My husband is stupid, what should I do?

Why are stupid men annoying?

A priori a man must be smarter than a woman. IN stressful situations it is he who must quickly pull himself together and make the right decision. A man’s mind is his trump card; even an outwardly ugly man, due to his intelligence, seems more attractive to us than a handsome man who is not burdened with intelligence. With the help of the mind, a man achieves success in his career, surrounds himself the right people and conquers women. A stupid man cannot automatically cause anything other than irritation. After all, if a stupid woman has to work on her appearance, then a stupid man can no longer do anything, because a man’s beautiful appearance is not attractive without intelligence and charisma. Why do we need a man who cannot make the right decision in a difficult situation, has no logic and cannot teach us anything?

My husband is stupid, what should I do?

Since you have chosen a not very smart specimen for your husband, we will work with what we have. Of course, your husband will no longer become a great scientist, but you can try to improve his mental abilities a little. In the end, don't give up good man just because you are smarter than him. Do not think that it is useless to try to teach your husband something new and increase his intelligence. Surely he has abilities and his potential is not lost yet! What should you do first to make your husband smarter?

Books will save the world

Unfortunately, now you can hardly force a man to read. If he was not instilled with a love of books from childhood, he will most likely resist picking up a book. You need to find something really exciting to keep your man reading the book without stopping. Look for something light but still interesting. These can be science fiction stories or detective stories - men like books of this kind. Books develop imagination and expand vocabulary. If a man categorically refuses to read, watch the science channel with him. Pay attention to the films you watch with your husband. Less dumb comedies, more movies to think about!

Second education

Surely your husband bought a diploma or has not yet graduated from university. You can try to persuade him to get an education. Promise that you will help him do his tests and write his thesis. Most likely, the prospect of doing some work for him does not inspire you, but you will have to help him become smarter. All that remains is to justify to the husband why he needs to get an education. Tell him that higher education will be useful for his career and that in general only a real man. You can choose a specialty that interests him, so that he receives not only knowledge, but also pleasure from learning. If the husband categorically refuses to go to college, you can find courses that will last several months.

Communication with smart people

By communicating with people whose level of intelligence exceeds yours, you involuntarily become smarter. Communicate with your husband more often with smart couples, introduce him to people who can discuss interesting things and argue. In the company of smart people, the husband will feel awkward at first, but over time he will join the company and most likely improve his knowledge in order to also shine in society.

What not to do

You shouldn't show a man that you are smarter than him. Even though you know geography better and, unlike him, can easily add three-digit numbers in your head, you shouldn’t be proud of it. A man will feel inferior next to a girl who is more developed and capable than him. Especially if she shows her superiority with all her might. Praise the man and his mind in every possible way and provide evidence of his logic and dexterity. Let him believe in himself and see that you are developing with him.
Don’t let the question arise: “My husband is stupid, what should I do?” Perhaps you simply do not understand his train of thought and logic. Still, it is so different for women and men that we can mistake non-standard thinking for a lack of intelligence. And one more thing: choose yourself from the beginning smart man. It’s better to bet on his intelligence in advance than to try to make a genius out of him later.

One woman had a stupid husband. He didn’t know how to do anything, no matter what he took on, everything was crooked and lopsided.

Once his wife sent him to his relatives to take a loom. He walked back, tired, and sat down by the road to rest. Out of boredom I began to look at the machine. He looks at it and thinks: “Why am I dragging you around if you have four legs? Go yourself, you’ll come faster than me.”

He put the machine in the middle of the road and went home himself.

He returned, and his wife asked about the machine.

The fool answers:

He will come himself. He has four legs.

His wife tells him:

What are you, what are you, how can a machine walk, its legs are made of wood! Run back quickly!

And then it started to get dark outside, and the fool decided to go in the morning.

The next day he went to get the machine and looked - and the machine was all wet from dew.

The fool says:

Poor fellow! I was already sweating, I was in such a hurry.

The fool said so, took the machine, and took it home.

Another time, the wife wove a piece of cloth and told the fool to take it to the market.

A fool is walking along the road and looks: there are two pillars. And the fool mistook those pillars for people and started shouting:

Hey! Who wants canvases?

The pillars, of course, are silent.

And the fool shouts again:

Buy the canvas!

He went up to the pillars, laid down the canvas and said:

Here's a canvas, give me money!

A goat walks nearby and bleats: me-e-e!

And the fool heard: “No!”

The fool says:

I won’t receive it today, I’ll come tomorrow!

He said so and went home.

The wife asks:

Who did you sell the painting to?

The fool answers:

To two guys. Some wonderful ones! They stand by the road, silent. And when I asked about money, they immediately said “no-no.”

His wife asked about everything, realized what was going on, and sent him back to quickly bring the canvas.

The fool came to the pillars, but there was no knot with the canvas.

Suddenly he looks - people are walking along the road, apparently and invisibly, everyone is dressed in white, burying someone.

The fool looked, thought that they had stolen his painting, and let’s shout:

Give me my canvas, or I'll beat everyone up!

People heard this, ran up to the fool, and beat him up.

He returned home, complained to his wife, and she said:

Fool! After all, you saw the funeral. If you had helped them carry the coffin, they wouldn’t have beaten you, they said thank you.

Okay,” the fool answers, “I’ll be smarter in advance.”

He said this and went for a walk.

The fool looks at the bearers carrying a painted palanquin, and then he shouts:

Hey you! Let me help you carry the coffin!

The porters heard this and beat the fool.

He returned home, crying, and his wife chuckled:

Well, you are stupid! He mistook the wedding palanquin for a funeral bier; he had to smile and clap his hands.

The fool answered:

I’ll be smarter in advance,” and went to bed.

I went outside in the morning and looked - my neighbors’ house was on fire. I ran to have a look. The fool likes the way the flame blazes, he smiled and, well, clap his hands and dance.

They beat him again.

He goes home and laments:

Poor, unfortunate me, everyone beats me, I can’t please anyone.

The wife heard, clasped her hands and said:

You're a fool, you're a fool, who claps their hands during a fire? It would be better to take a bucket of water and fill the fire!

The Fool heard this and thought: “When I see a fire, I will certainly put it out.”

He walked through the village and came across a forge. He looks - the fire is blazing, sparks are flying in all directions. The fool grabbed a bucket of water and poured on the fire. The blacksmiths came running, let's beat him, they beat him so much that he barely made it home.

“Oh,” says the wife, “who lights the fire in the forge?” It would be better if you hit the anvil with a hammer, the blacksmiths would thank you!

The fool rejoiced:

That’s good, I’ll know in advance what to do!

A fool walks along and looks - two people are fighting, waving sticks, shouting loudly.

The fool ran up, grabbed a stick, and let’s hit them.

Those two forgot about their fight and rushed at the fool, as soon as he lost his legs.

And the wife says again:

You're a fool, you simpleton, you shouldn't have hit him, you should have separated him.

The fool remembered what his wife told him, but he wasn’t happy: two bulls were fighting, and he was going to separate them.

The bull picked him up on his horns and threw him into a nearby vacant lot. Only in the evening they found the fool, barely alive.

What to do if your husband is stupid?

    We need to involve him in socially useful activities. Slowly dragging me out into the real world. What will you remember in your old age, how you played with tanks? You will also show off your toys to your grandchildren/siblings/friends. Everyone knows how to do something, does something, but you play with toys, a grown man. We went on vacation/weekend to...

    But it’s more like indifference or inattention... Stupid is when he doesn’t know basic things... Maybe something is bothering him, that’s why he’s so inattentive? You just need to talk to him, arrange an evening of revelations, so to speak. You say what worries you, I’m sure that he will also have questions for you.

    In the life of every family, such moments occur as misunderstanding of each other, in general, a crisis in relationships. Maybe your spouse doesn’t like something and is trying to hide from the problems that have piled up by playing in another reality. Well, a person’s IQ cannot drop sharply! Just best way, this is throwing away your negative emotions, approach the person and have a heart-to-heart talk! At the same time, saying in my head: You are the best!, How I love you!, I miss you so much!, How lucky I am to have you!, You are the smartest! You just need to believe in it and the result will not take long to arrive! He will feel your positive emotions and want to spend more time with you, and not express his protest in games! And as soon as you again acquire family integrity and mutual understanding, you will no longer think that your husband is stupid.

    A person really lives in another world. That’s why he’s stupid because he has no idea what’s going on in real life. Try to limit the time your husband spends in these same games, load him with specific tasks around the house and household chores. And don't get annoyed. Computer addiction a very strong thing, be patient. This is if you want to save the marriage. If not, get a divorce. Don’t waste your time and nerves. It will be difficult to cure him, but possible.

    Knocks it out with a wedge. You need to slow it down too! Well, not by chance, for example, instead of tea with lemon, make coffee with milk, but when asked what to answer, yes, I thought about my own. And constantly be mysteriously puzzled by something. That's when his curiosity storms to tear apart what's wrong with you - that's where a conversation is needed. Remember how cheerful and sociable you used to be and how you became because you brought a sandwich instead of a glass of water. Good luck!

    If a calf is born with a bald spot, it will die with it... Find something new and business...

    Tell me, have you tried telling him about your feelings, about how you see this situation? Maybe you think that he will guess, but he has no idea that he needs to guess. Just don’t talk rudely, like You’re so insensitive, you idiot! Say better: I feel lonely, unnecessary. Eat good book about this Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Perhaps he comes home from work and plays games because that's how he goes into his shell. I'm interested in his answer to why he likes these games so much. Seriously, ask.

    I laughed for a long time when I read this question! You see, I had a similar situation, my husband also changed and gradually changed over the years of our marriage, not for the better…. My advice to you is that if this continues for quite a long time and there are no changes, maybe you should think about changing your husband?

    Nothing helps you get away from the computer more than going to a disco in the evening. And what? Everyone relaxes as best they can!))))

    ha, I have the same one, I also spent all my time in tanks, in Dota (I don’t know what it’s called correctly) and in counter. You know, if I were you, I would, on the contrary, look for positive emotions, with smart people it’s much more boring.

    If the husband plays all the time, then who makes money on the Internet? Just don’t pay it once or twice, and at the same time don’t top up your mobile phone - you’ll see, your mind will brighten and you’ll start earning money. Another option is to change your husband’s hobbies - to lick him (with you, of course) or get him used to traveling - and his horizons will increase, his intelligence will increase, and you will also be more interested. and try to give birth - then there will definitely be no time for games.

    I don’t want to offer the option of getting rid of your stupid, excuse me, husband... But it’s already difficult to change him, and even then only if he wants it. You can only try to prevent him from spending time with games, try to be alone more often, go out together, relax. Try to do so that your husband is interested in you. I allow my husband to play, but not to the point of absurdity.

    If you think he's stupid, then you think too highly of yourself! People are all different, they think differently, this is especially noticeable between a man and a woman: different interests and different thinking. Men are simply inattentive to small things (that’s how nature designed them), and women are annoyed by this. Perhaps this is your simple misunderstanding of your own husband and you just need to try to understand him. Perhaps your husband thinks the same about you!

    This is a big problem and needs to be solved. He should be allowed to play such games less. Well, as you yourself can guess, you are a woman after all. And this is not stupidity, but absent-mindedness; when a person sits at the computer for a long time, this happens.

    Indeed, if you are sure that his stupidity comes from computer games and if you are not mistaken, try to gradually remove the computer from his life and introduce him to reality. You see, with time, your mind will return.

    This is a lesson from life for you so that your children do not grow up like this. And in order to change it, you need to change yourself. There is a saying: Change yourself in order to change others or Everything that we are is the result of our thoughts - it may seem to you that he is like this, in fact he may be smart... well, you know better. Like it or not, you need to accept and respect him, because... he is your husband. Since you called him stupid, it means he’s stupid for marrying you, otherwise why such a wife would call her husband names.

What do you think, Alla Mikheeva from “Evening Urgant” is lovely, what a fool, or terrible, what a fool? In other words, is she acting, or is she really that childish?

with the letter Ш, which is ready to make money on any image, bet on the most developed place, on intelligence))

I have no idea who this is. I don’t watch any shitty programs and I don’t recommend them to you.

Are you kidding me? Of course she plays, she’s an actress.

I also think about this when I look at her.
Most likely she is not as *** as she looks, but this image is still close to her.

He plays the fool, imitates Dana Borisova, who had such an image at the beginning of her career

It seems to me that this Mikheeva is from the Nashi group.

She's great, she's found her niche. Does what others can't.

This is an image, but it’s very annoying to be honest. I don’t know what’s funny about this.

Now Borisova is a drunk, and at the beginning of her career she hosted some kind of program about soldiers (I don’t remember the name), Mikheeva copies her one after another, Dana’s place has become vacant, the party needs a new stupid, cute correspondent-fool

Borisova is a drunk. And from this place in more detail. What's wrong with her?

She's witty and stupid. A specially selected person, not everyone can do this.

Alla Mikheeva: who is she?

Not a beauty, but her charisma is off the charts. Cutie. Crazy laughter. A source of sincerity, spontaneity, charm and positivity. I always watch with pleasure. Beautiful, sexy and smart - it’s contraindicated, it dilutes the smart brain.

She's a fool! Not funny and not witty. How can anyone even like her? I think it just clogs up the airwaves and ruins a good show.

Look at the funny ones in the circus, and the witty ones at KVN, you are our ethereal sewer man :)

everyone who offends Alla! stupid sheep! I love you Alla! 🙂

Compared to Zavorotnyuk, Alla is simply a genius, smart, etc.

This style is called "ingenue" and she is great

Alla, really lively and interesting, natural! Yes, very catchy! But it’s interesting to watch her, she’s a very cheerful and cheerful person.)))

I love her! Lovely! behaves very sincerely.

When you realize that this is a game, it becomes boring to watch.

Alla is just super, you don’t understand.

I'm in love with her

Alla Mikheeva is a beauty and a talent. It's a pleasure to look at her.

She's overplaying her role as an ingenue. It is clear that everything has been prepared, rehearsed, even facial expressions and gestures. No originality, no humor.

Not an image, but a role. Not a fool, but an ingénue.
At the first glance at her in the image, the brain switches off from convulsions of pleasure

Yes, you drive! Why compare with someone, write that this is a bad program, Borisov was dragged in, etc. Alla is generally cool, cosmic humor.

There are many beautiful fools, but not everyone can play the text that the authors give her so delicately. That's why he stays on the channel for a long time. He has excellent acting skills and memory. A person, at least with a good memory, cannot be stupid.


Alla, aren’t you too lazy to write all this about yourself? O_o
Better take some books and read them.

There is such a theatrical role - Ingenue. Read it. This is her theatrical image, an image that has passed away in the body.
You should at least google it first before bashing, since you don’t have enough brains of your own)

Alla is just a blast.

If there is no Alla’s participation, I don’t watch the program in Cherny Urgant.

I'm sorry, of course, but she's not acting like a fool, she really is...

She really is a miracle :)

Here someone wrote “When you first look at her in the image, your brain turns off. ". I confirm, indeed. There is something hypnotic and bewitching in her image. I want to hug you, press you to your chest and not let go, it’s just some kind of obsession!

ugly, unfunny, stupid. While she comes out with her column, I change the channel

*****-*****. and this is not a game. COMPLETE lack of brains. Yesterday in Lednikovoe I was finally convinced of this.
Yes, and Urgant is lying around from her phrases

I think that Dana didn’t mow either, but was like that.

She is an actress and graduated from a theater school in St. Petersburg and plays in the theater. Of course, this is the image that the organizers offered her

Terribly annoying. It’s not clear where you saw the beauty and the smart girl. It just looks good on someone, so they took it on TV.

a normal girl, found herself in right time in the right place. In general, there are many of them. she is ordinary, young and sassy.

Look at it simpler. You see Alla only on the Evening Urgant program, what kind of reports do you expect from the banter program?
Alla simply brilliantly plays the role of a “blondie” “doll without brains” and her reports are simply parodies of journalists in general. To be honest, the way her group subtly “jokes” at bohemians and politicians can only be applauded. If there were a man in Alla’s place, he would have solved problems right away. But it is her practiced theatrical gestures and overly blond phrases that give her away. At the same time, do not forget that she is an actress with a real diploma. Life is a game:) One sad thing is the role of the dandelion girl, a troublemaker. She will be perceived not by her roles in the theater, but by this show of jokes and banter.

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Alla Mikheeva: who is she?
What do you think, Alla Mikheeva from “Evening Urgant” is lovely, what a fool, or terrible, what a fool? In other words, is she acting, or is she really that childish?

My husband is stupid

Put your ears on top of your head
And read carefully.
Funny ditties -
Take it as a joke!

The guy swore he was in love
That I dreamed of being together.
But in reality I was seduced
Father-in-law's positions.

We are walking around Moscow,
There are a lot of people here.
Lots of car stench
Low oxygen!

In our squares and courtyards
There are bunches of redheads everywhere.
Know, dog owners -
People are all shameless.

There are young people in our park
It is expressed obscenely,
And in the heat around the ponds -
Drunk people are lying around.

Three girls under the window
We fell into a deep sleep.
And we woke up in a negligee,
And not girls anymore.

Three girls at the window
Hung over from a hangover.
Drank beer, relaxed,
They laughed at passers-by.

Three girls near Chita
Having fun with drugs
And near Ulaanbaatar -
With a dildo.

Girls walk until night
They peck grooms in parks.
And then they cry a lot -
“There are no reliable men!”

The wind is blowing through the yard,
He lifts up the girls' skirts.
The girls' legs are good
We laugh heartily.

Past mother-in-law's house
I walk with respect
Then I'll give her a hundred bucks,
Then I’ll show respect.

Everyone cares about the people
How, they say, to overcome the crisis.
So we don’t produce anything,
We only trade day and night.

Let's destroy all the collective farms,
We'll sell all the cities
And we'll be left with manure,
- It will last forever.

The lakes went under the hammer,
Rivers, lands and ponds.
We will soon be without water
Neither here nor there.

The Power's troubles do not come from threats
From Western partners,
And from sabotage reforms,
Their official thieves.

Although Russia is rich,
Everyone is tired of putting up with it.
After all, they will choke someday
Those who want to have everything.

Oligarchs, oligarchs,
Chrysanthemum in your mouth!
Why, scumbags,
You people are sick of it!

I don't know how it is with you
And here in the Capital,
All women and men
There were angry faces.

Other donkeys were fought
For shawarma and kebabs,
And even young rakes
I was overweight.

People in a city park
They use obscenities.
You will walk along the alley -
Ears curl back.

Cattle, drunks and assholes -
They barbecue in the parks.
Only the enemy could decide
It's such a mockery of the Capital!

Talk about NATO plans
Unacceptable without swearing.
To pacify NATO,
He needs to be cursed!

NATO dreamed stupidly,
That Russia has become weak.
I started daydreaming, playing,
And that’s all that’s left.

Just an empty head
Will go to DOM-2.
For this, for masturbation,
You need to give 200 enemas.

I walk darker than a cloud,
Head foggy.
Oh. will completely torment me
This porridge is semolina.

In our city park
There are bike paths.
Girls fall into the bushes
They lift their legs.

A light rain is drizzling,
Zero visibility.
A man lies at the stall -
Russian real estate.

Volatility of the ruble
People are worried.
Brains are frozen
Oh, how crazy!

Relaxing at the Tretyakov Gallery
As always, without half a liter.
There's always enough for me
Quite a quarter.

Natasha had a dream,
That she is more beautiful than all the girls,
How did you take the mirror?
She died of frustration.

In Natasha's head
A herd of cockroaches,
With her sore head -
You need to drink less!

Whatever the face - a snout,
No matter what the body is, it’s a pig.
No matter what the story is in life,
- A vulgar ditty.

If willingly or unwillingly,
To love all the girls in a row,
- The heart will become restless,
And the soul will go to hell.

All men are like men
They caress their wives in the dark,
Only an unfortunate policeman
Must stand at the post.

If you notice in the crowd
Snickers clenched in a fist
You know, such a crazy fetish
- Talks about a “boner.”

Men don't know how to live
No noodles or pies.
Without love beautiful women,
And spreading horns.

There is a bottle on the table
And we ate the appetizer!
I won't drink with you
Meet me in bed!

Kolya drank three hundred grams,
I was drawn to a novel,
Met my wife
And he brought her home.

I'm friends with my mother-in-law
I go to her for pancakes.
Come, people, to visit,
And there will be bones for you.

Eh, my mother-in-law,
Give me a hangover!
Your daughter is below me
- He can't move well!

Start singing dear mother-in-law,
I can't sing
So she overfed me,
— The mouth does not open.

Where can I get a song like this?
So that all the people can listen?
So that the mother-in-law and father-in-law quiet down,
For the wife to shut her mouth.

The girl drank too much,
Got the urge to splurge,
—Tell about miracles,
What's in the darling's underpants?

Women were arguing on the roof
Whose man is stronger and taller
One said proudly:
- I visit the elephant!

Lawns are being mowed around Moscow,
Even though no one asks for it.
Trimmers, goats,
It's like they're angry at the grass.

Moscow authorities, get to work,
Everyone scolds here and there,
I'm tired of her rudeness
And financial bedlam.

In vegetable gardens near Moscow
A lot of weeds
And on the streets of Moscow
More assholes.

On the lawn near the Kremlin
The radish has sprouted -
There will be a paradise for Muscovites,
Happiness is already close!

Women argued in the toilet,
What's the most important thing in the world?
One wisely said:
- Stay away from shit!

I'll wash all my socks
I'll eat cod roe,
And they will disappear like water into the sands
- The waters are muddy and melancholy!

If it seems like a ditty
Too vulgar - no problem.
The main thing is not to lose heart,
So that nowhere and never!

From ambiguous ditties
The roof moves slowly
And fall from your ears
Pasta and noodles.

At dawn the rooster crows,
In the evening - frogs.
And people all over the country
- Vulgar ditties.

When you look in the portomone,
Where instead of money there is a pile of dust,
Don’t say with sadness: No!
But with gratitude: There were!

Sometimes you wake up like a bird
Winged spring on edge
And I want to live and work.
But by breakfast it goes away.

The morning melted into fog,
The reeds rustled.
Graceful as a deer
Drunks were walking across the field.

If you are pregnant -
Know that this is temporary.
Well, if you're a fool,
That's how it is - forever.

How cruelly I made a mistake
My eye became visible
- The hedgehog said with regret,
When I got off the cactus.

A hedgehog came out of the fog
I drank half a glass of vodka,
I ate bread and sausage,
- It’s good in your native forest!

My husband is stupid
Put your ears on top of your head, and read carefully. Funny ditties - Take them as jokes! The guy swore that he was in love, that he dreamed of being together. But in fact, he was seduced by his father-in-law's positions.

My husband is stupid

Adjective, qualitative, type of declension according to A. Zaliznyak’s classification - 1b/c’. Comparative degree - dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

  1. unable to cut or stab well, unsharpened? Blunt knife. ? Dumb razor.
  2. rounded or non-tapered at the end? Boots with stupid socks.
  3. about the edge of a cutting, piercing instrument located opposite the sharp edge? Dumb side of the blade. ? Blunt end of the needle.
  4. geometer. about angle, angles - occupying an intermediate position between straight and unfolded, ranging from 90° to 180°? Blunt corner.
  5. variable, manifesting itself not sharply, not sharply; muted? Dumb pain.
  6. trans. about the mind, sensory organs, weakened, devoid of subtlety, acuity of perception? Dumb vision in old age is not a miracle. Dumb ear, hearing, deafness. Greyhounds have a very strong sense of smell stupid, in hounds it is sharp. In lower animals all feelings are extremely stupid . Quote taken from the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dahl
  7. ren.stupid, slow-witted? It’s not so much the advertising itself that’s amazing, but the amount of advertising that’s amazing. stupid boorish children.
  8. trans. the same as not witty? Even if it was a joke then stupid joke, cruel.
  9. trans. inexpressive, meaningless? He stared at the wall stupid with a look, deep in thought about something. ? Dumb facial expression.
  10. trans. unrequited, resigned, accustomed to something unpleasant, dull, passive, indifferent? People walked with blunt humility.
  11. trans. about the sound: dull, low, not sharp, not sonorous? Dumb the blows of the ax on the wood sounded muffled.
  12. open-ended dead-end, without a through passage? There was a short one behind the door blunt corridor.
  13. honey. about a wound, injury caused by a non-sharp object, not penetrating? In addition to knife cuts on the face and hands, it was found stupid abdominal injury. ? Dumb wounds to the scalp usually bleed heavily.
  • noun: stupidity, stupidity
  • adjectives: slow-witted, dull-witted
  • verbs: dull, dull, dull, dull
  • adverbs: stupid
  • last name: Tupov
  • nouns: dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, enragement, frenzy, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dullness, dead end, dead end, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, dull-witted, slow-witted, dull-eyed, dull-headed, dull-headed, dull-headed, dull-headed, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-speaking, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-angled, obtuse, dull-witted, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid
  • adjectives: dull, dull, dull, frenzied, dullest, dullest, dumbest, dullest, dullest, dullest, dullest, dullest, dullest, dead-end, dull-witted, dull-witted, dull-eyed, dull-headed, dull-lipped, dull-lipped, dull-assed, dull-faced, dull-witted, stupid, dull-beaked, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, dull-faced, dull-faced, dull-faced, dull-brained, blunt-faced, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, blunt-nosed, blunt-angled, obtuse-faced, obtuse-witted, dull-witted, dull-eared, dull-tailed, stupid dull-witted, stupid dull-faced
  • verbs: dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, to step, to step II , step, step, step, become stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid
  • adverbs: dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, dull-headed, dull-witted, dull-brained, dull-witted, dull-witted, stupidly

Comes from the ancestors. *topъ, from cat. among other things happened: other Russian. stupid, Russian stupid, Ukrainian, Belarusian stupid, Serbian-church-slav. t?pъ (ancient Greek ?????), bul. tup, Serbohorv. tu?p, tu?pa and., tu?po, tu?pi, Slovenian. top, tora, Czech, Slovak. tupy, Polish teru, v.-luzh., n.-luzh. turu. Praslav. *topъ is brought closer to other Islamic languages. ?ambr “thick, swollen”, lit. tampyti, tampau “pull”, tem?pti, tempiu - the same, lat. tempus “time; temple", further compared with the Greek. ????? “I’m cutting”, old glory. tn?, t?ti (see tyat). On the other hand, *topъ is classified as Old German, Middle German. stumpf “mutilated, stupid”, Old German. stumbal “stump, trimming”, suggesting variants *(s)tomp:, *stomb-. Data from M. Vasmer's dictionary were used. See References.


Comments from psychologist Margarita Voitekhovskaya

Cartoon from the series "FOR adults and ABOUT adults." I saw well-developed facets of male and female nature. I don’t agree that the director, screenwriter, artist or author of the idea for the cartoon or whoever else talked about some kind of personality types. All people are different, unique and inimitable with their own life experiences, a set of character traits, a collection of impressions, victories and defeats, values, goals, priorities and philosophy. But there is a male nature and a female nature and everything that follows from this. There are also harmonious unions and disharmonious ones. In my opinion, the cartoon reflects the relationship in a couple.

What did I pay attention to?

A) A man sometimes strives for distance, needs it, and when he receives it, he always returns.

B) Your own fool is always better, because she is your own, dear, beloved. There were many women and they were all wonderful, but only one was good and only one could truly love.

C) A man always pays attention to other women, is always attracted feminine beauty, regardless of body type, temperament and talents. A woman herself is a source of beauty, love and joy.

D) A man always wants to be right. By wisely agreeing with him, a woman can raise him with love. For such a woman, a man wants to change. Very vivid situations when a wife serves her husband, taking care of him and showing complete obedience. Yes, this is a risk, because a man can behave irresponsibly and do stupid things.

However, while maintaining trust in your husband, love and a good amount of sanity, using ingenuity, you can put a man in his place, include rationality and awareness in him, and transfer responsibility. At first, at her husband’s request, she wakes him up to go fishing, but he ignores him and continues to sleep. The wife does not bother with him as with a child, she is not a mother for an adult man, he is not under her care, but she is under his protection. Therefore, in an amicable way, the wife should not wake up her husband, but being ready for him to wake up with breakfast is already her responsibility, unless, of course, there were other agreements between the spouses. The husband does not get up and is responsible for the fact that he overslept and violated his plans, the day turned out to be unproductive and he himself was ineffective. Offended at himself, he takes it out on his wife. It's unfair, but men often have bad upbringing. The wise wife understood that she had nothing to do with it and therefore was not offended at all and continued to be loving and fed her. The husband nevertheless reproached her for stupidity (he was guilty of it - he did not fulfill his duties as a breadwinner, and she fulfilled her duties of caring for him). Wise woman She did not succumb to her husband’s emotions and maintained her affectionate behavior. Then, out of idleness, he decided to play the pipe, got so carried away and began to play so much that the woman was inspired and started dancing. The husband was angry. Why was she dancing? She felt good. And her beloved man showed his talent and also enjoyed the process. What made him angry? It is possible that what he did was complete nonsense for him, and not a reason for admiration. It is possible that a wife can be happy and satisfied regardless of her husband’s mood and his successes. It is possible that he is still angry with himself for misbehaving with his wife before, but he understands everything, even if he does not admit it. With her love and gentleness, with a wise approach, the wife provokes conscientiousness in her husband and holds him responsible for his actions or inactions. Remember, the husband wished that his wife would fall through the ground? What was your wife's reaction? She complied. Remember? She carefully moved the latch of the cellar with her foot. What was your husband's reaction? He was irritated, furious! His wife defeated him! She doesn't blame or judge him. She accepts him as he is, submits to his will. Feeling defeated and angry, he runs away from home, after calling his wife a fool. There was a moment of manipulation and shifting blame on the part of the husband - you are a fool, and that’s why I’m leaving you. What was he expecting? He emphasized that he was leaving after all. To his surprise, his wife did not resist, did not hold, did not return, did not persuade. She called once and then like: “Eagle...”! She did not humiliate him with retaliatory reproaches and insults and rose to the occasion! And he left. Understanding the nature of a man, that this is the standard form of his behavior when feeling guilty - he attacks and deserts, the main task for a woman at these moments is to be able to survive this, maintaining her dignity and... Not to be offended (i.e., not to take everything personally personal account, after all, these are men’s pens, and not her problem), otherwise she will provoke his anger in her direction instead of him directing it towards himself and feeling his involvement and responsibility for what is happening. The husband is responsible for his wife, whether he understands it or not. It is important for a wife to remain a winner not only during a situation, but also after it, otherwise the whole point of teaching her husband decent behavior disappears. She remains faithful and devoted after her husband leaves home, allowing him to clear his head and reflect on his behavior and attitude towards her. Her fidelity is expressed in the belief that her husband good man and maintaining a friendly attitude towards him. This is not blind fanaticism, not the role of the victim or naivety, low self-esteem or humiliation of women. It is not the one who was humiliated who is humiliated, but the one who is put in his place. The wife wisely puts her husband in his place once again when talking to his photograph. Remember your husband's reaction? Initially, he eavesdropped and thought to convict her of something, because he was on the verge of a gun, however... Again, a bummer. Imagine the amazement and surprise of the husband, and only after that did he admit that he himself was a fool. And now it begins real life from spouses. Now we can talk about respect, responsibility, showing love and other joys of relationships. Now my husband is ready for change. The wife, mind you, remained the same: loving, caring, gentle, affectionate, kind; only the husband’s attitude towards everything changed. The female psyche is static, it is difficult for her to change (this is shown with other women and with his wife), but the male psyche is plastic, he was born to search for truth and self-improvement. A wise wife is able to be patient and inspire her husband to make the changes that she desires. Believing in a man's best qualities despite his worst behavior is a woman's feat.

D) A man appreciates warmth in a woman. This was not the case in any woman except his wife, although at first the man was looking for some kind of diversity and, perhaps, a manifestation of character in a woman. As a result, all models of behavior with female dominance through force over a man led to the man’s flight without a chance of return and suppressed his ability to express his nature. And the one who seemed spineless and actually showed the strength of a woman’s character. She looks like a fool, too soft, but if you take a closer look, she is unbending, there is a steel rod inside her, she still bends her line, and through tenderness, against which a man has no strength, he is defeated, he gives up. And it remains. And it changes. For her. Loving and still loved. And now it's the same one rhetorical question: is it better to be right or loved?
E) And also “Pur-mur-mur...” (remember in the cartoon?) - this is not love and not even love at all... What did your husband say? You won't be satisfied with this. And it’s not just about eroticism and borscht, but also about the depth of relationships and richness of feelings. A man is attracted to a woman’s sexual energy, however... For some reason, she is unable to appreciate his gift (he brought her cherries in a cap), in contrast to his wife, who was happy even from his simple presence nearby. Why is this so? Maybe because she was happy on her own, and in order to love she did not need anyone else, she was complete in herself, regardless of whether a man was nearby or not. After all, love does not disappear anywhere with the departure of a loved one and does not appear with his arrival. Close person it simply makes it possible to show love, because love is a verb, it is an action, and not just some kind of state. Being in love and loving are two different things. Sometimes a “loving” person behaves like a tyrant and does not ask whether the object of desire feels loved. What is the point of your love if you cannot awaken warmth in the heart of another person with your actions? According to role models, it was the element of water, the state of Lover. This is only one facet of a woman, which is responsible for pleasure. A serious woman, businesslike, strict, demanding is also very attractive. This is the element of fire, the state of the Queen. But this role model is relevant in a relationship with a man in limited quantities. And, naturally, the one who is all about work has the least chance of being happy in the family, no matter how smart and well-read she may be. The one who has everything clearly and under control is the Mistress, the element of earth. Organization of everyday life and control of finances is wonderful and necessary, however, you should remember the scope of your authority, know the male and female responsibilities in the family, not take on too much and not be dry and calculating. That stupid woman is a girl, the element is air. The most desirable and attractive behavior for a man, which makes him feel happy. He can behave as he pleases and at first not be caring, courteous, careful towards a woman, but still he notes everything to himself in his mind and all the love for a woman goes inside his rough and hard heart and accumulates there, accumulates... And then... Then he will begin to return everything to the woman, even to a greater extent than he received from her. Do you think the man began to respect his wife as a result? His admission that he is even stupider than she is - his public admission of defeat, his awareness that he is one step lower in development than his wife. Do you think his wife was pleased with this? Do you think his wife began to love him less after that or treat him worse? Do you think he will want to be better and listen to his wife? This is only possible in a relationship with a woman who behaves with dignity and respect. The wife behaved like a girl, naively, spontaneously, sweetly, and her husband still liked it, but he didn’t understand it at first and therefore didn’t appreciate it. Other facets are also present in her, but to a lesser extent and appear only where appropriate: she is moderately strict (as her husband said, I will do so - it was a cunning move, checkmate, royally), economical (breakfast ready on time, the house is tidy), and affectionate (tender words are constantly heard in a pleasant voice). But most often she is playful, light, airy, like a child, a girl.

Is it stupid to admit that you are stupid in a relationship with a man? As experience shows, this is smart solution when it comes to family happiness. And you also have to fight for love, and sometimes with the one you love. You just need to know the rules, behave with a man like a woman, but at the same time in his language, taking into account his nature, otherwise the result will not please you.

I wish everyone to remain themselves and be happy on their own and, from the excess of love in their hearts, want to share their happiness with someone else!