Parental fatigue, views on upbringing, and sometimes the child’s behavior lead to the fact that mom or dad often get irritated with the child, scream, and get angry. Of course, parents do not stop loving, but in fact children hear negative words addressed to them more often. Meanwhile, an atmosphere of calm and love is vital for a child to develop and grow up. Only by feeling parental acceptance and love can a child stand firmly on his feet and boldly walk through life. To create the necessary atmosphere for raising a child, parents often have to work on themselves first. It's hard work, but the rewards will exceed all expectations. If you are already on this path, the tips below will be very helpful.

  1. Do not shift responsibility for your reactions and behavior onto your child. Sometimes, out of powerlessness, parents themselves take a childish position, shifting responsibility for their own actions onto the child: “Well, what should I do with you: spank you or put you in a corner?”, “Do you want me to scold you more?” A child cannot decide how his parents should raise him, punish him or act in a given situation. This is the task of adults.
  2. Take responsibility for your actions. It is not the child who is angry and irritated, but you who are angry and irritated when he does something. Accepting responsibility for your reactions makes it possible to manage them, because it is impossible to change what you are not responsible for.
  3. Analyze your behavior. In the process, you will be able to see the mechanism that triggers your reactions to the child’s actions and understand what actually throws you off balance.
  4. Don't push yourself to the point of overwork. The resource of parental strength needs constant replenishment, so do not push yourself and your needs into the background. Dream, proper nutrition, physical activity, hobbies and interests give positive emotions and fill them with strength for a calm upbringing.
  5. Give up haste and rigid planning of life. Very often we get angry with children because they are too slow or disrupt our plans with their behavior. If you don't rush anywhere and let events just happen in your life, your problems will become much smaller.
  6. Formulate your requirements correctly. It is very difficult for children to perceive the demands of adults, because they are formulated in “adult” language. Often adults formulate their demands in a “negative” way: “don’t meddle,” “don’t touch,” “don’t come near.” The child needs not so much prohibiting signals as specific instructions: “Take your hand away from the dog and come to mom.”
  7. Learn to leave your problems outside the children's room. Children are great at reading the emotional state of adults. If you are “excited” and immersed in thoughts about problems at work, financial difficulties, conflicts with relatives, the child will definitely be “infected” by your nervousness and will behave accordingly. From birth, the rule has been unshakable: “A calm mother means a calm child.”
  8. Do not demand from your child what you cannot do yourself. Agree, it is absurd to shout in rage at a crying child: “Calm down immediately!” If you yourself cannot cope with your emotions, a child, looking at you, will never learn to cope with his own.
  9. By raising a child in love and tranquility, you do good not only for him, but also for yourself, “growing” a wise, calm, loving parent within yourself.
  10. If it seems to you that your child is provoking you, stop and think: what does this little defenseless person really want now? In most cases, behind provocative behavior is a desperate thirst for attention and intimacy.
  11. Control what and how you say to your children. Children need to express criticism correctly: firstly, these should be “I statements”; secondly, it is not the child himself who needs to be criticized, but his specific actions. For example, instead of “You make me angry”, it is better to say “I get angry when you...”.
  12. Be open to new experiences and knowledge. Not only do children learn from their parents, but parents can learn a lot from their children.
  13. The best parental position is the position of authoritative care. This position requires strength, self-confidence and personal maturity. But it is from this position that education can occur without shouting and irritation. A child happens simply because you are an adult whom he trusts and whose authority he recognizes.
  14. Feel free to contact more for support experienced parents, whose example is indicative for you, to specialists and books. Sometimes through books and conversations you can see your mistakes and draw conclusions.
  15. Don't expect instant results from yourself. Working on yourself and developing new habits takes time. Celebrate every step towards your goal, praise yourself for the slightest success. If today you were angry and irritated with your child less than yesterday, that’s already good.
  16. Don’t look for special reasons to tell your child about your love and be sure to maintain physical contact through hugs, touches, and kisses.
  17. Believe in your child and his good intentions. It is inherent in nature that children always strive to be good for their parents, to please them, it’s just that a child is not always able to assess what is really appropriate and good, and what is not so good. Your task is to teach him this.
  18. Shift the focus of your actions from “training” to your relationship with your child. Education is, first of all, reliable and close relationships, and not a system of prohibitions and punishments. If there are no problems in your relationship with your child, it is easy to raise him in love and peace, because he himself strives to be like you and obey.
  19. Do not confuse love for a child with permissiveness. A child simply needs to know the boundaries of what is permitted, for him these are the support points in the world around him and the basis of it life principles and landmarks.
  20. When prohibiting something and limiting a child, do it from a position of authoritative care. If there are any rules, then in principle they must always be observed. Moreover, every time you need to explain to the child why you forbid him something: “I don’t want you to get sick,” “I want you to have healthy eyes.”
  21. Allow your child to show any emotions and be in any mood, be sad, be capricious, cry. Accepting any behavior of a child, not just exemplary behavior, is the best confirmation of your love.
  22. Let go of all expectations about your child and don't compare him to other children. A child deserves love simply because he exists, and not for his successes and achievements.
  23. Always be on the child’s side, especially when someone else criticizes the child or lectures him. The situation when a mother or father, out of a desire to “please” a stranger, unites with him “against” the child and begins to shame or lecture him is very traumatic. The child perceives this as a betrayal, which greatly undermines trust in the relationship.
  24. Don't be afraid to praise your child. For a long time in our culture it was believed that it was impossible to praise a child - he could be spoiled by it. In fact, words of praise for a child are a powerful motivation to become better and please their parents. Otherwise, what is the point of being good if no one notices his small victories? You can also encourage the desired behavior with praise, but then you need to praise correctly. Not an automatic “well done”, but explaining in detail to the child that you liked how he did something or behaved in some situation. How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

    Raising a child is a very difficult process. The child is raised not only by the parents, but also by the very environment that prevails in the house, other family members, kindergarten, school. But it is parents who are the main people in a child’s life. Parental love makes him strong, resilient, able to achieve success and cope with any difficulties. Work on yourself, change unsuccessful parenting models to more effective ones, gain parental wisdom and raise your child in peace and love!

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow to calm the nerves and soul.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow to calm the nerves and soul.

To calm your frayed nerves and help your wounded soul, read a prayer to the Matrona of Moscow in cozy tranquility.

When problems and stress become too much, nervous system cannot withstand such a load.

Medicines help as long as they work.

My dears, without canceling your medication, help yourself with an Orthodox prayer addressed to Matrona of Moscow.

First of all, visit the Church and submit a registered note about your own Health.

Place 3 candles each at the icon of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

Matrona Blessed, perfect in soul, calm your nerves, put sinfulness to rest. Amen.

For home prayer, buy several candles and the icons listed above.

Pour some holy water into a spacious container.

In the most the right time lock yourself in a room.

Light the candles. Place icons and a decanter of holy water nearby.

For about three minutes you simply look at the burning flame, reassuring yourself that it is harder for others.

Imagine the Lord God and the intercession of the Matrona of Moscow.

Instill in your soul an unshakable faith in holy Orthodoxy.

Start whispering a special prayer repeatedly to help calm your nerves and find humility in your sinful soul.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Protect me from nervous hostility, protect me from dire need. May my soul not hurt from thoughts, and may the Lord forgive all my sins. Help me calm my neurosis, let there be no crying of sorrowful tears. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and drink holy water.

You continue to watch the flame glow, remembering your past days without regret.

After some time, you will certainly calm down, continuing to pray with faith in your soul for many years to the Matrona of Moscow.

A powerful prayer for depression and despair to Matrona of Moscow.

If you are overcome by depression, and your soul suffers from despair, turn to Matrona of Moscow for prayerful help.

Visit an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your own Health.

While at sacred image Elders, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Let the depression disappear, let the despondency leave me. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

For home prayer, buy 12 candles and the icons listed above. Pour some holy water into a spacious container.

When you come home, you retire to a cozy room.

Light the candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Just look at the burning flame for a few minutes, renouncing attacking thoughts.

You know, they pester us like burrs, especially before bed.

Imagine the calmness in your movements and the despondency receding somewhere into the distance.

Start whispering repeatedly Orthodox prayer, addressed to Matrona of Moscow.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Forgive me for my mortal despair and do not send me a retaliatory punishment. In a terrible depression, I am tired and tired, and at that moment I sincerely repent before you. May God not leave me, may not destroy me, help me, otherwise terrible things will happen. Strengthen my faith, give me more strength, so that the demon does not destroy my soul forever. Thy will be done. Amen.

Put out the candles. Place cinders in the trash bin. Drink holy water, fervently crossing yourself.

To make depression go away as soon as possible, gain strength and fast for a week.

Pray at the same time without ceasing.

Having received communion and confession, begin prayer at home again, purchasing 12 candles in advance.

Blessed Matrona will certainly hear you, and despair will be replaced by Grace.

A strong prayer to Matrona of Moscow against damage and the evil eye.

Any severe damage or the evil eye of the ill-wisher will be cast away forever under the Divine power of the Matrona of Moscow.

We have already talked about damage many times.

My dears, believe that there are many more good people in this world.

But there are some nasty ones too.

In such cases, holy Orthodoxy comes to the rescue through the Saints and Saints.

If you feel the evil eye or damage on yourself, do not waste curses, but visit an Orthodox Church.

Submit a registered note about your own Health.

Place 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

While standing near the image of the Elder, say these prayer lines to yourself:

In baptism, in prayer and in fasting, deliver me, Matrona, from evil creation. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

Additionally, you buy 12 more candles and the icons listed above.

Take some holy water into a deep container.

At the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room.

Light 3 candles. Place Orthodox icons and a decanter of holy water nearby.

You look peacefully at the burning flame, forgiving those who offended you and letting go of your enemies forever.

Accept that someone is feeling good, not that someone is going to feel bad.

Read the “Our Father” prayer several times.

Cross yourself and drink holy water.

Start repeatedly whispering special prayers to help get rid of the evil eye and damage.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. In powerlessness I turn to you, let human malice not die within me. Whoever sent the evil eye, let him not suffer; whoever cast the evil eye by accident, let him not cry. I forgive my enemies, I don’t judge people, but just deliver me from my sadness. In prayer power and faith I will be saved, at the appointed hour I will ascend to Heaven. Amen.

Another strong prayer against spoiled deeds and a “heavy eye.”

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Elder. Either as a punishment or as a test, I am tormented by suffering. Intercede before me, save someone else from corruption. Let the evil eye be washed away with water, and God will not refuse. Let the lesson that the Lord gives enter into my soul by faith. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily again and drink holy water.

These are very strong prayers against the evil eye and corruption, which are designed to strengthen your faith, while simultaneously ridding evil people of the negativity.

Prayer for the child to sleep better. Nighttime prayer before bed

After the birth of a child, every mother worries very much about him, and her main desires are for the child to have sound sleep, be healthy and happy. Even if the baby is fast asleep, you want his dreams to be pleasant and evoke only positive emotions. Various prayers can be used to call for good dreams for a child.

Types of prayers for a child’s good sleep

What prayers will help so that a newborn baby sleeps well? It is worth noting that today there are ten appeals to the Almighty, which are truly considered the most effective for good night at the baby's. By good sleep we mean that it will be sound, and your dreams will be colorful and kind.

Such prayers include:

  1. Prayer addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.
  2. Prayer of parents aimed at blessing their children.
  3. A prayer addressed directly to the child’s Guardian Angel.
  4. Prayer for raising children.
  5. A mother's prayer for the blessing of her child.
  6. Prayer for children.
  7. Prayer-petition for healing of a child’s illness.
  8. Classic prayer "Our Father".
  9. A mother's prayer for her children.
  10. Prayer addressed to Matrona.

As a rule, small children are very susceptible to various noises, so even a dog barking in the yard can wake up the baby. To strengthen children's sleep, you can read one of these prayers. In addition to the above, there is one prayer aimed directly at helping the child sleep better.

Prayer for baby to sleep better

There are many reasons why small child cannot sleep - noise, colic, teething, etc. Accordingly, if the child does not sleep, then the parents do not sleep either, because it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the suffering of your own baby. As a rule, if a child has insomnia, he is immediately taken to the doctor, but there are situations when the doctor claims that the child is absolutely healthy, it’s just that some external factor is interfering with his sleep. In such a situation, prayer is considered the only salvation from insomnia for a child.

A prayer for a child to sleep better is as follows:

  • “Jesus, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross.”

After pronouncing these words, you need to cross the child. It is worth noting that prayer becomes more effective if the child is already baptized.

Prayer for a good child's sleep to the child's Guardian Angel

Some people believe that every person has their own Guardian Angel from birth. Therefore, if any problems occur with a child - illness, insomnia, it is best to turn to the Guardian Angel for help. Some people associate this with the fact that God is one for everyone and is simply not able to help everyone, but the Guardian Angel is responsible for only one person, so it is more likely that he will help.

A prayer to the Guardian Angel for a child to sleep well is as follows:

  • “Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the baby’s name is indicated), protect him with your shield from demonic arrows, from the sugary seducer, keep his heart pure and bright. Amen".

The ideal option would be for the child to independently read a prayer to the Guardian Angel.

A prayer for a child to sleep better to his Guardian Angel from his own mouth should sound like this:

  • “My protector, my Guardian Angel. Don't throw me in difficult moments, save me from evil and envious people. Protect me from hating people. Save me from the evil eye and damage. Have mercy on me. Amen".

According to the statements of church ministers, a prayer sounded from the mouth of a child will have greater power than the same prayer from the mouth of the child’s mother to his Guardian Angel.

Prayer for the child to sleep well at night, Matrona

According to the opinion of a large number of priests, if any problems arise with the child’s health (including the appearance of insomnia), one should immediately pray to Saint Matrona. It is she who is considered an ambulance a large number questions. To enhance the effect of prayer, it is recommended to buy at least a small icon with the face of this Saint. And in order to protect your child from the evil eye, it is recommended to sew a piece of incense into his clothes, which will need to be changed periodically.

If a mother begins to observe sleep problems in her child, then she needs to turn to Saint Matrona with the following words:

  • “Holy Matrona! I ask you, I conjure you with all your mother’s love, ask the Lord to give health to his slave (the name of the child is indicated). I ask you, Holy Matrona, do not be angry with me, but help me. Ask the Lord to give my child (the child’s name is indicated) good health. He got rid of various ailments both in the body and in the soul. Take all diseases away from his body. Please forgive me for all my sins, both those committed by my will and those created not by my will. Say a prayer to the Lord for the health of my child (child’s name is indicated). Only you, Holy Matrona, can save my child from suffering. I trust in you. Amen".

Prayer to improve children's sleep, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus

Another effective prayer for the child to sleep better, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.

The words of the prayer are usually pronounced by the mother and sound as follows:

  • “Oh, holy youths of Ephesus, praise to you and the entire Universe! Look from the heights of heaven at us, people who persistently honor your memory, and especially look at our children. Save them from illnesses, heal their bodies and souls. Keep their souls pure. We worship your holy icon, and also sincerely love the Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for a peaceful child's sleep, addressed to the Mother of God and the Lord God

When a child has a disrupted schedule, namely, he sleeps during the day and not at night, then something definitely needs to be done. Going to doctors is expensive, and they are unlikely to help in this situation. The best option will cope on his own. In this case, saying a prayer at night before going to bed to the Mother of God and the Lord God will help. The prayer goes like this:

  • “Lord God, show your mercy on my child (name), protect the child under your banner, protect him from various temptations, drive away various enemies from him, close their evil eyes and ears, give them humility and kindness. Lord, we are all your creations, I ask you, save my child (name is indicated), make him repent if he has sins. Save my child, Lord, let him understand your word, guide him on the right path. Thank you, Lord."

This bedtime prayer for a child not only helps to cope with the problem of insomnia, but is also aimed at preserving the purity of the child’s soul in adulthood.

Features of reading a prayer to improve children's sleep

A bedtime prayer for a child must be read from memory; if you do not know the words, an appeal to the saints or to the Lord, then you can’t expect an ambulance from them (quick help comes only to sincere believers). While pronouncing the address, you need to be in a calm state. emotional state and you need to constantly think about what you want to get. If at the time of saying the prayer a person does not really believe in the result, then it is better to postpone saying it until a later time.

When asking for help in improving children's sleep, be sure to ask for forgiveness for all the sins you have committed. This is due to the fact that a thin thread stretches between mother and child, and therefore all the sins of the parent are reflected on the baby. If, while saying a prayer, the baby’s mother sincerely repents of all her sins and mistakes, then they will definitely respond to the request.

The nighttime prayer before bed should be said in a whisper and in the child’s ear. Such words can save your baby from negative dreams.

Reading a prayer invented by yourself

It is important to note that when addressing the Lord or other saints, it is not words that are important, but sincerity. A prayer for a child to go to sleep can be said in your own words, most importantly, with faith and from the bottom of your heart. It doesn’t have to be pretentious words; it’s enough to state your request, repent of your own sins and thank the Lord for listening to you.

A strong prayer for the child to sleep well and peacefully

A peacefully sleeping baby is the greatest benefit for parents. After all, a child snoring peacefully in his crib evokes tenderness, which indicates his normal health and development. Ask our Lord for blessings and mercy for your children, may he protect them good dream. A prayer for the child to sleep well will call on the Holy Spirit and entrust the baby to the guardian Angel.

The benefits and necessity of prayer before bed

The average baby's sleep can be disrupted due to several reasons. These include digestive problems, overwork from daily activity, and overexcitation from all sorts of impressions. Night is the time when you need to rest quietly, and the child experiences processes of nervous satiety. This may include a negative factor such as fear from any event. The cause may be an animal, a person, or simply a loud sound, which is deposited in the child’s consciousness, reflected in a restless dream.

  • Praying before bed can calm a tomboy. The mother’s affectionate, radiating kindness voice gives the child a feeling of security. And the Heavenly Father, sending his grace to those who pray, will give the Guardian Angel instructions to protect the child’s sleep.
  • In addition, learning prayers from infancy allows children to grow up in piety and respect for their parents, who showed the way to Christ and the Holy Heavenly Patron.
  • A child, in whose life God is present from the very beginning, understands the seriousness of faith in his life, learns in time to separate good and evil, and grows up courteous to his parents and the Almighty.
  • For people who have accepted Christ into their hearts and know how to ask for forgiveness in prayer for voluntary or involuntary sins, the Creator opens all happy roads, protecting them from trouble.

Dangerous symptoms of the evil eye or severe fright

The most common and dangerous cause sleep disturbances in children is the invasion of demonic entities into a person’s life - the evil eye. We are all familiar with this phenomenon, which occurs from an involuntary envious glance. The frustrating thing is that a baby who has not strengthened his ability to protect himself from a crooked eye very often becomes a victim of it.

The evil eye is an invasion of the aura of a child of devilish influence. It is possible to fight it exclusively with the word of prayer, which Jesus and the holy saints commanded. The Orthodox Church strongly condemns the resort to pagan conspiracies as a manifestation of the same demonic behavior from which we save our children. But turning to the Holy Spirit and Guardian Angel to make children’s sleep peaceful is strongly approved and welcomed.

Signs of fear or the evil eye in a child:

  • Inability and inability to sleep normally at night until the morning.
  • Dreams are full of nightmares and fears.
  • Whims, crying and inability to sleep.
  • The child suffers from attacks of nervous breakdown and enuresis.
  • The children's room seems to the child full of fears and monsters. (Up to the age of seven, a child is able to see demons that are invisible to adults)
  • Infantile seizures, epilepsy, convulsions.

Important! If left unhealed before the age of seven, the evil eye can cause chronic health problems. If you notice signs of the evil eye or fear, do not dismiss the problem indifferently. Attract the power of the Almighty and your zeal in prayer, then the night will pass peacefully, and the child’s health will be freed from the terrible consequences that can happen from this misfortune.

Prayers to the Mother of God for a peaceful sleep for babies

Prayer has mass positive qualities– her words give us peace of mind and remove the negative impact of any negative factor. It is difficult to overestimate the effect it has on a child’s sleep. Especially if the child is under seven years old, parents should take care of him in every possible way and protect him from adversity and anxiety with their prayer, attracting the mercy of the Mother of God to protect their child. Fervently pray to her for protection over the baby at night, so that the Queen of Heaven will be given power over your child.

  • You need to read the prayer to the Mother of God out loud three times, laying your hands on the child. Her protection and grace will descend with a parental embrace and fill the child with heavenly blessing.
  • If your baby is acting too excited, give him holy water to drink. A few sips Epiphany water capable of miracles - they remove the evil eye, fear or other negative factor.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen"

Evening prayer to the Guardian Angel

If a child is experiencing the consequences of fright or is tormented by fears, then it is best to call on the Guardian Angel. The Lord entrusts him with guardianship over a person’s earthly life - this is why it is important that the sacrament of baptism be performed as early as possible. For, without giving the child under God’s blessing, we do not allow the Guardian Angel to become the guide and guardian of our little blood.

Read the prayer with your child before going to bed. While he is little, your concern is to read to him at night words addressed to his Guardian Angel - our intercessor and guardian. Over time and growing up, the child himself will begin to pray, protecting his life from troubles and calling on the Angel to help on his earthly journey.

  • When the child lies down in bed, be sure to offer a personal prayer to the saint in whose name the child of God was baptized.
  • If you notice signs of fear or the evil eye, read the Psalm with the appropriate counteraction.
  • At the end, a prayer to the Guardian Angel is read, also three times. She blesses the child and places his sleep in the caring hands of God's Power.

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds, and direct me on the path of salvation.

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen"

Appeal to the Seven Youths of Ephesus - peace and care for your child’s sleep

One of the most powerful prayers that ensures the peace of a child in dreams is the one that calls on the Seven Saints of Ephesus. This prayer is recognized as canonical and life-giving for those people who suffer from insomnia. Its great ability to have a calming effect on a child’s sleep is especially noted.

If a child suffers from a sleep disorder, and the mother, having tried all means, does not know what to do and where to look for help, use the power of the holy word of prayer, as recommended by the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church. In popular rumor, the Seven Youths from Ephesus are also credited with the miracle of returning the lost sleep to the foolish child and to every servant of God.

  • First, the “Our Father” is read three times, as an obligatory canonical prayer.
  • Next they cry out to the Seven Youths of Ephesus for the granting of rest for the sleepless child.
  • The prayer is read exclusively at night.
  • When the baby falls asleep, cross his forehead with your fingers to give your parental blessing.
  • At the head of the crib, keep an icon dedicated to the seven young men from Ephesus. Its action will be similar to the prayer to these saints - it will take care of the child’s peace of mind and protect them in dreams from demonic invasion.

“Oh, the most wonderful holy seventh day of the seventh generation, the praise of the city of Ephesus and the hope of the whole universe! Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your intercession by their parents: bring down upon her the blessing of Christ God, saying: leave the children to come to Me: heal the sick in them, comfort the sorrowful; Keep their hearts pure, fill them with meekness, and in the soil of their hearts plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God, so that they may grow to the best of their ability; and all of us, who stand before your holy icon, kissing your relics with faith and praying warmly to you, vouchsafe to enhance the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify there with silent voices of joy the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen"

The importance of Christian child baptism

One condition that must be met before you want to use the miraculous power of prayer on your child is that every Orthodox soul must be baptized. For a child who, due to the parents’ oversight or their lack of understanding of the importance of the action, the sacrament of baptism was not performed, the prayer will not have an effect. At the same time, an unbaptized child is an easy prey for all demonic evil spirits.

Remember that having received a name at baptism, a child receives his heavenly mentors, leading him along the earthly path. Prayers for salvation from all misfortunes can now be offered to the Guardian Angel and to the holy saint by whose name the baptized person was named. They will be guardians for this child and answer before God for guiding him along the righteous path - the Christian one.

Psalter to help parents

As in other everyday situations, the problems of sleep disturbance in a child can be solved with the help of the psalms indicated by God. Every difficult everyday misfortune has its own beneficial verse from the songs of David. If you notice features in your child that may be a problem for his dreams, add reading the corresponding psalm to your prayers.

  • Psalm 9 – from nightmares and the appearance of demons in dreams.
  • Psalm 13 - if a child complains of fears.
  • Psalm 90 - so that the child does not wet himself or cry at night.
  • Psalm 121 – when there are signs of the evil eye.
  • Psalm 7 – if a child suffers after being frightened by a person.
  • Psalm 27 is about calming a child if he is behaving too restlessly.
  • Psalm 63 – from fear, if the problem of falling asleep is acquired as a result of animal bites.
  • Psalm 108 - a request to heal a sleepwalker.

Do not leave your child in the throes of falling asleep; the word of God spoken by a kind mother, a caring parent, will certainly have an effect healing power from any misfortune. Pray to God to grant your child peaceful dreams, and your prayers will be heard by the merciful and caring Heavenly Father.

Involve your child in prayer every time you yourself pay tribute to the Almighty. . However, there is no better medicine than prayer, which will restore peace and serenity to sleep.

Maternal prayer for children heals and protects from troubles. Mother's prayer is filled with enormous power. . What is the best thing to pray for when asking for protection from the Heavenly Forces over your children?

Prayer for the health of a child should be one of the usual in everyday life. Orthodox Christian to protect the child from any voluntary or involuntary misfortune and illness.

Of course, a mother’s heart is not capable of indifferently looking at how her child struggles in science, and the way out is quite simple - pray for the children and their success in school, surrender everything to the will of the Lord. Prayers are especially necessary the day before.

For educational purposes, many mothers use various methods of punishment and persuasion with their children. When you have to do many things during the day, it is difficult to remain calm and balanced. There is endless stress at work, and a lot of trouble at home. There is little time left for rest.

After kindergarten (or after school) children are in an excited state. They have many questions, wishes, demands. They constantly need something from mom (less often from dad).

Any normal woman sooner or later begins to “break down”. If a child is “foolish” somewhere, some mothers grab the belts, others launch a psychological attack. The latter are usually categorically against assault and naively believe that words cannot hurt.

1. Calm down!

If you have a hard job and a lot of worries, nothing around you will change because your nervous system is tense. Children are too young to evaluate what is happening in the same way as an adult. There's a lot they don't understand. And most of all, they don’t understand why their parents are angry. If you can’t calm your nerves on your own, take a sedative.

2. Give yourself time to relax.

If you have the opportunity, try to get some sleep. Sometimes 20-30 minutes is enough for this. Maybe you should just take a walk down the street alone. The main thing is to give yourself some time to relax. There is no point in doing other things. Leave all your worries behind.

3. When you have a free moment, think about your relationship with your children.

Which ones on at the moment there are problems. What conclusions will follow? If you cannot come to a reasonable decision on your own, use the advice of experts. There are many options for this. Visit psychologists, books, you can search for information on the Internet. Highlight important question and look for possible answers to it.

4. Take time every day to communicate with your children.

The child needs you every day. He has no greater authority in the world than you. There are many events going on in his life. It grows and develops. The closest people who could help him explore this world are his parents. By moving away, you seem to be giving up on him.

5. Among the majority of apparent problems, there are minor ones.

You shouldn't embellish small pranks to the size of a crime. Be fair. Don't nag your child over trifles. He shouldn’t feel bad “always.” Only if he did something really bad. You must decide for yourself what is more important to you in education. A child is not a dog that you are going to train. He can't be perfect.

6. Of course, an important factor in a relationship is mutual understanding and respect.

If you demand respect for yourself, you should treat your child the same way. He is also a person, albeit a minor. You don't need to be educated to understand your child. child psychologist. It is enough to imagine yourself in his place. Think about how he might feel. How does he perceive the world around us. Try to see things through his eyes. And most likely, much of his behavior will become explainable.

7. Many parents, feeling guilty for some moments in their lives, pay off with gifts or spoil their children.

Do not compensate your children for your bad actions with gifts. No matter what you do or say. Many psychologists are against “bribing” your child. Rewards must be deserved or simply out of love. Don't forget you are an adult. He is your child. Only your conscience should be your judge. Just try to avoid negative situations.

8. Don't get carried away with punishments.

Each mother chooses the method of punishment herself. But while children are small, they use them extremely rarely. Children grow up and do not respond to many old “tricks”. Mommy doesn't want to give up. As a result, punishment becomes more severe and sometimes more frequent. Tip 3 mentioned problems with children. This is exactly where you need to be extremely careful. The choice, methods, and frequency of punishment will affect the further development of the child's character. You should be careful not to harm the child’s spiritual harmony. It is because of punishment that many children have big complexes.

9. Say “I love you” more often.

This word is vital for any child. It calms him down and gives him a feeling of security. It unites you with invisible threads. Besides, there is nothing more beautiful and purer than the love between mother and child. Our children are too defenseless in this world without our support and care. All the daily hustle and bustle is your choice. We create problems and worries for ourselves. And children cannot wait until a couple of hours are allocated for them. They love you around the clock and they need to know that this is not unrequited love.

10. Enjoy your motherhood.

You won't even notice how quickly your children grow up. You may have a lot to regret. Try to enjoy the present time. Every day brings something new. Live today as if it were your last. The children don't live with us very long. Sooner or later they will have to leave their father's house. No matter how much we would like, they cannot live with us forever. Remember this.

From birth, the baby did not cause any trouble to his parents, he was quiet, slept a lot, and his mother had time not only to redo all her chores, but also to rest.
At one and a half to two years, when other parents were literally knocked off their feet, trying to somehow streamline the irrepressible activity and curiosity of their little ones, the mother and father of such a child continued to enjoy peace: he could sit on the carpet for hours, rolling a car or sorting out toys. The baby didn't try to get out of the stroller when mom was shopping, and didn't scream when it was time to go to bed. His clothes remained clean after the walk, he didn’t interfere where he shouldn’t, didn’t demand attention, and didn’t upset his mother in any way. And now...

Not ready for classes!

At the age of four or five years, the first preparation for school usually begins. It is here that parents, to their chagrin, notice that their “exemplary” child is completely unprepared for these activities: he stubbornly “does not want” to memorize and write letters in the notebook, does not listen to explanations, and does not answer questions. Teachers often complain that he “behaves badly” in class.
- gets distracted, makes noise, runs or just lies on the floor.
When such a child is finally - at four or five years old - taken for a consultation with a psychologist, the first thing that catches the specialist’s eye is the fact that his speech is not sufficiently developed. The baby uses only nouns and verbs, the words “yes” and “no”. There are no adjectives in his speech, so it is meager and inexpressive. And if a child has not learned to use prepositions (on, under, above) and adverbs (left, right, below, above), then he is not able to complete a simple task like “step back two squares down”; it is difficult for him to do even the simplest kindergarten , since many commands turn out to be incomprehensible. What kind of one is there! At the same time, the child feels that he is “worse than others,” gets angry, acts out of spite, and does not respond to comments and persuasion. A condition in which behavior the child is noticeably “lag behind” from his real age is usually called “delay mental development».

When should you be wary?

A reasonable question arises: is the calm that pleases parents so much always fraught with some kind of danger?
If a child rarely cries and sleeps a lot, this in itself is not at all bad. But while enjoying relative freedom, it is very important to notice signs of violations in time.
So, a one-month-old baby should definitely perk up when he sees his mother, a two-month-old should raise his head while lying on his stomach. At four months it is time to roll over from stomach to back, at five months - from back to stomach. At six months healthy child begins to sit up on his own.

The next stage is very important(!) - crawling. If a baby does not try to crawl at seven or eight months, this is an alarming symptom! Such a child not only does not develop muscles properly, but also does not form connections between the hemispheres and parts of the brain. As a result, the desire to understand the world weakens, and the brain is not ready to master speech and other intellectual activities.
It is also very bad if up to a year the baby does not please you with his humming - various sounds that he utters unconsciously.
If parents turn to specialists in the first months of the baby’s life, physical therapy can also help to correct the situation.
In the most serious cases, a pediatric neuropsychiatrist may prescribe medication treatment. It’s good if you can find a qualified homeopathic neurologist, since homeopathic medicines act more gently and do not give side effects. Read about homeopathy for children.

You can't learn to swim on land...

And it is impossible to master speech without hearing it, without answering questions, without playing speech games. Even a completely healthy child, deprived of attention and constant communication with adults, risks falling into the ranks of the “lagging behind.” If a child has even minor neurological disorders, mastering speech will require more serious efforts from both him and his parents. However, fortunately, mental retardation can be overcome if adults can figure out the baby’s problems in time and manage to catch up.

This is useful

We must strive to develop the child in the process of daily communication. Ask your child what parts, for example, a closet consists of. Most likely, he will not be able to answer it. Here's a topic for an educational conversation: a closet has walls, doors, and shelves. Naturally, adults need not only to show and name these components themselves, but also to ask the child to do this.
The baby may be able to in the right order pronounce the names of numbers, and his parents believe that he can count. But does he understand what “one less”, “two more” means? But without this knowledge, a meaningful solution to even the simplest problems will not work. When mastering this wisdom, it is imperative to count specific objects (apples, pencils, candies, cubes, etc.), since at this age figurative, concrete thinking still predominates in children, and it is necessary to rely on it. Check whether the child is well oriented in space. First of all, he must learn where he personally is down, up, right, left, what is in front, what is behind. After this, you can move on to mastering the table space (put the cup on the table, behind the jug, to the left of the plate, etc.). Physical exercises such as “touch your left knee with your right elbow”, “touch your right eye with your left hand” are useful. Only when all this has been mastered, does it make sense to move on to the notorious “retreat two squares” and begin studying in the textbook for the little ones.
An interesting and effective game for: we select definitions for the word while throwing a ball with the child. Every word is a throw. For example, the words “fluffy”, “white”, “cowardly”, “frisky”, etc. are suitable for the word “hare”. Then you can select verbs. The more words, the better. It is useful to teach together with a child, say, a bear or a doll, to brush teeth, make the bed, put clothes away in the closet, etc. It is easier for little “hoarders” to follow an already developed stereotype; they cannot “immediately” master a new action. In order for these life-useful stereotypes to develop faster, it is necessary to speak out in advance each operation that the child will have to perform.

Where does it all begin?

Life behavior depends mainly on two reasons: innate temperament and the state of his health. The most ancient classification of temperaments divides people into choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. From the point of view of modern psychology, belonging to one or another temperament is determined by the intensity of the processes of excitation and inhibition, as well as the speed of their change. Among children who can silently lie or sit in a stroller, you will never meet choleric people (both processes are strong in them, but excitement predominates) and sanguine people (the most balanced, since both processes are active and mobile in them). Such children can only be phlegmatic (the process of inhibition prevails over the process of excitation, the transition is slow) or melancholic (both excitation and inhibition have little strength, the transition is also difficult). Often, this alone can be enough for a child, upon entering kindergarten, to be known as a “hoarder” or “mumbler,” and when classes begin to prepare for school, he ends up among the underachievers. It is “comfortable” for adults as long as it sits in a stroller or playpen.
The state of health of a recently born child depends primarily on how it proceeded. Complications experienced by the mother often cause various disorders in the baby. Moreover, a child who communicates his discomfort with loud, persistent crying is more likely to receive the help he needs than one who prefers to lie quietly even in wet diapers.

What can't you do?

Taking a child with mental retardation to school preparation courses is pointless and even harmful. After all, if the program is too much for him, during classes he will only receive another dose of stress, getting used to feeling like a failure from an early age. The hope that he will learn “at least something” is, as a rule, unjustified. It is impossible to learn, for example, to compare numbers if the child does not know how to compare with each other, for example, a birch and a fir tree, a tall tree and a short one, a red cube and a green one. The time for learning to read and count will come later - first you need to learn to name, describe and compare objects that surround us in everyday life.
If a child by the age of four has not yet learned to dress himself, put away toys, etc., make every effort so that he masters these simple skills - you don’t have to do everything for him, although, of course, it’s easier and faster for the mother.

Has your child already brought home swear words? Boys and girls aged 4-9 years begin to actively swear. How to react correctly and what to do about it?

The other day, my friend’s 9-year-old daughter “brought” several interesting words from the street with a request to explain their meaning. My friend did an excellent job, but after that we spent a couple of hours discussing on Skype what one of the obscenities meant - each of us put a word into it different meaning. And then I remembered an incident 15 years ago: I accidentally discovered a piece of paper on which 50 obscenities were written in the diligent handwriting of my 9-year-old niece. Moreover, I saw most of them for the first time. A little delicate investigation showed that 50 swear words were needed... to summon the gnome. Considering that the gnome never came, the method is not working, don’t waste your time.

But how to talk to children about swearing and swearing?

After all, boys and girls aged 4-9 years often begin to actively swear and swear. On the one hand, it’s interesting, on the other, it’s a way to fit into a group of peers, and on the third, it’s a way to attract attention or cope with strong emotions. And here, as in matters with sex, the most important thing is how the parents react.

1. Calm, only calm!

Your son or daughter may not fully understand the meaning of swearing. So be calm and explain that the word the child used is not a good one. It can hurt other people's feelings. It is important to say this to prevent the use of swear words in the future.

2. Discuss the meaning of the word

You can ask your child: what do you think this word means?

Why are you using it in this situation? And then explain clearly why you should avoid swearing. For example: "This word refers to certain private parts of the body. We do not use it in our family." Or: “This word is disrespectful to certain groups of people.”

3. Create rules for swearing.

The rules for ignoring obscenities and swearing must be followed by both adults and children. Then you can appeal: "Remember, this is a word we don't use in our house." Yes, you will also have to restrain yourself and instead of a short but meaningful curse, say: “I feel very upset/upset, angry/angry.” This is how you teach children in different ways express your feelings. If the child does hear swearing from your lips, explain why you cursed.

4. Praise children for avoiding swear words.

Praise your child when you see that he is restraining himself in a fit of anger or rage. Or when one of the children calls you bad names, and your son or daughter walks away from the situation without responding in kind.

5. “Why can they, but I can’t?”

Even if your family does not use swearing, children may hear it on the street. And you need to be prepared to answer the question of why someone is saying bad things. You can say that people in different families have different rules.published

Yulia Yarmolenko

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet