Marriage certificate is valid long time. There are times when it may get lost; you should not leave the situation as it is. You need to learn how to restore a marriage certificate if lost. By understanding all the nuances in advance, you can avoid problematic situations.

To obtain a duplicate of this document, go to the registry office where you entered into a marriage relationship.

If circumstances do not allow this, it is recommended to visit the one located at your location or residence.

Before you can restore your marriage certificate, you must write an application.

The form has a prescribed template, which must be followed when filling out. The application is submitted to a representative of the registry office. All information is indicated, including contacts and data from the passport. Information about marriage registration. It is necessary to mention the circumstances due to which replacement is required. It may have been lost or the paper has lost its former appearance or become frayed.

Important! The form for writing the application is given by the registry office employee. There is no need to fill out everything randomly or bring a sample with you.

In addition, a state fee of 350 rubles is required. After this, representatives will check the information that was specified in the documents.

If no problems or questions arise, you receive a new copy. According to the law that is currently in force, a re-issued certificate must be stamped indicating that it is a duplicate.

The described actions relate to cases of contacting the registry office where your marriage relationship was registered. In a different situation, events may develop differently.

How to restore a document while in another city?

If the required registry office office is far away, you live or are temporarily in another locality, then you have several options on how to proceed:

  1. Go to the desired branch in person. But such an opportunity does not always exist.
  2. You can submit a request for restoration using the registry office, which is located near your place of residence.

The actions will be similar to those described above. You need to visit the nearest branch and fill out an application, pay the state fee, and attach the required papers to the bank.

Employees of the department where you applied will send your request to the archives. Once confirmation is received, a new copy will be mailed to you.

It is worth considering that this option takes longer than a personal visit to the designated branch. This is due to the time it takes for postal transfers, processing the request and sending the result back.

Document recovery time and cost

The cost of a new certificate comes down to paying the state fee, which is 350 rubles.

This can be done with the help of banking organizations or using a special government service terminal.

It has already been noted that the speed with which the certificate is issued is affected by the method in which you decide to submit the application. You can receive a document either in a couple of hours or in a few weeks.

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If you contact a branch located at your place of residence when sending papers by mail, it will take much longer. This option takes the longest.

What documents are needed to restore a marriage certificate?

Before you restore a lost marriage certificate, you should prepare everything you need, for this you will need:

  1. The passport of the person making the application and the other party with whom the marriage was concluded.
  2. A receipt indicating that payment of the state duty has been made.

Your passport must have a note that the marriage was officially registered. Otherwise, the employee has the right to refuse to issue you a new document.

The marriage between you must not only be officially registered, but also be valid.

No additional paperwork required.

There are certain situations when employees ask you to provide documents proving that you have the right to receive a new copy.

If at the time of sending the application for paper restoration one of the spouses has died, it is required to attach collected documents certificate of his death.

If you are going to receive a copy for someone else, you will need a power of attorney. It must first be certified by a notary, then added to the general package of papers. You can replace the power of attorney with another document that can confirm your right to collect copies from third parties.

An exception may be the case if it is necessary to confirm the reasons for which the surname was changed, but the marriage relationship was officially dissolved.

Then you must attach a certificate of divorce to the application. A copy will do, no original required.

The application should also indicate the reason why you need to obtain a copy of the act, which confirms that the marriage was officially registered.

In this case, you will not receive a new copy of the document. You will be given only a special certificate indicating all the information about the conclusion of the marriage relationship, including the persons who entered into marriage and other data.

Instructions for restoring a certificate

  • Take passports, your own and the other party's. They must include a note about official registration your relationship.
  • Visit the registry office. It is better to contact the place where the relationship was registered. If this is not possible, go to the department at your current location.
  • The registry office employee will give you a form. You must fill out an application requesting the document be restored. The form has a prescribed form and is issued only by employees.
  • After filling out the form, the state fee is paid. All information required for this can be obtained from a civil registry office employee.
  • Collect all required documents and prepare them. You will need a passport, a completed application, and a receipt that everything has been paid. Hand over the collected papers to the registry office employee.
  • After consideration of your application, if the decision is positive, you will be given a new copy of the certificate in your hands or by mail. How you receive it depends on the method you choose to submit your application.

There are certain nuances that must be taken into account:

  1. When filling out the application, you cannot make mistakes or leave any fields unfilled;
  2. you cannot make abbreviations, write incomprehensibly or incomprehensibly;
  3. The applicant himself must fill out the application; the second spouse may not be present.

Restoring a marriage certificate is a fairly common procedure that anyone can encounter. The document may be lost or damaged. In some cases, the problem of obtaining the original in hand arises for one of the spouses if the other refuses to issue a certificate in hand. Such nuances most often arise, for example, when filing divorce proceedings.

The restoration of the certificate is carried out as soon as possible, but this fact may be complicated by living in another city.

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In some cases Handwritten application is acceptable, an example of which must be present on information stands in the relevant government agencies.

Obtaining a copy of a third party certificate

Sometimes situations arise when you have to obtain a copy of a third party’s marriage certificate, for example, deceased parents or other relatives, as well as if they do not have the opportunity to personally contact the registry office.

In accordance with the law, children of parents who are no longer alive, guardians of incapacitated persons, or any person who has the appropriate power of attorney certified by a notary can receive a duplicate of this document.

Confirmation of relationship or right to receive a copy of the certificate needs to be documented employees of the body registering acts of civil status.

Documents required to obtain a duplicate of a marriage registration certificate of third parties:

  • notarized power of attorney;
  • a document confirming the identity of the person applying for a duplicate marriage certificate (passport or other document);
  • documents confirming the fact of relationship;
  • documents confirming the implementation of the inheritance procedure;
  • a decision by the authorities to establish guardianship over a person, a copy of which must be obtained from the registry office.

A document that is issued to replace a lost or damaged form is new certificate with a different serial number. The copy, like the original, is recorded in the database accordingly.

The original document loses its legal force automatically from the moment it is replaced, so even if a lost certificate is discovered, a duplicate will have to be used.

Due to the improvement of the system of serving visitors of government agencies, some changes occur regularly. For example, on at the moment, to pay the receipt there is no need to search for the desired bank branch. You can deposit funds into the specified account using terminals installed in the registry office buildings themselves.

You can apply for a duplicate marriage certificate using online services. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the resource must be official and not third-party. This feature may not yet be available in some regions.

The size of the state duty may change in accordance with decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

IN everyday life There are many situations where government-issued documents may be needed. Citizens often require and. But, over time, such official papers become unusable or are completely lost. Solving the recovery problem is not difficult, to do this you need to know.

Is it possible to restore a marriage certificate?

A marriage certificate is a document issued to newlyweds immediately after the wedding, which confirms the fact.

Even if it was damaged (,), any citizen has the opportunity to obtain a duplicate of it in the manner prescribed by law.

Since this document is necessary in many cases (for registration of a new one, participation in a trial, etc.), it is recommended to proceed immediately.

Reasons for obtaining a duplicate:

  • mechanical damage to the original (tear, blurring of letters or seals, etc.);
  • loss;
  • etc.

Issuing a duplicate automatically cancels the validity of the original, therefore, if a marriage certificate is found after loss, it cannot be used, otherwise negative consequences may arise.

Where and how to get a copy of the marriage registration certificate?

Before you start processing documents for a duplicate, you should know that it can only be obtained if the citizen is still married. After a divorce you can only get .

If the family union has not been dissolved, the citizen must contact the authorized body or other institution with an application to restore the document.

The following persons have the right to submit an application:

  • spouse;
  • a close relative of one of the deceased spouses;

There are several ways to request a duplicate marriage certificate.

Restoring a document through the registry office

It is better to apply for restoration of the marriage certificate.

The algorithm for obtaining a duplicate is as follows:

  1. come to the department in person. This can be done by one spouse, but then he will be required to provide the data of the second – the absent citizen;
  2. fill out an application according to the sample, the form of which will be issued by the registry office employee;
  3. , and attach the receipt to the rest of the documents;
  4. submit an application and other papers;
  5. wait until the duplicate is made and receive it.

How to order a duplicate through State Services?

The State Services portal allows you to order a duplicate marriage certificate online, following certain instructions. First, you need to go through a simple registration on the site, and then log in as an active user (confirm your identity using one of the methods offered by the portal).

After the preparation is completed, you need to log into your personal account and find the section on registering important events.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • fill out an electronic application (data about the citizen, information about the husband and wife, information about, place and method of obtaining the certificate) and submit it;
  • pay the state fee on the portal by choosing one of the proposed methods;
  • wait to receive a letter in your personal account, which will tell you the date and time of your visit to the registry office for a duplicate;
  • appear and receive the document.

In addition to personal receipt, you can place an order on the portal to send a copy of the certificate by mail. But this will lead to longer waiting times.

How to apply through the MFC?

The multifunctional center serves as a place where you can order and receive various documents, including a duplicate of a marriage certificate.

You will need to come to the MFC at the citizen’s place of residence or stay in order to:

  • fill out an application for a copy of the document;
  • pay the state fee;
  • submit a package of required papers.

After accepting the documents, the MFC specialist will issue a receipt and inform you about the date of receipt of the duplicate.

Since the application will be submitted to the registry office, and then the prepared copy of the certificate will arrive back to the MFC, the service time is longer than if you contact the department directly.

This method is convenient for citizens living near the MFC and in cases where there is no urgent need to obtain a duplicate.

Sample application for issuance of a re-marriage certificate

A request to the civil registry office, with which you can obtain a certificate of imprisonment or, has.

The request contains the following items that the applicant must fill out:

  • application header (name of the civil registry office, full name and address of the applicant, passport details);
  • a request for the issuance of a second certificate, which one is necessary for the citizen (for marriage or for termination of marriage) - highlight what is necessary;
  • last names, first names and patronymics of the spouses at the time of marriage or divorce;
  • name of the body - place of the procedure;
  • and registration number;
  • the reason why a duplicate was needed (as a rule, it is written “the document is necessary due to loss”);
  • date of preparation and signature of the applicant.

What documents are needed to obtain a copy?

To obtain a duplicate marriage registration certificate, you must provide:

  • application form;
  • passport or other identification document (foreigner, military ID);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Cost and methods of payment of state duty

As of 2018, the state fee for issuing a copy of the certificate has not changed and is 350 rubles, and for issuing a certificate of marriage – 200 rubles. Therefore, regardless of the chosen option for filing an application, a citizen cannot be exempted from paying the fee.

There are several ways to pay the state fee for the restoration of a marriage registration certificate:

  • terminal located in the registry office;
  • any Sberbank branch;
  • Internet banking (website or mobile application);
  • Qiwi terminal;
  • electronic wallet “Yandex.Money”, etc.

How long does it take to make a duplicate: production time

As a rule, if documents are submitted to the civil registry office at the applicant’s place of residence, the waiting time is no more than an hour. In other cases, the date of receipt is reported by the employee who accepted the application for consideration.

How to get a copy of a document after a divorce?

After divorce, the spouse does not have the right to receive a duplicate certificate. He can only request a certificate of the existence of an official family union.

The request form for issuing a certificate is similar to the application for a duplicate. In addition, you will have to attach a standard package of papers (passport, document confirming family relationships, receipt of state duty, power of attorney - if necessary).

The application includes the following information:

  • address of a government agency (written in the header of the application);
  • last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth, current age of the applicant;
  • citizenship and nationality;
  • actual residence address;
  • passport details;
  • details of the divorce certificate;

Where can I get a duplicate of my marriage certificate when I am in another city?

The location of the interested person in another city does not serve as an obstacle to obtaining a duplicate.

You can use one of several ways to apply for a document:

  1. send the application to the registry office at the place where the marriage was registered by mail, having previously made notarized copies of all documents. It is better to do this by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. A copy of the requested paper will also be sent by mail within 2-3 weeks;
  2. contact any other department of the registry office (at your place of residence) and submit a package of documents. But this procedure will take at least 1 month, since employees will send a request to verify the information to the original department;
  3. personally go to the place where the certificate was issued and receive the document within an hour;
  4. send a representative by proxy located in the city to the department, where you should pick up a duplicate. You can ask a relative or friend for help.

A marriage certificate is the first joint document that is presented to the bride and groom in a ceremonial ceremony. This is the only document confirming the legality of the marriage.

Where is a marriage certificate issued?

The marriage certificate is issued by the registry office. Interested parties submit a joint statement that they voluntarily and without coercion wish to enter into marriage union. The date of registration is immediately specified. On the appointed day, the newlyweds come and leave their signatures in the civil registration register. After this, a note is made in the spouses’ passports about state registration marriage, indicating the full name, place and date of registration.

To receive a marriage certificate, newlyweds need to leave their signatures.

To obtain a child’s birth certificate, apply for a divorce, or draw up documents to inherit property after the death of one of the spouses, you must present a marriage registration certificate.

How to obtain a duplicate marriage certificate

A copy of the marriage certificate is necessary in many cases, so if you lose it, you need to contact the registry office staff to get a duplicate copy.

To get a duplicate, you need to go to the registry office with your passport and tell an employee of the institution that the certificate is not available. The employee will provide an application form addressed to the manager, which must be filled out according to the sample, indicating the full name, passport number, date of marriage and the reason for restoring the document. For services you need to pay a fee at the terminal or at the bank.

The presence of the second spouse when filling out the application is not required; it is enough to know his passport details.

Required documents to obtain a second marriage certificate

List of required documents:

  • passport with a marriage mark;
  • completed form;
  • payment receipt.

These papers must be handed over to the registry office employee, in return for which he will issue a second duplicate marriage certificate. If the application for reinstatement is submitted to the institution where registration once took place, a copy of the certificate will be given within a couple of minutes. In another case, the document will have to wait several days, since employees will have to contact the archive staff of the institution where the marriage took place and wait until a second copy is sent by mail.

If it is not possible to contact the registry office in person, the papers can be sent by registered mail

If the formerly married persons have already died, then relatives and heirs can easily obtain a duplicate of the certificate. To do this, in addition to the above papers, you must also attach documents confirming your relationship with the deceased. If people who need a duplicate cannot appear in person at the registry office, then any other person for whom a notarized power of attorney has been issued can receive it.

People are often very careless with documents. But each of them at one time registered some important event in their lives. But time passes, and the document no longer seems very necessary. It is moved from place to place, and then completely lost. And as luck would have it, one day it turns out that without this little piece of paper it is impossible to make any serious deal. Then the question arises: how to restore a marriage certificate or the birth certificate of your own child?

Unforeseen situations

Life is full of surprises. No person can foresee everything in advance. Take, for example, a situation where a couple suddenly decided to separate after some time. This happens. Well, they didn’t get along or were just tired of each other. We decided to file. But to go to court, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents, among which must be the original certificate issued during registration. What to do? How to restore a marriage certificate and is it possible to do it at all? There is a different situation. For example, a woman after marriage changed her last name and got a job new job. To confirm her qualifications, she provides management with an education diploma in a specific specialty. But bad luck, the document was written out in her maiden name. How to prove that it belongs to her? This is where the same marriage certificate that not so long ago was solemnly presented to her and her husband at the registry office comes to the rescue. There, the fact of a last name change is recorded in black and white, and the question disappears by itself. What if this important document is lost? How can a woman prove that she is she? That's when you have to think about how to restore

Confirmation of legal rights

It happens that the decision of a major financial transaction depends on one document. For example, a woman changed her last name after marriage, and 5-10 years after the death of close relatives she became the heiress of a huge fortune. To confirm the relationship, the notary will only have in his hands where the fact of the birth of a child who is given the surname of the mother or father is noted. How can a woman prove in this case that this is about her? The lawyer cannot take his word for it. He needs official confirmation that before marriage the woman bore the surname of her parents and the certificate refers specifically to her. The question is serious, because a large sum is at stake. It cannot be given to just anyone. The notary will certainly require you to provide the original document confirming your premarital surname. What if such a document is not available? How can I restore my marriage certificate to confirm my legal rights?

Sequence of actions

Each procedure has its own mandatory algorithm. Restoring a marriage certificate must also take place in a certain sequence:

1. First, both spouses must appear at the registry office and write an application addressed to the manager with a request to issue a new document to replace the lost one. If one of them, due to some circumstances, cannot be present in person, then it will be enough for the second to simply have two passports in hand, where there is a stamp about. In the application, you must indicate:

  • data of both spouses;
  • date of marriage registration;
  • the circumstances under which the document was lost;
  • the reason why there was a need to obtain a new document.

2. The registry office employee will provide the details to which you need to transfer cash towards payment of state duty. Payment can be made at any bank branch and a receipt can be provided as confirmation.

3. At the specified time, come and receive a new certificate. Such forms are subject to strict accounting, so upon issuance you will need to sign in the appropriate journal.

At this point, the restoration of the marriage certificate can be considered a resolved issue.

Who can receive the document and when?

Not everyone can obtain a duplicate marriage certificate. The following have the right to make such a request:

1) Directly one of the spouses.

2) Parents of one of the spouses, guardians or interested parties in the event of the death of the one in respect of whom the requested document was drawn up. For example, a mother or father can contact the registry office to issue them a duplicate of such a certificate to obtain insurance or lump sum benefit in connection with the death of his legally married child.

3) Relatives included in the circle of heirs of one of the spouses in the event of his death.

4) A third party acting on behalf of one of the spouses and acting on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Recovering lost documents is, in principle, not a very complicated procedure and requires very little time. It all depends on where citizens turn. If this is a registry office where the registration itself took place, then 1 to 10 days will be enough, depending on the workload of the institution. If this is another department or another city altogether, then it will take up to 3 months to restore the document.

Methods for obtaining a document

Typically, copies or duplicates of such documents are ordered when the applicant personally visits the registry office. This allows us to partially speed up the resolution of the issue, since employees can clarify all the information they are interested in directly with the customer. But there are situations when the applicant does not have such an opportunity. Nowadays, there are many options that allow you to find a way out of this situation. A duplicate of the marriage certificate can be obtained:

1) Order from a distance by sending to the registry office an application written according to the established template. The document must be sent by registered mail with notification.

2) Seek help from a specialized legal office. However, in this case you will have to pay additionally for the services of specialists.

Otherwise, the procedure remains the same: submitting an application - paying a fee - receiving a document.