The first analogue of modern matting wipes was produced in the USA. This product was originally intended for astronauts who used thin absorbent paper for facial care in zero gravity conditions. Soon, wipes that provide a matte finish to the skin began to be produced for use in everyday life. Instead of applying powder as soon as you notice the oily shine on your face, use napkins. This way you won't overload your skin with another cosmetic product and refresh your makeup, keeping it safe and sound. Our weekly rankings include the best of the best.

Cettua matting wipes (99 RUR for 50 pcs.)

Agree, you can’t go anywhere without matting wipes in the warm season. After all, you really want your face to remain perfect from morning until late evening in non-stop mode. No matter how persistent your foundation, it happens that in the evening the makeup “floats”. To tidy it up, just keep a pack of matting wipes on hand. Special talc applied to Cettua wipes instantly absorbs excess oil from the surface of the skin, leaving the skin clean and fresh.

Face Fresh Paper, Sensai (RUB 650 for 100 pcs.)

On the Internet you will find many laudatory reviews about Face Fresh Paper and Sensai napkins. We decided to find out what is so special about them? As it turned out, the main difference between the product and its analogues is the material from which the napkins are made. In their production, ultra-thin linen paper is used, created using traditional technique hand made Tosawashi papers. It is highly absorbent and quickly absorbs excess sebum without damaging makeup. Face Fresh Paper is dense in texture and has the optimal size to matte your entire face with just one napkin.

Napkins with mattifying effect “Blooming Garden”, Mary Kay (350 RUR for 75 pcs.)

Mary Kay wipes with a mattifying effect “Blooming Garden” have been dermatologically tested for skin irritability and allergic reactions, so we can confidently recommend them to owners sensitive skin. Romantic people will surely like the pink packaging, decorated with images of flowers. Its new design, by the way, was developed jointly with the famous Brazilian artist Patricia Bonaldi.

You can buy matting wipes in the cosmetics department of the store, at the pharmacy or even at the supermarket. Today, these accessories are produced by companies at different price levels. The most affordable option is thin translucent leaves packed in cardboard boxes. Napkins expensive brands Packed in convenient cases, supplied with a mirror and a replaceable unit. Often these wipes have a pleasant scent and not only mattify but also lightly scent the skin.

Choose the appropriate type of matting wipes. For oily and acne-prone skin, products with antiseptics, such as oil, are suitable tea tree. They not only remove excess sebum, but also slightly dry out inflammation. In hot weather, wipes with menthol and mint are very pleasant; they refresh and cool your face a little. For sensitive skin, you need fragrance-free wipes supplemented with aloe or chamomile extract. Double napkins are very convenient. One side of the non-woven porous material is used to blot the skin, removing excess fat, and the other, on which a thin layer of powder is applied, is used to mattify the face.

If you notice shine in the T-zone, place the sheet of paper on your face and press it lightly with your fingers. Forms on the napkin grease stain, and the skin will become matte. Take another sheet and treat another area of ​​skin. To mattify the entire face you will need 4 or 5 wipes. Do not rub the skin so as not to remove makeup along with the oil. Use gentle blotting movements, moving from the center of the face to the periphery. Don't forget to treat the wings of the nose, the hollow above the lip and above the chin. It is in these places that the sebaceous glands are especially active.

If you use double wipes, after removing sebum, blot your skin with the side on which you applied the powder. If your napkins are one-sided, after you finish removing the fat, carefully go over your face with a puff or brush with loose powder. If necessary, you can refresh the blush. Do not use dense compact powder, it may stain. The best option is soft pressed finely ground powder or loose powder.

If you want to remove lipstick shine, apply a tissue to your painted lips. The paint will not smudge, but will acquire an interesting velvety effect.

Wipes are not intended to remove sweat and moisture from the face. In hot weather, it is better to first blot your face with a paper handkerchief. Apply it to the skin at the temples, hair roots and other places where moisture has appeared. You can spray your face for refreshment. thermal water from a spray bottle. Allow the leather to cool and dry completely, then proceed to treat it with mattifying wipes.

Do not store used wipes in a case; throw them away immediately. Products are not intended for reuse.

You can use napkins several times a day. You can blot just the T-zone or apply it all over your face. Wipes are also useful for those who don’t wear makeup. Wipes can be used to treat the neck, area under the chin and even the décolleté area.

As the owner oily skin I just need matting wipes. These are the first ones that I tried, I won’t say that I really like them, but they are more or less freely available for purchase. For example, you can buy them at Magnit-kosmetik. The rest of the brands are either expensive or sold in another part of the city, and you don’t want to go for a pack of matting wipes.

Price: from 70-85 rub.

Quantity per package: 50 pieces.

Napkins brown, resemble tracing paper, very thin.

My skin starts to get oily after 2-3 hours, at 4 hours it’s already too critical and it’s time to use napkins, but if I have free time, I can often tidy myself up closer to lunch. I usually use 2-3 napkins. The consumption is not small, so they run out quickly, but I am not completely satisfied with them, even when I blot my face with them, even if it is 5 napkins at a time, they still do not absorb all the sebum and this can be seen immediately, my face quickly begins to get oily again after an hour, an hour and a half, so you still have to powder a little, although I don’t like putting new layers of powder on old ones. Due to the fact that the paper is very thin, it gets soaked through and even makes your hands greasy. I tried another brand of napkins, they didn’t impress me either, I couldn’t try the expensive ones, but I think even if the more expensive brands are super, I’m not ready to pay a lot of money for napkins.

How to make matting napkins from improvised materials.

One day I ran out of napkins, there was no way to buy them and I had to think how I could manage without them. I used to blot my face with paper handkerchiefs, and then I thought of making matting wipes out of them. For example, I often make paper napkins from Auchan (cost 36 rubles for 100 pcs.) They are easily separated into two layers, then I cut them and put them in a reusable box, which I have left over from other matting napkins.

Paper napkins from Auchan

If you haven't tried matting wipes yet, be sure to try this handy thing. Please note that matting wipes from different manufacturers differ somewhat in properties, so you can choose the ones that you find most pleasant. Agree, self-care only gives good results when it brings pleasure.

Many women use matting wipes regularly; some ladies save them for the summer, for especially hot days. And others have never even seen such napkins.

How to use matting wipes

  • Already from the name it is clear that matting wipes are needed in order to make the skin matte, and they must do it quickly and accurately.
  • A rectangular piece of paper soaked in a special composition should be applied to the shiny areas of the face.
  • Just attach it! There is no need to make any wiping movements; excess sebum will instantly be absorbed into the napkin, leaving stains on it, and nothing will be left on the face.
  • Gets a clean and matte face in a couple of seconds.

Or maybe just “powder your nose”?

You can, of course, get rid of it this way greasy shine. But just imagine what will happen to your face at the end of the day. How many layers of powder will there be on it? Consequently, sebum is not removed, but is “driven” into the pores, clogging them. Clogged pores mean not only numerous blackheads and comedones, but also painful pimples.

Therefore, it is better to first remove excess and unnecessary things from the face, and then you can “powder your nose.” By the way, makeup on clean skin goes on better and smoother.

Special antiseptic And antibacterial composition mattifying wipes take care of protecting the skin, and powder or talc lays on the face in the thinnest layer, giving it a transparent and noble matte finish.

Matting wipes from different manufacturers look different, and their effect is also different.

It must be said that matting wipes were not originally created for female beauty. These were hygiene products for astronauts. Agree that in conditions of weightlessness, a simple washing procedure turns into a problem, not to mention more intimate moments.

Superabsorbent materials are vital for months-long survival on an orbital station.

But how could one not take advantage of such an invention, creating real lifesavers for women.

To look impressive and bright, women need makeup, and makeup requires longevity. Even at the end of the working day you need to look fresh and neat. And what kind of neatness is there if the nose is shiny, the shadows are smeared, and the cheeks are shiny? In the heat, it is even more difficult to maintain freshness; the face quickly becomes damp and streaks appear.

Mattifying wipes are impregnated with special compounds that penetrate directly through the foundation layer to the skin, refreshing it. And the special structure of the napkin absorbs moisture and grease, as well as dust, dirt and cosmetics rolled into lumps.

The napkins literally absorb excess fat and moisture,
particles of dirt and bacteria too.

Categories of matting wipes from different manufacturers

  • The composition of the filler is a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology.
    Wipes may contain powder, fragrances, pore-tightening agents, tannins, or be hypoallergenic, that is, do not contain any additional substances, and use only the structure of the material for absorption.
  • The prices of matting wipes differ by an order of magnitude. This price range is explained by the quality of the material, impregnation components and the degree of brand recognition. You also have to pay for the name.
  • The quality and strength of the packaging also affects the price.

When choosing mattifying facial wipes, you should focus on your skin type.

A properly selected cosmetic product will allow you to look great even on a hot summer day, which gives any woman confidence in her own abilities.

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Mattifying facial wipes

More and more often you can find this in women's cosmetic bags. must have as mattifying facial wipes. And for girls with oily skin, they are simply necessary to maintain the beauty of their face.

What are matting wipes for?

If you heard the word “matte” and thought of the word “matte”, then you are not mistaken, as it actually comes from the French “matt”, which more accurately translates as “without shine”.

Matting wipes are sold in in different forms, they can be found both in thin boxes and in paper packaging, and some manufacturers produce napkins in beautiful thin reusable iron cases. When you open any of the packages, you will see a thin napkin of various colors, soaked in a special solution.

In general, these napkins are very compact and fit into handbags of any size, which allows you to carry them with you and use them at any time. Wipes come in very handy in the summer when we sweat, on the beach to freshen up, when traveling when there is no way to wash, and in everyday life - they perfectly remove oily shine on the skin of the face and give it a clean and even look. Thanks to the polymer particles contained in the wipe solution, such an amazing effect of cleansing the skin without damaging makeup is obtained. Using napkins, your make-up does not deteriorate, but on the contrary, it is refreshed and looks much more natural and natural.

Where did matting wipes come from?

Mattifying wipes first appeared in America, they were produced for astronauts who did not have the opportunity to wash themselves, and wipes were the only alternative. Later, napkins appeared on the shelves of children's stores, which made it easier daily life to many mothers. A little later, the French decided to soak the same napkins with a special matting solution, and they were not mistaken, the women were delighted, and since then, the fair sex has been using this useful product. Previously, such napkins were an attribute of luxury, and they were used only by rich ladies who loved to take care of their appearance, but these days they can be purchased very inexpensively, and any girl can pamper herself clean skin at any moment.

Pros and cons of matting wipes

Among the advantages of napkins are the following qualities:

1. Protecting the skin from external influences of polluted environment, dust and bacteria.
2. Removes sweat and excess oil from the facial skin, giving it a clean and fresh look.
3. This is a disposable facial care product that keeps your skin clean.
4. An excellent alternative to washing with water or tonics for washing in situations where this is not possible.
5. There is a place in any handbag for matting napkins.


Some manufacturers produce mattifying wipes that contain alcohol, which may not be very good for your skin. Alcohol can cause dryness to any skin type, so try to use non-alcohol based wipes.
Wipes cannot completely replace your face washing procedure, as they are not able to cleanse it deeply enough.
The use of napkins should not be overused, as it is too frequent use may lead to pimples.

The disadvantages that napkins have are insignificant, since if you choose correctly and do not overuse them, nothing will bother you.


Before you buy cosmetic wipes, carefully study their composition. You should be prepared to see the following components of impregnation:

Zinc oxide is the very element that mattifies and dries the skin.
Talc is an element that removes sweat and oily shine.
Aluminum sulfate - dries the skin.
Tannins that care for the skin, removing oily shine.
Essential oils, give the solution a pleasant aroma.
Fragrances - will give the napkins any scent that the manufacturer intends.
Powder - evens out and mattifies the skin, making makeup more natural and even.

Napkins come in different materials:

Thin rice paper.
Special thin film.

Each girl should choose for herself best option napkin material, but lovers of naturalness prefer rice paper. There are also mattifying wipes for delicate skin, which do not use alcohol, fragrances, oils and are hypoallergenic.

Matting wipes: review

Today, on store shelves you can find a huge number of different brands and varieties of matting wipes. When you first think about purchasing them, you will be a little confused, since a large selection, different packaging and different pricing policies can confuse anyone.

We present to your attention a review of inexpensive but high-quality matting wipes:

1. "I'm the Most". Napkins cost around 100 rubles, and the package contains 80 pieces. The napkins are inexpensive, high-quality and convenient; if you want to take out one napkin, several come out at once, but this also cannot be called a big drawback.

2. "Cettua". Wipes costing from 50 to 80 rubles are perfect for those with oily skin; they effectively reduce the work of the sebaceous glands and dry out the skin.

3. "Artdeco". They can be found at prices ranging from 100 rubles and a little higher, depending on the store’s pricing policy. Napkins small size, which perfectly perform their main task, as well as refresh the skin and give it a well-groomed appearance.

4. "Oriflame". The napkins are a little more expensive than the others, costing about 180 rubles. Quite good quality and convenient packaging.

5. "Catrice" They cost about 150 rubles. They perform their tasks well, carefully care for the skin without affecting makeup.

Luxury napkins

A difference in price does not always mean a difference in quality, however, some expensive napkins still have their advantages:

1. "Mai Couture". Napkins cost around 500-600 rubles. Lavender oil in the wipes soothes the skin well. The packaging of such napkins is presented in the form of a book, which makes it very convenient to get exactly the right amount of napkins.

2. "Chanel". Price - approximately 1500 rubles. The napkins come with a velvet case and book-shaped packaging; the quality of the napkins is expectedly excellent.

Korean cosmetics are gaining popularity, and mattifying wipes are no exception:

1. "Tony Moly". Their price is on average 200-300 rubles. Available in various packages, rolls, plastic containers and paper packaging. Judging by the reviews, customers are very pleased with the napkins and the original packaging of all Tony Moly products.

2. "The Seam". They cost about 250 rubles. They serve their intended purpose well and do not spoil makeup at all. Foundations These wipes are also not afraid of them and remain on the skin.

3. "Katani". They cost the same as all Korean napkins, around 200 rubles. Unfortunately, they can only be found on the Internet. They are produced both with and without powder, for oily skin and not so oily.

What to look for when choosing?

1. Choose wipes without alcohol or fragrance; it is advisable that the composition does not contain powder, but contains polymer particles.

2. Pay attention to the presence of a chemical smell - it is better to put such napkins aside.

3. Give preference to natural flavors in the form of essential oils.

4. The material of napkins that you choose directly depends on the sensitivity of the skin; if it is not very delicate, then it is better to give preference to rice paper, as it is the most environmentally friendly material.

5. When choosing packaging, the main thing is to pay attention to maximum tightness and protection from external influences.

6. Also, before purchasing, do not forget to look at the expiration date and country of manufacture.

How to use mattifying cosmetic wipes?

Having chosen napkins, you need to learn how to use them correctly. This is not at all difficult to do, and the effect is excellent.

Get it paper napkin from the package with clean hands and apply to the desired area of ​​the face. You may need several napkins at once. Remember, you just need to apply the napkin to your face, you don’t need to rub or rub it into your face. Sweat and excess fat on the face will instantly be absorbed into the napkin, while the makeup will remain in place.
It is enough to leave the napkin on your face for five seconds, and the result will not be long in coming - you and your skin will definitely be satisfied.

Many girls solve the problem of oily shine by applying powder to the face, but layer after layer of powder applied only clogs the pores and pollutes the skin, fat and sweat are not removed anywhere, but are only mixed with the cosmetic product, which harms your skin and its quality. And, in fact, large number The powder on the face is clearly noticeable and does not color the makeup. And the wipes, in turn, gently cleanse and protect your skin, which ultimately remains clean and healthy. In addition, napkins do not take up much space and fit into handbags of any size, and for clutches you can find the smallest napkins, and not worry that your skin will shine and look greasy throughout the day.

Watch the video, which explains in detail about matting wipes and their use: