Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: eudialyte stone" width="350" height="254">!} Eudialyte is a stone of mediums and demonologists. Ritual balls from it not only flicker with a wonderful unearthly brilliance, but introduce people into strange states. The magicians themselves explain this by the great witchcraft power of the mineral, while scientists find much more prosaic explanations. How eudialyte is formed, its magical properties and the unique "dual" nature of the stone will be discussed further.

Eudialyte as a mineral: characteristics and historical facts

An unusual mineral in the old days was called almandine spar. It is a semi-precious stone with a complex structure and chemical composition. Because of this, it is rarely found, like most gems, in crystals. In their natural environment, nuggets have a light background radiation. Therefore, you should be careful with natural rough stones.

Almandine spar is also known as the "Sami stone" or "Lappish blood". Sami people, data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: natural raw eudialyte" width="235" height="267">!} also known as the Lapps, recognized the mineral before anyone else on Earth. This is due to the fact that the richest deposits of a unique stone are located on the Kola Peninsula, in Russian Lapland, where this people lives.

The scientific term "eudialyte" was assigned to the mineral in 1818 thanks to the German pharmacist Friedrich Stromeyer. The word has Greek roots: "eudialytos" in translation from the language of Hellas - "readily soluble". And Stromeyer not only gave the name to the stone, but also completed the first comprehensive description of the mineral. It is noteworthy that at the beginning, in his writings, the scientist called him “red leafy pomegranate”.

Composition, properties, location

Eudialyte is a rare gem both in beauty and content in nature. There are only three places on the planet where almandine spar specimens are found - Canada, Greenland and the Kola Peninsula region in Russia.

Png "alt =" "width =" 47 "height =" 78 "> Chemists characterize eudialyte as a complex silicate of zirconium, calcium, sodium (Na4 (CaCeFeMn) 2ZrSi6O17 (OHCl) 2), with inclusions of various rare earth metals and other elements (Sr , Nb, Ti, K). This is a representative of the alkaline group of rocks. It dissolves without residue in acid, this quality refers to the origin of the name ("readily soluble"). The mineral is inherent in radioactivity, this property will interest not only scientists. It is easily processed only by the method polishing.

The main range of properties is characterized as follows:

  1. Color: a range of red, yellow, brown and purple tones.
  2. Luster: glassy.
  3. Transparency: the mineral can be both translucent and translucent.
  4. Hardness: on the Mohs scale up to 5.5.
  5. Cleavage is imperfect.
  6. Density from 2.8 to 3 g / cm3.

Occasionally, eudialyte forms crystals, but its bulk is mineral segregations of granular rock. Adjacent to apatite and nepheline.

Fields of application of eudialyte

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: eudialyte after jewelry processing" width="250" height="250">!} For a number of reasons, the mineral is a valuable raw material both for the extraction of various rocks and metals, and for jewelry, although it is rarely used for jewelry. Unique healing and magical properties have determined its place in lithotherapy and sorcery.

Speaking about the industrial purpose of the stone, it should be noted that eudialyte, due to its rich composition, is a valuable source of rare earth elements and zirconium ore. But the structure (a stone is rarely formed by crystals) does not allow widespread use in decorative arts. But, nevertheless, some samples are cut. The ideal jewelry form is a cabochon, correctly polished. This technique reveals to the maximum the playing flicker of multi-colored impurities.

Eudialyte is also known as a gemstone "double stone". This unique phenomenon concerns specimens where the predominant shares are occupied by 2 minerals: eudialyte itself in a duet, for example, with apatite. After processing, a magnificent gem of white-red color is obtained. This double mineral effect attracts aesthetes and collectors.
Treatment with eudialitis

In lithotherapy, the miraculous qualities of the mineral have found application in the treatment of melancholy. And also eudialyte expels hallucinations and helps in other, extremely anxious conditions. Returning to data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: ring with a stone eudialyte" width="275" height="240">!} Parallel to the name of the gem - "Lapp blood", one cannot fail to mention that the Sami people treated diseases associated with the circulatory system with a stone. First of all, it is cleansing and stopping the blood.

In modern lithotherapeutic sources, advice is often found to wear a product made of a gem or an unprocessed pebble so that it is located at the level of the abdomen. This is a preventive action against the development of pancreatitis and to stimulate the activity of the pancreas. Also, if you look at eudialyte for several minutes, even once a day, vision improves and intraocular pressure decreases.

According to supporters of oriental alternative practices, the gem is responsible for the heart chakra. It should be worn as far as possible from the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, pronounced moles and age spots.

Eudialyte in magic and astrology

A rare gem has long been considered the stone of warriors, their amulet and magical guarantor of invulnerability. It was also widely believed that raw eudialyte gives a person courage. A coward becomes a daredevil with such a talisman. In the modern interpretation, other categories of people whose lives are fraught with risk have been added to the warriors: climbers, firefighters, discoverers.

Jp the same gem is recommended for Virgins, especially women. Ladies are supposed to have a bracelet made of whole eudialyte, or set in silver. For men it is better to make an amulet-keychain.

Some magicians consider the energy of the stone destructive, since it can enhance the influence of other amulets. And the degree of its impact is not measured, it is considered uncontrollable, and the passion and indomitability is tough than that of a ruby. Perhaps this was the reason for the great addiction to stone during the heyday of black magic.

By the way, once again about the magic balls of mediums. Pragmatic scientists explain their charm and the ability to put a person into a trance by nothing more than the radioactive background of the mineral. During a long session, radioactive radiation affected nature and the body, causing nausea and dizziness. And the natural beauty of the shimmering surface of the processed stone gave a hypnotic effect.

Be that as it may, the magical properties, the mystical meaning of eudialyte are considered strong and such a talisman must be worn with great care, given your zodiac sign.

This gem attracts attention immediately: too unusual. The eudialyte stone is sacred for the Sami, a people living in the north of Russia. It has properties that more eminent minerals cannot boast of.


The mineral is found in the North of America and Europe. Where the Sami live (a small people of the Finno-Ugric group; their second name is Lapps).

The following legend has been preserved about the origin. When the warlike neighbors Svens (that is, the Swedes), under the leadership of the hero Kuiva, tried to seize the lands of the Sami, the local warriors defeated them. The battle was fierce, Kuiva turned into a rock, many died. Where the drops of blood of the Sami warriors fell, eudialytes formed. It is a constant reminder of the sacrifice made on the altar of independence.

Eudialyte is the official scientific name for the mineral. For the indigenous people, it is "Sami stone (blood)" or "Lappish blood".

On the Kola Peninsula, the stone was found and described by the Finnish geologist Wilhelm Ramsey.

The gem received its scientific name in 1818. The German scientist Friedrich Stromeyer reflected in it the ability of the stone to quickly dissolve in acids: from the ancient Greek, the term "eudialyte" is translated as "rapidly dissolving."


Eudialyte is a mineral with a glassy luster, transparent in thin plates. Red shades - from pink to raspberry - are considered classics. There are yellow, brownish, purple specimens.

Crystals are rare, more often they are coarse-grained agglomerates interspersed with eudialytes (the so-called "chintz") among nepheline and apatite.

A unique feature of eudialyte is its crystal structure. It is a combination of three rings (calcium and zirconium octahedrons plus silicon tetrahedrons).

For the Sami, the mineral kakortokite is also valuable. This is nepheline with red and black inclusions of eudialyte and. It is mined only in the Khibiny and Greenland. Kakortokite and eudialyte are the main talismans of this nation.

Physicochemical characteristics

According to the chemical classification, the mineral eudialyte is a silicate of magmatic origin with a complex structure and a long formula.

FormulaNa4 (CaCeFeMn) 2ZrSi6O17 (OHCl) 2
ImpuritySr, Nb, Ti, K
ColourRed, yellow, yellow-brown, purple
Line colorWhite
TransparencyTransparent, translucent
Hardness5 - 5.5
CleavageImperfect by (0001)
Breakuneven, conchoidal
Density2.8 - 3 g / cm³
Refractive index1,598 - 1,602

It almost never occurs in its pure form, more often with impurities (including rare earth elements).

A variety of eudialyte is the mineral eukolite. The main components of its composition are calcium and iron, which makes the gem darkish.

Place of Birth

Eudialyte is found only in three places of the planet, in its Far North. These are Russia (Kola Peninsula), Greenland and Canada.

Russian deposits in the Murmansk region (Levozerie and Khibiny) are the richest, their potential exceeds 80 million tons of rock.

Single copies are found in other countries.

How to wear and care

The physical properties of the mineral are specific:

  1. It is fragile, can crack from any fall or impact.
  2. It dissolves in all acids (hydrochloric acid turns it into a gelatinous mass).
  3. It melts even under a candle flame.

Therefore, you need to take care of it carefully: store products with a gem separately, remove before applying makeup or doing housework. Clean with warm water, you can use baby soap.

Eudialyte beads and other massive jewelry should not be worn near the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, large moles.

Where is the mineral used

The unique composition and beauty of the mineral determined the scope of its application.


Eudialyte ore is a source of rare earth metals. There are more than half of them in the composition of the ore (up to 60%). These are the most valuable for industry, new technologies and science hafnium, niobium, tantalum, titanium, zirconium, strontium.

Eudialyte breed

However, strontium creates weak radioactivity. It is not dangerous in small nuggets, and after processing the mineral is zero.


Physical properties limit the range of eudialyte jewelry. Crystals, if they do occur, are small. The use of large ones is prohibited due to radioactivity.

The source nuggets are polished with a cabochon: the play of colored impurities is manifested to the maximum.

Earrings with eudialyte

Agglomerates are in demand, including two types of stones. For example, white apatite and red eudialyte. A product with such an insert looks more spectacular.


Stone cutters have mastered the production of a wide range of stone products. They create small plastic, powder boxes. A box made of eudialyte is not cheap (10-12 thousand rubles), but it looks premium. The gem is used to frame mirrors, decorate lighters, tableware.

Fans of esotericism are not forgotten. For them, they grind magic balls, eggs from eudialyte, pendulums. The structure of the stone itself creates a mysterious glow. This property allows you to distinguish a real stone from a fake.

Therapeutic effect

The Sami witch doctors have studied the value of the stone as a healing artifact for centuries. For them, according to local legends, he was "responsible" for blood and everything connected with it.

Talismans were prescribed to a person whose blood became "bad" or wounds did not heal for a long time.

Modern lithotherapists have expanded the list of medicinal properties of the gem:

  • It activates the waves emitted by the brain. Therefore, earrings, hairpins, and other headpieces are considered a strong remedy.
  • Daily close contemplation of the play of light in the stone sharpens vision, trains the eye muscles.
  • The gem improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Yogis claim that the stone is related to the heart chakra. In this sense, wearing a pendant or pendant is effective.

Magical properties

Legends also determined the magical capabilities of the gem.

For the Sami people, this stone is a talisman of real men, defenders of their native land from enemies.

Shamans made personal amulets for them, which were supposed to protect them from injury, even death.

For residents of other regions, the magical properties of eudialyte are also useful:

  • The gem puts blocks from outside intrusion into thoughts, prevents clouding of mind, the emergence of unkind thoughts.
  • His magic is an ally of everyone whose work involves risk: Emergencies Ministry workers, police officers, testers. Or extreme lovers in life.
  • The optimistic color of the stone brings you out of depression, stimulates you to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

The healing and magical power of eudialyte is increased by a silver setting.

Esotericists warn: its meaning for a person is ambiguous. The stone multiplies the strength of other gems, but equally enhances actions with a plus and a minus sign.

Eudialyte and the Zodiac

Having studied its influence on the signs of the zodiac, astrologers came to the conclusion that eudialyte is suitable for Virgo. Having a talisman, people of this sign will blossom, show themselves from an unexpected side, discovering dormant talents.

Ladies will become more optimistic about life, men will receive additional protection from external dangers, they will be more self-confident.

For other signs of the zodiac, this is more of a decoration.


In the Russian segment of the Network, you can buy a wide range of jewelry, magic items and collectible material (price / rub.)

  • ball (7.4 cm) - 4,890;
  • sample (2-3 cm) - 920;
  • key fob - 670;
  • lighter decorated with eudialyte - 1,550;
  • pendant (3.5-4 cm) - 2 160;
  • polished pebbles (8.5x4.5x3.3 cm) - 4 250.

This is the price for raw materials from the Khibiny (Murmansk region).


Eudialyte looks unusual, but requires caution. It is better to buy jewelry or collectible materials from trusted sellers. Preferably with documents confirming radiation safety.


Characteristics of the mineral.

The chemical composition is complex and unstable, cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, iron, manganese (Na, Ca) 6Zr (Si6O18]. (OH.Cl) are present in noticeable quantities. Eudialyte is the most beautiful and rarest stone. It can be slightly radioactive due to impurities rare earth metals. It is found only in 3 places in the world (Kola Peninsula, Greenland, Canada), while in significant quantities - only on the Kola Peninsula. apatite.The color of the stone is red: from crimson to cherry, other colors are associated with the processes of alteration and decomposition of the mineral. and minerals of red or pink color with black inclusions, but eudialyte is quite easy to distinguish from other minerals of red and pink about color (it is like glowing blood in any light).

Physical features of natural eudialytes.

This mineral contains radioactive components, sometimes in large quantities. From the point of view of crystal physics, natural eudialytes are correct and safe in terms of radiation levels (up to 19-24 milliroentgens / hour) small size, not intensely colored, with small inclusions of eudialyte- they are colored with a small amount of compounds of radioactive elements or contain them in small amounts.

If eudialytes are intensely colored or large, it is highly likely that this is causing increased natural radiation levels natural eudialytes and their inclusions in rocks (from 29-32 milliroentgen / hour and above) - they are strictly forbidden to be stored in home collections, subjected to serial and industrial cutting (especially in production facilities where a large number of personnel work). It is strictly forbidden to irradiate and refine them in nuclear reactors and transport them in large quantities (in total, from 29-32 milliroentgen / hour and above). Transportation of radioactive stones without the sign "radiation" and without additional declaration at customs ("radioactive") is prohibited.

It is safe to wear small natural eudialytes regardless of their shape on the arms (in rings and bracelets - "wristbands") and on the legs - as far as possible from the thyroid gland, birthmarks, large moles (especially convex ones), from the chest, superficial lymph nodes, etc. objects easily affected by radiation on the human body. In any case, for reasons of safety and environmental friendliness, it is not recommended to wear natural eudialytes all the time and keep large samples of this mineral in an apartment or study special depositories).

Dangerous direct contact with the body and wearing on the body point and diffuse sources of radiation and radioactive components (about 50% of radiation is absorbed upon contact with the outer surface of the body and about 100% of radiation - upon ingestion of a radioactive or contaminated object).

The magical properties of stones.

The stone is often called "Lappish (Sami) blood". The Sami (Lopari) are the indigenous inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula and northern Finland. In this harsh land, a legend is told about a battle between brave Sami warriors and conquerors who decided to conquer a proud people. The battle continued for long days and nights. Finally, the enemies retreated, but many Sami fighters fell in that battle, and the blood they shed froze in the form of a wonderful red stone. The magical properties are poorly studied, they are close to the ruby ​​- the stone of passion, but more fatal. Eudialyte is a remedy for hallucinations and melancholy. It is also worn to protect oneself from evil spirits. Eudialyte relieves melancholy and softens grief. If worn in a moment of depression, it accelerates the exit from this state, gives hope and transforms reality. Eudialyte also has the ability to enhance any magical power or energy, both white and black. Eudialyte amulets bring the owner a sense of self-confidence, courage and invulnerability. Therefore, it can rightfully be considered a war stone, tk. for millennia, many have used it as a victory-bringing stone. It is a rare mineral.

... "August 28, 1806 KL Gieseke \ KL Gieseke visited the Kangerdluarssuk area and collected the first samples of edialyte, which he first described as a" red garnet "(OV Petersen & O. Johnsen, 2005, p.49). In Russia for the first time discovered and described by Wilhelm Ramsay Obsolete syn: "Sami blood", "Almandine spar".

Crystal structure

Eudialyte and related minerals of its group are distinguished by a unique variety of structures and chemical composition, and its complex crystal structure was first studied under the guidance of Acad. N.V. Belova. Eudialyte has a unique structure: the trigonal structure with the symmetry R3m, R-3m, or R3 contains three types of rings, of which two - a nine-membered silicon tetrahedron and a six-membered calcium octahedron - are so unusual that they are not found in any other mineral.

In the cavities of the framework, built of silicon, zirconium, and calcium atoms, cations of various sizes with valences from 1 to 6, as well as large anions, anionic groups, and water molecules are localized. Moreover, impurities in the voids of the zeolite-like structure of the mineral self-organize and occupy optimal positions in each sample. This is facilitated by the amazing features of the structure, in which there are two "traps" for cations - triangular and quadrangular. The first one is located in the center of the ninefold ring, which has an unusual shape with a triangular rather than a round middle, and additional Si tetrahedra, as well as octahedra, most often occupied by Nb, settle in it. The second trap contains cations of medium radii (Fe, Mn, Na, etc.), which appear either in the center of a flat square, or next to it. Larger cations, as well as anions and water molecules, fill vast cavities.


The system is trigonal. The color is red, yellow, yellow-brown, red-violet. Glass luster. Translucent at the edges or translucent to transparent in fine chips. Hardness 5 - 5.5. Density 2.8 - 3. Refractive index: 1.598 - 1.602. Cleavage imperfect at (0001). Let's well dissolve in acids. Weakly radioactive.


  • Eucolyte- dark-colored eudialyte enriched in FeO
  • Barsanovit- reddish-brown to yellowish-green variety from aegirine-augite-nepheline-feldspar pegmatite of the Khibiny tundra, replaces eudialyte.


Usually found together with nepheline, natrolite, aegirine, apatite in the form of granular masses. Crystals are rare.

Place of Birth

In Russia (Kola Peninsula), USA (Arkansas). Deposits of eudialyte have also been discovered in Canada, Greenland, and Norway.


A minor component of polymineral zirconium ores, sometimes as an ore of rare earth elements. Also in jewelry, but rarely enough due to fragility; in recent years for the manufacture of decorative and ornamental products and "magic" balls.

Eudialyte (eng. EUDIALYTE) - Na 15 Ca 6 Fe 3 Zr 3 Si(Si 25 O 73)(O,OH,H 2 O) 3 (Cl,OH) 2


Strunz (8th edition) 8 / E.23-10
Dana (7th Edition)
Dana (8th Edition)
Hey "s CIM Ref. 17.3.6


Mineral color changeable: carmine red, orange red, orange, pink, cherry red, brownish red, yellowish brown, brown, yellow, violet, och. rarely green.
Line color white turning into pale pink
Transparency translucent to almost transparent
Shine glassy, ​​dull
Cleavage by (0001) imperfect, (by (1010) and (1014) (1120) - in question)
Hardness (Mohs scale) 5 - 6
Break uneven
Strength fragile
Density (measured) 2.74 - 3.1 g / cm3
Radioactivity (GRapi) 7,287.91


Type of uniaxial (+/-)
Refractive indices nω = 1.606 - 1.610 nε = 1.610 - 1.613
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.004
Optical relief moderate
Pleochroism weak


Point group 3m (3 2 / m) - Ditrigonal-scalenohedral symmetry
Space group R3m (R3 2 / m)
Syngonia Trigonal
Cell parameters a = 14.31Å, c = 30.15Å
Attitude a: c = 1: 2.107
Formula units (Z) 12
Unit cell volume V 5,346.84 ų (calculated from the parameters of the unit cell)

Translation into other languages


  • Azarova Yu.V. Minerals of the eudialyte group and products of their alteration as a mineralogical and geochemical indicator of postmagmatic processes during the formation of rocks of the luyavrite-malignite complex of the Khibiny massif. Geochemistry. 2005. No. 7. S. 768-792
  • Kozlova P.S. Eudialyte from alkaline syenites of the Talas ridge. - Tr. Mineralogical Museum of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959, no. 10, pp. 144-147.
  • Mineralogy of the Khibiny massif / ed. F.V. Chukhrova. Moscow: Nauka, 1978.Vol. 1. 228 s; T.2. 586 s. (Kostyleva-Labuntsova E.E., Borutskiy B.E., Sokolova M.N., Shlyukova Z.V., Dorfman M.D., Dudkin O.B., Kozyreva L.V. Mineralogy of the Khibiny massif / ed. F.V. Chukhrova.M .: Nauka, 1978.T.1.228 s; T.2.586 s.)
  • Minerals of the Khibiny and Lovozero tundras. M. - L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937 .-- 563 p.
  • Nurlybaev A.N. On the mineralogy of eudialyte. - Tr. Institute of Geol. sciences. Alma-Ata, 1971, v. 31, p. 108-110. (Esil alkaline massif, Ishim magma complex, North Kazakhstan)
  • Pekov I.V., Podlesny A.S. Mineralogy of the Kukisvumchorr deposit (alkaline pegmatites and hydrothermalites). - Moscow. Association Ecost, Mineralogical Almanac, issue 7, 2004. - 176 pages, 121 colors. photographs, 225 b / w schemes, photos, drawings of crystals.
  • Pekova N.A. Crystals of eudialyte of the Kola Peninsula. - World of Stones, 1995, No. 5 \ 6, pp. 4-7 (8-11).
  • Rastsvetaeva R.K. King Eudialyte and his dynasty (mineralogical tale or mineral series) -
  • Rastsvetaeva R.K., Chukanov N.V. Principles of crystal chemical classification of minerals of the eudialyte group. - ZRMO, 2011. h. 140, issue. 3, p. 25-39
  • Feklichev V.G. Types of eudialytes in the Khibiny alkaline massif. - In the book: "Experimental and methodological studies of ore minerals". M., "Science", 1965, 188-194. (co-authors I.S. Razin, Z.T. Kataeva).
  • Feklichev V.G. On the chemical composition of the Khibiny and other eudialytes. - In the book: "Experimental and methodological studies of ore minerals". M., "Science", 1965, 195-213.
  • Khomyakov A.P., Nechelyustov G.N., Rastsvetaeva R.K. Voronkovit, Na 15 (Na, Ca, Ce) 3 (Mn, Ca) 3 Fe 3 Zr 3 Si 26 O 72 (OH, O) 4 Cl * H2O is a new mineral of the eudialyte group from the Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. - ZRMO, 2009, h. 138, v. 2, p. 66-74
  • Khomyakov A.P., Nechelyustov G.N., Rastsvetaeva R.K. , Russia \\ ZRMO, 2006, part 135, issue. 2, pp. 38-48
  • Yakovenchuk V.N. , Ivanyuk G.Yu. , Pakhomovskiy Ya.A. , Menshikov Yu.P. Minerals of the Khibiny massif. - M .: Publishing house. "Earth", 1999. 326 p. , 417 ill.
  • Mineral Species First Discovered from Greenland. By O. Petersen, O. Johnsen. \ Special Publications of The Canadian Mineralogist. Volume 8, 2005

Eudialyte is a beautiful, complex stone that rarely participates in the formation of crystals. more common as a granular mass. The main properties of the mineral are hidden directly in the name - a genuine, readily soluble mineral. These are silicate zirconium, calcium, sodium, enriched with impurities of rare-earth metals.

Origin story

A fiery red stone was born millions of years ago at a depth of several kilometers under the influence of molten volcanic magma. The first mention of the stone dates back to the 17th century. They started talking about him as about a red leaf pomegranate. And only in the XIX century the mineral was described by the chemist from Germany F. Stromeyer. The name eudialyte emphasizes the easy solubility of the stone in acid.

The mineral is called Lappish blood thanks to a legend that appeared among the indigenous people of northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula. The Lopari (Sami) narrate the story of the battle that took place between the conquerors and the brave defenders of the people. The battle lasted several days without sleep or rest.

The enemies wavered and retreated. But the victory came at a high price. Most of the Sami warriors shed blood, which froze and turned into an unusual red stone.

Deposits and production

This rare stone of magmatic origin is slightly radioactive due to the admixture of rare earth metals. The largest reserves of eudialyte are concentrated in three alkaline massifs - in the khibiny zone, Lovozero and Ilimaussak deposits. At the same time, the highest content of the rock is noted on the Kola Peninsula. In the Lovozero massif, it is a rock-forming mineral.

Deposits of loparite ore were discovered in Greenland, Canada, USA, Norway, Russia. In the fields of Greenland and Russia, eudialyte is used as a raw material from which zirconium, strontium, and hafnium are obtained. Used stone for decoration and crafts. In nature, it occurs with natrolite, apatites, aegirines, nephelines.

physical characteristics

  1. The stone is red. It has shades from bright raspberry to thick cherry. The natural color tone is explained by the formula Fe3 + and Mn3 +. Rarely can be found violet, brown, yellow, brown, greenish, lilac color.
  2. Glass luster is close to oily. Small fragments are transparent. Crystals are cloudy due to inclusions of various rocks.
  3. It melts very easily when heated. When exposed to an insignificant source of heat (for example, a candle is sufficient). The mineral turns into a cloudy glassy mass.
  4. It dissolves in any acid, except for one - hydrochloric acid. As a result of interaction with it, a gelatin-like mass appears.

The gem contains radioactive substances. In small, weakly colored eudialytes, radioactive compounds are extremely small. Minerals with an intense color, large in size, have a naturally increased level of radioactivity.

Healing properties

The stone is known for its healing properties. Such a feature as the color resembling blood gave the mineral several amazing names "the stone of the heartland", "Lappish blood". The first of them is based on the positive effects of eudialyte on the circulatory system, blood composition and heart.

It contributes to:

  • cleansing the circulatory system;
  • improving the functions of the pancreas;
  • prevention of pancreatitis;
  • improving the functioning of the organs of the thoracic region;
  • decrease in eye pressure;
  • improving vision (when contemplating a gem).

To enhance the visual activity of the eyes, it is enough to examine the smooth surface of the mineral for several minutes. The healing properties of the gem are actively used in folk medicine against melancholy.

Magical properties

Magicians and psychics noticed the ability of the mineral to enhance energy. Its use has the same effect on white or black magic. It is used for:

  • deliverance from longing, and mitigation of sorrow;
  • getting out of depression;
  • strengthening the will;
  • achieving harmony in the heart;
  • establishing emotional balance;
  • choosing your life path;
  • awakening of a new level of consciousness;
  • increasing efficiency;
  • activation of vitality and spiritual capabilities.

The stone is able to evoke love for people. Helps to gain openness, sensitivity. A person can not only hear his inner self, but also believe in himself, overcome weakness. With the help of a gem, extrasensory perception is sharpened. The mineral is used for magical rituals.

Signs of the zodiac

According to astrologers, the stone is suitable for almost all signs. It has no negative impact from an astrological point of view. Most signs do not feel its influence. Perfect for Virgo.

For women of this sign, the gem helps to overcome melancholy. It protects against any negative influence of evil forces, witchcraft, the evil eye. The stone is able to attract good luck. Strengthens abilities, talent in any field of activity. With a talisman made of eudialyte, it is easier for women to cope with a depressed state, life turmoil.

The gem is recommended for the stronger sex of the Virgo sign. They will gain confidence in themselves, their strengths, courage. Their lives will be protected from various dangers, protected from all misfortunes. Men wear this mineral as a talisman against wounds, sudden death.

Leos and Sagittarius will find harmony and happiness with eudialyte. They can also use the mineral as a talisman. The rest of the zodiac signs do not feel the strong influence of the stone and wear it as a common decoration.

Talismans and charms

The talisman, which is made of stone, will tell its owner how to act in a specific life situation. The answer will come by itself. You need to listen to your own feelings, learn to trust your intuition, and are not afraid to make fateful decisions.

The belief is passed from mouth to mouth that the eudialyte amulet turns even a coward into a heroic personality. Talismans made from this rare mineral bring victory to their owner.

A stone bracelet set in silver or beads is a real magic for women. The mineral reveals their sexual potential and at the same time acts as a talisman against damage, evil intentions. However, a talisman made of Sami blood does not tolerate products made of other stones next to him.

Applications and products

Eudialyte is an ornamental stone due to its excellent polishing properties. Jewelers are attracted by the color scale of the mineral. There was a period when it was used only for decorating buildings. Now it is of interest as the main raw material for creating zirconium.