The harmony of features that makes a face beautiful largely depends on the ratio of the sizes of its parts. Decorative cosmetics help change the visual impression of incompatible features.

If you know how to make your nose smaller with makeup, then its proportions can be adjusted to match other facial features. Cosmetic products that model the shape of the face help to distract attention from the size of the nose.

What techniques are used for correction?

When adjusting the shape and size of the nose, you need to take into account the features of visual perception:

  1. Areas of skin highlighted in a light tone attract attention.
  2. You can smooth out the surface using darker shades.
  3. Emphasizing certain facial features with makeup distracts attention from others.

To get a feminine, natural-looking makeup, you should use matte shades of powder and other foundations.
To perform makeup, you will need several shades of tone for the face, and the base tone should match the natural skin color as closely as possible. You will also need a product that is half a tone lighter and half a tone darker than the base one. Cosmetics should have a fairly dense, natural-looking texture when applied. Smooth transitions from one tone to another make the features softer and give the face greater harmony.

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How to change abnormal traits?

Before reducing large features using visual effects, you need to stock up on tools for the job. Will be needed foundation, mattifying powder, thin (for applying lines) and thick (for shading) brushes. To get high-quality makeup, you need to make the transition from one color to another invisible. To achieve the desired makeup effect, tones cannot be mixed. During the process, a darker shade of tone should be applied to the parts of the nose that it is desirable to reduce. A lighter tone visually enhances features.
Before the correction procedure, the skin should be cleaned and a little light cream should be applied under makeup. After it is completely absorbed, a base tone should be applied to the entire face. If there is any remaining on areas of the skin greasy shine, then it can be removed with a napkin. The following technical techniques are used in the work:

  1. If the nose is large, but has correct form, then the entire surface (for visual reduction) is covered with a tone darker than the base one.
  2. It is advisable to visually shorten and widen a long narrow nose. To do this, apply a light tone in the center, and use a dark shade for the tip and area of ​​the nostrils.
  3. To correct a large hump, the area between the eyebrows and the base of the nose is highlighted in a light tone.
  4. Excessive width can be removed by parallel straight dark lines drawn from the beginning of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The area between the lines, starting from the bridge of the nose, is made lighter.
  5. For a large round nose, the wings and sides are darkened to make it smaller.
  6. To correct the curvature to the left, you need to make the center of the left side surface lighter, and the center of the right wall should be darkened. When bending in the other direction, the dark and light tone are swapped.
  7. For a large flat nose, you need to “raise” the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, making it lighter. In this case, the side areas should be made darker.

The techniques used, visually changing sizes, make facial features consistent with each other.

Often representatives of the fair sex show dissatisfaction with the shape and size of their nose. The desire to make it aesthetically attractive forces them to go under the surgeon’s knife at their own risk. This is justified if the anatomically imperfect part of the face does not perform its main functions well. If everything is fine with breathing and smell, you can try to simulate it using a simple technique.

Women have a vague idea of ​​how to reduce at home without surgery and get good results without the risk of complications. The world's leading cosmetologists have proven that such an alternative exists. To implement it, you need to allocate very little time from your daily schedule.
For non-surgical adjustments at home, you can choose one of the options:

  • Visually make your nose smaller using professional makeup;
  • Correctly style your hair, change its color;
  • Pump up your nasal muscles with exercises.

In practice, a set of exercises has been recognized as the most effective, capable of actually changing the proportions of the nose and bringing them closer to the ideal in terms of parameters such as nose length, width and symmetry. Before you begin performing exercises to visibly reduce your nose, you should determine what exactly is not satisfactory in this part of the face: a small hump, a long or curved tip, etc.

There are girls who simply do not understand that making a short nose even shorter is wrong. But if the tip of the nose is elongated and unsightly drooping, then it is optimal to make it shorter, slightly upturned, and raised. You can choose individual exercises developed for a specific problem, or use a universal complex aimed at solving any shortcomings.

How to Effectively Reduce a Large Nose with Exercises

To change the shape and length of your nose at home, take care of a comfortable environment and correct body position. You need to sit down, relax as much as possible, straighten your back, tighten your gluteal muscles and stomach. Workouts designed for general correction include the following exercises for the nose:

  • Using two fingers right hand, lightly press on the bridge of the nose. Without letting go, use your other hand to lift the tip with the index finger of your other hand.
  • Use your facial muscles to pull down upper lip, feel the tip of the nose drop. Hold for one to two seconds.
    Repeat the cycle at least 20 times.

Gymnastics will improve muscle tone and bring it as close to ideal as possible. These are most appropriate to use when.

There are people with deviations from the norm that require a specific approach. For example, when it is necessary to reduce wide nose and narrow the nostrils, tighten the large wings of the nose without affecting its length. Thanks to targeted exercises, many imperfect noses have already been corrected. Special exercises To reduce the size of the nose, certain facial muscles are trained.

Gymnastics for narrowing the nose

Training will help you reduce your nose with potatoes, removing its excess width, and noticeably narrowing it:

  • Use your finger to lift the tip of your nose up.
  • Open your mouth wide, tuck your upper lip, pulling it as far as possible over your front teeth. Hold for one second and release the muscles.
  • Repeat at least 40 times.

The problematic part of the face will become narrower and smaller after a month of continuous training.

Gymnastics for narrowing and reducing the nose

The training pumps up and tightens the internal muscles, which visually narrows and shortens the nose. To shorten the wings of the nose no worse than rhinoplasty, you need:

  • Tilt your head slightly, lowering your chin. Open your mouth and stretch out your lips. Maintain in this position for 5 – 10 seconds.
  • Repeat one more time.

Using these exercises as an example, you can see how easy it is to remove flabbiness in the external and internal muscles of this area, raising them to a normal level.

How to reduce a problematic nose tip

The elongated tip reveals itself more when looking at a person in profile. It may decline due to age. You can create a new one different methods. The most common include:

  • Exercises;
  • Correction of the tip surgically.

Let's get started with the techniques:

  • With the fingers of one hand, clasp the back of the nose in the cartilage area on both sides;
  • Place the index finger of the other hand under the tip;
  • Opening your mouth, tuck both lips and pull them over your teeth;
  • Overcoming resistance, push the tip up.

Now we know how to fix it with exercises. If you systematically deal with your problematic part of the face, you can soon expect positive results. Dramatic changes can be achieved after 2 – 3 months of training.

An important detail is that straight noses always breathe smoothly. For the sake of such prospects, owners of not quite correct noses should work a little.

Masking the nose with cosmetics

It will be interesting to learn how to visually make your nose smaller with makeup for those girls who, due to their youth, trust cosmetics more. A few tips will help you make a simple correction without spending a lot of money. Nowadays there is a large selection in stores suitable for this purpose, cosmetics, among which are:

  • Powder;
  • Foundation;
  • Shadows;
  • Corrector;
  • Highlighter;
  • Blush.

Basic rule for visual correction A wide nose means using lighter shades of makeup on the bridge of the nose than on the rest of the face. By shading this area with a corrector, you can visually narrow it and make your nose thinner.

  • Reducing the nose in the area of ​​the wings requires applying a darker tone to them.

Many women are picky about their appearance, and most of all they are not happy with their own nose.

If we are talking about objective shortcomings, you can try to hide them. How to make your nose smaller with makeup and can you do it yourself, at home, without the help of a cosmetologist?

What means and tools should I use?

There are laws of optics, according to which the location of a light object seems closer to a person, the object itself is larger than it actually is, but a dark object, on the contrary, seems to be located further and is smaller, although this is not the case.

Makeup artists know this and use this knowledge for their own purposes. With the help of light shades, they visually change the lines of the face, making them more sophisticated, while dark shades allow you to darken and hide unwanted areas.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect without the use of suitable creams, other cosmetics and, of course, tools. The most basic, perhaps, is a sponge or brush, highlighter and concealer. Depending on what type of correction you choose, the optimal products are selected.

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When starting makeup, start with oily correction, using cosmetics that have an oily, softer structure. For example, a bold concealer will do.

It is most convenient to apply such products with dense brushes with artificial bristles or with a regular foam sponge. However, application with fingertips is also allowed. Fat type correction is considered permanent, but it is better not to choose it for hot summers.

After applying foundation and powder, you can perform dry correction at any time. For this type of correction, highlighters or shadows of light shades, in some cases blush, etc. are suitable. They should be applied with soft brushes of suitable diameter.

As for the dry type, this correction is often used to complete the makeup, but it is necessary to shade everything carefully, otherwise the makeup will be very noticeable.

If you've ever seen theater performers, you know how unnatural the makeup looks on their faces. From a distance, it gives an ideal look to the face, although up close you can see that such makeup consists of too hard spots and lines.

It is important to remember this when trying to disguise and reduce your own nose, try to shade each stroke well, smoothly transition from one tone to another.

To make makeup look natural, it is better to apply cosmetics while in a well-lit room (preferably natural lighting).

Making your nose smaller with makeup

The rules described below are valid for both types of correction. If you want, you can even combine them. How to visually make your nose smaller?

  1. On clean skin Apply a special foundation product for the T-zone or replace it with a regular foundation. Just keep in mind that the base for the forehead, nose and chin adapts to the skin, taking into account all its features in these areas.
  2. After covering your skin with foundation, take a small brush and apply a little oily concealer to it. It is recommended to select a brush from a synthetic material, with a “cat’s tongue” shape. However, it is also possible to use the usual foam sponge with a tapered edge.
  3. To visually reduce your nose, if it seems too long, apply a corrector. Start at the tip and gradually move up to the bridge of your nose. Don't forget to blend the product to reduce the intensity of its color. In other words, the tip of your nose should be slightly darker in comparison to the bridge and bridge of your nose. Next, concealer is applied from top to bottom, so that the light shade gradually disappears towards the middle of the bridge of the nose and completely dissolves into the darker one. At the end, you can complete this transition with your fingertips.
  4. If you need to narrow a noticeably wide nose, then apply a dark corrector (just a little) to the wings above both nostrils, then draw two lines, going from the nostrils and to the bridge of the nose. This way you will be able to outline the back of your nose to the width you need. Please note that the lines must be parallel. Gently blend them (in opposite directions, of course). Make sure that after shading there are no clear contours left. Apply a light-colored concealer to the gap that remains on the back of the nose between the dark lines. First of all, you should apply a thin and even line, and then soften it with shading in both directions.
  5. For the so-called potato-shaped nose with a sloppy tip, it is recommended to combine the two above techniques at once. Tint the tip using a dark corrector. The bridge of such a nose needs to be visually narrowed, but only along its entire length. In addition, it is necessary to create a small light highlight. This is done with concealer. Try not to bring it to the very tip, about a third of the length of the bridge of the nose. All boundaries are carefully shaded again.
  6. The hump can be camouflaged by carefully applying a corrector (necessarily dark) to the most convex place and then smoothly stretching the color to the sides, as if reducing it to nothing. You may not be able to do this at first, but after a few practices you will learn how to master this technique, find the right point and apply as much foundation as you need.
  7. The next technique is for those who need to straighten their nose and want to make it neat and more inconspicuous. In this case, the protruding parts of the nose are tinted with a corrector (dark, of course), but a light-colored concealer is used to draw an even, straight line from the bridge of the nose and almost to the very tip. It is very important to achieve smooth transition between shades, because rough lines will only enhance the effect, highlighting what you, on the contrary, want to hide.
  8. Having finished with the fat correction, you can model the oval of your face. Don't forget about lip and eye makeup. If you decide to consolidate the result with dry correction, then do it using other products. Since they can leave stains that are difficult to hide later, you need to use them carefully, picking up a little product at a time.

Now you know how to make your nose smaller without resorting to surgery, but just with the help of makeup.

Today we will learn how to visually reduce the size of the nose using makeup, as well as how to correct a triangle-shaped, flat, narrow, long, crooked or hump nose.

When it comes to woman's face, then the “imperfect nose” often becomes a source of disappointment for many girls. After all, the nose is the center of our face, and it is so difficult to ignore. Plastic surgery This is a very painful and expensive operation, but it is not the only way out of the situation. We'll tell you how to make your nose smaller with makeup. You can create the illusion of a small, chiseled nose using contouring techniques, which is a cheap and painless alternative to surgery. Your face will become more attractive and proportional.

The essence of this method is that by using 2 additional shades of powder or foundation (one lighter and the other darker than your skin color), you yourself create light and shadow on your nose, thereby visually changing its shape.

We wrote about the correction technique itself and what cosmetics are best to use for this in our previous article.

If you do evening makeup using contour powder or blush, pay attention to your nose, even if its shape suits you. Contouring the nose according to the diagram below will make the nose chiseled and the entire face more prominent. The same scheme is suitable for correcting a wide nose.

How to narrow a wide nose:

  1. Draw two vertical lines down the sides of your nose with a dark shade of powder. Start from the inside of the eyebrow and all the way to the end. The lines should be straight, and at the bottom should pass between the tip of the nose and the nostrils. For this it is better to use a small angled brush. 2 Then carefully blend these lines along the sides of the nose until the edges become soft and invisible.
  2. In the center of the nose, add a highlight using a light shade of powder, foundation, eye shadow or highlighter. The line should be as wide as you want your nose to appear. After all, it is this highlighted area that will attract the eye.
  3. Using a powder brush, blend the highlight with vertical movements so that its boundaries are not too clear.

Using this technique, you can correct different shapes of the nose by changing where the contour and highlight are applied.

This shape is characterized by a flat bridge of the nose, a fleshy tip and full wings of the nose. The purpose of the correction is to give greater definition to the bridge of the nose and hide the wide wings of the nose. To do this, we shade the sides and tip of the nose according to the scheme. Then we apply a highlight in the center of the nose.

How to correct a triangle-shaped nose:

This shape is characterized by a narrow bridge of the nose and wide wings of the nose. Our goal is to visually balance the top and bottom. To do this, we shade the wings of the nose, and apply a highlight on both sides of the bridge of the nose, thereby visually expanding it.

How to visually shorten your nose:

To make a long nose appear smaller, you need to darken its tip, as well as the wings of the nose. Apply the highlight in an even stripe, not reaching the tip of your nose, or just in the center, depending on how long it is. This will make your nose appear shorter.

For a narrow nose, you need to use only a light product. Place highlights on the sides of the nose, this will visually expand it.

How to visually align a nose with a hump:

The hump can be visually hidden by covering it with a dark shade. The main thing is to make the transitions as smooth as possible so that it doesn’t look like a dirty spot.

How to fix a crooked, injured nose:

To visually straighten your nose, apply a dark shade to all the prominent parts of the nose on the sides. And in the center, draw a vertical line, not just according to the shape of the nose, but even in relation to the entire face (for convenience, you can attach a pencil or any other smooth object).

Using the same principle, you can make separate corrections of parts of the nose. For example, if you have a wide bridge of the nose or wings of the nose, apply a dark outline on the sides.

And remember, nose correction should always only be done if you are applying the same shades (highlight and contour) to other parts of your face. Otherwise, the nose will be the brightest spot on the face and will become even larger and more noticeable.

Correction using two shades is best used only for evening makeup. For daytime makeup use only a highlight, or make the contour light and barely noticeable, and all transitions between shades as smooth as possible. And remember main secret Any correction requires careful shading.

  • First of all, you need to draw attention to other parts of the face. Make up with makeup your eyes are bigger, adjust your eyebrows correctly and also do lips are fuller or simply give them more expressiveness.
  • If you have a crooked nose, you can visually correct it with bangs.
  • But if you have a wide nose, then bangs are contraindicated for you. Your task is to open your face as much as possible. The more the face is open, the smaller the nose will appear on that face.

Two video lessons on how to make your nose smaller. The first shows the technique of contouring the nose, the second shows contouring zones for different forms nose

Beauty, according to girls, lies in the correct proportions of the body and face. The reality is that many people are unhappy with their appearance. Often, such dissatisfaction gives rise to many complexes in girls. The only way out seems to be a trip to the plastic surgeon. However, cosmetologists around the world argue that there is no need to rush to “go under the knife”; you just need to learn how to reduce your nose using cosmetics.

Principles of nose reduction with cosmetics

The main task of cosmetics is to focus the attention of others on the advantages of the face. Imperfections, on the contrary, need to be masked with its help. Not every girl knows how to visually change the shape and size of her nose using makeup. It's hard to believe, but in order to visually reduce its shape and size, you just need to take foundation two different shades– one is darker, the other is lighter. The effect of reducing the nose occurs due to the play of light and shadow on the face. The area of ​​the nose that needs to be hidden should be darkened.

Types of cosmetics for correcting facial features

There is a huge selection of cosmetics that can visually reduce the length and shape of the nose. The cosmetics used for these purposes are presented in the following list:

  • face contouring palette,
  • corrector,
  • foundation,
  • blush,
  • reflective powder,
  • makeup base.

Shade palette for sculpting

Makeup artists use a professional foundation palette consisting of 15 shades. Most colors are used to visually correct imperfections in facial contours. Directly to correct the shape of the nose, shades numbered 5–15 are used.

  • Shades 5 to 12 are natural.
  • Tones 13 and 15 are needed for darkening.

In general, in order to visually make your nose smaller, you only need 2 shades of the palette – one tone lighter and one tone darker natural color skin. Sometimes they additionally use tone number 1 - highlighter. He is the most light shade in the palette. Highlighter is used to brighten the necessary areas of the face.

To correct the width of the nose, a light tone is applied from the bridge of the nose to the tip. The areas from the inner corners of the eyes to the wings of the nose must be darkened.

Nose correction with potatoes

To visually correct a large nose, you need to take a foundation in two shades. The first tone of the corrector should be several tones lighter, and the second 1-2 tones darker. Both means must contrast with each other, otherwise desired result impossible. The correction must be made in the following sequence:

  1. The selected type of light-colored corrector is applied to the middle of the nose, the bridge of the nose and the central area of ​​the forehead. The areas under the eyes, the front of the chin and the outer contour of the lips are also lightened.
  2. A darker tone of the corrector is applied to the sides of the nose, its wings and cheekbones.
  3. Use a special sponge or brush to shade the applied lines of the tonal corrector.
  4. The powder is applied last.

Video: how to narrow the bridge of the nose that is too wide

Reducing the length of the nose with makeup

  1. A foundation or light-colored corrector is applied to the area between the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose.
  2. The dark tone of the corrector is applied in narrower strips to the borders of the applied light tone. A rounded stroke is made at the tip of the nose. From this stroke, step 1 cm upward and apply a horizontal stripe.
  3. The boundaries of the applied corrector are shaded.
  4. The center of the nose is additionally worked out with a brush with light powder applied to it.

How to remove a hump using cosmetics

To visually straighten the shape of the nose you need to:

  1. Apply a dark shade of corrector to the hump area.
  2. Apply a light tone to the sides of the nose on both sides and to the wings of the nose.
  3. Blend the foundation corrector.

Tricks to help visually reduce your nose

In addition to using cosmetic techniques to visually change the shape and size of the nose, there are several other tricks. They consist of diverting attention from the nose by focusing on other parts of the face.

You can make your nose visually smaller by following some rules.

Well-defined eyebrows. N You must remember that the eyebrows in this case must be carefully adjusted. When applying facial makeup, eyebrows are clearly drawn in with a pencil. They are given a clear, expressive outline.

Pay attention! Eyebrows that are too thin will not be able to fully perform the desired function.

Bright lip makeup. Lipstick and gloss in bright, rich tones are ideal for creating a harmonious look. In combination with neat eye makeup, such shades of lipstick can draw maximum attention to yourself.

Blush. Blush will distract excessive attention from the nose. They should be applied to the apples of the cheeks. This tool used at the final stage of makeup. You can also use bronzer. To visually reduce the nose, it is applied to the wings. To complete the look, bronzer is used on the cheekbones and chin.

Choosing the right haircut. It is better to refuse a haircut with the presence straight parting. Choice won't do either short haircuts, ponytail. An asymmetrical hairstyle with long bangs laid to one side looks best. Asymmetry of hair will distract attention from the nose and focus on the eyes and lips.

When choosing hair color for owners big nose Preference should be given to light natural shades (blonde, light brown).

Bangs are another hairstyle element that focuses attention on the size of the nose. If the entire surface of the forehead is covered, then the nose is the first thing others pay attention to. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to expose the forehead as much as possible. The more open surface of the face, the less attention the nose gets.

Observing all these simple rules and tricks, you can easily achieve the desired image.

Video: instructions for nose correction with cosmetics