The legendary beauty Vivien Leigh said: “There are no ugly women - there are only women who do not know that they are beautiful.” We undertake to assert that this is not enough for beauty. The skin of the face and body requires proper care. And this is already a whole art.

Imagine looking stunning!

And men look back after you!

And the mirror always answers with a smile...

Is it possible to achieve this? Without a doubt - yes! After all, the most best clothes for a woman it means beautiful skin.

There is a site for you and only for you “ Doctor Eskin» with a thousand and one skin care tips!

A happy woman brightens the world

The Doctor Eskin website team has set a goal: to answer all questions about skin care. To do this, we sift through megabytes of information from the Internet. In search of miraculous recipes, we open the notebooks of beauties of the last century. We listen to the advice of recognized Sexy. And this one useful information we give it to you!

Doctor Eskin is a veritable encyclopedia of skin care tips. Experts (dermatologists, cosmetologists, homeopaths) and simply experienced ladies share recipes that help make the skin of the face and body clean and fresh. Please note that you no longer need to waste your personal time searching for suitable recipes in books and the Internet.

Go through the sections and see that Doctor Eskin is an amazing site:

  • A forum for those who have something to say.

Discovering the secrets of Doctor Eskin

Each section of the site specializes in a specific topic.

“Skin types” helps you determine your skin type: dry, oily, combination? This is very important in order to understand the problem and solve it competently. Tests and articles in this section help even inexperienced girls find out their skin type.

“Face and body skin care” knows everything about daily beauty procedures:

  • How to care for young skin of the face and body.
  • How to maintain fading beauty and look younger than your peers.
  • How to remove swelling, bruises, bags under the eyes.
  • Seasonal care - how to look good at any time of the year.
  • Section "Pregnancy" for expectant and nursing mothers.
  • How to do depilation on the face and body.

AND young girls, and experienced women worry equally strongly if a rash appears on the skin. Pimples, freckles, moles, warts can really ruin your mood. The section “Problem skin” will relieve tears and despair and tell you:

  • How to cleanse the skin of your face and body correctly.
  • How to treat skin inflammation (pimples, acne, blackheads).
  • What to do if

In the late 90s, Johnson & Johnson was the first to educate a lot of consumers that the normal pH of the skin is 5.5, and that we all simply must buy its new series of the same name under the same name - for hair, face and body. What kind of pH is this, what does it depend on, why absolutely any product can lead to dry skin, and why we shouldn’t eat excess vegetables - we’ll tell you in today’s article.

What you need to know about skin pH?

pH- This is the acid-base balance of the skin. Thanks to it, the skin maintains elasticity, normal sebum production and protective properties. There is a pH scale that is measured in units. Its gradation is from 0 to 14.

  • Dry skin has a pH of 3 - 5.2
  • normal - 5.2 -5.7
  • oily - 5.7 - 7.5.

Accordingly, the cosmetics we apply also have a certain index.

For example, soap and any facial foam are an alkaline surfactant. And usually it has an index from 6 to 11. Alkali washes away the lipid layer from the skin, and therefore acidity. The skin becomes drier, tighter, and in advanced cases, flaky. There are neutral gels with a low pH - for example, CosRX Low pH Morning Gel, which are more gentle and less irritating to the skin. This is indicated for dry skin and normal skin. Oily skin tolerates regular cleansers quite well, this reduces its layer. However, if you overdo it and neglect moisturizing creams, then oily skin will lose its lipid layer and become dry.

Acid cosmetics act as a counterbalance to alkali - for example, peelings. Or pads with acids. The gradation of acid is from 0 to 4, respectively, the lower the number, the stronger the effect. That is why acid cosmetics are used in the treatment of acne and problematic oily skin. BHA is a stronger acid and AHA is a weaker acid, so it is better suited for dry skin for exfoliation and renewal purposes. But if you get carried away with acids, then again, you can turn oily skin into dry and irritated skin.

Even simple water has a high alkaline environment - 7 units, therefore, after washing it is necessary to return the normal acid-base balance. The acid-base balance of the skin is like a scale, where you must always maintain balance. After all, there is always a bowl of “Acid” on one side, and “Alkali” on the other.

How to maintain normal pH balance?

Always use toner

It returns acidity to the skin after washing. He is the one responsible for restoring the lipid layer and preparing the skin for the procedure of vitaminization (serum), moisturizing and protection (emulsion or cream). Skip the toner - the effect of care will be reduced significantly. You may not have essence or fabric masks, but toner is a must in your care.

Oily skin needs hydration too

Despite the fact that oily skin is less susceptible to strong foam cleansers and tolerates BHA acids well, it also needs to be moisturized. Otherwise, it will eventually dry out. At best, this will lead to wrinkles, peeling and general bruising; at worst, the skin will react with a surge in sebum production and become even more oily.

Dry skin needs acids

But AHA-type acids, no more than once a week, and in combination with low-alkaline foams and high-quality nourishing creams. This will ensure renewal of the epidermis without discomfort.

Sun protection is essential

Skin without protection receives its share of “burning” - invisible and imperceptible, but this is enough for the body to begin to drive water to the surface of the epidermis - thereby reducing its acidity and making it drier. Therefore, do not forget to apply sunblock.

Proper nutrition is not always obvious

It's great when a person takes care of his health and eats right. However, any extremes are harmful. Vegetables and fruits are highly alkaline foods that need to be combined with the amino acids found in protein. These are meat, cottage cheese, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs. In short, young vegans look good, they have almost no problems with their skin (because it doesn’t get oily, it’s cleaner), but it quickly loses its elasticity and firmness. Therefore, if you choose a diet without meat, then let it be vegetarianism with the opportunity to consume dairy products.

Are you following all the rules for maintaining a healthy pH level? Or are you neglecting something? Tell us about your experience.

The process of formation of keratin, melanin and skin PH.
This complex process begins in the germinal layer and ends in the stratum corneum, where cells undergo numerous changes. Their cytoplasm and nucleus atrophy. Keratohyamine, produced in the granular layer, is responsible for the formation of sebum. In the transparent layer, where living epithelial cells are approaching the final period of “living” existence, keratohyamine is intensively replaced by keratin. At this level, the cells are almost completely dehydrated. Dehydration is accompanied by the process of keratinization. The stratum corneum contains about 10% water, compared to 70-72% water in the germinal and papillary layers. The formation of keratin is controlled by the activity of many endocrine glands that secrete hormones. For example, increasing the level of female hormones reduces the formation of keratin. Some other hormones, on the contrary, accelerate the formation of keratin.

Formation of melanin. Melanin is a highly energetic pigment. It is formed from many special cells located in the basal germinal layer, known as melanocytes. The formation and distribution of melanolin is influenced by external and internal factors. Melanin grains concentrated in the basal layer are then transferred to the outer layers of the epidermis. Under the influence of appropriate stimuli - such as solar training, they affect skin color. Thus, sunbathing leads to the activation of pigment cells, in which, under the influence sunlight Melanin is actively released. As a result, the skin acquires a darker, darker color. An active pH reaction of liquids or creams indicates their acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with neutral pH being 7. Acidity is any value below 7. A decrease in pH indicates an increase in acidity. Acidity is characterized by a sour taste, like lemon. Alkalinity is an alkaline reaction that corresponds to pH values ​​from 7 to 14. Increasing the pH increases the degree of alkalinity. Alkalis are a group of compounds that, when exposed to acid, can increase salts, color red litmus blue, and have the property of washing away fats. Neutrality. Neutral solution is a soft, chemically inactive solution, i.e. neither alkaline nor acidic. Although a neutral reaction corresponds to a value of 7 on the scale. The concept of “neutrality” is broader and implies pH from 6.5 to 7.5 pH of the skin and its cover (mantle). The secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands and the formation of keratin in the epidermis form an “acid mantle” that protects the skin from bacteria and dehydration, and also helps maintain its normal condition.

Physiologically, the pH of skin tissue can change significantly. Skin pH, being subject to external factors such as solar radiation, influences cosmetics, and also in severe physical condition affects the pH value. This indicator changes to different areas bodies. The pH of the inner layers of the skin corresponds to the pH of blood and plasma, i.e. approximately 7.35, while in the outer layers of the epidermis the pH ranges from 4.8 to 5. PH of the stratum corneum healthy skin is 5-5, 6.

When caring for our skin, we should take care of the “acid mantle.” Special attention should be paid to different skin types - oily skin has a pH between 7.5-8, dry skin has a pH of about 6.5. For oily skin, products containing an alkaline reaction are desirable, while for dry skin, products with a slightly acidic environment are needed.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the line of devices.

Impairment plays a significant role in the development of many dermatological diseases. chemical composition skin aqueous environment. One of its main indicators is the PH level of the skin, which must be taken into account not only for treatment purposes, but also correct selection care products for her. “PH” is expressed in arbitrary units from 0 to 14 and is a characteristic measure of the activity or concentration of hydrogen ions that cause an acidic environment.

The number “7” indicates a neutral environment. Numbers below “6.5” indicate an acidic environment. The lower this indicator, the higher it is. Numbers above “7.5” characterize an alkaline environment formed by hydroxyl ions. The higher this number, the higher the degree of alkalinity.

Skin PH properties and its indicators

The skin, being a receptor organ, prevents the entry into the body harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms, protect it from the influence of negative environmental factors, participate in immune processes, in the processes of thermoregulation and water-salt metabolism, in the removal of toxins and toxic substances from the body.

They are constantly exposed to mechanical and chemical stress, exposure to infrared and ultraviolet rays, the influence of air temperature and microorganisms, etc. The correct ratio of acid and alkaline ions, or the acid-base balance of the skin, plays an important role in the adequate functioning of cells and the physiological course of various processes.

The permeability of its barrier largely depends on the condition of the stratum corneum, which is the most important part of the epidermal barrier. The latter is formed by corneocytes (horny scales) and intercellular substance consisting of various types lipids, the main ones of which are:

  • free fatty acids (10-15%) - linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic and stearic; they maintain skin acidity and prevent excess transepidermal water loss;
  • ceramides (about 50%), located in the epidermal bilipid layer mainly in a gel-like state and having hydrophobic properties; the main function of ceramides is their antibacterial effect;
  • cholesterol, averaging 25% and providing ceramides with elasticity.

What should be the normal skin PH?

There is a significant difference in the hydrogen ion content between the dermal papillary and superficial layers. Average normal pH values ​​on the surface of the stratum corneum are 4.5, and in deeper layers they are equal to or less than 6.8. The normal pH range of human skin is from 3.5 to 5.9, which is associated with the composition of sweat, the level of lactic and acetic acids, free fatty acids, amino acids, and other metabolic products, as well as with the vital activity of saprophytic (resident) bacterial flora.

Fluctuations in the acid-base balance are caused by:

  1. Endogenous factors, that is, age, gender, concomitant diseases, psychological state etc.
  2. Exogenous - seasonal and daily fluctuations, intake medicines, nature of nutrition, use of cosmetics, etc.

The normal acid-base state is different for different anatomical and physiological zones of the body. The pH balance of the scalp is from 4.5 to 5.5, the chest - from 5.1 to 5.5, the palmar surface of the hands - from 6.2 to 6.5. The greatest shift in balance to the alkaline side is observed in the axillary and groin areas.

Women have higher skin acidity than men. Its different values ​​are determined even in different areas of the face. So, for example, in the area of ​​the eyelids and corners of the eyes it approaches neutral, in the frontal area - from 4.0 to 5.5, and the pH of the facial skin in the cheek area is from 4.2 to 5.9.

Deviations from normal indicators acidity can be the cause or consequence of many pathological conditions or serious disorders of barrier function. For example, a violation of the synthesis of lipids involved in the regulation of the aquatic environment and acidity leads to irritation skin, their dryness, redness, disruption of the protective function and the development of pathogenic microorganisms in them.

These changes occur when - deviation from the norm is in the acidic direction, and - in the alkaline direction. Acne, as a rule, develops against the background of increased fat content, which is accompanied by a shift in the acid-base state from slightly acidic (normal) to the alkaline side. The pH of the skin with acne is about 6.0.

Short-term deviations of the acid-base state to the neutral side do not cause significant changes in the integrity or function of the skin barrier. However, their repeated repetitions or a persistent increase in skin acidity become a consequence of serious violations of transepidermal regulatory mechanisms, which leads to excessive loss of water and dryness.

How to determine acid-base balance

You can roughly determine the shift in PH balance using certain signs. If there is a shift to the more acidic side, symptoms appear:

  • excessive dryness, feeling of tightness and itching;
  • excessive peeling;
  • tendency to irritation and redness;
  • feeling of greasy skin after cleansing and/or using moisturizers;
  • increased sensitivity when using various cosmetics.

There are also various tests with questions and suggested answers. For example, the nature of changes in the skin after cleansing, the number of facial moisturizers throughout the day, the nature of the reaction to decorative cosmetics, the frequency and regularity of redness and peeling, the time of day at which the severity of wrinkles increases, changes in fat content and the appearance of inflammatory reactions, the frequency of swelling and shine of the skin. Based on the sum of the points of the corresponding answers, one of the options for the acid-base state is determined - optimal, high or low acidity.

In dermatology offices and beauty salons, portable non-invasive electronic testers with a colorimetric indicator or glass electrode are used to determine the pH level of dry skin in numerical terms - ph meters. An example of such a device is the “HI 98110 Skincheck” hair and skin tester.

How to equalize skin PH

Factors that change acidity are:

  • various diseases internal organs, especially diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders;
  • reception medicines, especially antibacterial, diuretic and antihypertensive drugs;
  • fungal diseases;
  • poor diet and activity patterns;
  • excessive psychological stress;
  • improper use (without taking into account acidity) of detergents and cosmetics for skin care;
  • use of hair dyes and perms;
  • increased water hardness and excessive exposure to sunlight;
  • the use of antioxidants and vitamin supplements.

Based on knowledge of the symptoms of acidity disorders and identification of individual causes, appropriate therapeutic and preventive measures are taken. Particular attention should be paid to detergents and skin care products.

Despite the presence of PH values ​​on the packaging of most of these drugs or indications of their “balance” for this indicator, it is advisable to additionally use special test strips at home designed to determine the acidity of liquid substances. When using the cream, you can mix 1 teaspoon of it in 4 teaspoons of water. The acceptable pH for cleansers is from 5.5 to 6.5, moisturizing creams are 5.0, and moisturizing-exfoliative creams are from 3.0 to 4.0.

The best option is to select the necessary cosmetic and detergents skin care based precise definition acid-base balance and in accordance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.