If you are the owner brown eyes, then you are very lucky, because to give expressiveness to your look, you will need to put in a minimum of effort, especially when creating natural makeup.

Of course, when choosing eyeshadow shades, you should take into account many factors, such as hair and skin color, eye size, and also your clothing style.

Everything should be harmoniously combined with each other, otherwise you risk looking ridiculous.

Feel free to choose beige shadows - both matte and with golden shimmer. This is an absolutely win-win option.

Also, in the palette, you should pay attention to the following shades: soft pink, light brown and violet. Don’t forget about green, but again, you need to choose the lightest colors.

Naturally, makeup cannot be limited to just shadows, because it will look unfinished and will “play” against you.

Makeup for light brown eyes

Before you start creating makeup, do not forget to cleanse and moisturize your skin. Then apply your favorite foundation, a base for shadows and powder to match your skin tone. Highlight your cheekbones with blush, preferably peach.

Considered ideal for light brown eyes olive shade shadows, so you should pay attention to it first.

We use brown mascara and eyebrow pencil. And you can experiment with the color of the eyeliner and decide on green. Especially if you are young and if it’s summer or spring.

You just need to apply balm or gloss on your lips. With natural makeup, they do not require a special accent.

Makeup for green-brown eyes

Green-brown eye color is a gift from nature. It doesn’t take much time and effort to highlight such beauty. You just need to follow a few simple rules when applying daytime makeup:

  • First of all, we strive for maximum naturalness;
  • clean and moisturize the skin, even out the tone with BB cream, and set with powder;
  • apply to cheekbones light pink blush;
  • we put the eyebrows in order - we correct the shape with tweezers, comb it, paint it with a pencil (gray or brown), shade it, fix the shape with gel;
  • before using shadows, we apply a base that will extend their “life”;
  • mask with concealer dark circles under the eyes;
  • slightly highlight the area under the eyebrow with a pencil or shadows (you can use pearl) - this will give the look freshness;
  • choose shades of shadows: sand, caramel, brown;
  • Apply mascara and eyeliner sparingly, preferably brown or gray colors;
  • For lips it is best to use just gloss.

Light day makeup

As usual, we start by cleansing and applying foundation.

If you have an elongated, narrow face, then it is better to give your eyebrows a straight shape to visually expand the oval. High eyebrows with a bend are suitable for those with a round face.

With triangular and rectangular shape eyebrows should be drawn in an arc shape to visually soften the lines

Pointed eyebrows will distract attention from a heavy chin, so this shape is ideal for girls with a so-called “square” face.

Once the shape of the eyebrows has been selected, you can begin tinting. A brown pencil works best here.

We hide dark circles under the eyes with the help of a corrector. At the same time, it’s worth avoid pink shades in this concealer, as there is a risk of getting the “tear-stained eyes” effect.

When applying eye shadow, brown-eyed women should adhere to some rules:

  • Avoid terracotta and orange shades in daytime makeup. Unless, of course, you set yourself the goal of looking vulgar and vulgar.
  • Shades of silver, beige, pink, and brown will help you “open” your eyes.
  • Golden shades are perfect for brown-haired women, but they should avoid blue and green shades.
  • For fair-haired girls, it is recommended to use shades of sand and brown shades in makeup. Olive and gray-blue colors are also good.
  • Blondes are better off choosing vanilla and copper shades.

When doing eye makeup sequence must be observed. For example:

  • Apply light peach or beige shadows to the upper eyelid. White or cream tones are suitable for moving eyelids.
  • We highlight the fold of the moving eyelid with dark shadows and shade it well.
  • Next, carefully draw the arrow with gray or black eyeliner, filling the space between eyelashes with color and leaving no “bald spots.” Make sure that the “tail” of the arrow points upward.
  • It is permissible to apply light gray shadows to the lower eyelid.

You can also experiment with mint color- it will perfectly emphasize the depth of brown eyes and give them greater expressiveness. In this case, it is better to give preference to matte shadows.

It should be remembered that any makeup does not accept broken angular lines and sharp color transitions. Everything should be soft and smooth.

Makeup for brunettes

Brown-eyed brunettes can safely use black eyeliner- it will not look like something “alien” in daytime makeup, the main thing is to draw a thin and neat line.

Also, you don’t need to be afraid of dark or even black shadows; applying them sparingly to the outer edge of the eyelid and shading them, you can emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

Makeup for blondes

During the day, the brown-eyed blonde's makeup must be done in light beige tones. Using the “cold chocolate” shade, you can only make accents - apply it to the crease between the moving and fixed eyelids, for example.

If you wish, you can do without shadows at all, and limit yourself to only mascara and eyeliner in gray or dark brown.

By following these simple tips you will always look great. Don’t neglect them, and most importantly, remember that daytime makeup should be as natural as possible, highlighting your strengths and hiding flaws. Naturalness is always in fashion!

Eye makeup plays an important role in creating a woman's image, her image. In order to naturally be able to highlight your strengths and hide some shortcomings, it is important to know the subtleties and wisdom of applying makeup, otherwise the result may be completely opposite.

Below is how to do everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step (photos are provided for each instruction).

Any eye color has a palette that can most clearly emphasize the expressiveness and attractiveness of specific eyes.

Shadows for brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have an undoubted advantage over others, which lies in an almost unlimited choice of shades when applying makeup. Some shades may not look quite right, but there is always a choice.

The general rule from professional makeup artists is to prefer eyeshadows that are different in color or shade from the eyes: bright green, bronze, gold, brown, blue, etc. Mixing different colors will also help you choose the most suitable one. best option, which will emphasize the expressiveness and depth of the eyes.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others. There is no need to be afraid of experiments - the result is worth it!

Light brown goes with light tones, and dark brown will sparkle with complex, bright, rich shades(chocolate, bronze, plum, olives, coal).

The most favorable colors:

Brown-eyed women should pay attention to their skin tone when choosing eyeshadow colors. For ladies with a yellowish skin tone, it is not recommended to experiment too much with yellow shadows, and if the skin is red, shades of red or pink will visually only aggravate the situation.

Eyeliner for brown eyes

A line drawn with black eyeliner or pencil on the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will add luxury to brown eyes. Purple eyeliner in addition to blue or green shadows will add bottomless depth to your look.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others.

An excellent option is eyeliner with a metallic sheen; to add additional brightness, simply line the upper inner edge and the lower outer edge. You can combine metallic with gray, blue or cool green.

A dark blue pencil (eyeliner) is equally good to use for both evening and daytime use.

Brown eyeliner must be 1 - 2 shades darker than the eyes, otherwise it will not be noticeable on the eyes.

When using green eyeliners, it is better to choose olive and emerald shades that will provide shine and depth to the eyes.

Mascara for brown eyes

The following mascara will give you magical mystery: green, emerald-pearl, brown, black with a tint of bronze or silver mother-of-pearl. It will make your look warmer, more expressive and noble.

Makeup artists remind you that Choose the shade of mascara according to your hair color. Although brunettes can experiment with all of the above shades, adding black or black-brown mascara to them, blondes with brown eyes are better off opting for green, brown, bronze or silver mascara, which will most favorably emphasize the tenderness of the look.

How to do makeup for brown eyes depending on their type

Skillful application of makeup will help highlight your advantages and disguise some undesirable nuances. Everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step (photos are presented below) is applied when various features eye structure.

If the eyes are set close

There are some secrets that allow you to visually increase the distance:

Everyday makeup for close-set hair x brown eyes:

  1. Movable eyelid (inner zone and middle) designed in the lightest matte tone.
  2. Plot inside accentuated with white pencil or shadows. The arrow is shaded.
  3. dark tones, applied to the area of ​​the moving eyelid from the outside will visually lengthen the eyes.
  4. On the outer third of the lower eyelid shade the tones, make an accent in the corner with a rich color.
  5. Use a dark pencil (eyeliner) to draw the corners from the outside, while lengthening the shape of the eyes.
  6. Draw carefully with ink eyelashes on the outer areas.

This algorithm allows you to experiment with different tones.

If your eyes are deep-set

When applying makeup to deep-set eyes, there are many options for correcting this feature, which, by the way, is often not negative at all. You can try creamy, bronze, peach, light marsh, purple colors, using as a base for daytime makeup light color(for example, peach).

Main rule: use a maximum of 3 shades to avoid “overloading” the image.

Step by step application daytime makeup for deep-set brown eyes with photo:

  1. Step 1. Draw a brown, chocolate or dark gray outline along the eyelid.
  2. Step 2. Using a brush, distribute the base tones from the zones inside, gradually moving upward. This will make the look softer.
  3. Step 3. Apply voluminous mascara exclusively to the upper eyelashes, dark color you can shade the lower contour closer to the outer area.

If your eyes are wide-set

Everyday makeup options for wide-set brown eyes include the following steps:

  1. Step 1. Correction of the eyebrow line. According to the classic version, the beginning of the eyebrows coincides with the end line of the wings of the nose. A wide section of the eyebrows can be slightly lengthened with a pencil towards the bridge of the nose, which will visually bring the eyes closer.
  2. Step 2. As a rule, shadows take two colors (light and dark). First, the base is applied, then a dark shade is applied from the inside with shading to the middle part. Light colors with shading towards the middle part fall on the outer zone.
  3. Step 3. The eyeliner is made thicker in the area inside, thinning it towards the outer area. The contour should not be extended beyond the outer edge of the eye, this will help to avoid excessive lengthening of the eyes.
  4. Step 4. Eyelashes are painted with mascara twice, giving them the desired direction to the inner edge.

The most profitable make-up options are Smoky eyes, “cat’s eyes”, oriental style, and with an emphasis on the internal area.

If your eyes are droopy

Makeup has two goals: to disguise a flaw and add expressiveness. The main focus of the makeup is the lips. A raised, not very thick, elongated eyebrow is a good way to distract attention from a flaw.

Step-by-step makeup technique:

How to Do Everyday Makeup for Brown Eyes: Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing the skin for makeup application

Before directly applying makeup, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin, which also affects appearance, and for skin health.

Usually this process is not particularly difficult, can be easily carried out under normal conditions and consists of several stages:

Applying base to eyes

The base is distributed over the skin in an even layer with your fingers, a brush or another method. This stage will protect the skin from harmful influences, prolong its youth, and preserve its beauty.

It is recommended to use powder as a degreaser for the skin around the eyes, also to make the makeup last longer and to prevent shadows from curling.

Direct eye makeup

The everyday version of the make-up is carried out step by step after complete drying and absorption of the above preparatory agents. Makeup is applied in accordance with the shape and color of the eyes and the chosen image.

Lip design

The final stage of creating an image is shaping the lips, which is performed at the end of the entire procedure, after preliminary application and absorption of the lip hygiene product.

Applying the bottom layer with regular hygienic lipstick, followed by a light dusting of powder, will help to add richness to the color of the main lipstick. Then, using a pencil, you should give the necessary contour to your lips and apply the first layer of lipstick.

How to make everyday Smoky eyes for brown eyes step by step with photos

Option " smoky eyes", or otherwise Smoky eyes, is a very worthy daytime or evening option for brown-eyed beauties. The technique of applying it is not particularly complicated.

The main secret of a successful and effective make-up lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another.

There are two ways to apply the Smoky eyes technique:

  • First, eyeliner is applied, then shadow is applied;
  • or, conversely, the contour completes the makeup.

Everyday Smoky eyes makeup for brown eyes step by step with photos:

  • level out skin tone, apply base;
  • draw an outline, thicker towards the outer zone, shade;
  • paint the largest area of ​​the top with the darkest color from the eyelashes of the outer zone to the beginning of the moving part of the eyelid;
  • the middle tone goes to the eyelid below and the middle of the top one, carefully shading the transitions;
  • under the eyebrow and on the edge inside goes with the lightest color, with the same shading of the transition;
  • use mascara in a couple of layers, carefully paint over their outer edges;
  • light blush and lipstick(shimmer) neutral shades will complete the look.

The main secret of successful and effective everyday makeup for brown eyes, step by step, lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another (see photo).

All that remains is to decide on the choice of colors for “smoky eyes”. The range of shades used for Smoky eyes is very wide: daring purple, bright blue, soft green, bronze, gold or metallic silver. Saturation depends on the type of makeup (daytime, evening).

Pro Tips: How to Do Perfect Eye Makeup

Listening to the opinion of professionals, you can apply any makeup yourself, without spending much time and money:

  1. Using a white or nude pencil on the mucous membrane of the eyelid below will visually open the eye.
  2. Using a red dot placed on the edge of the eye eyes appear wider.
  3. Draw arrows with pencil (eyeliner) along the upper line of the eyelid with your eyes closed.
  4. The base will save make-up neat throughout the day.
  5. Having drawn a triangular arrow with dark shadows, looking up, the drooping corners of the eyes will visually lift. You should not emphasize the eyelid below at all, or lightly draw on the inner edge along the eyelashes.
  6. Always apply makeup with special care, because even small errors will stand out clearly against the background of the eyes.
  7. Abuse bright colors in Everyday make-up is not allowed, you should use a minimum amount of shadows.

It is believed that brown-eyed women are most likely to rely on beauty, which is expressed in constant self-care. Mastering the art of everyday makeup for brown eyes using step by step tips and a photo from the article, it won’t be at all difficult to cause everyone’s delight.

Useful videos about makeup options for brown-eyed girls

Everyday makeup for brown eyes:

Pogashovo with photo instructions for applying makeup on brown eyes:

Daytime makeup for brown eyes does not require any special wisdom in execution. On our own brown eyed girls and women are very expressive and can simply incinerate with their gaze. Even the lightest daytime makeup can be done very simply, without spending a lot of time and effort.

To do makeup for brown eyes, you will need a small arsenal of cosmetics that can highlight all the advantages of the look and hide minor defects, such as fatigue or uneven skin. In addition, properly selected daytime makeup for brown eyes can generally refresh your face and make it look young and beautiful.

Rules for applying makeup

You can do makeup for brown eyes correctly and truly easily using our tips. Daytime makeup has its own characteristics that every girl or woman should know about. In the future, it will be possible to avoid certain inaccuracies with makeup.

Particular emphasis should be placed not on the eyes or lips, but on the ideal, beautiful and silky skin of the face. After all, if you have problematic (oily or unkempt) facial skin, then any makeup will look vulgar on it and will simply give you a few extra years.

Therefore, take care of your skin in advance by using curative and preventative treatments for it. To do this, you can use various masks, clay and other cosmetics.

It is advisable to do brown eye makeup step by step from the very beginning. If you miss any element, you may end up with uneven skin texture that will be noticeable throughout the day.

Simple makeup for brown eyes starts with preparing the skin.

Ideal facial skin should not have pimples, blackheads or any unevenness. If you are the owner of just such skin, then first you should put your skin in order using special masks, and thereby treat it.

It is very important to do face masks periodically. After all, it is the condition of our skin that reveals our age. Special attention should be given to the skin under the eyes. It is the most delicate and requires additional care. In addition, it begins to age earlier than all other areas of the skin, and therefore the first wrinkles or “crow’s feet” appear on it prematurely.

The next mandatory step is to moisturize the surface of the facial skin. To ensure that daytime makeup for brown eyes looks perfect, you can use a moisturizing day cream that is suitable for your skin type.

Then you can move on to the next stage. For proper makeup for brown eyes for every day, you can use a light foundation that will advantageously hide all skin imperfections under its layer. It must be applied according to massage lines face, gently rubbing into the skin. In this case, you should avoid the area under the eyes. The skin there is very delicate and cannot withstand heavy foundation. The neck and décolleté area should also not be painted, otherwise it will get dirty. outerwear, leaving marks on it.

After you have applied a thin layer of foundation, you should powder your skin. To do this, choose a powder that is not too different in color from your face. Otherwise, you will be able to see a sharp transition from the complexion to the neck shade, and it will be too noticeable.

If you are the owner perfect skin, then you can only exclude foundation. You will still have to powder your face. This way, cosmetics will fall on easier, and you can easily do the right makeup for brown eyes.

Blush in creating an image

Most girls and women avoid using blush in their makeup. This is a very big mistake, because without it it will simply be impossible to do makeup for brown eyes correctly. It is blush that gives the face the desired freshness. Without them, the skin of the face looks tired and pale. It is better to choose soft shades of blush.

For those with brown eyes, light pink or sand tones would be the ideal option. In order to determine that you have chosen the perfect color, compare it with foundation or powder. It should be just a few shades different from them.

Of course, eyebrows highlight any look. It is important to take care of their condition; they may need to be plucked and the line given a certain shape. This makes the eyebrows more beautiful.

You can do this yourself at home or use the services of a beauty salon. There they will help you correct your eyebrows or offer tattooing if for some reason they are poorly visible or do not have the required thickness.

Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the eyebrows, because the expression of your face will depend on it in the future, and if the outlines of the eyebrows are sloppy, then your face will look ridiculous.

After you have adjusted your eyebrows, they will need to be highlighted on your face with a dark gray or black color. To do this, you will need to purchase a special eyebrow pencil. On one side of this pencil there is a lead, and on the other there is a brush for combing the eyebrows. It is very convenient to use if your eyebrows need to be combed and given the right direction. It is necessary to paint the eyebrows themselves not with a solid line, but with light strokes, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the eyebrows.

It is very important to remember that step-by-step makeup for brown eyes, especially in the daytime, does not require bright accents, so it is advisable to use a graphite or brown color scheme.

Selecting Shadows

Proper makeup for brown eyes requires careful selection of shadows.

It's best to use shadows light shades. Ideal for daytime light makeup Beige, golden beige, light brown, pinkish-brown shadows will look good.

If your eyes are almost black or have dark brown color, then you can use greenish, pink and lavender shades. In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it in their quantity.

It is also permissible when choosing shadows to take into account the color of skin, clothing or other accessories that can be emphasized with shadows. Should not be used too bright colors. They will look very ridiculous and funny and will only ruin your whole image and light makeup for brown eyes.

At the next stage, after you have applied the shadows, you can complete the look with a pencil. Then you can start painting your eyelashes.

Using ink and drawing arrows

Eyes are the mirror of the soul of any woman. Therefore, before you start tinting your eyelashes, make sure that all your makeup is done perfectly.

Currently, the color range of mascara is very extensive. In order to make makeup for brown eyes more interesting and expressive, but at the same time light and correct, it is better to choose graphite, black or brown mascara.

They perfectly emphasize the depth of brown eyes and make them stand out. To complete the look, you can apply arrows to the upper or lower eyelid. They are done using a special eye pencil and must completely match the color of mascara that you prefer. This will make your eyes more beautiful.

How to put on lipstick

One of the sexiest and most expressive facial features of any woman is her lips. They are the ones who evoke passion and desire in any man. Therefore, they need to be given special attention. You can leave bright and juicy lips with red lipstick for evening makeup.

For light makeup for blacks eye will do pastel range of colors: delicate peach, light pink, light brown and golden shades.

You can also use lip gloss of the same colors. It will give the entire makeup overall greater freshness and softness. A special pencil perfectly shapes the lips. With it, you can draw the desired outline, and then simply outline it with lipstick or gloss.

Ultimately, it is your lips that will determine how large an army of fans you will gather. So don't leave your lips without your attention. Makeup is complete.

Makeup example step by step

In order to do daytime makeup for brown eyes correctly step by step, you should use our recommendations:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the surface of your face using light lotions or toners.
  2. Then apply foundation over the entire face, excluding the area under the eyes, neck and décolleté.
  3. Next, apply the powder evenly over the entire face, including the eyelids.
  4. Use blush to give your face a natural glow.
  5. Apply matte eyeshadow pastel colors on the eyelids and use a pencil to correct the corners of the eyes.
  6. Apply the finishing touches to the eyes using mascara. Use the mascara that best suits your look. It can be a lengthening, volumizing, waterproof mascara in black or brown.
  7. Using eyeliner, draw lines on the upper or lower eyelid as desired.
  8. Complete the look with lipstick or lip gloss.

You are perfect and perfect. Daytime light makeup is ready!

Makeup is an important and basic detail of your image. Correctly selected tones of eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick to match the color of your eyes, hair and clothes will create an image of a well-groomed and self-confident person, emphasizing all the advantages. In this article we will talk about makeup ideas for brown eyes: daytime and evening, beautiful, gentle and everyday. Let's look at the makeup palette for brown-eyed women with different hair colors.

How to properly do evening makeup for brown eyes - recommendations with step-by-step photos

Dark eyes themselves look bright and mysterious, but evening makeup means bold, rich colors of eye shadow, perhaps even the use of glitter and bright lipstick. It is strikingly different from daytime, it prefers brightness, brilliance, chic, glamor, but all this must be combined with a sense of proportion, sophistication and intelligence.

For brown eyes as an evening can be used:

  • smokey eye makeup;
  • oriental makeup;
  • universal evening makeup.

Beautiful universal evening makeup for brown eyes in lilac-blue shades

  1. First of all preparing your face for makeup application: cleanse, moisturize and apply foundation. We pay special attention to the area around the eyes, using concealer to tone the circles under the eyes, fine wrinkles, roughness and redness. Lightly powder your face and eyelids.
  2. Let's get started for applying shadows:

3. Draw with a black pencil or liquid eyeliner in a neat arrow.

4. Apply eyelashes with black mascara with a lengthening effect.
5. Finish the makeup by applying for natural shine on lips or beige lipsticks.

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes

Makeup received this name due to the method of applying shadows. Proper application of makeup using this technique involves shading the boundaries and eliminating clear lines, resulting in a slight haze enveloping the eyes. This type of makeup is suitable not only for brown-eyed owners, but also for girls with green, blue and gray eyes.

Choose the right one color palette smokey eyes in and choose your shades in. Let's consider evening version of this type of makeup:

Oriental makeup for brown eyes

The main emphasis in oriental makeup is the eyes, which means a second emphasis is not acceptable.

Here are some rules for creating this type of makeup:

  1. An important part of makeup are the arrows. They are always black.
  2. The color of the shadows is always the brightest and most saturated.
  3. Eyebrows are always well-groomed and dyed to match the hair color.
  4. Blush only in warm shades.
  5. Pomade not very bright colors.

Now let's proceed directly to applying makeup. with step-by-step photos:

  1. As always We start by applying a makeup base.. In this look, it is very important to even out the area around the eyes. After this, cover the inner corner of the upper eyelid with the lightest shadows with mother-of-pearl.

  2. Middle of the upper eyelid cover with the brightest shadows, yellow ones will do.

  3. Outer corner on the upper eyelid paint it reddish or orange eyeshadow.

  4. Borders between shadows shade using a special brush or finger. It is necessary to achieve a smooth transition from one color to another.

  5. Soft black pencil draw an arrow on the upper eyelid as shown in the photo.

  6. Shading again, so that the transition to the black arrow is not so clear.

  7. Using liquid eyeliner, draw an arrow along the entire upper eyelid.

  8. Draw a ray of light on the outside of the eye towards the edge of the eyebrow. To do this, we use white pearl or silver shadows.

  9. Lower eyelid line with a soft black pencil, on top of which we apply a strip of purple shadows and lightly shade everything.

  10. The finishing touch - paint your eyes with mascara with a lengthening effect. For those who like it brighter, you can glue on bunches of false eyelashes.

The eyes are ready, now all that remains is to apply peach blush along the cheekbones and paint your lips with soft beige lipstick. Choose the shade of lipstick according to your taste, just remember that it should be closer to natural.

How to properly do daytime makeup for brown eyes - instructions with step-by-step photos

Daytime makeup is done in more subdued colors than evening makeup, especially for brown-eyed women who have naturally expressive eyes.

Day makeup May be:

  • light;
  • tender;
  • natural;
  • nude.

Let's take a closer look all techniques for performing daytime makeup for brown eyes with any shade of hair, and nuances for brown eyes with dark hair in.

Light natural (nude) makeup for brown eyes

Makeup in nude tones looks very beautiful and natural during the day. To create this makeup necessary:

Daytime gentle makeup for brown eyes with step-by-step photos

Step by step instructions To everyday delicate makeup:

How to properly do everyday makeup for brown eyes - instructions with step-by-step photos

Everyday makeup consists of the preparation stage and the makeup itself.

Let's look at the stages of preparation:

  1. Cleanse your face with foam or milk for washing, soaps with neutral pH.
  2. Moisturize your face using cream (apply it along massage lines).
  3. We correct and shape eyebrows.
  4. We give smooth lips using a scrub.

Now let's move on to makeup:

  • . This could be foundation, concealer, powder.

  • We choose the palette depending on the chosen image, the color and shape of the eyes, the color of clothes and hair.

  • . We outline the outline with a pencil of the same shade as the lipstick and shade it. Apply lipstick and blot it with a napkin. Then we paint again (with a second layer of lipstick).

I would like to pay special attention to wedding makeup. Its peculiarity is that it should look harmonious both day and evening. Wedding makeup should take into account the age of the bride, hair and skin color, outfit and manicure. The main thing is that everything fits together organically.

To create a chaste image, the bride's makeup focuses on the following combinations: eyebrows-eyes, cheekbones-eyes, lips-eyebrows. Makeup using the smokey eye technique is very successful for weddings. His step-by-step execution has already been presented.

Makeup ideas for all shades of brown eyes

Brown eyes come in many shades. They can be almost black, chocolate, amber-green, or nutty. This must be taken into account when choosing a palette when applying makeup. Here are some eyeshadow palette recommendations:

Mascara for brown eyes can be brown, blue, purple, but classic version- This black mascara with curling effect.

Makeup ideas for brown eyes based on hair type

For brunettes and dark-haired brown-eyed women, shades of dark tones are perfect - black, chocolate, brown in different saturations. This There can be both matte and shiny shadows. Nude shades will look good and add tenderness and lightness: beige, peach, delicate shades of pink. To add brightness, use gold and silver tones.

If you have small eyes, it will help you choose the best colors and makeup application techniques.

Blondes should primarily use beige, sand and all nude tones. This will add tenderness to the image, and if you add a little black, for example using the smokey ice technique, then it will turn out very attractive. If we consider bright option, you can use all shades of green, except light green and near-yellow, as well as soft pink or lilac. There is a special palette for green-eyed blondes.

Black pencils and black eyeliner for blondes better not to use. The ideal solution for blondes would be brown or gray pencils, as well as their shades.

The color of the eyebrows should not be in contrast to the hair, so their color should be two shades darker than the hair. Black eyebrows with red hair are not acceptable.

From the shadow palette, shades of coffee with milk, golden, metallic, steel and the whole range of green are ideal. Lipstick or gloss should be beige-pink, caramel, coral or brick shades. For the evening - burgundy. Pencil and eyeliner are used in dark blue or chocolate-coffee tones. Blush to highlight cheekbones all shades of cappuccino and muted pink. Mother of pearl cannot be used.

Win-win for brown-haired girls use the entire gold, bronze, copper palette. Brown and olive colors are suitable. Pencil and eyeliner – only deep black. The color of the lipstick is rich and intense.

Shadows are used in a warm shade: brown, peach, orange-yellow. A pencil of dark brown, walnut or dark purple colors will add expressiveness. Eyeliner will look good in bronze or gold shades. Mascara should not be black. Ideally brown or purple.

Video with makeup tutorials for brown eyes

  • The video shows you step by step and clearly applying daytime makeup for brown eyes. Emphasis is placed on the palette of shadow shades that should be used.

  • This video presents makeup for brown eyes and dark hair. Reveals all stages of applying makeup in detail and step by step.

  • This video reveals stages of creating smokey eye makeup. Helps choose shades of eye shadow, blush and lipstick for brown eyes

  • This video tutorial shows creating an evening oriental makeup . Step-by-step instructions will teach you how to make it yourself at home.

We have described in detail all the nuances of performing daytime, evening, everyday and wedding makeup for brown eyes. The shades of the iris and hair color were taken into account. All you have to do is pick suitable option and try to implement it. We're looking forward to your feedback on how it worked out for you.

Smokey eyes makeup has been in fashion for more than one season. With it, your image becomes mysterious and alluring. This makeup looks most expressive with brown eyes, making their owner incredibly attractive and irresistible.

However, to do such a make-up, you need to study step by step guide by its application. For example, previously makeup was done only in dark, almost black tones, but given the growth of its popularity, a lighter, more delicate, everyday version of makeup began to be used. First of all, you need to spend a sufficient amount of time preparing and evening out the skin tone, camouflaging it under the eyes, as well as high-quality shading of the lines drawn with pencil and shadows from darker to lighter.

Since the above makeup is very popular and has not lost its position for several seasons in a row, stylists have developed convenient instructions with which you can perfectly reproduce it at home. For example, before applying makeup the skin needs to be prepared using a moisturizer or makeup base, then a foundation, which must be evenly distributed not only on the skin of the face, but also in neat in a circular motion on the skin of the eyelids. To make your makeup last much better during the day, you need a little powder your eyelids.

Pay due attention to the eyebrows - they must be perfect, since this eye makeup greatly focuses attention on them.

Draw a pencil that matches your eyebrows along their ends, and also use a brush with a matte effect shadow along the eyebrow growth. Remove excess eyeshadow with a cotton pad.

The area near the eyelash line is always covered with the darkest of the selected colors, and closer to the eyebrows the lightest shadows are used, close to the color of your skin. Light shadows can be chosen with a pearlescent effect - this will help give a tired look freshness and brightness. If you do not follow this rule, your gaze may turn out to be very heavy, and you will make a rather repulsive impression.

Please note that sometimes shadows can highlight fine wrinkles around the eyes or other features of your skin that you would not like to focus on. Liquid shadows or creamy texture shadows will come to your aid. If you don’t have any on hand, you can carefully add a few drops of water to your existing dry eyeshadow palette and immediately apply the shadows with a short-bristled brush, preferably a rounded one, rather than a regular eyeshadow sponge.

When applying, immediately blend the shadows lightly with a brush.

There are many techniques for performing smoky eyes makeup.. For example, in one of the options, the eyelids are covered with foundation, and a smooth line is drawn along the eyelashes with a pencil, which becomes wider towards the outer corner of the eye. Thanks to this trick, the look looks more attractive. After application, the line is shaded, and the moving eyelid is covered with dark shadows. Next, light shadows are applied, and the transition is thoroughly shaded.

In another version of the make-up, the first thing after applying foundation is to paint the inner corner of the eye with light shadows, and also apply them under the eyebrow. Dark shadows are applied at the lash line, on the outer corner of the eye and on the crease of the eyelid. Using liquid eyeliner, draw a thin line along the growth of the eyelashes, expanding towards the outer corner of the eye.

Beautiful make-up Complete with a little mascara, lipstick or gloss in subdued tones or a clear lip gloss, as well as powder that matches your skin.

Combination with different eye shades

Brown eyes come in a variety of color shades - honey-brown, yellow-brown, green-brown or dark brown, almost black.

Colors cosmetics– shadows, pencils, eyeliner, etc. must be selected depending on eye color:

  • If you have dark brown eyes, choose purple, blue, gray, brown shadows. Their intensity will depend only on your mood and the reason for which the makeup is being done.
  • Owners of honey-brown eyes should focus their attention on light shadows of warm colors - yellow, orange, reddish, copper, bronze and gold.
  • For hazel brown eyes, opt for violet, lilac, blue-violet, and champagne eyeshadows.

It should be noted that you need to select shadows not only based on the shade of your beautiful brown eyes, but also on the color type of your appearance. Take a closer look at the color of your skin, eyebrows, hair, irises and determine what type of appearance you are closer to - summer, winter, autumn or spring.

To look perfect with a smoky eye that complements your appearance, experiment a little with shades and makeup options, and then take a few photos of the resulting look. This way you can critically evaluate yourself from the outside and correct your mistakes. Makeup artists offer the following color options:

  • It is believed that the brown range of shadows is not suitable for everyone, but only for dark brunettes with dark brown eyes. She refreshes them and makes them brighter, while the rest, instead of languid, mysterious divas, she is able to turn into tired women who did not get enough sleep and are tired at work.

  • The owner of light brown eyes, tanned skin, and a beautiful brown-haired woman needs to choose greenish shades for eye makeup.
  • Brown-eyed, fair-skinned beauties with dark, almost black hair are perfect for blue or green shades of shadows in their dark range.
  • If your skin is like that of a porcelain doll, your hair is light-colored, and your eyes are copper-brown or yellow-brown, pay attention to sky blue, turquoise, and mint colors. For a more daring look, fuchsia shadows are suitable.

  • For green-brown eyes, make-up using shades of soft pink, bronze, lilac color, as well as cocoa colors.

It is fashionable to coordinate the shades of eye shadow and lipstick, no matter how strange it may sound. Of course, we are talking here about makeup in natural or pink tones.

  • In addition, “smoky eyes” makeup in blue and blue tones is at the peak of popularity, depending on the saturation of the color of your eyes.
  • Stylists say that purple eyeshadow is suitable for both everyday makeup and special holiday occasions. However, it is worth noting that daytime makeup is best done with matte shadows in light shades purple, and evening - with shiny pearlescent shadows in more saturated tones.
  • The combination of blue and purple shadows looks interesting. The transition with such shadows can be done in light pink or coral shades.

Daytime look

For daytime smoky eyes, choose a brown pencil instead of black or replace it with brown eyeliner. They will suit your brown eyes perfectly and will look much more discreet. note that daytime makeup should be appropriate for work, at business meetings, shopping or walking with friends. It should be neat, highlight the advantages of your appearance, but should not be provocative. Remember that daylight will reveal all the flaws in makeup, so you should even give it more attention than in the evening.

At the same time, you should not think that any difficulties may arise with applying makeup. If repeated many times, your morning makeup will take you no more than fifteen minutes a day, and you will look stylish and confident.

By the way, you should pay a few words to adjusting your appearance using “smoky eyes” makeup. This information can be useful to every girl. For example, by changing the thickness of the line of eyeliner or pencil, you can visually lengthen or widen your eyes. In the first case, the line should be drawn from the inner corner of the eye, slightly thickening it, lifting it to the outer corner of the eye and making it longer by about half a centimeter. In the second case, you should make the arrow wider in the middle part of the eyelid, adhering to the round shape of the eye and move the tip of the arrow slightly upward and a few millimeters beyond the eyelash growth line.

By using thick lines on the upper and lower eyelids, you can correct eyes that are too wide and protruding. For Asian eyes, eyeliner should be applied as a thin line along its entire length.

Makeup “smoky eyes” will help you visually cope with drooping eyelids. To correct, cover the inner corners of the eyes, the middle of the eyelids and the outer corners of the eyebrows with light shadows, cover the overhanging part of the eyelid with shadows of a darker shade, and save the darkest shadows for the outer corner of the eye, lightly capturing its overhanging part. Cover your eyelashes with volume-creating mascara in several layers. You will definitely notice that your look has become young and friendly.

If you have deep-set eyes, visual correction is performed using an eyeliner line, which is drawn only to the middle of the eyelid along the lash line from the outer corner of the eye. It is better to apply light shadows with a pearlescent effect to the inner corners of the eyes, as well as to the middle of the eyelid. The same make-up option works for close-set eyes.

Daytime makeup is done using the same technique as evening makeup, but due to the more restrained color scheme it looks completely different. Mascara is applied in one layer. You can use brown mascara instead of black. It is not advisable to use colored mascara of green, blue or purple colors in daytime makeup; this would only be appropriate for a very young girl wearing lip gloss in natural shades.

When doing daytime makeup, you also need to pay attention to your color type of appearance. Shades of cocoa and coffee can only be used by dark-skinned girls with dark hair, since for light-skinned blondes such makeup can be a real disaster - the eyes will not look mysterious and attractive, but tired and inflamed.

For fair-skinned girls, it is better to choose shades of nude, sand or beige shades. Also, with this appearance, it’s a good idea to use a dark gray eyeliner or eyeliner of a similar color.