The issue of reform is being actively discussed in Russia pension system in terms of increasing the age required for old-age retirement. I would like to know From what year of birth will the retirement age increase? for women and men? Who will be affected by this first, and what should we all prepare for?

On October 3, 2018, President V. Putin was The law on raising the retirement age was signed for Russians No. 350-FZ. This law will come into force on January 1, 2019. Its final content was approved during the third reading of the bill in the State Duma on September 27, 2018. Changes will be made gradually - from transition period, during which retirement age will rise annually for 1 year. In 2019 and 2020, it will be possible to make payments six months earlier than provided for by the new law.

In total, the retirement age will be increased for men for 5 years(from 60 to 65), for women for 5 years(from 55 to 60). A transition period is envisaged, during which the age will gradually increase, so new retirement ages will be finally established for men and women in 2028.

It is worth noting that the law takes into account a new possibility early exit to retire - upon reaching a great age length of service: . In this case, early exit will be provided two years earlier deadline.

The text of the signed law on retirement age from 2019 can be found below:

Law on raising the retirement age

From what year of birth will the retirement age be raised in Russia?

Since the reform of raising the retirement age provides for a gradual change, some citizens will fall under a transition period. Such persons include men born from 1959 to 1963, women from 1964-1968. Russians born after these years will be able to retire when they reach the new established age (60 and 65 years).

The retirement age by year of birth during the transition period is shown in the table below.

Men Women Year of retirement after raising the retirement age
Year of birth Year of birth New retirement age, years
1959 61 1964 56 2020
1960 62 1965 57 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Who will be affected by raising the retirement age?

Since the law on raising the retirement age will be introduced on January 1, 2019, we can already say unequivocally that the changes will in one way or another affect all citizens who will not yet retire on old age until the beginning of 2019. Thus, the reform proposed by Medvedev will affect:

  • men born in 1959 and younger;
  • women from 1964 and younger.

The signed law also provides for an increase in the age of appointment. The law proposes raising the age from 60 to 65 for women and from 65 to 70 for men. For equated areas, the age will increase to 60 for men and 55 for women. These changes will also be made in stages.

  1. Those working in dangerous and harmful working conditions (railroad workers, miners, geologists, etc.).
  2. Women with 5 or more children.
  3. Group 1 visually impaired and due to military trauma.
  4. Parents or guardians of people with disabilities since childhood.
  5. Persons injured as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc.

What retirement requirements will continue to increase in the coming years?

IN recent years More and more Russian citizens are learning from the Pension Fund that even when they reach retirement age they not enough required quantity experience and points to retire on an old-age pension. About this at the beginning of 2018 in an interview “ Rossiyskaya newspaper” said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin himself.

The fact is that now, according to Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “About insurance pensions” Russians can retire on an old-age pension while simultaneously fulfilling

Russians don't want to retire, they want to work. Therefore, they decided to raise the retirement age from 2019. What will happen to pensions and to us? Briefly - about the main thing.

Insurance pension

From 2019, a transition period will begin to raise the retirement age in order to gradually reach retirement at 65 years for men in 2028 and 63 years for women in 2034. If you have already reached pre-retirement age and you are, so to speak, at a low start, you will have to slow down. For how much - look in the tables.

Women's retirement:

Year of birth

Year of retirement

Retirement age

Increasing age

Men's retirement:

Year of birth

Year of retirement

Retirement age

Increasing age

Social pension

The wait for social pension will be even longer. Let us remind you that social pension assigned to those who have not collected the required amount pension points or has not achieved the minimum length of service.

After the completion of the reform, the old-age social pension will be assigned to women not at the age of 60, as now, but at 68 . And for men - not at 65 years old, but at 70 . At the same time, the increase in the age for assigning social pensions will be carried out in stages.

Our financial columnist Alexandra Bayazitova counted:

Raising the retirement age ensures that at current prices the authorities annually save 168 thousand rubles for each failed pensioner. That is, this is the seizure of 840 thousand rubles from each man and 1 million 344 thousand from each woman.

Early retirement

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev promised that existing benefits upon early retirement will be retained.

This right will remain for those who work in harmful and dangerous industries, women who have five or more children, visually impaired people of the first group and due to war trauma, one of the parents or guardians of a disabled child, Chernobyl victims and “certain other categories.”

Requirements for the experience of teachers, medical and creative workers are also proposed to remain the same. Now these categories of workers need to develop a special length of service from 15 to 30 years, depending on the specific category of employee for benefits. These rules will remain unchanged during this period. At the same time, the retirement age of these workers will be calculated taking into account general approaches to the rate of increase in the retirement age.

For those who worked in special climatic conditions, regions of the Far North, and similar areas, retirement will be achieved step by step for men at 60 years of age and for women at 58 years of age.

In addition, the opportunity to leave early (two years earlier) will be given to citizens who have significant length of service already earned during the period when the retirement age for women was set at 55 and for men at 60 - 40 and 45 years of experience, respectively.

Pension amount

Due to the fact that retirement is delayed and the working age is increased, the pensions of current pensioners will increase. The growth rate will be approximately 1000 rubles per year. How do you think the game is worth the candle?

Why and why

“We have been preparing for a long time to increase the retirement age and have only now approached this, including because the conditions have been created to solve the problem of increasing life expectancy,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

Nowadays people not only live longer, they stay active longer. Many at retirement age are full of strength and desire to work; many have children who have not even grown up yet. The number of working pensioners on average per year is about 12 million people.

They don't want to retire, they continue to work.

And every year this trend will only intensify, noted Dmitry Medvedev.

If citizens want to work, they must work, especially since the income from such work is always higher than a pension, the Prime Minister added. Employers must fully provide jobs for older people.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova explained that the goal of all decisions that are made is to increase pension provision in the long term.

And one more thing, for the sake of history.

In Russia, on January 1, 2019, a law on increasing the retirement age came into force. We present to your attention new t tables and schedules of retirement in Russia from 2019 according to the new law.

Retirement tables in Russia from 2019 by length of service, points, years of birth and categories of employees

On January 1, 2019, a major package of amendments to pension legislation came into force in Russia, according to which the retirement age for women is raised to 60 years, for men - to 65 years.

For the first time at this age, women born in 1968 and men born in 1963 will become pensioners in 2028. (see table of promotions by year of birth). However, to become an old-age pensioner in Russia you only need to reach the required retirement age not enough yet.

According to the law, in addition to this you must have:

  • insurance period not less than the prescribed value;
  • the minimum required value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC), calculated in points.

Only while executing simultaneously the three conditions listed above (reaching retirement age, the required insurance period and the amount of IPC), the standards for which also increase annually, it will be possible to issue insurance pension by old age.

For example, in the absence of the required minimum period of employment, despite achieving retirement age , it will be possible to count on receiving only a social old-age pension, but the requirements for its registration from 2019 will also become stricter:

  • if by the end of 2018 it was possible to apply for it upon reaching 65 or 60 years of age (for men and women, respectively),
  • then from 2019 these standards will gradually increase up to 70 and 65 years old.

Retirement under the new law

For old age pension Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ establishes three mandatory conditions: reaching the established retirement age, having a minimum amount of work experience and IPC. According to the new law, changes will affect only age standards:

  • in 2019 its value will be increased by 6 months - i.e. 60.5 for men and 55.5 for women;
  • then, over the course of several years, the standard will be increased annually until by 2023 it is brought to its final values ​​- 65 and 60 years(see table of retirement age by year).

It is worth noting that the minimum conditions for IPC and length of service will change in 2019 too, but with holding pension reform it's not connected in any way. These standards are gradually increasing, starting in 2015, until they reach the final values:

  • by experience - 15 years by 2024 (annual increase by 1 year);
  • according to IPC - 30 points by 2025 (an annual increase of 2.4 points).

One way or another, such tightening of retirement conditions will lead to the fact that every year It will become more difficult to process payments, and the number of new pensioners will decrease. Actually, in order to balance the ratio of disabled and able-bodied citizens, the Government decided to begin implementing the pension reform.

How many pensioners are there in Russia?

The number of older people and their share in the structure of the Russian population are constantly growing. And the process of demographic aging will intensify:

  • if in 2018 the share of the population over the current retirement age is 25.5%,
  • then by the mid-2030s it will reach 30% with the same retirement ages for men and women, according to Rosstat’s base scenario.

By the beginning of 2023, the number of Russians over retirement age will for the first time exceed half of the working-age population - speaking scientific language, the dependency ratio of the elderly on the working-age population will exceed 0.5 compared to today’s 0.45.

Raising the retirement age to 65 for men and 60 for women will correct the demographic balance: the number of people of working age will increase by 12 million by 2036, and the dependency ratio will decrease to approximately 0.33.

How many pensioners are there in Russia in 2018?

If at the beginning of 2011 there were 41.8 million pensioners in Russia, then by 2018 there were 46 million. Moreover, the pension reform directly affects only recipients of old-age insurance pensions - now there are 36.3 million such pensioners.

Retirement age(table by year)

From January 1, 2019 it will gradually increase retirement age , having reached which Russians have the right to apply for old-age insurance pension payments. Until the end of 2018, this opportunity is provided to men at 60 years old, and women at 55, but from 01/01/2019 these values will be increased by 6 months.

Gradual will be produced until 2023, when new regulatory values ​​will be fixed - 65 and 60 years respectively.

Retirement age table by year is presented below:

Year How much will the PV increase? PV SVP
2019 + 0,5 60,5 55,5 2019 / 2020
2020 + 1,5 61,5 56,5 2021 / 2022
2021 + 3 63 58 2024
2022 + 4 64 59 2026
2023, etc. + 5 65 60 2028

PV - retirement age; M - men; F - women; SVP is the retirement period under the new law.

It should be noted that the original bill, which provided for a change in the working period of citizens, contained a more stringent version of the reform - every year increase by 1 year(without the right of early registration 6 months earlier in 2019 and 2020), as well as an increase in the retirement period for women for 8 years (i.e. from 55 to 63 years). But during the consideration of the project in the State Duma, an amendment was adopted softening the proposed parameters (it was proposed by President V. Putin).

It is also worth noting that the new reform provides for additional basis to apply for a pension early - such a benefit will apply to mothers with many children with 3 or 4 children. According to the new law, the retirement age for them is set at 57 and 56 years old accordingly (and not 60, as will be provided for women on a general basis).

Retirement by year of birth under the new pension reform

You can determine in what year a Russian will retire depending on his year of birth, as well as how many years of experience and number of pension points he needs to have, using the table below:

Men DR 1 p. 1959 2 p. 1959 1 p. 1960 2 p. 1960 1961 1962 1963, etc.
PV 60,5 61,5 63 64 65
Women DR 1 p. 1964 2 p. 1964 1 p. 1965 2 p. 1965 1966 1967 1968, etc.
PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
Standards for: length of service 10 11 12 13 15
IPC 16,2 18,6 21 23,4 28,2 30
Fiberboard 2 p. 2019 1 p. 2020 2 p. 2021 1 p. 2022 2024 2026 2028, etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: 1 p. and 2 p. - the first and second half of the corresponding year; DO - date of birth; PV - established retirement age; DVP - the date of a citizen's retirement.

Thus, from the table presented we can conclude that:

  • In 2019(second half of the year) men and women who:
    • born in the first half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • have at least 10 years of experience and 16.2 points accumulated.
  • In 2020(first half of the year) men and women will have the opportunity to apply for payments:
    • those born in the second half of 1959 and 1964, respectively;
    • who have worked officially for at least 11 years and have 18.6 IPC.
  • etc. by year.

A gradual increase in standards will occur until the stipulated final values ​​under the new law- retirement age 65/60 years, 15 years of experience and 30 points.

Experience for retirement

The Government's pension reform since 2019 has not made any changes to the length of service requirements, and all adjustments in relation to this condition began to be made much earlier. Thus, the legislation (Part 2, Article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ) established that in order to retire in Russia it is necessary to have both minimum 15 years of insurance experience. But this value will not be established immediately, but by annually increasing the current standard:

  • Until 2015 to become an old-age pensioner it was enough to have 5 years of work experience.
  • In 2015, when pension legislation changed significantly in Russia again, it was necessary to have at least 6 years of experience. Moreover, it was stipulated that every year this value would increase by 1 year, so in 2016 it was necessary to work for 7 years, in 2017 - 8 years, etc.
  • Total planned increase will continue until 2024 when it is fixed final standard - 15 years.

You can determine how much experience you need to have for a pension, depending on the year of payment, using the table below:

Table: Retirement period in Russia according to the new law
(2018 onwards)

Let us remind you that the insurance period includes periods determined by law:

  1. Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, if during this time insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund(Part 1, Article 11 of Law No. 400-FZ).
  2. Other periods, which, according to Part 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ counted towards the insurance period:
    • child care up to 1.5 years (in total no more than 6 years);
    • caring for a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st group, or a person over 80 years of age;
    • passing military service or other service equivalent to it and others.

Starting in 2019, a new benefit will come into effect, which will be provided to citizens with a long work history - 42 years for men and 37 years for women. It will be possible to issue payments for these persons for 2 years ahead of schedule (relative to the new retirement age - at 63 and 58 years old respectively).

How many points do you need for retirement?

In order to receive pension payments, you must also have a sufficient number of pension points (IPC), which are formed from insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund. Part 3 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ provides for the minimum required number of IPC in the amount of 30 points.

However, the transition to such a standard is carried out gradually since 2015 according to the following schedule:

  • In 2015 it was necessary to have 6.6 points. Every year the standard increases by 2.4, which means that in 2016 it was necessary to have 9 points, in 2017 - 11.4.
  • The transition period will end in 2025, when the minimum required IPC value is fixed at the level 30 points.

You can determine how many points you need for a pension during the provided transition period using the table data:

Thus, to become a pensioner in 2019, you will need have at least 16.2 IPC. If the pension points are not enough, then he will be able to apply for a pension only after achieving the required indicators. It is worth remembering that they increase annually, and at the same time, the requirements for length of service and age also increase .

Retirement table from 2019 in the Far North

According to the old law, northerners had the right to apply for an old-age pension 5 years earlier generally established period - women upon reaching 50 years of age and men at the age of 55 years. In the new law, this difference will be preserved for them, but it will be taken relative to the new retirement age (that is, taking into account the general increase by 5 years).

Those. standard age for this category of Russians will be increased to 55 and 60 years(for women and men, respectively), while a transition period will also be provided when the period of working capacity will gradually increase until the final values ​​are reached in 2023 for women and men:

Women/men Year of retirement
Year of birth Retirement age under the new law according to old standards according to the new law
1969 / 1964 50.5 / 55.5 2019 2019-2020
1970 / 1965 51.5 / 56.5 2020 2021-2022
1971 / 1966 53 / 58 2021 2024
1972 / 1967 54 / 59 2022 2026
1973 / 1968 55 / 60 2023 2028

For men born 1964-1967 and women 1969-1972 working in the Far North, intermediate values ​​of the retirement age will be established - the “working period” for them, depending on the year of birth, will be increased by 0.5-4 years. For men born in 1968 and later, and women born in 1973, the final value of the retirement dates will be established - respectively 60 and 55 years old.

At what age will teachers and health workers retire?

Previously, for early retirement, doctors and teachers needed to obtain special work experience ( from 25 to 30 years depending on the place of work). According to the new law, after the end of the “transition period”, these categories of workers will be able to obtain the right to early registration only in 5 years after acquiring the required experience.

At the same time, the increase will also occur in stages: annually early appointment will be postponed for 1 year(except for the first two years - 2019 and 2020) until the final value is established in 5 years (in 2026).

The corresponding changes provided for in the new law can be illustrated by the following table:

Note: ** - The values ​​are indicated taking into account early retirement 6 months earlier than the stipulated period - such an amendment was proposed by V. Putin and supported by the State Duma.

Thus, for those teachers and medical workers who acquire the necessary work experience between 2019 and 2022, retirement will be postponed for a period of 0.5 to 4 years. If you receive the necessary preferential service in 2023 and later, you will be able to retire early only in 5 years(that is, in 2028 and later, respectively).

Online consultant answers to user questions

Pension foreign citizens in the Russian Federation in the absence of insurance (work) experience:

  • In 1983 I came from Kazakhstan. All this time I have been permanently living in the Kirov region. I work for a private entrepreneur. He was not officially employed. This year I received a residence permit. In 2017 I turn 60 years old. Will I receive any pension? Where should I go with this question?


  • IN in this case You may be assigned a social old-age pension, but you must document the fact of permanent residence in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the social pension is assigned when men reach 65 years old. An insurance (labor) pension cannot be accrued because you were not officially registered and your employer did not pay insurance premiums for you, thereby violating the law. Thus, by the age of 60 you are not entitled to pension payments. Upon reaching the required age for a pension with all necessary documents you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund or the district Multifunctional Center.

Taking into account periods of child care when assigning and recalculating a pension:

  • Good afternoon I heard that with the adoption of the new Law “On Insurance Pensions,” the period of child care included in the calculation of pension payments has increased. How exactly will this recalculation be carried out? Is it necessary to contact the Pension Fund with such an application?


  • Indeed, according to the new legislation, other periods are also counted in the insurance period, which includes the time one of the parents cares for each of the children under one and a half years old, but no more than six years in total. Based on the documents available to Pension Fund specialists in the pension files of citizens, such recalculation was carried out from January 1, 2015, without an application. If your payment file does not contain documents confirming the care of children, then you must contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and provide birth certificates for all children. After checking whether the calculation is profitable for you, taking into account the inclusion of such periods in the insurance period, customer service specialists will offer you to write a corresponding application. Payment of the increased pension amount will be made from the next month after submitting all the necessary papers.


Taking into account the parameters of the reform, raising the retirement age will affect almost all Russians who will not yet have time to retire by 2019 according to the old standards still in force in 2018 - 60 years for men and 55 years for women (with the exception of some preferential categories of working citizens, who will not be affected by this reform at all).

Accepted new law will not affect in any way for current pensioners, as well as persons who already have the right to receive an insurance pension before the end of 2018. On the contrary - the Government notes that they are the main beneficiaries of the ongoing reform - such a painful change for Russians will allow in 2019-2024. increase pensions annually on average 1000 rubles(that is, indexation will be carried out higher than now - that is, initially higher than the inflation rate over the past year).

The retirement age in Russia, as one of the elements planned by the Government, will begin to increase in 2019. This increase will be 5 years for men(respectively from the current 60 to 65 years) and 5 years for women(from 55 to 60 years old). The increase will occur smoothly, taking into account a long transition period - the retirement age will increase annually for 1 year, and for the first two years of the new law, mitigations will be provided - in 2019 and 2020. It will be possible to retire six months ahead of schedule (see). For those who must retire before the end of 2018, the standards do not change.

A law of this content was adopted in the third reading by the State Duma on September 27, 2018 and signed by the President of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2018. This law fully takes into account the amendments proposed by Vladimir Putin, thereby softening the parameters of the reform of raising the retirement age proposed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (annual increase by 1 year and increasing the age for women to 63 years).

The increase in the old age pension age will be the first to affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964- instead of retiring in 2019 at ages 60 and 55, they will only be able to do so six months later (at ages 60.5 and 55.5, respectively). Taking into account the amendments, it was adopted in the State Duma in the second reading on September 26, 2018 and approved in the third on September 27, 2018. The law in its final form (No. 350-FZ) was signed by the President on October 3, 2018.

Law on raising the retirement age from 2019

Table - Which years of birth are eligible for raising the retirement age?

Proposed retirement age targets with adjustments made by President V. Putin 65 years for men and 60 years for women will be finally established only in 2023. Thus, the transition period for men and women will last 5 years. The retirement age by year of birth will look like this (table below):

MenWomenIn what year will they retire?
Date of birthRetirement ageDate of birthRetirement age
I half of 195960.5 I half of 196455.5 II half of 2019
II half of 195960.5 II half of 196455.5 I half of 2020
I half of 196061.5 I half of 196556.5 II half of 2021
II half of 196061.5 II half of 196556.5 I half of 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Thus, the proposed changes will affect all citizens of the Russian Federation who as of January 1, 2019, they have not yet received an old-age pension in accordance with the current retirement age established by paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 - namely women born in 1964 and men born in 1959 and younger.

Pension reform in 2018

Raising the retirement age is not the only change that will happen in 2019 in the pension system of Russians. On October 3, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a number of laws providing for adjustments to pension legislation, which will come into force on January 1, 2019. In particular:

  • New grounds will be introduced for early retirement:
    • Opportunity to receive pension payments 2 years ahead of schedule will be provided - 37 years for women and 42 for men.
    • , the age for early retirement will be set at 57 and 56 years old respectively (i.e. 3 and 4 years earlier than the new retirement age).
  • Not only the generally established retirement age will be adjusted, but also the standards for certain categories of citizens who had the right to preferential payment processing:
    • For workers of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, the value of age, i.e. Now you can receive payments when you reach 55 and 60 years(women and men respectively).
    • For teachers, doctors and creative professionals whose pensions are based on length of service, the length of service requirements will not change, but the deadline for processing payments will be will be deferred for 5 years. This means that they will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after completing special work experience.
    • Social old-age pension can only be received upon reaching 65/70 years of age, i.e. The standard will similarly be increased by 5 years.
  • The rules for pension indexation will change. If the old law provided for an annual increase in payments from February 1 to the level of last year’s inflation, then in the period from 2019 to 2024 Pensions will be indexed from January 1 by a predetermined coefficient. Thus, already in 2019 the average due to indexation is 7.05%.

The retirement age differs from generally established standards. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

Starting from 2019, Russians with long work experience can retire early. This basis was introduced in order to mitigate the consequences of carrying out.

Note that since 2017, the retirement age has been gradually increasing - to 63 and 65 years.

Retirement age in Russia since 2019

Came into force on January 1, 2019 Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, according to which the retirement age, the achievement of which allows a Russian to receive payment of an old-age insurance pension, was increased by 5 years. The retirement age is now 65 years for men and 60 for women.

  • Changes are being introduced not right away, but with a provided transition period (from 2019 to 2023).
  • Every year, the retirement age increases by 1 year, that is, in 2019 - to 61/56, in 2020 - to 62/57, and so on.
  • The final values ​​will be fixed from 2023, that is, it will be possible to apply for a pension from this time only at 65 and 60 years old.

For those citizens who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, the law provided a special benefit. They can apply for pension payments 6 months earlier than the schedule for raising the retirement age suggests. Accordingly, for 2019 the increase will be only six months, and for 2020 - one and a half.

The table according to which the retirement age will be increased is presented below.

Retirement table by year from 2019

DVP according to the old law (at 60/55 years old)PV (in years)Duration increase (in years)Fiberboard under the new law
2019 60.5 55.5 0.5 II p. 2019 / I p. 2020
2020 61.5 56.5 1.5 II p. 2021 / I p. 2022
2021 63 58 3 2024
2022 64 59 4 2026
2023 65 60 5 2028
2024 2029
2025 2030
2026, etc.2031, etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: DVP - date of retirement; PV - retirement age; p. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The table shows generally established retirement age standards for old-age insurance pensions. For Russians who have retirement benefits (for example, northerners, teachers, mothers of many children etc.), timing of pension registration will be different from those indicated in the table (they will all be discussed below). The retirement schedule by year of birth can be found in the article on.

Early retirement in 2019

Pension legislation is provided for certain categories of citizens on various grounds:

  1. When developing the established special work experience in the profession:
    • (working in the conditions of the Far North and areas equivalent to the CS);
    • For , .
  2. For health reasons or social reasons(, parents and guardians of disabled children, etc.).
  3. (42 years for men and 37 years for women).
  4. registered with the employment service.

Disability pension

Workers with experience in difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions, the law provides for the possibility early retirement due to harmfulness.

Reducing the retirement age for these citizens depends on:

  • their professions (from the so-called and “small lists”);
  • duration of special (harmful) work experience;
  • duration of the total.

List of professions, jobs and working conditions, requirements for insurance and preferential length of service, as well as the preferential retirement age established for these persons are indicated in paragraphs 1 - 18 of Part 1 of Art. 30 and art. 31 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “ About insurance pensions».

Please note that the retirement age has been increased since 2019. did not affect the disability pension. All requirements for insurance and special experience also remain the same. Read more about the appointment preferential pension for harmful and difficult working conditions can be read in a separate section.

Retirement for northerners from 2019

For citizens living and working in the Far North (FN) and equivalent areas (MKS), a pension is assigned ahead of schedule- until reaching . The provisions of Article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ establish the following retirement age standards for northerners:

Recipient categoryAge, yearsWork experience at the CS in years, not lessWork experience at the ISS in years, no lessInsurance experience in years, not less
Women with 2 or more children50 12 17 20
Men60 15 20 25
Women55 15 20 20
Men50 Permanently residing and working as reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters25
Women45 20

Long service pension for teachers and health workers

The right to early old-age pension is medical and teaching staff who have developed the required professional experience:

  • needs to be worked out at least 25 years in institutions for children (clause 19, part 1, article 30 of law No. 400-FZ);
  • need to work at least 25 years in rural areas or 30 years old in the city (clause 20, part 1, article 30).

Since 2019, the length of service standards for teachers and doctors have not changed, but the procedure for applying for a pension has been adjusted:

  • Until the end of 2018, these categories of citizens could apply for a pension immediately after completing the required special work experience.
  • On January 1, 2019, the provisions of Part 1.1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, according to which the date of assignment of payments deferred for 5 years after completion of work experience.

These changes will be introduced gradually, with annual delays increasing for 1 year. In addition, in the first 2 years (2019 and 2020), a mitigating amendment to the law will be in effect, allowing the deferment to be reduced by 6 months.

Below is a schedule according to which teachers and health workers can now apply for pension payments:

Early pension for the unemployed in 2019

Citizens who lost their jobs due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise and registered with the employment service, pension payments can be issued ahead of schedule. This assignment occurs:

  • at the suggestion of the employment service and with the consent of the unemployed;
  • if it is impossible to get a new job;
  • no earlier than two years before retirement age, including on preferential terms;
  • if there are 25 years for men and 20 for women, as well as the required amount, depending on the year of retirement (for example, in 2019, 16.2 IPC is needed).

Early retirement benefits for the unemployed are assigned and paid in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 “On employment in the Russian Federation”.

Upon achievement of the requirements established by law, recipients early retirement how the unemployed convert their pension to old-age insurance. More information about applying for early pensions for unemployed citizens can be found in the article on.

Who else is eligible for early retirement?

For some categories of Russians, old-age pensions are granted earlier than the generally established retirement age. due to health conditions or for social reasons. The list of these citizens is listed in Art. 32 laws " About insurance pensions" These include, for example:

  1. Mothers with five or more children who raised them until they were 8 years old;
  2. Parent, guardian of a disabled person since childhood, who raised him until he was 8 years old;
  3. Disabled people as a result of military trauma, visually impaired people of group 1;
  4. Citizens classified as Lilliputians and dwarfs, and so on.

Pension provision for these citizens is established ahead of schedule if there are amounts provided by law.

Since 2019 the list of such preferential categories of citizens was expanded - it included. They now have a fixed retirement age:

  • 56 years old- for mothers with 4 children;
  • 57 years old- for mothers with 3 children.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants from 2017

In 2017, a law raising the retirement age came into force. The law applies to employees of state and municipal authorities, as well as to persons holding political positions. According to the adopted law, this category of citizens has the right to appointment pension benefit by length of service will arise:

  • in men upon reaching age 65 years old, in women 63 years old;
  • with a minimum amount of work experience in the government. organs 20 years.

The age and minimum work experience will increase gradually- starting from 2017 they will increase annually for 6 months.

Law No. 350-FZ, adopted in 2018, established a schedule for increasing the retirement age for civil servants. has been changed. From 2020, the step with which the age changes annually will be not six months, but 1 year. This way the final values ​​will be set in 2026 for women and 2023 for men, that is, faster than according to the original scheme.