Dear priest, father, cordially
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We are eternally grateful to you,
May your temple and home prosper.

Let there be no confusion in your soul,
And let the prayer flow by itself.
And may a miracle live next to you,
And peace reigns in the heart.

Father in Christ,
Christ is born - praise!
You are the power of your faith
On the righteous path
Instruct us.
May the Lord strengthen you
Will give patience and humility,
May Christmas grant
God's blessing to you.

May this beautiful bright night
Goodness and happiness will fall to the earth,
Doubts and fears will disappear,
So that you never appear in souls again.

And in this magical moment of Christmas
Father, I really want to congratulate you,
I want to wish you prosperity and goodness
And glorify the name of Christ over the world!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, Father.
Merry Christmas.
Let sorrows and doubts not disturb you,
Let your soul be filled with love and warmth.

May the Lord with his great power
Protects you from any harm,
So that the years bring only joy,
May there be more kindness around.

I wish you fruitful, clear days,
May God always bless you!
More good, bright news,
I wish you health for many years to come!

I wish you to live in harmony and peace,
Let your soul always sing joyfully!
Let in your every word or look
Faith only lives in the best!

Holy Father, I want to congratulate
Merry Christmas to you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish to bring goodness and light,
Be an ardent fighter for the faith.

I wish you happiness, health,
Hope and great love,
Let the light of warmth flicker
Always, Father, within you.

Heal wounds with prayer,
Lead your flock with you
May it bring you only joy
The path that fate has chosen for you.

I ask for your blessing on this great bright holiday and wish you, Father, a Merry Christmas. And let nothing, no one ever be able to interfere with true service to God, good preaching and resistance to all evil. I wish you a life as blessed as this holiday, I wish you good health, like your faith.

May the Lord bless you,
Let your thoughts be pure
He will reward you with good health,
Will make good dreams come true!

I want to wish you humility,
And also eternal faith in God!
Let every moment in life
Gives you a lot of happiness!

May it be Christmas
It will be filled with goodness
With pure love, because the basis is
This is love always, in everything!

May your faith only grow stronger,
After all, you serve God faithfully!
May He protect you
Showing you the way!

Bless, Father. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and sincerely wish you peace, prosperity on our land, kindness in the hearts of our people, strong faith and bright hope for all of us. May a miracle happen in every home today, may God always be with you. Health to you, Father, strong strength and joyful days of a happy life.

New Year- a time of new hopes and aspirations. Not just the New Year, but the New Year from the Birth of Christ. 2017 years have already passed since the birth of Christ, but, despite many troubles and misfortunes, everything still shines brightly Star of Bethlehem on the Christmas tree, and the Angels sing praises to the born Savior of the world. The simple shepherds also bow to the infant Christ, and the wise wise men bring gifts. Herod seeks to kill the Infant of God, but the majority are simply sleeping, not knowing the accomplished Sacrament. This is exactly what we see now. There are simpletons who see God with a pure heart, there are wise men who see the Creator through knowledge of the visible world, there are hypocritical murderers who have gone so far as to kill their own children, who have forgotten the commandment of God, “whatever they did to one of these little ones, they did to Me,” there are indifferent ones, who are always the majority.
When we read about the Birth of the Savior, we must think about who we ourselves are on this holy and wonderful day. We, like the Magi, having a lot of money, spend our gold to help those in need? Do we, having wisdom, seek Christ or do we not know God in our conceit? Do we believe in simplicity like shepherds and like those simple grandmothers of ours who believe in God in simplicity of heart? We, like Herod, who killed children, also killed our children by abortion and even during the Nativity Fast did not repent of this, this applies to both the men who allowed the murder and the women who committed it. And having given up caring for their children, did those who donated their funds to help orphans, large families or the poor bring repentance during this Lent? Do we glorify Christ like the Angels, repeatedly bringing repentance through the Sacrament of Confession during Lent and praying at the Christmas service in church? Or are we just sleeping, like the majority, at the moment when God was born on earth?

We have preserved the traditions, but have lost their meaning. Our ancestors (before the revolution and, by the way, after) did not know any New Year tree; with the tree there was a strong association - the Nativity of Christ. Christmas tree- a replacement for Rozhdestvenskaya, was invented in Soviet times, and even then not immediately, at first this holiday was completely prohibited.

The Christmas tree was decorated with the eight-pointed star of Bethlehem, images of Angels, shepherds and wise men, and toys - a symbol of the gifts brought by the wise men to the born Savior.
They gave gifts to the children, arranged a festive table after the night Christmas service, danced around the Christmas tree, sang carols - Christmas carols glorifying the birth of Christ.
Main character Christmas trees: Santa Claus, in Europe Santa Claus - Saint Nicholas - Saint Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker is a great Orthodox saint who is revered by the entire Christian world and whom our people revered like nowhere else. How many centuries have passed (about 1700 years), and the memory, although clouded, of this holy man, Orthodox bishop, beggar-lover, is kept in the hearts of people. Look even at the notorious Grandfather Frost, his attire is identical to the winter attire of an Orthodox bishop. A hat - a skufya, a winter cassock, a staff - a symbol of the Bishop's power, the Shepherd of the flock of Christ.
The very way of giving gifts to children secretly is a deep gospel tradition: “When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” As they used to say to children: “God has brought it, Saint Nicholas.”
The fact that the Nativity of Christ is now separated from the New Year is, perhaps, the Providence of God. Most spend the New Year drunk - one of the most terrible diseases human soul. If you collect the tears shed from this sin, you can fill all the seas and oceans of the world more than once. It’s not for nothing that January 1, New Year’s Day. The day of the Holy Martyr Boniface is celebrated, to whom people pray for those suffering from the disease of drunkenness. Therefore, the Nativity of Christ, even for people with little church life in Russia, is precisely the Birth of Christ. For example: in the West, Christmas is just a holiday for many, and according to a survey, only 20% associate it with Christianity. This is how the essence of what is happening from people’s consciousness is emasculated.
We all know the song about the little Christmas tree “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...” from which in Soviet times the verse about the Nativity of Christ was removed:

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.
We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?
Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Beads hung, bright balls,
Sweets, gifts - everything for the kids.

The Christmas tree likes our celebration,
Merry, merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

If earlier on the Christmas and Easter holidays people perceived them as doing good: they visited prisoners ("Notes from the House of the Dead" by Dostoevsky), did charity to the poor ("Summer of the Lord" by Shmelev, "My Sweet Childhood" by Lukashevich), i.e. did good and somewhere rethought their lives ("A Christmas Carol" by Dickens, "The Boy at Christ's Tree" by Dostoevsky, "The Little Match Girl" by Andersen, aka "The Snow Queen", "The Gift of the Magi" by Henry, etc.), then Now, especially the New Year, this is a reason to break the fast, get drunk and drunk. As I found out, some people don’t even put up a tree, let alone say that it’s a Christmas tree, or even a New Year’s tree. I ask where they put gifts for children, under the nightstand. Some kind of ossification, loss of not only spiritual, but also cultural roots, life only in the flesh and for the flesh. And what they “celebrate”, yes, the New Year, it seems to be a time of new aspirations, deeds, changes, and in fact becomes a “celebration” of another year of temporary life on earth. A whole year of your life, of which there are not many.

Fragment of the fairy tale The Snow Queen in the original:
Gerda began to read the “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl’s breath immediately turned into a thick fog. This fog kept getting thicker and thicker, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large, formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands. Their number kept growing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her. The angels took the snow monsters onto their spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes. Gerda could now boldly move forward; the angels stroked her arms and legs, and she no longer felt so cold. Finally, the girl reached the palace of the Snow Queen...
- Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!
But he sat still as motionless and cold. Then Gerda began to cry; Her hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated his heart, melted his icy crust and melted the fragment. Kai looked at Gerda, and she sang:
Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.
Kai suddenly burst into tears and cried so long and so hard that the shard flowed out of his eye along with the tears. Then he recognized Gerda and was very happy...

Klavdiya Lukashevich
The Christmas tree was shown unexpectedly, as a surprise, and my parents, nanny and aunties prepared it when we went to bed.

Two or three days before Christmas, my mother said sadly: “Poor girls, today they won’t have a Christmas tree... Dad and I have no money. And Christmas trees are expensive. Next year we will give you a big one nice Christmas tree. And now we’ll live without a Christmas tree.” Nothing could be objected to such words... But in the saddened child’s soul there was still hidden both resentment and vague hope. You believe and do not believe the words of your mother and loved ones.

On the first day of Christmas, how many happy children's heads rise from sleep with a joyful dream in which a coniferous tree is imagined, how many naive expectations fill the children's imagination... And how fun and tempting it is to dream about a golden Christmas star, about some doll, drum, bright lights on the branches of your favorite tree. All children have so many dreams, desires, so many hopes associated with the holiday of Christmas.

Lida, Lida, smell it, it smells like a Christmas tree,” I say, waking up on Christmas morning in the most cheerful mood. Rosy, full face sisters lifts herself off the pillow. She wrinkles her little nose hilariously.

Yes, it smells... Really... It kind of smells.

But they said that there would be no Christmas tree this year!

Maybe it will. Last year they also said: it won’t happen. And then everything happened,” the sister recalls. Nanny is already here.

Nanny, why does it smell like a Christmas tree? - I ask seriously.

Where can she smell from... When there is no trace of her... Get up, ladies and gentlemen. Now the “Christoslavs” will come...

Are these grandpa's boys?

Probably with a star. Grandfather glued them a beautiful one.

Of course, our funnyman tried for his guys... I was with them, the whole floor in the office was littered, as if it was covered in gold... And the star was burning, shimmering... You'll see what kind of star it is.

In those distant times, it was the custom for “Christoslavs” to walk around apartments “with a star” and sing Christmas songs. Usually the local poor gathered in every house: teenage boys learned Christmas songs, made a star and went from house to house to praise Christ. Before you have time to get dressed and wash, the nanny would say: “They came with a star.” We hear the patter of children's feet and a party of six to ten people will enter the room. The boys will stand in front of the images and sing “Your Nativity” and “Virgin this day”... Then they will loudly congratulate you on the holiday. Sometimes this singing came out very harmonious and beautiful. There was something touching and festive in the appearance of the “Christoslavs”. My sister and I loved it very much, we were happy and looked forward to their arrival.

The “Christoslavs” came several times on the first day. We didn’t turn anyone away: everyone was given kopecks and gingerbread... But we were especially looking forward to “grandfather’s boys.” We would recognize them from a thousand, they appeared with such a beautiful, intricate star that no one else had. After all, it was made by our artist himself - grandfather. Even the nanny, somehow especially affectionately and affably said:

Well, finally grandpa’s boys are coming.

We were frozen with excitement... The guys shyly enter the room, and in front of them moves a beautiful golden star... It is on a high shaft, there is a golden glow all around - it trembles and shimmers... And in the middle is an image of the Nativity of Christ.

You see, Lida, Christ was born there,” I point to my sister at the star.

I see... Grandfather drew this... I know...

It seemed to us that grandfather’s boys sang somehow especially loudly and harmoniously... The familiar, friendly faces of the “barefoot team” smiled at my sister and me... And we were embarrassed and hid behind the nanny, behind our mother. “Grandfather’s boys” were, of course, given more generously than others. They were even given hot sbiten to drink... How happy they were and remembered it for a long time.

On the first day of Christmas, our joyful mood was somewhat darkened... We did not know whether we would have a Christmas tree or not...

Mom says she won't...

“Why is she laughing,” I say excitedly to my sister. - She turned away and laughed...

She always laughs...

Why is the door to their room closed? And it smells like a Christmas tree!..

Mom said that there was fumes there... And they ventilate the room... It’s cold there.

The story about the fumes is similar to the truth and you begin to believe it. Still, the excitement does not leave us. And we mysteriously consult:

You can peek through the crack.

No, the nanny said it was not good to peep.

But the temptation was so great that we would sneak a peek through the crack... And we would see something beautiful, sparkling, green... Similar to a Christmas tree... It used to be that in our corner we would already play “Christoslavs”, make a some flowers for the dolls Christmas tree. But when grandparents and aunts come and bring packages in their hands, hope will fill our hearts again... Soon Aunt Manyusha will occupy us with a story... You will listen and forget about the Christmas tree for a while... Suddenly mom will sing something funny. .. And we will be solemnly led into a closed room. The door opened - and there was a Christmas tree shining with lights. I don’t know if the old trick of suddenly delighting children with a Christmas tree was good. The delight was so strong that it was breathtaking with joy. You stand there for a long time, your mouth open, and you can’t say a word. Your eyes sparkle, your cheeks heat up, and you don’t know what to look at. And mom and dad will grab hands and start twirling around the tree singing.

Our Christmas tree was modest, small, but decorated beautifully and with love. There are gifts under the tree. Each one will please the other with something. The aunties embroidered aprons for us. Grandmother sewed a ball out of rags. Dad and grandfather made benches; Mom drew pictures. The nanny dressed our dolls. We also gave gifts to everyone: poems for some, bookmarks for others, some armlets knitted for others. Everything was done within our capabilities and with the help of a nanny. The adults, especially my mother and aunties, sang and danced around the Christmas tree with us. It was fun. But, unfortunately, in early childhood there were never children at our Christmas trees and holidays; We didn’t have little friends at all... I remember once the nanny brought the washerwoman’s children and sat them under the Christmas tree. At first we thought that these were huge dolls... But when we examined them, there was no limit to delight and joy. We didn’t know how or what to do to keep our friends busy, to amuse and give gifts... The child still yearns for the company of his peers, for children’s interests and games with friends. And it seems that our Christmas tree, when the washerwoman’s children were visiting us, was the most fun and memorable.

Grandfather had completely different Christmas trees... There were too many children there. “Daddy works hard for his boys, but doesn’t think about his granddaughters at all,” Aunt Sasha said in a dissatisfied voice. But the granddaughters were also indescribably delighted with their grandfather’s Christmas tree. In a small apartment in a gray house it was impossible to hide the tree itself... And we saw it in advance - charming and decorated with intricate chains, lanterns, stars and bonbonnieres. Grandfather glued all this himself, and his father and mother helped him...

Christmas and New Year's stories:

O. Henry Gifts of the Magi

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich. Boy at Christ's Christmas tree

Charles Dickens. Christmas stories

H.H. Andersen Fairytale Little Match Girl

H.H. Andersen The Snow Queen

Konstantin Pobedonostsev. Christmas

Klavdia Lukashevich. Christmas holiday

I. Rutenin. Winter. Christmas

Priest P.N. Vozdvizhensky. Christmas

Selma Lagerlöf. Holy night

Translated from English. and retold by V. Grigoryan Zaryanka

Sasha Cherny. Rozhdestvenskoe

Gifts of Artaban

Christmas angel

F. Dostoevsky. God's gift

John CAREY (translation from English) The Golden Slippers

Hans Christian Andersen. Girl with matches

E. Sanin. Birch tree (Yuletide story)

Translated from English. and retold by V. Grigoryan. Spiders and Christmas Tree

I. Rutenin. Christmas tree

I. Rutenin. Christmas

I. Rutenin Tale of the Bell

Christmas morning

I. Rutenin. Mote and Droplet

Polonsky. Winter night in the village

I. Rutenin. Miracle Light

Children's prayer (read and learn)

Prayer to the Mother of God

I. Shmelev. Christmas

Nun Varvara. Nativity of Christ Golden childhood

Valentina Evstafieva Vanya

Sofia Makarova. Christmas lantern

Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov). Malinka. Miracles of St. Seraphim Hegumen and the Bear

Unexpected Helper

Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin. Baptism

Kindness teacher

Angel wings

The rich man and the poor man

Old mill

Rusted Knight

Collection beautiful toasts and Merry Christmas. The site editors have collected best options in poetry and prose, most of these wishes fit into a standard SMS message mobile phone. These Christmas greetings are suitable for formal gatherings, colleagues, friends and relatives.

When the snow covers the ground
And Christmas will come again
We raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days,
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

The evening seems to breathe magic...
Happy holiday! WITH Merry Christmas!
We are all waiting for a miracle on this holy night,
We ask heaven to help us in life.
The star of love is already burning,
He gives his kindness to the world.
May he protect you all from evil and troubles
God, love, warmth and wonderful light!


May Christ's Christmas
Will give you all magic
And it will drive away boredom and laziness,
Will make your day happy.
From now on you will have everything
Well, just super, top class!
Huge, pure love to you,
God bless you all.

Merry Christmas! The star has already lit up
What did she tell the Magi about this?
So that love spreads throughout the world,
So that faith gains strength.
To get the good news
To every home where there is a living soul!
Be happy that God exists in the world!
Merry Christmas, dear ones, congratulations!

On the bright holiday of Christmas.
Give to your loved ones
A sea of ​​light and warmth.
Giving, we will one day
We will receive everything a hundredfold.
Let everyone be happy
And rich in mercy!

Let the Christmas tree
Decorates the house and garden.
And there are no needles on the branches,
Stacks of dollars are hanging!

A little kinder on Christmas Day
The world will become gloomy, giving up everything.
Everyone will become friendlier, softer and brighter,
It was as if a fairy tale had blossomed outside the window.
Let the ice floes and snowstorms melt on your heart.
Let the frost paint wonders in the windows.
You just need to believe in happiness this night -
On Christmas, your cherished dream will come true.

Christmas... Quietly falling snow, the smell of candles and a Christmas tree, Christmas songs and long starry nights... The Universe froze in admiration, for the Savior came, and the world was filled with joy and light. This radiance is unquenchable.
Here's to a wonderful Christmas holiday that makes us all better and cleaner!

Bright holiday, Christmas,
It's knocking at your house again,
Accept it
And meet with pie.
We wish you to live happily,
So that there is peace in my soul,
Let the house be beautiful
So that there is great wealth.
Let there be harmony in the house,
Let love live in the family,
May the Lord not forget
Help always gives you.

In January, on the seventh day,
For a long time, from year to year
Feast of the Nativity of Christ
Celebrated by our people.
May there be a lot of fun
The house will be a full cup
And let the soul believe in God.
Merry Christmas!

Adults don't believe in miracles
They don't believe in magic
And still let me through your doors
Christmas will be a fairy tale.
Let the garland sparkle
Fatigue and sadness will disappear,
And the best will happen to you
May your dreams come true.

Merry Christmas to you,
May the holiday be fun
Let sadness melt like snow,
And love will come to your home.
Everyone will feel warm and cozy,
Everyone will forgive each other everything,
And what was difficult before
Together they will make it happen at once.

On a wonderful Christmas day
I wish you magic
For white snow to fall
So that there is success in work.
So that there is prosperity in the house,
So that the honey is only sweet
And without bitter impurities.
So that you rejoice more often,
I wish you today.
Merry Christmas!

WITH early years children know about this -
Our Lord is omnipresent and invisible.
And for everything beautiful in the world
We thank God on Christmas.
I wish you happiness on Christmas,
As does your entire family.
Let bad weather go around the house,
Live in abundance and goodness.

Page and fire, grain and millstones,
Axes with a point and a truncated hair, -
God preserves everything, especially words
Forgiveness and love, like your own voice.
I want to wish us all love. Love for each other, attention and forgiveness. This is what brings us closer to God, makes us kinder and purer. Here's to Christmas!

In ancient times in England there was a prayer:
Give us, Lord, a little sunshine,
A little work and a little play.
Give us what we earned through our labor
Our daily black bread and a little butter.
Give us health and love,
Give us also some songs, and a fairy tale, and a book.
Give us, Lord, the opportunity
Become a better person for yourself and for others,
Until all people learn to live like brothers.
Wonderful words that contain all the people’s ideas about happiness, about a calm, godly life. I read this prayer every year on Christmas Eve. And her simple but truly magical words elevate my soul.
Let's drink to a bright Christmas holiday and thank God for all his gifts!

Toast to the Christmas holiday:
I wish you happiness and goodness!
Don't hurt each other
Make your dreams come true!

The day when Christ was born -
Great and holy day
God's son was born
Under a wonderful star.
I wish you happiness and prosperity,
To pay for good with good,
Let your wishes come true
Merry Christmas!

Sparkling pure pristine snow
And he invites you and me into a winter fairy tale.
May every person be happy
Who celebrates Christmas with us,
Who is waiting for a miracle on Christmas night,
When the star shines over Bethlehem,
Everything that is rotten and bad will evaporate away,
And the world around will become magical and beautiful!

Let nothing be to us on this holiday
Won't spoil the celebrations!
So let's raise our glasses
For Christmas Day!

Christmas has come to us today,
And we'll raise our glass again,
So that happiness does not forget us.
For Christmas and for love!

I wish you a Merry Christmas,
So that magic can visit you more often:
Wonderful evening, fabulous success,
And so that there would be enough for everyone.
Let the star guide you through life,
Let there be tons of happiness in reserve,
May the festive feast be plentiful
And may this world be filled with goodness.

May it bring you Christmas
What is most important to everyone is
Will give you love
Will give you good luck, health,
Let there be fullness of life,
May it be on Christ's birthday
Fate will smile on you
May you succeed in everything!

Congratulations on Christmas.
Let a miracle happen in your life,
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to live in your house.
Let hope, faith, warmth
They never leave you for a moment in life,
Let every dream come true,
I sincerely wish you the best!

May it be on Christmas morning
The dawn will be fabulous:
Will greet you with snowy mother-of-pearl
And will give the sun light.
And let it be soulful
Glorious Christmas evening
Let the beautiful ones wake you up
Thoughts, feelings and words.
And the Christmas tree
Let it bring comfort to the house.
May all your loved ones stay in it for a long time,
They live peacefully and joyfully.

A holiday has come to us, bright and magical,
A wonderful day - the seventh of January.
Let's live in spiritual harmony,
Giving your support to your neighbor.
Let everything you dreamed of come true,
And our happiness will not leave the house.
We were waiting for this holiday like a fairy tale.
Love, warmth, health! Merry Christmas!

Magical Christmas night
Snowflakes are circling - and they are having fun.
Christ was born, we glorify him,
Congratulations have been heard since Christmas Eve.
I wish you well now,
Love, warmth, divine light,
And so that spring always blooms in your soul,
And the colors of summer were added to it.

What should I wish you on Christmas Day?
So that there are no sorrows, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children are happy, healthy,
And let it be like this for many, many years!

Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of forgiveness, bright feelings, a day when love triumphs. May the guns fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air except fireworks! And may love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy.

Christmas has come to us today!
And we'll raise our glass again,
So that happiness does not forget us,
For Christmas and for love!

On this bright January day
I want to wish you
Kindness, fun, happiness,
Never be discouraged
Believe in bright hopes
Make your dreams come true.
So that in Christian souls
There was no emptiness
To be filled with happiness
Home, and heart, and soul,
So that your life would be
Incredibly good.

Welcome guests!
Open the doors wider!
Christmas has come!
Let's start the celebration!

My toast to Christmas! So that God's grace may visit us, so that there are no problems, troubles and strife! Let's raise our glasses to the bright holiday of Christmas!

Let it be quietly, unnoticeably
Magic comes to the house
New Year's fairy tale light
And miracles for Christmas!
Stars of radiant radiance,
Warm words and kindness!
Let your wishes come true
All happy dreams!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
With it comes joy and goodness.
Let the poems sound and the songs flow,
May you have a happy Christmas!
Let the sorrows go away without a trace,
All paths will be correct.
I wish you peace and prosperity,
Spiritual strength, faith and love!

Merry Christmas!
Let the house be rich.
Health and good luck to everyone,
Personal happiness to boot.
Don't get sick, live forever,
And cherish love.

Holy Christmas Day
Brings families together.
In a moment of wonderful celebration
There is no place for deception and flattery.
I wish you joyful smiles,
Goodness and joy to your home,
Have a bright life without mistakes,
Let all sorrows become a dream.

Today is Christ's birthday!
Good news is sweeping across the planet.
I wish you Christmas this holiday
Consent and joy without end.
Appreciate every moment and every hour,
Let your soul be filled with praise!
May happiness shower upon you
And the heart is healed by love!

Standing like a guest, Christmas is on the doorstep,
Pleasant chores, snowy January.
I wish you that life is dear
They led only to success and only into the distance.
Let's forget today the melancholy and bad weather,
May Christmas bring you kindness.
Love, patience, great happiness to you!
Comfort, all the best and even warmth!

Let the snow swirl outside the window,
Like fluff, lying everywhere.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We want to believe in miracles.
Don't lose your hopes,
To find a way to the dream,
Do not remember evil, be able to forgive,
Appreciate the lessons of fate.

Gives a feeling of peace
May the good power of magic
Will relieve you from misfortunes and grief.
May this day and this year
They will pass in goodness and peace,
Without quarrels, sorrows and adversity,
And it will always be like this from now on!

What do you wish for today?
On the wonderful holiday of Christmas?
So that every day is like New Year's,
There was anticipation of the celebration.
So that life forgives you mistakes,
So that love blooms in the heart,
The eyes shone like stars,
And smile again and again!

Merry Christmas! Let this one magical holiday will fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May your Guardian Angel protect you from all troubles and adversity!

I want to raise a glass to Christmas!
For the miracles that came to earth,
For what I wait, for what I believe in,
There is magic behind this night.
Because I still believe in love,
No matter how naive it may sound.
For being together inseparably,
And when we part, we meet again.
Whatever one may say, this is magic.
So let's drink to something that is so priceless!
I definitely want to raise my glass
For faith, for love, for Christmas!

Light the candles
On a wonderful holy evening!
We celebrate Christmas -
A celebration of bright life!
Merry Christmas to everyone,
We wish you peace and love!

May Christmas come to our home,
So that happiness settles in him,
With bright joy and excitement
We are waiting for the Lord's birthday.
May Christ bless
For a life without grief and resentment.
May you and I have a bright holiday
Will give happiness and peace.

Merry Christmas! Have fun people!
Let goodness come to your home, let it be joyful!
Set the table quickly, decorate the Christmas tree,
Invite your friends to your house and treat them generously!
May your hopes and dreams suddenly begin to come true!
On the glorious holiday of Christmas, it would be a sin not to have a good time!
Congratulations, I wish you all happiness from the bottom of my heart!
Catch up, I'm already pouring a glass!

The great holiday has already arrived again;
There is fun, feasts, celebration everywhere...
Let us remember what word he told us
The one whose Christmas we are celebrating now:
"Let everyone always be merciful
To the weak, orphans, poor, sick!
What he has, he shares with the poor
And he will call him his brother!”
So, friends, show your participation:
Many will meet Christmas in need!
A good deed is great happiness.
This is a sacred celebration of the soul!

Miracles and a sea of ​​magic
Merry Christmas to you!
Let your soul soar upward
With great happiness.
There is peace and comfort in the family,
Love burns in hearts,
And every angel in heaven
Sends you joy!

When the star shines in the sky,
When everyone is wished a Merry Christmas,
May your home become blessed
Let everything in him be filled with goodness!
May everything become better and cleaner on Christmas,
Health and prosperity will come to the house.
Star of hope with radiant light
Everything good will bring you today!

Merry Christmas.
I wish you health, joy and happiness
God bless you from the evil tongue and every disease,
From a cunning enemy and a petty friend.
May hope, faith and love live in your home,
And peace lived with them!

Snowflakes are spinning in the air,
Bells are ringing everywhere!
May the holiday give you a lot of happiness,
Health, joy, warmth! Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a fabulous time
After all, its atmosphere is magical.
His music makes us happy
And gifts are wonderful, priceless.
May he give you Christmas
Constant, eternal happiness,
May you always be lucky in life,
So that there is room in the soul for passion!

Fields and roads are covered in snow,
The forest, like a wizard, is elegant and strict.
A traveler's footprint in the snow is lonely,
The last leaf is bewitched by sleep.
For many centuries people have been celebrating the holiday,
The image of the Lord is glorified by the whole world.
May your life always be illuminated
This wonderful Christmas light!

I wish you that from the heavenly shadow
Grace has descended upon you on this day!
And so that you always have time for your loved ones
And you didn’t have to scold anyone all year.
Well, also (we haven’t finished drinking everything yet)
Let me give you my toast:
I wish you a year that will come true,
It's hard not to survive,
And live with joy!

On a beautiful Christmas night
Drive away sorrows and worries,
Let everything outside the window be covered with snow -
Your home will be warmed with warmth,
Filling my heart with love,
You quickly open the door for a miracle,
May your cherished dreams come true,
Everything will be just the way you want it!

The Savior was born, Christ was born,
He brought us deliverance and faith.
Let the holiday enter your home like a bright star.
Have a magical, wonderful Christmas to you all!
Let them rain down from the open skies
Streams of miracles with shining light,
And everyone will break off a piece of heaven.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas now!

When the earth is covered with a snow-white scattering of snow, and the New Year's mood fills souls with the invisible expectation of fabulous miracles, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays. May your hearts be filled with happiness, may the fire of love always burn in your soul, and may comfort, peace, and prosperity reign in your home. Merry Christmas! Make your wishes quickly, because in such a time wonderful time they simply must come true!

Merry Christmas to you,
I wish you grace!
So that our Savior Christ
He brought peace and goodness.
Let him show his mercy,
He will forgive and forgive sins.
He will give us hope and faith,
He will reward us all with love.

May it be on a quiet Christmas night
All people will receive insight.
May it drive evil away from souls
And kindness will descend into our hearts.
Let's live as Christ said:
Love each other, don’t be cunning, don’t lie,
In order not to shed burning tears,
And receive grace from faith.

The snow is quietly spinning above the ground,
Angels bring good news:
Christmas is knocking on the house,
Happiness and love will come with him!
Congratulations on the magical holiday,
I wish you peace and goodness.
May your home be cozy and bright
And open joyful news!

The star of goodness and magic lit up -
Merry Holy Christmas.
May God protect and people help,
Let the starlight in your soul not fade away,
May your home be filled with happiness and wealth.
Love, health, peace! Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas again -
Celebration of the heavenly forces:
On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil.
Glory to Him eternal,
Conqueror of darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

A star is shining in the sky,
Light the candles.
Merry Christmas to you
On this wonderful evening.

Happiness, peace, prosperity,
New joys to you.
Let your wishes come true.
Merry Christmas!

The star lit up... Christ was born,
And the world was illuminated with love!
Let happiness enter every home!
Have a wonderful and bright Christmas!

At Christmas we are waiting for Happiness,
Let it come to the house
Slowly, at dawn,
In a snowy, quiet January.
Let him come in without keys
He will find us like children,
And Luck is like white
Mushroom, in a basket if you want!
Let's go for a walk in the winter park,
To find Health.
Let's sit down for a family dinner -
And we will discover love
Money will find us on its own
Our career route is simple:
Become a director of miracles
Five, four, three, two, one...
Merry Christmas, guys!

May this bright holiday, Christmas,
Magic surrounds you
Hearts will beat joyfully
And happiness will be endless.
Kutya on the festive table,
Cahors sparkles in crystal.
Today our Christ was born,
And the world immediately changed.
I wish you strength and patience,
Goodness, love, blessings.
May a star shine for you in the sky
And your path illuminates with light.

When the Christmas stars sparkle in the night sky, and the fluffy snowy canvas shines with thousands of sparkles, may an angel descend into every home and with one flap of his wing light a fire of family comfort that will fill hearts pleasant warmth, peace and tranquility. I wish that Christmas Eve gives a beautiful fairy tale to everyone who believes in a miracle. Happy holiday!

We wish you Christmas miracles
And a bright mood in your heart.
And peaceful thoughts, like a winter forest,
And always be with your loved ones.
Let your stars guide you,
How the star led the Magi to the baby.
Warmth and light, may they love you and wait for you.
And enjoy life like children!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart this Christmas,
So that all the good that is in this world,
It definitely came to your house today,
May God notice your desires!
May this bright holiday forever
It will save you from sorrows and worries!
May happiness be your guiding star
Soon, my friend, he will bring you!

Let him give Christmas
Confidence and strength
And the world around you will become
Smiling and sweet.
Let the heavenly lights
Accompanied everywhere
And they will always be kind
Dear people come to you!
Let there be joy and sadness
Passes by
And happiness, friendship and love
They will stay with you!

Christmas is a time of miracles
Christmas is a time of giving.
Merry Christmas! Let it come from heaven today
The stars shine especially brightly.
May your dreams come true
And adversity will pass by.
May all thoughts be pure
And may the Lord protect all your loved ones.

Round dance of candles in the starry sky,
Joy in the world - Christmas has come!
There will be enough wine and bread for everyone today.
May we always have warmth in our hearts.

Christmas is knocking on the windows.
So that the soul and heart can sing,
I wish you everything
What you yourself wanted.
I want to wish you good health,
And sometimes be careless in your soul,
And never lose heart,

Beautiful, wonderful,
Holy Christmas.
Let them settle in your soul
Goodness and magic.
Let your thoughts be bright,
Sinless deeds,
So that life is only the best for you
Good job!

Faces shine with joy,
Kind words are heard -
There are borders across everything
Merry Christmas!
This day means so much -
Triumph of God's thoughts.
Happiness, wisdom, good luck
I wish you a Merry Christmas!

On a good Christian holiday,
On Holy Christmas Day
Let the sky shine brightly
Guiding Star!
May the angels of the Lord
They will protect you from adversity,
May you be happy and successful
This will be a bright year!

Holy holiday, Orthodox
We will meet in peace, with goodness.
That’s why he’s the main one for us -
Our hearts are with Christ!
Let's celebrate a family holiday
With a Christmas tree, home warmth.
May this day be bright!
Merry Christmas to all of you, friends!

Wonderful holiday, bright day!
We are all in pleasant anticipation
That happy moment
When a shadow falls on the ground
And we will say: Christ was born!
I raise my glass
May this moment come soon
And the world was illuminated with love!

Let the open doors
With warmth, blessings
Love and happiness will come to you!
To winter bad weather
Only the blizzard brought goodness
And, in spite of all evil spirits,
Luck has spoiled you.
To make the carol sound
To best wishes
Exceeded all expectations
So that this Christmas
Everything came true and everything grew!

The hour was blessed and the sacrament was accomplished:
Christ was born into the world among people.
Granted divine grace to everyone
He is the clear light of his goodness.
May the Son of God not leave you in trouble,
And in life the right one will help you choose the path,
It will help your dreams come true,
And for you to open your heart for happiness.

Merry Christmas, I congratulate you,
I wish you only good things and kindness.
Only warmth in your heart, peace in your souls,
The cup is full - in the house and everything you need.

Quiet on Christmas Eve
Magic enters the world:
A fairy tale goes from house to house,
Looking into our dreams.
Christmas gives
Joy and peace to the heart,
And the hope that shines
To us a Christmas star.
On this holiday I wish
Happiness to everyone, love, goodness.
Will bring us peace and joy
Let the birth of Christ.

When I'm having a hard time, I read the psalms:
“God is my light and salvation.
Who will I be afraid of?
God is the strength of my life.
So who am I afraid of?
On this wonderful Christmas evening, when our whole family has gathered at the festive table, I want to wish everyone to feel divine light and warmth in their souls. Let our hearts unite in grateful prayer to the Redeemer, who saved the world. Here's to Christmas!

Let the Christmas tune
This day will bless you
May joy be brighter than snow,
May fate be kind to you.
May Christmas celebrate you
With magical golden light,
Let the sun shine for success
Live, love and be loved!

On Christmas we want to wish you,
So that there is peace and grace in the house,
Let everyone in the family be happy and healthy
And more new impressions in life!

The star shines with light again
On the birthday of Christ.
The heart is warmed with joy,
Vanity goes away.
Be cheerful and healthy
And we want to wish you
Good deed, kind words
Cleanse your soul!

Merry Christmas!
Grace to us all.
Learn to believe
And forgive enemies.

Merry Christmas!
The stars are shining brighter again.
To make your cozy home
Became happier and richer!
All grievances are for later,
The holiday is just around the corner.
Let Christmas come
Joyful and with God!

Merry Christmas to you,
Happy winter day!
And with all my heart I wish
Good luck to you in everything,
May you always shine
Guiding star
So that you have enough love.
Be happy always!
So that you always have luck in business,
So that evil passes by,
So that success accompanies
Life would flow without interference,
Long and calm
And she was worthy!

I congratulate you today,
I wish you peace and goodness.
To the hospitable table -
And pink salmon and caviar.
So that there is harmony and prosperity,
So that every day is sweet,
May happiness come to your home -
Merry Christmas everyone!

On Christmas Day
Let a miracle happen!
I am kind and peaceful
I wish you, people!

The arrival of Christmas is wonderful,
How quiet and bright this holiday is!
We hear kind words -
Adults and children are happy with them.
So may the Lord on this day
All troubles will be taken away from you.
jesus invisible shadow
Let him lead through the years.

Merry Christmas! The holiday has arrived
He illuminated all the people of the Universe with light.
Purity of soul, peace, kindness,
Health and luck, less fuss.
So that a good angel will accompany us,
He protected me from dashing misfortunes in life.
And love and faith are stronger than granite.
And may the Lord Almighty protect us all.

I sincerely congratulate you
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
In this bright hour!
Let the light illuminate you
From the stars
And your wishes will come true
Plans and dreams.
Let unexpected luck
It will excite the blood.
And, of course, they mean a lot
Friendship and love!

Let Christmas be like a magician, a wizard,
Like a precious talisman
Health, vigor and fun,
And may it give you happiness.

Let your dreams come true
This Christmas
Let people all fall in love -
Love brings warmth!
May you have fabulous luck
Fate will reward
Your heart will be happy
And happiness will win!

Merry Christmas!
Peace to you, love!
May the Lord fill
Happy days!
Sparkles like silver
Let the fluffy snow.
I wish you joy
For a lifetime!

A star lit up in the sky,
And Christmas came.
The family gathered for dinner
It became cozy and warm.
May you have a bright Christmas
Will give joy and peace,
A smile will fall on your lips,
And the world will be enveloped in love!

We are waiting for miracles at Christmas,
Even though we are no longer children,
But we think it's magical
Good holiday this.
Christmas Star Light
Let it warm your hearts
And may he be happy
Who truly believes!

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday, I would like to wish peace and tranquility in every home, kindness, mutual understanding, prosperity, love, happiness, peace of mind, success in all endeavors, more joy, good health and all the best! May all your expectations be met and your most cherished dreams come true!


Miracles will come
To you on Christmas night.
I wish you happiness
Peace, magic.
Let him sing, rejoice,
All honest people.
Good health
For a whole year!

May this Christmas holiday
A star sparkles in the sky.
Let's forget the bad things
We will forgive each other forever.
May gentle angels from heaven
They bring grace to the earth,
Hearts are filled with love
To give it to people.

Quiet Christmas night
And the stars twinkle bright.
All worries go away
And everyone celebrates Christmas.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
May life always be beautiful
Actions will be good
And the thoughts are both kind and clear!

Christmas is knocking on the windows,
So that the soul and heart sing.
I wish you everything
What you yourself wanted.
I want to wish you good health,
Love and joy of the heart,
And never lose heart,
May your happiness be endless!

The winter's tale is coming,
Visits all houses -
This miracle is happening
It's Christmas Eve!
Even the stars became brighter
Shine in the sky above the earth,
So that this holiday is bright
We couldn't forget!
For good luck and health,
Joy, happiness and success
Settled in this house
And there was always laughter in him!

On the bright evening of the Nativity of Christ
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you,
To be beautiful and healthy,
And greet every day with a smile.
So that your address always sounds
The most beautiful words.
So that everything you dream about comes true,
On this bright holiday of Christmas!


Unfortunately, for the Bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ there is no time-honored formula for congratulations (as, for example, for Easter), therefore it is customary both when meeting a priest and when meeting him in person on this day to begin your address with the words “Christ is born - glorify!” » (“born” in this case is not a mistake, but a Church Slavonic version of the word “born”). It is with these words that the irmos (first stanza) of the first song of the Christmas canon begins.

When addressing a person in a letter or meeting, the norms of church protocol must be observed. If you know who performs services in your church - a priest or an archpriest - then, depending on the rank, address him as “Your Reverence” or “Your Reverence.” After this you must name the priest. But you cannot call him by his usual secular name. It is necessary to address, for example, this way: “Father Alexy” or “Father John” (necessarily in Church Slavonic, that is, not “Alexey” or “Ivan”). It is better not to use the word “father”, which is customary in the Russian Orthodox address (in the text of the congratulation it would be appropriate - “dear father”), if you do not personally know the priest.

There are no strict regulations for the text of congratulations. However, remember that you are congratulating the priest not on, but on Merry Christmas. Therefore, do not wish him any personal benefits. The only thing you can write in this case is: “I wish (we wish) you the help of the Divine Infant Christ in your godly deeds for His glory.” The main thing is that your letter of congratulations is sincere.

How to congratulate a bishop, priest or deacon? A few words about Church etiquette

Orthodox people congratulating each other on Christian holidays, including written congratulations, is a long-standing tradition. But the years of godlessness, which reigned in our country for so many years, interrupted many traditions, erased from people’s memory what everyone previously knew from childhood, what was natural and self-evident. The rules of conduct that developed over the course of centuries in the church environment have been lost and are now difficult to restore. Ignorance of seemingly the simplest things - how to properly address a priest, how to say hello and how to say goodbye, how believers - brothers and sisters in Christ - should greet each other - all this sometimes becomes a serious problem for beginners.

Each of us who have come to faith today knows from our own experience how ignorance of the rules of church etiquette constrains, hinders, and often even deprives us of spiritual joy. Here is just one example from the bitter experience of beginners. Many, having started going to church, deprived themselves of a priestly blessing only because they did not know how to do it correctly, what to say, what time was the best time to approach the priest, or how to behave after the blessing.

How to properly congratulate someone on this or that Christian holiday? How to properly format a letter or written congratulations, especially if it is addressed to a clergyman?

In the sea of ​​Orthodox literature published now, there is practically nothing on this topic.

Appeal to the clergy

In Orthodoxy there are three degrees of priesthood: deacon, priest, bishop. Deacon is a priest's assistant. He does not have the grace-filled power that is given in the Sacrament of ordination to the priesthood, but you can turn to him for advice and prayer.

The deacon must be addressed with the words “Father Deacon.” For example, “Father Deacon, can you tell me where to find Father Superior?” You can call him by name, but always in combination with the word “father”. For example: “Father Alexander, will there be confession tomorrow evening?” If they talk about the deacon in the third person, they use the following forms: “Father the deacon spoke today...” Or: “Father Alexander is now in the refectory.”

Forms of addressing a priest

There are several forms of appeal. In the Russian Orthodox community, there is a long-standing custom of affectionately calling a priest father. Often people turn to him like this: “Father, can I talk to you?” or, if about him, then they say: “Father is now performing religious services,” “Father has returned from a trip.”

In addition to this conversational form, there is another - more strict and official, for example: “Father Mikhail, allow me to make a request to you?” In the third person, referring to a priest, they usually say: “Father the rector blessed...”, “Father Bogdan advised...” It is not entirely good to combine the rank and name of the priest, for example: “Priest Peter”, “Archpriest Vasily”. Although acceptable, the combination “father” and the priest’s surname is rarely used, for example: “Father Soloviev.”

In what form – “you” or “you” – you need to address yourself in a church environment is decided unambiguously: “you”. Even if the relationship is already close, in front of outsiders, the manifestation of this excessive familiarity in the church looks unethical.

How to greet a priest?

According to church ethics, it is not customary for a priest to say “Hello” or “Good afternoon.” They say to the priest: “Father, bless” or “Father Michael, bless!” and ask for a blessing.

During the period from Easter to the celebration of the holiday, that is, for forty days, they greet with the words “Christ is Risen!”, The priest blesses, answering: “Truly He is Risen!” If you accidentally met a priest on the street, in transport or some other public place, even if he is not in priestly vestments, you can still come up and take his blessing.

Rules of communication for the laity

Lay people, when communicating with each other, must also adhere to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in the church environment. Because we are one in Christ, believers call each other “Brother” or “Sister.” In the church environment, it is not customary to call even older people by their patronymics; they are called only by their first names. The name of an Orthodox Christian is associated with our heavenly patron, and therefore it should be used in the family in its full form if possible and in any case without distortion, for example, Sergey, Seryozha, and not Serga, Sery, Nikolai, Kolya, but in no case Kolcha, Kolyan and so on. Affectionate forms of the name are quite acceptable, but within reasonable limits. Orthodox people love to go on pilgrimage trips to monasteries.

Conversion in monasteries

The treatment in monasteries is as follows. In a monastery, the governor, who can be an archimandrite, abbot or hieromonk, can be addressed with an indication of his position, for example: “Father Governor, bless” or using the name: “Father Nikon, bless.” A more official address is “Your Eminence” if the vicar is an archimandrite or abbot, and “Your Reverence” if he is a hieromonk. In the third person they say “father governor”, ​​or by the name “father Innocent”.

The dean, the first assistant and deputy governor, is addressed with the position indicated: “Father Dean” or with the addition of the name “Father John.”

If the housekeeper, sacristan, treasurer, and cellarer have priestly rank, you can address them as “father” and ask for a blessing. If they are not a priest, but have been tonsured, they say “father housekeeper”, “father treasurer”. A tonsured monk is addressed as “father”; a novice is addressed as “brother”.

In a convent, the abbess is addressed in this way: “Mother Abbess” or using the name “Mother Varvara”, “Mother Maria” or simply “Mother”.

When addressing the nuns they say: “Mother Joanna”, “Mother Elizabeth”.

Appeal to the bishop

The bishop is addressed: “Vladyko”: “Vladyko” is the vocative case of the Church Slavonic language: “Vladyko, bless”, “Vladyko, allow...” In the nominative case - Vladyka. For example, “Vladyka Philaret blessed you...” In official speech, including writing, other forms are used. The bishop is addressed: “Your Eminence” or “Most Reverend Bishop.” If in the third person: “His Eminence.”

Appeal to the Archbishop,Metropolitan, Patriarch

The archbishop and metropolitan are addressed: “Your Eminence” or “Most Reverend Vladyka”, in the third person: “With the blessing of His Eminence, we inform you...” The Patriarch is addressed as follows: “Your Holiness”, “Most Holiness Vladyka”. In the third person: "His Holiness."

The letter can begin with the words: “Master, bless.” Or: “Your Eminence (High Eminence), bless.” In the right corner of the sheet there is a date and an indication of the saint whose memory the Church honors on this holiday or another church holiday that falls on this day. For example:

August 27
Forefeast of the Dormition
Holy Mother of God


Let us cite as an example excerpts from a letter from St. Athanasius (Sakharov) to Archbishop Onesimus (Festinov):

July 17, 1957
village Petushki Vladimir region.
St. Blessed Great
Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky

YOUR Eminence,

I greet you on the holiday of the creator of the cathedral church and the first collector of the Russian land. Greetings and happy tomorrow to the feast of St. Sergius, your heavenly patron.

I often hear about your ailments. With all my heart I wish that the Lord, through the prayers of the miracle workers of Vladimir and St. Sergius, will heal your ailments and that nothing will prevent you from participating in the celebrations of our cathedral church...

The Patriarch is addressed: “Your Holiness, Most Holy Master.” Let us present part of a letter written to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy (Simansky) by Saint Athanasius (Sakharov).

His Holiness,
To His Holiness the Patriarch
Moscow and all Rus'


To my son, I wish you a happy eightieth birthday. I pray to God that He will allow you to reach an even more venerable old age, and if not to reach the years of the Patriarch Jacob, then at least equal the years of life with his beloved son Joseph.

I pray to God that he will strengthen your strength, spiritual and physical, and may he help you for many, many years, until the end of your days.

It is your wisdom to care for the ship of the Church, the right to rule the word of truth and to perform the feat of prayer for the Orthodox Church and for the Russian land.

Happy holidays

Letters and written congratulations are the oldest form of communication among Orthodox Christians. This tradition dates back to apostolic times. The epistolary heritage of church writers is great and priceless. There are brilliant examples of correspondence between ordinary believers.

“We Orthodox Christians have a holiday every day,” believers sometimes say, as if jokingly. And indeed. Church calendar– this is a complete holiday. Written congratulations from believers on Easter, Christmas, patronal feast day or Angel's Day are an important and joyful event for every Christian. You need to know that there are certain rules, or, more precisely, established forms of writing written congratulations for a particular holiday. Where to start with such a message? If this is a congratulation from a clergyman, then you need to know how to address him correctly (as discussed above).

How to wish Happy Easter

In the series of the Lord's holidays, the holiday of Easter occupies a central place, and in the series of all Christian holidays, it “exceeds all celebrations, even those of Christ and those performed in honor of Christ, as much as the sun surpasses the stars.” All services and church rituals of this holiday are especially solemn and imbued with one feeling of joy about the Risen One.

At the end of Matins, after singing, “Let us embrace each other, brethren! And we will forgive all those who hate us through the resurrection” - all believers begin to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen” and christen themselves, kissing each other on the cheek three times.

The joyful Easter greeting reminds us of the state of the apostles in which, when the news of the Resurrection of Christ suddenly broke, they said to each other with amazement and delight: “Christ is Risen!” and answered: “Truly He is Risen!” Mutual kissing is an expression of love and reconciliation with each other, in memory of our universal forgiveness and reconciliation with God through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The entire period from Easter to the celebration of the holiday, that is, forty days, the first words of greeting among Christians are the words “Christ is Risen!”, and in response they say: “Truly He is Risen!” Written congratulations Easter also begins with the words “Christ is Risen!” You can highlight these words in red. If you are congratulating not a clergy person, but a lay person, it is best to address it like this: “Dear brother (or sister) in Christ!” or just by name:


I cordially greet you, Verochka, my dear, with Happy Holidays Resurrection of Christ.

I pray to God that the light of the Resurrection will always illuminate your path. So that the Sun of Truth - Christ will always warm you...

You can address a priest whom you know closely as “Dear Father!” or “Dear Father, Father Joseph...” Congratulations should be sincere and breathe love. The beautiful congratulations of Father John (Krestyankin), full of spiritual joy, can serve as a high example.


What wonderful words these are! How they change everything around us and in ourselves. These words contain a message of victory, a call to joy, a greeting of love, and a wish for peace.

Saying these joyful words, I stretch out my hands to you to fraternally hug you along with the Easter triple kiss and wish you bright joy, good health and strong spirit to serve the eternal Bishop Christ and His holy Church.

I rejoice with you, your family and friends in the Risen Christ.

Truly Christ is Risen!


Your unworthy brother and wretched pilgrim.

A congratulatory message on Easter may be preceded by words from the irmos, troparions or songs of the Easter canon. Let us cite, as an example, excerpts from some of Father John’s holiday messages:

Shine, shine, new Jerusalem...
CHRIST IS RISEN! REJOICE! Let us hear with our hearts the first words of the Risen Savior to the myrrh-bearing women: “Rejoice!


Your Resurrection, O Christ the Savior,

Angels sing in heaven...

...Bless the youths, sing to the priests, people extol the Risen Christ forever...

And again the Easter gospel filled the world.



We celebrate death by killing...

The beginning of another eternal life...

Congratulations to Fr. Ioanna (Krestyankina)

Easter greetings always end with the words “Truly He is Risen!”, also highlighted in red. The final words of Father John’s letters are solemn, significant and sincere:
May the Risen Lord protect every worker in His field into eternal life, may he increase their strength and boldness in service and make their work fruitful.



With a brotherly Easter kiss. Your brother and pilgrim...

My dears, we believe in the Light and we will be the sons of Light and unite with Christ!

Truly! Truly!

Truly Christ is Risen!

The grace of the Risen Lord will strengthen you on the path of salvation.

With love in Christ yours[signature of Father John (Krestyankin)]

Congratulations and congratulatory messagesMerry Christmas

Due to the greatness of the remembered event, the Feast of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated more solemnly than all holidays, with the exception of Easter. Saint John Chrysostom calls the feast of the Nativity of Christ “the most honest and most important of all holidays,” “the matter of all holidays.” The joy of this event is so great that from ancient times the Church decided to accompany the entire day of the holiday with church bells.

The solemn glorification of the Nativity of Christ after the service in churches is transferred to the homes of believers.

Many families set up Christmas trees for Christmas. This custom is based both on the words of the prophet Isaiah about the Savior: “And a branch will come from the root of Jesse, and a branch will grow from his root” (Is. 11:1), and on the words of the church hymn in honor of the event of the Nativity of Christ: “Christ is a branch from the root of Jesse and the flower from it came You from the Virgin.”

Decorating the cut branches of Christmas trees with candles, lights and sweets shows that our nature - a barren and lifeless branch, only in Jesus Christ - the source of life, light and joy - can bear spiritual fruits: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith , meekness, self-control (see Gal. 5:22–23).

Merry Christmas greetings, unlike Easter greetings, do not have a mandatory, time-honored formula to begin with. These could be the words of the irmos from the first Christmas song, “Christ is born, praise!”:


Dear sister in Christ R.! My congratulations to you on the now born Christ and prayerful wishes to grow throughout your life in Christ according to the measure of His age. How to cleanse your heart in order to get closer to the great mystery of piety: “God appeared in the flesh?” I wish you the help of the Divine Infant Christ in your godly deeds.

Your pilgrim K.

Here is one of the Merry Christmas greetings from St. Athanasius (Sakharov):


God's mercy be with you, my dear Olga Alexandrovna!

I cordially greet you on this great holiday and wish you prayerfully. May the peace of God fill our hearts, may it reign not only in people of good will, in people of good will, but throughout the whole world.

I invoke God's blessing on you.

Save yourself in the Lord.

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The most honorable Mother Abbess with all the sisters in Christ!

On the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I congratulate you, mother, and all the sisters of the holy monastery entrusted to you.

Unfortunately, nowadays congratulations are often sent and arrived at the wrong time. This is a bad and ungodly habit. Despite the fact that Easter or the Nativity of Christ is preceded by many days of heavy fasting, and last days before the holidays are filled with troubles and worries - still this is not an excuse. We must make it a rule: to congratulate people on holy holidays on time.

Should we celebrate the New Year?

Should we celebrate New Year? Many Orthodox people, especially those who are novices, ardently reject this holiday, especially since it falls on the Nativity Fast. They believe that the Orthodox have a different time and that the true New Year can begin according to the “old style” only on January 14. In fact, the civil new year, or New Year, is not rejected by the Church. On the eve of the civil New Year, a thanksgiving prayer is held. Once upon a time, the New Year in Russia was celebrated on September 1 and coincided with the church New Year. Until now, it is on this day that the liturgical circle begins. Only under Peter I was the civil New Year moved to January 1, as in Europe.

Answering the question whether it is necessary to celebrate the New Year, Father Alexander (Shergunov) says: “In general, this number is completely arbitrary and, in the end, one could choose any day at random, starting the countdown of the New Year from it.

Participating in New Year's celebrations is our natural human communication, and we should participate in it like everyone else. This is as normal as if we call a city exactly by the name it is now called, and not by the name we want.

New Year is a particularly warm holiday for all people. It’s like the breath of spring, it’s like spring in the middle of winter. Everyone feels solemn, and evil seems to go away. No matter how bad a person feels, he, out of nowhere, gets the hope that a miracle can happen, that good will prevail. On New Year's Eve, a person seems to flutter a little - as if he is no longer walking, but flying. But what does this poetry mean, where does this renewal come from, as if each of us does not grow older by a year, but becomes younger by a year - more than a year? Our lives have been shortened by another year, and maybe the coming new year will be for some of us last year life. Our life has been shortened by another year, and we have moved closer to eternity by another year. This is where the key to this holiday lies. Perhaps youth is still waiting for the dazzling novelty of earthly gifts, but maturity knows that everything will happen again. What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done, and “there is nothing new under the sun.” On earth there is tedious repetition, but every year we get closer to that eternally new, endless novelty that is from God, from eternity. Therefore, even in a war under bombing, in mortal danger, people cannot help but celebrate the New Year. “I want to live at least until the New Year,” says the hopelessly ill man. Not to live another year on earth, but to feel this New Year's lightness and joy. The immortal soul of every person is Christian by nature and unconsciously feels the mystery, but only Christians understand what this means. New Year is a holiday for all people. He is like the Nativity of Christ for those who do not know God. And we, Christians, are given the opportunity to see how Eternity enters time, the significance of our stay on earth and the value of human life in Christ God are revealed.

There is so much grief and evil on our land, and we know that in the new year we will not be able to avoid new troubles. I would like to forget about this at least for the duration of the holiday, but this is a world in which we are standing on the threshold of a new year. But no matter what, on New Year’s Day everyone is offered gifts, everyone is given a new opportunity. There is a certain sparkle in the New Year, every person, as one child said, feels a little Christmas tree toy, it is as if illuminated by an invisible sun. Happy New Year, with new happiness!” During the Nativity Fast there is a lot of church holidays, when fish and wine are allowed according to the charter. And on New Year’s Day, there is nothing reprehensible for an Orthodox person to sit at the festive table with his loved ones and drink a glass of wine with them.

Congratulations on patronal holidays

Festive meal

On the patronal holiday, the entire parish is congratulated: the rector, mother, and all the church servants and parishioners. In the warm atmosphere of people who have known each other for a long time, you can congratulate the rector and parishioners with a simple syllable, starting like this: “Dear priest!” (or dear father rector) and all parishioners we congratulate you on the patronal holiday - the Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.”

If the situation is more formal, then the style should be strict and official. One should address a deacon, priest, or hieromonk: “Your Reverence,” and an archpriest, abbot, or archimandrite: “Your Reverence.”

At the table in the parish refectory, at the head of the table (that is, at the end, if there is one row of tables) or at a table placed perpendicularly, sits the rector or the senior priest. On his right is the next most senior priest. On the left is the priest by rank. Next to the priesthood sits the chairman of the parish council, council members, clergy (psalm-reader, reader, altar boy), and singers. The abbot usually blesses guests of honor to eat closer to the head of the table.

If you arrive at the moment when the majority of those gathered at the table, then you sit down free space, without forcing everyone to move, or to where the abbot indicates. If the meal has already begun, then, having asked for a petition, they wish everyone: “An angel at the meal” - and sit down in an empty seat.

At the festive meal, moderation is observed in everything: drinking, eating, talking, joking, and the duration of the feast.

Congratulations on Angel's Day.Festive table, present

A name day is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a Christian is named. Other names for this day are namesake day, Angel day.

Angel Day is a special day. We celebrate here on earth the memory of our saint, so that, as the holy righteous John of Kronstadt writes, our saints “remember and intercede for us before God... Birthdays and name days should be primarily before all other weekdays, turning hearts and eyes to to the sky, with grateful feelings to the Creator, Provider and Savior, with the thought that there is our Fatherland and Father, that the earth is not a fatherland, but a place of arrival and wandering, that to cleave to perishable things is reckless, sinful... disgusting, that everyone must cleave to God heart."

Orthodox people visit the temple on their name days and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

At home, a meal is served with loved ones and guests. The confusion is caused by ignorance either by the guest or the host of the usual form of greeting for believers. Anyone entering the house says: “Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.” To which the owner replies: “Amen.” Or the guest says: “Peace to your home,” and the owner replies: “We accept you in peace.”

When inviting guests to such a holiday, it is advisable to seriously consider the composition of the guests. People who are believers and those who are far from faith may not find common language. A non-believer will find conversations on spiritual topics boring and incomprehensible, and as a result, he will leave offended and in a bad mood. On the other hand, due to different worldviews, heated and even offensive disputes may arise and the holiday will be forgotten.

But if the person invited on the path to faith longs for the spiritual, then such meetings at the table can be of benefit to him.

At a festive meal, congratulating the birthday person, they usually sing a troparion to his saint, wishing for the help of the heavenly intercessor. Among other things, of course, they desire spiritual fruits. And in order for this wish to really be imprinted in the heart of the birthday boy, it is important to think carefully in advance congratulatory words and toast.

Fun at a friendly meal is natural, but it should not go overboard.

They can revive and make the evening more complete and interesting good posts sacred music or a film about holy places, but, of course, in moderation.

It is important to choose the right one for this special holiday and gifts. It is better if they are of a spiritual nature - icons, books, some church utensils, sweets, flowers.

At the end of the feast, the birthday boy thanks those gathered for their congratulations, and the guests sing “Many Years” to him.

It should be remembered that if the name day falls on a fast day, then the holiday treat should be fast. During Lent, name days that happen on a weekday are moved to the next Saturday, Sunday, or even to Bright Week.

When writing congratulations for Angel Day, do not forget to wish the most important thing - the help of a heavenly intercessor.

I would like to quote the congratulations of St. Athanasius (M. Sakharov), addressed to the famous Moscow priest, “shepherd of godless times,” priest Nikolai Golubtsov:

God's mercy be with you, beloved Father Nicholas in the Lord!

I cordially greet you on the feast of St. Nicholas. I fervently wish that the prayers of St. Nicholas protect you on all the paths of your life, and that they assist you in building the temple of your soul and your home church, in your service to the Orthodox people who flock to your church.

Here are a few more examples of congratulations on Angel's Day.

Dear, dear, venerable and never forgotten Father Vladimir!

I cordially congratulate you on your Angel’s Day. With all our souls we wish you health from the Lord God, may the Lord God strengthen your spiritual and physical strength in the feat of pastoral service in the field of Christ for many years, many years.

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Congratulations to our dear mother and children on their dear birthday.

With love in the Lord, your spiritual daughter always prays for you.

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Dear Father George!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your Angel's Day. May the Lord, through the prayers of your great patron, send you physical health and spiritual strength for the zealous pursuit of your pastoral ministry.

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Father! I congratulate you on the Angel - the representative of your salvation. Earnestly desiring you to rejoice in the Lord, I ask for your holy prayers and blessings. The Lord will reward you for your love and your merciful greetings with His great mercy!

Wedding congratulations and gifts

The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated solemnly and joyfully. From the multitude of people: loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, from the shine of candles, from church singing, somehow the soul involuntarily becomes festive.

After the wedding, the newlyweds are greeted at the entrance to the house by the seated father and mother or parents with an icon and bread and salt. And then the guests continue the celebration at the table.

The main manager at a wedding is the best man. Together with a close friend of the bride, he goes around the guests to collect money, which he then donates to charitable causes.

Congratulations, toasts and wishes that are pronounced at a wedding in families of believers, of course, should be primarily of spiritual content: about the purpose of Christian marriage, what love is in the understanding of the Church, about the responsibilities of husband and wife according to the Gospel. About how important it is to build a real Christian family - a home church.

The wedding of church people should take place in a pious atmosphere, observing decency and moderation.

Written congratulations on marriage contain those spiritual wishes that were written about above.

Congratulations might look like this:

Dear Konstantin and Anna!

Accept sincere congratulations With your entry into legal marriage, we sincerely wish you all the best and mercies from the Lord, the Queen of Heaven.

Congratulate each other, brothers and sisters, on our Orthodox holidays, share the unspeakable joy that they give us, and let our brochure help you do this with dignity and piety.

May peace and God's favor be with you.

From the book of Bishop Mark (Golovkov) - “ Church Protocol«