The beauty and youth industry has long included the peeling procedure in the list of basic and very effective cosmetic procedures. Laser dermabrasion, among many other types of peeling, is recognized by both specialists and clients. The results allow us to conclude that today laser dermabrasion is one of the advanced methods of rejuvenation and improvement of facial skin.

Results of laser facial peeling – what can be achieved with laser facial dermabrasion?

However, you should not exaggerate the capabilities of the laser and perceive it as a panacea for all skin problems in the facial area. The laser simply cannot remove deep skin lesions, neoplasms on it, scar deformities and very deep wrinkles.

The laser allows you to overcome minor skin imperfections, acne scars, and acne without relapse in the future.

The results of laser dermabrasion are:

  1. Evened complexion, improved overall skin condition.
  2. Elimination of age spots and freckles, improvement of skin color.
  3. Elimination of minor problems deep wrinkles.
  4. Returning skin turgor, firmness, and elasticity.
  5. Leveling the skin texture.
  6. Reducing pores.

Benefits of laser dermabrasion:

  1. Precise and strictly dosed impact on the area of ​​skin that needs correction.
  2. Absence of large wound surfaces, very little traumatic procedures.
  3. Instant and very quick effect skin rejuvenation.
  4. A short period of recovery and healing of the skin.

Indications and contraindications for laser facial resurfacing

In order for laser dermabrasion to have a good result and not reflect negative consequences, the specialist establishes indications for the procedure for each client individually, and also carefully excludes any contraindications in the medical history.

Indications for laser dermabrasion:

  1. Shallow expression wrinkles, so-called “crow's feet”.
  2. Uneven skin texture.
  3. Freckles, hyperpigmentation, age spots.
  4. Acne scars, scars, post-operative scars.
  5. Skin laxity, loss of turgor, dull color.
  6. Enlarged pores.

Contraindications to the laser peeling procedure:

  1. Any inflammatory processes on the skin.
  2. The period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  3. Any infectious diseases, herpes infection.
  4. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Any blood clotting disorder.
  9. History of stroke, severe damage to the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Wearing.
  11. Any cancer.
  12. Relapse of acne.
  13. Skin tendency to form keloid scars.
  14. It is undesirable to perform the procedure during PMS due to changes in hormonal levels and increased skin sensitivity.

Preparation for laser resurfacing of facial skin

The laser dermabrasion procedure itself will take from half an hour to an hour, depending on the area of ​​the skin being treated. But to achieve desired result– and this depends on the degree of skin damage – you may need from one to 4 or more procedures.

Laser dermabrasion of the face should be performed in autumn or winter, when the ultraviolet activity of the sun is lowest.

The preparatory stage for laser peeling should include the following points:

  1. Blood test: general and biochemical, blood microreaction, antibodies to hepatitis B and C, HIV.
  2. Preliminary chemical peeling of the skin surface.
  3. Taking medications with an antiviral effect to prevent the development of herpes infection after the procedure (administration cycle - two days before peeling and a week after).
  4. Immediately before the procedure, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin.

Laser facial peeling procedure - stages of dermabrasion

  • The second stage of the procedure is warming up the deep layers of the skin. Collagen fibers contract under the influence of heat, but are not destroyed - this helps to tighten the skin, acquiring elasticity, turgor, and firmness.
  • The depth of grinding is selected individually in each case, depending on the degree of existing skin problems. It can be superficial, middle or deep (two-stage).
  • Immediately after the procedure, the patient’s face begins to “burn”, the skin takes on a color from light pink to crimson red, and slight swelling appears.
  • After deep laser skin resurfacing, the patient must remain in the hospital for up to 3 days, receiving special dressings for skin healing.

It is worth keeping in mind that swelling of the skin can persist and even intensify for 3-4 days, sometimes for a week, and then gradually disappears.

Price of laser peeling procedure

The price of a laser peeling procedure depends on the area of ​​the treated area and the degree of skin problems. On average, the cost of laser dermabrasion in cosmetic clinics is within 5 thousand rubles.

Recovery and care after laser facial resurfacing - recommendations from specialists

The duration of the recovery period after laser dermabrasion depends on the individual characteristics of the person, as well as on the treated area and the depth of laser exposure. Mostly, this period lasts from 10 to 20 days.

  1. The skin peels, becomes crusty, small blisters and a loose edge of the skin may appear. During this period, under no circumstances should you remove the crusts yourself. When caring for your skin, you must follow all the recommendations of a specialist: lubricate the skin with ointment or cream with panthenol, avoid washing, steam rooms, and exposing the skin to dust, steam, and sunlight. You cannot use cosmetics.
  2. A special biosynthetic film is sometimes applied to the treated skin.
  3. The period of complete skin restoration lasts from six months to a year. During this period, you should use a cream with high SPF protection when going outside, wear a hat with a brim, and do not sunbathe. It is forbidden to use skin peelings, it is undesirable to use cosmetics - powders, foundations and creams.
  4. When epithelization of the treated skin areas occurs, you can wash your face using a soft baby soap or baby shampoo.

The beauty industry, in particular the cosmetology industry, offers women an extensive list of procedures that allow them to maintain youth and restore an attractive appearance. High efficiency hardware manipulations are different, especially laser facial resurfacing, reviews of which can often be heard from enthusiastic women.

Laser resurfacing

Dermabrasion is a serious, traumatic procedure for the skin. The duration of one session varies from thirty minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the surface being treated. If a professional cosmetologist works with a client, the duration of the course is always determined individually. The specialist relies on the actual condition of the skin, but on average, one to four polishings are required. Laser exposure is recommended to be carried out in winter or autumn, when solar activity is lowest.

Preliminary manipulations

If the client sees a real professional who cares about the safety and health of the skin, a number of preparatory measures are carried out before the procedure:

  • Blood test. The study is carried out for microreactions, biochemistry, and detects the presence of antibodies to hepatitis C and B.
  • Taking medications with antiviral effects. This is a preventative measure aimed at eliminating the risk of developing herpes after exposure.
  • Preliminary chemical peeling.
  • Before the session, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin, which has a good analgesic effect. General anesthesia is not required. Modern equipment is equipped with special modules that cool the skin during the procedure. This allows sessions to be carried out on an outpatient basis.


The master who performs cosmetic procedures must determine individually what indications the client has for the procedure. This approach will eliminate the occurrence of negative consequences.

Most often, laser dermabrasion is performed if there are:

  1. Wrinkles formed by active facial expressions.
  2. Uneven skin texture.
  3. Pigmentation, including freckles.
  4. Scars of various origins (complications after acne, postoperative scars).
  5. Dull complexion.
  6. Weak turgor, sagging skin.

Restrictions on the procedure

Like any cosmetic intervention, the procedure has its contraindications. The specialist must exclude the following conditions in the client’s history:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • acute phase of chronic diseases;
  • herpes, infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diabetes of any degree;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs;
  • epilepsy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • severe damage to blood vessels and heart;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acne;
  • predisposition to form;
  • PMS in women (due to hormonal instability, the skin becomes very sensitive).

The cosmetologist himself chooses the depth of stimulation, focusing on the degree of existing problems. Dermabrasion can be superficial, medium and deep, that is, two-stage.

Types of laser peeling

In cosmetology, it is customary to use three types with carbon dioxide, frakel rays. Each ray has a different effect, which affects the condition of the skin after the procedure. Modern devices allow you to get perfect results, but the cost of such sessions remains high.

Carbon dioxide sanding

Today, such techniques are considered outdated, but continue to be used in many salons. The device uses short pulses of light energy to remove thin layers of skin, including wrinkles, warts, scars and other formations. The recovery period is long - about two weeks. This is the main disadvantage of carbon laser facial resurfacing. Reviews and photos of patients, despite the long rehabilitation, inspire optimism.

Erbium dermabrasion

The method allows you to remove the surface layer of skin on the face, neck, and décolleté. Erbium ray eliminates wrinkles of moderate depth with minimal impact on surrounding tissue. The method causes fewer side effects, the rehabilitation period does not exceed seven days.


The most modern technique, it is indicated even for those patients who have naturally dark skin. Fraxel laser helps fight visible signs of aging because it triggers the production of your own collagen. Healing occurs faster than in the two previous methods. The presented photo after laser facial resurfacing helps to verify the beneficial effect.

Skin condition after the session and care

Immediately after completion of the procedure, a slight burning sensation is felt on the face. It changes and acquires a more intense shade (from pink to crimson red). If the patient has undergone deep resurfacing, he is recommended to remain in the hospital for at least three days. At this time, he receives special dressings to promote skin healing. In some cases, the reaction to treatment is manifested by swelling. The puffiness of the face may increase over several days, then everything gradually returns to normal.

The remaining consequences of laser peeling are revealed as follows:

  1. Peeling, formation of crusts, blisters, growing edges of the skin. Experts do not recommend removing such elements yourself. Care after laser facial resurfacing consists of the simplest manipulations. The skin must be regularly treated with preparations containing panthenol, avoid exposure to water, steam, dust, ultraviolet radiation and cosmetics. She is shown complete rest.
  2. Full recovery lasts from six months to a year. During this period, it is necessary to use creams with a high ultraviolet protection factor and protect your face from direct sun exposure. It is undesirable to use cosmetics, peelings, scrubs.
  3. In some cases, after laser facial resurfacing, the doctor applies a special biosynthetic film.

When the epithelization process is completed (20-30 days after the completion of the session), you can wash your face using baby soap. The duration of the full recovery period depends on the area of ​​the treated surface, the depth of exposure and the degree of damage.

Is laser peeling effective in practice?

It is useful to note what reviews laser facial resurfacing has received from visitors to beauty centers:

  1. Dermabrasion using a laser device is a very effective, but expensive procedure. The rehabilitation period is often associated with intense painful sensations, the appearance becomes unaesthetic, but the result obtained is worth such torment. After complete restoration, the skin becomes ideal and truly looks younger.
  2. It is impossible to talk about complete pain relief even after applying an anesthetic cream. Within two weeks after the end of the procedure, the face becomes covered with spots and is very flaky. It is better for women to take the course during winter or autumn holidays, because with such an appearance you will not go outside. But the effect is very pleasant, the skin turns white and disappears. age spots, wrinkles, she glows with health from the inside.
  3. If you undergo the procedure after forty years, you can get significant rejuvenation. Absolutely everything changes: color, elasticity, facial contours. The appearance takes on its former freshness. However, hardware intervention will not get rid of deep wrinkles.

Laser resurfacing face (the photo below fully confirms this) helps eliminate a complex of cosmetic problems.

Fractional grinding

A similar procedure also involves laser exposure, but the beam affects only small pinpoint areas on the skin. Adjacent areas are not damaged and are not affected in any way. As a result, microtubules are formed in the epidermis, through which connective tissue cells are activated, which determines a high rejuvenation effect. Enhanced synthesis of elastin and collagen makes the face firm and elastic. Healing, thanks to the dosed effect that distinguishes laser fractional resurfacing of the face, occurs much faster, and the risk of side effects is reduced.

The effectiveness of the procedure is revealed as follows:

  • Noticeable rejuvenation with minimal damage is the main advantage that fractional laser facial resurfacing provides.

Many people have heard about skin resurfacing, but they don’t exactly imagine what laser resurfacing of facial skin is. And there’s nothing wrong with that, because this is a fairly new service. Laser resurfacing is cosmetic procedure. It is specially designed to eliminate wrinkles and various skin defects. With its help, you can also eliminate scar changes without a trace, for example, colloidal, postoperative and post-burn scars. Laser resurfacing will relieve you of the consequences of acne, skin defects from chickenpox, and remove enlarged pores.

Modern cosmetology offers laser resurfacing, which is deservedly popular among clients of beauty salons and cosmetology medical centers. We have long been accustomed to the fact that lasers are widely used in medicine for treatment and various operations, for example in ophthalmology.

But they are also capable of radically rejuvenating our appearance, removing the mask of age from our faces. The laser beam gets rid of hated wrinkles, folds and skin defects quickly and effectively.

The laser resurfacing procedure is designed specifically for those who really want to look young and attractive, but are afraid of plastic surgery. Therefore, if you are one of them, then a laser procedure is ideal for you. Unless, of course, there are contraindications. We'll talk about them a little later. Now let me tell you when and to whom this procedure can be done.

Indications for laser skin resurfacing

The procedure is intended to eliminate the following defects:

Medium and deep wrinkles on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, back, abdomen and arms;

Flabby skin, with signs of aging and fading, loss of a clear oval face;

Nasolabial folds;

Enlarged pores, presence of age spots;

The presence of cicatricial changes in the skin, post-acne;

Stretch marks after childbirth or from rapid weight loss;

Depigmentation after illness, burn or congenital.

How is the procedure carried out?

Resurfacing is carried out under local anesthesia. If it is necessary to carry out the procedure on a large surface skin with a deep effect, intravenous anesthesia is used.

During the procedure, non-contact removal of the upper part of the epidermis is performed. Deep peeling is performed using a laser beam. With the help of a special computer program, the power and intensity of the beam are adjusted. This program is designed to solve differential problems. Depending on this, the beam processes the required area. With its help, additional stimulation of cells occurs. Their active division begins, and therefore, a new process of synthesis of skin components - collagen and elastin - occurs.

Simply put, there is an enhanced natural process of renewal of the collagen-elastin framework, which ensures the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

At the same time, old cells are eliminated and new, young ones appear. During the procedure, maximum revival of the intercellular substance of the dermis occurs.

The renewal process becomes noticeable already during the procedure. You can see how wrinkles are smoothed out, texture improves, pores narrow, and pigmentation disappears. After the treatment, a special restorative cream is applied to the skin.

The eyelids, earlobes, forehead areas (between the eyebrows), cheeks, nose, nasolabial triangle, and chin area are exposed to the laser. Polishing is carried out on the neck, décolleté and mammary glands. Men usually perform resurfacing on the chest, back of the hands, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

The number of procedures depends on the problem that needs to be eliminated. Usually 1 to 3 procedures are performed, at intervals of 3 to 6 months. The effect increases from procedure to procedure and remains for 3-5 years.

The effect of laser resurfacing

After exposure, the structure of the skin significantly improves, elasticity increases, and blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue is normalized. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis are strengthened. Pores are narrowed, wrinkles are “erased”, cosmetic defects disappear. Puffiness and age-related sagging of the cake are eliminated. In this case, a clear oval is formed. The skin is completely renewed and rejuvenated.

At what age should the procedure be done?

Everyone ages differently. For some, age-related changes are noticeable after 30 years, for others much later. Signs of aging do not appear immediately. This is preceded by profound changes in the structure of the epidermis. Typically, age-related changes are eliminated after 30–35 years. If the skin is covered acne, the procedure can be done at 18 years of age.


Laser resurfacing has its contraindications. These include: inflammatory skin diseases, malignant neoplasms on the skin, exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, pregnancy, epilepsy and chemical peeling performed earlier than two weeks.

In conclusion, I want to say that many are afraid to carry out this procedure due to the common myth that laser resurfacing is a cosmetic burn to the skin. This statement is fundamentally incorrect. The laser beam, in this case, is not at all an analogue of engineer Garin’s hyperboloid. It doesn't burn the skin. The beam evaporates water layer by layer only from its uppermost layers. There can be no burn, since the skin does not heat up to that temperature. Therefore, the procedure is safe, laser pulses are short-term. Much stronger skin can be damaged by chemical peeling or mechanical grinding. So don't be afraid! Finally, a useful video.


Specific skin care after laser facial resurfacing lasts on average about 1 month. Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, especially in the first two weeks, the patient’s patience and careful implementation of all the specialist’s recommendations are required. The final results of the work largely depend on this cosmetic procedure, which is called fractional laser resurfacing or Fraxel. What are its features and how exactly to care for your skin to avoid complications and adverse cosmetic consequences?

Features of skin changes after the procedure and their duration

It is carried out in the presence of acne, persistent wrinkles and pigmentation, disorders of the skin texture, including the presence of hypertrophic or atrophic scars, reduced turgor and sagging skin, etc. on the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body.

For these purposes, carbon dioxide is usually used, which acts on the skin according to the principle. This procedure results in serious traumatic (burn) damage to the skin. After laser resurfacing with a co2 laser, the exposed area looks like a continuous wound surface, since fractional photothermolysis consists of point structural destruction to a depth of 2 mm in limited areas of the skin under the influence of high temperatures, formed under the influence of light (laser) energy. Local changes after laser treatment are as follows.

The main stages of the processes during the recovery period

Restoration of the wound surface begins 1 day after the procedure. Its duration, if the care conditions are properly followed, ranges from 1 – 2 weeks to 1 month, which is influenced by the depth of laser exposure and the individual characteristics of the body.

Immediately after exposure, the entire treatment area becomes sharply hyperemic, that is, it acquires an intense red color, which, to a greater or lesser extent, persists for about 1 month after the procedure. Its intensity also mainly depends on the depth of laser penetration, the quality of skin protection from subsequent ultraviolet irradiation and the influence of other irritating factors, as well as on the individual characteristics of the blood supply in a given area for a particular patient.

In addition to pronounced hyperemia, traces of the influence of the laser beam are noticeable throughout the entire area, which have the form of pinpoint reddish holes located at a certain distance from each other. Brownish spots may appear in areas with excess pigmentation prior to the procedure. There is moderate pain, a burning sensation and rawness, as well as weeping due to the sweating of serous-hemorrhagic fluid.

On the first day, as a result of the active inflammatory process, the influx of blood and the release of its liquid fraction into the tissue, swelling of the latter occurs and increases. When treating the face, it is especially pronounced in the periorbital region, in the area of ​​the lower eyelids and the lower 1/3 of the face, which increases in volume. Swelling reaches its maximum on the second day and gradually decreases from the 3rd to 4th day of the recovery period.

The first week after photothermolysis is the most difficult stage of the rehabilitation period. At this time, as a result of skin damage and weeping, crusts form, rough removal of which can disrupt the healing process and lead not only to infection, but also to the formation of scar tissue.

After laser resurfacing of the scar, these damages are very limited. Accordingly, activities during the recovery period are usually limited to local care for a small wound. Unlike single scars, stretch marks are located over a large area of ​​skin. In addition, due to the fact that these atrophic scars are located below the level of the skin surface, their correction requires grinding of the surrounding healthy skin, rich in small vessels and nerve endings.

In this case, over a large area, not only more pronounced pain occurs, but often intoxication of the entire body. At the same time, the risks of various complications associated with infection of the wound surface increase, and the duration of the recovery period increases.

Care after sanding

It is impossible to significantly reduce recovery time, but it is possible to prevent their increase and possible complications, If:

  1. Carry out individually selected and recommended preparatory measures by the cosmetologist.
  2. Carry out proper and conscientious care after deep laser resurfacing.

TO preparatory activities include the following:

  • For at least 1 month before resurfacing, it is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays using a high-protection product. The best option is to carry out laser resurfacing in the autumn-winter period.
  • If you are prone to acne before menstruation, it is advisable to carry out the procedure after it has resolved.
  • In case of presence of foci of excessive pigmentation, preliminary use of (,) and bleaching preparations is necessary.
  • If there is a pustular rash, inflammatory elements or acne in the intended laser treatment area, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs medicines, appropriate skin care products, physiotherapy, mechanical peeling, etc.;
  • carrying out a preventive antibacterial and antiviral course of treatment (if necessary).

Skin restoration after laser facial resurfacing

Basic principles of post-grinding care

It is necessary to avoid contamination and contact of irritating substances on the wound surface, and refrain from scratching if itching occurs. If the procedure was performed on the face, then during sleep it is necessary to give the head and upper half of the body the highest possible elevated position to reduce tissue swelling. Irrigation should be used instead of washing by special means. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for 7-10 days.

To reduce pain, you can take analgesic or non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, during the first week, especially the first days, you need to stay indoors, preferably with slightly humidified air, and if you need to go outside, wear a medical mask to prevent ultraviolet rays and dust from entering the wound. The use of sunscreen during this period is not recommended.

Sterile gauze wipes or bandages coated with a thin layer of cosmetic petroleum jelly are used as bandages for the treated surface, but it is better to use special meshes that are soaked in petroleum jelly. During the day, the dressings must be changed at least 4-5 times; after the procedure, apply cold to the treated surface of the dressings several times for 20 minutes, which can be an ice pack or cooling packs.

Since ichor is released from the burn surface, which dries to form films and crusts, they must be softened by applying sterile wipes soaked in a solution of 6% table vinegar, 1 tablespoon of which is pre-diluted in 200 ml of cold boiled water. Napkins should be changed as they warm up or every 5 minutes. This procedure is carried out until the burning, pain and discharge of ichor stop.

In this case, carefully (without effort) you should periodically remove the softened crusts. Do not tear off peeling epithelial “films”. Before each change of napkins, the wound should be treated with a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution.

After the cessation of blood weeping, dryness and peeling of the epithelium occur and the formation of dense crusts begins. During this period, there is no longer any need for dressings with cosmetic Vaseline. Instead it applies intensive hydration wound surface by applying compresses with a cool vinegar solution up to 5 times during the day, treating the wound with chilled serum, concentrated solution with biorevitalizing and moisturizing effects or cooled moisturizer.

In the second week after laser resurfacing, the skin in the wound area is slightly restored and the processes of exfoliation of the epithelium gradually stop. During this period of care, in addition to moisturizing, maximum protection from exposure to sunlight is necessary. To do this, it is mandatory to apply sunscreen before leaving the room to go outside, to protect the face with a scarf, with a headdress with wide brim or medical mask. A gradual return to everyday use is allowed. cosmetics skin care and makeup. Well suited for masking skin hyperemia foundation creams with greenish tints.

The listed rules are general character. Necessary procedures care after deep laser resurfacing and their volume are recommended by a cosmetologist depending on the type of cosmetic defect and the depth of impact. , read our article.

In the arsenal of a plastic surgeon today there are several ways to eliminate wrinkles, skin unevenness, remove scars and pigmentation. This and all kinds of peelings in different ways chemicals, and microdermabrasion with special grinding brushes, and laser. The laser has occupied a strong niche in many areas of medicine, including plastic surgery and cosmetology. Laser skin resurfacing has gained well-deserved popularity among other methods of eliminating wrinkles and is considered one of them effective procedures. It is used both to eliminate wrinkles and scars after acne, small folds, “ crow's feet"etc.

What is laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is based on the impact of laser energy (light polarized in a certain way) on the surface layers of the skin. The laser burns out the surface layer of the skin, thereby smoothing its surface. For laser resurfacing, three types of laser radiation are usually used - erbium laser, carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and low-intensity laser radiation. The laser, penetrating into the surface layers of the dermis, leads to an increase in temperature and evaporation of its water from the cells, as a result, “burning out” of the old layers of skin occurs, and renewed skin regenerates in this place.

The effect of laser skin resurfacing is not only to remove old dead layers of skin, but is also accompanied by smoothing out fine wrinkles and smoothing out deep wrinkles in the area of ​​resurfacing. The laser is also effective in smoothing out acne scars and other small scars on the skin, which after resurfacing become almost indistinguishable.

Carbon dioxide laser, in addition to smoothing out wrinkles and scars, also has a tonic effect on the skin, helps improve its color and appearance and improves its texture. A special feature of low-intensity laser is that it is able to stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin, which has a beneficial effect on the properties of the skin and rejuvenates it.

Disadvantages of laser resurfacing

One of the disadvantages of laser resurfacing is the fact that it is not always effective for deeper wrinkles. In some cases, multiple sessions of laser skin resurfacing may be required. Among other things, laser resurfacing, although not an invasive procedure, requires a certain recovery period after it is performed.

How does laser work in plastic surgery for wrinkles and scars?

As you know, in plastic surgery and cosmetology there are two ways to influence the skin in order to eliminate wrinkles - this is skin tightening and resurfacing. The first method is based on stretching the skin and excision of its excess, and the second - on leveling its surface. To smooth the surface of the skin, both chemical factors and physical influence are used. Unlike microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing does not involve directly cleansing the surface layers of the skin - the essence of laser resurfacing is the effect of laser energy on the surface layers. At the same time, in the depths of the wrinkle, the laser has a stimulating effect on the growth of collagen fibers, which themselves will fill the wrinkle cavity as they synthesize. That is, as you can see, the laser has a double effect, which is important feature laser resurfacing.

A feature of the so-called. low-intensity laser radiation (N-Lite laser) is that, like other types of laser, it does not have the same effect on the surface layers of the skin, that is, it does not polish it in the literal sense of the word. But its effect is that it stimulates collagen synthesis deep in the skin, which leads to natural smoothing and renewal of the skin. In addition, an important advantage of such laser therapy is that it is completely painless, does not require anesthesia or a recovery period, and, accordingly, has no risk of typical complications.

Which type of laser resurfacing should you choose?

Which type of laser to choose depends on many factors, most notably the amount of laser resurfacing required, as well as the depth of wrinkles and the severity of acne scars.

Of all three types of laser for skin resurfacing, carbon dioxide laser has the greatest effect on the skin, compared to erbium and low-intensity lasers. This laser has maximum effect on deep wrinkles and acne scars. But such laser resurfacing requires the longest recovery period, on average up to two weeks.

Erbium laser has a less pronounced effect on the skin compared to carbon dioxide, but it is softer and less aggressive, and then it has a shorter recovery period of one week, which is much easier.

Low-intensity laser has the most subtle effect on the skin, since its goal is not to polish the skin, but to stimulate the growth of the skin’s own collagen fibers, which leads to a gradual smoothing of wrinkles. It is worth noting that low-intensity laser is effective only for fine wrinkles, since deep wrinkles cannot be smoothed out using this technique. In addition, the effect of this type of laser resurfacing is not immediately noticeable, but after some time, which is required for the synthesis of the skin’s own collagen fibers. Today this type of laser is not as in demand as the other two.

Which type of laser is right for you: carbon dioxide or erbium?

As mentioned above, the choice of the type of laser for resurfacing depends, first of all, on the depth and severity of wrinkles and scars on the skin, as well as on whether you are ready for a relatively long recovery period or whether you want to see the result quickly. In general, carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is considered more aggressive and effective than erbium laser resurfacing, but the recovery period after it lasts up to 2 weeks. And the erbium laser, although less effective in smoothing out deep wrinkles, is characterized by a shorter recovery period.

Preparation for laser skin resurfacing

Proper preparation for laser skin resurfacing allows you to achieve acceptable and effective results. Before laser resurfacing, as well as before other types of skin treatments (peelings, microdermabrasion), the doctor may prescribe the use of tretinoin, glycolic acid, various bleaching agents. When resurfacing with a low-level laser, no preparation is usually required.

Preparation for laser resurfacing is required to reduce the risk of skin pigmentation after the procedure, as well as to speed up the healing of the skin after laser resurfacing. In addition, good and correct preparation can also shorten the recovery period after grinding. Well, finally, it should be noted that preparation for laser resurfacing can improve the effects of this procedure itself.

Laser resurfacing effects

A week after laser resurfacing, facial skin becomes elastic, smoother, and looks younger. All small wrinkles are smoothed out, and a more youthful oval of the face is formed. Skin tone increases, age spots disappear. The skin in the eye, neck and chest areas is tightened. Laser resurfacing is very effective in eliminating acne scars and various scars. With each subsequent session, the polishing effect intensifies.

How is laser skin resurfacing performed?

Laser resurfacing is usually performed under general sedation, that is, the use of sedatives and relaxants. One laser resurfacing session: general (most often sedation, that is, the use of sedatives).

The duration of the resurfacing procedure is usually, depending on the volume of intervention and the type of laser, from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. There may be some discomfort for several days after the resurfacing session, so your doctor may prescribe painkillers. Skin swelling can last, depending on the type of laser and the area of ​​skin resurfaced, from 3 days to 3 weeks. After grinding, in addition, dressings are required, since the effect of a laser is still a burn to a certain extent.

The healing process after laser resurfacing lasts up to 5 - 10 days after using an erbium laser and up to 2 weeks after using a carbon dioxide laser. Moreover, the longer the redness of the skin lasts after the resurfacing procedure, the better effect laser later.

For the next 3 to 6 months after laser exposure, it is recommended to use sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight.

The final results of laser resurfacing can be seen within a couple of weeks, but in some cases you will have to wait longer.