One of the basic rules of makeup is its appropriateness. As a rule, an image suitable for a party is unlikely to be suitable for everyday life. But what to do if the frantic pace of life leaves no time for adjusting your makeup, and with modest daytime makeup, your facial skin looks pale in the evening? - and our appearance as a whole resembles a “gray mouse?” It's sad...

PhotoElf magazine offers you a universal solution - “warm make-up”, suitable for any time of the day. It suits absolutely all women, regardless of eye and hair color, age and style.

Creating “warm makeup” is very easy. It is enough to choose the right color palette based on the appearance features. So let's get started:

  • warm shades in this type of makeup are dictated by diversity autumn colors. Beige and brown, golden, peach and cream shades;
  • it is preferable to choose a pinkish-brown or brownish tone than lighter skin faces, the lighter the blush;
  • You can focus on the lips, but it is advisable to choose a lipstick in a warm shade - terracotta, red or chocolate.

Step-by-step creation of “warm” makeup

You can create warm makeup at home; you don’t have to visit a makeup artist. Any woman can cope with this if she acts step by step.

Let's create the foundation...

Just as you need to prepare a canvas to paint a picture, so you should prepare your face. It is necessary to even out skin tone. At the same time, in the cold season you can use foundation with a denser texture. The main thing is that it is the same color as the skin of the face:

  • Squeeze a little foundation onto the back of your hand and mix it with the day cream. Then, using a sponge, apply to the face, starting from its center;
  • carefully blend the transitions between the base and your skin - at the temples, near the neck and along the edge of the hair on the forehead. The skin of the face and neck should look natural, avoid the “mask effect”;
  • For small skin defects, use professional powder with light-repellent particles, which well masks minor imperfections.

With the help of shadows, you can give depth to your eyes and a drooping look. It is important to choose the right color scheme. For a “warm” daytime look, it is better to use soft shades - olive, beige, peach, chocolate, golden. performed in the same tones, but more saturated.

Important! Be careful when using a red tint; too much of it will make your eyes look “tear-stained.” If you are not sure that the chosen range is ideal for you and you can apply it correctly, it is better not to use red eyeshadow at all.

Shadows in “warm” makeup are applied according to the following scheme

  • draw an outline using eyeliner, trying to slightly lift the outer part of the eyes. Thin lines can be left clearly drawn. If the line thickens at the edge, it is advisable to shade it a little;
  • Apply a light shade to the inner corner of the eye, it should smoothly transition into a more dark color. Avoid sharp transitions and do not use contrasting tones, otherwise it will “heavien” the eye;
  • Paint under the eyebrows with light shadows. You can apply shadows with a pearlescent tint, the only cool tone in this makeup. This nuance gives the eyes volume and a “wide-open” effect.

The color of eyelashes in a “warm” look should not be too contrasting. It is preferable to use black or brown mascara. At the same time, you don’t need to highlight your eyebrows too much; they should look natural. You can pre-curl your eyelashes with a curling iron.

Applying blush...

The tone of the blush used should be a warm shade. Apply them to the cheekbones using a wide brush, avoiding clear contours. It is best to use blush in balls.

Emphasizing the lips...

Daytime “warm” implies a minimum emphasis on the lips. You can use a beige lipstick if your skin is fair, or peach color with a slight shine effect on dark skin. It should be barely noticeable on the lips. In the evening, you can highlight your lips with a bright red, scarlet or coral color.

By learning how to combine colors correctly, you can create a truly irresistible image. At the same time, different variations of “warm” makeup will help you look different, but always a little mysterious and enigmatic...

Warm makeup is the most correct and natural solution for “going out” at any time of the day. It suits all representatives of the fair sex without exception, regardless of age, eye and hair color.

Makeup in warm colors will help you feel warm and comfortable on the most chilly cold day. At the same time, the woman will remain irresistible, mysterious and alluring. You just need to choose the right color scheme, taking into account the features of your own appearance.

Of course, you can contact a stylist in a beauty salon, where they will give you first-class make-up. But visiting a salon every day is both inconvenient and expensive. Well, then – why aren’t you your own stylist and makeup artist?! You can do your own makeup in warm colors, you just need to know how to do it correctly at home.

  • Warm colors in makeup are dictated by the rich autumn palette. All shades of brown and beige colors, peach, golden and cream. This entire range can be used in eye shadow.
  • Also choose blush in brownish or brownish-pink shades.
  • Lipstick can become more bright accent, but you should stick to warm shades of red, terracotta, and chocolate.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can make a beautiful makeup look for yourself for any occasion and time of day without much stress.

Step-by-step instructions for creating warm makeup


The basis of any makeup is an even complexion. In the cold season, you can use a thicker texture of foundation for makeup. However, it should match your natural skin tone.

  1. Squeeze a drop of foundation onto the back of your hand, mix it with day cream and apply it to your face with a sponge (not your fingers!), starting from the T-zone.
  2. Gradually blend towards the temples and chin. We work out the transition lines to the neck and scalp especially carefully so that there is no noticeable color transition.
  3. If you have any minor skin imperfections, use powder with light-repellent particles. It will help hide imperfections.

Selecting and applying shadows

Eye shadow makes the eyes deeper and the look more languid. So please pay attention special attention for selection color palette. Don't use overly saturated colors. Halftones and shades of beige, olive, chocolate, golden, peach - this is the choice for daytime warm makeup. for going out it can be brighter. Use the same tones, but more saturated.

Warning for everyone! Red shades are very tricky and can make your eyes look teary. Very few girls use these colors without fear. Therefore, if you are not sure, then it is better not to take risks!

The scheme for applying eye shadow should be like this:

  1. Using eyeliner, draw a contour, slightly lifting the outer part of the eye. If you make the arrow thin, leave it clearly drawn. If you thicken it towards the outer edge, it’s better to shade it, but very carefully;
  2. Apply shadows using a brush or foam applicator. Cover the inner corner of the eye with lighter shadows and gradually move to darker ones. Don't make sharp transitions or use too contrasting shades. This makes the eye feel “heavy”, as if it is closing.
  3. We apply the most under the eyebrows light shades shadows You can add a little mother of pearl here. This is the only cool shade in warm makeup. It will make the eye more voluminous. You will look at the world with wide open eyes.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrows and eyelashes do not need to be highlighted in a contrasting color. Classic black or dark brown are the most optimal colors for makeup in warm colors. We draw the eyebrows not too contrastingly, slightly shaded.

For eyelashes, it is best to use “million eyelashes” mascara. We curl the eyelashes to the outer corner of the eye, creating a “butterfly wing” effect.


We choose blush to match the makeup - warm shades. Apply to cheekbones, blending slightly. Make sure there are no clear stripes. To do this, it is better to use roll-on blush and apply it with a wide, soft brush.

Lip makeup in warm colors

Lipstick in daytime make-up should be almost invisible, with a glitter effect, peach or beige color. In the evening, you can safely use red, coral or scarlet lipstick, but depending on the main colors of your warm makeup.

Undoubtedly, you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands. And your face will become the canvas for creative ideas and their implementation. An excellent result will be all the more valuable. Be bolder, decorate this inhospitable world with yourself - and it will smile back at you.

How to choose the right color scheme for makeup?

Article added: 2008-05-12

Whatever the color of your skin, eyes, eyebrows and hair, there are always colors that will highlight your personality. natural beauty, and those that don’t suit you.

For any makeup artist, choosing face paints is not an easy task. Not because it is difficult to find a suitable color combination, but because most women are accustomed to certain colors and react cautiously to recommendations offered to them. And many women do not at all accept those colors that they are not used to seeing on their faces.

Therefore, it is recommended to experiment with a variety of colors on your face. If you don't try new colors every now and then, you could end up becoming one of those women who is stuck in one color year after year. Your everyday makeup will not only become boring, but you will deprive yourself of the pleasure of experimenting with new ones. cosmetics and flowers that appear on store shelves every season. Although new color combinations may seem strange at first, try to get used to them. Your friends may start complimenting you on your appearance, not understanding what exactly has changed in you, but simply noticing that you really look charming.


To determine which colors suit you best, it is best to separate the range of so-called “cool” colors from the range of “warm” ones. Most people will find that one of these color schemes suits them better than the other: they look more attractive in either “cool” tones or “warm” tones. Sometimes the difference is subtle.


Colors that are called “cool” get their name because when you look at them, you feel cool. So-called “warm” colors are believed to evoke a feeling of warmth. To learn how to identify the sensations caused by colors - “cold” or “warm” - try to be guided by the simple examples given below.

The ocean - a huge expanse of blue color - is cool, and you feel this coolness even before you touch the water. Therefore, blue is considered a “cold” color.

Fire with its orange flame is warm, and you feel its heat without even getting close to the flame. Orange is therefore considered a “warm” color.

When you have a wide range of colors in front of you, use your imagination to “feel” whether each color has more coolness or warmth.

Lilac, for example, evokes a feeling of “oceanic” coolness rather than the feeling of the warmth of a flame. He's closer to blue color than orange, which is why it is considered a “cool” color.

Pink, for example, is close to lilac, so we can say that it also belongs to the “cold” range.

Yellow color evokes the feeling of fire. It is closer to orange than blue, which is why yellow is classified as “warm.”

When it comes to makeup, dividing colors into “cool” and “warm” is a little more difficult because different “neutral” colors are often used to achieve the desired effect. Let's compare the blush colors below. The blush on the left is cool, and on the right is warm. But these "neutral" blush colors illustrate the subtle difference between "neutral cool" and "neutral warm."

If your skin tone favors cool colors, you are considered to have a blue undertone; if warm colors are more suitable, your skin will be said to have a yellow undertone.


When it comes to foundation, concealers and powder, keep in mind that most people have yellow undertones, so sometimes it is necessary to add yellow to the foundation to more closely match a specific skin tone.

However, the time has come to clearly distinguish between the concepts of “tone” and “undertone” of the skin. These concepts define completely different properties of the skin. As paradoxical as it sounds, most of us have a yellow skin tone, but a blue undertone.

How to determine your skin “undertone”? Using the "color test".


When doing this test, make sure your face is evenly illuminated by natural light. Stand near a window, but not in a bright or direct position sunlight. Take a mirror so you can see your entire face, as well as your neck and shoulders. Bare your shoulders as clothing may affect your perception of the colors being tested.

The skin should be free of makeup, including foundation, concealer and powder. Do not cover up bumps, spots and red veins: if they are visible, this will even help you. Tie your hair up away from your face so the color doesn't throw off your look.

If you do not rely on yourself, conduct this test in the company of friends, who should be objective, because they may subconsciously choose the color that they themselves prefer, and not the one that suits you better.

To carry out the test, you must compare orange and pink colors, but of the same intensity, otherwise your conclusion will not be accurate. We need to take orange and pink lipstick, similar to the one shown in the figure below:

Also, you will need two sheets of pink and orange colored paper:

The photo below shows two examples that clearly show how the halftone is selected. On the left is a cold undertone and the wrong color, on the right is a cold undertone and the correct color.

Step by step

1. Take a pink piece of construction paper so that it is near your chin. Look in the mirror so that only the pink leaf is visible, and focus on the face, not the leaf. You will see how the pink color interacts with existing defects (uneven skin tone, heel, red veins). Do the defects become more obvious or appear less noticeable?

2. Repeat the procedure again, this time holding the orange leaf to your chin and moving the pink one away from your face. See how the color orange interacts with your skin and its imperfections.

3. Now use lipstick. First, apply pink lipstick on your lips and hold a pink leaf to your face. See what effect this color has on your appearance.

4. Use makeup remover to thoroughly remove pink lipstick from your lips. Now apply orange lipstick and hold the orange leaf to your face.

The wrong color will lighten the skin around imperfections and make them more visible. The skin may take on a patchy appearance, especially around the mouth.

The right color seems to “highlight” the skin, and defects on it become less noticeable.

The photo below clearly shows how the face changes depending on what color is applied, incorrect or correct. On the left is a warm undertone and the wrong color, on the right is a warm undertone and the correct color.


It is not difficult to classify pure pink and orange colors.

However, when it comes to determining the color of your makeup, things are not so simple. To achieve a natural, elegant look, makeup artists do not use pure blue, green, pink, orange or yellow flowers, because they are too bright, they cannot achieve depth.

To adjust the shape of the eyes, as well as the face or lips, make-up artists need to darken some areas and lighten others, moving them further or closer, respectively.

For greater effectiveness when correcting the shape of the eyes and face, they resort to “neutral” colors. This is why it is so important to understand what a “neutral” color is and to feel the difference between “neutral” cool and warm colors.

Take a look at the photos below and ask yourself the so-called “color question”: which shade is more in the color in question, pink and mauve or orange and yellow?

A – Pink and purple are cool colors. This brown color has a mauve undertone, so it belongs to the cool range.

B – Orange and yellow are warm colors. This brown color has a yellow-orange undertone, so it belongs to the warm range.

The same "color question" can be addressed to these five lipstick colors, where the first two colors on the left are cool reds, the third color (middle) is a base red (no influence of cool or warm tones, suits everyone without exception), the last two colors on the right are warm reds.

And the photo below shows how colors are selected relative to cold and warm undertones. On the left is a cold undertone and incorrect colors, on the right is a cold undertone and the correct colors:

On the left is a warm undertone and incorrect colors, on the right is a warm undertone and correct colors:

Of course, you have your favorite colors, you know they suit you. But don't be afraid to experiment. Once you've decided on your colors, try different options within a cold or warm range. It may turn out that some colors that you never thought of using really suit you.



Now the Internet will begin to be full of headlines: “What to wear to meet New Year“,” “Which makeup to choose for the main night of the year”... We honestly admit: we also sometimes sin with this. But seriously, universal makeup that will suit everyone New Year's Eve, simply not.

We decided to do everything honestly and show, with the help of professional makeup artist Alesya Volkova, which makeup suits different color types. Determine yours - and then our advice will definitely be useful to you both at the upcoming corporate event and on New Year's Eve!

“In today’s episode, I’ll tell you how to choose the right makeup color for different appearance colors,” explains Alesya. — By combining the seasonal and directional methods, there are 12 appearance color types, and there are about 500 unique color options in the Caucasian race!

Today we will analyze typical examples with the principle of choosing color and brightness for a certain type of appearance.

We are not talking about “right” and “wrong” - I will simply show the most harmonious option for each color type. The final choice of makeup is always yours.

On the left photo there will always be an example of color disharmony regarding a specific color type, on the right - a more harmonious option. "Errors" were made only in color. The lines and shading in both photos are done correctly (so the differences may not seem as obvious).

Important note: the girls’ hair and eye color is natural.

Color type "Spring"


“Spring” is a warm, non-contrasting color type. Typical Slavic appearance. Blonde hair, pink, peach or yellow skin. Eye color can be absolutely any: gray, blue, green, brown. Hair color ranges from blonde to medium brown. The key point is the lack of contrast in appearance ( big difference in color between hair and skin) and warm skin temperature.

Representatives of the “Spring” color type: Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Kirsten Dunst, Margot Robie, Gigi Hadid, Rosie Huntinkton, Candice Swanepoel.

Selecting the tone for Olesya:

When your skin is pink, you don't need to choose the same pink foundation. This is the most common mistake. The whiter and pinker the skin, the more often girls choose a tone to match their complexion. But pink skin needs a yellow or peach tone (to neutralize the redness), yellow skin needs yellow (possibly lighter, depending on the situation). Our heroine Olesya has a yellow skin tone. We choose a yellow base, but lighter (because the neck and décolleté are lighter)


The temperature of the eyebrow color should match the temperature of the hair. In other words, as yellow/brown the hair is, the eyebrows should be as yellow/brown. For our heroine, gray eyebrows are too cold and wrong. That's right - warmer and lighter eyebrows.

Eye Makeup:

In the first photo, I deliberately made my makeup in grayer, cooler tones and brighter than my appearance requires. Olesya is “warm”, and gray looks alien on her face, and her makeup seems too bright. In the right photo, I used brown (almost red!) shadows, which looks harmonious and “united” for the entire face.

Blush and lipstick:

The most common mistake that “warm” blondes make is choosing pink. The formed stereotype about “Barbie” suggests: “since I’m fair, I need pink.” However, pink is a cool shade and it also looks alien on such a warm, delicate face. I propose replacing pink with peach, which carries the same message - tenderness and freshness, but the temperature matches this appearance, and does not contradict it.

Color type "Autumn"


“Autumn” is a contrasting warm color type. Representatives of this color type can differ greatly in color from each other. These are redheads, brown-haired people, and even brunettes, and fair-haired people with warm skin tones. The warmer the appearance of the autumn color type, the less cold shades suit it. Therefore, as an example I took red-haired girl. This will be best seen in her example, because red-haired girls have more “warmth” than any other representative of autumn.

Representatives of the “Autumn” type: Mila Kunis, Julianne Moore, Jessica Chastain, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Stone, Julia Roberts.

Let's start with tone:

Redheads' skin is often reddish, and this redness needs to be neutralized. Therefore, you should not choose a foundation that matches the color of the skin on your face. Look at the neck and décolleté. This is exactly what the right shade will be foundation. The difference is clearly visible in the two photos. On the right is the correct option.


The tone of the eyebrows should always match the temperature of the hair. Therefore, gray eyebrows on the left are definitely not a suitable option. On the right are browner and lighter ones. Important point: eyebrows should remain in the same relationship with hair as nature intended: if they are naturally lighter than hair, then after makeup they should also remain lighter.

Eye Makeup:

If you don't take into account fashion trends, then it is better for warm color types to use warm shades of shadows, for cold ones - cold ones. In our case, the eye makeup in the photo on the left is more similar to what was popular 20 years ago. On the right, everything looks modern, and most importantly harmonious. The shade of the eye shadow exactly matches the hair color.

Blush and lipstick:

Using pink for “Autumn,” in my opinion, is unacceptable in everyday life. Besides the fact that it hurts the eye, this color makes the image of an autumn girl look cheap. This can be clearly seen in the photo on the left. For the right option, I selected lipstick and blush, again very close to the hair color. As a result, harmonious makeup for a red-haired girl is done in the same red-brown tones. And the makeup in the left photo seems brighter precisely because of the lack of harmonious color.

Color type “Summer”


The “Summer” color type is the most difficult to determine and select shades. Why? The fact is that all shades are suitable for the summer color type: both warm and cold. Therefore, the difference in two photographs cannot be regarded as “beautiful” or “ugly”, the makeup will simply look different.

Girls of the “Summer” color type can have light hair, light brown or even very dark. The main thing is that they should have a cold tint (not golden, but silver). Our heroine's appearance is quite contrasting - Vika looks brighter than many other representatives of the summer color type. However, the contrast is not as high as in the “Winter” color type. That's why she's "Summer".

Representatives of the “Summer” color type: Vera Brezhneva, Elena Krygina, Emily Di Donato, Ellen Pompeo, Madonna, Polina Gagarina.

Making the tone:

The skin tone of the summer color type is gray. The skin may look yellow, gray, or sallow, even if it is very light. Therefore, applying yellow foundation would be a mistake. The right photo shows a foundation with a pink undertone. This allows you to refresh your skin and its color.


In this case, it is difficult to imagine that you can choose a brown or red color for your eyebrows. Rather, due to the dark color of the hair, you can decide that the eyebrows also need to be dark. As in the case of “Autumn,” you must adhere to the rule: if the eyebrows are naturally much lighter than the hair, then after makeup the eyebrows should remain lighter.

Eye Makeup:

In the first case, I chose brown eye shadow. This color is native to the autumn color type. Here you can see: “Leta”’s eyes with makeup in this range look painful. The right photo uses cooler gray shadows. And it seems that this color just looks like a natural shadow. Again, because it is closer to the hair shade.

Blush and lipstick:

In the first case, I chose blush and lipstick in a warm shade - brown. In general, the makeup in the left photo also looks harmonious, but the girl looks older than her age. This side effect from incorrectly selected shades. In the second case, I used a cool pink shade. After all, pink is so suitable for the summer color type. As a result, the makeup turned out more fresh and natural, and the girl corresponded to her age (22 years old).

Color type “Winter”:

The “Winter” color type is a contrasting cold color type. These are brunettes with very dark, often black hair with a cold sheen. The skin can be very pale, but always grayish, without blush, or dark, but also gray, earthy in color. These people's tans tend to be brown rather than orange or yellow.

Representatives of the winter color type: Anne Hathaway, Monica Bellucci, Liv Tyler.

Making the tone:

The selection of foundation for “Winter” is similar to that for “Summer”. If you take a yellow base, the skin will look sickly. Therefore, we choose a tone with a pink undertone, which makes the skin more fresh.


The main mistake when designing eyebrows for the winter type is a very bright tone. Often, such girls naturally have thick and dark eyebrows. Therefore, you do not need to choose eyebrow products that match your eyebrows, otherwise they will be too dark. It is worth choosing lighter, gray pencils, which will simply create the effect of a falling shadow from the hairs, and the eyebrows themselves will look softer and wider.

Eye Makeup:

The mistake of using warm colors is obvious here. The eyes look tired and sore. It is clearly visible that these shades are alien to such a cold appearance. In the right photo for the smokey eye, I took cooler colors, and it looks harmonious with the hair color and the overall brightness of the appearance.

Blush and lipstick:

For the first case, I used peach blush and a neutral (not warm) lipstick. Even then, the colors look bright and alien. With such a cold appearance, even temperature-neutral products “warm” unsightly. For the right option, I chose a very light lipstick that almost perfectly matches my skin color. A very cool nude shade. On the cheeks there is a cold sculpt (almost gray), again in order to avoid redness and warmth in color. The result suits our heroine perfectly!

Worked on the material: