Every woman is still with early age is aware that the secret of a beautiful appearance lies in care, as well as making the right choice. However, we are not all the same, so an individual approach to caring procedures is required for a certain one.

This is especially true for those with dry skin, because it causes many problems, such as a feeling of tightness and. Therefore, such an issue as caring for dry skin must be approached with all seriousness.

Signs of dry skin

A distinctive feature of dry skin type is flaking, the appearance of roughness and redness, a feeling of tightness and a slight burning sensation in the facial skin area

Unlike any other skin type, dry skin type is quite easy to identify. His distinctive feature is abundant peeling, as well as the appearance of roughness, redness, etc. In addition, those with dry skin almost always feel tightness and even a slight burning sensation in the facial skin area. Since this type is prone to excessive sensitivity to sunlight, cold winds and temperature changes, the first wrinkles appear on the face quite early.

In young years, all of the above skin problems do not particularly bother owners of this type of skin. But as soon as a woman crosses the threshold of 30-35 years, the skin suddenly begins to lose the already meager supply of moisture in the cells.

However, even if your skin is not dry, it is worth considering that any type of skin begins to show a tendency towards dryness starting from the age of 35. You can read how to care for your facial skin after 40 years.

That is why it is equally important for all representatives to know information about how to ensure proper care for dry skin. fair half humanity.

Why is facial skin dry?

Factors that provoke dry skin are: dehydration; avitaminosis; problems with the gastrointestinal tract; malfunction of the subcutaneous glands; diseases nervous system; age-related changes; incorrect selection of cosmetics; passion for solarium and sauna

In the case when the cells are not able to retain moisture inside, and the sebaceous glands produce a rather meager amount of oil, we can state the fact that your skin type is dry.

Factors that provoke dry skin are:
dehydration of the body;
vitamin deficiency, should be taken
problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
malfunction of the sebaceous subcutaneous glands;
presence of diseases of the nervous system;
age-related changes;
wrong selection cosmetics;
excessive enthusiasm for going to the solarium;
frequent visits to the sauna;
professional activities associated with prolonged exposure to hot stoves and ovens.

In addition, one should not lose sight of the hereditary factor, because if at least one of the parents has had dry skin since youth, then there is a fairly high probability that the dry type of facial skin will be inherited by their child.

It is very important to be aware of which factor caused dry skin, because then it is much easier to start working on eliminating this problem or, at least, significantly improving the condition of the skin. But some of them, such as age or heredity, cannot be corrected. In this case, you need to provide maximum care for dry skin in order to at least slightly alleviate the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

Basics of proper dry skin care

Rules for caring for dry skin: cleanse properly; take care of yourself; use care products homemade; lead a healthy lifestyle; follow the rules of healthy eating

Facial skin care is an indispensable procedure for all women without exception. Self-care routines can vary depending on your skin type and many other factors.

However, for those with dry skin, daily care for their condition appearance represents a whole ritual, due to the fact that this type requires a special approach. The main goal is to reduce moisture loss, so the main emphasis should be on moisturizing the skin. But an integrated approach to solving the problem is no less important, since it needs to be solved not only externally, but also internally. You can find out how to choose the right face cream.

We present to your attention the most full list rules for caring for dry skin.
1.Cleanse your skin properly– the key to preservation external beauty is precisely the process of cleansing the skin, so if you have dry skin, try to wash your face exclusively with warm water using a moisturizing gel or a special gentle foam. An overview of the TOP 4 facial gels can be seen.
2.Treat yourself with care– efforts should be made to expose the skin to various types of trauma as little as possible, be it rough movements when removing makeup or getting cracks and scratches on the face.
3.Use homemade care products– to improve and tidy up your facial skin, it is extremely important to pamper yourself from time to time with scrubs or lotions from natural ingredients, which are very easy to prepare yourself.
4.Live a healthy lifestyle– it’s no secret that frequent walks in the fresh air, refusal bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sitting at a computer monitor at night, and an optimistic outlook on the world can put even the skin in the most neglected state in order.
5.Follow the rules of healthy eating– to give your face a fresh look and prevent the feeling of skin tightness, it is enough to eat healthy food, drink the right amount of clean drinking water and limit the amount of salt, spices, and coffee in your diet.

In the photo: this is what dry facial skin looks like when magnified under a microscope.

Let's give general recommendations, which owners of this type of facial skin need to focus on:
1. You should not use gels or foam cleansers to cleanse the skin; their action will only destroy the lipid structures in the skin. To cleanse, you need to use products intended only for dry skin: a cleansing pad containing a high percentage of waxes and unsaturated fats, cleansers (hazelnut, sesame, avocado oil), cream for removing makeup from the skin. After cleansing the skin, the remaining product should be washed off with water, then wipe the face with tonic (without alcohol).
2. You cannot use decorative products containing petroleum products: ozokerite, petroleum jelly, ceresin. These substances will form a film on the skin that will damage the restoration of the skin's protective barrier.
3. Facial cleansers should have a delicate structure. When using a scrub, you should give preference to a composition with small granules. Cosmetic masks and film masks containing fruit acids cannot be used, because the effect of acids on the skin will provoke increased dryness of the skin.
4. A very important step in caring for dry skin is restoring the lipid barrier and protecting the skin from negative external influences. For this purpose, drugs containing cholesterol, ceramides, and fatty acids are used. It should be remembered that for nutrition you need to use.

All the secrets of care are quite simple and you have probably already heard many of them from specialists. Try to make every piece of advice the motto of your life, and then there will be no trace left of past problems with the skin, and yours.

Home remedies for dry skin

Most effective means dry skin care is the use of cosmetic masks

Of course, it is impossible to imagine caring for dry skin without using home remedies. Considering the fact that any ingredients for making masks or scrubs are exclusively natural, you can be absolutely confident in their effectiveness. Moreover, there are a great many recipes for such compositions, so everyone will find a remedy to their liking.

Decoctions for facial skin
For dry skin, it is good to wash your face with decoctions of medicinal herbs: aloe, mint, calendula. You can also wipe your face with tinctures of marshmallow root or flax seed. This infusion is very easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, let cool, strain.

Coffee scrub
2 tbsp. freshly ground coffee should be brewed in a small amount of water, then cool the resulting liquid slightly, to which you should add 1 tbsp. fat cottage cheese; Gently rub the resulting mixture in with massage movements, and after a few minutes wash thoroughly.
This product will perfectly cleanse the skin of dead particles that interfere with the full regeneration of cells.

The first type of mask should contain seaweed, microelements, ginkgo biloba, which will help improve skin tone, protect and tighten it. You can use such masks 2-3 times a week.

Masks should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, then cold water. Pat skin dry with a towel and apply nourishing cream for dry skin.

Almond cream
1 tsp Mix beeswax with an equal amount of lanolin, then melt these ingredients in a water bath, then add 3 tbsp. rose water and 2 tbsp. almond oil, wait for the resulting mass to cool; use this composition if necessary.
The valuable components that are used to make this cream perfectly moisturize and nourish dry facial skin, restoring its elasticity.

If you have dry skin, don't despair. Only a combination of an integrated approach to skin care can bring the desired results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Angelina, 25 years old:
- Hello, tell me which one decorative cosmetics Should I pay attention if I have dry skin?

Our face is the mirror of the soul. While others suffer from constant pimples, blackheads, desperately struggle with... greasy shine, girls with dry skin live calmly and do not think about such problems. However, this advantage does not remain with them for long. After twenty years, small wrinkles appear. Due to the insufficient amount of fat, a protective layer is practically not formed on the skin. Firmness and elasticity are lost faster and faster.

2) Effective care will provide for dry skin egg mask. Add a little chamomile extract to a mixture of one egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm tea. After using the mask, you can apply

3) An orange mask with egg yolk will also give the skin nutrition and hydration, while also having a whitening effect.

4) Apple- honey mask easy to prepare and good for the skin. Grate a small apple, peeled, on a fine grater, mix with one spoon of sour cream, and hold on your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water or herbal infusion.

5) You can also regularly make sour cream or kefir masks. With their help, you will moisturize your skin and give it the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Caring for dry skin also involves washing with decoctions of chamomile, mint, and calendula. They are easy to prepare and perfectly nourish and moisturize dry skin.

To avoid causing excessive drying of the skin, minimize visits to the sauna and bathhouse. Chlorine water in the pool also has a very negative effect on dry skin. To wash your face, use special gels for dry skin; never wash with soap - it dries out the skin very much.

If you stay in the hot sun for a long time, use a protective cream. In cold weather, try to stay outside as little as possible, especially in the wind. Dress to cover as much exposed areas of your body as possible, especially your arms, legs and face.

Pay attention to how you eat. Your diet should include more fresh vegetables and fruits. You may not be drinking enough fluids. Try to drink about 2 liters of various drinks a day (tea, juice, fruit drink, water).

Caring for dry skin is no less problematic than caring for oily skin. It takes persistence and constant treatments to keep your skin looking attractive at both 16 and 36 years old.

Young girls often worry that their skin is too oily: excess sebum causes the formation of pimples and blackheads. People with dry skin are envied because they don’t have such problems when they are young. They may sometimes even neglect removing makeup every night: anyway, the next morning after washing their face will remain clean and their pores will not become clogged.

Meanwhile, with age, facial skin prone to dryness begins to cause more and more trouble. If the lady with fat type skin has almost no wrinkles even after 40, then those whose skin is dry will notice the first skin folds even before reaching the age of 30. However, with age, fatty and combination skin often changes to dry. Nature is to blame: over the years, the ability of the epidermis to absorb and retain moisture decreases. Therefore, the question of how to organize care for dry facial skin at home becomes more and more relevant as a woman grows up.

In order to learn how to properly care for the face and neck (we must not forget that the skin there is the thinnest, and loss of moisture quickly turns into sagging), you need to understand what characterizes this type of skin.

She is incapable of required quantity produce fat and sweat. The result is increased irritability and a tendency to peel. Signs of dry skin:

  • lack of healthy shine;
  • a feeling of “tightness” after any water procedures;
  • lack of elasticity, firmness.

Caring for dry sensitive skin should be done daily. It is worth skipping one procedure of applying moisturizer - and the consequences will not be long in coming: the feeling of smoothness, softness will disappear, and redness will appear when exposed to frost or strong wind.

Caring for dry skin at home should begin with washing with milk or toner. But before you buy special means for care, do a short test that will allow you to accurately determine your skin type.

In the morning, an hour after washing (without using cosmetics), apply a regular napkin to your face. If, when you take it away from your face, you find shiny spots, your skin is oily or combination. If there are no traces left, and after washing you still have a feeling of “tightness” - your skin is dry.

You need to buy creams and masks taking this feature into account. There must be a mark on the product for the care of dry skin indicating this.

Care for very dry skin includes the following daily rituals:

  • washing with tonic, milk;
  • moisturizing before applying decorative cosmetics;
  • periodic moisturizing throughout the day thermal water;
  • removing makeup in the evening, applying night cream.

The use of moisturizing and nourishing masks at least 2 times a week is of great importance.

In the morning, in order to soften the skin, you can wash your face from time to time with water diluted with some juice (cucumber, apple, sauerkraut brine).

The goal of caring for dry (especially if it is also sensitive) facial skin is to prevent increased moisture loss. Attention! Many cosmetics manufacturers indicate that their cream fills the skin with moisture. In fact, this is not so: it is impossible to replenish moisture loss with the help of cream, but reducing this loss is quite possible. Therefore, do not neglect high-quality industrial cosmetics. It doesn't have to be expensive. Creams and masks from “Clean Line”, “Black Pearl” and others are suitable.

Proper care for dry skin: masks

A woman’s face, even if it is covered with wrinkles, can always be seen whether she has taken care of herself and whether she is generally accustomed to doing so regularly. Proper care leads to the fact that the skin, even with some imperfections, looks smooth, soft, and its color is even. The wrong one leads to aggravation of existing problems.

Masks are not part of daily facial skin care, but the skin needs to be nourished and toned 1-2 times a week.

Take a few simple, accessible recipes that will help restore elasticity and restore color.

The honey mask is very good. It saturates the epidermis with useful substances, vitamins, and fights microinflammation. To prepare it we take:

  • honey (tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • a couple of spoons of fresh milk.

After mixing everything, apply to the face and neck. You need to keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After removal, you need to moisturize your face with cream.

A mask with sour cream is also useful. Need to mix:

  • yolk;
  • sour cream (2 tablespoons);
  • carrot juice (teaspoon).

The mask helps even out the complexion and nourish dry skin.

You can apply ripe peach mashed into a paste, as well as the pulp of watermelon and melon, on your face. While the mask is in effect, it is advisable to lie quietly, not being distracted by conversations and thinking about something pleasant.

Having passed the 30-year mark, many women note the appearance of “ crow's feet" - one of the first signs of aging. Another manifestation of the withering process that has begun is nasolabial folds.

At this age there are no real ones yet, deep wrinkles, the oval of the face does not yet “sag”, you can still fearlessly open your neck, wearing dresses with a deep neckline. However, it is necessary to take care of yourself daily in order to detect signs of aging on your face as soon as possible.

After 30, you need to take care of your facial skin more carefully than in your youth. The use of masks should be accompanied by regular hygienic massage and mandatory scrubbing.

The main rule of facial skin care after 30 is regularity. It is no longer enough to just use creams. The skin renews itself more slowly, so it is necessary to help it get rid of dead cells. The scrub should be used once a week.

This can be a commercially produced dry skin care product or a homemade product. Yes, you can sometimes use sea ​​salt With base oil. But you shouldn’t rub the scrub too hard into the skin.

An excellent remedy is coffee. It is perfect for very dry skin. Apply a little coffee to your face and rub in gently. After rinsing, lubricate your face with moisturizer.

It is good to use a scrub before masks - in this case their effectiveness will increase.

The requirements for caring for dry skin on the neck and face are not too different from those that it is advisable for 30-year-olds to observe. Once you reach forty, you are unlikely to see deep skin folds in the mirror, but you need to be prepared for certain troubles. In particular, these are:

  • small wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • slight drooping of the eyelids, wrinkling of the eyelids;
  • beginning “sagging” of the face: the oval is no longer clear, the jawline “blurs”.

After 40, facial skin needs to be cared for especially carefully.

Let's add some more masks.

Let's take some olive oil, peach oil or jojoba oil. You can warm it up a little. After soaking cotton pads in oil, place them on your face and neck and hold for about 30 minutes. You don’t have to wash off the mask, but simply carefully remove the excess with a napkin.

Apple mask: grate a piece of apple, add a spoonful of sour cream or olive oil. You can also add a teaspoon of starch. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

In order to make it easier for facial skin after 40 to absorb moisture, you can sometimes use a linen mask. Soak the seeds in hot water until a sticky mass is obtained. We apply it to the face and cover it with a towel. You need to lie down for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

After 40 years, the skin rapidly loses moisture, especially when a woman enters the age of hormonal changes that precede menopause. Any base oils at this time are extremely beneficial for dry skin: they maintain the balance of nutrients.

It is useful to make contrast compresses, changing cold to hot. But this is allowed only if there are no signs of rosacea.

Very important in mature age gets a massage. You can do it at home yourself, having mastered the simplest techniques.

You can first lubricate your face with cream or - just a little - with base oil. This is necessary for good gliding. All movements are performed according to massage lines, moving from top to bottom. First, you should warm up the skin a little, for which we stroke it with the entire palm.

Then, using rotational movements, we work the area around the eyes: along the eyebrows from the nose to the corners of the eyes, along the lower eyelid - vice versa, to the nose.

Using either rotational or smoothing movements, we work over the entire face along massage lines. We must not forget about the neck: after massaging the chin, you need to stroke the neck on both sides, without touching the thyroid gland area. It’s not bad if the muscles in the collarbone area are affected.

The massage should be completed by tapping with your fingers and again with light stroking. If in your youth one session a month was enough, now you need to resort to this method of maintaining muscle tone 1-2 times a week. Massage perfectly tones dry skin, activating blood circulation.

Dry skin ages earlier than other skin types. This is an established fact, but do not despair: with proper care, your face and neck will look youthful and toned, no matter how old you are. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly, and in addition, establish healthy image life, drink more unsweetened green tea, always get enough sleep. Love yourself and maintain your natural beauty - believe me, this does not require expensive plastic surgery and salon treatments. Just take care of yourself and your skin will respond with a healthy glow.

The site's editors have selected 17 excellent products for dry skin. You can easily create a complete care program for yourself, from cleansing and toning to applying day cream.

Washing and makeup removal

Cleansing dry skin should be thorough, but very gentle:

    oil-based products are suitable for makeup remover;

    for washing - delicate foams;

    for exfoliation - scrubs with non-aggressive abrasives and creamy texture.

Micellar water with oils for face, eyes and lips, Garnier

Its two-phase formula is enriched with micelles and oils that remove even waterproof makeup. Micellar water effectively removes impurities without drying out the skin.

Facial makeup remover milk with rose water for dry and sensitive skin “Basic care”, Garnier

Contains rose water, which not only gently removes makeup, but also soothes and softens the skin.

Micellar makeup remover water for dry skin Eau Micellaire Confort, Lancôme

Gently cleanses the skin, softening and soothing it. Contains rose water and acacia honey to leave dry skin feeling clean without drying it out.

Foaming oil for removing makeup and cleansing the skin Biosource Total Renew Oil, Biotherm

Gently removes cosmetics and impurities without drying out the skin.


Masks for moisturizing the skin can be cream or fabric - include both in your care ritual. Fabric ones can be carried with you and used as soon as the skin requires, for example, in an air-conditioned office or after a long flight.

Super moisturizing and toning fabric mask“Moisturizing + Aquabomb” with pomegranate extract for dehydrated skin, Garnier

Contains hyaluronic acid and pomegranate extract, moisturizes even dehydrated skin. Instant effect.

Night cream mask " Extraordinary oil. Luxury food”, L’Oréal Paris

The formula with royal jelly, muscat rose and argan oils actively moisturizes, nourishes and provides comfort.

Instant Renewal Concentrate Mask, Kiehl’s, hydrogel concentrate mask for instant skin restoration

The hydrogel mask instantly restores moisture levels. Enriched with Amazonian oils, softens the skin, making it velvety and radiant.

Intensely moisturizing soothing mask Hydraphase Intense Masque, La Roche-Posay

Thermal water, hyaluronic acid and shea butter in a mask that intensively moisturizes dehydrated skin. Gives radiance and a feeling of softness.

Revitalizing mask with aloe vera, Vichy

Moisturizes, soothes, reduces the feeling of tightness, reduces lines of dehydration.


The best products for toning dry skin are tonics and lotions based on vitamins, oils and moisturizers like aloe juice. Use twice daily.

Soothing vitamin facial toner with rose water for dry and sensitive skin “Basic Care”, Garnier

Vitamin tonic can be used after makeup removal procedure. Removes remaining impurities, soothes, softens and tones the skin.

The formula, enriched with squalane, avocado oil, vitamin E, apricot kernel oil, visibly softens the skin and gives it a feeling of comfort.

Moisturizing facial toner for dry skin Tonique Confort, Lancôme

Gives a feeling of comfort and soothes the skin, enriched with almond protein, softens and transforms the skin.


Since the main task of those with dry skin is to moisturize it, then creams should be chosen with this labeling. The textures can be any: light ones are useful during the day, denser ones are useful for night care.

Ultra Facial Cream, Kiehl’s

Light texture applies evenly and is quickly absorbed. The cream contains squalane and antarcticine, the cream gives the skin softness, smoothness and comfort.

Cream “Moisturizing expert. Moisturizing care" for dry, sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

The formula with vitamin E, rose and blackcurrant oils actively moisturizes the skin, nourishes and softens it.

Nourishing cream for dry and very dry skin Nutrix Royal, Lancôme

Carefully cares for the skin, filling it with moisture. Contains vitamin C, royal jelly and hazelnut protein, nourishes the skin and restores its protective barrier.

Day care cream for dry and very dry skin during menopause, compensating complex Neovadiol, Vichy

Formula with proxilan and hyaluronic acid promotes elasticity, actively moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles.

Day face cream for dry skin Hydra Collagenist, Helena Rubinstein

Thanks to the Derm-Hydrafix complex, it strengthens the skin, fills the epidermis with moisture and nutrients, and relieves irritation and discomfort. The skin becomes denser, wrinkles are smoothed out.

29 October 2003, 09:06

Cosmetologist-valeologist Svetlana Viktorovna Kolosova answers questions about how to care for dry skin.

“What does dry skin look like and is it possible to correctly determine your skin type yourself?”
Marina Mikhailova, Michurinsk

Homemade daily remedies should be combined with professional salon treatments and cosmetic massage. It is advisable to carry them out twice a year. Then maintain the achieved effect of one preventive salon procedure at three weeks.

"Is tap water harmful to dry skin?"
Ksenia Isaykina, Moscow region.

— Dry sensitive skin afraid of chlorinated tap water. To wash your face, use water purified through a filter, or mineral water. A wonderful old recipe for water for washing: two thirds clean water and one third of boiled milk. If you do wash your face with tap water, then wipe your face with a non-alcoholic toner. Otherwise, the remaining salts contained in tap water will dry out the skin.

"How to protect dry skin from external influences in summer?"
Kristina Aranyan, St. Petersburg

— In the warm season, dry skin suffers less. Painful sensitivity is more common in winter. The heat promotes the secretion of oil and sweat, which partially protect the face. Although the skin still lacks moisture and oil. And if on cold days dry skin needs a constant layer of fat, then in summer the emphasis of care should be aimed at moisturizing.

When going outside, apply “protection”. Use the principle of two-layer protection: on hydraulic equipment or fat cream apply protective. The solar factor figure indicated on protective cream, should be high enough. For example, if your skin turns red 30 minutes after being in the sun, and the protective factor of your cream is 5, then when using the cream you can be in the sun 5 times longer without pain, that is, 150 minutes. This, you see, is not enough. At recent world exhibitions, protection creams are demonstrated that are both moisturizing and at the same time, with a protection factor of 30 and 40, and the SELVERT THERMAL company offered a cream with a factor of 50.

In summer, air conditioners dry out your skin just as much as the sun. They withstand walks in rain and fog quite well. The smallest particles of moisture penetrate the stratum corneum and gently activate blood supply. It is worth “improving” the indoor air with room humidifiers. Ornamental plants also partially help to cope with this problem. But still the most effective modern means are thermal water sprays. The face should be pollinated at a distance of 25 cm. The more often the better.

“Is it possible to choose medications for dry skin without the help of a cosmetologist?”
Ariadna Antonova, Krasnoyarsk region

— Spring and summer are the ideal time to choose cosmetics. New products should not be tried on yourself in winter, when the skin already feels difficult due to cold and low humidity.

"My skin began to peel after I lost weight for a month using laxatives. Is this a coincidence?"
Oksana Raikina, Kyiv

- No. Women with dry skin should avoid anything that robs the body of moisture. Both externally and internally. All laxatives and diuretics, even seemingly harmless teas, are means of dehydration. When they are used for a long time, healing mineral substances leave the cells along with moisture.

"Are masks a quick fix for dry skin?"
Antonina Nikolaeva, Bryansk

I would classify creams containing panthenol as accelerated-acting drugs. They are used as a night cream for severe peeling dry skin. Irritations are quickly relieved by chamomile or linden blossom lotions, as well as oil compresses. For a compress, you need to warm two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil in a water bath, make cotton fabric mask, cutting holes for the eyes and nose. Place the oil-soaked cloth on your face for about twenty minutes.

Masks should be applied regularly, once every three days, for 15 minutes. Of the ready-made masks, I would recommend the “Grandma’s Pharmacy” series. It contains wonderful masks for sensitive dry skin: a moisturizing tomato mask and a rejuvenating mask with oats and carrots. It is advisable to wash off the masks with contrasting water. This hydrogymnastics is excellent for dry skin. Dehydrated skin will improve cucumber mask; mask of cottage cheese, yolk and olive oil; banana with milk.

“Is it worth using foundation in the warm season?”
Regina Smirnova, Sumy

Foundations in summer it should be used only when necessary, as a decorative or corrective product. Dehydrated skin will be improved by a cucumber mask or a banana mask with milk.