairvoyant to know how tall your baby will be. It is enough to multiply the height of a 2-year-old child by 2. The resulting number will show the approximate growth of the child in the future. As a rule, by 24 months the baby’s height reaches 85–88 cm. However, it should be remembered that many factors influence a child’s growth - from genetics to nutrition and exercise. It is also believed that younger children outgrow older ones.
  • When children suffer from colds or viral diseases, their growth process is temporarily suspended. Perhaps the stop occurs due to the fact that the body is throwing all its strength into fighting the infection.

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  • Most likely, your child will not remember the events own life up to 3 years of age. This phenomenon is called childhood amnesia. Scientists have found that at the age of 5–7 years, children remember approximately half of the events that happened to them in the past. early years, and by the age of 9 they will forget even this. This happens due to the underdevelopment of the brain structures that are responsible for long-term memories.
  • Contrary to outdated beliefs, children's hearing is very acute. A child's ears can even pick up sounds at high frequencies, unlike adults. Perhaps the child is simply pretending not to hear you. But as we age, our hearing declines due to noise pollution. However, there is another point of view: children are not pretending, it’s just that their brain cannot yet select the right one from the mass of sounds. Another good argument against yelling at children.

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  • Children are very afraid of clowns. Research carried out at the University of Sheffield has shown that clowns, which are supposed to comfort children in hospitals, instead frighten them. Even 16-year-old patients admitted this fear. Psychologists are sure that modern horror films, where clowns are presented as the absolute embodiment of evil, are to blame.
  • Before your child gets used to the potty, he will go through a mountain of diapers. By the time your child turns 2.5 years old, you will have changed a baby's diaper 6 to 10 thousand times. Perhaps the parents really deserve a medal for heroism.

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  • All children are born without kneecaps. Simply because they don't need them yet. This bone is replaced by cartilage, and even that develops only by 6 months. This is why children begin to crawl on their bellies and later get on all fours. It is important not to push the child, not to force him to crawl or walk prematurely, because the bones and muscles may not yet be formed.
  • Children scream very loudly. But did you know that a 3-year-old baby can drown out an opera diva with his scream? A child's squeal has a range of 2,000 Hz, while a coloratura soprano has a range of 1,400 Hz.

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  • Neuroscientists believe that young children do not dream. This ability develops along with spatial imagination and abstract thinking. Children begin to see dreams with a plot and characters only at the age of 7–8 years, and before this, dreams are fragments of memories and unclear images.
  • For harmonious development Children need more than just their parents. Grandparents, aunts and uncles play the most important role in upbringing. Anthropologist Sarah Hrdy believes that close relatives help an infant expand their understanding of the world and show a wide range of human emotions, which is why children who are in contact with more relatives develop faster than their peers.

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  • Children born in May are real champions: they weigh 200 g more than babies born at other times. This may be due to the fact that the mother's pregnancy occurs during winter time: Because of this, mobility is limited and the diet becomes more calorie dense.

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  • Despite 24-hour care and nightly vigils, babies will still cry. Scientists believe that at 4–6 weeks of age, newborns experience what is called peak crying. In fact, all children, no matter how caring their parents, will scream. This is a natural process: the child’s brain develops, the baby learns what it means to feel hungry or uncomfortable.
  • Scientists say that a 6-month-old baby knows what is good and what is bad. Tests have shown that at this age the child is already able to evaluate an action from a moral point of view. This surprising discovery suggests that people may come into this world with a certain “moral code.”

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  • Watching TV during painful procedures (such as having your blood drawn for a test, for example) can be a real pain reliever. The Italian scientists who conducted the experiment claim that the TV distracts from such procedures more effectively than the mother.

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  • Middle children tend to be independent early age, and this makes them successful in adult life. You should know that more than half of US presidents were middle children in their families.

Kids know how to make our lives more unpredictable and fun, and sometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They easily manage to bribe adults with their spontaneity, trust in the world and sincerity. There is no one in the world more fragile and helpless than our newborn child, who has to be held in our arms. As it turns out, babies are actually incredibly capable and tough creatures. Scientists have been able to prove many things that adults might not even know about babies.

1. In European countries middle age parents is 29 years old.

2. The youngest parents were only 8 and 9 years old.

3. Recently, it has become quite popular to give children unusual names.

4. Often parents in the USA and Europe name their children after famous idols or world brands.

5. For every inhabitant of the planet, there are on average 30 elements of a Lego construction set.

6. Sultan Ismail of Morocco is the most father of many children in the world.

7. A newborn baby does not see the color blue.

8. Four-year-old children ask on average more than 900 questions per day.

10. Nigeria has the highest number of twins born.

11. A twenty-three-year-old Romanian woman is the world's youngest grandmother.

12. There is a catalog of the most unusual baby names.

13. More and more often, parents name their children after book or cartoon characters.

14. Largest quantity"test tube babies" are born in Australia.

15. An eleven-year-old resident of Egypt was recognized as one of the smartest children in the world.

16. The hands of a newborn baby are much stronger compared to the hands of a one-month-old baby.

17. Home birth is quite popular in Denmark.

18. Learning is easier for those babies who crawl a lot.

19. Very similar words in many countries of the world are “mom” and “dad”.

21. In the Seychelles, a whole month of child protection lasts.

22. Many parents are simply obsessed with the safety of their children.

23. In Romania, kindergartens are especially concerned about the safety of children.

24. German children are the most technologically advanced children in the world.

25. At least two mobile phones A German nine-year-old child manages to change in his life.

26. Tuesday is the most popular day for the birth of children.

27. A Russian peasant woman who lived in the 18th century is considered a real record holder for the birth of children, who had a total of 69 children.

28. Quite strict requirements in Europe apply to soft toys.

29. In one of the schools, a teacher was fired because she told the children that Santa Claus does not exist.

30. Most smart child planet is considered to be Ganesha.

31. Closed clubs for indigo children exist in many large cities.

32. Children who spent a lot of time at the computer studied a subject such as mathematics better.

33. Standards for children's toys exist in Europe.

34. Children at four years old can pronounce about 12,000 words.

36. In Denmark, 80% of women give birth at home.

37. 15% of men testing paternity are not actually the true parents.

38. Autumn is the best period for conceiving boys.

39. Blonde children are more sensitive to weather changes.

40. Parents who smoke have a greater chance of having a girl.

41. One out of two thousand babies born has one tooth at birth.

42. Julius Caesar was born with one tooth.

43. Children on breastfeeding They perceive a variety of foods better in the future.

44. A closed club of indigo children exists in Moscow.

45. Camel racing involving children is extremely popular in Arab countries.

46. ​​In Sweden it is prohibited to use children under 12 years of age in advertising.

48. In 1955, the largest baby was born in Italy.

49. The smallest newborn baby in the world weighed about 270 grams.

50. Germany has the lowest birth rate in the world.

51. Five-year-old Linda became the youngest mother.

52. In Japan they don’t use bad words towards children.

53. Children actually stop feeling pain when they watch TV.

54. A three-year-old child can make noise louder than the voice of 200 adults at the same time.

55. All children wore dresses until they were seven years old in the 17th century.

56. Children under three years of age have no kneecaps.

57. There are about 270 bones in the skeleton of a newborn child.

58. In the 18th century, little monarchs had child servants.

59. Mothers are better at determining the child's weight compared to fathers.

61. In Japan, they are very careful about raising children.

62. A child is considered old in Korea when he or she is nine months in the womb.

63. In the 17th century, Louis prepared a special library of books for his son.

64. Seven million children officially disappeared in America in 1987.

65. In honor famous brands names have become very popular in recent years.

66. It is prohibited to have more than one child in China.

67. Red and green colors a newborn baby can distinguish.

68. About 900 questions a day are asked by children as young as three years old.

70. The biggest baby was born in Canada.

71. In Korea, the age of children is counted from the moment of conception.

72. There are 20,000,000 fewer Chinese women compared to men.

73. The only garden with security operates in Romania.

74. The only child in the family achieves career heights more easily.

76. Before the age of 15, eye development in children ends.

77. Newborn babies breathe using their mouth.

78. Children are born with swimming reflexes.

79. Charm is highly developed in newborn children.

80. The heart of a newborn baby beats much faster.

81. Newborn babies practically do not blink.

82. Newborn children have poor vision.

83. Newborn babies cannot cry.

84. Most often, children are born with blue or gray eyes.

85. A newborn baby has an extremely small stomach. Its volume is only 30 ml.

86. “The Book of Children’s Records” is planned to be released in Sochi.

87. Children can do five things at once.

88. In Japan, there are special signs near schools for children.

89. You can visit with a low temperature kindergarten in Germany.

90. You can attend kindergarten in China from two months of age.

91. “Time out” is the most popular method of punishment in the USA.

92. Every German schoolchild has his own personal phone number.

93. It is prohibited to make comments to other people's children in the UK.

94. Parent meetings not available in Japan.

95. Depriving a child of playing football is the most popular method of punishment in Brazil.

96. School for Belgian children begins at the age of three.

97. Canada has the most democratic system of raising children.

98. Children in Canada have more rights and freedom.

99. Children love sweets and cartoons more than anything in the world.

100. Three-year-old children participate in camel racing in Arab countries.