It's no secret that each season should have its own type of makeup. A feature of the make-up in the warm season is naturalness and tenderness. But in order for it to turn out as natural as possible and, at the same time, emphasize external attractiveness, you need to follow a number of rules.

Rules for choosing summer cosmetics

In summer, due to the high temperature, cosmetics “flow”, so the face does not look aesthetically pleasing. For this reason, it is important to choose a concealer that is lighter in texture and tone cream so they don't clog pores.

Besides summer makeup It provides protection from the aggressive effects of sunlight, so you need to pay attention to the presence of SPF factors.

An important property of summer cosmetics is water resistance, because smeared under the eyes of carcasses and blurred lipstick no woman has ever been made more beautiful. Instead of mascara, you can use a special vitamin gel that gives the cilia shape, nourishes and protects from the sun.

What cosmetics should be in the arsenal in the summer?

Before making a make-up, the skin must be cleaned. For the warm season, it is preferable to use products that do not contain alcohol for washing: gels, foams or mousses.

Due to exposure to the sun, the skin loses moisture, so it needs to be moisturized with special creams. This is especially true for the skin around the eyes.

In summer, it is better to refuse foundation altogether, but if this is not possible, then you should opt for a light fluid with UV filters or use a concealer, thanks to which you can hide dark circles, vascular network or pimples. The concealer pencil should be the same tone as your skin tone or a shade lighter.

For summer day makeup, it is better to use loose powder, which, due to its light structure, does not clog pores. Compact powder causes tightness and looks unnatural, besides, from the heat it gathers in mimic wrinkles, making the face look like a mask. Powders with mother-of-pearl and tanning effect look very beautiful, as they give the skin radiance. The powder should be applied all over the face with a wide brush, and then remove the excess with a powder puff.

To look as natural as possible, it is better to use a minimum amount of shadows, and it will look neater and more natural if the shadows are blended along the lash line and lightly applied above the outer corner of the eye. Liquid shadows are contraindicated in summer, as they will gather in folds, which will make the make-up look untidy and careless.

Lipstick is also best used with UV filters, as it will protect lips from chapping and dryness. Shades - natural: mother-of-pearl, peach, pale pink. In the evening, you can choose more saturated colors.

Makeup for brown eyes

Summer eye makeup should match their color. After all, what is suitable for brown eyes, for blues may be unacceptable.

In order for the shadows to lie evenly on the eyelid, it is necessary to get rid of edema and swelling. Special gels or eye creams do an excellent job with this. Dark circles can be masked with a concealer.

When all the flaws are masked, you can start applying shadows. The determining factor is the shade of the eyes. For light brown eyes, blue and purple tones are perfect, and for dark brown eyes, pink shadows are perfect. A lighter tone can be applied to the lower eyelid.

Summer makeup for brown eyes is not complete without mascara and eyeliner. The color of the eyeliner depends on the color of the shadows. For example, purple eyeliner looks good with brown shadows, and purple eyeliner looks good with pink.

Carcass is better to take black. And to make eyelashes visually appear more fluffy, long and natural, they can be powdered a little.

Makeup for green eyes

Green eyes are very effective, so they need to be emphasized. Almost all shades of shadows are suitable for them. Brown is ideal for green-eyed beauties, especially chocolate, cinnamon and dark brown, as well as plum, lilac and purple.

To make a glamorous summer makeup for green eyes, you can use copper and gold shadows. The same shades are suitable for an evening make-up.

The classic version is beige shadows and black arrows.

Not all women with green eyes use green shadows, but in vain. If you use contrasting shades, you can shade the color of the eyes very well.

Green eyes are categorically not suitable for shades of blue and all its shades, silver, pink with a reddish undertone and purple flowers. As for pink, you can try its cold shades, emphasizing the eyes with eyeliner.

Equally important is the color of the skin. For owners of fair skin and freckles, dark and shiny shadows are not suitable. It is better to opt for matte or shimmery light shades. If the skin is olive, then discard the blue and silver shadows.

If we talk about eyeliner and eyeliner, then green-eyed girls are more suitable for chocolate brown or dark gray metallic. And to make small eyes bigger, use white or gold eyeliner.

Makeup for blue eyes

daytime summer makeup blue eyes should be as natural as possible, and shades of shadows should be close to skin color. You can also use black, white, gray and brown, purple, coral, peach, green, blue color palettes. If you want to use bright shadows, then stop at the "whitened" options.

It is preferable for brunettes to use not too bright makeup, as dark hair and so they create an accent on the face: peach, brown, sand shades, khaki and taupe colors - these are the colors that will give the image a complete look.

For blondes, bright summer makeup in the style of a Barbie doll, as well as neutral tones, shades of peach, azure, coral, violet, greenery, bronze, silver and gold, are a great option.

Makeup for gray eyes

To emphasize the beauty and tenderness of gray eyes, you need to choose the right color scheme. For autumn-type girls with dark skin, a pencil and shades of sand, bronze or golden hue, as well as green, blue, turquoise, purple and pink shades are suitable.

For the type of winter, a pencil and shades of pale green, purple, blue, pink-beige, lavender, light brown and cream are suitable. Shadows should be well shaded.

For summer makeup for gray eyes, dark blue and silver metallic shades are ideal.

To grey eyes seemed blue, you can use golden, sand, bronze, yellow and orange shadows. Chocolate, emerald and green shades will turn into green gray eyes.

Beware of shadows that are the same color as your eyes, as this will make your eyes look lifeless. Also, do not paint your eyes with bright orange and pink shadows, which will visually make the eyes inflamed.

Here are the basic rules for how makeup should look, not only this year, but hopefully for future years. . Be beautiful!

Hello dear guests of our blog! Today our article will be devoted to a topic relevant for the time of year - light makeup for the summer. Let's talk about the features of summer makeup, what care products are best suited for hot weather, and much more. In general, read the article in full and watch the video.

Summer is about to please us with hot rays of the sun and warm waters. The desire to look great intensified in most representatives fair half. What is worth considering seriously when thinking through the ideal summer look. Of course, about summer makeup.

Hot Makeup summer days has a lot of features. Let's start with the fact that the skin in the first place should be healthy and fresh. And in the summer, as you know, the surface of the skin is subject to drying. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable moisturizer for the skin, which should also be light so as not to cause a lot of trouble during the day. In addition, a moisturizer alone does not protect the skin.

It is important to provide for the presence of sun protection factors in daily care products. They can be present in both day cream and foundation. Recently, sunscreens have been added to almost all types of skin care products, as well as decorative cosmetics.

Foundation for the summer should be light in the first place, otherwise, under the influence of heat, it can create a lot of trouble. In general, if the skin does not need special correction, you can use only the foundation for makeup, and somewhere you can do with only loose powder.

The next important area is the eyes. A feature of most mascaras is that in the heat they spread and already a couple of hours after application form dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, you should seriously consider buying waterproof mascara. It will definitely not melt under the sun, and if you decide to swim, you won’t have to worry about the carcass.

Shadows in the summer can not be used at all, in addition, of course, to solemn evening outings. They roll off at the same speed as mascara spreads. If it is necessary to use shadows, then you should take care of acquiring a special base, which is applied to the eyelids under the shadows.

Many designers have tried to focus on the eyes of the models. Of course, not everyone dares to embody stoned or bright orange eyes, but fashionistas will like the idea of ​​making the eyes more expressive and emphasized. The main colors of this season are in the transition from gray to turquoise. Also with shadows. Brown you can focus on the eyes. This advice is given to us by designers.

Summer is coming! Want to look super modern? You should definitely buy Ray-Ban sunglasses. Collection sunglasses from the legendary brand Ray-Ban. Differ stylish design, clear image and high level of durability. Guaranteed reliable protection eyes from the sun. There are over 10 designs to choose from.

How to do summer face and lip makeup

But lips in the summer should be bright and juicy, in no case should you refuse lip makeup. This season is especially marked by designers' passion for bright and bold colors. This season's lipstick is matte. When using bright lipstick, the rest of the makeup should be as natural and neutral as possible. You should pay attention to lipsticks with a moisturizing effect, and it would be good to get a long-lasting lipstick or gloss.

This season, the designers' penchant for radiant skin, which looks somehow fabulous and weightless, is clearly visible. Shimmer effect products create the effect as if the skin radiates a precious radiance. You will no longer see bright blush, the image of a flushed teenager remained in the last season. Noble restraint, velvety and even tone came into fashion.

We told you how to make light makeup for the summer in hot weather. But summer can surprise and be quite cool. This somewhat simplifies the approach to choosing makeup. You can use more familiar and ordinary makeup.

Beautiful summer makeup is not an easy task. It is not enough to perform it neatly and stylishly, in compliance with fashion trends, taking into account the characteristics of your face, you also need to take care of its durability so that cosmetics do not “float” from heat and humidity. From our article you will learn about the basics of skin care in hot weather. summer period, learn how to choose the right make-up products in the heat, get acquainted with the fashion trends of this summer.

Summer makeup features

In summer, the skin is especially exposed to high temperatures, ultraviolet rays, salty sea water. Therefore, before understanding the intricacies of fashionable summer makeup, you should pay attention to Special attention face care. Follow a few simple rules:

Postpone skin cleansing with scrubs and peels until autumn. After deep cleaning the skin is especially vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, you can get strong pigmentation or even sunburn. Opt for mild, alcohol-free cleansers.

Despite the fact that in hot weather the face shines and the skin secretes a lot of sebum, do not forget about moisturizing. Before makeup (preferably a couple of hours before), apply a light moisturizer.

Beauty care is needed not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It is very important to stay hydrated by drinking more water than usual. The lack of moisture is manifested by a deterioration in skin tone, the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Try not to touch the skin with dirty hands to avoid infection. The pores in the heat are enlarged, and it is easy to get into them "infection", which will provoke acne and redness.

It's a good idea to always carry a spray bottle with you. thermal water. It not only refreshes in the heat, but also additionally moisturizes the skin, gives it a well-groomed appearance, and removes signs of fatigue.

Choosing cosmetics for summer makeup

When choosing cosmetics, pay attention to the presence of UV filters in its composition. They protect the skin of the face from photoaging, which is manifested by irritation, dryness, peeling, pigmentation, and the appearance of wrinkles.

It is better to replace the usual foundation in the heat with light moisturizers with a tinting effect - and. Although they will not give 100% masking of skin imperfections, the make-up will look natural and will last throughout the day. BB and CC creams moisturize the skin while minimizing the appearance of oily sheen, protect against acne and the harmful effects of the sun. Alternatively, you can add a drop of foundation to your favorite moisturizer.

" Use a concealer to cover imperfections more thoroughly. Choose a shade that matches your skin tone, or a little lighter. "

When choosing a powder, you should prefer loose rather than compact. It does not cause a feeling of tightness, looks natural, does not clog into skin folds and does not clog pores. Fashionable summer makeup this summer welcomes the powder with the effect of radiance, containing particles of mother-of-pearl.

The main problem in how to make summer makeup is to ensure its durability. It is recommended to choose waterproof cosmetics (mascara, shadows, eyeliner), especially if you plan to stay in the heat for a long time.

Summer makeup 2016: the main fashion trends

This season there is no tanning fashion familiar to us. Bright skin, freckles are those features that do not need to be masked, but on the contrary, should be emphasized and made the main focus in makeup.

Summer eye makeup looks beautiful when it is light and does not "overload" the face. The usual black mascara can be replaced with brown - this will give the look tenderness and naturalness. Shadows are best used with a light, crumbly texture and no more than one or two shades. They are applied along the lash line to the outer corner of the eyelid. A light touch under the eyebrow with shadows or a highlighter will refresh the look.

Lips in summer makeup look best in translucent shades. Can also be used bright colours- wine, pink, coral, but give preference to lip glosses or soft mother-of-pearl lipsticks. Matte lipsticks in summer make-up are appropriate only in nude shades.

For summer holiday or a colorful photo shoot, a bright color eye makeup fashionable this season is suitable: a combination of bright saturated shades of shadows and mascara of the same color: purple, turquoise, blue. The contrast eyeliner of the lower eyelid looks especially stylish and impressive.

Summer is always inspiring, I want to spend it as fun, interesting and active as possible. And we, women, want to always look beautiful and seductive. And the right summer makeup will help to do this!

But summer brings not only an even chocolate tan, which many beauties dream of during the long winter. Heat also leads to increased sweating (and, as a result, the release of sebum), and also makes the skin much more vulnerable to dust and sunlight, which can cause various unpleasant complications.

Even with all the restrictions associated with high temperatures air, do not underestimate the use of makeup. Right choice cosmetic products will only benefit the skin and protect it from harmful influences and help make it beautiful. Even when there is very little time, you can devote just a few minutes to your appearance to give your skin a healthy and radiant look and make it summery. day makeup suitable for any situation.

The secret to summer makeup is to choose softer products for it. The following "7 beauty steps in 7 minutes" below show what exactly you need to take into account when taking care of yourself in hot weather. So, summer makeup step by step:

Step one: Moisturize and protect the skin

Using a moisturizer with UVA and UVB factor (SPF) is essential to maintain healthy skin. In summer, light formulas of products (sprays, milk, creams, etc.) are preferred.

Step two: Unify the skin tone of the face

Apply BB cream or light to the face foundation without oil. In addition, an “oil-free” product will help keep pores from clogging and will prevent the increase in sebum production from sweat on a hot day.

Small feature: mix moisturizer with base and make your own BB cream. It must be distributed evenly throughout the face. BB cream or foundation is ideal for covering blemishes and skin imperfections, refreshing the face. But you have to be careful not to big difference in skin tone on the face and neck.

Step Three: Concealing Dark Under Eye Circles and Blemishes

If there are dark circles under the eyes or blemishes, a lighter base should be applied to cover them up. Liquid preparations in the summer are best suited for this.

Step Four: Highlight the Cheekbones

In summer, light powder and blush are preferable, which are applied with a brush on the cheekbones. Fashionable summer makeup involves the use of popular shades of peach, rose and red wine (the latter only for the most or swarthy skin). An interesting trick: use powder and eye shadow.

Step Five: Select the Eyes

To highlight the eyes, you will need shadows with a narrow brush for holding thin line along the lashes. It is good if the mascara is water-based.

Step Six: Draw and fix the eyebrows

A thin line has not been relevant for summer makeup for a long time. Eyebrows should look natural, so it will be enough to remove only a few bristling hairs that break the line of the eyebrows. The tone of the gel for staining and fixing should be chosen closer to natural, since, for example, black eyebrows on the face of a white-skinned blonde will look ridiculous.

Step Seven: Heat Shield and Lip Color

Lipstick has a triple function: moisturizes, protects and gives color to the lips. Moisturize them with a lip balm with SPF. Fashionable shades of lipstick this season: orange, coral and red, as well as beige, light pink and brown.
In order for summer makeup to last throughout the day, you should have special wipes with you that help remove excess sebum.

Monochrome is in trend this summer. You don't need a lot of makeup for a one-color daytime make-up. Eyes and lips can be made up with one neutral means of pink, brown or coral. For example, pigment or soft pencil. First, like Elena Krygina, we apply the product on the upper and lower eyelids, blend it, and then cover the lips with it. Next, we turn the same tool into a blush.

Glowing skin

Another summer trend is the maximum radiance of the skin like top model Bella Hadid. To create the effect of a radiant rested face, beauty bloggers advise using CC or BB creams. One of them is applying concealer under the eyes. After this stage, with a highlighter or illuminating base for makeup, you need to highlight the cheekbones, nose and forehead and a tick over upper lip. The T-zone is better to matte a little. At the end, it is desirable to add a bronzer - to correct the face and make it more tanned. If you want to get a nose like Bella Hadid, follow the recommendations in the video.

Makeup without makeup

home fashion trend summer 2019 - maximum naturalness. In the next video, the blogger teaches how to make an almost imperceptible and yet perfect makeup. This option is ideal for women over 40. First you need to shade the foundation, not forgetting the neck and décolleté area. Lighten the circles under the eyes with a light concealer.

We apply a dry shimmer for shimmering on the temple area, and emphasize the eyebrows with a pencil. For the upper eyelids we use matte beige shadows, for the lower eyelids - a golden pencil. We darken the space between the eyelashes with shadows, tint the eyelashes and add blush. We line the lips with a light pink pencil.

tanned face effect

To create an effect like that of Victoria's Secret angels, we mix a dark foundation with a makeup base so that it lies more evenly. After that, we use a concealer and correct the oval of the face.

We make classic powder eyebrows with a pencil. We apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, then a little darker and the darkest to the outer corner of the eye. The eyelids from above are slightly summed up with a pencil. Use highlighter and bronzer. It is better to make up the lips with a neutral light lipstick so that it contrasts with a tanned face.

classic arrows

Arrows never go out of fashion, this summer is no exception. In fact, this is a very light daytime makeup. You can draw perfect arrows at least every morning if