Cleansing the skin is the only way to cope with many problems, and fruit peeling for the face is considered one of the safest techniques offered by cosmetology. Even expensive products used to care for the skin are not able to cope with several problems at once - an oily, unkempt sheen, enlarged pores, fine wrinkles. Only cleansing with chemical compounds or special devices can provide positive results. Women do not always have the desire or opportunity to go to a cosmetologist’s office to expose the dermis to aggressive compounds that can cause unpleasant complications. Cleaning can be done at home; it is quite easy if you carefully study all the qualities and properties of products based on fruit acid and carry out the procedure correctly.

Fruit facial peeling is a procedure that uses acids to gently cleanse the surface of the dermis. The peculiarity of using the composition is that it is one of the safest for skin. The effect occurs on the surface of the skin; the active components do not penetrate deep into the tissues of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the dermis is not injured, and the recovery period takes only a few days.

  • pigment spots and freckles disappear;
  • folds and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • sebaceous glands reduce activity, untidy shine and dull color disappear;
  • enlarged pores narrow;
  • rashes and blackheads are removed.

Do you know? You can also use acids for minor problems. The composition effectively whitens the dermis, the skin acquires an even, healthy shade.

To carry out manipulations to cleanse the skin, you can use a number of fruit acids, united by one common feature - they have a gentle effect and are safe for the epidermal tissues. Cosmetologists recommend this technique even for ladies suffering from skin sensitivity - side effects occur extremely rarely.

Fruit peelings for the face are the only cleansing method using aggressive ingredients that do not injure the skin. Manipulations are carried out with drugs based on the following acids:

  • milk (moisturizes, refreshes, increases elasticity and turgor, eliminates wrinkles);
  • glycolic (affects expression wrinkles, lightens pigment spots, freckles);
  • lemon (whitens the dermis, disinfects);
  • wine (exfoliates dead skin particles);
  • apple (actively restores the skin at the cellular level).

Do you know? The effects of fruit preparations are different, so a cosmetologist selects the composition for cleaning. The specialist determines the problem that needs to be eliminated, and then applies the most effective drug. The condition of the dermis, age, and facial features are also taken into account here.

To carry out fruit peeling at home, it is not necessary to conduct experiments and mix compositions from available ingredients - fruits and citruses. You can purchase ready-made medications that are easy to use yourself. Mass market offers several products recommended by cosmetologists for home use.

AHA 8%

The drug is most often used against pigment spots and freckles. The composition gently exfoliates the surface of the skin, evens out the shade, and slightly tightens the facial contours.


Recommended for use against scars left after rashes. You can fight the first age-related changes. The active components of the composition penetrate the epidermal tissues, saturate them with moisture and beneficial substances. The drug is most often used on mature, depleted skin.

Reveal Peel

Recommended for use by women who are accustomed to using scrubs to cleanse their faces. Unlike aggressive drugs, gel peeling will carefully remove dead skin cells without causing irritation or discomfort. Can be used against the activity of the sebaceous glands - untidy shine disappears for a long time.

Do you know? Before you begin manipulations at home, be sure to consult a cosmetologist and ask in detail about the stages of cleaning. Errors made in using the drug can affect the condition of the person.

Fruit peeling at home can be done with citruses or tree fruits - the effect will be no worse than after using cosmetics. It is not recommended to carry out procedures using self-prepared products too often. Once every 10-12 days is enough.

Banana, lemon

It is difficult to imagine fruit peeling recipes without a combination of tropical fruits, which have remarkable qualities - they cleanse the skin, eliminate signs of aging, even out facial relief and tighten sagging areas.


  1. Turn half a banana into a homogeneous puree; you can prepare it with a fork or a blender.
  2. Add cane sugar (25 g) to banana puree.
  3. Pour 20 ml of citrus juice (usually lemon or orange) and 200 ml of fermented baked milk into the mixture.
  4. Mix the mixture until smooth.

The effect will take about five minutes - it is not recommended to increase the duration of the procedure.

Strawberry, coffee

The strawberry-based composition should be used carefully, especially for women whose bodies react unpredictably to red berries. If there are no negative reactions, you can use the product against age-related changes, oily dull shine, spots and rashes.


  1. Grind 200 gr. fresh strawberries into a homogeneous mass, you can use a blender for this.
  2. Put 25 grams in strawberry puree. consumed coffee grounds.
  3. Grind the egg into foam and pour it into the strawberry mixture in a thin stream.
  4. Stir and use immediately.

The composition should be kept on the face for no more than 10 minutes - if you extend the exposure time, you can get side effects in the form of rashes or spots of redness.

Apricot, coffee

The composition based on apricot fruits gently cleanses the dermis, evens out the shade, refreshes and eliminates signs of fatigue.


  1. Grind 3-5 apricot fruits into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add dried coffee grounds (15 g) to the apricot puree.
  3. Add 25 grams to the mixture. honey (if you are allergic to bee products, prepare peeling without this component).

Leave the mixture on the skin for 6-8 minutes.

Kiwi, banana

The nutritional composition enriches the epidermal tissue with useful substances and moisture, while simultaneously cleansing the dermis of greasy shine, rashes, keloid scars, black spots.


  1. Grind half a kiwi and a quarter of a banana into a puree.
  2. Place 15 grams into the fruit mixture. semolina.
  3. Pour the contents of the vitamin A ampoule into the mixture.
  4. Stir and use immediately.

The duration of the manipulations is a quarter of an hour. If the mass is liquid and does not apply well to the face, you can add a little semolina.

Sour cream, salt


  1. Leave sour cream (25 ml) for a quarter of an hour at room temperature.
  2. Add salt (20 g) to the fermented milk product.
  3. Stir the mixture until the salt crystals have completely melted.

After spreading the mixture over your face, leave it on for 5 minutes. When applying, do not apply force or rub – peeling may cause irritation.

Do you know? Home peeling With fruit acids considered a safe procedure. We must not forget that even harmless components can cause irritation. Be sure to test the prepared composition first. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the product to the area behind the ear and wait 1-3 hours. If there are no alarm signals, you can start peeling.

Peeling with fruit acids at home should be carried out in several stages, each of which should be performed in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists. It is better not to carry out experiments on the skin - this can lead to unpleasant consequences, which will have to be corrected in a beauty salon.

The peeling procedure should take place in the following order:

  1. Thoroughly clean the dermis; you can use a scrub, gel or foam.
  2. Apply a thin, even layer of the prepared product.
  3. Remove the composition after the required time (the exposure time must be indicated in the recipe).
  4. Wash with cool water.
  5. Blot off any remaining moisture and apply a nourishing or moisturizing product.

Carrying out peeling at home has several rules that will help prevent unpleasant consequences and increase the effectiveness of the use of fruit formulations. It doesn’t matter what products are used - purchased or prepared independently, they have general requirements for carrying out manipulations:

  • Do not use metal tools to mix or apply products during the procedure;
  • use the composition immediately after preparation - during storage, bacteria can develop in it, which will cause considerable harm to the face;
  • before cleaning, make sure that the skin does not react with alarm signals to the product;
  • Be sure to wash your face until the product is completely removed;
  • It is better to carry out manipulations just before going to bed; do not go outside after applying the peeling;
  • If unpleasant discomfort appears on your face while using the fruit composition, immediately remove it and apply a soothing drug.

Do you know? It is not recommended to clean your home in summer. best time for manipulations with fruit compositions - winter or autumn.

A question that often arises among women cleaning their homes is how to properly care after the procedure. There are no special requirements here, but some recommendations must be followed:

  • After peeling, it is better not to go out into the sun, even a protective drug may be powerless against ultraviolet radiation;
  • Avoid visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool - high humidity can have a negative effect on skin that has been cleansed and has not fully recovered;
  • carry out subsequent procedures only after carefully examining the condition of the skin - if unpleasant results are noticed, try using other components;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics for several days - the face should fully recover after cleansing.

If fruit peeling of the face is being performed for the first time, it is better to first visit a cosmetologist and find out all the unclear points. At the same time, ask about which products are best to choose for daily care after cleaning.

How to carry out fruit peeling for the face at home, what recipes are best to use, what precautions should be taken - these are the main questions for many women. It is necessary to remember that it is better to find out all the requirements and recommendations of cosmetologists in advance - this will allow you to avoid making unpleasant mistakes that can affect the condition of your face.

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One of the types of chemical peels is peeling with fruit acids. Its purpose is to rejuvenate the skin, restore balance, and reduce oiliness. The key feature is deep penetration into the skin (all the way to the dermis). How to carry out this procedure at home, and what features distinguish this type of peeling?

Peeling with fruit acids. The essence of the procedure

The fruit acids themselves, called alphahydroxy acids, are obtained either from natural fruits or synthetically. Traditional set of peeling acids:

  • Apple
  • Dairy (from blueberries, tomatoes, sour milk; synthetic)
  • Lemon (from citruses, pineapples)
  • Glycolic (synthetic; from sugar cane)
  • Wine (from grapes, wine)

Peeling with fruit acids has been used in many countries for a very long time. Initially, the procedure was carried out exclusively in medicinal purposes. But its effectiveness and effect on the skin (lifting effect, wrinkle reduction, skin lightening, etc.) made it possible to use peeling for prevention.

Efficiency and results of peeling with fruit acids

The effect of fruit acids is equivalent to the effect of alcohols and acids. For the skin this is a panacea. This peeling provides:

  • Painless lung exfoliation
  • Update healthy skin
  • Cell regeneration
  • Gain moisture influx to the top layer of skin
  • Cleansing the sebaceous glands
  • Reducing the risk of acne
  • Normalization of skin lipid balance
  • Elimination of excess pigmentation

Instructions for peeling with fruit acids

The very concept of peeling implies removal of dead skin layer , and peeling with fruit acids also means skin whitening with acids. Accordingly, the composition of the peeling mixture should imply the presence of an “abrasive”. That is, the mixture, in addition to fruit, must contain a powdery substance. For example, fine salt, candied honey, ground coffee or white clay. Having chosen one of these abrasives, we choose soft fruits - kiwi, banana, lemon, apple . As for gooseberries, apricots and strawberries, they already contain “abrasives” (hard fibers, tiny seeds). But to the mixture of orange, pineapple and kiwi white clay is added to soften the result - these fruits contain large number acids.

How to peel with fruit acids?

  1. Mix the above ingredients to a mushy consistency.
  2. Clear facial skin.
  3. Rub a small amount of the mixture onto your face, leaving traces.
  4. Massaging the skin, gradually add the mixture to it until the mass covers the entire face except the eye area.
  5. It is preferable to carry out the procedure while lying on a diaper.
  6. Keep the mask on your face no more than twenty minutes .
  7. Remove the mask by massaging the skin in a circular motion(if it’s dry, you can moisten it with a little water).
  8. Wash off the mask with warm water after the massage.
  9. Wipe the skin ice cube (you can use chamomile decoction).
  10. Wipe dry, apply cream.

Features of peeling with fruit acids

There is an opinion that. But each of the fruit acids has its own task:

  • In milk - skin hydration
  • Apple juice – activation of metabolic processes
  • Glycolic – exfoliation of dead skin
  • For lemon and wine - lightening

Thus, it becomes clear that fruit acids act most effectively in a complex manner. The following features of peeling should be noted:

  1. A peeling course with fruit acids is five procedures within one and a half months.
  2. For each subsequent peeling procedure acid concentration increases , the time allotted for the procedure, on the contrary, decreases.
  3. The effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the acid content. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The amount should be increased gradually so as not to cause skin irritation.
  4. Such peeling ideal for dry skin . It will provide it with hydration and elasticity.
  5. The effect of creams and serums will be more effective if you regularly carry out the fruit peeling procedure.

Contraindications for peeling with fruit acids

  • Fresh tan
  • Allergy to any of the components
  • Summer time
  • Various skin lesions
  1. Each skin feature must be taken into account when performing the procedure. A harsh procedure can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a beauty salon.
  2. You can use a peeling product at home with a maximum acid concentration of 25 percent .
  3. Before the procedure, it is preferable to contact a cosmetologist and, with his help, determine the condition of your skin, features and its type.
  4. The time of year is one of the criteria by which the possibility of using the procedure is determined. Peeling has different effects in different seasons.
  5. Start of peeling – allergy test using a minimum concentration of the product. Have you developed an allergy? This means the product is not suitable for you.
  6. Any allergies? Begin the pre-peel procedure. Gradually increase the concentration - from five percent to ten.
  7. For home use Fruit peeling product can be purchased at the pharmacy – it has a safe level of acid concentration.

The peeling procedure at home has been known since ancient times. A variety of products are used as peeling agents, differing in composition and the presence of active substances. For example, peelings with fruit acids are popular, they have proven themselves on the positive side; in addition, they can also be used at home.

Fruit skin cleansing allows you to remove keratinized microparticles of the epidermis, and a correctly performed procedure relieves the face of such an unpleasant phenomenon as fresh pimples and their traces. It effectively removes fine wrinkles, improves complexion and structure, tightens pores and increases the activity of oxygen metabolism.

How to properly carry out fruit peeling and what fruit acids can be used at home?

Main types of fruit acids

Peeling procedure with fruit acids is ideal for all skin types. After such cleansing, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, the skin tone improves, the likelihood of developing inflammation such as pimples and blackheads is reduced, and it also treats acne. After its use, wrinkles are noticeably reduced and age spots disappear.

The following types of acids are used for fruit peelings:

  • Apple (natural or synthetic).
  • Dairy (all dairy products).
  • Lemon (citrus and pineapple).
  • Wine (wine and grapes).
  • Glycolic (sugar cane, sugar beet).

Types of fruit peeling include:

  • Lactic.
  • Glycolic.
  • Apple.
  • Pyruvic.
  • Citric.

Each of these procedures has an individual effect:

  1. Apple and wine - lighten the skin and increase its elasticity.
  2. Lemon - activates collagen production.
  3. Milk is a natural moisturizer, significantly brightens the skin and gives it an even color.
  4. Glycolic acid - not only perfectly exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, which is typical for all peelings of the epidermis, but thanks to minimum size its molecule, is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, thereby helping to even out uneven areas of the skin in areas with scars and marks.

Indications for the procedure

The fruit procedure is one of the varieties chemical peeling, and in terms of the depth of its effect it is considered superficial, that is, its action affects the surface layer of the epidermis. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such an important fact that all these acids at a low pH can be medium peelings, especially glucolic, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the proportions of pH with the concentration indicator. The fact is that the higher the concentration percentage, the higher the pH must be, otherwise you can burn the skin.

Peels with natural fruit acids are perfect for women with oily, dry and aging skin, dull complexion, those with freckles and age spots. Acids stimulate the production of collagen, thereby reducing the brightness of wrinkles. An important advantage of fruit acids is their versatility.

Indications for facial cleansing with fruit acids are:

  • Tired looking skin.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Small wrinkles.
  • Acne.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Increased dryness.
  • Problematic or oily skin.
  • Decreased elasticity or firmness of the skin.
  • Comedones.
  • Stretch marks.

Regular home peelings using fruit acids help improve the overall condition of the skin, giving it a beautiful healthy looking, the skin is evened out and becomes velvety.

However, in order for the effect to be maximized, it is necessary to carefully select cleansers for home use and maintain the accuracy of their recipes.

Contraindications for the procedure

Fruit peeling cannot be done if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Allergic phenomena.
  • Herpes with exacerbation.
  • Blood pathologies.
  • Hypersensitive skin.
  • Skin damage.
  • Infections.
  • Vascular network.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Fresh tan.

For those women whose skin is extremely dry, it is better to use peeling with lactic acid. After each cleansing, it is necessary to use nourishing creams and restorative creams with aloe, as well as alginate or special healing and restorative masks, which will speed up the process of restoration of the epidermis.

Preparing for peeling

Like any peeling performed outside a beauty salon, a procedure using fruit acids requires advance preparation, during which keratinized cell particles that can hinder the effects of the fruit procedure are removed.

You should not ignore this stage, considering it an unimportant part. Agree, if the skin is carefully prepared for future procedure, then the effectiveness of the result will be higher. So where to start?

A week before the planned action, try not to injure the skin with any cleansing, refuse scrubs, and avoid sunbathing. It is also necessary to protect the face from accidental microscopic injuries, since the presence of any cracks or cuts on the face is completely undesirable, they can cause inflammation.


Once your facial skin is prepared, you can begin the procedure.

The cleaning itself is performed in the following sequence:

  • First of all, do an allergy test.
  • Remove remaining makeup and impurities.
  • On clean skin Apply a peeling agent with fruit acids to the face. There may be some slight tingling and burning at this stage, which is a natural reaction of the skin to acidic substances.
  • The peeling mixture is kept for a certain time, according to the instructions.
  • Apply neutralizer and leave for 1 minute.
  • Then it is thoroughly washed off with clean, cool water.
  • A cream with a moisturizing and soothing effect is applied to the face. In addition, the peeling procedure can be extended with a serum and mask, taking into account your skin type.

Do not forget that at home, fruit-acid cleaning can only be done if the composition does not have an increased aggressive effect. Of course, the effect from them will not be as strong as those performed in beauty salons, but they are completely harmless, and the risk undesirable consequences minimum. In this case, the final result will be exactly the same as from salon procedure, just not the first time, but after 3-4 procedures.

Post-peeling care

Homemade facial cleansing procedures with fruit acids, although they are considered mild and their effect is gentle, after they are carried out it is necessary to follow a number of rules, because such peeling, to some extent, destroys top layer epidermis. Usually after it there is slight redness on the face, which is considered normal occurrence, which passes quickly.

Be sure to avoid the first days after the procedure stressful situations, such as sun rays, and trips to the solarium, which is fraught with the appearance of age spots. If you use decorative cosmetics, then choose only hypoallergenic or soft structure. Let your facial skin rest, breathe and absorb as much beneficial substances as possible.

Also, during the post-peeling period, you should not use scrubs and other products with abrasive particles that can damage the epidermis. An excellent option would be to use peeling agents with acids with a low percentage of the acid that was present in the peeling. This approach is explained by the fact that this amount of this acid is quite enough to dissolve exfoliated skin particles without any damage, as well as prolong the effect of the peeling procedure and promote comfortable healing of the epidermis.

Possible complications after peeling

Peeling procedure using fruit acids is one of the most popular types of facial cleansing. When used correctly it does not cause any negative consequences However, in some cases, redness of the skin, peeling, itchy discomfort and a feeling of “tightness” of the skin may be observed, which is normal and passes quickly.

Although such peeling has a gentle and gentle effect, after its use the risk of developing pigment spots increases several times. Therefore, it is better to use it in autumn and winter. To avoid burns, you cannot increase the concentration of the peeling mixture above that indicated in the recipe and the time it is kept on the face. Do not forget that the results of the procedure do not appear immediately, and if you overdo it, you risk waking up in the morning with severe redness and damaged skin.

Exfoliation at home

For home use, you need to select superficial fruit peels; this will be enough to get a positive result. The use of fruit peels with a higher acid content can lead to burns of the epidermis; they are done only in salons.

Also, do not forget that the peeling mixture cannot be applied around the eyes unless indicated in the instructions, since there are peeling products for the skin around the eyes. If this is your first procedure, then the duration of the procedure should not be more than three minutes, but the duration of the next one can be increased by a couple of minutes. If pre-peeling preparation has not been carried out, then you should not keep the peeling for more than 1 minute for the first time.

How often can you exfoliate?

Each woman has an individual skin type, so the frequency of fruit-acid should be carried out taking this into account important nuance and according to the information specified in the instructions.

Also important is the woman’s age and the individual characteristics of her facial skin. The optimal frequency for peeling using fruit acids is once a week. However, for oily skin the procedure can be done 2 times a week, but for dry skin - 1 time every 14 days.

One of the most useful procedures for the skin is peeling. It helps cleanse pores from deep impurities, rejuvenate the skin and make it fresh and velvety. Peeling can be done by a professional cosmetologist or you can do it yourself, in your usual home conditions. We will devote our article today to a story about peeling based on various fruits.

Who needs fruit peeling and why do it?

All women who take care of their appearance know about the benefits of peeling and perform it regularly to improve the condition of their skin and maintain their beauty and health. This procedure is not recommended for those with very dry and sensitive skin types. All girls over 20 years of age should undergo peeling at least once a month (ideally, once a week).

Peeling helps the skin get rid of dead skin particles, thereby accelerating the physiological process of regeneration and rejuvenation of the epidermis. The upper layer of the dermis needs this procedure the most, because... It is he who comes into contact with the external environment and receives a maximum of harmful substances that contribute to the deterioration of the skin. Over time, this layer begins to get tired, fade, lose elasticity and appearance, however, after complete death, the cells are replaced by new ones that have formed on the layer below, they are the ones who return the face to its previous state and healthy appearance. Peeling can speed up the process of cell replacement, which “cleanses” old cells and gives room for the development of new ones. The older a woman is, the more difficult it is for new cells to break through to the surface of the skin, so peeling is a mandatory procedure for those ladies who want to prolong the beauty and youth of their skin.

The presence of dead dermal cells on the face leads to a deterioration not only of its condition, but also of its external appearance. This epidermis becomes sluggish, peeling and irritation can be noticed in some areas, and the complexion becomes gray and uneven. To the touch, dead skin becomes rough, its surface acquires unevenness and other imperfections. Peeling will help solve these problems and return your face softness, healthy color, silkiness and external attractiveness.

Fruit peeling is classified as superficial; it effectively removes dead skin, remnants of subcutaneous gland secretions and cosmetics, substances deposited on the skin from the air, etc. This procedure improves oxygen exchange, refreshes the epidermis, relieves the dermis of shine and blackheads, smoothes out small wrinkles, etc. The intensity of peeling depends on the type of skin: oily dermis requires a more rapid rhythm of finger movements when applying the scrub, normal skin It doesn’t require much effort to cleanse pores, and dry skin will benefit from gentle, gentle cleansing.

What fruits can be used for peeling?

To ensure that peeling does not cause harm to the skin, it is necessary to correctly select fruits that are suitable in composition, action and presence of acids.

The leader among natural derma cleansers is glycolic acid, which exfoliates dead skin particles, softens it, increases elasticity and fights pronounced pigmentation. This acid is present in green grapes, sugar cane and oranges. Ascorbic, citric and malic acids, as well as lactic and acetic acids derived from them, are no less effective. In combination with glycolic acid, they acquire additional beneficial properties: smooth the epidermis, tone it, brighten and relieve inflammation. The listed acids are found in apples, pineapples, lemons, red currants, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, grapefruits and cherries.

To enlarge medicinal properties and the effectiveness of peeling, additional components can be added to the means for its implementation: chicken protein, ground nuts, flour from various cereals and potatoes, semolina, rolled oats, etc. With their help, peeling will help the skin cleanse more efficiently and deeply, as well as narrow the pores, soften the epidermis, moisturize it and enrich it with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Peeling stages

In order for peeling to bring a positive result and not cause damage to the skin, it must be carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the dermis. Ideally, you will need 2 days to fully prepare your skin for peeling. Avoid injuring the skin (if there are cracks, wounds and cuts, the procedure cannot be carried out), do not get carried away with sunbathing and visiting a solarium, and also purchase the necessary ingredients to create a homemade scrub. 7-10 minutes before the procedure, steam the dermis: take a shower, put a warm cloth soaked in a herbal decoction on your face, or breathe over a plate of hot water.
  2. Preparing the scrub. The peeling agent should be prepared 20 minutes before it is performed. We have given recipes for effective scrubs below:
    1. Apple-banana scrub. Grind 1/2 apples and 1/2 bananas into puree, mix 20 g of pulp from each fruit and add 15 ml of honey, cream and semolina. The product is ready for use.
    2. Grape scrub. Mash 7 grapes into a paste and mix with 10 g of rolled oats flour. Homemade scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    3. Apple-orange scrub. Mix 40 g of peeled apple pulp with 15 ml of lemon juice and 25 ml of orange juice. Stir the mixture with flour (wheat, potatoes or oats) until a creamy mass is obtained. The scrub can be used for its intended purpose.
    4. Apple-walnut scrub. Apple peel and 160 g walnuts grind in a meat grinder and combine the resulting mass with 30 ml of cream. The apple can be replaced with cherries, blueberries or strawberries. The mixture is ready to use.
    5. Scrub made from fruit pulp and flour. Mix 30 g of the pulp of any berry or fruit with 30 g of rolled oats flour, dilute 10 ml of olive oil and add whipped chicken protein. The product is ready for use.
  3. Peeling. When applying the scrub to the skin, avoid sudden movements and do not rub it as hard as you can, otherwise redness, peeling and even scratches may remain on the surface. The scrub should be rubbed in with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using light massaging movements in a circle. If the product consists of 1 component (fruits or berries only), then leave the scrub on the skin for 15 minutes, if it contains 2 or more components, leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. Remove the product with warm water without using cosmetics.
  4. Final stage. Its duration is 3 days. Immediately after peeling, give your skin a rest and do not apply cosmetics or other products. For 3 days, avoid using alcohol-based products and other aggressive substances. At night, nourish your skin with cream and do not forget to use gels, foams and milk to superficially cleanse the dermis when washing your face.

Fruit peeling is one of the safest and most beneficial home treatments. A scrub made with your own hands will not only cleanse the dermis of many impurities, but also make it healthy, soft and attractive.

Fruit peeling is a procedure for treating facial skin with solutions of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) found in fruits or dairy products.

At the same time, the epidermis gets rid of dead cells, promoting the formation of new ones. This procedure is also called exfoliation.

Why is it useful?

AHA acids delicately act on the top layer of the skin, exfoliating only dead cells, enriching living cells with oxygen by activating blood circulation.

The effect after the session is visible immediately. The skin immediately becomes cleaner, younger and fresher.

For exfoliation sessions use the following exfoliating fruit acids:

Cream mask with fruit acids Russian manufacturer"Bark" Designed for oily and combination skin types.

It contains tartaric, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, as well as:

  • D-panthenol;
  • allantoin;
  • grape seed oil.

After regular use twice every seven days, the manufacturer promises:

  • complete cleansing of the epidermis from dead cells;
  • sustainable hydration, restoration of the skin;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • resorption of keloid scars after acne;
  • smoothing microrelief, increasing skin tone;
  • whitening, anti-aging.

Tube volume - 100 ml. You can use the cream mask only in the evening, two to three hours before bedtime.

Apply it to areas that are free of cosmetics and impurities. dry face for 20-30 minutes, then removing excess with a napkin. Read about the manufacturer’s entire line of peelings.

The German manufacturer MERCK, in its branch in France, developed peeling Exfoliac Acnomega 200 prolonged action with antibacterial components.

The product also contains glycolic acid. Designed for problem skin any type except dry and sensitive.

The manufacturer claims that within a month:

  • pimples and blackheads will disappear;
  • pores will narrow;
  • Keloid scars and age spots will become less noticeable;
  • the result will persist after stopping the course of treatment.

Jar volume - 50 ml. The color of the contents is creamy and transparent. Apply at night after cleansing, steaming, on a dry face.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, twice every seven days.

The Russian manufacturer Libriderm has launched a “Peeling roll with juice”, which contains lactic acid.

Designed for dry and sensitive skin, gently cleanses it, giving it freshness, elasticity, and smoothness.

An exfoliant is a white, delicate substance that is spread over clean, damp skin. After 10 min. They begin to massage the face, rolling off white pellets from the face. The procedure is continued until the formation of lumps stops.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon

Professional cosmetologists use concentrated solutions acids - from 20 to 40% for a deep degree of impact.

The first procedure is carried out at the lowest concentration to determine the reaction of the epidermis to the irritant.

Preparing for a session in the salon is similar to preparing for a home peeling procedure.

Professional exfoliation goes according to the following algorithm:

  • cleansing the skin of makeup, sebum and impurities;
  • treatment with special solutions to loosen the epidermis;
  • applying a thin layer of gel with fruit acids over the entire surface of the facial skin, with the exception of the area around the eyes;
  • waiting for 2-10 minutes;
  • applying agents that neutralize the acidic reaction of the gel to a neutral pH (about 7);
  • rinsing with thermal water;
  • applying a skin soothing mask.

The average price of the procedure ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles., rising up to 5 thousand rubles in expensive salons.

This is what the face looks like in the photo before and after fruit peeling:

Contraindications and precautions

Peeling with fruit acids prohibited from:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • dermatitis during exacerbation;
  • skin damage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated temperature, blood pressure.

Particular care should be taken in case of rosacea, moles and warts. After home exfoliation, you should not go out into the sun for three hours, and after salon exfoliation - for 7-10 days.

Fruit peeling is a gentle exfoliating procedure leading to rejuvenation. It can be done at home or in the salon, depending on the purpose and result.

You can start home sessions during puberty, and salon sessions - after 30 years.