Treatment with hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy is psychotherapy using hypnosis. In this case, hypnosis treatment is used as a powerful healing factor. Hypnosis is a special and very useful state of consciousness. Each session, despite its apparent similarity to others, is a completely unique experience. And treatment with hypnosis is also a unique method of psychotherapy.

In consciousness and subconsciousness, throughout our lives, formal goals imposed on us, false values, our internal prohibitions, restrictions and negative attitudes accumulate. However, they are not just stored there, but actively poison our lives, since everything that worries and torments us at a conscious or unconscious level is inevitably “translated” by the body into the language of disease over time. While under hypnosis, a person suppresses the critical influence of consciousness. Attention is focused in a very narrow direction, and the level of perception in the focus is much higher than outside the hypnotic influence. This increased level perception helps to send suggestions directly to the subconscious and achieve rapid and qualitative changes in the process of hypnosis treatment.

This approach, using specific, specially selected hypnotic formulas, is usually used in classical (directive) hypnosis.

There are also more modern and gentle methods of hypnotic influence (non-directive). With such hypnotization, the main task of the hypnotherapist is, using trance techniques, to activate your own capabilities and resources, which will allow you to cope with the problem or achieve your goal. At the same time, acquired limitations accumulated throughout life are eliminated. It becomes possible to effectively and creatively search for new opportunities, new behavior options, new ways to solve problems using your internal resources. Working with resource states is also widely and effectively used in hypnosis treatment.

Each of us has a huge amount of resources. We are all capable of winning, achieving success, creating, creating. All this is inherent in us, but we cannot always use what we already have.
From this point of view, when a person has a situation that he cannot solve, this means that there is no access to his internal resource or for some reason he cannot use it. We often try to solve problems with the conscious mind by analyzing. We were taught this at school, at college, we were taught this all our lives - to use only this instrument. But, in addition to consciousness, we also have the unconscious. And we don’t know how to use this tool very well. This is what we learn in hypnotic sessions, including during hypnosis treatment.

We all know that a person has what he is aware of at the level of consciousness, but there is also the unconscious. The unconscious is an internal computer with a huge number of useful programs. But in order to use the computer, you need to enter a password, as you know. So, hypnosis is the password that opens a cave with treasures. We are entering this state - and resources can be used.
It is important to understand that trance is not a loss of consciousness or something imposed from the outside. With the help of hypnosis, a person’s own experience, his own capabilities, which previously seemed to be dormant, are used.

An experienced hypnotherapist will give the patient the opportunity to understand that the result depends on his own capabilities, even if these capabilities have hitherto been unrealized, unconscious or misused. Non-directive hypnosis is good because nothing is imposed on you; Only your own unique capabilities and resources are used. This is a very humane and very flexible method. Hypnosis is a time of free discovery, exploration and awareness of your abilities.

Hypnosis is safe.

People often fear that during a hypnotic session or hypnosis treatment, they will find themselves defenseless against the will of others, and may be subject to negative suggestions. Many people are afraid of hypnosis because during a hypnosis session they can lose control over themselves and their will, become defenseless and open to possible negative hypnotic suggestions. During a hypnotic session, a person does not lose control over his consciousness and connection with reality. Hypnosis does not at all deprive you of willpower and does not prevent you from distinguishing good from evil. After all, everyone wants good for themselves. Hypnosis treatment brings goodness and health! In a state of hypnosis, the outside world does not cease to exist for you and, if necessary, your reactions to it will be quite adequate. You can tell the hypnotherapist at any moment about the emotions and sensations that have arisen, and discuss any difficulties that have arisen. If desired, you will remember all the suggestions carried out.

How do hypnosis sessions work?

A hypnosis session is usually carried out in a lying position. Although it can be carried out in a sitting position and even standing. Hypnosis is classified according to the depth of immersion: light, medium and deep. For therapeutic purposes, in the process of treatment with hypnosis, the first two are mainly used, and the deep one is used for scientific, research and creative activity. An individual hypnosis session lasts on average forty minutes. With group hypnosis, its duration is an hour. During the session, many very interesting sensations may arise. For example, flying or soaring in zero gravity, a violation of the usual boundaries of your body diagram, a feeling of heaviness or, conversely, airy lightness is possible. Often violated real estimate the passage of time, hypnosis lasting an hour, as if it was only a few minutes. All sensations and impressions are very individual and can change from session to session. You do not fall asleep completely, although you will be very sleepy, comfortable and relaxed.

What happens after the session?

The state after a hypnosis session is comfortable, calm, like after a soft relaxing massage. After hypnosis, a person experiences a state of inner peace, a surge of strength and vigor, a state of lightness and inner liberation from inexplicable heaviness. If during the session there was intense work with depressed negative emotions, a pleasant state of relaxation and relief is felt. Some absent-mindedness is possible, but after 10-15 minutes you will most likely be able to get behind the wheel of a car, and even more so, travel on public transport.

During treatment with hypnosis, unnoticed by you and others, your condition and the quality of your health changes. First, this affects subtle behavioral reactions: intonation, gestures, reactions to stimuli. Gradually you become calmer and more confident, you feel better both physically and emotionally. As you change, the circumstances around you also change. Communication with you will become easier and more productive. During this period, you can notice amazing changes in relationships with others. Patients often tell us about unexpected changes in the behavior of family members, co-workers, or loved ones.

Over the course of several sessions, the help of hypnosis becomes noticeable. The severity of depression decreases; Anxiety, fear, aggressiveness, panic become controllable. Obsessive thoughts and desires that were previously formed in bad habits etc. Of course, to completely get rid of the problem and recover, one session of hypnosis may not be enough, but you can sign up for a course of hypnotherapy and undergo a full course of hypnosis treatment.

Who conducts hypnosis sessions?

Conducts hypnosis sessions
Doctor of the highest category, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, candidate of medical sciences.
Head of the Department of Psychotherapy, Medical and Psychological Center for Individuality.
President of the IFLTG (International Foundation for Therapeutic and Creative Hypnosis).
Full member of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH).
Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Member of the IPA (independent psychiatric association) and full member of the PPL (professional psychotherapeutic league).
Mamedov Fikret Mamedovich.
Work experience 20 years. Over 35,000 grateful patients, more than 12,000 sessions of individual and group hypnosis.

Treatment with hypnosis and not only treatment. Possibilities of hypnosis.

Treatment with hypnosis will help get rid of: anxiety, depression, neurosis, fear, panic attacks; irritability, insomnia, obsessions, love addiction, psychopathy, hysteria; eating disorders and other problems nervous system. It is effective for any borderline disorder.

With the help of hypnosis, you can acquire the ability to control your emotions, get rid of irritability, aggressiveness, and anger. Hypnosis is effective in treating any addiction. In particular, hypnotherapy helps well with: emotional dependence, love dependence on a partner; alcohol, drug, nicotine addictions. Treatment with hypnosis gives stable results even with computer addiction and with a passion for gambling - gambling addiction.

Many sexual disorders also respond well to hypnosis. For example: erectile dysfunction; psychogenic impotence; premature ejaculation; frigidity; vaginismus; decreased libido; lack of orgasm; fears of sexual relations.
Hypnosis treatment is widely used for many problems in children. Moreover, problems that are quite difficult to treat with traditional treatment are successfully treated with this method. For example, nocturnal enuresis, hyperactivity syndrome, childhood aggression, poor school performance, communication difficulties.

Hypnosis opens up broad prospects and opportunities, not only for activating one’s resource potentials, but also for the subsequent development, change and transformation of personal qualities and character traits of those in need. Hypnosis will help change the character, habitual, stereotypes of behavior and reactions in various situations. Simply put, to bring together the “I” - the real and the “I” - the ideal and carry out a deep personal reconstruction.

Hypnosis will also help: improve communication skills and family relationships. For short time relax deeply, have a good rest, quickly restore your resources and strength. Increase resistance to stress, quality of life, personal and professional endurance, activity, energy, and performance. Strengthen the body's resource capabilities, the ability to adapt to extreme stress and life's difficulties.

Classical medicine is not always effective for psychosomatic diseases. Treatment with hypnosis gives good results in the treatment and prevention of psychosomatic diseases. Somatic means bodily. Psychosomatic diseases are bodily diseases that arise and are maintained by problems in the psychological sphere. They are very often the result of stress and respond well to hypnosis therapy. For example: arterial hypertension and hypotension, angina pectoris, hypertension, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances, various vascular disorders. Asthenia, neurodermatitis, diabetes mellitus, various endocrine diseases. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, functional dysbiosis. Neuritis, pain syndromes of various localizations, body-muscle discomfort, allergies, many dermatological problems, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, urinary incontinence, various male and female, functional sexual dysfunctions, psychogenic infertility and miscarriage. Treatment with hypnosis is also effective for many other psychosomatic diseases. In general, treatment with hypnosis can help get rid of or rehabilitate from a wide variety of chronic diseases, where you were powerless traditional medicine, due to the activation of natural processes of self-healing (sanogenesis), increasing the body’s own defenses, strengthening its natural abilities for self-regulation.

Contraindications to hypnosis treatment.

Contraindications to hypnosis are schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorder and other psychoses. At the first consultation, the therapist makes sure of the indications for hypnosis treatment and conducts the first trial session. For any other conditions, hypnosis is indicated as a primary or adjuvant treatment.

How to go to the clinic, duration of hypnosis treatment.

Hypnosis is a short-term method of psychotherapy; the usual course of hypnosis treatment lasts 8-12 sessions. Psychotherapeutic changes occur quickly, but in order for them to become sustainable, a full course is required. The frequency of sessions is once or twice a week. Longer breaks between sessions are allowed.

What can be cured by hypnosis? This question is heard every day on thematic sites and forums. Another method of quackery! This statement is often found among opponents of hypnotherapy. Now we could say that everything is individual, and what did not help one will help another, if not for one “but”. A good hypnotherapist can help anyone, regardless of their level of hypnotizability.

This is a method that allows you to establish contact with a person’s subconscious by immersing yourself in a trance state. It has been used in psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice for many years. Unfortunately, psychotherapists who have mastered hypnotherapy techniques are now worth their weight in gold. But if you find a professional, you can get rid of even the most serious illness. So what diseases are treated with hypnosis? First of all, these are psychological disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and various types of addictions.

Somatic diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • regular migraines;
  • increased sweating;
  • numbness of different parts of the body.

Our century is a whole collection of addictions: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, psychological, addiction to boarding schools and television, and so on. The method of hypnotherapy is firmly among the top three effective techniques treating these problems. And all because with its help it is possible to establish the reason that caused the addiction. As we know, it is impossible to completely get rid of any disease if you stupidly muffle its symptoms without eliminating the cause.

Interestingly, hypnosis even helps get rid of an allergic reaction. How? Yes, all because the causes of allergies are associated with conflicts in a person’s inner world. Practicing homeopathic psychotherapists argue that the cause of every disease is associated with a person’s emotional and psychological experiences. But since people have not yet learned to independently establish contact with their subconscious, hypnotherapy helps them with this. Based on these considerations, it turns out that hypnosis helps in the treatment of absolutely all diseases.

The state of deep relaxation itself has a therapeutic effect on the body. Treatment with hypnosis normalizes breathing and the functioning of internal organs.

How is the treatment carried out?

A hypnotherapy session begins with a conversation between the hypnologist and the patient. After identifying the problem, the specialist proceeds to a hypnotherapy session. For this, the person is put into a trance state. Each hypnotherapist has his own techniques. Some use relaxing music for this, others use incense, and others use a pendulum. There are hypnotherapists who put you into a trance with their gaze. But this ability is inherent in only a few.

In a state of trance human brain works in a muted rhythm. Visions and voices that appear to be in a deep trance state are perceived as reality by the patient. Through hypnosis, one’s own reality is created, which is gradually brought to life. The image created by the patient during a hypnotherapy session is imperceptibly transferred to the external and internal world.

As a rule, it is used in complexes. That is, one session will not be enough to cure, for example, severe depression or phobia.

The use of hypnosis in the treatment of diseases

What else can be treated with hypnosis? Of course, these are psychiatric diseases. There is a method developed specifically for this group of diseases. It is used for the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. You can determine that a person has entered a trance by the following signs:

  • the gaze is fixed at one point (many hypnologists ask patients to close their eyes);
  • movements and swallowing reflex slow down;
  • muscles relax;
  • heart rate decreases;
  • breathing and eye blinking slow down.

Those who heal with hypnosis know that mental illness requires a deeper trance. Light hypnosis, for example, according to Erickson, is less effective.

Pay attention! Many people are more difficult to succumb to the trance state, and therefore require a more careful approach.

If you are still wondering: is it possible to treat illnesses with hypnosis, we recommend that you contact a professional hypnotherapist

Like any therapy, hypnosis has a number of contraindications that you need to be aware of. Incorrect use this method treatment can lead to unpredictable consequences, and instead of improving the patient’s condition, there is a risk of only worsening the situation. An ignorant or inexperienced person should not engage in hypnosis or self-hypnosis. It is best to contact a qualified psychotherapist, since only a specialist can provide help for serious illnesses. You should always remember: hypnosis in skillful hands can work wonders, while an ignorant person risks complicating the situation so much that even the most experienced doctor won't cope. There are examples of both the positive and negative effects of hypnosis. Even doctors often made mistakes, putting patients into a trance and then not knowing how to get them out of hypnotic sleep. Therefore, if you decide to engage in self-hypnosis or use hypnosis in the treatment of diseases, carefully read this chapter.

Indications for hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is used correctly only when used in medicinal purposes, and the patient is not exposed to unnecessary risk. To treat with hypnosis, it is first necessary to diagnose the patient, but it should be remembered that with the same diseases, patients may respond differently to hypnosis. During treatment, hypnosis is combined with psychotherapeutic conversations, which can take place both while the patient is in a trance and while he is awake.

The use of hypnosis to treat diseases

What diseases are treated with hypnosis? Firstly, this method is successfully used in psychiatry. Thus, it is believed that hysteria can be successfully treated through hypnosis. Often this disease occurs with complications or becomes more serious. Other methods of psychotherapy are less successful and not always effective, so most often such diseases are treated by psychiatrists and psychotherapists by introducing special states of consciousness.

Currently modern man more susceptible than ever to neuroses, fears, phobias, obsessive states and psychoses.

In the case when the patient suffers from neurosis, he experiences a constant state of anxiety with periodic attacks.

In this case, hypnosis has a calming effect and also helps to identify the cause of neurosis in order to subsequently eliminate it.

The 21st century can be called the century of phobias. Every year more and more diverse phobias, or obsessive fears, appear. Along with traditional arachnophobia (fear of spiders), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), hydrophobia (fear of water), many suffer from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), ailurophobia (fear of cats) and a wide variety of other phobias.

Phobias are eliminated using psychoanalytic methods. Hypnoanalysis is not yet very common in this area, but in conditions where deep treatment is not possible, hypnosis can provide temporary relief. For example, if a phobia prevents a patient from working, that is, in case of alienation from society, hypnosis helps the patient adapt to social environment and programs him for further deeper treatment.

There is even a fear of electricity - electrophobia, phagophobia - fear of choking, ecophobia - fear of your home and leukophobia - fear of the color white. And panophobia is generally the fear of everything in the world.

A pathological condition such as nervous or mental anorexia should be mentioned. Typically, adolescents, particularly girls, are most susceptible to this disease. Anorexia nervosa is a persistent refusal to eat in order to lose weight. The cause of this disease is often mental disorders and errors in upbringing (overprotection on the part of parents). Patients show great interest in the calorie content of food and exclude from the diet those foods that seem to them the most nutritious. It should be noted that those suffering from anorexia do not necessarily have overweight, they may even be sick skinny girls and young men who convinced themselves that they overweight. Anorexia is accompanied by weight loss, but hypnosis is recommended for its treatment. By introducing patients into special states of consciousness, the psychotherapist convinces them that their fears are groundless. With timely treatment, positive results can be achieved, although therapy is complicated by the reluctance of patients to be treated. In this case, systematic suggestion can help.

In some cases, hypnosis treatment can also be used for schizophrenia. This disease has not been fully studied, so little is known about its causes and treatment. However, it was noted that improvement occurred more quickly when drug therapy was combined with hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is used in the treatment of psychosis. Thus, O. Voisin hypnotized his patients suffering from psychosis and hallucinations. The Englishman Robertson also hypnotized patients with psychosis, in particular maniacs. He managed to achieve a hypnotic state in his patients.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention the treatment of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction with hypnosis. In the case of chronic alcoholism, hypnotic suggestion is quite effective, since people suffering from this disease are usually hypnotizable, that is, they are suggestible. It is much more difficult to treat drug addicts with hypnosis, since they are easily hypnotized only during the period of drug addiction, after which a relapse occurs (exacerbation of the disease).

A. Tokarsky treated 700 patients with alcoholism with hypnosis, and achieved recovery in the majority (80%). Patients did not drink for a year after stopping treatment.

The use of hypnosis in psychosomatic medicine

Not only mental illnesses are successfully treated with hypnosis. The method of introducing special states of consciousness is no less successfully used in the field of psychosomatic medicine (from the Latin “soma” - “body”). There are many cases of treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems by hypnosis.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system for which hypnosis is used include arterial hypertension, cardiac neuroses and heart rhythm disturbances. In patients who had suffered a myocardial infarction or patients with angina pectoris, their condition improved and anxiety decreased thanks to hypnosis.

Diseases of the respiratory system, especially asthma, are also successfully treated with this method, since the emotional factor plays an important role in asthma.

An asthma attack is aggravated by the mental state of the patient, who cannot breathe normally. However, with the help of hypnosis it is possible to help the patient restore normal breathing.

In addition, hypnosis is used in the treatment of endocrine diseases. In obese patients, the metabolism was thus stabilized, appetite was reduced and a diet was established.

It is very important to note that many diseases are associated with disruption of the nervous system, which causes the occurrence of certain pathologies.

Many people suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Particularly susceptible to gastritis and peptic ulcers are students who, due to irregular nutrition, have metabolic disorders and digestive problems. Hypnosis helps cure duodenal ulcers. For this disease, it is recommended to conduct long sessions of hypnotic sleep. In addition, esophageal spasms, constipation, diarrhea and vomiting are successfully treated with hypnosis.

Hypnosis has also found application in gynecology and urology. For example, such an unpleasant disease as involuntary urination usually requires surgical intervention. However, there is a known case when one of the patients was cured using hypnosis. It should be noted that the disease did not return even after several years.

In obstetrics, hypnosis is used for pain relief. For example, a woman is put into a state of hypnotic sleep before or immediately during childbirth in order to reduce pain. IN preparatory period post-hypnotic suggestion is carried out, that is, the woman gives birth while awake. Painful sensations are eliminated as a result of suggestion.

In skin diseases, the emotional component plays an important role. Therefore, hypnosis is also used in dermatology. For example, through suggestion, warts are removed, as well as benign tumors, the occurrence of which is caused by a virus entering the body.

However, with suggestion you can not only eliminate skin diseases, but also contribute to their occurrence. There are known cases when, through hypnotic suggestion people received second degree burns, as well as herpes of the lips.

Often, skin diseases prevent a person from living fully in society. For example, one 17-year-old patient could not leave the house due to a large number of warts on her hands. After several sessions of hypnosis, the warts disappeared, which affected social life girls.

Hypnotherapy is used for diseases of the central nervous system. For example, this method successfully treats insomnia, spinal pain and migraines. Hypnosis is used to treat stuttering and tics, especially those of hysterical origin.

Hypnosis in other areas of medicine

Of course, hypnosis is most successfully used for the purpose of pain relief, that is, for anesthesia. Even in past centuries, when the art of hypnosis was not considered as a method of treatment, pain was relieved during operations through suggestion. Doctors performed amputations using hypnosis for anesthesia. In addition, the introduction to special states of consciousness helps to reduce the patient’s anxiety and excitement before surgery, as well as weaken postoperative complications.

In traumatology, doctors use hypnosis not only as a pain reliever, but also as a method of removing a person from traumatic shock. Due to severe injuries or multiple fractures, victims often experience psychosis, which is also eliminated with the help of hypnosis.

The use of hypnotherapy in the treatment of extensive burns is interesting. Here this method also has a double benefit: firstly, pain relief is achieved, and secondly, the victim’s appetite improves, which is very important for recovery.

Finally, about hypnotherapy in such a field of medicine as oncology. Of course, it is often impossible to achieve recovery here, but hypnosis is used to reduce pain and improve the emotional state.

Contraindications to hypnosis and possible complications

Hypnosis is probably the most mysterious and unexplored treatment method of all used in medical practice. It has a long and interesting story. Many people are biased and wary of hypnosis. They believe that entering hypnotic state can change a person's personality. As already mentioned, the fear of falling asleep and not waking up or the fear of becoming addicted to hypnosis is very common. In addition, patients are afraid of being at the mercy of someone else's will, that is, under the control of a hypnotist who can subjugate the patient's mind. True, this does not take into account the fact that the patient himself decides whether to let someone else’s will into his consciousness or not. Although a person is in a state of hypnosis, he can choose for himself whether to follow this or that command from the psychotherapist or not. Even in conditions of deep trance, a person will not carry out those commands that contradict his attitudes and worldview.

But there is still a danger to the patient. There is a risk in any therapy, including hypnotic therapy. Here we note again: the competence of the attending physician, his knowledge and skills are important. In 1961, a study was conducted on the harmful effects of hypnosis, which found that in 15 cases, the elimination of symptoms in patients led to an exacerbation of more serious diseases. However, it is believed that this side effect associated with the fact that patients for a long time were treated for various diseases and showed an inadequate attitude to this therapy.

Speaking about contraindications and complications that arise as a result of the use of special states of consciousness, it should be said about who should practice hypnosis - anyone who has read “smart” books and imagines himself to be a grand master, or an experienced doctor? Of course, in no case should you trust your health to would-be hypnotists, who, even if they can put a person into a trance, are unlikely to be able to get him out of there. And it’s better not to experiment yourself. Psychotherapy and methods of inducing special states of consciousness should be carried out by trained professionals who bear legal and ethical responsibility for their actions. After all, penetrating the mind of another person is not breaking into a safe, but a much more serious action. An ignorant therapist risks bringing out traumatic, unpleasant memories that the person does not want to think about. In addition, he also receives intimate information about the person, which the latter may prefer to keep secret.

Now let us consider the complications that may arise during the introduction to special states of consciousness or after that.

Possible complications

While the patient is in a trance state, a complication may develop such as loss of contact between the hypnotist and the hypnotized person. This condition is called “loss of rapport.” The psychotherapist can influence the patient using both verbal and non-verbal methods, but does not receive a response. This complication can arise when the psychotherapist leaves the patient for a while, and either switches to other patients or leaves. It may also be that the patient is unable to cope with very strong feelings and therefore does not maintain contact with the doctor.

In this case, hypnotic sleep can turn into normal sleep, after which the patient wakes up on his own. When loss of rapport occurs with physiological changes, the physician must bring the patient out of the trance state using appropriate methods.

This complication can lead to the next one - the patient’s inability to exit the hypnotic state. We have already said that people’s fear of remaining in a trance state for a long time is often unfounded, but such cases still occurred. It is usually difficult to bring patients with hysteria out of hypnotic sleep, because their trance can turn into a state of hysterical stupor. In this case, the doctor brings the patient out of the hypnotic state with a suggestion of awakening, made in an authoritative, commanding voice.

Patients with hysteria may be subject to hysterical attacks. Such complications are associated with the fact that the patient internally resists hypnosis. To eliminate this, psychotherapists usually bring cotton wool soaked to the patient’s nose. ammonia, which helps relieve a hysterical attack.

If the memories that the hypnotist evoked in the patient are too strong and traumatic, the patient will have a corresponding emotional reaction. It manifests itself in the form of tears, sobs, groans and corresponding movements. Such a reaction does not pose any particular danger, so you should not be afraid of it. After emerging from trance, such patients may experience emotional restlessness or excessive activity.

In the past, many hypnotists would induce emotional reactions from patients to amuse the audience. It was believed that such a reaction from the subject proves the power of the master.

Often complications occur after a course of treatment. For example, patients suffer from mental, somatic and neurological disorders, feel depressed, sad, depressed, and anxious. Such patients become irritable, cannot find mutual understanding with loved ones, and withdraw into themselves. In this case, the patient’s personal characteristics play a big role.

Some patients are susceptible to hypnomania. When their condition improves and the hypnosis sessions can be stopped, they feel psychological discomfort. Such people become especially sensitive to suggestion. The trance state is desirable for them, as they again want to experience the euphoria that occurs during hypnosis. V. Rakhmanov identified three degrees of hypnomania.

The first degree is mild hypnomania. Patients experience drowsiness for 1 day after completion of the session. There is no memory loss observed.

The second degree is hypnomania of moderate severity. To bring the patient out of the state of hypnosis, individual suggestion is required. After leaving the trance, lethargy and drowsiness are observed.

Patients can sleep after the session for 3-24 hours. Patients lack a critical attitude towards themselves; they want to experience a hypnotic state again. When they are reminded of the end of the session, the patients’ well-being worsens. It can also cause tears and negative reactions.

The third degree is pronounced hypnomania. It includes two stages.

The first is characterized by patients remaining in a state of hypnosis for a long time - up to 1 day. After leaving the hypnotic state, patients again enter a trance state, then tearfulness, redness of the skin, headache, partial or complete amnesia, that is, memory loss, are observed. These symptoms can be observed for 6–7 days after the patient awakens. There are even disturbances in gait: it becomes shaky and unsteady. Patients need continuous monitoring and observation.

At the second stage, the patient remains in a state of hypnosis for 1–3 days or even more; it is almost impossible to remove him from this state. It is dangerous to wake a patient by force, because his condition may worsen. After leaving the hypnotic state, almost the same symptoms are observed as in the previous stage. After awakening, patients often fall back into a trance state. At all stages of hypnomania, strict medical supervision is necessary.

Hypnophobia is the opposite of the previous condition; it is an obsessive fear of hypnotherapy. Patients are afraid for many reasons: this includes fear of not waking up, fear of ridicule, and fear of exacerbation of diseases. People who do not believe in the effectiveness of hypnosis may also experience hypnophobia.

In case of any side effects, it is recommended to stop hypnosis sessions and carry out the necessary psychotherapy with appropriate influences.

The complications of hypnotherapy include another side effect, which has already been mentioned, this is the emergence in the patient of an attraction to the hypnotist. It can manifest itself both in a desire to get closer to the psychotherapist, and in an attempt to hide one’s feelings and withdraw into oneself. In the latter case, the patient's condition worsens, he becomes depressed and depressed. In addition, attraction to the doctor can be explained as an attempt by the patient to attract the attention of the hypnotist. A similar attitude of a patient towards a doctor often has negative consequences and for the psychotherapist himself. Thus, without achieving mutual feelings, the patient can spread rumors about a sexual relationship with the hypnotist and accuse the latter of illegal actions. You can avoid such behavior on the part of the patient by working in the presence of a nurse.

The question arises: what should be the environment in which hypnotic treatment is carried out? For any treatment, appropriate conditions are necessary, so hypnotic manipulations should begin only when all the necessary requirements are met.

Psychotherapy is recommended to be carried out in a spacious room, which should be ventilated before the session. It should also be taken into account that the room must have good sound insulation, since extraneous noise is a distraction that prevents both the therapist and the patient from concentrating. Footsteps are also distracting, so you need to put a carpet on the floor to muffle the sounds.

As for lighting, bright electric light should be avoided. However, it is not recommended to conduct a session in the dark, because the doctor must observe the patient’s behavior. A lamp or other light source should be behind the person being hypnotized, otherwise direct light will shine into the eyes. It is advisable to use soothing, muted colors in the interior of the room.

An appropriate soundtrack is required. During the session, it is advisable to turn on soothing music to help you relax and relieve tension.

During the session, the patient may have violent emotional reactions to what is happening, so care should be taken to have water and a towel.

Recordings of psychotherapy sessions on cassettes are very common. Such therapy has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, recordings on audio media allow you to work independently, without resorting to the help of a psychotherapist, and on the other hand, live communication between the doctor and the patient is still preferable. It must be remembered that you should not start hypnosis sessions with tape recordings; it is better to entrust the therapy to a doctor. For musical accompaniment Calm classical music is most suitable.

A hypnotherapist (the correct name for a hypnotist) is not a magician, but a medical specialist, or a person endowed with a special gift, with the help of which we can solve many problems.

What is trance?

There is nothing super unusual about trance or hypnosis. This is a natural state in which we arrive several times a day. We are more accustomed to call this state as “daydreaming”, “thinking”. At such moments, our heads “sort” information and events that happened to us during the day. It’s as if everything is falling into place in my head. This state, specially induced by a hypnotherapist, is called hypnosis. But there is relaxing hypnosis, and there is healing.

What diseases are treated with hypnosis?

Hypnosis treats problems such as: phobias, excess weight, stress, colds, runny nose, allergies, diseases of the heart, liver, stomach, lungs or other internal organs.

We treat joint diseases, skin diseases, vision and hearing problems, alcohol and nicotine addiction, and any other diseases, from the mildest to the most severe, up to those that are generally considered incurable in medicine. In most cases, a hypnosis session is resorted to when other methods have already been tried. But hypnosis helps to effectively get rid of depression, resolve difficult situations at work and in your personal life, and cope with feelings of unrequited love. It makes sense to resort to a hypnosis session, even if you cannot make some important decision. In a trance state, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is normally responsible for rational thinking, receives the ability of the right (imaginative thinking). This will help you find a way out of a difficult situation better and faster and change your life for the better.

The most common use of hypnosis is in the fight against addictions. According to medical studies, 60 percent of patients who quit smoking with the help of hypnosis did not return to the habit even five years after treatment.

How does a hypnosis session work?

Oddly enough, the only person who can put you into a state of trance or hypnosis is yourself. The hypnotherapist only helps you enter this state.

When you hear the word hypnosis, a picture pops into your head of a doctor starting to swing a pendulum in front of your eyes. In fact, you can enter into a trance using sound, light or voice. Even from a distance. Each specialist has his own method, developed over the years.

They say that during hypnosis our consciousness turns off. This is a myth. In fact, during the entire session, you are in control of the process yourself. There is no subordination of the will or suggestion to the patient of any things against his wishes. All you will experience while sitting comfortably in a chair is self-hypnosis.

In fact, the hypnotist acts as an instructor who tells you what and how to do so that you achieve your goal.

Will you succeed?

All people are interested in the question of whether they can be hypnotized. Many people think that they cannot enter a trance because they have enormous willpower. Hypnosis is not the subjugation of one will by another. It has nothing to do with willpower or struggle. Absolutely anyone can enter a state of hypnosis.

There is another myth - that you cannot come out of a trance state. There is not a single fact confirming that the patient “went into himself and did not return.” In the most extreme case, the trance state can turn into normal sleep. You will sleep and wake up.

How many sessions are needed?

The hypnotist's task is not to take the problem away from you, but to lead you to a solution to this problem. Therefore, the frequency of visiting a doctor or viewing a recording of a session depends entirely on you. After all, some people are used to going “straight” in solving their problems, while others, on the contrary, choose a more tortuous path. The latter, of course, will need more sessions. The speed of movement is set by the patient himself, and the hypnotist only helps not to beat around the bush. Typically, a hypnosis session is carried out once a week and lasts about an hour.

Who should I contact?

There is no such profession as “hypnologist”. There are psychologists who use hypnosis as one of the treatment methods, and there are people whom nature itself has endowed with the gift of hypnotic treatment. Which one to contact is up to you to choose.

One of the main conditions of hypnotherapy is trust in your hypnotherapist. Be it live communication, or therapeutic sessions from the TV screen. Therefore, when choosing a specialist, trust the opinion of people who have already contacted him.