When preparing for an acquaintance, you need to do the following:

Get in the right mood. Good mood and confidence in success are important conditions for obtaining a positive result.

Tidy up your appearance. A girl’s general impression of a man’s appearance is based on the style of his clothing, hairstyle, cleanliness and well-groomed body (condition of hair, nails, teeth, etc.). When it comes to clothing, it is important to adhere to standard norms - not to dress up too much, but also not to look unkempt.

All things should be clean, stylish, and fit well. The smell is especially important - it should be pleasant. Even an attractive man who smells of sweat can immediately scare away his interlocutor.

Decide on a search location. You need to choose a suitable place and time. It is best to start communication during the day or earlier in the evening. crowded places. This could be a cafe, cinema, park, street, nightclub, transport, etc. Daylight hours and large number people around significantly reduce the risk that the selected applicant will refuse to enter into dialogue due to fear.

Outline a rough plan n. It is impossible to plan the entire process of talking with a girl down to the smallest detail, but it is advisable to adhere to a certain strategy. It is important for a guy to understand for what purpose he is meeting, what type of clothing to choose, how much money to take for communication in the chosen place.


Behavior during acquaintance should be natural, confident and at the same time restrained. Any girl prefers to see in her boyfriend, first of all, a real man with whom she will feel calm and reliable.

Such a desire is inherent in nature - the female chooses the most successful male. But it is important not to go too far - excessive arrogance and swagger will only push you away.

When trying to act confident, it is important to remain natural. If by nature a man is calm and modest, then feigned gaiety and liveliness will look stupid and repulsive. Anyone can be confident, regardless of their temperament.

The manner of behavior should be slightly different depending on what type of applicant you choose to meet. This can be determined by her appearance, gait, gaze, manner of speaking (a couple of first phrases are enough).

There are three main types of girls:

  1. Simple. They have a pleasant soft voice, feminine manners, a kind and honest look, an open smile, simple clothes and hairstyle. It is necessary to begin communication with such interlocutors in a welcoming and friendly manner, trying to arouse sympathy. It is important not to rush things. They love calm conversations on general topics.
  2. Bitches. This type is the most attractive to men, but also more difficult to make acquaintances with.

    Such women are distinguished by self-confidence, sexual attractiveness, a sharp tongue, and the ability to communicate with the opposite sex. They make certain demands on men and clearly know what they want.

    With this type you need to behave confidently, try to show your own importance, but also give them the opportunity to express themselves in conversation.

  3. Spoiled. These representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by external gloss, arrogance and self-confidence. They always have expensive clothes, perfect appearance and a bored look. Such girls view a man as prey who will satisfy all their needs. You can win over this type of interlocutor with truly self-confident and assertive behavior. At the same time, it is important to point out your good financial situation and career successes, even if this is not the case.

What to talk about with a girl when meeting her?

There are a lot of options for first phrases for dating. A man needs to use those that are most convenient for him and suitable for a particular situation. All phrases are divided into three types, each of which has a certain effectiveness: contextual, directive, template.

Contextual phrases for girls are determined by situation, based on the results of observing the woman and the environment. This could be a remark regarding her appearance (it is especially effective to note the nuances of her appearance that clearly distinguish her from the majority), behavior, gait, an object in her hands, the environment, etc.

This approach is the most effective. Girls immediately begin to feel that the person is really interested in them and he is not addressing them with the standard wording.

Examples of contextual first phrases when meeting a girl:

  • Tell me, is this street really the longest in the city?
  • Do you know where the famous cafe with delicious ice cream is located in this park? Won't you keep me company?
  • Let us shelter you from the rain. There is such a heavy downpour, and you are without an umbrella.
  • You are already in a hurry to run errands so early in the morning. Perhaps you are a morning person?
  • It's terribly hot today. Tell me, where did you buy this bottle of cold mineral water?
  • What is your original hairstyle! What is it called?
  • Let me point out what amazing posture you have. Perhaps you are into dancing?
  • Have you ever been told that you look like Sharon Stone (any other famous person with an attractive appearance)?
  • Probably go to these high heels on ice requires great skill. How do you do this?

Directive phrases immediately confront a woman with the fact that they want to get to know her. They are less effective than contextual ones, since the likelihood of receiving an immediate and unambiguous refusal increases.

This approach should be used by self-confident, charming men with good appearance, who have a high chance of being liked at first sight.

What to say to a girl when meeting her - directive phrases:

  • What are you doing tonight?
  • Can I meet you?
  • You are so beautiful. What's your name?
  • Let me ask for your phone number.
  • How do you feel about socializing on the street (in a cafe, park, etc.)?
  • Do you know that you are the girl of my dreams?

Template. By using pre-prepared template phrases, you can either ruin everything or achieve success. An important condition The effective use of speech templates is to take into account two conditions: selection of the most suitable options for oneself, continuation of communication in the key of the originally spoken words.

If a man speaks in a stereotyped manner, which is completely out of character for him, and then switches to his usual communication on completely different topics, then he is unlikely to achieve success.

Examples of template phrases on what to talk about when meeting a girl:

  • Doesn't your mom need a good son-in-law?
  • God, where did such beauty come from?
  • Hello. I have always dreamed of meeting such a beautiful fairy like you.
  • Don't you think we've met somewhere?
  • Call an ambulance, I will lose consciousness from contemplating such beauty.
  • You are so beautiful that I don’t even know how to start talking to you.
  • Tell me, what is it like to be the most beautiful in the city?
  • Tell me, is it difficult to meet you by chance?

Often the first phrase turns out to be the last, since the girl instantly rejects her boyfriend. The reason for this may be the presence of a permanent partner, the unattractive appearance of the applicant, distrust of random people they meet, problems and Bad mood, fear, embarrassment, poorly chosen first formulation.

In most cases, failure does not necessarily mean complete failure. The weaker sex loves confidence and determination in men. If you respond to the refusal received in a friendly, original and fun way, then the girl may change her mind. At the same time, it is important to monitor her reaction and not allow an aggressive attitude to appear, otherwise it is unlikely that anything will be changed.

Specific text of phrases in response to a refusal:

  • You don't want to meet me because I'm ugly? It's not my fault, it's all genes. But I'm smart and kind.
  • The answer “no” is not accepted. You just have to talk to me.
  • You understand that I will not survive refusal. Take pity on the unfortunate one.
  • I can see in your eyes that you want to talk to me, you’re just shy.

What words to start meeting a girl with:

What should you talk about with a girl when you meet her and continue the conversation?

Continued communication

After overcoming the most difficult first stage of starting a conversation, you need to try to interest the girl in conversation.
It is important to immediately make it clear that a decent and adequate young man simply decided.

In the first moments of a conversation, a woman usually doubts whether some scammer, drug addict, advertising distributor, etc. is pestering her. Therefore, an adequate and short explanation will be very helpful. For example: “I’m coming home from work, I saw you and decided to come up.”

When the barrier of mistrust has been overcome, you can begin the conversation. It is advisable to speak on general topics:

  • Cinema, music. You can ask about your favorite films and actors, songs and performers, genres, frequency of going to the cinema, etc. More practical advice written
  • Cafes, bars, clubs. Favorite establishments, frequency of visits, purpose of trips, etc.
  • Parks, squares, various city recreation areas. What kind of leisure time is most attractive, what places are your favorite, what kind of company do you like to walk with (a large and noisy group of friends, alone, with a boyfriend, etc.).
  • Relationship. You can find out about the criteria for choosing a guy, past relationships, degree of romanticism or pragmatism, etc.
  • Miscellaneous. You can talk about anything - the weather, travel, animals, politics, social events, etc.

During a conversation, it is important to pay attention to the girl’s facial expressions and her reactions. If she is clearly uncomfortable with the topic of conversation, she needs to change it immediately. We wrote in detail about questions that can be asked in.

It is undesirable to talk about feelings for past lovers, about financial problems, about difficulties in the family, about the lack of career prospects, etc. Any mention of problems will immediately give the conversation a negative connotation.

Mentioning your ex will cause annoyance.

When meeting a young man, the interlocutor wants to learn as much as possible about him. Often you only need to answer incoming questions, but if she is embarrassed to ask questions herself, you might think about what to tell about yourself. For example:

  • Financial situation (income, car brand, real estate, career success, etc.).
  • Relatives and friends (description of the circle of relatives and friends).
  • Life position (character, goals, dreams, views, attitude towards people, expectations from a life partner, etc.).

Making a compliment correctly

There are two types of compliments: direct and indirect. Direct compliment- this is open praise addressed to the girl. For example - “You are so beautiful”, “You are very smart”, etc. An indirect compliment allows you to praise an inherent feature of your interlocutor without focusing on it specifically.

For example – “Are you a doctor? This is the most important profession», « Tall women always attracts the attention of men.” Usually compliments are given to appearance, skills, success, behavior, attitudes, and charm.

How to meet a girl in an original way: examples

There are a large number of unusual and cool first phrases that will certainly be appreciated by the interlocutor and will make her smile:

  • Good evening. What are your plans for the coming decades? I suggest we spend this time together.
  • Tell me, what time is it now? How much do you have free for me?
  • Have you been to Paris? Neither do I. Let's discuss the details of our journey together.
  • Are you against communicating with married men? That's good, because I'm single.
  • Good afternoon. Do you want me to make you happy?
  • Hello. Could you tell me how you like it?

So, in order to achieve success when meeting a girl, it is enough to decide on the location of the action, put your appearance in order, and prepare a few suitable first phrases

During the conversation, you need to be confident and natural, unobtrusively give compliments and keep the conversation on track.

Additional information on what to say to a girl when meeting her on video:

It seems that the phrase “you can’t ride a crooked goat” was invented about girls and how to start a conversation with a stranger. For some, it’s enough to come up and say the first compliment that comes to mind, while others will watch the girl for several days before they figure out where to start. correct dialogue with a woman to meet. If you don’t know where to start communicating with a woman you just met, this article is for you. Find out what words to say when meeting an unfamiliar girl, how to approach a girl using phrases, how to start communicating with a girl on the Internet. There will be not only theory, but also practice: I will share examples of phrases for communicating with a girl and words that they like.

Funny and cool phrases

Beautiful and romantic phrases

In transport

In the store

In cultural places

Selection of a dating site

Why is it important to start dating correctly?

The answer is simple: because further communication depends on it. You can't make a first impression twice, and you can't beat an acquaintance. We form a primary opinion about a person within 15 seconds of interaction, and everything else is simply layered on top of it. Of course, there are situations when the first impression is deceiving, but you need to at least earn a chance to prove it if the acquaintance goes wrong.

How you look, how and what you say is the main thing that a girl really remembers about you. early stage acquaintance. For the first time, it is this image of you that will be fixed in her mind. And if this image is not good enough, you will not get a chance to continue acquaintance.

This is the importance of an original, competent and catchy first phrase. Even if it does not provide half of the success, then it depends entirely on it whether there will be an opportunity to show one’s best side. Try to make a good impression on the girl right away - and in the future it will be much easier to communicate.

List of the best phrases for meeting a girl

If you are lost and don't know what to say to a girl when you first meet her, you have two options. Navigate the situation, train communication skills and learn to get acquainted, or use ready-made template phrases. In the first case, you will certainly be cooler, but the second will give results faster.

Here is the list good phrases to start a conversation with a girl:

  • Keep smiling - I'm falling more and more in love!
  • You are so charming that I completely forgot what I wanted to ask you.
  • You have such a warm look - will you give me a little tenderness?
  • I was staring at you so much that I forgot to introduce myself. Let's try again!
  • What is the secret of your always amazing appearance?
  • Can I walk you home? At least with a glance.
  • I'm sorry. Tell me, please, what is the shortest road to your heart?
  • Do you believe in love at eleventh sight?
  • Girl, please tell me what time is it? Free. At your place.
  • I thought my smile was irresistible, but yours seems to rival it.
  • Your name is the only thing I couldn’t read in your eyes. Help fill this gap.
  • I can't remember my phone number. Maybe yours will work better?
  • Which gods should I pray for you to be as interested in me as I am in you?
  • Wow! I didn’t expect to meet the girl from my dream in real life!
  • Are you experiencing delays? Because I'm worried that I'm late in meeting and feeling for you, and someone else has already taken my place.
  • I spent several evenings exploring local cafes. And now I know where we can enjoy coffee together!
  • Help me, girl, what are you worth? Don't you see, I'm drowning in your eyes!
  • There are at least two people in this place who are lucky today. And that's us.
  • How amazing you are beautiful legs, young woman! I'm even jealous!
  • Is it okay that I approached with such a self-confident look?
  • Oh, girl, do you smile so radiantly at everyone, or only at those you like?
  • You probably have no end to suitors. But I am the best of them. Do you want me to prove it?
  • Girl, don't look at me like that. My own thoughts make me blush.
  • Smile, please, it's dark outside.
  • What a beauty! Are these your legs?
  • Girl, do young people regularly crawl at your feet?
  • Have you already turned off many people today? I have four so far. Well, let's go brazen girls!
  • You're like a museum piece, girl. You can’t touch it with your hands—yet, but you want to watch it without stopping.
  • Girl, do you want to get married? No! Great - then I'm at the right place.
  • Young woman! Did you just pinch my butt? No? It's a pity, it's a pity.

Examples of phrases for dating on the Internet

It’s easier to be brave on the Internet, but it’s often difficult to find reasons to meet people. You'll have to come up with something unusual for the girl, because sitting down with her and joking or asking what she's doing won't work.

If you don’t know what nice things to write to a girl or how to start an interesting conversation with an unfamiliar woman, this list is for you. I tell you how to meet a girl on the Internet, and what compliments to write to her when meeting her through correspondence. For convenience, I will divide all phrases into three categories.

Original and unusual phrases

  • Hello, can I chat with you? And then all sorts of women pester here...
  • Hello. What will you do tomorrow evening, after our date?
  • Girl, only you can save me. I don’t know at all how to cook dumplings, and I’ll come and dine with you if you don’t tell me.
  • Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  • Today is such a wonderful day that I cannot leave you without a good mood.
  • I'm tired of waiting for you to write first. Hello!
  • One glance was enough for me to understand that we simply had to meet.
  • You dreamed about me a couple of days ago, remember?
  • Maybe we can flirt?
  • Hello, for my research I need to know what it's like to be perfect charming girl. Can you help?

Funny and cool phrases

  • So, are we going to exchange likes, or are we going to get to know each other?
  • Until I looked at your photos, I was sure that you were gay.
  • I offer an exchange: I give you my free time, and you give me your communication.
  • Who's your boyfriend? Let me be there!
  • If I were such a nice girl like you, I would definitely meet myself.
  • Are you dating someone? Or maybe we need someone better?
  • You have very beautiful eyes. Especially the right one!
  • This is the mouth - I would look and look. You have a magnificent mouth.
  • They say whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. I want to get some from you. Be with me, please.
  • Have you ever ridden an escalator? Let's give it a ride, with the breeze!

Beautiful and romantic phrases

  • You seem like a wonderful person. I've always dreamed of meeting someone like this.
  • I'm surprised that such a beautiful girl is doing in our city and not in Hollywood. But I think it's luck. Let's get acquainted?
  • Yesterday I saw a star fall from heaven. And today I came across your profile. I don't think this is a coincidence!
  • This day seemed incredibly sad to me, but your photos changed everything dramatically.
  • I have a piece of happiness lying around here, I'm looking for it beautiful girl to give. You seem to be a perfect fit.
  • I assumed that on a dating site you could meet a dazzlingly beautiful girl - but not so much! Smitten. Didn't expect it.
  • I read a ton of advice on how to start a conversation with girls, but one look at your photos and I don’t remember anything. Let's just get to know each other?
  • You look like the girl I've been looking for all my life. Shall we celebrate? I found it!
  • Girl, be careful! We almost missed the opportunity to meet a cool guy.
  • You know, you are very similar to my first wife! I haven't seen her yet.

Phrases for dating offline: anywhere and anytime

Situational dating can be difficult, but in most cases it turns out to be the most interesting and fun. Check it out for yourself! And I’ll tell you what phrases to flirt with a girl, no matter where you see her.

On the street

  • Girl, have you dropped your smile?
  • Girl, is it you who dropped the smile? Isn't it you? Please reserve it, I really need it.
  • Well, with such legs, you can’t walk on busy streets! Aren't you ashamed of causing accidents?
  • It doesn’t matter when the trees bloom - you will decorate any street a thousand times better.
  • I look at you and think: why are they erecting monuments to Lenin in squares, but not one has been erected to your beauty yet?
  • Girl, it's so cold! Can I walk next to you for a while? Your charm warms.
  • I love charity. Can you donate coffee to the owner of the brightest smile?
  • I was looking for interesting things to see in this area and found you. Where are you going? I haven't looked into it yet.
  • Girl, I need your help! Be my navigator. A navigator is a good start, don't you think?
  • I have never seen such beautiful sights as you in any place on the planet.

In transport

  • Girl, are you leaving next? And after one? Or maybe you can get off at my stop?
  • This bus should become special - after you have taken a ride on it.
  • You look so stunning that I can’t figure out if it’s the wheels of the train that are knocking—or my heart.
  • My day will be wasted if I don’t pay your fare and buy you coffee.
  • Girl, you are so charming, but so tortured. Let me get you out of this stuffy metal monster and fix your mood and evening?
  • I would not be as happy about a trip in the same limousine with the Queen of England as I am about a trip with you in the same trolleybus.
  • Girl, be careful, don’t blind the driver with your beauty!
  • What do you do in transport? I thought heavenly creatures hover above the earth themselves!
  • Girl, it seems that you are uncomfortable holding the handrail. Try my shoulder - it is no less strong!
  • How do you walk in such heels? Maybe you can sit down to rest? You can kneel directly to me.

In the store

  • Girl, help me with my choice, please. I want to trust you more than a consultant.
  • Do you know what is the most valuable thing in this store? No? And I’m looking straight at the most valuable thing now.
  • Girl, teach a bachelor how to choose vegetables.
  • What, are you confused? The showcase is large. Come on, I'll show you what's best here.
  • Tell me, do you know the best way to boil risotto? ...Thank you. Can I always ask you?
  • Doesn't it bother you that such a handsome guy is standing next to you in line?
  • Girl, there's no price tag here: how much is your smile worth?

In a cafe

  • Girl, do you see that table? Just look how many empty chairs there are. Help me fix the situation - take one of them.
  • If I were the cook in this cafe, I would feed you for free. Well, not really - for a smile before and after dinner.
  • I see you have already ordered coffee. Can you handle two servings? I can't help but treat you.
  • Do you often visit this cafe? Yes? Then I found the best cafe in the city.
  • Girl, what do you think is the most delicious here? I see that the best thing in this cafe is you, but suddenly there is something worthy from the food.
  • If you were me, would you treat yourself to coffee?
  • Wow! I see the main course was served before I even ordered!
  • I came here so hungry, but one look at you and I don’t have a single thought about food. Work miracles, girl!
  • I thought that the foam on the coffee was the most delicate thing I could get in this cafe. But maybe I can get something a hundred times more tender - your smile, for example?
  • Girl, you whet my appetite! And it seems it's not just about food.

In cultural places

  • Friends warned me that it was beautiful here. But until I saw you, I didn’t understand what they were talking about?
  • Girl, aren’t you ashamed to outshine all the sights of this square with your beauty?
  • If I had known that you could meet people like you in a museum, I would have loved going there as a child.
  • Girl, could you step back a little? It's hard to admire the Impressionists when there's something much more beautiful nearby.
  • Do you know which architect designed this fountain? I don't know either. But, without meeting you, he really didn’t understand anything about beauty.
  • Girl, let's help each other: you explain to me how to understand these works of art, and I will show you where the best coffee is in the area.
  • Did you happen to sit for this portrait? In reality, of course, it’s much better, but on canvas it’s nothing.
  • I don’t understand how and why to watch the play if everyone can watch you for the entire hour and a half.
  • Girl, do you like opera? Do you know what is the best thing to do after the opera? Drinking coffee in a cozy cafe with a new acquaintance from the theater.
  • I've been told that the architecture here is great. The architecture is truly remarkable, but you still managed to outshine it.

On the beach

  • Girl, you could work as a lighthouse - such dazzling beauty is visible from afar. And ships too.
  • Aren't you afraid to swim? I would hang around somewhere nearby, even if I were the most dangerous predator in the water.
  • Girl, help me squeeze out my trunks, please.
  • Girl, with such hips, you should be more careful when walking past old people - you never know, maybe you'll have a heart attack. Walk past me, I have a strong heart!
  • I would never have thought that you could look so seductive in fins and goggles.
  • Girl, are you good at diving? I don’t know how at all, but my swimming trunks seem to have sunk. Will you help a forced nudist?
  • Oh, it seems that it’s people like you who run to kiss the sand. Where were you today? Maybe I should kiss there? Sand, grass, asphalt. I’ll go and kiss any trash for your sake—I can even kiss your husband.
I hope you now have enough good phrases to start a conversation with a girl. Now come on over and start chatting!
  1. Which ones did you like the most?
  2. How is it more convenient for you to meet people: to conquer with romance or to make people laugh?
  3. Now do you have the courage and ideas to experiment?

You can only learn to communicate correctly with girls through practice. The more practice you have, the better you will get. However, there are a few important things to know before starting the conversation.

Let's start communication

To start a conversation and manage it, learn to ask the right questions. The conversation is based on open questions. Open questions do not require a specific, monosyllabic answer. Such questions begin with the words “how”, “what do you think”, “where”, “interesting, but what...”.

These questions are also great for start a conversation. In addition, they can be used to get a girl to talk if she is silent and not in the mood for communication.

Do you want to interest the most spectacular beauty with ambitions from the site soderzhanki.su? Start the conversation with an open question. You will definitely be noticed and will not be left unanswered.

Read examples of open questions and applications in conversation.

In addition, your success depends largely on where you take the girl on the first date. You can read about this.

How to choose a topic for conversation

Topics that are better avoid: salary, place of work, ex-partner, health, personal problems, family secrets, religion.

It’s also not worth touching on men’s topics yet. Exceptions are if the girl herself is interested in cars, computers, and sports. Yes, there are such women.

Topics on which need to communicate on a first date with a girl: funny incidents at school, esotericism, pets.

The main thing is to keep the conversation light and positive.

When the topic of conversation has exhausted itself, change it to another. This needs to be done naturally. You can move beautifully from one topic to another with the help of an open question. At the same time, the second topic seems to cling to the previous one.

For example, you were talking about flowers, and you need to change the topic of the conversation:

AND: My favorite flowers are chamomile.
M: You know, I heard that flowers are the most best gift for a woman. What gifts do you like best?

After this, the dialogue turns to a discussion of gifts.

How to properly interrupt a conversation

You also need to be able to end a conversation. To ensure that the girl looks forward to meeting you in the future, end the conversation at the peak of interest.

This doesn't mean you should suddenly get up and leave. Say that it’s time for you to leave today, but that you would be happy to meet again. Don't let the girl get tired of you.

For a first date, 1-1.5 hours is enough for her to remain curious and want to get to know you better.

If you delay communication with the girl you like, your emotions will go to zero and she will become bored. After a date with such a guy, she will be left with an unpleasant aftertaste. It will be more difficult to persuade her to go for the second one.

Here are 8 useful tips, which will be useful in a conversation with a girl you like:

Lies are excluded. Remember, any lie will come out sooner or later. You may make a mistake, forget what you said, or your friends may accidentally reveal the truth.

Your facial expression, gaze, body movements, voice can give away that you are not telling the truth.

The trust of the girl you love will be lost forever. To avoid lying, just say that you don’t want to answer the question yet. You can also answer that this topic is unpleasant for you or that you will talk about it later.

Obscene language They push decent girls away. Don't use swear words in conversation if you don't want to ruin her good impression.

Correct gestures and postures. Gestures and body position can say a lot about your internal state and intentions. Do not cross your arms and legs on your chest - this is a closed, defensive posture, thereby fencing yourself off from your interlocutor. Don't swing your arms too much. Scratching your nose, earlobes, eyes, or chin can indicate your insecurity or desire to hide something.

Complaints are not allowed. The worst thing you can think of is to start complaining about life, work, financial difficulties, health, ex-girlfriend. Girls don't like whiners and losers. They prefer strong and successful guys. If you start talking about your worthless life, you will fail: this date will be your last.

Have a dialogue. The girl wants to listen to you and tell you about herself. No one is interested in a monologue.

Watch your girlfriend's reaction. Take breaks, give the opportunity to ask questions, comment and express yourself. Dialogue shows that you are interested in your interlocutor, and not just in yourself.

Learn to listen. Many people never learn to listen. They interrupt the interlocutor, do not listen to the end of the sentence, and begin their own story until the interlocutor’s story is finished. This causes irritation and confusion. During a conversation, look at the interlocutor, nod your head slightly, insert leading questions that stimulate further storytelling.

Speak brightly. A boring speech does not evoke emotions in a girl who wants an interesting and unforgettable evening. Use figurative expressions, emotional words, bright inserts. Stimulate your imagination.

Here's how not to say: “Yesterday my friends and I jumped from a tower on ropes, it was fun.”

Here’s how to say it: “Yesterday my friends and I decided to jump on ropes from a tower. It was cool! You imagine, you are standing on this tower, there is wind up there, and you understand that you are completely dependent on the reliability of the equipment. The flight was incredible, my heart jumped out of my chest, but I experienced incredible pleasure. Let's go together sometime?"

If you learn to communicate using emotional, figurative expressions, then your girl will simply fall in love at first sight!

Only positive. Will you meet the girl again? Then avoid negativity. Never judge the shortcomings of your interlocutor or other women. It’s also not worth starting quarrels with your neighbors in a cafe; that’s not what you came here for. You cannot accuse, mock and show that you are much smarter than her. Negativity in any form is repulsive. This must be remembered once and for all.

Confidence. Why does a girl need an insecure guy? She doesn't want to be your mommy. She needs someone who will protect and help her, instill confidence in her.

If you want to please her, get rid of the words “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “I’ll have to think about it.”

A straight look, straightened shoulders, clear speech, a smile, calm body movements, a straight gait are the first signs of a self-confident person.

Practice in front of a mirror, ask a friend to correct your behavior, or attend special training.

Correct and beautiful speech can work wonders

Have you noticed with what enthusiasm women listen to announcers and actors with a pleasant voice? This is no coincidence. If you have problems with speech, you can’t pronounce some letters, your voice itself is not very beautiful and bright, then work on it.

Tongue twisters- a great way to learn to speak quickly and clearly. Choose simple ones first, pronounce slowly. Once you have achieved clarity, speed up the pace. If you know how to read a foreign language, then for variety you can use foreign tongue twisters.

Useful exercises. Read any passage of text out loud every day. Record your voice on a voice recorder. Listen and find out what you can change in your speech. Yes, not everyone likes to listen to their own voice on recording, but this is another reason to love and accept yourself, and overcome shortcomings, and become confident.

To improve the clarity of pronunciation, you can pronounce sounds and syllables separately. If you have strong problems with speech, then contact a speech therapist who will develop a set of classes.

And most importantly, stop being afraid. Nothing is impossible in this world!

Forget about all the inconvenience that you are used to experiencing when starting a conversation with a stranger! Here are tips that will help you instantly interest your interlocutor.

1. The importance of a handshake

A proper handshake demonstrates trust and respect. This simple ritual equalizes the rights of interlocutors and sends the necessary signals to the brain. When two people's hands form a strong grip, the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for feelings of joy, is released. According to psychologists, the act of shaking hands gives impetus to the emergence of friendship. In order to conquer your interlocutor from the first gesture, establish direct eye contact with him, smile and lightly shake his hand.

2. Pay attention to lonely people

If you don’t know how to approach the person you need at any important event, look for an opportunity to catch him without company. People who are not busy talking will give you their full attention. If the ideal moment never presents itself, focus on groups of people who make up an open circle. Such a company demonstrates hospitality to each new member. If people stand with their shoulders pressed tightly against each other and form a closed circle, most likely they will not be happy with uninvited guests.

3. Practice on service personnel

At a banquet or any other social event, it’s easy to get confused without the appropriate skills. If you are too nervous or worried, your interlocutors will definitely notice it. In order not to lose face and make a good impression on people, come early and test your capabilities. Start a conversation with the service staff. If others see how casually you communicate with the bartender or waiter, this will add a few points to your “rating”.

4. Repeat the person's name

Dale Carnegie, in his classic How to Win Friends, wrote that a person's name when spoken out loud by someone sounds like the sweetest and most important sound. Even though the book was published in 1937, this advice is still relevant. Start the conversation with a strong and confident phrase: “Good afternoon, my name is Ekaterina. What's your name? The trick is to repeat the other person’s name again: “It’s very nice to meet you, Ivan.”

5. Recognize your acquaintances

If you have already met this person before, even if your paths crossed for a short time, be sure to remind him of your old meeting. Perhaps he will be confused, having forgotten your name. Help your interlocutor get out of an awkward situation: “Hi, we met at one of our company’s events. Maybe you remember, my name is Ekaterina.” Be sure to ask your interlocutor what new has happened in his life since then. Regardless of whether he remembers you or not, he will appreciate your attention.

6. Find common ground

After the acquaintance has taken place, it is time to move on to the search for common interests. But this needs to be done as casually as possible. Continuing the conversation will tell you where you met. For example, if the meeting took place at your brother's wedding, ask your new acquaintance how they know each other. If this is a corporate event, ask what meetings, besides this one, your new acquaintance attended. Do not immediately ask about marital status, education or age. Never start a conversation with a phrase that contains a negative message. Be careful with questions like: “These drinks are just terrible, aren't they?” Your interlocutor may be good friend banquet organizer. They are unlikely to want to communicate with you further.

7. Body language

For a more casual look, keep your fingers in front of you. Don't cross your arms or put them behind your back. Forget about having pockets in your pants. If you want to demonstrate genuine interest in your new acquaintance, lean slightly in his direction. This body position will also give importance to your words.

8. Don’t bombard your interlocutor with questions.

When talking about yourself, try to provide all the important information in short, concise phrases. This will give the person the opportunity to move the conversation in the right direction, and he can easily ask you clarifying questions. If you are interested in the person you are talking to, try not to limit yourself to short, incoherent answers. It’s not pleasant if you have to extract information from a person, as if with pincers. Be careful not to let your own questions dominate the conversation. Show respect.

9. Encourage his passion

If you manage to find common ground or identify the main passion of the interlocutor, move on to the next stage. Now your task is to demonstrate respect or genuine interest in his favorite activity. This can easily be achieved by inserting short, succinct affirmations between the interlocutor’s phrases. People love to talk about themselves, so stroke their ego by being a good listener.

10. Set a topic for conversation

If you're hosting a wedding reception, you can try this trick: ask the crowd a quirky hypothetical question. By doing this, you will start a new lively conversation. It is best to mention an event that happened the other day and created a stir in society. Don't be afraid to turn the conversation into a joke. For example, there is no need for excessive politicization at the table.

11. Say goodbye gracefully

When you notice that the conversation is starting to lose momentum, try to end your participation on a high note. When there is a natural pause, smile at everyone present and let them know that it’s time for you to go to an important meeting. If it was a dialogue, summarize the main points and do not forget to repeat the name of the interlocutor at the end. “I'm so glad I heard about your journey. You inspired me with the idea of ​​another vacation. It was nice to meet you, Ivan.”

Have you caught interested glances at yourself again, but haven’t decided to start getting to know each other? Or was the entire event hidden behind a phone screen without saying a word? In front of you step by step instructions by the ability to make you fall in love with yourself from the first minutes of communication. Or it’s profitable to sell yourself to the best employer in the world for indecently pleasant money. Therefore, we learn how to start a conversation and easily become a skilled speaker.

1. Increasing self-confidence.

Sometimes the desire to start a conversation is fought by the fear of being branded as a stupid or boring interlocutor. And if the experience of communicating with an employer, colleagues, or the opposite sex is not behind you, the desire to hide in an unknown direction wins. What to do? Apparently, study, rehearse, train. Let the first potential interlocutor be not the Prince on a White Horse or the Love of Your Life, but the first handsome stranger.

The art of small talk came to us from the West; its name “small talk” emphasizes the relaxed nature of the event. It is important to accept the idea that we are not passing an exam, but sharing opinions, so any outcome of communication cannot overshadow. After all, the most important thing is the experience that we will get in any case.

2. We study our strengths.

And we bet on them. There is no point in writing with a marker on your forehead about the Grand Prix or honors diploma you won - if the dialogue becomes the start of a sincere relationship, you can still have time to report your achievements to your new counterpart. Paying attention to your own diction, pace, speech literacy, and gestures will be very useful.

It would be a good idea to give yourself points for each of these criteria after watching a video with yourself in the lead role. A phone camera will do - it’s not the technical equipment that plays a role here, but the ability to ask and answer a question with a bit of spontaneity.

Having seen ourselves from the outside, we can identify tasks (prolonged pauses, wide waves of arms, grimacing, etc.) and begin to work on them. Another important factor is the harmony of image, appearance, profession, as well as behavior during the first conversation.

To say the least, a tall, strapping gentleman with a sporting background looks strange, clasping his hands in exaltation or batting his eyelashes in surprise. Exactly the same amount of doubt about sincerity can be caused by a cute young lady with a long braid, loudly broadcasting an endless monologue in a booming bass voice.

People feel calmer and more reliable if their initial impression of the interlocutor turns out to be not opposite to his subsequent behavior. This, by the way, is an evolutionary benefit - it unloads the brain, allowing you to concentrate on new things. Therefore, we carefully move away from our adequate portrait to amaze and remain in memory at any cost.

3. We observe.

Having become familiar with and loving your communication features, you can move on to the “offensive”. We straightened our backs, took a breath, and came closer to our potential comrade. We stopped to look around and take a closer look.

4. Looking for balance.

Contact us with a question - great idea. Even the most banal question, “How do you like the exhibition?” can lead to success if accompanied by a confident voice and good posture. If you want to be original, a sense of proportion should always remain. Shocking the public or making new acquaintances, deepening useful connections is different goals, requiring different approaches.

The best result in the second case comes from an appeal in the form of a friendly joke or. There are pitfalls here. The initiator of the conversation should avoid excessive irony, general phrases and ambiguous metaphors - taking into account the place of acquaintance, of course. A conservatory involves different conversations than a rock festival, although in both cases the topic of music is quite suitable for exchanges.

5. We listen carefully to the answer.

Now it’s worth concentrating all the receptors and sixth sense on the interlocutor. Having made our move first, we can allow ours to parry it. Having turned into one big, benevolent and extremely attentive ear, it is advisable not to forget about body language.

The message encrypted in the gaze and movements should be read unambiguously: “It is valuable and meaningful for me to hear you. I may not agree later, but the point of view you expressed is important.” You can try to conduct the conversation according to the “question - clarification - statement” pattern.

In this case, there is a relatively even exchange of information that does not resemble interrogation with bias. The code word “statement” means several remarks about yourself that are interesting to the interlocutor, useful or funny. This is an excellent formula for those who want to know not only how to start a conversation, but also how to actively continue it.

6. Have fun.

Perhaps trying to start a conversation will lead to a lasting friendship, a lasting business partnership, or a lifelong romantic relationship. But if not, this is not a reason to lose heart to the very core of the Earth. The luxury of human communication is valuable in itself.