Many women have one hobby or another, which not only allows them to occupy their free time, but also makes good money from it. Lace shawls, toys self made– it not only looks beautiful, but is also quite expensive. But it is beginning to gain popularity around the world new trend in needlework - wicker baskets from newspaper tubes.

Beautiful, practical, easy to use at home - they are perfect for storing things and a variety of jewelry, stationery, notebooks and much more.

Basket weaving patterns

There is a huge variety of patterns for weaving such baskets, from the simplest to quite complex and requiring great care, as well as the skill of the needlewoman. For a girl, this is not just a way to decorate her home with unusual household items, but also a good way to earn money while on maternity leave.

The secret of weaving itself is very simple - for such baskets made of paper tubes you do not need any expensive material - any paper or even ordinary newspapers will work perfectly.

All this splendor is held together with the help regular varnish, and then covered with spray paint, which allows you to create a truly beautiful and unusual piece of furniture.

There is even a whole master class that allows you to learn how to weave a variety of baskets yourself at home absolutely free of charge.

Detailed instructions along with various photos They provide not only a good base, but also wide scope for the needlewoman’s imagination. Thanks to this, even the simplest things have their own charm.

What do you need?

Before you can take a cool photo of a straw basket, you need to weave it. And for this you will definitely need a form: any object that will help the product keep its given shape is suitable for this. For example, many girls use ordinary boxes, vases, even various toys. For some unusual baskets, you can use various dishes, or even create and glue a mold for it yourself.

You can use newspapers as a material, preferably double sheets, then the product will be much stronger and more durable. We also weave a basket from tubes using: clothespins, scissors, regular office glue and a long wooden skewer.

Thick cardboard is usually used for the bottom of the future product, and a wide variety of decorative materials are used for decoration: ribbons, beads, various flowers, corrugated paper.

After the product is created, it is usually coated with paint or colored sheets of wood are initially used. thick paper. But such material is quite expensive, so it is not profitable for subsequent resale.

How to make a basket?

And of course, the most main question, which worries the future needlewoman - how to make a basket from straws? To do this, you need to level the newspaper sheet, and then take a wooden skewer and apply it to the edge of the newspaper sheet.

After this, begin to tightly roll the newspaper sheet around this wooden skewer, which ultimately allows you to get a beautiful, dense tube. When twisting, it is also necessary to coat (lightly) the newspaper sheet with PVA glue.

Keep doing this until you have enough material to create a masterpiece. After you have decided on the shape of the future product, cut out the bottom from thick cardboard. The tubes are also glued together with PVA glue, but they must be allowed to dry thoroughly before doing so, so as not to end up with soggy paper.

To create a complete product, press the blanks to the base and let them dry, forming a square. And so on until there are four squares to form the walls of the basket. After this, connect everything together with glue and let it dry.

The finished item should be opened with varnish and then with paint from a spray can. If you have stencils at home, you can create some really cool installations using contrasting paint.

If you need step by step instructions for beginners, there are a lot of them on the Internet with a large number of photographs for examples and visual explanations for future needlewomen.

Photos of tube baskets

Master class on weaving a basket from paper tubes

Teacher of the Omsk region educational institution “Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school” Shaldina Anna Viktorovna
Description: This master class is intended for middle and high school students, teachers additional education, educators. The basket can be a wonderful gift or interior decoration.
Target: introduce students to the technique of weaving paper tubes
1. Introduce and teach the technique of making paper straws simple techniques weaving - straight weaving, rope weaving.
2. Develop fine motor skills, improve mental operations.
3. Cultivate aesthetic taste.
Tools and materials:
- paper (A4 format)
- knitting needle (diameter 0.5)
- scissors
- glue stick
- color (brown)
- acrylic varnish
- brush
(photo 1)

The process of making baskets is long and labor-intensive. Initially, children learn to roll paper tubes. This sometimes takes a lot of time (1-2 lessons). And only after they have mastered this technique can they move on to weaving baskets.
Work sequence
1. Make about 30 paper straws. To do this, divide the A4 sheets into 4 equal parts. Place the knitting needle horizontally in front of you, a piece of paper at an angle of 20-30 degrees above the knitting needle (photo 2)

2. Start winding the right end of the piece of paper onto the knitting needle ( right hand twist the knitting needle and support the paper with the left (photo 3)

3. Having twisted 1/3 of the paper piece, you can take the knitting needle in your hands and continue twisting (photo 4)

4. When a small tip of the paper piece remains, grease it with glue and tighten the tube (photo 5)

5. Remove the tube from the knitting needle (photo 6).

Make about 29 more of the same tubes. (photo 7)

6. Roll out the tubes using a rolling pin (photo 8). Flat tubes are easier to work with.

7. Let's start weaving the basket. To do this, take 9 paper tubes - 4 of which we place horizontally, 5 on top vertically, fix with glue, let the glue dry and fasten the tubes (photo 9)

8. We got the base of the bottom of the basket with 14 rays. To get started circular weaving necessary odd number of rays . To do this, with the end of one ray (vertically) we begin to weave other rays - simple straight weave paper tube (photo 10, 11, 12)

9. When a few centimeters remain of the tube, it is necessary to increase it. To do this, bend the thin end of the tube horizontally in half, coat it with glue and insert it into the wide end of the tube (when making tubes, one end is always narrower, the other wider) (photo 13, 14)

10. We weave further, constantly increasing the tubes (photo 15).

When the bottom of the basket is of the required diameter (in our case it is 4-5 cm, since the basket will be small), we put the bottom on a suitable shape (for us it is a tea mug with a diameter of 9 cm, a height of 6 cm, cone-shaped) For ease of weaving We place the cup on some elevation (bottle, jar) so that the rays do not touch the working surface, but hang in the air (photo 16)

11. Bend the rays of the basket down and continue weaving (photo 17, 18)

12. When we have completed the weaving of the desired height, remove the basket from the mold (photo 19),

add one more tube and make the edge of the basket with two tubes at the same time - “rope” weaving (Figure 1)

(photo 20)

13. We make one circle and hide the ends of the working tubes behind the rows of weaving; you can grease them with glue for a more reliable fixation (photo 21)

14. Let's start forming the handle of the basket. To do this, leave three rays on both sides of the basket (choose those with more equal distances between them) (photo 22)

15. We hide the remaining rays between the rows of weaving. To do this, we bend several rows using a knitting needle and stretch a ray through them, cutting off the end (photo 23, 24)

16. We extend the remaining tube handles for weaving on one side (photo 25)

17. At a distance of 2-3 cm from the beginning of the handle, we braid a pigtail from three tubes (photo 26)

18. Glue the end of the pigtail to the remaining rays on the opposite side, fix it with a clothespin (photo 27)

19. We mask the place of gluing - we braid it several times with a paper tube. We do the same on the opposite side (photo 28, 29)

20. Let's start painting the basket. Pour a small amount of acrylic varnish into a container, add color (in our case brown, but it may be a different color) Be sure to wear rubber gloves! You can start painting (photo 30, 31).

I came across such creativity online as weaving from newspaper tubes. I was interested and decided to try it. I have reviewed more than a dozen master classes. Externally, the products are in no way inferior to wickerwork. And for home use They are quite durable and would be nice for a gift!
Using various varnishes, paints and coating impregnations when weaving, you can create braids of all the colors of the rainbow.
And by decorating the baskets with beads, flowers, ribbons or appliqués using the deco page technique, you can turn them into works of art.
Here's what I got.
You will need:
1. Newspaper sheets
2. PVA glue
3. Knitting needle
4. Scissors, stationery knife
5. Paint (acrylic), varnish (Finish varnish), alcohol-based stain (origon, larch, lemon...)
6. Brushes for glue and paint.
7. Basis for weaving

Operating procedure:

First, you need to determine the direction of the paper grain. The direction must be longitudinal. There are several ways to determine direction. Here's one: stretch the edges of a piece of paper between the nails of two fingers. In the transverse direction of the fibers, the edge will become wavy; in the longitudinal direction, folds will not form. Strips of this size will make thin tubes for an elegant product. If you need thicker tubes, then the width of the strips and the diameter of the knitting needles need to be increased.
I paint the tubes with a brush on regular oilcloth. I only use alcohol-based stains. On the recommendation of one master class, I tried to paint the tubes with stain on water based- ruined everything. When wet, the gluing area separates and the tubes unfold. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
Stage 1: Preparation
We mark the newspaper into strips of 7 cm.

On a backing board, cut the newspaper into strips with a utility knife.

The angle of the knitting needle on the newspaper strip is 10°-15°.

You need to start winding the strip very tightly, wrapping the edge of the newspaper around the knitting needle. The tubes are obtained white if the white margin of the newspaper strip is left on the right.

Secure the edge of the newspaper with glue.

At this stage, the finished tubes can be painted in the desired color if desired and allowed to dry thoroughly. You can paint it after finished product. And if you cover it with paint and varnish on top, then no one will guess that this basket is made from an ordinary old magazine (newspaper).

Stage 2: Weaving
Let's start the work by weaving the bottom. It all depends on the size of your product. To weave the basket presented to your attention, you will need 30 (thirty) tubes 50 cm long.
We take 10 tubes (hereinafter: faces) 45-50 cm long. Lay them out in pairs.

We fold the working tube in half and wrap it around the first pair of rays.

The start of work can be marked with a marker on the edge of the beam.

We braid each pair of rays with a rope. The working tubes intersect, then one working tube goes on top of the pair of rays, the other below. As soon as the length of the working tube ends, we extend it (insert the end of the next tube into the hole of the previous one).

We weave two rows until the pair of rays marked with a marker.

We weave the third and fourth row into one ray.

We direct the working tubes to the middle of the bottom.

We form the edging of the bottom. With the first ray (marked with a marker), we go around the next one, directing it to the center of the bottom and so on in a circle.

We insert the last ray from below into the loop of the first ray.

We decorate the 5th (fifth) row with wooden beads with a diameter of 16 cm. You will need 6 pieces. beads

6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) rows, knit with a rope. The work is almost finished! All that remains is to cut off the excess length of the working tubes and tuck them between the rows using a knitting needle.

We cut off the extended ends of the working tubes with scissors.

To make the handle of the basket, leave 3 (three) rays on each side, separating them with clothespins. Place a drop of glue at the base of the remaining rays and cut them off with scissors.

We connect the ends of the basket handle tubes.

Before weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the edge of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. We braid the handle with a tube along the entire length.

At the end of weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the end of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. The main work is finished.

Stage 3: Coloring
For strength, saturate the basket with PVA glue and give it the desired shape. Let the glue dry completely.

Paint the basket white acrylic paint. (you can add color paste, different dyes or paint with stain).

We cut out the motifs from a napkin and make a page deck. Cover the basket with Finish varnish and dry the finished work.

There is nothing better than something made with your own hands. Admire, rejoice, give as a gift!!!

Each home has its own style. For some, it is associated with rich decoration, for others – with the fantastic design of the future, but everyone certainly agrees that its main components are beauty, originality and neatness.

A luxurious interior detail looks beautiful, an expensive one looks neat, and an item “from the future” is very original, but, nevertheless, there is a thing that easily embodies all these three qualities - this is the most ordinary basket made of newspaper tubes.

Its simplicity is beautiful, its originality is unique and its accuracy is “beyond all praise”, and the most important thing is that it can be done without much difficulty, with my own hands and at home.

You just need to familiarize yourself with a little theory and take a short master class on weaving such a basket with your own hands.

Basket made of newspaper tubes


It's already mentioned in the title, so let's talk about it briefly. Newspaper fits well: it is large, soft and pliable. The situation is worse with glossy magazines. It is difficult to work with them, as the material is too dense and hard. In this regard, making the basket will be associated with a number of unnecessary difficulties, and its accuracy may disappoint the “master”.

However, one of the most suitable materials is considered to be ordinary office paper. It is denser than newspaper, but almost as soft and flexible. A product made from it will hold its shape better during work, and painting it is a real pleasure.

But you should not believe in this fact unconditionally - it is better to try both options and, after gaining the necessary experience, choose yours.


To make a basket from newspaper tubes at home you will need:

  • Newspaper/paper/several thick magazines (may be needed for basket posts)
  • Stationery knife/scissors
  • Knitting needles or any other sticks for winding tubes
  • PVA glue
  • Weaving form. A regular cardboard box is a great place to start.
  • Clothespins
  • Thick cardboard (for making the bottom)
  • Paint (optional and to taste)

How to make a basket from newspaper tubes

Below we will present the sequence of making the lightest basket with a ready-made cardboard bottom and a simple weaving technique that anyone can handle.

Procurement of material

The first step is to “roll” the tubes themselves. They are done very simply:

  • A standard book-type newspaper sheet is cut in half along the fold. Next, half of the newspaper is folded again along its length and cut again. This should result in a long strip approximately 10 cm wide.
  • A knitting needle is applied to the very edge of this strip. Then the newspaper is wrapped very tightly around it.
  • Once this process is complete, the remaining tip is glued with PVA glue.

This procedure is not difficult, but it will have to be done many times, and we can say with almost complete certainty that at first it will not go perfectly.

Bottom preparation

To do this, you will need thick cardboard and several thick tubes, which can (but not necessarily) be made from glossy magazines. It is important that the cut out bottom exactly matches the size of the bottom of the sample cardboard box. So, first of all:

  • Cut two pieces of cardboard to the exact size of the bottom of the box
  • We mark on one of the blanks the places where the stand tubes will be glued. Approximately every 3-4 cm.
  • We glue the tubes perpendicular to the cardboard: two at a time at the desired marks and at the corners for greater strength - and secure them with clothespins.
  • Then, after drying, glue the second part of the bottom on top so as to press the ends of the tubes. We fix the structure again with clothespins (you can even press it on top with books or something heavy).

This way the bottom is ready. Let's move on directly to how to properly make a basket from newspaper tubes, namely, to the weaving technique.


Provided that all previous steps have been followed exactly, this step will not be difficult. First things first:

Insert the form into the workpiece. We bend the tubes along the edges and fix them with clothespins on top to the side of the box - this will make it easier to pass the tubes through.

The first tube is glued to the corner of the workpiece (from the inside so that its edge is not visible). Also, instead of one, you can take two at once - but first, it’s better not to rush.

The tube is passed under the first pair of posts, then over the second, and so on. When the tube runs out, you can insert another one into it or hide the tip and glue another one. Upon completion of the circle, the tip is hidden inside the basket.

The next step is repeated in a mirror way - above the first and below the second - and so on until the desired height is achieved. The weaving technique is the simplest. With experience you can try more complex ones. To do this, it is better to first look at photos of similar baskets and correct technique their weaving from newspaper tubes.

Or it’s a little more complicated: only one post is cut, the other clings to the next one - in this way they are all intertwined until all the ends are closed - then they are cut off and tucked inside.

The product is ready. You can move on to painting and decorating it to get the most original basket made from newspaper tubes.

Thus, if desired and with due diligence, it will be possible to decorate your home in an original, beautiful and neat way in a completely unique style– a style of cozy charm created with your own hands.

Photo of baskets made from newspaper tubes