Compliance with business etiquette in the office plays an important role for its employees. This is especially true for women. Although we have long been equal in rights with men, we work with them on an equal footing, got behind the wheel and began to occupy leading positions, and some of us even managed to reach the top of power in government. But, nevertheless, it is still very difficult for us to win a place under the sun in the harsh world of men.

Being under the close scrutiny of colleagues, feeling that everyone is waiting for you to make even the slightest mistake - all this makes you constantly tense and requires great efforts not to show your face, or, as card players say, “keep your poker face”. First of all at gunpoint public opinion is your appearance, and if the atmosphere in the office is tense, then the inconsistency of your appearance with the generally accepted canons of the office dress code gives another reason for discussion. Therefore, business etiquette plays an important role for a woman who strives for a successful career and self-recognition from colleagues.

The appearance must comply with the rules adopted in the company

It is rightly said in an old Russian proverb: "They meet by their clothes, they see them off by their minds!" The first thing that catches your eye is the appearance, therefore, in most cases, its non-compliance with the standards and norms adopted in your company can be a serious obstacle to moving up the career ladder, and it will simply make the very work in the office uncomfortable.

Let's get started ...

So, dear ladies, we take note of the requirements that are presented in the business environment to the appearance. Your clothes should look, at least, soundly and respectable, but it is absolutely not necessary to be expensive brands and famous brands... The quality of things will look in the eyes of colleagues / business partners more winning than a fashion logo on display, telling each and every one that you can afford to dress expensively.

For the office and business negotiations, revealing outfits with a deep neckline, denim and leather clothes, overly tight knitwear are unacceptable.

In the wardrobe of each business woman should be a classic suit, consisting of a fitted jacket, trousers and a straight skirt / pencil skirt. Much attention should be paid to the length of the skirt, mini and maxi, skirts with slits in the front or on the side are definitely excluded. The optimal skirt length is slightly above the knee. Also, costumes can be lightened by replacing the jacket with a vest; in addition, they can be supplemented with blouses without too voluminous collars, frill and all kinds of decorative elements. Blouses should be of good quality opaque fabric, their colors may vary, but even in the warm season they should have sleeves, albeit shortened. It is advisable to give preference to a calm pastel color scheme.

Now there is a large selection of different dresses that are quite suitable for the office, given the fact that they, like skirts, have an acceptable length, style and "office color". By the way, dresses can later take a leading position in your wardrobe, since choosing one dress takes less time than choosing a skirt and blouse that match each other.

It is also worth remembering one thing important rule office dress code: business etiquette requires women, regardless of the season, to wear flesh-colored tights with dresses and skirts. Although recently this rule has been somewhat lost, and women's legs in offices are full of different colors, but still you should not get too carried away by the variety of hosiery products, restraint will always be welcomed more than flashy diversity, albeit an ultra-fashionable shade. Many companies also set strict requirements for their employees so that in the summer they also wear tights, here you can use stockings as an alternative.

The range of colors in clothes has recently expanded and practically has no boundaries, the exception is "acidic" and too saturated tones, as well as the "business" began to include fabrics in a cage, a strip, with a small dull pattern.

Preference in shoes should also be given to classics, shoes with a medium heel 5 cm high, black, beige, gray or Brown- the most ideal option, in summer it is allowed to wear moderately open shoes, clogs should not be worn under any circumstances, and you also need to remember about the ideal pedicure.

Dress correctly - and your beauty will always be noticed

Business woman hairstyle and makeup

Speaking of appearance, one cannot fail to mention hairstyle and makeup. Their choice also needs to be approached competently and take into account the whole image as a whole, creating your own business style. The hairstyle should be neat and strict, in offices it is not customary to walk with loose hair, so if you have long or middle length, then they need to be collected. Ask your hairdresser for help, they will show you different variations of simple styles and hairstyles for the office that you can do yourself in the morning. For a business style, hair dyed in bright colors is completely inappropriate.

The image of a business woman should be discreet

The makeup of a woman working in an office should preferably be light and unobtrusive. Tone, natural blush, mascara and not bright lipstick - these are the basic daytime makeup, of course, you can apply shadows pastel colors, but their layer should be thin.

Must be well-groomed nails, here preference should be given French manicure with dim

As an addition to the image of a business woman, jewelry can be worn, but moderation in their quantity must be observed: either earrings and a ring, or a pendant and a ring. It is permissible to wear jewelry from both natural stones and precious metals and jewelry.

And of course, speaking of a modern business woman, it is impossible not to touch upon the topic of accessories that complete her image. Handbag, phone, organizer, business card holder, good pen, even a keychain should not be overlooked. Everything should reflect and underline your business status. Here again it is appropriate to say about the quality of things, their solid appearance and style, so that it can be seen that these items serve for a business woman who knows the value of things and knows how to choose them from all the variety.

Well, now, having defined the image of a business woman, you should move on to other important aspects of business etiquette. First of all, this is the style of business communication, this includes correct behavior in the office, negotiating, communicating by phone and at meetings. In this case, the requirements are the same for both men and women. A competent, clear speech, a confident voice, and in general confidence should be present in every feature of yours: gait, facial expressions, gestures, a calm demeanor and a slight smile will allow you to create the image of a business person, a competent specialist who is able to defend his point of view and who knows his own worth.

A few examples of stylish clothes for a woman to work


Also an integral feature that will complement the image of a business woman is a competently and correctly designed workplace... What is there to darken, we all want to decorate the place where we are working with all kinds of frames with photographs of relatives and cats, figurines, flowers. Undoubtedly, all these little things really decorate the workplace, making it so cozy for you, but at the same time, filling your desk, these trinkets distract from work and do not match the office environment. They can also create a frivolous effect and completely destroy your entire business image.

Therefore, when designing your workplace, you should be guided by the principles of practicality and ergonomics: everything you need and need for work is at hand, personal items in the nightstand, an exception may be a phone and a notebook, keep in a conspicuous place your mug or glass from which you are in during breaks, you don't drink coffee / tea, either.

A business person is distinguished by punctuality both in coming to work and in completing work assignments. In business circles, as you know, time is money, so your lateness will potentially be perceived as a loss of money by your company, and you yourself will be spoken of as a person you cannot rely on. So get in the habit of being punctual, and this quality will serve you on your way to your career heights. Here you can remember one golden rule "Right the first time, right and right on time", it is applicable both for work and for building the image of a business woman as a whole.

Further, it is worth talking about such seemingly trifles as a greeting. Meanwhile, the ability to properly greet in business circles is highly valued and from the first minutes will help to create the impression of a business person about you. It is supposed to greet each other with business partners with a handshake (here we will once again remind ourselves of manicure), regardless of whether a man is in front of you or a woman. If business negotiations take place in your office, then you should extend the first hand for greeting, thereby showing the hospitality of the receiving party, it will not be superfluous at this moment to slightly smile and say a couple warm words, disposing to the beginning of a business, but at the same time friendly conversation.

Appearance and demeanor are critical when negotiating

If for work you have to negotiate with partners of the company, then the following recommendations are just for you. The habit of touching your hair immediately betrays a frivolous nature, so that, constantly adjusting your hairstyle and clothes, you risk appearing frivolous in the eyes of your opponents, but your behavior and appearance at the moment represent the face of your company. In business negotiations, you need to show your oratorical skills, so that a confident, clearly delivered speech, which was mentioned earlier, is now especially relevant.

Also, do not forget about the ability to listen to your opponent without interrupting him or showing any excessive emotions. Respect for someone else's opinion and the ability to show yourself as a competent specialist who understands the essence of the issue being resolved will help you negotiate with dignity and strengthen your reputation as a business person in the circles of colleagues and higher management.

So now, dear ladies, when you have an idea of ​​what business etiquette means for a woman, you can safely begin to follow it and use it for your self-affirmation at work and rapid career growth.

Video - image of a business woman

It's often hard to find correct type clothes for work, and thoughts of what to wear to work are much less pleasant than thoughts of what to wear. Do not neglect the correct look in the office. Often we work with people whom we do not know well and they do not know us, so the impression is created mainly by their appearance.

What is the right clothing option depends on the type of work and company, the dress code adopted there, and what is generally expected of the newcomer. But there are always a few basic rules.
In this regard, it is easiest for a woman to work where she is expected to wear some kind of uniform. To the daily question "What should I wear today?" easy to answer if a woman is in the military or her job requires a civilian uniform. Women working in artistic or creative environments are on the opposite side of the spectrum. They go to meetings dressed in the latest fashions, ultra-modern designer clothes or in regular jeans and sweaters. But what should women who work in companies wear between these two opposite poles?

A business outfit should reflect the status and position of the one who wears it - the higher the position, the more elegant, serious and classic clothes should be. For a woman who wants to succeed in business, it is very important to remember her appearance, moreover, to put her at the service. A business woman cannot come to work just in trousers and a blouse. In a trouser suit - maybe, but in a regular blouse and trousers - he cannot, since these are clothes for the house. A business woman will never come to work heavily low-necked, in a sleeveless dress or a T-shirt and no stockings. All over the world, the main form of women's work wear is a suit.

A business woman's wardrobe should have two or three skirts, jackets, two or three blouses. It is advisable to change toilets often, because the same thing, put on every day, annoys and "dampens the mood." Business clothes are distinguished by classic cut and functionality. But nevertheless, here the purpose of women's clothing has been and remains to emphasize personal originality and elegance. A woman always has the right to the originality of her clothes and to her style in wearing it.
Good taste is especially valuable, which is manifested in the ability to select fabrics for your clothes in structure and color.

The best colors business dress and the suit are considered dark blue, beige ( summer option), dark brown, gray, medium blue and light blue. In any case, the color of a business suit should not be perceived negatively.

In business-style clothing, preference is given not only to plain-dyed fabrics of the named colors, but also to various options for stripes and cells in gray and gray-blue tones. At the same time, geometric, floral or abstract designs are completely undesirable. The color combination in the outfit is also very important. For a more traditional look, start with the base colors in the main details of the outfit, accentuating them with brighter spots of color. Such an ensemble will look elegant, and you will not be overshadowed.

There are other restrictions in the image of a business woman. In particular, you do not need to be the first to appear at work in sharply fashionable clothes, wear trousers , if you work among men, and generally dress in masculine style... Best to wear a suit or blouse With skirt. Moreover, excessively shortening the skirt, obeying the fashion, should not be.

Also, you should not wear things that overly emphasize your attractiveness (tight-fitting sweaters, jeans). It may happen that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will consider your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are offering to be convinced of the beauty in the first place.
their figure, and not in business qualities.

It is advisable to wear simple shoes with medium heels, and flesh-colored stockings. The coat and raincoat should cover the skirt or dress. For women's business clothes, a dress with a jacket is suitable, a blouse or blazer should contrast with the dress, and a sweater at work, as already noted above, is generally not worn at all.

It's also important to adhere to the dress code on your team. So, if you work in a regular department of an insurance company, there is no need to wear a formal business suit to work. But even in a relaxed atmosphere, jeans, slippers, small T-shirts, etc. should be avoided. Well-tailored beige pants, a pair of smart pumps, and a sporty cotton shirt are perfect for these occasions.

Useful Tips for business style:

♦ Make sure your clothes are always clean and tidy.

♦ Make sure you yourself are clean and well-groomed from head to toe.

♦ Avoid skirts that are too short, necklines that are too low, and clothes that are too tight.

♦ Your makeup should be as natural as possible.

♦ The scent of perfume should also be barely noticeable, but the perfume itself is expensive and delicate.

♦ Women are known to dye their hair to look younger and more beautiful. As for gray hair, how much it adds solidity to a man, just as negatively affects the appearance of a woman.

Psychologically dark hair women are associated with imperiousness, while fair women contribute to her popularity. However, all sorts of experiments with hair, especially with color, reduce the authority of a business woman. It is especially undesirable to dye your hair in two tones (different strands) or more.

♦ Always wear tights or stockings at work. Sometimes women wear heels with sandals. This is not recommended. Underfoot shoes exist only to be worn with shoes without stockings, but as you know, a business woman cannot come to work without stockings.

♦ Shoes must be clean and polished. Heels that are too high should not be worn.

♦ A must-have accessory is a good quality bag that matches the rest of the outfit.

♦ Its impressive Jewelry only wear outside the office. Long earrings or clinking ethnic bracelets can add exotic to your look, but may not be accepted by your colleagues.

♦ If you need to carry with you for your work a large number of documents, avoid large clumsy leather suitcases and buy an elegant ladies' briefcase instead.

♦ Keep your business wardrobe as simple as possible; it is desirable that all of its parts be combined with each other.

♦ The type and weight of the fabric must be appropriate for the season. A warm tweed jacket looks out of place in summer, as does a linen suit at Christmas party.

♦ Every business woman should have a pen and pencil with her, and it is desirable that the pen was with a reliable gold or gilded nib. Never write with cheap pens and pencil stubs: this seemingly small detail can ruin your reputation forever.

Despite the fact that the modern business woman has a wider choice than her predecessors of the previous generation, the principles underlying the traditional dress code remain valid in most areas of professional activity. Good taste never advertises itself. A smart business woman will firmly adhere to the traditional style and create her own individual image based on it.

The only thing you need to know about clothing etiquette is that your clothing should look appropriate for the setting, time of day, match the season and be your size.

The weather is simple. But learning to match the situation is more difficult, especially if, due to your occupation or lifestyle, you have not had to visit some places where the owner is quickly recognized by the clothes. The style we choose says a lot about our social status, financial situation, habits and lifestyle.

And don't say it isn't! and the books are full of examples of how warmly you will be welcomed in society if you are not dressed appropriately. Moreover, your entire image is read almost instantly and causes a corresponding reaction.

An evening dress looks as out of place during the day as sportswear outside the gym. Bright makeup on a young face makes him look older and rougher - and the girls then wonder why the guys behave, to put it mildly, not quite adequately.

A fat lady, squeezed into a dress one and a half sizes smaller than her own, looks ridiculous and awkward. This does not make her slimmer, but on the contrary, emphasizes and demonstrates all the flaws in the figure. You will find information about these and many other subtleties in this section of the site.


Dressing is a science and an art, and this art must be learned. For a business woman, this skill is the most important, because the attitude of visitors, customers, employees and partners to herself and to the institution as a whole depends to a large extent on the impression a business woman makes.

The choice of daytime business wear depends directly on where the business woman works. A number of professions require uniforms - women serving in the army or militia, medical workers, flight attendants wear a strictly defined uniform, and for them the issue of daytime clothing is not worth it. Women who work "in sight" - university professors, journalists, employees of government agencies and offices - the question "what to wear" has to be addressed every day.

I. Basic requirements for the appearance of a business woman.

It can be assumed that a business woman has an unexpected business lunch with partners, and she is in jeans. She would most likely be more self-confident if her clothes were suitable for such surprises. Suit, skirt, blouse. Only good dressed woman feels confident and comfortable. Clothing does not have to be expensive, but it is certainly neat, solid and well tailored.

At work, too conspicuous so-called extra-fashionable clothes, bright cosmetics, an abundance of jewelry are inappropriate. Also, disrespect for colleagues and visitors would be negligence in clothing, slovenliness, provocation.

Currently, in connection with the democratization of official etiquette, the color range of clothes for business women is significantly expanding (this is not only blue, black, gray), almost all colors are allowed, except for flashy, or, as young people say, "acidic" colors.

In business-style clothing, preference is given not only to plain dyed fabrics, but also various options for stripes and cells in gray and gray-blue tones. At the same time, geometric, floral or abstract patterns are completely undesirable.

There are a number of mistakes women make in clothes designed for work:

SH allows the fashion industry to completely determine the choice of its costume;

III tend to exaggerate the importance of their own attractiveness (they wear open and tight things);

Ш allow excessive splendor in everyday situations;

W wear clothes made of transparent fabrics;

Attributes misused men's clothing(dark color of a trouser suit, shirt male style, shoes without heels, men's haircut)

Ш are overly faithful to the directions of seasonal fashion (in the summer they allow themselves to wear tops, breeches, sandals on bare feet).

The main requirements for a business woman's appearance are elegant clothes, attractive hairstyle, discreet makeup and impressive accessories.

It should also be remembered that business etiquette does not recommend coming to work in the same suit for two days in a row.

II. Business suit.

The classic English suit is the basis of the business one. This is a fitted jacket and a straight skirt just below the knee.

Excludes: miniskirts, skirts with side or front slits, maxi skirt.

You should wear only what the woman personally suits, but in accordance with the principles of forming a business suit.

Acceptable skirt length is just above the knee. If a woman does not want to emphasize anything, then she can wear a slightly elongated skirt, trouser suit (if the latter does not contradict corporate rules). It can also be a business dress of a calm tone. It is appropriate in almost all situations.

A neutral business suit made from high quality fabrics should be in every woman's wardrobe. In winter, the colors of the suit are chosen: dark: black, gray, blue, cherry, burgundy. In spring and summer - light: ivory, gray beige, grayish beige, etc. It should be borne in mind: the lighter the costume, the better it should be; a bright red suit will tell others about confidence; costume purple gives mystery. The fabric must be of good quality, soft, matte, durable, and the suit must withstand frequent cleaning and look great at the same time. By changing blouses, shoes, accessories, you can significantly change the perception of the same suit. Blouses need to be selected different in style and color, then there is an opportunity to create many combinations. Blouses made of cheap fabric are unsuitable for work "in sight".

It is known that a business suit, consisting of a skirt and a jacket, is more often intended for events in the first half of the day. Trousers and a jacket are good in the evening.

Excluded from their business wardrobe are tight-fitting knitwear, glitter fabrics, and transparent materials. No nudity is allowed: neckline, mini-skirt, bold neckline, slit on the skirt, bare shoulders, belly.

A common mistake is that business ladies wear sleeveless clothes in summer (blouse, top, dress). Sleeves should always cover the shoulders! In this case, the sleeves should not be flashlight or too short.

If a woman has chosen a skirt or dress, then an indispensable rule of business etiquette is the presence of flesh-colored tights (5-12 DEN) in any weather. The roughest and a common mistake their absence is in the summer.

Shoes can be in classic colors, i.e. black or dark brown, but if the suit is light, then you can wear light (not white) shoes that match the color of the suit and the same color and texture as the handbag. In the past few years, clogs have been the favorite shoes of our women and girls. But only clogs are not at all combined with a business suit. After all, by and large, these are slippers, albeit with heels, but is it possible to wear slippers with a business suit ?! According to the rules of etiquette, summer shoes with an open heel are allowed, but not with open toes, no matter how impeccable the pedicure is. Do not get carried away with shoes with elaborate, shiny decorations. Such shoes rarely go with a business suit. For work, it is better to use shoes with medium heels (about 5 cm).

Denim and leather clothing are excluded. The first is considered more likely to be working (for workers and students), the second is too provocative.

For business wear, some types of fabrics are not used, for example velvet, taffeta, chiffon, lace, shiny fabrics - satin, brocade, and are not decorated with shiny catchy embroidery with beads or artificial pearls... Business attire should be comfortable and functional. Comfortable clothes allows you not to think about her, which means you feel confident.

III. Business hairstyle and decorations.

For office work, short haircuts (but not defiantly short), bob, sesson, etc. are suitable. If the hair is slightly longer than the shoulders, then it is better to collect it using hairpins and good expensive hairpins. If a woman works in a creative organization (publishing house, advertising agency, etc.), then it is quite acceptable long hair styled into a flawless hairstyle.

The main thing is that the hairstyle is strict and elegant. Long, loose hair is NOT welcome. The "width" of the hairstyle is important. If a woman has a huge head of hair, it should also be styled neatly.

Do not experiment with hair dyeing - brightly colored hair reduces the authority of a business woman.

In our offices, it is customary to wear small earrings, studs or clips in the ears.

If in Europe there is a rule: "until 6 pm - costume jewelry", then natural gold and stones are quite acceptable here, but wearing diamonds even in our business etiquette remains questionable.

Silver jewelry can also be worn if it matches the costume, but silver and gold cannot be worn at the same time. It is customary to wear one ring on each hand. On the neck, a chain with a pendant (or without) or modest beads, also combined with a suit.

In business etiquette, there is a rule: "Wearing a little jewelry is better than being overwhelmed by them."

Piercing (several earrings in one ear), a chain on the leg, a tattoo as a decoration, dangling earrings, jingling bracelets and bracelets in general are excluded. Only a thin chain on the arm is permissible.

French manicure is desirable, i.e. the regrown part of the nails is whitened, and the nails themselves are covered with colorless varnish. Subtle varnish colors are acceptable. Gray, blood-red or black nails are completely excluded.

IV... Business makeupand perfumery.

According to business etiquette, too defiant makeup is unacceptable. BUT, the complete absence of makeup on the face is also not desirable. Rarely, after all, nature is so supportive that it allows women to do without makeup at all. It is better to use makeup paints that are close to natural. Makeup, especially during the day, should not be conspicuous.

In Russia, historically, the emphasis was on the eyes, and the eyes were decorated (and are being decorated) with shadows, let down, painted with ink. Unfortunately, our lips are not always given due attention. In Europe, the emphasis is on the tone of the face, eyebrows and lips. The tone of the face should be fresh, the eyebrows should be well-groomed (decorated, that is, plucked out and tinted), the lips should be tinted, and by all means be outlined with a pencil before that. The main thing in makeup is a sense of proportion and the choice of your style. Day makeup should be moderate, especially on hot summer days- a layer of eyeshadow, foundation and the powder should be extremely thin, and the mascara should be moisture resistant, so that “treacherous” black stripes do not appear under the lower eyelids. It is better to learn the ability to apply makeup on purpose.

Perfume belongs to the most intimate type of perfumery, so it is better if the woman herself chooses them. It must be remembered that the fashion for perfume often changes, but this does not mean that you need to immediately buy a new fragrance, it may not fit at all.

It is important to choose "your" scent, and it does not have to be the only one, since different smells correspond to different states of mind and different toilets, and observe when using perfume simple rules: the perfume is applied to the skin, not to furs and fabrics.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation.


So, in order to be successful and professionally fulfill your role, you must necessarily correspond to this role externally. This is achieved by appropriate behavior and appearance. .

Many people think that a woman needs to be imitated in the dress of men in order to be successful in the service. This is not true. Male and women's clothing cannot but differ. As soon as a woman tries to become like a man, she immediately loses.

Your communication partner should see you as a business person and a woman at the same time. Men appreciate in a woman, in addition to her business qualities, external attractiveness and femininity. Therefore, it is not worth giving the impression of a "gray mouse". However, the opposite tendency should not prevail - the prevalence of femininity over efficiency.

One rule to remember is to dress for the job you want to get, not for the job you have.

If a woman wants to stay on the sidelines all her life, then she can wear jeans, knitted blouses, mini-skirts, etc. to work. non-business clothes.

The manner of dressing also depends on the position and functions that a business woman performs, i.e. Secretaries, managers, vice presidents, and the president must all look different.


Ш Directories of the secretary and office manager, publishing house MCFER,


Ш Encyclopedia of Etiquette, ed. Astrel, Moscow, 2006;

Sh Gareeva A., All for Office magazine, 1997;


Sh Soloviev E. Ya. Business man etiquette. Minsk. 1994 year


The appearance of a business person

Clothes for success

1 Clothes for men

2 Features of the appearance of a business woman




V modern world in the face of heightened competition, business communication becomes an important factor determining the success of not only an individual, but also a whole firm or organization.

"They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds," says popular wisdom.

This rule is very often ignored by many people. However, consciously or unconsciously, we judge others by their appearance. According to some studies, 55% of the impressions we make on other people are determined by what they see (skin and hair color, appearance, posture, facial expressions and gestures, facial expressions, the nature of eye contact); the remaining 45% of impressions are determined by what people hear (the semantic load of speech, its tempo, voice pitch, clarity of speech, pronunciation, etc.).

When we meet a person for the first time, see how he is dressed, how he looks, we judge not only his appearance, but also about whohe. And vice versa, knowing which person we are going to meet, we can mentally imagine him. Assuming that each category of people looks in a certain way, and seeing a person corresponding to these ideas, we automatically assign him to one category or another. And then we expect from him certain actions, appropriate behavior.

It must be remembered that clothing reflects and emphasizes individuality, characterizes a business person as a person. The choice of clothing is determined by the field of upcoming activity and position: for example, the clothes of bankers are distinguished by conservatism, which is not welcomed in creative circles.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner a suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

In this paper, we will consider the features of business dress etiquette.

The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

1. The appearance of a business person

The transition from the initial forms of market relations to civilized ones more and more actualizes the meaning and implementation of business etiquette. Etiquetteis a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothes).

To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is formed by their external data. All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally negative attitude.

The office environment imposes certain requirements on the appearance of a business person. In the world of fashion, a certain concept has long been formed - "business suit". He, of course, takes into account the latest trends and trends in fashion, but at the same time remains to a certain extent strict and conservative.

Carrying out the selection of a suit in the broad sense of the word (ie, taking into account all the accompanying components), a business person should be guided by the following general rules: unity of style; matching style to a specific situation; reasonable minimization of the color gamut (the so-called "rule of three colors"); color comparability in color gamut; material texture compatibility; the comparability of the nature of the pattern in various components of the clothing; conformity of the quality level of accessories (shoes, folders for papers, briefcase, etc.) to the quality of the main suit.

In the process of preparing for negotiations, you should pay attention to the choice of a business suit. Even very high quality, expensive and fashionable things can look tasteless if you do not observe the condition of style unity. Your costume and accessories should be combined not only in color and texture of the material, but also look like a single stylistic whole. You cannot mix "power" and "affordable" or sporty and purely business style in one suit.

The "domineering" or "power" style of dress (a dark suit with straight "hard" shoulders, a white shirt, a traditional dull tie, moccasin shoes) corresponds to a situation of a responsible meeting or important negotiations. However, if you need to create a relaxed atmosphere and eliminate distance, it is better to use an "accessible" style, such as a less strict gray suit with "soft" shoulders.

If you are facing a problem with clothing that is too harsh or too soft, try to solve it with color. A dark business suit can be "livened up" with a light (but not white) shirt or a slightly brighter than usual tie. A suit in an “affordable” style can be kept in one color scheme of muted tones, then it will look more formal.

At the interview, based on the results of which a decision on filling a vacant position will be made, the appearance should indicate that you will easily join the ranks of the organization's employees, since you have a corporate image (and therefore, you also value corporate values).

When seeking a promotion, dress as you would for the job you want to get. Thus, the authorities are more likely to represent you in this position.

The details of one suit must also satisfy such a requirement as compatibility, that is, correspond to each other in the following parameters:

coloring (the details of the suit should not sharply contrast with each other, the combination of "incompatible" colors, such as bright red and bright green, for example, if the situation or uniform does not require it), it is most reasonable to follow the rule of "three colors" ;

texture of the material (costume items should not be made of fabric of clearly different texture and density, for example, from heavy wool and silk);

seasonality (light summer trousers and skirts next to heavy winter jackets and jackets will look out of place).

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties, neckerchiefs there should be such shades that suit not only the color of the suit, but also to your face and decorate it.

For a business person, accessories often have a functional meaning: the portfolio contains Required documents, the watch helps to manage time correctly. People pay attention to these accessories because they are used constantly.

Too many accessories make a person's appearance fidgety and distracting. The impression should be made by the results of work, and not by what you have in your hands. Make sure all the little things are functional. At the same time, one should not forget that sometimes it is the details that "logically complete" your image. The details should help, not interfere with the general perception of you as a qualified professional and a pleasant interlocutor.

Typically, clothing depends on your lifestyle and place of work. In industries such as finance, law, politics, accounting, consulting, wearing formal clothing is almost mandatory. In other industries, such as the media or advertising, much more freedom is permissible.

However, it should be noted that the main rule that one should strive to follow when choosing a business suit in all its components is the general impression of neatness and neatness. This should make your partner think that you will be just as careful in your business.

And we should not forget that "according to the mind" they only see off, therefore, "clothes" when meeting and communicating is in many ways a determining factor.

2. Clothes for success

.1 Clothing for men

An important factor characterizing business man, is his suit. There are three types of business suit:

official suit - clothes in black or dark blue with a white shirt, black shoes and a tie, socks and a handkerchief matched by color. Wears for official and corporate events, as well as for other special occasions (for example, speaking at a congress or major symposium, reception at the city hall). In diplomatic etiquette, an official suit is a tuxedo.

unofficial suit - plain clothes (jacket, trousers) of other shades - green, blue, gray, etc. For an unofficial suit it is possible to wear light-colored shirts, both monophonic and with a pinstripe or check. This type of clothing is recommended for regular business visits.

regular suit - this includes various color combinations of the elements of the suit (for example, a light jacket and dark trousers - but not vice versa!). These clothes can be worn in the office during regular visits of regular customers.

The choice of the type of business suit, first of all, depends on the purpose of the visit, the type of event being held.

An obligatory accessory of a classic men's suit is jacket... It must be worn at any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, at the entrance to any room. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table.

The jacket must be buttoned, however, as mentioned above, the bottom button of the jacket is not buttoned (this does not apply to jackets with a single button).

You can take off your jacket at official events only after the owner or the guest of honor has done it - in a word, the first person at the reception.

In some countries, men take off their jackets at work (for example, in the Netherlands), while in other countries (Germany, France), managers do not even loosen their tie and do not take off their jackets while in the office. Never take off your jacket first!

Keep your handkerchief unfolded and in your trouser pocket or purse. Do not put a pen, pencil, glasses, hairbrush and other items in the upper outer pockets of jackets and jackets so that they look out.

Trouser belt - only from genuine leather, dark in color; with a modest buckle - no "lion" and "wolf heads".

Socksare selected depending on the color of the suit and shoes. It is an absolute bad manners to wear white (light) socks to a dark suit - socks in color should be darker than the last one, and their length should be sufficient to cover the shin even when cross-legged. Ideally, socks should be darker than pants but lighter than boots. Dark blue, dark gray, dark green and black socks go well with any formal suit. White socks - for sports only.

Shirt- made of thin cotton, sometimes with the addition, almost imperceptible, of synthetics - for less creasing, always light colors - white, light gray, light blue, light sandy shades. The collar is classic, traditional.

The color of the shirt, of course, should be in harmony with the color of the suit. There is such a requirement: in terms of color intensity, in the first place - a jacket, in the second - a tie, in the third - a shirt.

On the shirt, as well as on the jacket, elements of a sports or military style are also not allowed - shoulder straps, patch pockets with folds and yokes; let's say, however, one modest patch pocket - usually such shirts have the manufacturer's logo on the pocket.

One of the most important accessories of a general business suit is shoes... Therefore, in no case should we forget about its quality - old sloppy shoes can spoil the impression even of a quite decent suit. What's more, expensive, well-groomed shoes can distract attention from cheap clothing. The trousers in the back should cover upper part heel.

One of the ways to attract and retain attention during presentations is to have no more than one bright spot. V men's suit such a spot is tie.A tie is the main indicator of a man's taste and status, therefore Special attention should be turned to the correct choice.

From the combination of a shirt with a tie changes general form any costume. The tie should match the color with the suit or contrast with it (for example, a navy blue suit and a blue or burgundy tie).

A tie is a must-have addition to a plain shirt. A plain tie goes well with a striped suit in a cage. And with a plain suit, a tie with a pattern, motley.

If the shirt is not light, monochromatic, care must be taken to match the tie with its color. To a bright shirt with pattern fit only a plain tie, in all cases the tie should be darker than the shirt.

When preparing for business negotiations, it is better to wear pearl gray, blue-red, maroon ties. Better wear a tie with graphic drawing... Such a color scheme will set your interlocutors in a business mood, emphasize your respect for them. But a bright, avant-garde tie will create emotional pressure on your business partners, irritate them and distract them.

A silk tie is best suited to an evening, dark suit; synthetic ties are worn only with a leather jacket. Bow ties appear only at formal events.

It is not customary to combine a tie with a sports or woolen shirt, with any shirt worn for graduation.

The width of the tie should be in direct proportion to the size of the jacket, that is, the wider a person is at the shoulders, the wider the tie should be.

The optimal tie length is up to the buckle of the trouser belt.

An indispensable attribute of a tie with a business suit should be a tie barrette - it is worn on the 4th top of the shirt buttons. This part of the toilet will not allow the tie to wrap up in the wind or change the position of the body, prevent the tie from falling on the table (when tilting) or on the plate (when eating).

The dress code for men is generally more conservative than for women. However, men can also find room for imagination and a way to emphasize their individuality.

.2 Features of the external appearance of a business woman

For women, there is the same principle in clothing - the color scheme of the toilet, dresses and accessories, of course, should complement each other, and the style of clothing should correspond to the characteristics of the figure.

Although a woman enjoys much more freedom in choosing the style of clothing, material and color of fabric than a man. This gives a woman more opportunities to choose such styles of clothing that best suit her individual tastes and fit the characteristics of her figure. It should be remembered that a good style of clothing should emphasize the appropriate beauty of the forms and correct the existing figure flaws.

The suit of a business woman at the negotiating table should be functional, which will facilitate the negotiation process. Most popular classic style... By tradition, the basis of business attire is a suit or dress-suit.

The type of clothing should be determined based on the current situation. Of course, it's good to have multiple suits in your wardrobe. For example, a stylish professional suit matches a suit for success, while skillfully selected accessories can make a conservative model look fashionable.

Loose skirts are recommended, rather than tight-fitting skirts that will not stretch as much when walking or sitting. A light suit is required for spring and summer. Recommended colors: ivory, greyish beige, greyish brown. The lighter the suit, the more quality tailoring it should be. Any woman, regardless of her natural characteristics, can wear a grayish-beige or grayish-brown suit.

Preference for a formal setting of a suit does not mean that a dress is unacceptable for a business woman in this situation. It also fits, but the dress is more fashion-conscious, and its variability affects the stability and certainty of the impression. On the light dress a jacket made of silk, rayon or jersey should be worn.

A business woman can wear a dress or suit of strict and modest colors not only to work, but also to daytime receptions.

It is recommended to wear more elegant and revealing (evening) dresses for receptions organized after 8 pm. They can be long or regular. Clothes in this case are complemented by evening shoes made of leather or suede with comfortable heels and a small handbag. It must be remembered that you can only sit cross-legged on a chair. Sitting in the car, the woman first sits down and then pulls her legs into the car (respectively, when leaving the car - in reverse order).

A skirt without a belt usually looks "unfinished". You should choose belts of neutral colors and such width; which would fit the figure. The belt looks elegant in the color of the shoes. If the shoes are warm colors, for example brown, you can wear an olive or yellow belt with a dress or skirt. Sometimes you can combine the color of the belt with one of the colors on the skirt, with the color of the blouse or suit.

Stockings or tights for a business suit are required. Buy quality stockings the right size with a blend of durable fibers such as lycra. As for the color of the stockings, it should be combined with the color of the skirt, dress or shoes. Patterned stockings also have no place in a work wardrobe.

To maintain the image of a business person, a woman should pay special attention to her hair and shoes - they should always be in order.

For work and play, you should have several pairs of shoes. They don't have to be the same style, but they should go with any outfit. For work, shoes made of genuine leather are recommended. As for their color, dark blue, black, brown are most acceptable in winter. In summer, shoes are worn to match the color of the clothes, but beige and light gray are always popular.

Some women have naturally gorgeous hair that you just wash and dry and it looks great. However, many are doomed to the use of various cosmetic preparations that promise to improve the quality of hair: foam fixers and gels help to shape weakened hair; various oils, waxes, conditioners improve the quality of hair, etc. A good hairstyle can change the image as well as new suit... Hairstyles from loose hair are definitely not perceived in the business world - just haircuts or smooth, gathered or styled.

Make-up for women is an evaluative factor. The cosmetics of a business woman should be discreet, and the scent of perfume should be barely perceptible. Cosmetics are applied in moderation and without the use of flashy tones. In this case, the smell of perfume should be barely noticeable. If a woman wears glasses, then she should not wear smoky glasses in a metal frame (through such glasses, the interlocutor's eyes are poorly distinguishable, which makes it difficult to eye contact with him). For brunettes, it is recommended that glasses are framed to match the hair, and for blondes a dark (brown) frame is recommended.

Great attention should be given to the choice of jewelry. It is not recommended to wear a lot of jewelry; you should not wear gold and silver jewelry at the same time. Bijouterie - only of high quality, from prestigious firms.

An integral attribute of a business woman is a diplomat (attaché case) or a handbag made of good quality leather without bright decorations... Business papers should be kept in a folder, and personal items: powder, lipstick, comb, hair brush, etc. should be in a small cosmetic bag in a briefcase or diplomat along with a notebook and keys.

A small handbag with a long belt is practical and convenient for storing money (only for a wallet). With most toilets, a black or reddish brown bag looks quite elegant. If the main color of your clothes is dark blue, then you can choose a bag of the same color.

Women wear gloves whenever and wherever they want. The opinion that gloves cannot be worn without a headdress is incorrect. When giving a hand to a man, you don't have to take them off. When entering an Orthodox church, gloves are removed. The woman taking the floor to speak can walk up to the podium wearing gloves, but must take them off before speaking. For an evening reception, it is permissible to wear over long gloves bracelet, but rings cannot be worn.

So, the suit and manners of a business person must correspond to the requirements accepted in society for this category of its members. Following the above rules for wearing clothes allows you to positively tune in advance the desired interlocutor, to arrange him to conduct a constructive business conversation, without being distracted by outsiders.

A neat and appropriate business suit, politeness and observance of the rules of etiquette, combined with a good command of communication skills, greatly facilitate contact with others and allow the representative to maintain a high business image of the company.

If a person has a "well-groomed appearance", then he seems to radiate a positive self-esteem, which automatically increases the chances of being highly appreciated by others.

business accessory manner comparability


In this way, clothing is an important component of a business image.

Looking right at work means competently managing business communication and personal careers. Appearance represents an employee of an organization in a business environment. With the help of well-chosen clothes, you can manage your impression of yourself, tune your business partners to a particular style of interaction, and shape the desired image. Professional employees of organizations know that there are no trifles in the design of appearance. Clothing, hairstyle, accessories and business manners in general carry vital information about an individual. The most common form of business attire around the world is a suit, both for men and women.

A man's clothing style influences his success in business circles, and the right suit contributes to the creation of his image. When choosing clothes, a man should remember that individual details should be in harmony with each other. An important detail of a business suit is a tie, which must correspond to the suit: thin ties are selected for light fabrics, and for heavy fabrics, made of denser materials. The brightness of the tie should also be compensated for by the severity of the suit. The ideal tie length is to the middle of the belt. Socks - another piece of clothing regulated by business etiquette, are chosen to match shoes or a suit; the socks would be so long that a bare leg would not protrude from under the leg.

It is even more difficult with women's business clothes. On the one hand, women need to remain members of the fair sex even at work, on the other hand, they need to adhere to strict standards. So, in business clothes, it is better to refuse from fitted or silhouette-tight things. Another taboo is short and miniskirts. The optimal length is up to the knees. It would be no less an oversight to appear in the office without tights, even in the summer - bare legs are unacceptable. And finally, the last - according to etiquette, business women are not prescribed bright makeup and loose hair. The basic rule is to match the time and the setting.


1.Beringova, N.V. Business conversation: tutorial/ N.V. Beringov. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010 .-- 160 p.

2.Gorbatov, A.V. Business ethics: study guide / A.V. Gorbatov, O.V. Eleskina. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2007 .-- 142 p. Send an application indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of getting a consultation.