Dermatitis, allergies, rhinitis... Do you think you were in the wrong article after seeing these scary medical terms? No matter how it is! When you decide how often to change your bed linen, you influence not only the aesthetic side of your life, but also your health.

In this article we will tell you how often you should change your bed linen to make your sleep as comfortable and safe as possible.

What determines the frequency of changing bed linen?

Alas, there are still people who believe that bed linen should be washed only when it gets dirty - visually dirty. In fact, we cannot see most of the pollution, especially dangerous to humans. Moreover, they appear much faster than those that are visible to the human eye.

So, here is a modest list of the treasures hiding on your sheets:

  • dust (you can’t even imagine in what quantities);
  • pet hair, if any;
  • secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • dead skin cells;
  • dandruff;
  • dust mites. If you have carefully examined your bed and did not find any swarming insects there, you should not hastily rejoice that these creatures have passed you by. Dust mites are microorganisms; they do not bite and are not in themselves dangerous to humans. But the products of their vital activity greatly affect the human condition.

All of the above points create a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes.

During sleep we are in close contact with bed linen: we breathe in all its contents (from banal dust to dangerous fungi - these are the most advanced cases), and we also collect all these riches with our skin.

Surprisingly, the presence of all these diseases is determined simply by how often you change your bed linen.

The following points no longer look so scary, but there is little pleasant in them either:

  • Difficulties with washing: the longer you put it off, the more difficult it will be to remove stains (especially grease) and the living creatures you already know. Result: ugly, yellow, discolored laundry.
  • Unpleasant odor from bed linen.

How long can you sleep on one bedding?

After you have found out about everyone creepy things, because of which, most likely, you jumped out of bed in fear, it’s time to talk about the safe times for using a bedding set.

To avoid the nasty things described above, bedding should be changed every 7-10 days.
But any situation must be considered depending on the context.

You need to adjust the linen change schedule:

  • With profuse sweating (especially in summer).
  • If you have very oily skin.
  • If you have dandruff.
  • After illness: do you remember that the sleeping monastery collects absolutely everything that your body produces? You probably wouldn’t want to, having just recovered, catch the virus-sores left behind in bed again.

Even if a child sleeps on oilcloth and the bed does not get dirty, microbes and dust flying around still penetrate into all places in the crib, as a result, babies breathe in this bacterial “mix.” But children spend much more time in bed than their parents.

Preparing clean bed linen

Now, having a life-saving knowledge case, you can easily determine the “X” moment and say goodbye to dirty bedding in time. And then a very important step - washing. If you wash your laundry incorrectly, some of the dirt may remain, which is why even the first night on “clean” sheets can be fraught with dire consequences.

Do I need to wash a new set of clothes? Necessarily! It’s not even a matter of disinfection, which many rebel against with words about “the 21st century is in the yard with sterility in production.” There may be sterility, but the fact is that before packing the bed linen, it is treated with a special solution, which makes the fabric harder so that it looks more presentable, smooth, and does not form wrinkles during transportation. This mixture is easily washed off during the first wash, which makes the laundry safer and more pleasant - softer.

How to make your bed linen fresher

Little tricks to enjoy your sleep clean bed a little longer:

  • Sleep in pajamas - they will take on some of your body’s waste (sweat, fat, etc.).
  • Do not make the bed as soon as you get out of it: shake and throw back the blanket, then leave the bed unmade for a while so that the moisture that the linen absorbed at night evaporates, depriving microbes of a favorable environment for life and reproduction.
  • But(!) 5-20 minutes unmade will be enough - the rest of the time your bed should be covered with a blanket. It will absorb the dust that settles during the day.


Of course, there will always be those who say: “I change my bed once every 3 months, and nothing – I’m as healthy as an ox.” Perhaps the immune system is strong, or perhaps the most unpleasant things are yet to come.

Our task is only to warn and tell you how often you should change your bed linen to make your life as comfortable as possible. Of course, you choose the best option for yourself - it depends on your personal needs. Good and healthy dreams to you!

It's always nice to sleep on bedding that smells clean. For a full and comfortable sleep, special attention should be paid to its cleanliness. How often should linen be changed and how to wash sets correctly? Answers to all questions in our material.

How do laundry get dirty?

On average, each of us spends eight hours a day in bed. This is exactly how much time is required for a full and healthy sleep. In order to have a pleasant and comfortable sleep, each person gets a comfortable bed, high-quality mattresses, pillows and blankets. Special attention paid to the choice of bed linen.

A set of linen should be of high quality and naturalness, because this directly affects our sleep.

Even though a person takes a shower or bath in the evening, bed linen still gets dirty and should be changed regularly. How and with what do sheets and other accessories become soiled?

The most basic problem of all houses and apartments is dust. Dust accumulates not only on furniture and various objects, but also on bedding. Of course, it is almost impossible to see dust particles on sheets or pillowcases, but this does not mean that they are not there. Every morning, making the bed, shaking the blanket or sheet can be replaced, just as columns of dust rise in the sun's rays. Dust is a serious allergen that can harm the body. Children's bodies are especially sensitive to it.

Every person's skin gets dirty quickly. bedding. If a person is used to sleeping without pajamas, then sebum will quickly be absorbed into the sheets and pillowcases, especially in the hot season, when the body sweats. The skin has the ability to renew itself. Small parts of the keratinized integument also remain on the bed. Of course, it is impossible to see them, since they are very small. For these reasons, bed linen changes color, bad smell and spots. Such soiled laundry can cause itching or an allergic reaction.

There may still be particles of dirt on the body, for example, if you simply rinse the body with water, without soap or a washcloth, rather than bathe. If you don't put on slippers on the way to the bedroom, then all the dirt from your feet will end up on the bed linen and this is another reason for its contamination.

Those who like to eat cookies before bed or drink morning coffee in bed themselves pollute their sleeping place with food particles. No matter how carefully you eat, small crumbs can still remain on the bed.

If there are pets in the house, then particles of their fur and fluff will fall on the linen sets. Of course, this will negatively affect the cleanliness of the sheets.

All of the above factors affect not only the cleanliness of linen, but also health. Scientists have proven that bed linen contains many different microorganisms, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

If you do not change your bed linen in time, the situation will worsen and bacteria will spread with redoubled force. All this will negatively affect your overall health, weaken your immune system and can trigger the appearance of allergic diseases.

Optimal frequency of kit changes

Many people wonder how often should they change their bed linen at home? Of course, the more often you do this, the better for you. A timely change of bed linen can contribute to a comfortable and restful sleep. Within five or six days, the fabric easily becomes clogged with dust particles and stops “breathing.”

As a result, a person may feel discomfort during sleep and will sweat more often and profusely. Contaminated laundry negatively affects not only your overall health, but also your skin health. After sleeping, rashes, irritations, etc. may appear on such underwear.

Due to the contamination of the kit, proper sleep is disrupted, and the person will feel tired and irritated in the morning.

For adults

Adults should change their bed linen once a week. This is the case if the person is completely healthy. In the case where there is a sick person in the house who is constantly in bed, the kit needs to be changed every two days. If you spill something on a sheet or a stain appears on the linen, then the entire set should be changed immediately.

Considering the fact that a sheet and pillowcase get dirty much faster than a duvet cover, it can be changed every ten or fourteen days.

By the way, the frequency of changing linen also depends on the season. For example, in the hot season, when the body sweats a lot, you can change sets every two to three days, otherwise a heavy and unpleasant odor will appear. In addition, in summer and spring, the windows in the house are open most of the time. Therefore, a lot of dust and dirt penetrates into the room. IN winter time year, you can change your underwear every ten days.

For children

A child's body is very different from an adult's. For this reason, there are certain standards and recommendations regarding how often the linen on a child’s bed should be changed.

For babies under one year old, it is recommended to change their bedding every five days. Of course, if the newborn stains the sheet, it must be changed immediately. The same goes for children's bedding school age.

Children aged seven years and older need to change bedding sets once a week. If the child is sick, the shift should be done every other day.

When a child is sick, has a fever and sweats a lot during sleep, the pillowcase and sheet should be changed every time he sleeps. The baby should sleep on clean and dry linen.

Teenagers, given their age-related changes, should change their bedding every five to six days. In addition to the fact that parents need to promptly change the bedding on their children’s beds, they should monitor the personal hygiene of their children. Children often go to bed without taking a shower or washing their face. All this will negatively affect health, immunity and cleanliness of linen.

Washing rules

In order for all bedding sets to be in perfect condition, they must be washed correctly. There are some subtleties that every housewife must know.

  • Before you start washing, be sure to study the fabric composition and washing recommendations for the set. All features of the fabric, its composition and washing method must be indicated on a special label or label of the bed linen. Each fabric requires an individual approach and this must be taken into account.
  • If the linen set is made entirely of cotton or linen, it must be washed at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.
  • Colored sets should not be washed at too high temperatures, this will negatively affect the quality of the products. It is better to limit yourself to 40 degrees. In addition, for such kits it is best to use special detergents, which do not contain active bleaching agents. Such recommendations will help preserve the original color of the set for a long time.

  • To ensure that snow-white fabrics do not lose their appearance, it is recommended to add very little bleach during each wash. Bleach, which contains chlorine, works great for white fabrics. This product not only returns whiteness, but also helps destroy harmful organisms.
  • Products made from fabrics such as silk should be washed in a special cycle. A silk set can only be refreshed using the delicate wash cycle. It is better to turn off the spin, as this spoils the capricious fabric fibers. In addition, it is worth remembering that silk products do not withstand repeated washing, so such sets should be used less often.
  • If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is better to soak it first and only then start washing.
  • It is recommended to wash pillowcases and duvet covers inside out.
  • When you just purchased a new set of bed linen today, before making it, be sure to wash it on the recommended cycle. Before sale, fabrics are impregnated with special agents that can cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

It turns out that underwear needs to be changed every 7, well, maximum 10 days! At the same time, a more infrequent change of linen is shrouded in such a haze of frightening tales that, willy-nilly, you will want to change your set immediately.

So, what is the argument for such a frequent change of underwear?

A person sleeps approximately 8 hours a day. He wears about the same amount of clothes at work or school. Wearing the same sweater for 2 weeks in a row is beyond the bounds of public decency, which means that your underwear needs to be changed just as often. Dead cells accumulate on the bed, which can attract bedbugs, the presence of which you will not be happy with. Fat that is released through sebaceous glands, it becomes increasingly difficult to wash off over time: even “Whiteness” does not help remove old yellow stains on pillows. During sleep, a person sweats, releasing a total of up to a liter of liquid per night. Who wants to sleep on a sweat-soaked sheet or pillowcase? Sweat, fat and dead cells cause unpleasant odor, which can prevent you from enjoying healthy, quality sleep. It's still easier to sleep in a fresh crib. Dirt that accumulates on sheets and duvet covers promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi, which are not so easy to remove with washing. Dust and dirt on bedding can exacerbate some chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma. By the way
The hotter the washing water, the more germs and bacteria will be killed. So, in most machines, the “cotton” mode at 90˚C is provided specifically for washing clothes, and not so long ago, sheets and pillowcases were generally boiled in large pans.
It sounds like it's time to drop everything and urgently do the laundry that you laid out 11 days ago. Then why - and here you will probably recognize yourself - a minimum number of people are not lazy to change their sets weekly, while the majority delays washing for up to two weeks, and sometimes even a month?

How often should you change your underwear really?

Have you ever heard of a person coming down with an incurable disease because he didn't wash his clothes for too long? Hardly. Some individuals - let's be honest, mostly bachelors - manage to use the same set for months and still feel great! So how often should you change your bed linens at home? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to voice a specific figure, because it depends on many factors. Some people tend to sweat and produce more sebum than others. In this case, the bed will get dirty noticeably faster, and refresh it (in order to prevent the appearance yellow spots and unpleasant odor) will occur much more often. But even if you sweat a lot and have oily skin, you can sleep with or without pajamas. In the first case, the nightgown will take on a certain amount of dirt, so the linen will not get dirty as quickly as in the second case. If you are insensitive to dust and its presence under cabinets and on shelves does not seriously poison your life, then dust on the linen is unlikely will trigger an asthma attack. While fungus is something to be wary of, most bacteria on your sheets won't harm you. By the way
If you're debating whether or not to iron your clothes after washing, be guided by your level of germ anxiety and your willingness to put up with wrinkles and wrinkles in your sheets and duvet covers.
There is a 99.9% chance that microscopic mites are already living in your mattress, and this is normal. If an allergic reaction to their waste products has not yet manifested itself in the form of a runny nose or itching, then, apparently, you are insensitive to them. The sweat that the body secretes accumulates not so much in the sheets as in the pillows and mattress, but about their regular cleaning forgotten much more often than changing the sheets. But it is recommended to clean pillows, blankets and mattresses at least once every six months! But the most important factor that will help you decide how often you need to change your bed linen at home is your feelings. How clean are you on a scale from a germaphobe to a person who basically doesn't notice the trash around? In the first case, you won’t last even five days on stale sheets, and in the second, someone will definitely be horrified by your housekeeping skills. There is nothing good in both extremes, but the golden mean here is difficult to measure down to the day. It could be a week, two, four, or maybe even eight.

Although most bacteria living on your bedding are harmless, it is a good idea to use bleach or other disinfectants when washing.
We are in no way encouraging you to become slobs: it is still difficult to find an excuse for unwashed laundry for six months. But even within normal limits, each person has his own ideas about cleanliness and dirtiness, and in most cases this has an insignificant effect on the state of health, which is so popular in various studies.
It is unlikely that anyone will dare to admit that they wash their clothes once every month or two: the fear of public reproach is too great. But in reality, such a frequency of changing sets does not make you an incorrigible slob, and certainly does not endanger your health. As long as you are comfortable sleeping on this sheet and you do not feel that stale linen is somehow affecting your well-being, the only person whose opinion you should care about is your significant other, whose concept of cleanliness and comfort can different from yours.

It is much more pleasant to fall asleep on clean, fresh linen than in a bed that has not been changed for a long time. And this is not only the psychological side of the issue. Frequently changing bed linen is not a whim, but an important hygienic procedure. Neglecting it can lead to health problems.

Why you need to change bed linen regularly

During sleep, the following accumulate on bedding:

Therefore, constantly postponing the change of bed linen is fraught with a decrease in immunity, increased coughing and difficulty breathing (especially important for asthmatics), irritation of the mucous membranes, the occurrence of chronic rhinitis, neurodermatitis and eczema.
While we sleep, we inhale dust that collects on our bed linen.

How often should bed linen be changed?

The frequency of changing bed linen depends on many factors:

  • best option for healthy adults - 1 time per week. This rule should be followed especially in summer period, when the heat causes more sweat to be produced and harmful organisms multiply faster. B abnormal hot time Linen is washed once every 2–3 days. In cool and cold seasons, you need to change your linen at least once every 2 weeks, but it is still recommended to adhere to a period of 7 days if two people sleep in a bed;
  • sick children and adults (for any diseases, especially those accompanied by high fever) need to change the bed every day until the person fully recovers;
  • for people with chronic lung and skin diseases and allergy sufferers, the bed is washed once every 2–3 days;
  • newborn babies need to change their underwear once a week or more often - as they get dirty;
  • Children of preschool and primary school age sweat less than adults, so replacement is possible once every 10–14 days. In kindergartens, the norm is to wash clothes every 10 days;
  • Teenagers are characterized by restructuring of the body and increased secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands. You should make a new bed 2 times a week.

You should also change your pillowcases more often if your hair gets dirty quickly. To keep your bed fresh throughout the week, you need to shower before bed.

How to properly care for your bed and make your bed

Since childhood, we have always been taught to make our bed in the morning, but are we doing it right? Several rules must be followed:

  1. In the morning, do not cover the bed with a blanket too quickly, let it dry a little. Open the window for ventilation - it will be good if the sun's rays enter the room. At the same time, open the bed so that the sheet is visible. The fact is that dust mites that collect on the bed die in the fresh dry air from dehydration. If you make the bed right away, you will create conditions for their further reproduction - a humid and warm environment.
  2. Before laying down the blanket, remove all unnecessary items (books, magazines, phone, etc.) and debris from the bed, thoroughly shake the blanket and fluff up the pillow.
  3. Carefully fold the blanket over the sheet.

It is also important to take care of other bedding items that are not changed as often (blanket, pillows, mattress). They also need to be cleaned, but once every six months. Pillows need to be regularly ventilated and refilled, as dust accumulates inside.
Pillows should be regularly ventilated in the fresh air and refilled

When soiled, the sofa and bed are vacuumed to remove hair, dust and animal hair. Mattress covers must be washed once a month, and it is recommended to take mattresses to the dry cleaner (the same applies to bulky rugs and blankets) or call special services. For temporary home care Upholstery shampoo diluted in cool water in a ratio of 1:3 is suitable.

How to properly wash bed linen depending on the type of fabric

When washing bed linen, be sure to consider the type of fabric. For example, not all materials can withstand high temperatures - linen may lose its shape and color. Information about care (temperature, the possibility of using bleaches, type of spin, etc.) can be found on the labels of the bedding components and on its packaging.
Each set of linen is supplied with a tag that indicates the washing and ironing conditions

Preparing for washing

Used linen should be placed in a special basket or box with holes for ventilation. If you store laundry in a regular basin, make sure that there is no moisture in it, and that the door to the bathroom is always open. This way you will avoid the formation of mold, which is difficult to remove.
Buy a special basket for used laundry with ventilation

Before washing:


The bedding detergent should be selected based on the following rules:

Water temperature and mode

If you don’t know what a particular icon on a label means or you’ve already cut them off a long time ago, use the following guidelines:

  • satin Depending on the degree of contamination, satin bedding is washed at 40–60 o C. Number of revolutions - up to 600;
  • jacquard-satin. Elite fabric is cleaned in a machine with low spin and at a temperature not exceeding 40 o C;
  • cotton. Colored material will withstand 40 o C, and white material - 90–95 o C. The optimal option is 40–60 o C. It is recommended to use double rinsing;
  • flax. This thick fabric can be washed at high temperature. Even boiling is possible (except for colored ones - only 60 o C). The material can withstand repeated washing with strong spin;
    Linen linen can withstand washing in a normal machine cycle with a strong spin
  • synthetics. For this type of fabric, the maximum mark is 60 o C. K synthetic fabrics include lycra, polyester, dacron, tactel, modal, viscose. They should only be hand washed at low temperatures. Synthetics cannot be bleached or boiled. It is better to remove the spin cycle or set it to low;
  • silk, satin. For silk satin, you can only use dry cleaning (the circle on the label indicates this). Other types of satin are cleaned manually or in a machine at 30–40 o C. Silk itself should be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 o C, using a mode without spin or with a weak spin;
    Satin linen should be washed at a low temperature - from 30 to 40 degrees
  • calico The temperature should not exceed 30–60 o C, and the spin speed should not exceed 600 rpm;
  • colored chintz - 40 o C and any mode;
  • cambric, bamboo - 30–40 o C, delicate mode without spin or with low spin;
  • wool. This material requires the most delicate handling - mode " Hand wash» and cool water (no more than 30 o C);
  • percale. The first time such laundry is washed at 20 o C, subsequently the temperature is set to no more than 60 o C. Spin is maximum;
  • poplin - 30 o C and low spin mode;
  • twill is the most unpretentious material. It can withstand temperatures up to 95 o C and any spin.

As a rule, machines have washing modes with names corresponding to the types of fabrics: “Cotton”, “Synthetics”, etc. For each option, the machine itself sets not only the temperature, but also the washing time, as well as the spin intensity.
Some modes have names of fabric types - tips for housewives

Also consider the following general tips:

  • the optimal temperature at which all harmful microorganisms are destroyed is 55 o C. If the fabric does not allow you to set this temperature, you should use rinses with an antiseptic effect;
  • colored laundry should be washed first at 30 o C (the first three times), then switch to 40 o C;
  • remove stubborn stains before washing - soak the laundry for 1 hour in warm water with the detergent you are going to use for washing.

Calculation of the weight of bedding sets for washing

Each machine has its own maximum weight limit for the laundry it can wash. The weight of items is measured dry, but weighing the laundry every time is inconvenient. If your machine does not independently measure the weight of loaded items, keep in mind the following guidelines (using the example of calico bedding):

  • children's set with one pillowcase - 1200 g;
  • 1.5-bedroom - 1580 g;
  • 2-bedroom - 1860;
  • euro - 2340 g.

Cotton bed linen weighs less:

  • duvet cover - 800 g;
  • sheet - 600 g;
  • pillowcase - 200 g;
  • 2-bedroom set - 1800 g.

Thus, the weight of one set varies from 1.5 to 2 kg. For high-quality and safe washing, it is recommended to load the machine to a maximum of 2/3, and preferably half. The laundry will be constantly in motion in the drum and will not bunch up in one lump. At the same time, the machine will effectively rinse and wring out the fabric.

It is also important to consider the correspondence between the weight and the mode with which you are going to wash the laundry. If the machine load is 6 kg, this is the maximum weight for the standard “Cotton” mode. For more delicate modes, the maximum weight will be less: for silk and wool - 1.5 kg, and for synthetic fabrics - 3 kg. Do not forget that you cannot put only one or several small things that weigh less than 1 kg into the machine.

Washing new bed linen

New bedding will almost never be clean. Dust can get on it directly at production during sewing, during transportation and storage. This is especially true for textiles that are sold without packaging.
On store shelves, laundry collects dust, so it must be washed after purchase.

Another reason for the need to wash new clothes is special means, which are used to treat the bed before sale (starch and resins). They make linen denser and stiffer, help preserve the color and shape of the fabric, preventing damage to the fibers. The products are not dangerous to human health, but may cause allergic reactions.

To wash new linen, it is enough to run a delicate wash in a machine at 40 o C. This will disinfect the textiles and remove excess paint after poor-quality dyeing of the linen in production. You should iron new clothes after washing only if they are too wrinkled or are intended for a child.

After the first wash, the laundry may shrink slightly.

Video: washing bed linen according to all the rules

Do I need to iron bed linen?

It is necessary to iron bed linen, as this will guarantee the complete destruction of harmful microorganisms from its surface. The bedding set is dried in the sun, removed when the fabric is still slightly damp (except for linen made of cambric - it can wrinkle if ironed wet) and begin to iron. The temperature depends on the type of fabric.

Irons of different brands may also have modes with the names of materials. You can safely rely on them. If there are no modes, set the following temperature:

  • cotton - 200 o C. Use steam and iron the linen with front side;
  • linen - it is possible to turn on the highest temperature on the iron;
  • satin - no more than 150 o C and only on the wrong side;
  • calico, twill - from 100 to 200 o C;
  • synthetics - the lowest temperature on the device. A hot iron may melt the product and render it unusable. It is better to iron through gauze from the wrong side;
  • satin - up to 200 o C on the front side;
  • chintz. Ironing at high temperatures is allowed. If you want to make the product shiny, iron from the front side, and if matte, iron from the back;
  • wool. Linen made from this material is ironed at 150–165 o C through damp cloth from the inside out;
  • cambric, bamboo. You need to use the “Silk” mode or the lowest temperature, ironing through fabric, gauze or tissue paper;
  • percale - up to 150°C.

If there are embroidered patterns or prints on the linen, it is recommended to iron only from the wrong side.

How to store bed linen

Laundry care does not end with washing and ironing - it must also be stored correctly:

Video: how to organize bed linen storage

Bed linen is changed on average once a week. This is the best option for healthy adults and children. Wash used items depending on the type of fabric. Tips for caring for bedding are on the label (tag) in the form of special signs. Brand new linen can also be washed. Bedding sets should be stored in ventilated cabinets on separate shelves, out of direct sunlight.

Statistics say that every fifth European resident changes their bed linen once a month. This is done least often by young single men under the age of 35, and on average, residents of large cities send their bedding to the wash once every two weeks. How true is this and how often do you need to change the sheets on your bed for it to be medically justified? Here is the opinion of hygienists.

Allergists are convinced that we expose our health to an illusory danger when we sleep on dirty sheets. This behavior leads to chronic rhinitis, acute allergic reactions, neurodermatitis and eczema. For those who suffer from asthma, their condition and well-being may worsen.

The main danger of stale laundry is dust mites and their waste products. Spores of highly allergenic mold, which always arise in a humid, warm environment with infrequent washing of bed linen, complete and complement the frightening picture.

Change bedding at least once a week

The generally accepted belief that changing sheets every two weeks is acceptable is wrong. Already a week after using the bed for its intended purpose, the population of dust mites reaches limits that are hazardous to health. If two people of average build sleep in a bed every day, up to 16 types of mold grow on the surface of the bed from sweat within two weeks, each of which can provoke powerful allergic reactions even in a relatively healthy person.

For these reasons, routine changes of sleep accessories should occur at least once a week. In cases of high temperature due to illness, hot weather or sleeping with small children, bedding should be changed even more often - once every two to three days. The same applies to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, people with eczema and psoriasis.

Wash clothes at a temperature of 55 degrees

This temperature is the lower limit for the death of dust mites. Additional protection against fungus and mold will be achieved by using hot drying of laundry.

Some delicate materials cannot be washed at high temperatures. The solution in this case may be to use a disinfectant rinse conditioner or, if you or your children are at risk for allergies, it is better to switch to more practical options for bedding made of calico, satin, poplin or cotton.

Don't judge the cleanliness of your laundry by its appearance.

Of course, if you accidentally spill coffee on the pillow or spill chocolate chip cookie crumbs on the blanket, it will be clear that the linen needs to be washed. But the absence of visible stains and dirt does not mean that your bed is truly clean and safe.

Even if your sheets look crisp white after two weeks of use, they need to be washed—and done regularly. By the time they actually look stale, they are guaranteed to have already become home to dozens and hundreds of dust mites, mold and mildew. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, since their size is microscopic, but they always live in an environment associated with the natural secretions of human skin, since they provide food for these microorganisms.

Important: up to a third of all inhabitants of our planet suffer from allergies to dust mites. At least a quarter of them cannot correctly diagnose the source of the disease and spend years being treated for colds and persistent runny nose and eczema.

Clean your mattress and pillows regularly

Frequently changing your bedding will reduce the size of your dust mite problem, but will not completely eliminate it. Even weekly washing of bed linen cannot provide optimal cleanliness if you forget about the expiration date of the mattress, pillows and blankets.

Dust mites have the annoying property of accumulating inside bedding, in the upholstery of mattresses and sofas. If you put clean sheets on them, they will instantly become saturated with mite secretions and microparticles of mold. The same statistics claim that almost all of us use pillows and blankets much longer than the permitted period - pillows are changed on average once every 3 years, blankets last about 7 years, and mattresses do not change at all for a decade. During this time, their weight increases threefold due to the weight of the ticks living in them.

Choose quality mattresses

In addition to the obvious benefits of comfort, the quality of the mattress also determines the cleanliness of the sleeping area. Internally hollow spring mattresses with padding polyester or foam rubber accumulate a lot of mold, epithelial particles, dust and huge populations of dust mites. Top layer poor quality mattresses and the use of airtight covers only worsen the situation - this leads to overheating of the sleeping area and the sweating of the person sleeping there is constantly increased, which further contributes to the proliferation of microorganisms hazardous to health.