To be employees of the headquarters -
This is not weak for you at all!
To control people
You really have to be smart.
I congratulate all the staff,
I wish you to be happy
Get a lot of money
Rise to the rank of general!


Work on input information
And analytical review,
Development of important operations,
Provision for “Antiterror” events.

Today accept congratulations -
Good health, success and good luck!
On your holiday - the day of headquarters units,
We wish you efficiency in solving problems!


On this day I congratulate the staff officers,
The core and center of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We value you, love you, respect you endlessly,
We wish you good luck in your service and in your destiny.

May you have enough strength, intelligence, health, nerves,
So that your honor will never be sullied,
We wish you to be first everywhere,
Good luck is always nearby.


The headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates the holiday today,
We congratulate them today from the bottom of our hearts,
May service always bring them joy,
We hasten to say “Thank you” to them all!

Their work is respected, it is necessary and important,
Let life give them only happiness and warmth,
We wish every employee
So that you always have luck in everything everywhere.


Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, congratulations!
We wish you health and patience,
Your service will now be calm,
Let only friendship await in the team!

Let your wallet grow from replenishment,
May your cherished wishes come true,
May your day be pleasant,
Getting up for work with a smile is not lazy!

Cool congratulations on the day of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


The headquarters is hope and support,
Everyone really knows this
We wish you today
Inspiration, friends.

We will be under your protection,
Let success not forget you,
Happiness, joy, peace,
And there is pleasure in work.


I wish all headquarters units
Great happiness on a large scale!
Let For valiant and honest work
You are respected, always respected and protected!
After all, who else should answer if not you,
Is this how he cares about the peace of the country?
I wish you to have everything you need,
To ensure your service is successful,
To receive a medal for courage,
Good luck, strength to you and health like steel!


Happy Headquarters Day
Important service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Happiness, joyful moments
And success at work

We wish you this holiday!
And let's add from the heart -
Don't let luck tease you
And it will help you live a great life!


Let him find you throughout life
Important award
Congratulations on your day,
My staff member.

I wish you a glorious service
And recognition in work,
Well, let it be on the personal front
You'll always be lucky.


Nobody knows, except the headquarters,
What resource, on what scale...
Who will stand in front of trouble as a wall,
To bypass us.

Your work is organized, harmonious,
And everyone knows - it is very important!
Everyone is happy to work at the headquarters,
So that the result is excellent.

Day of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Today the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
He is in a hurry to celebrate his holiday,
We wish our employees happiness,
Stability and skill,
Good health, good luck
They are on the eve of the celebration!


Today is a special day, very important,
And I want to congratulate you on it,
We work together at the headquarters,
We take care of our beloved country.

Today is the day when in our native Russia,
The headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were formed,
I wish you health, joy and happiness,
I wish that there will be no trouble in life.


Your job is not easy -
Maintain order in general.
You need a lot of units
Rest and peace to keep.

They decided to create headquarters long ago.
They will soon be a century old.
And it’s important for the headquarters to work
A worthy honest man!


Me on education day
Headquarters of all Ministry of Internal Affairs.
I wish you prosperity
Fighters in a good path.

Let the service be very difficult
Brings you honor.
Full-flowing river
Your whole life flows.

Good health to you all
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.
People's Defenders,
You are all so good.


Congratulations are a little stern,
But so dear
To those who came to this headquarters.
He found his destiny.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is power in Russia,
You are truly omnipotent.
I wish you well
So that everything in life is “Hurray!”

Many years of love and happiness,
So as not to be touched by bad weather,
So that the light shines for you,
To warm you with love.


On Russia Day, headquarters units
We wish you energy, knowledge, skills,
Know your job perfectly,
Solve crimes professionally!

May everything go smoothly in your work
And in my personal life everything is fine,
Fight lawlessness boldly,
Strive to be fair and honest!


Happy professional holiday
Congratulations to you today!
And we wish you many years
Serve your native country.

Your service is for the benefit of everyone,
Army, you are the head.
And on the day of headquarters units
We give you warm words:

May your sky be peaceful,
Let your loved ones wait for you at home,
There are only victories in my career,
Happiness and comfort with family.


You are a military man, my dear,
Even though you disappear at headquarters,
My heart is always with you,
You know this well!

I congratulate you
And I wish you good luck
To easily, almost jokingly,
You solved your problems!

To make me happy,
Didn't stay out late
So that I whisper, loving,
And the stars were looking at us!

So that in the service and in the family,
Everything was always fine
Everyone was happy to see you.
May we live in abundance!


Headquarters Formation Day
Today an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes,
On a holiday this is important honestly, without a doubt
We wish him to achieve heights in his work,
Let's wish you luck on a smooth road,
And meet some luck along the way,
So that he forgets grief and anxiety,
After all, it’s hard to find a more difficult profession!


Formed staff units
Today, and celebrate this day
We want it to be festive, and so organized,
So that we were not too lazy to have fun.
Let life go like in a fairy tale
And in the promotion service
Makes your work easier
And it will bring you relief.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the support of the country!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
At night and at any time
They are ready to protect us.

On October 7, our country celebrates one of the holidays of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Day of the formation of headquarters units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation.

According to data provided by the information department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, on October 7, 1918, the Instructor and Information departments were formed under the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD.

Soon they were united into the Instructor and Inspector Department, which then became part of the Inspectorate of the Main Police Department, formed at the end of 1919.

In 1934, after the formation of the NKVD of the USSR, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD was created, which existed until 1957. During the period of the late 1960s - early 1980s, the headquarters service was significantly reformed: in 1968-1969, organizational and inspection units were created everywhere, and in 1971-1972 they were transformed into headquarters. By the end of 1982, headquarters functioned in all ministries and departments of internal affairs.

Tasks of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

In 1934, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD was created in the USSR. It existed until 1957. The headquarters service was subjected to significant reform in the late 1960s - early 1980s.

At the end of the 60s of the last century, the creation of organizational and inspection units was completed everywhere.

In the early 70s, it was decided to transform them into headquarters. It must be said that by the end of 1982 there were headquarters in absolutely all Soviet ministries and departments of internal affairs.

Nowadays, modern staff members perform many different functions. It is these people who are responsible for ensuring management of anti-terrorist and other measures. The success of solving crimes largely depends on their work. They are also responsible for liaising with other departments.

We can say that the Headquarters of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate is the main governing body. This headquarters ensures the normal activities of internal affairs bodies and units, which are related to the detection of crimes, the fight against crime, the protection of public order and public safety, etc.

Employees of headquarters units solve important problems in developing strategic decisions and monitor their implementation.

Currently, the tasks of the Headquarters of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate include ensuring the management of forces and means when solving crimes in hot pursuit, conducting anti-terrorist, operational-preventive, socio-political, cultural and other events, communicating in interaction with other law enforcement agencies and departments .

Employees of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carry out extensive analytical work on incoming information about the level of crime and the results of the fight against it, solve important tasks in developing strategic decisions and monitor their implementation, organize the preparation and holding of meetings of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, analyze the state of the operational situation on the basis of which management decisions are made decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the activities of internal affairs bodies. Therefore, the ability of employees to find innovative ways to solve any problems is considered an important quality, and the headquarters units themselves have become an effective management link in the system of internal affairs bodies.

On their professional holiday, all employees of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive congratulations from management, colleagues and friends, and the best are nominated for state awards. .

Traditions for the holiday Day of formation of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

On this day, various ceremonial events are held to honor employees of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

According to tradition, on this day all employees of headquarters units accept congratulations, and the best employees are presented with state awards.

On this day, of course, we do not forget about the veterans of the service, who made a huge contribution to the process of its development.

We must not forget about those people who stood at the origins of the formation of headquarters units in our country. After all, it was the staff members of the first generations who laid the foundation for the successful development of the service.

History of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

It must be said that the history of headquarters units began even before 1918. Similar units also existed in Tsarist Russia. They were entrusted with a staff function, that is, in short, they were responsible for coordinating the activities of all services.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on September 8, 1802. From that time on, the functions of the headquarters were assigned to the office. Since 1819, it was decided to assign these functions to the Special Office of the Minister.

On July 1, 1836, a Separate Corps of Gendarmes was created in Russia. A headquarters was created within the structure of this institution. In 1842, the Minister of Internal Affairs P. A. Perovsky created a department within the structure of the Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that was responsible for monitoring the official places of the ministry. This department performed headquarters functions. One of its main tasks was control over the activities of government bodies.

During the entire existence of the police, very great importance in its activities was attached to the implementation of analytical, organizational, statistical and registration work. But the employees performing these functions have always been quite small in number. Therefore, they were part of other police units. Over the past time, they have accumulated a wealth of work experience. Currently, our state is making efforts aimed at improving the activities of internal affairs bodies. Therefore, one cannot fail to note the importance of the work of headquarters staff. The final result largely depends on their competence.

Staff work is essentially a management activity. For this reason, to implement it, it is necessary to conduct a timely and complete analysis of incoming information on the level of crime and the results of the fight against it. Qualitative analysis of available information is also necessary to develop optimal management decisions. Therefore, analytical work has become an integral component of the activities of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1992, an independent information and analytical unit was created within the structure of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It must be said that it still exists today, and has hardly been reformed.

Today we can say with confidence that headquarters units have become the most important management link in the system of internal affairs bodies. The ability of their employees to find innovative ways to solve any problems is considered very important. In their work they must always show creativity and initiative, to respond timely and adequately to changes in the operational situation. Thanks to these qualities, headquarters units are now considered one of the leading services.

It is necessary to note the great importance of the duty department. After all, this is where people come with their problems. Therefore, it is so important with what attitude they are greeted there.

Heads of headquarters units must take care of improving the culture and efficiency of duty units.

In addition, an equally important task is the training of personnel for headquarters units. After all, only real specialists in their field, who have an excellent understanding of the specifics of the activities of any police service, should work in them. This position requires a person to have an analytical mind, the ability to think logically and quickly make smart decisions. Author: Vereshchagina Sofia

The Day of Formation of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a professional holiday of workers and employees of the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On this day, October 7, 1918, the Instructor and Information Departments were created under the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD. Later, these units were combined into the Instructor and Inspector Department, which in turn became part of the Inspectorate of the Main Police Department formed in Soviet Russia at the end of 1919.

After the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR was created in 1934, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD was created, which was abolished in 1957.

From the late 1960s until the early 1980s, the staff service was significantly reformed:

Between 1968 and 1969, organizational and inspection units were created everywhere;

In 1971-1972 they were transformed into headquarters.

On December 7, 1972, by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0655, the first Regulations on the Headquarters of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were approved. The role and place of the Headquarters in the system of services and internal affairs bodies are determined: “The Headquarters,” this document says, “is a management body designed to organizationally ensure the preparation and implementation of management decisions of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and reports directly to the Minister.”

On July 1, 1986, the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was issued “On improving the structure and increasing the efficiency of the inspection apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the OVDT and the duty units of the internal affairs bodies.” By this order, inspection departments, departments, divisions, and groups were transformed into organizational inspection departments. Duty units, units of information and analysis, generalization of best practices, and management of duty units have been returned to their structure.

By Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR No. 269 of August 2, 1991, the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was re-established on the basis of the Organizational Inspectorate Directorate.

On February 10, 1992, by order No. 30, the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created, the Regulations on the Headquarters, its structure and staff were approved.

Since 1993, the restoration of the headquarters system began. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in order to increase the efficiency of management, headquarters were created in the GRUOVD, and in 1996, the service for organizing the management of the regional Internal Affairs Directorate was transformed into a headquarters. At the same time, the number of tasks facing headquarters units has increased, and their staffing levels and technical equipment have increased.

On April 8, 1996, an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provided for measures to improve the organization of work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate, including the reform of their organizational structure and the transformation of management services into headquarters. The position of chief of staff is combined with the position of deputy minister, head of the department of internal affairs (first deputy).

Headquarters are now an integral part of the Internal Affairs Directorate, a center that studies and analyzes in detail the work being carried out and considers all the methods by which work will be carried out in the future.

Currently, the main tasks of the ATC Headquarters are:

Carrying out operational-preventive, anti-terrorist and other measures;
- ensuring communication in case of interaction with law enforcement agencies and structures;
- assistance in the investigation of crimes “hot on the heels” by managing resources.

The leadership of our association, on behalf of all members of the organization, congratulates our friend and member of the Oro VPA MPA, Chief of Staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region, Colonel internal service Karpov S.V., as well as all workers and employees of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with their professional holiday.

In an era of significant reforms, innovations,
The headquarters was given the task of management,
And the significant role of the headquarters units,
Marked by a bright October day.
In the fight against organized crime -
No procrastination, no idleness, no laziness.
The rule of law, the primacy of integrity,
In the charter of all headquarters units.
The work of the headquarters is inconspicuous in the general matter,
But how much mental expenditure is invested in it,
Interaction with the security forces at the aisle,
To guarantee a successful result.
Staff member - analyst and strategist,
Organizer and intermediary between structures.
Headquarters departments always consist of those
Who “grasps the essence of the tasks on the fly.”
How will you overcome the greatness of scale,
And the complexity of all the assigned tasks?
You are omnipotent, dear staff worker,
Omniscient, omnipresent, and everyone can see!
And may the spiritual core given to you
He will be exalted and unbending forever.
Let the authorities always hold them in high esteem,
And your valuable work will be respected by everyone.

Russia, or, as it is called for short, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is a special government structure. It was created to solve mass political problems. All people related to this serious activity celebrate annually on October 7 their professional holiday - the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Origin story

For the first time, the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as official holiday appeared in 1918. The reason for its emergence was the formation of two structures: the information and instructor departments. A year later, they merged into one and received a new name - the instructor and inspection department.

Main tasks

As mentioned earlier, the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually. The date of its celebration is known to few, but everyone should know the main tasks performed by this complex structure:

  • Quickly solve a crime.
  • Preventing terrorism.
  • Closing drug dens and other legally prohibited organizations.
  • Conducting an analysis of crime and methods of combating it.
  • Development of new strategies for maintaining public order.

These and many others the most important tasks employees of the structure are engaged. That is why the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is of an official nature and is celebrated by people involved in this body.

How is it celebrated?

The seventh of October is considered to be a working day. Only some units of the heroes of the occasion rest on this day. In television programs and radio stations they sound nice congratulations and words of gratitude for the work done. On the weekend closest to this holiday, you can see themed concerts with the participation of pop stars.

On this day, those who especially distinguished themselves for last year, assign new military ranks, award certificates of honor and memorable gifts.

The Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is, first of all, a professional holiday. Therefore after working day workers in this field organize small corporate events. And they deserve these moments of rest, because every day they stand guard over state order, sometimes risking their lives.


Autumn, early October - this is the most awaited time for political workers. During this period, an all-Russian holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Congratulations on this day come from superiors, colleagues and loved ones. It is enough to say or write a few phrases on a postcard that will evoke pleasant emotions and melt persistent hearts. Congratulations may look like this:

“A staff worker is not the easiest profession. Leading people requires special talent, wisdom and effort. We wish you that these qualities will always be present in you in abundance and will contribute to further advancement in your career. Be happy, healthy and strong!”

“What is most important when achieving success in such an important industry as serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? It would seem that physical training and analytical abilities. In fact, for this you need to love your job, have a caring family that provides a reliable rear, and good health. May these three important pillars always be present in your life!”

“Your service is dangerous and difficult. Let there be no room for misfortune in it. Each completed task will bring you only the joy of victory. Thank you for protecting our Motherland from terror, crime and drug addiction. Knowing that you are on guard, we sleep peacefully!”

There are many holidays related to different areas of activity. Each of them is very important. You should not forget about what your family and friends do and promptly congratulate them on their professional dates!

On this memorable day in 1918, the Information and Instruction Departments were formed within the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD. After some time, the departments were combined into one, called the Instructor and Inspector Department. In 1919, the department was included in the Inspectorate of the Main Police Department. In 1934, after the formation of the NKVD of the USSR, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD was created, which existed until 1957. During the period of the late 1960s - early 1980s, the headquarters service was significantly reformed: in 1968-1969, organizational and inspection units were created everywhere, and in 1971-1972 they were transformed into headquarters. Over the years, the headquarters service has undergone significant changes. Only in 1982 did headquarters begin to function in all departments and ministries of the interior.

On this holiday, we are talking with the acting chief of staff of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Major of the Internal Service Tatyana Petrovna Orlova.

Tatyana Petrovna, what are the main tasks facing modern headquarters in the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The task of the headquarters is to organize the interaction of the Department with other law enforcement agencies, executive authorities and the anti-terrorism commission, to ensure control over the implementation by departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District. Preparation of projects and organization of implementation comprehensive programs, plans, other management decisions of the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, participation in ensuring the activities of the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, timely communication of the assigned tasks and adopted management decisions to the structural units. The headquarters is entrusted with the task of storing, recording and using incoming information, directing information materials about the state of public order, public safety and the fight against crime in the service territory to government authorities.

By and large, the headquarters is the central link that connects all services of the internal affairs bodies. It is at the headquarters that all information is collected and analyzed, the crime situation in the district is predicted, and it is planned to strengthen executive discipline in the services and divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate. The headquarters is the “brain” that coordinates and directs in the right direction the activities of the entire internal affairs body as a whole.

Not a single event held by the Department of Internal Affairs goes without the attention of the headquarters. Despite the fact that headquarters units do not investigate criminal cases, do not go to crime scenes, and do not detain intruders, nevertheless, their activities are one of the key ones in the system of internal affairs bodies. It is this unit that is engaged in improving management activities, compiling comprehensive analyses, planning, coordinating and organizing control over the implementation of management decisions, departmental and regulatory documents, defining the main tasks of internal affairs bodies and divisions.

What qualities, in your opinion, should employees of headquarters units have?

An important quality is the ability of employees to find innovative ways to solve any problems. Work at headquarters may seem routine and boring at first glance, but once you join the headquarters, you begin to understand how much depends on you and how important the activities you are doing for the whole unit are.

Working at the headquarters, in addition to erudition and literacy, requires a person to have an analytical mind, the ability to think logically and quickly make competent decisions.

Efficiency, attentiveness, dedication and, of course, love for your work - this is the key successful work at the headquarters!

Tatyana Petrovna, recently organizational and staffing events took place in the internal affairs bodies, did they affect the headquarters and which departments are currently included in the structure of the Department’s headquarters?

The organizational and staffing measures that have taken place have not affected the structure of the headquarters units, which in terms of their staffing structure are extremely few in number.

The staff of the Internal Affairs Directorate headquarters consists of 12 certified employees and 2 civilian employees. The structure of the headquarters of the Internal Affairs Directorate includes: the Inspectorate, consisting of 5 chief inspectors, the Analysis and Planning Division, also consisting of 5 employees, and the Group for Control of Accounting and Registration Discipline, which employs 3 employees (of which two are civilians).

Headquarters units in territorial departments of internal affairs are also small in composition. They include chiefs of staff, inspectors of the accounting and registration discipline and civilian analysts.

Nevertheless, with such modest human resources, we try to fulfill all the tasks set by management without compromising their quality.

Dear colleagues! The leadership, the Council of Veterans and the Public Council at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow congratulates veterans and current headquarters employees on their professional holiday! We wish you health, confidence in the future, strength to overcome life's adversities, vigor, good mood, success in service and personal happiness for many years to come!

Press group of the ATC for the Northern Administrative District