
Coffee contains a high concentration of an invigorating substance - caffeine. Humanity discovered the stimulating properties of the coffee drink almost 100 years ago. During this time, the drink has firmly entered the lives of many. Starting the day with a mug of coffee is more of a part of your image. The body rarely feels the need for it; more often, habit takes over.

Seeing the addiction of adults, children often reach for coffee. Many parents refuse. Others are in doubt, wondering whether Is it harmful for children to drink coffee or not?? The question requires a detailed study of coffee and the characteristics of the child’s body.

Coffee and children's bodies

The problem of “fathers and sons” sometimes begins in the first years of a child’s life. The baby is slow or absent-minded. In the evening he doesn’t want to go to bed, wakes up in the morning with difficulty getting ready for kindergarten, and is capricious. There are forums online where mothers actively argue about which coffee is better Suitable for babies. Great misconception!

The baby’s activity depends on his temperament, psychotype and many other factors. Parents should find out the type of temperament and build relationships in accordance with it. And even more so, one cannot accustom one to coffee, since harmful coffee for children Pediatricians confirm.

Other parents offer alternatives: decaffeinated coffee or instant coffee, where the caffeine concentration is relatively low. Is this approach correct? Can a child have instant coffee?? In this matter, it is advisable to take into account not the characteristics of the drink, but the characteristics of the child’s body.

How does coffee affect the body?

used as a light doping for the body. Others talk about the dangers of coffee and attribute terrible destructive properties to it. Despite this, millions of people are his fans. To drink or not to drink is the choice of the person himself. But once a person feels the stimulating effect, he will often resort to its help.

Most socially active people cannot imagine starting work without brain activity stimulants. Coffee, sometimes accompanied by cigarettes, ranks at the top of the list of stimulants. It is believed that in this way a person fights drowsiness. How does coffee help with this?

The desire to sleep is nothing more than an increase in the level of a neurohormone called adenosine. By releasing it in large quantities, the body gives the brain a signal that energy is running out and calmness is required for recovery. However, the rhythm of life does not always allow you to go to bed during the day. Drowsiness is accompanied by decreased concentration and general weakness. Coffee helps restore vigor.

The influence is expressed in the forced activation of the central nervous system. Blood circulation through the vessels of the brain accelerates. For this reason, people who were not previously accustomed to drinking coffee begin to feel a headache. But after 2-3 daily doses, the body no longer reacts so sharply to stimulation. It becomes addictive. Over time, the usual one spoon becomes not enough to achieve vigor.

If a person drinks coffee occasionally, the effect of caffeine in the body remains for a relatively long time - up to 10-12 hours. If coffee has become a part of life and has become an obligatory ritual, then with frequent use the elimination time is reduced to 4-5 hours. Now 1 cup a day is not enough for a person. From the point of view of doctors, this dosage is considered the norm at which the body will not suffer harm. But fans of this tart drink are now drinking several cups a day, which can cause insomnia and nervousness. In such cases, you need to control that the total number of cups of coffee you drink per day does not exceed three.

The process of eliminating caffeine is accompanied by troubles. The human body, after any forced activation, undergoes a period of weakness: cigarettes first increase blood pressure, and when nicotine is removed, it begins to decrease. Alcohol works in a similar way: first the blood thins, and at the elimination stage it thickens. The situation is the same with caffeine. Such sharp fluctuations, when repeated many times, lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system. This explains why doctors warn against consuming caffeine in large quantities.

Given such nuances, parents must draw their own conclusions or not. But children are persistent in their desires. What to do if a child insists on trying?

The rules apply to adults. The child's body has a number of characteristics. The period of growth and development is accompanied by stress. Complex hormonal processes occur in a fragile body. To understand, you should consider the development of the body in stages:
  • Age up to 5 years. During this period, children's nutrition should be under the strict control of parents. It is easier to list permitted products here than prohibited ones. The child’s usual drinks should be water, juices and compotes. The child's lifestyle does not require the participation of tonics.
  • Some parents believe that after 5 years it is possible give children coffee with milk. The reason for this is the assumption that milk neutralizes the negative effects of caffeine on the body. The opinion is wrong. Milk and sugar are added to coffee to please the taste buds - they neutralize the astringency of coffee, but do not cancel the effect of caffeine.
  • Especially dangerous period A child is considered to be 12-13 years old. At this time, the child is hostage to hormonal changes and psychological aspects the process of growing up, which in itself serves as a stress factor. Harm of coffee for children during this period it manifests itself in the form of increased tension and emotional instability.
  • After turning 15, a teenager ends his puberty period. Nervous system fully formed. Starting from this age, the child can take 1 cup of coffee with milk and coffee drinks.

Conclusions: for or against?

A cup of coffee is more than just a drink. Coffee is a reason to start a friendly conversation or hold a business meeting in a city coffee shop. True connoisseurs prefer

The trend in recent decades to reduce the ozone layer worries not only scientists. Pediatricians are also sounding the alarm, since solar radiation is especially dangerous for a child’s fragile body. Experts rightly believe that deliberate tanning cannot be classified as a health procedure. At the same time, some doctors insist on the benefits of sunbathing. It is worth deciding which of them is right and who is wrong only after studying all the arguments for and against. Therefore, we will further consider all theses, as well as precautions during prolonged exposure to bright sun.

Harm of sunlight for a child

A characteristic tan on a person’s skin should be considered as protective reaction of the body, not a health certificate. The latter is more likely to include a fresh flush than a brown skin tone. The formation of melanin is a sign of a struggling skin. Sunlight can accelerate the generation of free radicals, which negatively affect the cells of a child’s body. In addition, the latter’s susceptibility is three times greater than that of an adult! And compliant parents also allow their kids to play in the hottest sunshine, when the danger of ultraviolet rays is most pronounced. Instead of a golden tan, children can easily get frank ones. Characteristic pigmentation also appears before sunstroke.

Starting from 2-3 years old, many children are at risk of photodermatosis. Tendency to sunlight manifests itself in the form of redness skin, unpleasant and terrible bubbles. Only after discovering the latter, parents begin to worry and look for a dermatologist among their friends.

Video: Is it good or bad for children to sunbathe in the sun?

Benefits of sunlight for children

However, not all doctors insist on the dangers of ultraviolet radiation. Some see the benefit in strengthening the immune system, increasing its resistance to colds. It’s also no secret that ultraviolet rays from the sun stimulate the production of D. Without this important microelement, children get sick and even. These doctors consider another advantage of being in the sun to be increased blood pressure. Allegedly, vasodilation significantly speeds up the metabolism of a joyful child. How much this is necessary for a child’s body can be debated for a long time. That's why the best option There seems to be a golden mean: spending a limited amount of time in the sun.

Precautions for children. How to avoid sunstroke?

So how long can children sunbathe? It all depends on age. For example, it is generally not recommended to expose yourself to direct sunlight. And even five-year-old children should cover up when the sun is at its zenith. Sunscreens also become important.

Attention! Glasses should only be purchased at an ophthalmology store so as not to damage your child’s vision.

A worthy alternative to glasses seems to be a Panama hat with large fields. It even has some advantage over fashionable glasses, since it protects not only the eyes, but also the baby’s head.

As for time, the answer is obvious - morning or evening. At the same time, exposure to the sun should be carefully dosed, starting with small “portions”. At first it may be ten minutes, then more. Morning hours in the fresh air soaked in the sun's rays are the most best time for all people without exception. And to further protect the child, parents are recommended to visit seaside resorts either at the beginning of June or at the end of August. It is better to spend the middle of summer in a natural climate for the little man.

Among useful recommendations Specialists should also note the purchase of sunscreen cosmetics. In the instructions cosmetic product there should be remarks that it protects against rays A (15) and B (50). Also interesting is the advice to always keep a bottle of kefir with you. This drink not only saves you from dehydration, but also serves as the first remedy for sunburn. However, it should not be considered as the main anti-burn substance. Other pharmaceutical drugs still cope better with this role.

Attention! Use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Now everything is aimed at making a person’s life easier and more comfortable. It is therefore not surprising that the list of products intended for infants, becomes more and more extensive every year. And diapers occupy almost the first place on this list, causing a number of objections from supporters of gauze rags and other improvised devices.

Since the final answer to the question is do you need diapers? has not yet been given, then we will try, if not to prove their benefits, then at least to refute their harm.

Diapers and their purpose

Before we talk about what role do diapers play? and how wearing them affects the future of the child, you should understand what they are. In accordance with GOST R 52557-2011, this is a multi-layer sanitary and hygienic product intended for one-time use.

There are standards, establishing strict requirements for required quantity layers, to the quality of materials, to sizes and to their absorbent properties. All this obliges manufacturers to produce high-quality and safe means children's hygiene, which:

  • protect the child from leaks;
  • absorb and retain feces;
  • allow you to move freely.

In general, diapers perform all the functions that gauze, folded in several layers, once performed. Only they provide much higher protection, it is much more convenient for the child to move in them, and the mother has to spend less time doing laundry.

  • You need to change the diaper as it fills (on average every 3 hours);
  • if a child poops, the diaper must be changed immediately;
  • the child needs to be washed regularly and taken breaks when changing diapers (the minimum recommended time is 15 minutes, but the longer the break, the better);
  • If you have allergic reactions, cystitis and other genitourinary diseases, you should not wear diapers.

Pay attention! In the article How often to change a baby's diaper? recommendations for correct frequency changing diapers.

Non-compliance elementary rules Wearing and changing diapers can lead to a number of complications.

But you need to understand that the same rules also apply to those parents who prefer to use improvised means, because keeping a child in a wet cloth for a long time can easily provoke the same cystitis.

Therefore, only one thing can be said with confidence: It's harmful not to change diapers when necessary!

Diapers and boys' fertility

Many women who have given birth to boys fear that their son will become infertile due to diapers, which allegedly increase the temperature of the testicles, interfere with their normal development and affect the quality of sperm.

Indeed, in adult men, the quality of sperm decreases due to an increase in testicular temperature, but in newborns the situation is different, because only after 7 years do boys have spermatocytes, and full-fledged sperm are formed only by 10 years or later.

That's why no reason to say that diapers can affect the quality of sperm, which will appear only during puberty.

There are often frightening facts indicating that the scrotal temperature of boys in diapers rises to +45ºС. But in gauze diapers the scrotum heats up to +34.9ºС, and in regular diapers - up to 36ºС.

That is, the temperature is indeed higher, but the difference is not so great as to sound the alarm. And even in an adult man, such an increase in temperature cannot provoke a deterioration in the quality of sperm, and there is nothing to talk about infertility.

Diapers and potty

Grandparents of a newborn baby often tell young parents that because of diapers, the child later becomes potty trained. That is why they recommend using diapers and completely abandoning diapers, which, in their opinion, are a real problem in the development and maturation of a toddler.

But only parents have the right to decide whether to put a diaper on your child or not, and you shouldn’t be afraid of this kind of fairy tales, because any child psychologist and the pediatrician will say that the process of potty training a child is influenced not by diapers, but by mothers and fathers.

Of course, if you keep your baby in diapers all the time, don’t let him get wet and don’t talk about the potty, then it will be difficult for the little one to learn to control the process of defecation and go to the toilet on his own.

Millions of parents around the world, without giving up diapers, have taught their children to go potty without any problems. A speed up this process possible if:

  • in the morning, as soon as the child wakes up, put him in a potty so that he develops the habit of peeing not in the diaper, but in a specially designated place;
  • putting on a baby's diaper only during sleep or while walking on the street, but at home dress him in panties and tights;
  • do not change clothes immediately after the child wets them, but let him walk around in wet underwear;
  • never don't scold your child for soiled pants, but do not forget to explain that all adult children pee and poop in the potty, and not in their pants;
  • don't forget every time praise the little one, if he managed to go to the potty on his own.

Important! Parents should understand that each child develops differently, and if some babies have been sitting quietly on the potty since eight months, this does not mean that your little one will be ready for this at the same age. Under no circumstances should you force a child to sit on the potty and scold him for failures, because psychologists have proven that psychologically and physiologically children mature for this only at two years of age (to be more precise, at the age of 18 to 30 months). And before that, they have no idea why they are planted on this object and forced to sit on it.

From all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn: the connecting link between the child and the potty is not diapers, but parents! Therefore, it depends only on mom and dad at what age their baby will understand that it’s time for him to learn to go to the toilet on his own.

Diapers and crooked legs

Diaper bias often arises because some people have found a connection between crooked legs in young children and wearing diapers.

Of course, this is not at all true and the evenness of the legs is affected by:

  • heredity;
  • insufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements important for the formation of bone tissue;
  • digestive problems, which reduce the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium;
  • the desire of parents to put the baby on his feet as soon as possible.

Important! Excessive use of walkers and strong encouragement for early standing and walking of the child, when the skeleton is not yet formed, leads to a large vertical load and, in turn, to curvature of the legs.

Also sometimes people find a connection between hip dysplasia and diapers. But all this is due to insufficient knowledge of the causes of the appearance of this type of dysplasia, and yet it is a congenital, not an acquired problem, which means that diapers cannot lead to its appearance.

Hip dysplasia is a pathology that can occur due to:

  • heredity;
  • incorrect position of the femoral head relative to the acetabulum;
  • close position of a large fetus in the womb and oligohydramnios;
  • gynecological diseases of the mother (uterine fibroids complicate the intrauterine movement of the child).

For information, dislocation of the hip joints is further aggravated by tight swaddling, which means that diapers with such a diagnosis not only do no harm, but are even indicated for wearing, since the child’s movements are not constrained in any way and one can freely engage in therapeutic exercises.

Is it harmful for your baby to wear a diaper?? You should answer this question yourself, but you definitely don’t need to be afraid of infertility, crooked legs, problems with urination, because diapers can affect these moments in the same way as breast-feeding on your child's future performance at school.

"Doctor! Your opinion is very interesting. I live in Europe, and I am amazed that everyone here believes that Coca-Cola is not harmful, everyone drinks it all the time, and they even claim that it helps when their stomach hurts. What do you think about this?

E. O. Komarovsky answers:

Judging by their life expectancy and their infant mortality rate, Coca-Cola does not really affect them... I will immediately note that there is no special desire to write about Coca-Cola - primarily because any mention trademark will immediately trigger a flood of emails. If you say it’s good, it means Coca-Cola bought you; if you say it’s bad, it means you sold yourself to either Pepsi-Cola or lemonade in general.

However, I don’t see anything wrong with Coca-Cola at all. Except for one thing: a huge amount of sugar. The child receives concentrated energy in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates and this energy must be spent. It is clear that the safe use of Coca-Cola (like any other sweet drink) requires two preconditions: firstly, the absence excess weight and secondly, the availability of opportunities for physical activity.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

During illnesses, in the presence of dehydration, in the development of an acetonemic state, in the absence of opportunities for adequate nutrition, the child will not benefit from “concentrated energy in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates.” Of course, oral rehydration is more effective and safer. But if the child refuses to drink this healthy powder, but agrees to drink Coca-Cola! So why not...

And it turns out that for a child with increased level acetone, drinking a glass of Coca-Cola in a timely manner may well turn out to be a medicine that will allow you to avoid hospitalization and IVs. You just need to strain yourself, read about this very acetone and figure out what’s what. In general, there is no need to go too far. Create conditions for children to play sports and let them drink Coca-Cola. And that’s why parents are needed, to limit children’s “wants” with adult common sense.

We also read:

Can children drink coffee (and other coffee drinks) and is it harmful? How does coffee affect children's bodies? How much coffee and at what age can a child be given coffee? Benefit and harm -

Whatever you say, air travel is a rather uncomfortable thing. Often, adults don’t really like flying on airplanes, but for small child air travel in general can be a real challenge. Although, on the other hand, it may happen that the baby will like it on the plane, he will enthusiastically look at the clouds through the window and ask you to fly with him more often. And to find out for sure, you’ll have to try flying with a child!

Is it harmful for children to fly on an airplane?

It is probably impossible to give a definite answer to this question. In most cases, if the child is healthy, air travel is quite acceptable, although it would still be a good idea to consult with a pediatrician before the flight. If your baby suffers from any illness, you should plan flights with extreme caution. And, of course, you must take with you all the medications prescribed by the doctor, preferably along with the prescription.

How do children carry the plane?

Children, as well as adults, are divided into two categories. Some people are afraid (or simply don’t like) to fly. Others perceive flying quite normally. If you previously did not have the opportunity to check which of these groups your little traveler belongs to, then before flying on an airplane with a child, you will need to prepare, and the baby must be properly adjusted.

Before starting the trip, tell him as calmly and in detail as possible about the upcoming flight, try to prepare him for all stages of the journey. Then he will not be afraid and confused in the new environment. After all, the impression from the very first flight may very well influence the child’s future attitude towards air travel.

What are the dangers of flying for a baby and how to deal with it?

You also need to be prepared for the fact that your child may feel some discomfort during the flight. However, many adults are familiar with these “enemies of air travelers” firsthand:

  • Nausea. It is children who most often get motion sickness in transport. This is due to the fact that the baby’s vestibular apparatus is not yet fully formed, and it is difficult for him to cope with the stress of the flight. Tired and sleep-deprived children usually feel sick. Well, and also those who ate heavily before the flight. Just in case, take an apple or a bag of sour candies on your flight. Also, if you feel nauseous, you should breathe deeply and drink water in small sips.
  • Congestion in the ears. Many people experience stuffy ears on an airplane due to pressure changes when ascending and descending, and this also happens to children. Explain to your child that swallowing helps relieve ear pain. You can simply give a baby a breast, a bottle or a pacifier, and an older child can offer a drink or suck a lollipop. You can also plug your ears with earplugs or cotton swabs.
  • Toothache can also occur during air travel. Carious teeth, especially at high altitudes and with sudden changes in pressure, can become so painful that a strong painkiller is needed. So, it wouldn’t hurt for prudent parents to stock up on a proven medicine for severe pain. Although, of course, the best and easiest way is to simply take your child to the dentist before traveling and have all his teeth treated.

What else parents need to know

Be that as it may, a child on a plane (especially a one-year-old) is still an additional hassle for parents. Therefore, even if your child tolerates travel well, you need to prepare for the flight.

  • Think in advance about what you need to take on the plane. Set for children of different ages different;
  • When purchasing a ticket, especially for long distances, make sure that the food served on board is suitable for your child, otherwise you will need to take a snack with you.
  • Check all possible details with the airline's documents and rules;
  • You need to explain to your child in advance that you will not be flying right away - you will have to go through a rather tedious check-in procedure at the airport, and then wait some more time for departure. Take care of entertainment for your son or daughter during this time - take with you a small book or toy, of course, best of all - a new one. Then the child will have something to occupy himself at the airport.
  • Just before you fly with your child, discuss everything again. Remind him how everything will happen, ask if he is ready. But what parents should never do is share their own worries with their baby! Do not tell your child about your fear, do not discuss it with other adults in the presence of the baby, otherwise he will definitely begin to be afraid along with you. Try to talk about everything calmly, tell us what awaits you at the end of the road. Enjoy the upcoming journey with your baby.
  • And also, when checking in, inform the airport staff that you are flying with a child. Even if this is indicated on the tickets, it is better to additionally focus on this fact; often, passengers with children are given seats at the front of the cabin - it is more spacious there.
  • If you are sending a child alone unaccompanied, you must take into account all the nuances and notify the airline.


Of course, a book, a toy, a delicious candy, and a new “cartoon” on the screen of a portable DVD player can brighten up a little passenger’s flight time. But the main condition for a comfortable trip for him will be peace, attention and care from his parents.

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Healthy babies to all!
Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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