Press service of Mail.Ru Group:

“We always do something special on February 23rd. For example, in past years, guys could feel like real hunters by shooting with a bow (and compete in their ability to wield these weapons in team battles). We also organized a climbing wall and mini-Z races in the office. There was air hockey, giant Jenga, track car racing and even a laser maze. By the way, the girls also actively participated in all activities.

Photo: Mail.Ru Group press service

And through the intranet, you could congratulate your colleagues with badges designed for the holiday: send the hand of the Hulk (to the strongman), a Rubik's cube (to the one who can solve it), Schrödinger's cat (to anyone - everyone loves cats) or Captain America's shield (to the fairest).

This year’s program will be no less exciting, but we are not ready to reveal the details yet - we are preparing a surprise for our colleagues.”

Ekaterina Belousova, communications director at Lingualeo:

“Like any IT company, we are mostly introverts. But despite this, guys like different activities. Last year, on February 23, we gave them a master class in pistol shooting, throwing knives, axes and sapper blades. The best thing, by the way, was the axes. It turned out that height, weight, and physical fitness do not matter at all in this matter. The main thing is technique. Some girls expressed a desire to join and also had a lot of fun.

Photo: Lingualeo press service

This year we offered our men a choice of several activities. Paintball and laser tag won, so at the end of February we are going to run through dungeons with pestles.”

Philips press service:

“The employees of the Russian office of Philips always try to approach the issue of congratulations on February 23 in an original way. For example, they install a racing simulator in the office, where men can try themselves on the legendary Formula 1 tracks, organize a culinary master class, where everyone can feel like a real chef and learn the secrets of preparing the perfect steak, burgers and ribs, or organize a tournament in table tennis - a healthy competitive spirit gives men strength and inspires them to new exploits.

And last year, the team from the Persona image laboratory was invited to Philips to transform the men’s half of the office.”


Olga Bronnikova, Internal Communications Manager, ABBYY:

“Celebrating February 23, like March 8, is a big tradition at ABBYY. It appeared more than ten years ago in response to a surprisingly pleasant and completely unexpected surprise from the male half of the company on March 8th. The beautiful ladies were met on the way to the office by a real horse-drawn carriage. The office was decorated with flags with the motto In ABBYY veritas (Truth in ABBYY (lat.) - editor's note). The flags depicted a beaver in armor and with a shield. This shield depicted another beaver in armor and so on - an endless recursion, after all, it was invented by programmers. A “cafe” was opened in the office, where ABBYY’s top managers prepared breakfast and baked pancakes. The men then came up with various competitions and invited artists to the office to paint portraits of girls.

The following year, by February 23, the company transformed into ABBYY Airlines. At the entrance to the office, the men were greeted by attractive flight attendants, breakfast on board was waiting for them in the conference room, and in the mail there was a letter with a link to a video clip with a song written in honor of the men of the company. In addition, a lot of entertainment awaited them throughout the day, and in the evening there was the Cloud #9 bar, invented and implemented by the employees.

Since then, at the beginning of the year, ABBYY girls and men secretly prepare surprise holidays for each other. This is an opportunity to express recognition and admiration for each other.”

How is February 23 celebrated in 2020? On this day, we traditionally congratulate men of all ages - both those who served in the army, and those who are yet to do so, and even those who have not had and will not have anything to do with it. Schools, universities, and work groups organize evenings and festive feasts.

What would be the best way to arrange a holiday on February 23? The heroes of the occasion are given greeting cards, poems are read in their honor, and songs are sung.

How to celebrate February 23 in 2020

On this day, you can organize a corporate party in a restaurant or cafe, or go together to an entertainment complex.

In order to organize a holiday for men on February 23, you can arrange for them fun competitions, for example, the Sniper competition.

To do this, each participant is given a certain amount of “ammunition” - these can be rubber balls, tennis balls, fir cones or snowball fights (if the competition is held outdoors).

Those who hit the targets the most times will receive prizes. Another version of this competition is a game of darts.

You can go to a shooting range or bowling alley on this day, just keep in mind that you will need to rent bowling lanes in advance, because there are usually a lot of people who want to celebrate this holiday here.

How else can you arrange a holiday on February 23, 2020? Organize a “Jack of all trades” competition for men. Its participants will have to sew on a button, hammer a nail and peel a potato as quickly as possible. The one who completes the tasks faster and better will win.

You can also organize a tug-of-war or sack race competition. There are other exciting competitions of the same nature.

For example this one. Participants are divided into pairs. The leader ties their legs with ropes so that they can move. Each pair will need to complete a specific task: for example, bring a stack of books, a pyramid of stationery, a ball, etc. to the table.

The three couples who complete the tasks faster will receive prizes. These can be various souvenirs, fountain pens, table accessories, photo frames, funny soft or plastic toys etc.

What else can you organize for a holiday for men on February 23? You can arrange dances for those gathered, for which you will need to select suitable equipment and music. It is important that fast and slow musical compositions alternate here.

The topic that makes women quite worried at the very end of winter is, of course, not the upcoming sales, nor the renewal spring wardrobe, and Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Great Men's Holiday, is February 23. Two main questions that beautiful ladies need to find an answer to: What to give and?

Let's start with the second question. Let's celebrate the men's holiday brightly, unusually and in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

Option number 1. Celebrate February 23rd mentally

Suitable for: friendly married couples, and families in general where traditions are respected. If you are rushing across the city to congratulate your dad or grandfather, if you are trying to please your beloved husband, if you like to spend time with the whole family, then this option on February 23 is for you:

  • Of course, the traditional format of the holiday is home. A cleaned house, a set table, gifts and congratulations are traditional elements, without which, however, there will be no holiday!
  • It is within the power of every housewife to add some variety to the traditional scenario. Congratulate the men of the family in advance on a huge sheet of Whatman paper. Let it be poetry nice words, and maybe even pictures or photographs from a family album? Involve children and younger relatives in this matter. In the morning, quietly, so as not to wake up the men, attach this “wall newspaper” to the wall. Believe me, there is no representative of the stronger sex who would remain indifferent to such a manifestation of feelings!
  • Add variety to the traditional set of dishes. Order a themed cake. For example, in the form of a tank or a soldier’s helmet. And if one of the men at home is related to the Armed Forces, then you can choose the symbolism of the desired branches of the military.
  • Bring your husband breakfast in bed. Let a gift or a card with congratulations flaunt on the tray.
  • You are cheerful and friendly family? Then arrange the “Gift Hunt” quest. Let the male half of the family bravely find their gifts, using the tips you have compiled in advance. And let the very first hint be in greeting card, which is on the breakfast tray!

Option number 2. Extravagant February 23

Suitable for: young couples, as well as those who value thrills. Do you like to test yourself and fate? Do you like everything unusual? Please choose! This is how spicy food lovers can celebrate February 23:

  1. Celebrate the holiday with an adventure together. This can be a gift at the same time. Purchase a certificate in advance for a parachute jump for two, or for an airplane flight. On February 23, without saying anything to your companion, smiling mysteriously, call a taxi and go to the place of adventure.
  2. Organize an outing with friends or as a couple. Yes, it’s winter and cold, but how nice it is to ski in such weather, play snow paintball or go through some exciting quest. Don't know which side to take on? No problem, contact any event agency. They will help you organize any event for any number of people. A non-trivial way to celebrate the holiday.
  3. Come up with a scenario for your day that includes something you've never done before. Foods you haven't tried, places you haven't been, events that have never happened to you. You will be surprised how many of these things there are, and how great your day will be!

Option number 3. Gentle holiday

Suitable for: Lovers of all ages. Yes, February 23 is a holiday for real men, but how does this fact interfere with love and romance?

  • Go for a walk during the day. Go to the theater or concert. Yes, even to the stadium or to a lecture on popular mechanics. The main thing is to be together.
  • Surprise your loved one. Do something unusual. For example, book a city tour for two. Or a tour of local coffee shops. You don’t have to travel far away to have an unforgettable time.
  • An interesting option would be an ordered photo session. For example, in nature, or in historical surroundings and costumes. A fun time and great memories are guaranteed.
  • Book a table at a restaurant and spend romantic evening together. Or serve up a homemade dinner at home. And then give your loved one a hot striptease - let him remember this holiday for a long time!

Option number 4. Budget

There are different situations in life. But current problems are not a reason to give up the holiday. How can you celebrate February 23rd with minimal expense, but pleasantly?

  1. The main thing is the mood. Prepare small compliment notes in advance and decorate your house with them early in the morning. In the bathroom, in the hallway and in the kitchen, and even on your favorite cup, let there be small messages that your loved one is the very best!
  2. Be sure to go for a walk. Choose your route in advance - away from shopping centers, closer to nature. Take thermoses with hot tea or coffee with you - you'll have a short hike.
  3. At home, watch your favorite films or new releases of the season. Brew some mulled wine, crawl under the same blanket, and feel how good it can be for the two of you.

Option No. 5. Secular

Suitable for: lovers of civilized entertainment.What could it be?

  • Organize a marathon. Start right in the morning - go to the cinema, then to an exhibition, then to a restaurant, then back to the cinema, and end the evening at a nightclub. Pleasant fatigue and pleasure from an eventful day are guaranteed to you.
  • For lovers of cultural leisure, we can offer the following program: park, museum, exhibition, cafe, theater. The main thing is to stock up on tickets for all these events in advance!
  • For those who like to party with friends, you can arrange a costume party: “Defender of the Fatherland Day. Let guests come in military costumes different eras- from a musketeer to an FSB officer. Organize a competition for the most accurate shooting in darts, a competition for best suit, best knowledge holiday and for the wittiest performance. The recordings can then be posted online.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in an interesting and vibrant way. Try to think through the holiday program in advance and purchase everything you need. Good organization– half the success!

Every labor collective wishes to bring maximum variety and positive emotions to the day of February 23rd. Therefore, one of the most original scripts This holiday is organized by organizing a party with the awarding of men with an Oscar. It is important to do everything according to the rules. First thing in the morning, lay out the red carpet and equip a couple of employees with cameras who will play the role of paparazzi. Then organize a buffet and come up with short numbers about the life of your enterprise. And closer to the end of the celebration, gather all the men in the ceremonial room, where the winners will be announced.

Come up with comical and factual nominations. For example, storekeepers and warehouse accountants can be nominated for the “Fighters of the Invisible Front” award, system administrator a figurine is awarded as a “Home Front Worker”, the best salesperson is awarded a “Consultant of all times”, a security guard receives the award “For Defense of the Fatherland”, etc. The director, of course, is supposed to present the Oscar for Courage. Figurines can be ordered at the souvenir shop, on which you just need to stick stickers with the name of the nomination.

Army passions

For lovers of the traditional celebration of February 23, you can come up with an equally exciting program. Since the celebration is held in honor of the defenders of the Fatherland, then the script must be kept in the appropriate spirit. Entrust the preparation of the plot to the most creative and responsible employee. And the theme itself can be made in the style of a military parade, army exercises, or even a military campaign.

For example, you can find a sample summons on the Internet and print it out for each “conscript.” This can be either a formal resolution indicating the date and time of collection, or a more friendly one with wishes. Thus, you get three in one - unusual postcard, an invitation to a buffet and intrigue for all the heroes of the occasion.

Presenting such a summons in the office will look more colorful if the lovely employees dress up in the uniform of military postmen. Also, to maintain a general theme, you can prepare a wall newspaper in the style of a demobilization album, where all colleagues and their achievements will be indicated. The further plot can be planned as a buffet in the form of a field kitchen or just a feast on the occasion of the victory of valiant fighters over enemy forces.

Sports interest

An equally exciting option for celebrating February 23 at work would be to go to men's competitions. This could be karting, paintball, sports rally or ATV racing. The main thing is that this is a competition in which every man can show his brave character. Undoubtedly, before such a surprise, you should feed the heroes of the occasion by organizing a small buffet for them.

What could be more pleasant than celebrating the holiday on February 23 with friends? In order for Defender of the Fatherland Day to be remembered for many years, you need to spend it well with the whole company. As a rule, on the eve of the holiday, everyone wonders where to go, but we will help you with this. So how can you celebrate February 23rd with friends?

The best ideas on how to celebrate February 23 with friends

  • Bowling club. Maybe at first glance it will seem standard option, but that's not true. Here you can not only drink beer and relax, but also have fun competing with each other. Sport for a man emphasizes his courage and strength. Therefore, if you go to a bowling club, you will definitely not go wrong with your chosen vacation spot.
  • Fishing. If you like to fish, then why not organize a winter bite. In February the ice is quite strong, so unforeseen situations you won't have to wait. Fresh air and pleasant company will be one of the most excellent options for celebrating February 23rd. If the holiday brings you a good catch, then you will definitely never forget this Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition to pride and pleasure, you can also please your family by bringing home the loot.
  • Ski resort. There are ski resorts in almost every city. Go skiing with a group. You can also have a little fun and play in the snow. A well-spent day outdoors with friends will leave a great memory of the men's holiday. After you get tired, you can have a barbecue. Talk to the base administration in advance about aromatic charcoal kebabs. As a rule, such organizations have such a service.
  • Bathhouse. February is the sauna period. The weather is calling. Go with a group of people to the bathhouse for a few hours and have a good rest not only for your soul, but also for your body. Take some cold beer and fish with you. You will be able to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and talk with friends about the most interesting things.
  • Pool. Organize a trip to the pool with your friends. You can organize a real “underwater war” there. It’s not so often that you can just feel like a child, because it’s just your day.
  • Horses. It’s safe to say that it’s very rare that you get to go for a walk, on horseback, and if you do, it’s only in the summer. Treat yourself and your friends. Pay for a few hours of this pleasure. Fresh frosty air and the warmest company will be memorable for you. for a long time. Years later, you will only remember this holiday on February 23.
  • Parachute. How often do you jump from a parachute? Then go ahead. This is not a very cheap pleasure, but Defender of the Fatherland Day comes once a year. Why not allow yourself such an extreme this holiday. An adrenaline rush is guaranteed. You will be discussing this jump for a long time in the company.
  • Disco. You can have a lot of fun on February 23 by visiting a disco. On this holiday, each establishment comes up with its own entertainment and scenarios. Find out in advance and choose a program where it will be fun to celebrate February 23 with friends, no matter how old you are. After spending an evening at a disco, you will not only remember your youth, but also all your thrills in life.
  • Billiards. One of the most positive establishments for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day. It will be a pleasure to spend time in such a club with your company. Here you can easily relieve your work stress. Have a heart-to-heart talk. It will be very interesting.
  • Game Q-zar. All men, without exception, love weapons. Then why not spend the holiday playing Q-zar. You will be able to kill your opponents with the help of paints, while you yourself try to dodge the blow and winter period will give this game even more “colorful” moments. No one from your company will regret the time spent here.
  • Cinema. You can celebrate February 23rd with the program of every cinema being war films. Having considered several of these options, you can choose something that will be interesting not only to you, but also to your friends. After the movie, you can all go to a cafe or restaurant together.
  • Excursion. Book a tour, for example, around the city. Surely you do not know everything about the history of the emergence and development of protected areas or cultural monuments. Where exactly did the fighting take place during the war? This is very interesting. After finishing such a walk, you will have something to talk about with your friends. Express your point of view and refute your friend.
  • At home. If the weather is bad or you prefer the comfort of home. Invite your closest friends and organize competitions. For example, who will drink a glass of beer first, or who will consume it the most. The same competition can be done with fruits or sweets. If you have a console or computer, play the game. This could be racing, dancing, in general, those entertainments where several people can take part.
  • You can play cards or dominoes. To make it much more fun, play by desire. Whoever lost goes out onto the balcony and shouts, for example, crow. Or something else. As a highlight of the holiday, you can invite a stripper. Find out in advance the contacts of the company that provides these services.


Well, in general, you can celebrate February 23 in completely different ways. Even the most boring event with friends can become the most fun event. Don’t get lost, just call your friends, and you won’t be bored there. Subscribe to our website and leave your comments.