Each of us wants to have some kind of magical tool that will easily make everything we want into reality. Genies, goldfish, magic wands... They must be somewhere! How to make your wish come true?

Don't worry about it. All these tools for fulfilling desires have existed for a long time. Moreover, they are available to everyone! And all the doors of the Universe are open to those who use them.

Magic according to science

Remember fairy tales with the main characters who just happen to get a gift from fate: a goldfish, a genie out of a bottle, or fall into the hands of a ring with three prospectors. What do all these lucky people have in common? Ever wondered?

But everything is simple. All of them were “pure in soul,” like Aladdin, and rejoiced at simple things: the stars in the sky, the clear sun, a piece of bread. That is, they observed the abundance of the Universe around them and sincerely rejoiced in their lives. Truly, “there is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it.”

What does it mean to be “pure in soul”? There is an explanation in the New Testament from Jesus: “Be like children.” That is, live today and rejoice like children in every bright day. And believe in miracles. Young children do not tend to be offended for a long time, delve into the past, or do something out of spite. They always justify themselves and do not live with guilt. They play what they like and love everyone around them.

But how to return yourself to a state of eternal play and lightness? This is especially difficult to do when you have nothing to feed your children, nothing to pay rent and no way to replace your holey shoes with new ones. The good news is: if you are reading this article, it means you are already on the path to a new life.

And very soon the lamp with the genie will fall into your hands. Or rather, you already have it (and always have), you just need to change your perspective and you will immediately discover it. You will “remember” how, with a snap of your fingers, you can force the Universe to do what you want, and not your boss, husband (wife), mother-in-law, etc.

There are several effective techniques how to become a master (wizard, child) again:

It’s clear that you need to make your dreams playful, so that your inner child (so charming and mega-talented) will help you with this. But first things first. Before you begin virtual-real magic, you need to decide: what do you want?

How to choose the right dream

A person becomes a person only thanks to other people. This is a fact. There are many experiments and evidence on this topic. A person brought up without the participation of other people will never be able to speak, walk correctly and be in society.

But in addition to skills, a way of thinking, habits (they become alcoholics only in society), self-belief or disbelief, aspirations and, of course, desires are imposed on the little person.

Most people who want to fulfill “their” dream, after it comes true, come to the conclusion that a lot of precious time has been wasted. And they don’t need what they got at all. Have you ever thought, perhaps the Universe does not give you the desired car, apartment, dacha, beloved Vasya Pupkin from the next door just because you don’t really need all this? Therefore, you should not wonder how to make your wish come true right now.

To determine the truth of the desired goal, there are two ways to check:

As you can see, separating a true desire from a false one will not be difficult. And it will save a lot of time. If you look at it, all people are chasing “chimeras”. What we want today is yesterday. Yesterday we wanted a home and holiday in Cyprus. It often happens that when an object falls into your hands, it does not evoke the delight that once excited the imagination.

Buddhist monks claim that for happy life we need to look not for specific things (handbags, trinkets, cars, houses), but for the state of flight. It is the trembling of the soul that will indicate the real values ​​that are worth striving for.

How to revive your goal

If you have already decided on your desires, have a decent list of 30-100 orders to the Universe, get ready to create. Perhaps it will be unusual. At first. Understand, the inner master slept for a long time, they always brushed him off, they didn’t believe him. And as unnecessary, he settled in a distant dark corner of your consciousness next to dust and cobwebs.

So, initiation...

Once you have decided, you need to correctly write down what you want. This is important. Materialization is like the birth of a baby. Everything must be in place, otherwise the fruit will not take root.

The basic rules for writing a goal can be summarized as follows:

Awakening of the “Master” or Simoron

All Simoron rituals are aimed at removing the boundaries that a person sets for himself. Our brain is designed in such a way that it is difficult for it to get out of its comfort zone, even if it makes you a rich and successful person. The mind takes a long time to settle into new conditions, but when it gets used to it, you can’t pry it out of its home with tongs.

These restrictions can be easily removed if the usual routines are slightly changed. The pattern will break. At this moment you need to push new idea in the head. It will take root there, and the brain will begin to implement it.

There are many Simoron techniques, all of them are creative and invented by people in the “master” state. All techniques work and give amazing results. When you understand the meaning of rituals, you can easily invent them and even share them with others.

Simoron technique “rewriting the biography”

Since simoron is a playful magic, it allows you to mock the most serious things. Over your destiny for example . You will need:

  1. Paper, pen and 10-15 minutes of free time.
  2. Get ready to create. We will create our own destiny in real time. Let your imagination run wild! You can take as a basis a single episode from life, your whole life from the very beginning, or imagine something new.
  3. You need to write in real time - now. It's like you're describing what you see.

Start by writing down your loved one as incredibly lucky. If you are looking for a job, describe the day you were accepted into the most advanced international company. For example, like this:

“Today is one of my many happiest days in life. Today I found better job, which I couldn’t even dream of. In the morning I received a call from OJSC “Super-Happiness-Megaprom” and was offered a position as a salary corrector for directors of banks all over the world. The work is difficult, but interesting - dividing the salary and transferring most of it to my fund “For a dress and a handbag.” The whole team greeted me very cordially - they were waiting for me, dreaming about me. I have a large office overlooking the Eiffel Tower."

There are no limits to imagination. Walk your brain through the expanses of your Universe, beautiful and endless. Changes will begin almost immediately - from your well-being and further along the chain into reality. Everyone who used this trick noted real positive changes in their lives: some found a job, others found a soul mate.

It’s better to write successful, rich and beautiful life. And the realities will catch up. Thus, you can get married or win at a casino, and then give this money to charity. Whatever your soul asks for, give it to it.

By the way, to interesting fact Scientists have come to study brain waves: our minds do not differentiate between what actually happened and what we imagined. The neural signals are the same in both cases.

Alpha visualization

An excellent technique that not only helps to implement your plans, but also trains the imagination, develops the power of thought and extrasensory abilities.

The whole trick of the technique is the ability to relax as much as possible. This state is achieved through training. Alpha - the name comes from the relaxed state of the body in which the brain emits alpha waves. Scientists say that alpha relaxation has a direct impact on events.

The meaning of practice is complex and simple at the same time. Those who find it easy to consciously relax find it easier to visualize the desired object. Those who do not know how to calmly stay in one position will have to practice. So, what needs to be done to make your wish come true:

After practice, you will feel a surge of strength and confidence that the goal is in your hands. It will become completely clear to you how to fulfill your desire in 1 day.

A collage on whatman paper works well for work. On a large sheet different bright pictures with wishes that can be cut out from old magazines or printed out. The collage needs to be periodically adjusted: add new pictures, sign and color. Approach the topic creatively, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Practice “Glass of water” by V. Zeland

Its simplicity is reminiscent of Simoron rituals. This is probably why our people liked the method and quickly spread online. Many people write that water helps make a wish come true in just one day. V. Zeland (the author) took the informational properties of water as his assistant. It's simple:

  1. Take a glass of regular drinking water.
  2. Yours is written briefly on the sheet cherished wish, a glass is placed on top.
  3. You need to hug a glass of water with your hands without touching the walls. Mentally fill the water with energy. You can imagine how the water begins to glow. 1-2 minutes will be enough.
  4. Once you feel you have had enough, drink water. Rest assured - your wish will come true.
  5. To enhance the effect, you can leave the water by your bed overnight and drink it in the morning.

Try it different methods, look for what needs to be done to make your wish come true instantly. Remember, a thought is material; you just need to help it become reality faster. After all, anyone thinking man endowed with power, you just need to practice a little magic.

What you need to do to make your wish come true in 1 minute. And is this possible? Let's look at the magical rituals of Feng Shui. What does ancient magic offer us?

Feng Shui - rituals to make wishes come true

An adult sometimes wants to feel like a child and dream about a magic lamp from which a genie will appear and fulfill all our wishes. Although we are no longer children, it is so nice to dream and believe in miracles. But there is also a good side to the fact that we gain life experience. After all, in fact, a person has the power to influence own life, simply not everyone can do it. Going with the flow is much easier, but achieving success is almost impossible. If you build your own destiny, then you can get the most out of every minute of your existence.

How to launch the magic of rituals

Purposeful people have long learned how rituals work to fulfill desires. In general, rituals for the fulfillment of desires were invented in ancient times, when people were close to nature and the earth: according to their observations, each depicted symbol corresponded to a special energy. By combining certain signs, our great-grandfathers could do sometimes impossible things only with their knowledge:
Although we are far from the secret knowledge of shamans and magicians, elementary rituals for the fulfillment of desires have reached us and can be performed by anyone.

Such rituals include: a conspiracy to fulfill a wish. You can put in them any life moments that, in your opinion, should improve or appear.

How to do the ritual

The meaning of these rituals is to write a short semantic message that is read independently. While doing this, you imagine visual images in your head: if you need a car, you should clearly draw to yourself: what color it should be and how you will drive it. Such a spatial image tends to materialize, therefore such rituals for the fulfillment of desires are often used in everyday life. For example, at home you can.

Conducting a powerful ritual to fulfill a wish

In order to increase the probability of the occurrence of a particular event, it is worth carrying out a strong one.

How is it different from the usual one? Let's figure it out.
If the ritual is supported by certain dates and times, then energetically such a day will be more favorable for this. It has even been officially confirmed that some days of the year are characterized by anomalous properties: strong magnetic storms or, conversely, a decrease in solar activity. If you properly adapt to such days, you can increase the effectiveness of a strong ritual to fulfill your desire.

What not to do

There are basic rules in magical rites that you need to adhere to:

  1. The ritual cannot be interrupted. If you are distracted by extraneous influences, then it is better to stop performing the ritual and reschedule it for another time, because a hole will form in the flow of energy.
  2. Rituals “love” odd numbers. Almost all rituals are repeated three times, as a rule, seven or nine objects are used, etc.
  3. Rituals are not usually performed on church holidays, since these days the energy space is overflowing with millions of mental messages, and your request will not acquire the necessary strength.

It will help you attract money to your home.

When carrying out various rituals to fulfill desires, you should remember about the people around you. Sometimes a seemingly simple desire at first glance can harm someone close to you. For example, you want to take a leadership position at work. You performed the appropriate ritual and finally received the coveted proposal. But, as it turned out, the person who held this position before you became very ill, and that is the only reason you were appointed there. Therefore, you should remember that it is better to carry out such strong rituals to fulfill a desire with kindness in your heart: then you will bring only positive emotions into this world.

But, having decided to do it, think seriously before you start whether you need such love.

How we miss miracles in life. I really want everything to happen by itself, in the most amazing and favorable way. Where does this come from in us? Maybe from children's fairy tales? In them, a hero with a pure soul and an open heart always gets what he wants, and everything turns out just magically. Here it is! I want magic, surprises and celebration. They make our lives much brighter and more interesting, improve our mood, inspire and encourage us to create. How to live joyfully and easily? How to make your wishes come true?

“Desires are necessary for life to be constantly in motion” (S. Johnson)

It wasn't easy at first. As soon as a desire arose, doubts immediately appeared. I felt that wishing and doubting was the same as pressing the gas and brake pedals at the same time. But how do you turn off the brakes and move forward? How to learn to control your thoughts so that you can use them to get what you want?

Controlling the power of thought

The first thing you need to do is put a filter on sad and unpleasant thoughts. Replace each negative statement with the opposite, life-affirming one. So that the picture presented changes along with the words. Sometimes you come across such strong negative thoughts that you never want to change them.

So what should we do?

You can come up with a phrase that would suit any situation. For example: “Everything is going as it should, and every day it’s getting better...”. And repeat until the unpleasant thought is forgotten. The secret is simple: we cannot think about several things at the same time. And only by switching to positive or neutral thoughts, we displace the negative. If you make maintaining mental order a habit, then gradually reality will change and sparkle with joyful and bright colors. And desires will no longer need to overcome the opposing force of doubt. Then they will begin to be performed easily and freely.

Simple and complex desires

Why do some desires come true easily, as if by themselves, while others seem impossible? What is the difference between simple desires and complex ones?

If we clearly imagine what we want, and we are familiar with the ways to achieve it, then we understand that by taking certain steps we will get what we want. Then everything seems simple, and almost no doubts arise. And if the image is blurry, and we imagine it only in general terms, then we absolutely do not understand how to get it. So we think that everything is complicated and unrealistic.

To make complex desires easier, you need to strengthen their weak points. Describe and feel as clearly as possible what you want, imagine yourself in the moment when everything came true. Think about what could be confirmation that this happened.

What will you see and feel when what you want happens?

For example, documents. This could be a technical passport for a desired car with your name, a purchase and sale agreement for a house, an order of appointment to a position. Or a marriage certificate, a higher education diploma educational institution, a bank account statement confirming the transfer of the desired amount... Every time you remember what you want, add to the picture so that it becomes alive and voluminous.

Ways to achieve

What to do if this has never happened before? It is better to start with what is on the surface, with what is available. The main thing is to act. If you want a car - go for a test drive, buy a house - look at the options, change your job - sign up for vacancies, send out your resume. You just need to do this with interest, getting joy from the process itself. It's like walking to the tallest building in the city without knowing the route. You would keep it in your sight and move along the road you saw in front of you. And one day they would reach the goal.


By doing our best, we confirm our desire to have it. For example, you want a new job, you imagine what it should be like, but you make no attempt to find it. This indicates a lack of intention. Take advantage of every opportunity, ask yourself: “What else can I do now?” And do it. Switch your attention to the path, and let your desire remain a guide.

The truth of desire

If, at the thought that a wish has already come true, you have exceptionally joyful experiences, then this desire is true. The feeling that this is definitely yours, and no matter what happens, you will still strive for it. You know exactly what you need it for. Nothing should be confusing. If fears and concerns arise, then this cannot be yours yet. So, if you want a new expensive car, but are afraid of theft, then you won’t get the car. If you think that men cannot be trusted, then getting married will be much more difficult. We need to understand the nature of these fears, and desires will come true more often.

Let go of the desire

You shouldn’t wait every day and celebrate that nothing happens. Just do other things. Remembering your desire, switch your thoughts from doubts to adding to the picture of what you want so that it becomes more and more real.


Sometimes you want something so badly that you can’t think about anything else. And it is simply impossible to imagine that the wish will not come true. Ask yourself, what is your fear? What happens if you don't get what you want. Answer the question: “What will I do in such a situation?” And then you will understand that there is a way out.


It is important to remember that wishes come true easily for those who take them lightly. Just have fun playing magic. After all, games are designed for fun, and winning is just a nice bonus. And if something doesn’t work out right away, just tell yourself: “I’m not a wizard yet and I’m just learning.” And keep taking action.


Who do we place the order to? To whom do we address our desire? Universe, subconscious, creator? Let's trust who we turn to. This means don’t rush, don’t doubt the answer. The Universe always says “yes” or “yes, but later” to our questions. If you believe, then everything will come true, because according to our faith it is given to us.


The Universe is generous in fulfilling true desires. Therefore, never limit yourself in wishing for something that will bring you sincere joy.

Environmental friendliness

You don’t want the fulfillment of a wish to harm you or someone else, do you? Remembering the responsibility for my thoughts, I always add: “ And may everything come true for the benefit of me and the entire Universe, much better than I can imagine" Thereby, I agree to best option developments of events, excluding situations in which I would someday regret my desire.


Don't forget to give thanks. Even if your wishes don't come true, be grateful. We cannot foresee everything in our lives. And what is not fulfilled is also, perhaps, for the good. After all, everything that happens is always for the better. It’s just that we don’t immediately see for what better.

What do you have to lose?

Whether to play this game or not, everyone decides for themselves. But, if you play, you will always be in the black: at a minimum, enjoy the game, and at the maximum, get what you want. If the game is captivating, desires begin to be fulfilled easily and freely, and this whole process becomes a habit, bringing joy and improving mood.

The most important thing is the mood

Miracles simply adore cheerful eccentrics and eccentrics. And if you do not consider yourself one of them, then at least while making wishes, appoint yourself as a temporary wizard. Turn on the positive, turn off logic and make your world more wonderful!

Being a wizard is not easy, but very simple. You just need to turn it on good mood, add inspiration, imagine fulfillment and let go of doubt.

Methods of fulfilling desires that work almost flawlessly.

To make the picture come to life. This method is very simple and great for getting new job, purchasing real estate and traveling. But it also requires persistence.

Present in as much detail as possible what you want to receive. Enter mentally the picture drawn by your imagination. Touch the interior elements. Tell yourself: “This is mine!”

Take a look around. Find some tangible evidence that it is yours. These could be documents, personal items in a closet or on a table. And if this is a trip, then consider the store sign in a foreign language. Stay there as long as possible, try to catch the smells, consider what the people around you are wearing, what the weather is like. Mentally leave there something important to you that you would definitely return for.

How are you feeling? If you have experienced joy, then this is definitely yours. And it takes some time for the picture to appear in reality. Now, every time you remember your desire, immediately take yourself there and continue to get used to it. Do what you would do in reality. Walk through the rooms, water the flowers, pet the cat, make tea, sit on a bench near a popular attraction.

And everything will definitely come true! I found out.

Wish list. Much has already been written and talked about this method. It is really very effective when you want to let a stream of miracles into your life. But there are features that need to be remembered.

Start writing only in a very upbeat, cheerful, joyful and light mood. Turn to the Universe and list everything that you already have and for which you are grateful in life. On this wave, continue to write in the present tense what you would like to receive and live.

Imagine that this already exists in reality. Wish a lot, from the heart, without thinking too much, at least 50 points. Feel the delight of magic. Finally, wish happiness and love to everyone in the Universe! Close the list and move on to other activities.

Usually miracles begin to happen on the same day.

Magic mirror. Which mirror do you look in most often? Designate it as magical and it will manifest whatever you wish. This method is great for when you want to buy a new one. beautiful clothes, which you can’t find or don’t have enough money for.

Stand in front of the mirror, imagine yourself wearing this thing. Think about the color, length, finishing elements, at least in general terms. And to the question about money that arises in your head, say out loud: “And let it cost so much that I can easily buy it!” Feel the joy of the new thing that you will soon have. And every time, remembering the desired thing, go to the mirror, fasten it, straighten it, examine it. You can also imagine yourself with a suitcase or travel bag, leaving the house, where a taxi is waiting for you to go to the airport to start your travels.

This is a game, let it bring you joy.

For speedy execution, write a poem. If you know how to rhyme words at least a little, then this method is for you. You need to write a short and maybe even not very coherent poem about how everything is wonderfully fulfilling for you and coming true for the better.

Turn on the joyful mood, and may inspiration be with you!

There are many more techniques, choose and try. Remind yourself often that you are magicians. ANDyou will feel the unique taste of controlling reality.

The editors' opinion may not coincide with the author's opinion.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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There are people whose wishes come true easily and quickly. Perhaps they are wizards or have some secret? How to make everything you want come true? We offer several tips that will help you fulfill almost any desire, regardless of its complexity.

Learn to dream

Do you think that dreaming is useful? If not, then you rarely get what you want. Perhaps you still have certain dreams, but they are in no hurry to come true. You just need to take a few simple steps:

  • Dream sincerely so that the Universe understands that you really want to achieve it and need it.
  • Stop doubting. If you make a wish, but are not sure whether you need it, then know that it will not come true, therefore, in order for it to come true, you need to clearly know that your plan will come true.
  • Separate real dreams from obviously unrealistic ones. You want to become a pilot, but your health doesn’t allow it.

What's the point of dreaming about it if you know it will never happen. Replace it with another desire, for example, to climb hot air balloon or learn how to sail a boat, or maybe become an aircraft modeller.

Wish fulfillment methods

  1. Keep a diary where you write down what you want to do. For a harmonious distribution of desires, use.
  2. Forget about the particle “not”. In order for a wish to come true, dreams must be written in a positive way: “I want to buy a car.”
  3. Indicate a specific execution date or approximate period. If you say: “I want a car,” but do not specify when, then the fulfillment of your desire will be postponed indefinitely. It would be more correct to say: “I will buy a car in March.”
  4. Instead of a diary, you can make a “vision board”. Take a large sheet of paper. We cut out pictures from any magazines that symbolize your dream, or we draw it ourselves. The board needs to be hung in a place where you will see it every day.
  5. In order for a dream to come true, it must be clearly formulated. Not “I need a job,” but “I want to work as a purchasing manager in such and such a company.”
  6. Enhance the action with visual images. Visualize how your wish came true. Feel how you feel, what kind of people surround you, how your dream came true.
  7. There is no need to constantly think about your desire. It is enough to mentally imagine what you want and release it, directing the energy into the Universe.
  8. Give thanks for any joys, any blessings that come into your life. The more often you give thanks, the more positive energy is attracted.

The principle of “like attracts like”

Have you noticed that what we think hard about often comes true? Some people believe that the reason for this is the strong developed intuition. In fact, a different principle is at work here. We send a thought into the world.

Thought is energy.

The world, the Universe “hears” us and gives us what we think about. For people who think positively, a lot of good things happen in life precisely because they drive away negativity.
Attracts bad things into life and discussion of negative events. How often do you watch news on TV? Is there a lot of good stuff there? What feelings arise after watching such TV shows? Passivity, aggression, sadness, fear - these are the main emotions.

Negative emotions are also conveyed to us by other people who have the habit of telling others about their problems. Stay away from such individuals so as not to become infected with depression and fear. If you want to become lucky, communicate only with lucky people and learn from their way of thinking and acting.

Boost Your Energy Levels

Luck comes only to active people. You can make your wish come true by increasing your overall energy level. For these purposes, you need to exercise and eat healthy foods that increase your activity level. Asthenics and people with low energy levels often have problems in the personal and professional spheres, and in order for their desire to be fulfilled, they have to spend a lot of effort on it.

Energy is also the ability to act to fulfill your dreams. Desire does not materialize out of nowhere; for this you need to do something, make some effort, force yourself to meet your dream. The level of well-being will not increase on its own; for this you need to work. Love will not find you at home, you will have to look for it in the outside world.
How to increase your energy level?

  • Play sports.
  • Eat right.
  • Take up energy practices, such as yoga.
  • Meditate.

Move towards your dream

Let's say you wish for a car. What needs to be done to make it appear? Of course, start taking action to make your dreams come true.

  • Decide how much money is required to make your wish come true.
  • Think about what needs to be done for this.
  • Determine the time frame for when the dream should come true.
  • Compose step-by-step plan actions.
  • Decide how much you will save to complete your plan, determine the monthly contribution.
  • Choose a car brand - your dream must be specific.
  • Decide on approximate deadlines.

Sometimes it happens that the deadline for doing what we want is delayed. In this case, there is no need to be nervous, just be sure that your plan will come true anyway.

Set yourself realistic goals

We can dream of flying into space, descending to the depths of the ocean, but are such desires realizable? It is important to understand how realistic what you want to get is, whether you are physically and mentally ready for it. It also happens that our dream comes true, but in the end we only feel disappointment or discomfort because we chose the wrong direction.

Approach life, your needs and opportunities realistically. Remember that optimism and positivity help us get what we want. Rejoice at every success and give thanks for every little thing, every joy that life gives you.

Many people wish that their wishes come true in a few days. But why don't they come true? Probably because you guessed them incorrectly, so you need to know - How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true!

How to make a specific wish correctly so that it comes true very quickly?


First of all, learn to correctly formulate your desire. Don't use negations "not". For example, you say “I wish not to know grief,” but it would be worth saying: “I always want to be happy.”

It is also best to say the wish in the present tense, as if it had come true.


Desire must come from pure heart, it must be real, meaningful enough for you. Open your heart and say your wish with all your heart!

The power of thought

Imagine and believe that your wish has already come true. Feel it and inspire yourself with it!


You can write or draw your desire on paper, depict everything in as much detail as possible. It should not be for life, but should have a time frame, that is, its own deadline.

Your wish

The desire must be only yours and should not be directed at any of your friends, relatives or other people. Everything is just for you and no one else.

Spells and prayers for the fulfillment of desires


In the morning, fill a small mug or bowl of water. Leave it until the evening and when you go to bed, read the following plot on the water 3 times:

“The water is clean, the water is from a well. You carry secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my dreams and get what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

Then drink 3 sips, wash your hands and face.


Pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that your wish will come true in a short time:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Don’t be angry at the impudent request, but don’t leave me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Magic rites and rituals

All ceremonies and rituals must be carried out during the full moon, since during the full moon enormous power will emanate from them, and the wish has every chance of coming true very quickly.

For the ceremony you need to have:

  1. Sheet of paper.
  2. Medium size plate.
  3. Thin church candle.
  4. Pen.

At midnight, say your wish while looking at the full moon. Then, you need to write it down on a piece of paper, pronouncing all the words clearly and distinctly. Light a church candle with matches and place it on a plate.

Hold the paper over the flame and say your wish until the paper burns completely. You need to make a ball from ashes and wax, hide it in a regular cloth bag and always keep it with you.

When your wish comes true, these attributes need to be melted and poured into a bowl of water. Then throw the water out under the window and thank the Higher Powers for your help.

Your own mascot

You can make your own talisman that will always be in your pocket. Believe that it brings you good luck and success, endow it with magical properties, and your wish will definitely come true.

Remember! You must always be confident in yourself and your abilities. Make only those wishes that have a chance of coming true. Do not make negative wishes that will be aimed at causing harm to others or other people, such wishes can only harm you!

How to make a wish correctly - video