A single mother is a woman whose child does not have a documented father. To improve life, the state has provided a number of privileges. They consist of discounts, benefits or completely free provision of things or products (diapers, clothing, medicine, food, etc.).

How the state helps single mothers survive: rights, benefits, privileges

Not everyone can achieve the status of “Single Mother”. There are certain legal requirements. There are a lot of benefits that a woman who gives birth to a child without a father receives, but even these benefits cannot make life completely cloudless. You can count on monthly and one-time payments, labor, social and tax benefits.

Single mother: who has the right

Not everyone can become a single mother. According to the law, this status is acquired by the one who does not have a stamp in the passport, and the child’s father refused it. Also important point- a dash in the child’s birth certificate, in the column where information about the father is located.

If a mother raises a child alone, but was previously married, this does not make her officially single.

What does status give?

Being a single mother has a number of positive aspects. And there is no escape from the negative ones.


Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of:

  1. Cross the border without obtaining a pass, which is taken from the other parent. If the mother is raising the heir alone, then no paperwork is required.
  2. Receive products for baby food in the dairy kitchen for free.
  3. Getting into kindergarten out of turn and getting a 50% discount.
  4. Purchases medicines at a reduced price, the cost is cut in half.
  5. Children eat free of charge in school canteens.
  6. Send your child to a music school for the minimum fee.
  7. Be the first to receive vouchers to sanatoriums.

There are also benefits in housing, labor, and taxation.


There are also disadvantages, these include:

  1. No alimony.
  2. It is not legal for a child to claim the property of his father, his parents, sisters, etc.

Benefits in the labor sphere

If we touch on labor legislation, then there are nuances that are associated with the status of a single mother. This:

  1. A woman has the right not to work at night and on holidays, as well as outside working hours. No one will dare to force anyone to do this.
  2. When you go on sick leave, no matter what time period, it will be paid 100% of the time.
  3. If there is a reduction, this category of people cannot be attributed to the general mass. Workplace will be assigned to a single mother.
  4. An employer has no right to fire a woman. The exception will be a gross violation of order and serious professional inconsistencies.

Night work

If we elaborate on the above information, it is worth clarifying that work at night can only be valid with the written consent of the lady. This means the period from 10 o'clock in the evening to 6 o'clock in the morning. If a mother has a child who has not reached the age of five, and she does not want to work at night, then the employer will not insist otherwise.

It is also possible to receive unpaid leave for two weeks if a woman is raising a child under 14 years of age.

Features of dismissal

If a woman is raising a 14-year-old child, no one can fire her. If a child has a disability, this right remains until he reaches the age of 18.

There are cases when dismissal of single mothers is inevitable, these are:

  • liquidation of the company;
  • unacceptable behavior at work, immoral acts (drinking alcohol or coming to work under the influence of alcohol, failure to appear, systematic tardiness, revealing secrets, theft, etc.);
  • non-compliance with requirements (if there are penalties);
  • detection of fictitious documentation (diploma, work book, etc.).

If a woman who is raising a child was fired illegally, then she has the right to appeal to the appropriate authorities, demand compensation payments and return to her place of work.

Tax benefits and privileges

If the child’s birth certificate does not have the father’s field filled in, the tax deduction can be doubled. If there are one or two children, the amount is within 3,000 rubles, three and for each additional one - 6,000. If there is a disability - about 25,000 rubles.

Tax deductions will only be valid until the child is 18 years old and until the woman is married.

Social benefits

Among the social benefits we highlight the following:

  • receiving free clothes for newborns;
  • compensation for expenses on food packages for a child under 3 years of age;
  • assistance in kind (food, basic necessities), until the child is 3 years old;
  • free dairy kitchen up to 2 years;
  • provision of free medicines until the child is three years old and a 50% discount after.

What payments are due for a child?

Payments can be monthly or one-time.

One-time benefits include:

  • BiR - for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • if a woman is registered before the 12th week of pregnancy;
  • at the birth of a baby (paid to everyone, regardless of status, presence or absence of a place of work).

Monthly payments in 2018 for 1 child

There are also monthly payments. Their size varies depending on the number of offspring.

A single mother, like everyone else, receives child care payments on a general basis. If the mother worked, then the amount will depend on the average salary that was paid over the last 24 months.

If there is no assigned place of work, then calculations are made according to living wage. If there is one child, then it is approximately 3,000 rubles.

Also paid monthly:

  1. 750 rubles or 300 (depending on whether child benefits are received) to single parents in the form of compensation, according to the increase in the cost of living.
  2. Compensation for reimbursement of food expenses until a child reaches three years of age is 675 rubles per month.
  3. Single mothers with income below the subsistence level: from birth to three years - 15 thousand rubles, from 3 to 18 - 6 thousand rubles.

Until what age is child benefit paid?

Child benefit will be paid until the child turns one and a half years old (this is on a general basis), while a single mother receives payments until the child turns 18 years old.

What benefits does a single mother with two children have?

If a woman gives birth to a second baby, the benefit amount doubles, since payments go to each child.

With the appearance of a second heir, a single mother becomes a contender for maternity capital.

What benefits are available in the housing sector?

A single mother solves the housing problem the same way as other Russians. Participates in state housing programs and gets in line to receive an apartment or build a house.

You can participate in the “Young Family” program, and it is possible to receive a 35 percent subsidy for the construction of a private house. The same money can be used to repay the loan taken out to buy an apartment. This privilege is valid until a woman reaches 35 years of age. A loan for the purchase of housing will be given only if it is possible to repay it. Income of at least 21 thousand. rubles for mother and baby.

The right to expand living space

A single mother can expand or improve her living space if:

  • she and her children live in unsuitable living conditions (the building is in disrepair);
  • the premises are inhabited by people with serious infectious diseases (tuberculosis) or mentally ill people with whom it is impossible to live;
  • the area does not meet the established minimum;
  • people without family ties live in the house;
  • no own living space.

Those whose premises are in poor condition and those living with seriously ill people can skip the queues

How to speed up the process of getting housing

In order to get housing in the shortest possible time, you need to know how to act from the beginning.

Step-by-step instructions will help you succeed:

  1. Find out what living space, according to the law, is per person. Measure your home and tell the difference.
  2. Visit social security and consult with competent specialists.
  3. Collect all documentation.
  4. Get a status that shows you are in need of housing.
  5. Get in line for expansion. This can be done online or in the Multifunctional Center.

If the documentation is all in order and there is an appropriate status, then the matter will move quickly. If a tuberculosis patient or a person with other severe pathologies lives in the same area, the general queue does not matter. You get straight into the preferential queue. This also includes those whose housing is in disrepair.

Additional privileges in the housing sector

A mother who raises a child herself can count on a small benefit, which is manifested in the opportunity not to pay for garbage until the child reaches three years of age. To obtain this right, you need to provide a document that confirms your status as a single mother.

When paying for housing utilities There are no benefits, but you can get a discount if a woman has three or more children. IN in this case she falls under the category of a mother of many children. If the child is disabled or she herself has a disability, then the discount also applies.

It is possible to provide subsidies to single mothers at the regional level. This will take into account the woman’s income and, in total, all expenses for housing and communal services. If the figure exceeds 22 percent, then a subsidy will be given.

Changes in 2018

Changes in legislation in 2018 are insignificant. When receiving new housing, women can count on larger living space.

What benefits are entitled to the father?

Single fathers have the right to receive all the same benefits (benefits and allowances) as a single mother. These include:

  • labor and social benefits;
  • one-time and monthly benefits;
  • tax deduction.

Financial assistance for individual regions: amount

Let us consider separately by region how much is given to a single mother in the form of social assistance.

The laws of the Russian Federation do not contradict the fact that social support varies depending on budgetary possibilities.

Payments in 2018 in Crimea

In 2018, all payments are made in accordance with the norms of Russian laws.

From one-time payments:

  1. For pregnancy and childbirth: depends on salary.
  2. If the expectant mother registered before the 12th week: 628.47 rubles.
  3. After the birth of the baby: 16,759.09 rubles.

From monthly:

  1. Up to one and a half years old on a general basis: for the 1st child - 3,142.33 rubles (unemployed and 3,788.33 (employed), for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. - 6,284.65 rubles.
  2. Under 18 years old - at least 1000 rubles.

Payments in 2018 in Moscow and the region

In Moscow and throughout the region, the same indicators prevail as in the Republic of Crimea.

Payments in 2018 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg:

  • care allowance - 3,751 rubles (for one) and 4,285 rubles (for the second and subsequent ones) monthly;
  • a single mother will receive at least 1,200 rubles a month until her child turns 18;
  • pregnancy benefit - at least 9,500 rubles (per month)
  • and 45,000 rubles (in total);
  • registered early antenatal clinic- about 650 rubles;
  • at the birth of a child - 17 thousand - 20 thousand rubles.

Krasnodar region: how much money does a single mother receive?

In the Krasnodar Territory, a single mother can count on:

  • pregnancy benefit - at least 9,489 rubles (monthly) and 43,615.65 (for the entire period);
  • when registering for up to three months - 628.47 rubles;
  • at birth - 16,759.09 rubles;
  • every month for care - 3,142.33 and 3,788.33 (non-working and working);
  • up to 18 years of age as a single mother - 1,200 rubles.

Leningrad region

There are no differences in the amount of payments in the Leningrad region from those listed above.

Useful video

Unfortunately, a single mother is a common phenomenon both in modern Russia and throughout the world. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but the result is the same: mother and child need help. Assistance to single mothers from the state is expressed as follows: additional child benefits and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, preferential waiting lists when enrolling in kindergarten, and much more. You will learn more about all the rights, benefits and benefits in 2019 for single mothers in this article.

Single mother status 2019

The legal definition of single mother status is as follows: “A single mother is a woman whose child does not have information about the father on the birth certificate.” It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it explains nothing. After all, we are talking about a morally and often socially disadvantaged person who is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of a child - a growing citizen of our state.

Single mother Not recognized as single mothers

A woman who gave birth and is raising a child (children) out of wedlock, if the paternity of the child is not properly established:

  • there is no joint application of parents to the registry office regarding paternity
  • there is no court decision to establish paternity
A woman raising children in a single-parent family, i.e. after a divorce (divorced or already divorced) and for some reason not receiving alimony from her ex-spouse.
A woman who gave birth to a child during marriage or within 300 days after divorce, if the child’s father is registered as a spouse ( ex-spouse), but paternity is disputed judicial procedure and there is a court decision that has entered into legal force that the spouse (former spouse) is not the father of the child. A woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce, annulment, or death of the spouse. In this case, the father of the child is recognized as the spouse (former spouse) (Part 2 of Article 48 Family Code) and the civil registry office will register the child in the name of the spouse (former spouse), even if he is not the biological father of the baby.
A woman who, while not married, took in an adopted child. An unmarried woman raising a child whose paternity has been established voluntarily or in court, even if this man does not live with her.

Payments and benefits to single mothers 2019

First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, are entitled to federal payments and benefits upon the birth of a child.

How much do single mothers earn? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation and to obtain a comprehensive list of payments and benefits, you should contact the regional office of the center social protection population. Let's look at payments using the example of Moscow.

Additional payments to single mothers in Moscow

Benefits paid in 2019 to single mothers from the city budget are provided for by Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017. However, the resolution states that families with income below the subsistence level can count on some payments.

A single mother in Moscow is entitled to the following payments, regardless of family income:

  • Monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living for single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students under 18) - 750 rubles. for those receiving monthly allowance per child, 300 rub. - for those who do not receive such benefits.
  • A monthly compensation payment to compensate for the rising cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which a parent evades paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rub.
  • The monthly compensation payment to a single mother (father) caring for a disabled child of group I or II under 18 years of age (up to 23 years for a disabled person since childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 12,000 rub.

Payments to single mothers if their income is below the subsistence level:

  • from 0 to 3 years - 15,000 rub.
  • Monthly allowance for single mothers for aged children from 3 to 18 years old - 6,000 rub.

To the social services department protection must provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months. The optimal period for filing applications for these benefits is one in which maternity payments do not fall into your income.

Labor benefits

Speaking about labor benefits for single mothers, the following points should be noted:

  • In the event of a reduction in staff at an enterprise, a single mother cannot be fired if she supports a child whose age has not reached 14 years. Dismissal is illegal when there is a change in management at the enterprise and even when such an employee is not suitable for the position held. However, precedents are being recorded in which a single mother was fired due to regular serious disciplinary offenses.
  • In addition, a single mother, in the event of layoffs due to the liquidation of an enterprise, can count on being provided with another job. By the way, responsibility for subsequent employment lies directly with the administration of the enterprise where the layoffs were carried out.
  • A single mother, like any other mother, is provided with benefits if she is caring for a sick child. The benefit paid for inpatient treatment is calculated depending on length of service. Outpatient treatment involves payment of benefits to a single mother for the first 10 days in full size and in the amount of 50% of wages the rest of the time.
  • Caring for a sick child under 7 years of age requires payment sick leave without any restrictions. If the child is over 7 years old, you can expect to receive 15 days of sick leave.
  • A single mother has the right to receive leave at her own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.
  • Single mothers with a child under 5 years old cannot be required to work overtime, work at night, on holidays or weekends.
  • The mother of a child under 14 years of age (including single mothers) has the right to part-time work, determined at her own request.
  • In addition to the above, single mothers can count on employment benefits, since a potential employer does not have the right to refuse to hire due to the presence of children. In case of refusal to hire, the administration of the enterprise must provide a clearly formulated reason for the refusal.

Tax deduction for a child of a single mother

A single mother has the right to receive a double tax deduction for the costs of maintaining each of her children up to the age of 18. If a child who has reached the age of 18 is a university student, the double tax deduction will continue until the age of 24. This means that a certain amount of income will not be subject to income tax, namely 1,400 rubles for the first and second children and 3,000 for the third and subsequent ones.

What benefits cover other aspects of life for single mothers?

  • the right to receive free sets of baby clothes for a newborn baby;
  • the right to a temporary waiver of payment for the removal of solid food waste and for cleaning the territory of an apartment building if the child is under 1.5 years old;
  • the right to receive free meals at a dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years of age;
  • the right to purchase a number of medications at reduced prices with a discount of up to 50%;
  • the opportunity to visit a massage room free of charge, if there is one in the children's clinic;
  • In addition, children of single mothers in secondary schools must receive two meals a day free food in the school cafeteria.
  • Children of single mothers, when enrolling in additional educational institutions, such as art and music schools, can count on receiving 30% discounts on tuition fees.
  • again, such children enter preschool institutions out of turn and with a 50% discount.
  • and finally, every year children of single mothers can count on receiving a sanatorium voucher.

Housing for single mothers

Of particular note is the target program “Affordable housing for young families.” Under this program, mothers under 35 years of age can apply for compensation for part of the cost of housing. Single women who decide to take out a mortgage also have the opportunity to acquire housing. Read about how real this is in our detailed material.

All women raising a child on their own have the right to receive benefits from the state. This is determined by federal and regional legal acts.

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To apply, you must initially obtain such status. But not everyone deserves it.

What do you need to know?

Every woman should understand that not all people have the right to receive such status. It is given only to certain citizens who meet the criteria specified in legal acts.

become all women who raise children without a husband.

But there are also several nuances here; you need to familiarize yourself with them before going through government agencies and before establishing the fact of loneliness.

Not all women can count on. To receive it, you must provide a confirming document about your status. This is a certificate from the civil registry office in form 25.

It is not easy to obtain the document. The main thing is to prove your status with documents.

According to the law, the following categories of citizens are not recognized as single mothers:

  • A woman raising a child alone. And the biological father is hiding from paying child support. This does not become loneliness, but simply falls under the administrative code and the collection of alimony in court.
  • A girl who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce. Even if during this period she lives together with another young man. Moreover, if the latter puts forward his rights, then he has the right to be recorded on the birth certificate. But for this he must give written consent.
  • Civil marriage, where the father of the child is determined by the spouse in court. A similar situation occurs for citizens who do not live together.
  • Widows and fathers deprived of parental rights.

The following categories of citizens can receive this status:

  • a woman who adopted a child on her own and without her husband’s consent;
  • at the birth of a child within a 300-day period;
  • if paternity has not been established.

These rules are established in current legislation. But they are not perfect if they are considered from the perspective of other legal acts.

If her husband dies and she raises the child on her own, then she cannot count on receiving such status. And she also has no right to take advantage of the benefits due to a single mother.

Legislative framework

The following laws regulate this issue:

  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1 of January 1, 2019 stipulates the concept of a single mother, regulates legal relations and opportunities.
  • Plenum Resolution No. 81 of 1995 - stipulates monetary issues regarding this type of status.
  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1012N of 2009 stipulates the possibility of receiving, the procedure for registration and payments of a monetary nature.
  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 4218–1 of December 1992 stipulates the possibility of registering those in need of improved housing conditions.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 74, 77, 79, 261 – stipulates the rights and responsibilities of a single mother in labor relations.

Getting status

It is possible after contacting the civil registry office and receiving a certificate in form 25. It is this that allows you to apply for an increased type and benefits.

For registration, you will need an identification document of the mother and a birth certificate.


All citizens can count on certain benefits. They are enshrined in both federal and regional legislation.

You can find out additional benefits yourself by contacting your local government.

So on at the moment The following benefits are available:

  • Every person recognized as a single mother or father has the right to receive the benefits that are due to them. For this status, benefits are slightly higher. They receive similar cash, as in a full-fledged family. But according to regional laws, promotion based on place of residence is possible.
  • Additional benefits are provided to large or low-income families.
  • If a woman enters into a new marriage, her rights do not cease. But if the new spouse adopts a child, then benefits are automatically blocked.
  • When employed, a woman has the right to count on additional leave, days, and an increased tax deduction.
  • A citizen has the right to refuse to go to work on weekends and holidays, going out at night. There is a possibility of reducing working hours. These rights are governed by Labor Code Russian Federation. Moreover, a single mother can be denied employment only with a written refusal. Along with this document, she has the right to apply to the court to challenge such a decision.
  • A woman can also count on priority receiving housing if she is recognized as needy. There are additional programs to provide such citizens with housing with the help of social lending.
  • The child has a priority right to enrollment in kindergarten or school institution. All educational literature and food is provided free of charge. Here it is also worth mentioning the possibility of a 50% discount on preschool.
  • Free visit to the massage room at the clinic, trips to a health camp. It is possible to travel here either free of charge or with a partial surcharge.
  • Free medications from the Ministry of Finance list.

In each region there are additional rights and benefits for this segment of the population.

How much do single mothers get paid?

Many women want to know the state of a single mother:

  • for children under 16 years of age – 300 rubles;
  • reimbursement of the increase in the cost of the product for children under 3 years of age – 675 rubles;
  • monthly allowance for a mother raising a disabled child is 6,000 rubles.


Depending on the employment of a single mother and her place of residence, different benefits are paid. When wondering how much single mothers are paid, it is necessary to study the legal acts regulating the issue in a particular region of residence.

All of the above amounts are the minimum that every single mother is entitled to.


Allowance for single mothers in 2019 is a mandatory amount due to this status. The issue is regulated by Federal and regional law.

Child care

Every woman has the right to receive child care benefits:

  • allowance until the child reaches three years of age – 50 rubles;
  • benefit up to one and a half years - 40% of income, minimum amount 3065.69 rubles;
  • benefit until adulthood - individual amount in each region.


A one-time payment is also intended for each woman - a one-time compensation at birth - 16,350.33 rubles.


Every month a woman can receive the following funds:

  • registration in a housing complex up to 12 weeks of pregnancy – 613.14 rubles;
  • up to one and a half years - no less than 3065.69 rubles;
  • before adulthood – 160 and above (depending on the region);
  • up to three years – 50 rubles.

Until how old?

The benefit is paid until the child reaches the age of majority.

If the child is studying full-time at a higher education institution educational institution, the period is extended until the age of 23 years.

How to get it?

To receive benefits, you need to visit the state social protection authority and provide this complete fact.

Additionally, you need to confirm that you are raising your child alone.

Where to contact?

Initially, you need to contact the civil registry office to obtain a certificate in form 25. To obtain it, you must write an application in the established form.

After receiving it, you can contact the social security authority, write an application there and provide documents.

Required documents

To obtain status you must provide:

  • birth certificate of children;
  • a document confirming the identity of a single mother who wishes to acquire such status;
  • certificate in form 25 (issued at the registry office), issued when registering a child with a government agency;
  • a certificate of income is required if a citizen is officially employed;
  • a certificate from the employment center, if the woman is not employed and does not intend to go to work in the near future;
  • certificate of family composition, issued by the BTI or housing department;
  • an extract from the house register to familiarize yourself with debt obligations;
  • work book or a copy of it.

Applying for benefits is quite simple; the main thing is to know the main points when collecting documents.

There are many reasons why a woman may be forced to raise a child on her own. However, they all lead to the fact that mother and baby find themselves in a difficult situation.

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  • a one-time pregnancy benefit provided if a woman registers for up to 12 weeks;
  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time payment provided upon the birth of a child;
  • monthly maternity benefit;
  • monthly allowance issued during parental leave.

The above benefits can also be received by mothers who are raising a child with their husband.

However, payments for single mothers are larger. In addition, they are provided with additional benefits, which are paid from the regional budget. Their size is determined by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently.


Benefits provided to single mothers are divided into federal and regional.

  • lump sum payment for pregnancy – 581.73 rubles;
  • a birth certificate in the amount of 11,000 rubles, which can be spent on services in a antenatal clinic, a children's clinic and the purchase of medicines;
  • child birth benefit – 15,512.65 rubles;
  • Until the child reaches 1.5 years of age, a monthly allowance is provided - 2,908.62 rubles.

In addition to the above benefits, a single mother has the opportunity to receive payments from the regional budget. Their size may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

How to apply?

The procedure for applying for benefits is not complicated. To receive support from the state, a mother raising a child on her own must contact the territorial social protection department, having previously prepared a package of documentation.

The organization's staff will tell you what needs to be done next to receive the benefit.


To apply for benefits in 2019, a woman must provide a package of documentation.

To complete the procedure you will need:

  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming that the record of paternity was made according to the words of the mother, if the inscription is present on the birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the Housing Office confirming that the child lives with the mother;
  • Form No. 25, which is issued at the registry office when issuing a birth certificate and confirms that the woman is a single mother.

Unfortunately, raising children in single-parent families is now becoming quite common. Difficulties of a material nature arising in connection with the need to create, provide it with all necessary things, food, medicine, organizing additional developmental activities - are familiar to almost all single mothers. Today, the state provides some social programs aimed at helping families raising one or more children. Women raising a child without the participation of a second parent need to know what benefits and benefits are provided for them in this program and how much single mothers receive in 2017 and 2018.

System of state support for motherhood and childhood

The state program to support motherhood and childhood, widely covered in the media, is aimed at improving the demographic situation in the country as a whole, creating additional favorable conditions for families with several dependent children, and providing material subsidies to the parent who is in custody. As part of this program, mandatory payments established at the federal level are made to all categories of families with minor children in their care.

These categories include both complete and single-parent families, where the child is raised by one of the parents. Currently, approximately 30% of children live in single-parent families and are under the care of their mother. As a result, a natural question arises about the presence social guarantees provided by the state for single mothers raising children out of wedlock. To determine how much a single mother receives in 2018 as subsidies for raising a child, as well as in the form of benefits and other social guarantees, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​who is assigned this status.

Who gets single mother status?

Formally, not every mother who has a baby and is not legally married can be called a single mother. In order to receive an official document confirming this status, the following conditions must be met:

  • during the birth of the baby, the woman should not be legally married;
  • at the birth of a child, the mother can live with her common-law husband, but the fact of paternity is not recognized by him, and a judicial solution to this issue has not been undertaken;
  • in the baby’s documents (birth certificate), there is no entry in the father section or it is recorded based on the words of the mother;
  • in the case of a divorce from the legal spouse, more than 300 calendar days must pass from the time the court renders a verdict on the dissolution of the relationship until the birth of the baby (with a shorter period, the ex-husband is formally considered the father, and the woman does not have the opportunity to acquire the status of a single mother);
  • when adopting or registering guardianship for a child expectant mother does not have an official husband, and her common-law spouse does not appear in the adoption documents.

If these conditions are met, the registry office will issue a document confirming the official status of a single mother (F - No. 25). However, often when contacting government authorities, controversial issues arise and mothers are denied a document. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is worth considering in detail situations in which a single woman with a young child does not have the opportunity to acquire the status of a single mother.

These include the following cases:

  • being divorced from her ex-husband, not maintaining a relationship with him, not receiving financial assistance for the maintenance of the child, the woman, nevertheless, is not a single mother, since formally the baby has a father, as evidenced by the entry in the civil registration book;
  • in cases where the marriage is dissolved or declared invalid, and less than 300 calendar days have passed from the moment of the spouses’ divorce until the birth of the baby, the ex-husband will be recognized as the father (the ex-spouse can appeal this decision only in court, and with a high probability of a verdict in his favor);
  • the official marriage of a single mother deprives her of this status (even in the case when adoption by a spouse is not carried out and the child remains registered in the mother’s maiden name);
  • the court issued a verdict recognizing paternity (a civil or ex-husband regardless of whether the fact of cohabitation is proven).

Sometimes a court decision is necessary to confirm the position of a single mother. As a rule, this happens when the rights of a single mother to receive appropriate benefits and support from the state are infringed.

In addition, it is important to know that the status is assigned in relation to a specific child, therefore, in a family with several children, for one of them a woman can be considered a single mother, but for others who have an official father - not.

What payments are guaranteed to single mothers?

First of all, it should be noted that payments to single mothers for pregnancy, childbirth and child care until the child reaches the age of 18 at the level of federal legislation actually do not differ from similar payments provided for families with both parents. The decision on issues of additional financial support for single mothers is left to the discretion of regional authorities and will directly depend on social policy and the economic situation in the area where she lives. In many regions of the Russian Federation, single mothers are provided with additional funding for social subsidies for their children until they reach a certain age. To clarify the list of subsidized payments that apply in a particular region, you should contact the social protection department at the place of registration for clarification.

The amount of child benefits paid by the state depends on the number of children in the family, employment, work experience and salary of the parent, as well as on the level of family income in terms of each member.

The Federal Law on State Benefits for Children provides for the following payments:

  1. One-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth. It is paid to employed women in the amount of 100% of wages accrued from the moment of maternity leave (30th week of pregnancy) until the 70th day of the postpartum period (the minimum amount in 2017 is 34,520 rubles). Payment is made only if during maternity leave Mom did not work and did not receive wages. Women who do not have official employment before going on maternity leave are not provided with B&R benefits.
  2. Incentive payment for early registration at the antenatal clinic (up to 12 weeks). It is carried out one-time, in the amount of 613 rubles, is an addition to the previous benefit and is intended for all expectant mothers who have fulfilled this condition.
  3. A one-time payment upon the birth of a child. Its size is regulated by the state and currently amounts to 16,350 rubles. regardless of whether the expectant mother worked before going on maternity leave or not.
  4. Child benefit, paid every month until the child reaches one and a half years of age. If the mother worked before going on maternity leave, the amount of the benefit will be 40% of the average salary for the period preceding the maternity leave and will be paid by the employer based on her written application. For women who did not work, its value is set based on the minimum amount of 3065 rubles. and is paid by social security authorities.
  5. Monthly child benefit during maternity leave (from birth to 3 years). Set at 50 rubles.
  6. Benefit to provide care for a child until he reaches adulthood. Intended for single mothers, paid monthly. The payment amount ranges from 150 to 1,500 rubles (the amount depends on the capabilities of regional authorities). In the case when a child receives higher education on a full-time basis, the benefit payment period continues until the age of 23-24 (but no later).
  7. A monthly subsidy for a single mother who has a disabled child in her care is provided for by federal law in the amount of 6,000 rubles.
  8. Similar financial payments are intended for women who have exercised the right to adoption without being legally married and who have in fact received the status of single mothers.

The benefits listed above allow you to roughly imagine how much a single mother receives for her first child according to the standards established by federal legislation in 2018. In the event of the birth of a second and subsequent children, she also has the right to registration maternity capital and doubling benefits for child care up to one and a half years old. As can be seen from the list of state guarantees, working mothers receive larger size payments rather than non-working people.

In addition to standard benefits provided by the state to single mothers, at the local level, as a rule, provision is made for targeted assistance, expressed in monetary or in-kind equivalent (free lunches at school, refund of part of the funds upon payment kindergarten or additional developmental activities, travel benefits to public transport etc.). Their list varies from region to region and must be verified locally.

Benefits for low-income families

Most often, families where a child is raised by one parent, in terms of total income for each member, have a level below the subsistence level.

The cost of living is calculated based on the minimum cost of paying for utilities, purchasing a certain set of products and taking into account inflation recorded during the period under review. The federal government sets the basic value of its indicator and revises the amount of this amount quarterly, and regional authorities, depending on the economic situation, the standard of living of the population and the fullness of the budget, can apply their own coefficients when forming the cost of living indicator.

Single mothers whose income does not exceed the minimum wage established at the territorial level can contact the social protection department to receive the subsidies and benefits they are entitled to.

To get status low-income family, you must submit the following documents:

  • an extract from the house register about the number of family members (issued by the house management based on records of persons living at the place of registration);
  • information about all family members (copy of passport, copy of birth certificate, TIN number of the parent, certificate of income for the last 2 years);
  • documents confirming ownership of residential premises and possession of expensive property (car, summer cottage, etc.).

Based on these documents, a decision is made to assign or deny the status of a low-income family. This status provides the following advantages:

  • providing the child with free lunches at school;
  • provision of free coupons for children's dairy kitchen (up to 2 years);
  • granting the right to register a child in a preschool institution out of turn;
  • compensation by the state for part of the amount paid for a trip to health and sports camps for children;
  • discounted travel on public transport;
  • subsidies for the purchase of school supplies.

List of social guarantees provided to a single working mother

The Labor Code provides some benefits to mothers raising children on their own during the process of employment, the performance of their official duties and at the end of their employment relationship with the employer. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the following social guarantees:

  1. An employer does not have the right to refuse employment to a single mother on the basis of having a minor child in her care.
  2. A single mother with a child under 5 years old should not be required to work the night shift without her written consent, even if this is stated in the job description of the vacancy.
  3. Overtime work on weekends, holidays, and the possibility of business trips is provided only with the written consent of the employee (until the child turns 5 years old).
  4. Single mothers have the right to work part-time or part-time (if she has custody of healthy child no older than 14 years, and in the case of a disabled child – up to 18 years old). It is important to know that such a work schedule is not fixed in work book(full time is included in the length of service) and cannot influence the calculation of bonuses and the duration of the allotted vacation. Wages are calculated based on time worked or the volume of work performed.
  5. The collective agreement may provide for the possibility of additional leave at one’s own expense for up to 2 weeks. It is provided upon written application by a working mother and can be a continuation of annual leave or used separately. However, the availability of such a benefit is left to the discretion of the employer.
  6. A mother who has a dependent disabled child until the child reaches adulthood has the right to additional paid days off (up to 4 days per month). If they were not used during the specified period, then they are not transferred to the next month and are not summed up.
  7. When paying for sick leave, the mother’s work experience and the baby’s age are taken into account. Until he reaches 7 years of age, the amount of compensation for caring for a sick child is equal to 100% of the mother’s salary (for the first 14 days of sick leave).
  8. A single working mother has the right to a double tax deduction (2,800 rubles, not subject to 13% income tax when calculating wages). A similar benefit applies to each child until he comes of age or until he completes his studies at a university (but is not intended for children over 24 years of age). When raising a disabled child, the amount of tax deduction is set by the state at 6,000 rubles. In addition, in some regions, additional benefits have been created for single mothers when paying property, land and transport taxes.
  9. An employer has the right, on its own initiative, to terminate an employment contract with a single mother who has a dependent child under 14 years of age, only in the event of systematic gross violations of labor discipline rules and failure to fulfill official duties. Facts of violations must be documented.

The conclusion that can be drawn based on the facts presented is, unfortunately, disappointing. It is not possible to determine exactly how much financial support is provided to single mothers in 2017, since most payments are established and financed by regional authorities. However, the fact is that even with maximum size Without subsidies, it is impossible to provide a family with a small child with everything they need, there is no doubt.

Available benefits, at best, allow you to compensate only part of the costs of raising a baby, but even this minimum can be a great help for a single mother and will help her survive until the end of maternity leave and.