The relationship between two people cannot be ideal if intimate life does not bring the expected pleasure and enjoyment to at least one of the partners. According to psychologists and sex therapists, sexual idyll is almost the fundamental criterion for creating happy marriage, where love, mutual respect, understanding and harmony will reign. Every second lady is unaware that she makes mistakes in sex, naively believing that the couple has no shortcomings or problems. Top female misconduct in bed will help every woman objectively evaluate her behavior and recognize which moments were wrong.

Having studied the list of typical female offenses of intimacy with a partner, compiled by experts, each of the fair sex will find herself. An objective assessment of your behavior with your sexual partner will allow you to quickly eliminate all shortcomings and improve the quality of your intimate life. Without subsequently making mistakes in bed, there will be a noticeable improvement in the relationship between young people.

So, the top 10 female misconduct in bed:

  1. The desire to make love while working. Such preferences are found in many women, which can be attributed to the most common mistake among the rest. It’s strange, but precisely during an important meeting with serious, representative people, the capricious wife insistently demands to make love to her. Having responded to their spouse that their husband is now engaged in important matters, many representatives of the stronger sex are faced with resentment and an inadequate reaction to refusal. There can be no talk here of such piquant conversations, desires on the part of the wife in working hours, especially not worth talking about any insults towards him or subsequent refusals of intimacy.
  2. The desire to make love while broadcasting a football match. Every third man on the planet is passionate about football, desperately rooting for his favorite team. You need to come to terms with this fact, and not try to occupy your partner’s free personal time with things that are not interesting to him. A big misconception of women is desperate attempts to “cure” their husband’s illness with football, pulling the blanket over themselves. There is no need to rush, after waiting an hour and a half, the lover, satisfied from watching, will do everything that his chosen one requires of him. And ultimatums and demands are unlikely to put him in an intimate romantic mood.
  3. The desire to chat during intimacy. Such mistakes are made by almost every girl on the planet who prefers to ask or say something here, now. People even came up with an anecdote associated with this mistake: at the very peak of intimacy, a wife suddenly asks her husband “darling, do you love me?”, to which the answer followed “that’s exactly what I do!”
  4. Attempts by a woman to hide her body. Because of complexes, most women, during intimacy, try in every possible way to hide what they consider to be vulnerable parts of their body. It’s the height of sex, and for some reason she is persistently bothered by worries about whether the young lady looks advantageous in this position, whether she has folds somewhere, whether the orange peel is accidentally visible on her hips, etc. Now the chosen one pays the least attention to some not entirely attractive parts of her physique. During intimacy a representative of the fairer sex is always extremely attractive to her chosen one. Either because of the influence of the pheromone, or because of the pleasure that lovers give each other. All ladies, without exception, need to understand this - her person is a source of pleasure, and not an object of examination for criticism.
  5. Provocative questions. Often, after intimacy, the partner for some reason begins to be interested in questions that should not arise in a couple at all. If, after some time, intimate life has become ordinary, the sensations have lost their sharpness, it is common for a lover to look for new ways of obtaining pleasure. Trying new ideas, the chosen one begins to suspect that someone on the side taught him this, etc. All these unpleasant thoughts and provocative questions can discourage any desire to work on the relationship.
  6. Attempts to fake an orgasm. This is where almost every third girl in the world showed their acting abilities. Such actions on her part can seriously traumatize a man, who in the future will lose faith in his own strength. It is much more honest to tell him the truth and try to establish harmony in bed.
  7. Attempts to create sex scenes in porn films. Instead of watching pornographic films with their partner, trying something new in sex, many ladies wrinkle their noses and refuse to watch. Then, alone, the young ladies are not at all averse to watching it, focusing their attention on unnecessary moments. Because of this, the young lady further strives to draw up an action plan similar to the film script, but in real life everything is much simpler. You shouldn’t expect your partner to have two hours of unrestrained sex, because this only happens in films. Exotic poses can sometimes be repeated only by people with professional training.
  8. Disputes about the type of contraception. If you conduct a survey, the majority of men will say that they prefer to make love without condoms. A frequent problem in intimate relationships between partners is the question of how sexual intercourse will be protected.
  9. Memories of former lovers. Trying to praise their man after sexual intercourse, many ladies make the fatal mistake of comparing him with her previous partners. He seems to be flattered by this, but every man is an owner, and the thought that his chosen one had someone before him can unbalance him and anger him. It is better to skip topics about past relationships and not touch upon them, so as not to provoke each other into negative emotions and jealousy.
  10. Waiting for a replay soon. The nature of female and male orgasm is fundamentally different. Having felt even the brightest ending, the lady is physiologically ready to repeat it right there, without rest. For men, everything is different; after orgasm, he needs some time to recuperate. If the recovery is slower than we would like, the lady can always help her chosen one with an erotic massage and other feminine tricks. And no pressure or demands.

Common Misconceptions

In addition to the above mistakes in bed, there are a number of the most common misconceptions that they encounter. Such wrong thoughts and actions can significantly affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

  • Casual relationships are the stake of life, not a vice. Such connections will never bring the expected pleasure, since they are not based on emotional pleasure.
  • Lack of orgasm is frigidity. If the process gives pleasure, there can be no talk of frigidity. There is no need to give up on yourself and resort to imitation.
  • Sexual intercourse should be encouraged by the man. Many modern representatives of the fairer sex are accustomed to believing that after sex, a partner should thank her with gifts and presents. In fact, such a position humiliates the dignity of the fair sex and devalues ​​intimacy itself.
  • During sexual intercourse, the chosen one examines the external characteristics of the partner. Such complexes and prejudices often prevent a girl from concentrating on receiving pleasure, which is why there is no orgasm.
  • The lover should be the initiator of intimacy. This erroneous opinion is expressed by every second representative of the fair sex. The manifestation of desire and interest in a man on the part of the lady of his heart is the greatest compliment and encouragement for him.

And most importantly, in bed you don’t need to think only about your own pleasure and the realization of your plans and fantasies. Trust relationships, frank conversations and love will help keep sex on track, in active phase with the presence of passion, fire and desires.

I would like to talk about the mistakes that girls make during sex. And such mistakes can serve as a rift between you and your soulmate. Let's look at the five most common mistakes girls make in bed, because this is important for many girls.

So let's consider the most common mistakes girls make in bed, which simply must be corrected:

Mistakes during sex

1. Complexes due to your figure that spoil your sex life.

What extra pounds are for women, is sexuality, femininity and charm for men. If you try to quickly jump under the blanket so that your partner does not notice the extra folds on your figure, it is unlikely that anything good will come of it. An ideal lover should feel confident in any situation, because sex is what's inside, not what's outside. The main thing is to feel beautiful, sexy and desirable, then any man will believe it. A man fell in love with you for your character and inner world, and not for your physiology (although...). Many girls adhere to the rule “You can only have sex with my figure in the dark.” If you think like that, you may miss out on great sex.

You know, if a man wants to make love to you, it means he finds you sexy and attractive. Well, if your complexes interfere with your sex life, consult a psychotherapist, take courses to improve self-esteem, or read a couple of books on this topic.

Stop being ashamed of your body, improve and take care of it if you think you have problems.

2. I don't like experiments.

Many people do the same job every day, and this, you know, gets boring quickly. There's nothing perverted about your man wanting to add something new to your sex life. Guys like to experiment in sex. Do not think that by offering to introduce something new, he is trying to somehow offend you, hinting at your shortcomings and inexperience. This is just a chance to diversify your everyday routine. You should be glad that he did not go “to the left” for experiments, but came to you with his desires.

3. Those who didn’t have time are late!

Most girls are dissatisfied with sex with their partner, believing that everything happened too quickly. Rapid ejaculation does not mean that everything is over. Sometimes this means the beginning of dizzying, exciting and long sex. Don't be upset!

4. Many girls start laughing stupidly when guys ask to touch them in certain places for better arousal.

Every girl should know how a man’s body works, at least at the level of school biology lessons. The erogenous zones of all guys are almost the same. You need to be able to own male body to show a man how good a lover you are. If you know how to handle “hot spots” and excite your partner, there will be no price for you. If you don’t know how to handle a man’s body, you will laugh stupidly - your boyfriend is unlikely to want to deal with you.

5. Share your fantasies and desires with your boyfriend - he’s not a psychic...

You are mistaken if you think that a guy is obliged to guess your thoughts and desires. This also applies to the bed. Share your sexual fantasies with your boyfriend, don’t be shy about it. He must like experiments. Your silence can lead to mutual dissatisfaction and the development of complexes. All these misunderstandings can lead to separation, which is not very good.

The outcome of your sex life can affect your overall relationship. A man and a woman in a relationship must be completely satisfied with each other, both morally and physically. Don't be afraid of sex or judge it - it's a normal process in a relationship. Figure out your sexual problems together, maybe that’s why there are disagreements in your relationship.

The main thing is to love yourself, then others will love you too!

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The relationship between a man and a woman is often like walking on a tightrope over an abyss: you must always keep a balance and never make mistakes. It’s the same with sex: if you don’t want to ruin your relationship, try to make fewer mistakes. " The most important mistake is shyness and fear of intimacy. - says sex coach, founder of the international network “Training Center SEX.RF” Ekaterina Lyubimova. - If you don’t love your body, don’t trust it, then you don’t trust a man even more so, and he feels it perfectly. The principle also works in the opposite direction: even the most noticeable female flaws and flaws can be crossed out by sexual liberation. Another serious mistake is doing something in bed that a man doesn’t like. Especially if these actions somehow affect his masculinity, or experiments for which he is not mentally prepared.” Our author has collected 10 more very common mistakes in bed that women make and men do not forgive.

In order not to catch your loved one later, try not to make mistakes in sex


This is one of the main mistakes women make in sex. Imitation of orgasm, fake passionate moans, eyes rolled up with pleasure - you’re not starring in a Tinto Brass movie, are you? And he is not a 15-year-old teenager to listen to your acting talent. By the way, more experienced men can easily spot such “actresses.” They know that orgasm, in addition to screams and convulsions, also has a number of completely physiological signs. For example, contraction of the vaginal muscles, which is quite difficult to learn to imitate. But most importantly - why?

Comparison with another man

It’s generally better to never do this, especially in bed. Especially if the comparison is not in favor of the real partner. But even if, trying to avoid mistakes in bed, you passionately whisper that no man has ever given you such pleasure, then be prepared for the most negative reaction. Well, what kind of man would like what you think about your exes and even conduct a comparative analysis? Imagine that they busily squeeze your breasts and add: “But my ex-Lenka’s weren’t so firm!”

Bitter truth

“Oh my God, how small!”; “And you seemed more pumped up!”; “Something I don’t understand, do you need so little?”; “Have you ever done this before?” Here are just a few phrases that will help you get rid of your partner in a short time. But if the owner of the “little one” has a very big heart that you love and appreciate, then keep your mouth shut. Or better yet, find a reason to praise.

Side conversations

Remember the movie “What Women Want?” There, Mel Gibson's character “heard” the thoughts of his partners, and these thoughts did not always relate to what was happening in bed. Your man is unlikely to have such superpowers, and he doesn’t need to know that you still haven’t switched gears from work or are making a mental list of groceries that need to be bought at the store. Therefore, even if you suddenly remembered something very important or right now you saw that it is high time to change the chandelier, you should not tell your partner about it. In such a situation, he most likely will not appreciate your economic zeal.


On the one hand, men love it when they need to conquer us, so that they can come, see, and conquer. When they are in charge and decide everything themselves. But on the other hand, they prefer active partners who take the initiative. Only amateurs like to have any kind of relationship with “logs.” Therefore, do not hesitate to be active and do not forget that sex is an activity for two, and not an effort on the part of one.

Excessive activity

And this is the other extreme of the previous mistake in bed. If you strive to change your position every thirty seconds, offer to move from the sofa to the windowsill right now, and before you reach the window sill you fall to the floor, dragging your loved one with you, then you risk overdoing it. Variety in sex is a good thing, but don't turn it into an obstacle course, otherwise your man may quit the race early.

Constriction own body

We have already mentioned this mistake in sex, but it is so common that I would like to draw your attention to it again. According to statistics, 90% of women are dissatisfied with their body. Moreover, this huge figure includes even the most beautiful, slender and young girls. And when we are left alone with a man, naked, without shapewear and a camouflaging skirt, it seems to us that the world is collapsing. Now he will see my terrible belly, fat butt, ugly breasts, protruding collarbones, mole, scar (underline as appropriate) and will turn around and leave. And demands to turn off the lights begin, attempts to wrap oneself in a sheet, and those who are especially inventive even manage to put a blindfold on their loved one. Meanwhile, men, as you know, “love with their eyes.” They need to see all those “treasures” that we hide from prying eyes and save exclusively for them. In addition, he may consider your big butt to be your most important asset, and the scar left over from childhood as a highlight, and he wants to look at this beauty more often. Depriving him of this pleasure is one of the biggest mistakes in sex.

Caring solely about your own pleasure

This mistake in sex is usually attributed to men. It is believed that they are the ones who are fixated on their own pleasure and after orgasm they turn to the wall and fall asleep. But it turns out that there are many sexual egoists among women too. Having received theirs, they lose all interest in their partner and, at best, simply allow him to finish what he started. Some may even interrupt sexual intercourse because they see no point in continuing it. And normal men will not tolerate this.

Be honest with your man. This will avoid many mistakes

Hide your illnesses

This is a very serious mistake, which not only the man may not forgive, but also the court. We are, of course, not talking about a runny nose and kidney stones at all. In 2010, German singer Nadja Benaissa was sentenced to two years of suspended imprisonment for spreading HIV. In August of this year, the court convicted an ordinary resident of Penza for the same crime. HIV is, of course, an extreme case. But even if you have infections that seem minor to you, be honest. Otherwise, your silence may result in a real human tragedy. Well, don't forget about condoms!


Silence is valued only during interrogation in enemy captivity or at the table with gossips. But in bed it’s better to show signs of life. Rarely will a man enjoy sex with a silent mermaid. If you feel like screaming, then scream. If you want to moan, moan. Some even like to use obscene language and call people names. Why not, if it suits both? If you don’t want loud sounds, whisper gentle words to your loved one. The main thing is to do it all sincerely. Otherwise, see point one.

What mistakes do you think we have forgotten about? Write about them in the comments.

Women's mistakes in bed: how is this possible?

There are mistakes in all areas of human relationships - such is life. The bed is also no exception.

Without hesitation, any woman will name a bunch of men’s mistakes in sex: “he was too rough” or “too soft”, “too drunk”, “started early”, “finished quickly”, “took it out late”, “smokes in bed”, “turns away” against the wall”, “snoring”, “how about we talk?”...

Representatives of the fairer sex either do not notice their own mistakes in bed or deny the very fact of their existence. I asked frankly. The reaction is often: bewilderment, a shrug and, after a few seconds, the phrase: “Why are these women’s mistakes in bed? But the men..."

Or maybe, in fact, women are better than sappers in sex and never make mistakes at all? I declare with all responsibility: “A woman is also a person!”

What mistakes do women make in bed?

Bed Mistake #1: Shyness

You turn off the light, quickly undress and jump under the blanket. There is no need to be ashamed of your own body. Yes, perhaps your breasts are not ideal, perhaps cellulite is in the very place where it should be, but this is not a reason to curtain the windows, turn off the lights and hide under the blanket.

Dear ones, “A man loves with his eyes” - no one has yet canceled this old folk wisdom. A man wants to see the woman he cares about, not only in war paint and in evening dress, but also in bed, at that very moment! The visual image of a woman deposited in a man’s brain during sex is more vivid, which means he will remember this woman more often and with greater pleasure.

Moreover, in bed you and your partner are very close to each other. A man simply won’t be able to look at the whole thing, and each part separately can have a very erotic character.

And one more thing: a man’s attention should not be focused on his shortcomings! “I’ve gained two and a half kilograms!” Guys, how? We don’t notice until you poke your nose at it. A woman in a man's bed is always a holiday! And it's typical female mistake is that she doesn't understand it!

Bed Mistake #2: Sexual Passivity

One more typical mistake women in sex: “I’m in bed with him, which means let him continue to try, please me, he should be active, because he’s a man!”

Sex is a game for two! In most cases, a man will try, but if his attempts do not find a lively response, then it is not strange that it will quickly get boring. Young men often have complexes and think that they are doing something wrong, but with age they become, perhaps, more pragmatic. And they already think like this: “Most likely, she didn’t really want it, but oh well, well... at least let me feel good.”

And sometimes you just want your woman to “take hold of you.” You lie there and wait... like a fool... and she lies next to you. And then he declares: “Why don’t you pester me? You don't want me! You stopped loving me!” And what happens in the end? - again boring sex, killing any relationship.

Men sometimes want to feel desired too. Men need this to maintain self-esteem.

Bed Mistake #3: Silence

Of course, “silence is golden!”, but not in bed. Speak, beloved ones, where you want, how you want, what you want! Especially if you have shared a bed for a short time. Even if it’s been a long time! We change, and sex changes with us. What was considered unacceptable 10 years ago will probably become your favorite pose now. Or maybe it's the other way around.

After all, it happens like this: you, poor thing, try your best to please him, but at the same time you yourself receive satisfaction only in splendid isolation with a shower in the bathroom. And you think that everything is as it should be. No! Say what you want, it's not that difficult!

Men are easy to “train.” Especially in sex. Already in the first lesson, men learn such commands as: “sit” and “lie down”, the command “fu!” in relation to other women it is most difficult to consolidate. Otherwise, don’t worry, it’s worth talking to him as a person, and in all aspects of bed life your determination will be rewarded.

And finally: don’t make another mistake in bed, don’t say that you were pretending (about orgasm) the whole time you were together. A man may become depressed, refuse to eat, or become depressed. If he makes progress, don't forget to encourage him.

Female mistake in bed No. 4: excuses

This may sound selfish as a man, but the eternal excuse: “Head hurts” and the like cause the most negativity in men in bed with a woman.

Please, do not abuse men's patience! You need to sleep in bed with a man! Exactly in that very figuratively this word. The more often the better. Don’t let a man even think about the fact that there are women in the world with a “healthy head.” And if you really have a headache, then sex is the best medicine! Proven and tested. And also you should not have sex with a man in exchange for some of his services, it can lead to a quick separation.

Bed mistake #5

After sex, you can ask the stupidest question of all: “What are you thinking about now?” he doesn’t think about anything, and if you don’t like it, then it’s better for you not to know his thoughts.

Women's Bed Mistake #6: Lack of Understanding and Criticism

It happens that a man finishes quickly or even has problems with arousal, but this is not his fault, and this does not happen because he does not love you or does not want you, rather, it’s quite the opposite.

In such situations, NEVER criticize a man! Criticism will make everything worse and can even lead to separation! This is especially true for married couples aged 39 - 50 years, when every man has a moment when his wife does not excite him, but do not be afraid - this passes, the main thing is to contribute to this. And again I repeat: “NEVER criticize a man because of this!”, Otherwise I say with full confidence: “A mistress will appear with whom everything will be fine!”

Be understanding!
Cums quickly?
- Well, there’s nothing wrong with that, use condoms or lubricants that prolong sex.
Does he “not get up”?
- Add variety to your relationship in bed. If you were modest enough, then it’s worth spending a little time as a frivolous, slightly “concerned” girl with your beloved man. You can realize your fantasies with the help of role-playing games ( It is advisable to discuss it with your other half, not everyone likes this), as a last resort, and perhaps even better, watch pornographic films - it’s simple and effective.

Bed mistake #7

When asked to perform oral sex, you may be offended, thinking that it is humiliating. Girls, remember: the goal is one: both yours and your partner’s - to have fun, and forget about everything else in bed! It’s another matter if this is unpleasant for you, but this is also not a problem, because a person quickly adapts to everything!

Ask your partner to take a shower, and also smear his “economy”, if he doesn’t mind, with something tasty, preferably less sticky. Keep in mind that it will be a little difficult at first, but try, and everything will work out, and don’t use your teeth, because men in this place are very gentle.

Bed Mistake #8: Comparison

Never compare your man with anyone until he asks, and if he asks, then say that he is the best. This also applies to everyday life.

Female Bed Mistake #9: Getting Dressed

After sex, you immediately put on panties... Why? Not worth it. Some men may feel like the whole process was unpleasant for you.

And finally, the biggest mistake a woman makes in bed is being with the WRONG man!