The holidays passed, girlfriends met, the girls went to work, and the time of unbridled boasting began. Who received what as a gift, what surprises? And it turns out that one has a gift card for ten massages at a spa, another has a diamond ring, the third was unexpectedly taken to Europe, and someone sniffles and hides their eyes. Because calling a bottle of cheap pop and a string of tangerines a gift somehow doesn’t raise your tongue, but lying... Well, as much as you can, and you lie the same way every year. So, why does it happen that men give only women expensive gifts, but not others?

1. You choose the wrong men.

Because there are men, and there is a layer of moral monsters, poorly educated, spoiled, confident in their own irresistibility and vegetating in aesthetic poverty. Such people, if they give you anything, it will only be a disgusting poem of their own composition, and then they will also ask you to borrow money to publish a book. To attract such a man, fall in love with him and even save him from life’s troubles - what could be worse? And if this is about you, then you need to start, of course, not with gifts, but with the question: “Why am I so “lucky”?” The answer, most likely, will be hidden in childhood, in dislike and criticism from loved ones, in the unspoken requirement to deserve love, to save, to feel sorry for everyone except yourself.

You can cope with this if you leave the past in the past and start choosing worthy people. But the endless digging in childhood and tears about the fact that you were not loved must be stopped by an effort of will. And learn to live here and now, making the right decisions, building boundaries, respecting yourself!

2. You don't know how to rejoice.

Somewhere inside, scared and downtrodden, there lives a girl-woman who has been taught since childhood that she has to pay for everything. Having repeatedly paid exorbitantly high prices for simple human joys, you no longer believe in miracles, do not want to get attached, and any vivid manifestation of feelings frightens you. In relationships you are cold, you prefer to control everything, in a word... holidays are not for you. Maybe your heart can be melted by a million fluffy bunnies and balloons, but who will undertake such a thing, meeting your wary gaze? Before gifts can come into your life, you need to heal from trauma. And understand that even if there is a fee, it is better to pay the bill than to live dry.

3. Your man doesn’t have enough imagination, and you don’t know how to excite her.

In relationships, not everything is resolved head-on. And no one has canceled the male ego. It’s much more pleasant to pamper a “little girl” than an equal partner for regular sex.

4. You come across as a jaded person who has everything.

You throw your self-sufficiency in a man’s face, and in response he displays demonstrative indifference. Oh, do you have everything? Did you earn everything yourself? Nothing surprises you?

Well, you're wearing a pink elephant from a machine gun! If at the same time you still stay with this man, and at night you cry into your pillow from resentment, then you really don’t have any satiety, but there is only a mask behind which you hide every day. When you ask yourself the question “why?” and you find the answer, everything will change. And even a man. Because a person who is ready to respond to self-sufficiency with cute ridicule is, in general, a good guy. Take off the mask and get your well-deserved rings, handbags and beautiful lingerie.

5. This man simply does not consider you his woman, which means he does not consider himself obligated to give anything.

Either you really are not his, and he is not yours, and then you have no right to count on any gifts. Just for a pleasant time together. Or some of you are clearly overestimating the moment.

A gift is not just a sign of attention, but also a consolidation of status, a certain symbol of attitude towards each other. When you don’t understand who you are to him, you can ask directly, or you can look at the gifts.

6. Your value to a man is not obvious.

You failed to position yourself in such a way that the person next to you would consider it a real gift. Sometimes this has deep psychological and even karmic reasons, but sometimes a woman simply does not know how to “sell” herself. This skill is well taught at women’s “pickup” trainings. If you don’t get involved in this too seriously and don’t go too far, maybe someone should learn.

7. You yourself are too good, too grateful and at the same time unassuming.

You will never tell a person: “Invite me to a restaurant!” or “Give me flowers!” You cook at home, buy clothes on sale, often talk about high prices, condemn spenders, and admit that you live on credit. Perhaps you think that by doing this you are demonstrating to the man that you are reasonable and hinting that it would be nice for you to help.

In fact, you are only branding yourself as a modest (read: cheap) woman who will be happy with any little things. It is to these women that men come to the house with a grid of the most necessary products and a package washing powder, but it would never occur to them to give beautiful dress. Not because they can’t, but because they doubt that she will wear it at all.

Think about whether you have played too much into poverty? It can be difficult to track how you turn from shy to victim. In any case, stop yourself from being poor! Otherwise, before you know it, you will find yourself below the poverty line, and even drag a man there.

8. You are afraid of male strength and power, which, willingly or unwillingly, appears where expensive gifts and surprises appear.

Many women demonstrate that they will never sacrifice even a little bit of their comfort and will not break their usual routine in order to be with a man. Thus, completely depriving him of the opportunity to act and show initiative. You need to understand that no one will buy plane tickets and present them as a surprise if they are not sure that you will be happy, trust, relax, quickly find a cat for your neighbor and run to pack your suitcase. No one wants to be reprimanded for “you didn’t consult me” and “how could you manage my life like that?” A distant controlling woman can only count on neutral gifts. For example, for a gift card to a megamall. But you must admit, there is not much joy from such gifts.

At the end of 2015, the head of Komi signed a decree that regulates the procedure for receiving, storing, determining the value and redeeming gifts received by the head of the republic, ministers and government officials. In the second half of 2017, the editors of "" sent more than 30 requests to various departments to find out how many gifts officials in Komi received and how many of them were redeemed. In some cases, requests had to be sent several times - the responses from government agencies lacked accurate data.

Gift scheme of the head of Komi

The head of Komi can receive gifts at protocol events, during official business trips and at other events in which participation is related to the performance of official duties. Stationery, flowers, and valuable gifts given as incentives (rewards) are not considered gifts.

After receiving a gift, regardless of its value, the head of Komi transfers it for safekeeping official management of the affairs of the head's administration and notifies the administration of the President of Russia about this. Along with the gift, a technical passport, warranty card, and operating instructions are given. The department manager accepts the gift for safekeeping and fills out an act of acceptance and transfer of the item.

The head can redeem the gift by submitting an application to the Russian Presidential Anti-Corruption Department no later than two months from the date of delivery of the gift. After the head of the presidential administration has read the application, the document is transferred to the administration of the head of Komi to determine its value and redemption. This procedure can last three months; after determining the cost, the head has a month to redeem the gift or refuse it.

By order of the president, an unredeemed gift can be used “to ensure the activities of a state body of a constituent entity of Russia.”

Good afternoon
I'm confused and would like an outside perspective.
I've been dating a guy for almost a year now. I'm 26, he's 29.
After 3 weeks of the relationship, when I was just taking a closer look, he “pressed” me and asked where our relationship was heading, that he was serious, etc. I was a little taken aback, as it seemed to me that it was too early for such conversations. After a short period of time, he confessed his love to me, and I did the same in return. Although, it seems to me, I was not sure about this.

From the very beginning, I was embarrassed by our communication; I could not talk to him normally about topics that I usually talk about with friends and acquaintances. He wasn’t particularly interested in my childhood and in general there weren’t all these questions by which people recognize each other. He interrupted me very often, and when he finished speaking, he didn’t ask, “What were you saying?” After a couple of my hysterics (at first, multiple comments) on this topic, I saw that he began to try to listen to the end, but overall it was still not enough some kind of participation. (now it seems that this has become better, but communication in general still does not satisfy me). He very often said/says how he misses me, how much he loves me. When I succeed at something, for example at work, he is happy and talks a lot good words, supports.

But... for example, we have zero romance.

And it was like that from the very beginning. For example, he talked about flowers that he should give, asked if I wanted to. I answered that yes, I love flowers and I would be pleased. He said - I’ll give it to you for your birthday! Well okay... For my birthday he gave me... nothing. We went to a neighboring city that day (the idea was mine, I thought through the trip, I was also going to pay, well, or in half). He paid for a hotel and a couple of dinners at a restaurant. In the morning he told me - only I have nothing for you.. Now I’m writing and it’s so disgusting, and even then there was little pleasure, but I swallowed it. A few days later I was throwing a party, and he came without even flowers. Then there were some quarrels when I spoke out about this, said that okay, flowers are not the most important thing and I can buy them for myself, but why do I need to promise, ask and not do? This happened not only with flowers, but also with some little things. After quarrels, a couple of days later he came as a surprise and brought me flowers. I made a surprise on February 14, it was just after the quarrel.

It’s so natural for me to give gifts to a loved one, to know what he loves, to see it in a store, to buy or do something myself to please. Apparently not for him, or all the words about love mean nothing. In one of the quarrels, when we had already been dating for about 6-7 months, I asked - what are my favorite flowers? He didn't know, of course.

At the very beginning, we quarreled very often and he was also dissatisfied with the relationship and was going to leave (forever or just in at the moment think - I didn’t always understand). I didn’t hold back, I even felt relief. He never left, walked out the door once and came back 5 minutes later. For what? He sat whining that he loved me and didn’t want to lose me. A couple of times I literally pushed me out the door, because in response to my complaints he said that I was right and he saw that I was unhappy. Then he called me every other day or came and said again that he didn’t want to lose me and was ready to change. But not much has changed.

When in my head I clearly decide to break up, I begin to regret it a little, it becomes scary. I’m starting to think about the advantages, they exist. I really like him in appearance, I can’t say that he doesn’t give a damn about me, he supports almost any of my ideas to go/go somewhere (he has few ideas of his own and it infuriates me), he often changes his plans to make it convenient for me, he stops by picks me up, drives me everywhere I need to go, helps me with documents and translations somewhere (I live in another country), listens to my opinion, introduced me to my parents, was very proud when I told my friends about my simple achievements, well, in general, I see that he is not indifferent to me.

I'm a little confused, maybe I want a lot and don't value what I have?
For example, this year I have not been given a single significant gift. They don't celebrate here New Year, and I said that I love this holiday and we give gifts. I bought him a good one cheap gift who know what he wanted. He is nothing to me. It was obvious that he was ashamed, but... did that mean he didn’t want to strain himself?

Once he burned my raincoat with a cigarette (not badly, but still). He promised to buy it for several months and didn’t buy it. Once I wrote that I had found a cool dress (I wrote without a hint), he said - buy it, I’ll pay for it! When I found out the price, which, by the way, was not some kind of cosmic price, I said - let’s cut it in half? In another situation, I might have taken it normally, but against the backdrop of all the other promises, I said no, thank you. And there were more than one or two such promises, like “I will buy, I will give.” But in fact - nothing. I don’t want to seem somehow mercantile, but in my opinion this is not healthy. Is this what a man in love does, who cares what the girl thinks?

He tells me that he has no complaints against me, that I am wonderful in everything, except that I am sometimes cold and rarely say that I love him. Hmmm.. And I once told him that it would be better if he spoke less. Of course, I know that I am far from ideal and I am not creating illusions here, I try to be attentive.

Three last month he helps me pay for housing (1/3), but he spends the night with me for almost half the month. And this is rather my “merit”, I whined about problems at work and lack of money, I really regret it already. He has been living with his parents for about 2 years after breaking up with his girlfriend. He insistently suggests moving in together. But it seems like I don’t want to anymore. For many reasons, first of all I'm afraid that I will be stupidly bored. And I won’t be able to afford it financially. I told him about this, he offered to pay a little more, but it wouldn’t do much for me. He talks about getting married, he’s not scared by the idea of ​​having children (me, yes, I’m not ready, I don’t feel stable and I just have other plans for now).

This is such a mess of pure negativity. The last time I talked about breaking up, he began to list some advantages and what he had done for me, and it really began to seem to me that all my dissatisfaction and accusations were groundless. And now, thinking about it, I understand that I have one big stupid grievance - he doesn’t give gifts (and even worse, he promises and doesn’t deliver), but I also have a chain of dissatisfaction to which I react sharply, but for some reason I just can’t put a point.

Sorry for the long text, I’ll be glad to hear opinions and answer questions if necessary.
Thank you!

There is no person in the world who would not like a gift. No gift can leave anyone indifferent. But if receiving a gift every time confuses you and feels like a certain obligation, then perhaps great joy his presentation delivers.

Any gift brings joy. This is perhaps its main and undeniable feature. The choice of gifts should be conscious. Each of them reveals the character of the presenter.

Both the packaging itself and its contents reveal the ingenuity, imagination, as well as the taste and courtesy of the giver. The real cost of the gift does not mean much, the main thing is that it is dear and valuable to the recipient.

Even the most insignificant thing, but presented with a special meaning, has enough chances to become the most important of all for life and will be remembered for a long time.

Each gift is symbolic in its meaning. Basically, it is aimed at lightly emphasizing some advantages or correcting minor shortcomings. But, first of all, the gift must correspond to the tastes and preferences of the person to whom it is chosen. When choosing a gift, you must take into account the environment in which the gift will be presented.

If any celebration is planned, such as a birthday, name day, wedding or anniversary, you need to take care of the contents of the package in advance. Standing at a store counter or making a gift at home with your own hands, you need to weigh all the “pros” and “cons.”

Donation process should not be careless, like “here, this is for you.” Yes, if you are shy, give it as beautifully and politely as possible. There is one thing golden rule concerning the presentation of a gift. When giving a gift, in no case should you say how difficult it was to find something as a gift and how expensive it was to buy this item. There is no need to tell those present, and especially the hero of the occasion, about all the adventures. In response, such a story will be followed by words of gratitude and appreciation for the concern and nothing more, then such a person will be seated at the table and his presence will be forgotten. And such a story will be regarded as a manifestation of bad manners and sick pride.

It would be nice to know the taste of your friends in order to give what they like. It turns out that you need to be able to choose a gift, taking into account a lot: the reason for the gift (a holiday or just a surprise), the age and gender of the person, your relationship with him, the interests and hobbies of your friend. Therefore, if, when choosing a gift, you are looking among your things for something worse, something that you don’t need, this is not a gift! If you are sorry to part with something, or you are giving away something dear to you under your mother’s coercion, this is also not a gift. “Something” bought in a hurry is also not a gift!

Easier than that, who has “golden hands”. A gift made especially for the recipient will always be to your liking - be it a poem, a drawing, embroidery or soft toy. If one of you is embarrassed to show off your talents, then you will have to borrow money from your parents and carefully think about the gift. Is your friend a collector? Always a pleasure to add to his collection! Do you know your friend's interests? Then it will be easy to choose for her the video cassette, book or notebook she needs. Boys usually like sporting goods and keychains. Almost anything can be a gift item.

Some mandatory rules that the donor should know:

  • on a birthday, gifts should be given that only the birthday person himself will use, and not his entire family;

  • It’s not good to give gifts after a birthday, it’s better the day before;

  • it is indecent to give a friend money and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want”; if you really care about the recipient, then it’s worth working hard and coming up with something for him the right gift, which will bring joy, but money may look like a handout and may offend;

  • you should not give very expensive, “chic” gifts, by doing this you can put a person in an awkward position, unwittingly humiliate him or make him feel dependent on you;

  • if you are invited to a house where there is absolutely everything, and your friend cannot be surprised by anything, then do not fall into despair and do not rack your brains over how to get money for an expensive gift worthy of a rich home; You can give something, although not valuable, but distinguished by its rarity and elegance, or you can play up your gift wittily - for example, give a classmate a Mercedes model and write on a postcard: “Let this car grow with you!” More imagination, my friends!

  • gift packaging is important: homemade bags, boxes and cards are valued higher, so it’s worth collecting foil, clippings, and ribbons;

  • never give away what was given to you, because someone wanted to please you, it doesn’t matter that it didn’t work out;

  • There is an insidious rule regarding edible gifts - they should be served on the table immediately, this must be taken into account;

  • living gifts (kittens, fish...) can only be given with the prior consent of all family members of the recipient;

  • the gift is not given in the corridor (with the exception of flowers), it is presented in the room, slowly, saying kind words.

  • there is no need to get off with any trifle - you may be considered a miser;

  • you cannot give things that are, so to speak, ambiguous, for example, deer antlers to your spouse, a painting with a sad plot to a newlywed;

  • It's good if the gift is a surprise. But this surprise is for whom it is intended;

  • a bad gift is worse than no gift.

So, what to give, when to give and to whom to give?

Let's start with the last one - to whom. Of course, you don’t need to give gifts to everyone; you can make a lot of mistakes. There is no need to give gifts to strangers - you will only surprise them with your action.

One of the most difficult questions: should you give gifts to your bosses? Any gift that you bring, for example, for your boss’s birthday, can be interpreted by gossip lovers as fawning, as a desire to stand out. And the one to whom the gift is intended can also be put in a very ambiguous position: if you (let’s assume), an excellent employee, they wanted to soon promote you to a more responsible job, then after you brought the gift to your manager, he will simply be embarrassed to support your candidacy for nomination. Therefore, it is accepted in exceptional cases (anniversaries, retirement, etc.), of course, if the boss and his employees are really kind, friendly relations, make collective gifts: from the department, from the management, from the sector, etc.

Now - when to give. It is customary to give gifts on family occasions - birthdays, weddings, graduation from school, university, etc. These are easy cases, because it is clear who to give and when to give. The issue with weddings is a little more complicated. The first anniversary is considered a “paper” wedding, the second is a “glass” wedding, the tenth is a “porcelain” wedding, the fifteenth is a “bronze” wedding, the twentieth is a “crystal” wedding, etc.

In one of the editions of Chevalier’s book “Rules of Conduct for Well-mannered People” (1918), the first twenty wedding anniversaries each have their own name, and gifts are recommended to be made precisely in accordance with the name of the anniversary. That is, on a “glass” anniversary, give glass items, on a “porcelain” anniversary - porcelain, on a “crystal” anniversary - crystal, and so on. There is also platinum and diamond wedding. But there is no consensus, rule theorists good manners have not yet achieved it: some of them consider the sixtieth anniversary to be diamond, others consider the sixtieth anniversary to be platinum, and the seventy-five anniversary to be diamond.

Nowadays, silver weddings are especially common - twenty-five years life together spouses, golden wedding- fifty years. However, there is no need to fall under the hypnosis of beautiful symbols: in silver wedding It is not necessary to give only silver items, and gold in gold.

So we come to one of the main questions: what to give?

The gift is chosen depending on who it should be given to - a friend, relative, acquaintance. It's easier to give gifts to a loved one than to a stranger or someone you're with. for a long time didn't have to see each other. In such a situation, one can easily say what this or that person would like, what he needs most. Here you can easily afford to give yourself just a bouquet of flowers, a small soft toy or some household utensils.

There is one note regarding the utensils. Such a birthday surprise would be a little inappropriate. After many hours of preparation festive table It’s unlikely that anyone will want to return to this topic again. Such a gift would only be appropriate for a housewarming.

You can give it to close relatives both some clothing items and various household items. In these cases, a very wide choice is allowed - that is, everything is suitable that does not violate the above general rules about gifts. The husband can even choose a gift for his wife together with her, the mother with her daughter.
The further the relationship, the less close you are to the person, the more difficult it is to choose a gift. If you can give tights, gloves, a hat or a frivolous handbag to a relative, then you cannot give this to a girl you just know.

A woman can give a close male relative various smoking accessories, tobacco, wine, a tie, a scarf, a sweater, or a shirt. But you cannot give toiletries to distant relatives.

All other gifts are divided into two categories: souvenirs (books, wallet, purse, set of pens, keychain and other small items) and valuable - vase, set, tablecloth with napkins, artistic and handicrafts, coffee set.

For a gift, if it is being prepared for the New Year, for the eighth of March, it is recommended to attach either a corresponding postcard, or a small figurine of Santa Claus, a sprig of mimosa, etc.

Recently, it has become common to give books as gifts. You need to choose a book very carefully, knowing at least approximately what kind of books can please the one to whom you want to give a gift. And one more indispensable rule: never label books! Only its author has the right to inscribe a book. Any other inscription spoils it. You can put a colorful card with words of congratulations or business card with several congratulatory phrases.

At the birth of a child, a young mother expects a bouquet of flowers and a letter from the new father. In these cases, relatives and friends give a stroller, diapers and baby vests, and dishes.

Jewelry you should buy with a large selection: firstly, they can be given to family and especially close friends; secondly, it is necessary to take into account the main thing: will they suit their future owner (of course, we are talking about brooches, pendants, rings, watches, bracelets, and not about tabletop jewelry, dishes, silverware, bowls, etc.).

One important detail. There is a fairly common custom of tearing off the label on a gift on which the price is indicated: they say, it’s not the price that matters. It seems that this custom contains a fair amount of hypocrisy, characteristic of the etiquette of past times. Let's think sensibly: after all, the hero of the occasion does not live on a desert island and still has a rough idea of ​​the cost of this or that thing. And if desired, he can easily find out the exact price. So no need to play hide and seek - it's really not about the price!
Fergusson's Gentleman's Manual, in its chapter on gifts, gives one good advice: a person who wants to be polite must have a notebook in which all the birthdays and other significant dates of not only close relatives, but also friends and acquaintances are noted. Thus, none of the holidays and anniversaries will take this person by surprise.

Every gift is a mirror of the nature of the giver, even if they try not to show their character when making a purchase. And presenting a gift is not a duty to the hero of the occasion, but first of all a sign of attention and respect for him. Without free time or completely forgetting about the gift, you should under no circumstances entrust the purchase of a gift to another person. Even a perfectly wrapped gift like this will lose all its appeal after the giver leaves, ending up in the far corner.

It often happens that one of the invitees cannot attend the celebration for some reason: poor health, business trip, etc. In this case, close friends are asked to convey apologies, congratulations and a gift. Along with the gift, the hero of the occasion should send greeting card. In the event that a loved one cannot be present at the celebration and gives a gift through a third party, be sure to thank him by sending him a postcard or letter, and the person who gives the gift. All words expressed about the present itself are addressed to the same person.

AND last tip: Never put off purchasing a gift until the last day. You should not bring a bouquet on your birthday that was picked from a flower bed near the house, or give complete nonsense from a nearby store. You need to think about the gift in advance. Then its originality and relevance will be guaranteed.

Fate was initially unfair to little Harold. Due to the peculiarities of the development of the skull, the boy has a developmental delay, but the guy, like his parents, does not give up and tries in every possible way to adapt to society. Harold goes to public school and tries to keep up with classes, although it is difficult due to numerous doctor visits. However, what happened on his ninth birthday completely changed the boy’s picture of the world.

For your birthday Harold Hamilton(Gerald Hamilton) invited all his classmates: together with his parents, he sent out 30 invitations. Only 12 people responded that they would be able to come. Well, twelve is already a whole party! Harold always celebrated all previous birthdays in a narrow family circle. However, looking at how he older sister invites his girlfriends to his birthday, the boy wanted the same holiday.

Harold decorated his room in the style of superheroes and asked them to make gifts with sweets for the guests, which he would give to them at the end of the holiday. “And now it’s been three hours, and there’s no one,” says the boy’s grandmother. - Four, and still no one. It's five o'clock and Harold's mom tells him, let's cut the cake already. And Harold asks to wait a little longer, in case someone appears. He still hoped."

Harold's grandmother, Amalia Lara, said that then all the adults felt both sad and angry, they all felt very sorry for the guy. “His heart was broken. This is all so wrong." The boy was congratulated only by those closest to him, and Harold did not receive a single gift, not a single postcard, not a single visit - nothing else. It seemed that this idea only made everything worse. Before that, it seemed to him that he had friends at school, but now he didn’t want to see anyone.

Two days after Harold's birthday, Grandma wrote a post on her Facebook page. She described the situation and asked everyone who read her message, and everyone who could, to send a greeting card to the boy so that he would not feel rejected in this society.

“My grandson is in second grade and he has already had five skull surgeries. He is a little behind developmentally and academically, but he is the kindest and most selfless child I know. His mother sent out 30 invitations - 12 responded that they would come. At three o'clock he prepared a table for his friends, dressed festively and prepared for the party. But no one came. Even at five in the evening he was still sitting and waiting for someone to appear. When my daughter called these twelve families, she heard back that her child was too strange and that the parents did not want their children to play with him. So no one came. No cards, no gifts. And so I feel obligated to try to somehow correct this situation. You can send cards to my address and I'll give them to Harold... this whole situation just breaks my heart."

Harold was born without a fontanel in his skull, and therefore was forced to constantly spend time in the hospital. Numerous operations ensured the growth of the skull bones, but, unfortunately, certain problems in the child’s development could not be avoided. The last such operation took place just two years before the events described. “He needs much more time to master knowledge and skills in the classroom. He needs constant attention from the teacher. He is really different from other children. But that makes it special at the same time.”

Amalia's grandmother's post instantly went viral on the Internet. It was shared more than 4.5 thousand times. And almost immediately the postcards began to arrive. There were postcards from all over the world. And along with the cards, gifts began to arrive. Strangers contacted Harold and wrote to him how much they admired him, how much they believed in him, and wished him only the best.

Soon there were so many postcards that their number exceeded a thousand. “We talked to Harold about it,” says the grandmother. “I explained to him that this attention is not forever, it will end. But it shows that there are good, kind and empathetic people in this world who care and genuinely want him to have a good birthday.”

But not only were there a lot of cards - so many gifts were also sent that they had to be placed in separate room. Of course, one boy does not need so much, but these gifts were made with all their hearts, people sincerely wanted Harold to have a real holiday. Then the parents discussed with the boy what to do with all these cars, toys and construction sets, and together they decided to take the gifts to a special institution where children with developmental delays are educated.

Except strangers from all over the world, local residents also responded to the request of Amalia’s grandmother. The local K-9 unit invited the boy to join them. He was given a tour, introduced to service dogs, allowed to try on a service uniform, in general, the boy was given a holiday that he did not even dare to wish for. By the end of the day, the guy even admitted that he would like to train dogs for the K-9 service in the future. Suddenly it turned out that this world is full of excellent people who live both very close, next door, and on the other side of the world.

“And now that you have everything a nine-year-old boy could want, what else would you like?” - the reporter asks Harold. - “Friends!” - Without hesitation, the boy answers.

Sometimes you don’t even need to ask strangers for help: for example, after the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, thousands of people tried to somehow alleviate the situation and help the victims.